Is nerfing Hulk to this degree and just making him green Mark Ruffalo really the best the MCU could have done with his character?

Is nerfing Hulk to this degree and just making him green Mark Ruffalo really the best the MCU could have done with his character? I actually am looking forward to She Hulk and everything about the show including Jen looks cool to me save for the butchering of the Hulk. He was the most entertaining character to watch in the MCU up until phase 3 thanks to his animalistic action scenes, and now we lost out on all of that. Banner should be the nuclear option and absolutely the strongest Avenger to balance out how unstable he is.

Is there any chance of a reset for Hulk at this point, or am I coping. How'd they handle the change from Professor Hulk to normal Hulk in the comics?

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  1. 2 years ago

    This why Norton Hulk was better.

    • 2 years ago

      Came here to say this, Norton Hulk just made the title character a stupid werewolf-esque monster man so Norton could mug the camera to his satisfaction. Frick Norton and frick that version of the Hulk.

    • 2 years ago

      This design is better than what we currently have in the MCU and arguably even better than what they had in the Avengers (although that Hulk still had the feral look to him to a lesser degree). Touch up the effects to make him blend in with the environment a bit better and he'd look incredible.

      • 2 years ago

        Hulk of the North Star is a shitty, shitty design.
        Hulk isn't supposed to look like a green bodybuilder at maximum SWOLE.

      • 2 years ago


        Hulk of the North Star is a shitty, shitty design.
        Hulk isn't supposed to look like a green bodybuilder at maximum SWOLE.

        Better than the uncanny valley soiface we now

        • 2 years ago

          Norton Hulk looks like a shitty cartoon.
          if you think

          This design is better than what we currently have in the MCU and arguably even better than what they had in the Avengers (although that Hulk still had the feral look to him to a lesser degree). Touch up the effects to make him blend in with the environment a bit better and he'd look incredible.

          looks better than this, I can't even help you.
          >But he looks bad on a tv show
          I'm sure that even with your limited capacities for thought you can figure out why the CGI on a show looks worse than a film with a quarter billion budget.

          • 2 years ago

            He looked worse in Endgame too. What you posted is pretty great though, wouldn't complain if we went back to that.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, Hulk looks a bit stupid in glasses and a shirt. He's ALWAYS looked awkward in civilized garb and being not-angry, even in comics. He ends up looking like a gorilla in a 3-piece.
              Only Edward can really pull that look off.

              • 2 years ago

                And I don't mean Norton.

          • 2 years ago

            That's downtown to that bei g from nearly 2 decades ago.
            The mcu is not paying the cg guys anymore. Youll NEVER see that in a movie or show anymore.

            Norton hulk and banner was just better.

            • 2 years ago

              >Youll NEVER see that in a movie or show anymore
              Thanos looked great though. Hulk looked good in his original fight vs Thanos, before he became Banner.
              The Raimi cgi was undercut slightly by Raimi absolutely wanting everything to have his "classic look". I had no problems with the CGI in L&T, Axel's floating head would have looked silly at 4x the budget. The final CGI set-piece looked great.

    • 2 years ago

      Norton gets mogged by Eric Bana

    • 2 years ago

      That's why Eric Bana Hulk was best.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Is there any chance of a reset for Hulk at this point

    I feel like its easy for them to do that, i mean he turned back into Banner and it eventually fixed his fricked up arm.

  3. 2 years ago

    Hulk peaked with Eric Bana

    • 2 years ago

      That's why Eric Bana Hulk was best.

      I gotta ask, why the frick is Ang Lee Hulk so comfy? It's supposed to be this kind of dark capeshit movie with psychological trauma and abuse themes, but I just find it relaxing as frick.
      >y-your childhood, n-nostalgia
      Watched it for the first time in 2016

      • 2 years ago

        It embraces comics fully, and the Hulk is 100% sympathetic.

  4. 2 years ago

    Just to be clear Jen IS canonically better than Bruce, and MCU Hulk was a fricking mess even before this. But what happened, besides Ruffalo phoning it in, was Disney watering down the character to pure comedic value due to an inability to create solo films for profit. They didn’t want to invest

    • 2 years ago

      Do you mean canoncically as in the MCU? Because pretty sure in the comics Hulk is leagues above her in strength. I wouldn't be surprised though if what you say is true in the MCU.

      • 2 years ago

        Hulk was never going to be this core, awesome-guy leading powerhouse in the MCU because contractual rights have been tied up since the 90's.
        It's a dayum shame but the price to free up the character just isn't worth it.

        • 2 years ago

          He doesn't need to be a lead character, he wasn't even like that in the Avengers. He just needs to be the strongest Avenger and the ultimate weapon for the team. Like what's the point of Hulk if Carol and Thor are stronger and Shuri and Reed are smarter than Banner?

          • 2 years ago

            >He just needs to be the strongest Avenger and the ultimate weapon for the team.
            Which relegates him to even LESS usage: see Captain Marvel.
            Thor was like this in the classic Avengers comics, always "off dealing with Asgard shit" whenever villains who weren't Cosmic-tier were threatening.

            • 2 years ago

              Hulk has the benefit of him being unhinged and hard to control, though. That was always the tradeoff for him and it makes sense. I like the idea of having a final gambit type character like Hulk. His re-entrance in The Avengers to punch the Leviathan was way better than Captain Marvel's entrance in Endgame for that reason. The latter should've been there from the start, whereas the former is still pretty much uncontrollable.

              • 2 years ago

                The Hulk you want spent more time FIGHTING the Avengers than teaming up with them.
                Comic-style Hulk would have been in the original Avengers movie, pissed off somewhere, and had a couple solo films punching super-strong monsters and maybe the Leader.

              • 2 years ago

                That's still monstrously better than what we have now where Hulk is just a nothing character who's five minutes from passing the mantle to his cousin.

              • 2 years ago

                Even from the trailer it's pretty clear she's just interesting in being Sexy Green Lawyer who occasionally gets in a fite with an old rival.

                I see nothing to indicate she's going to be fighting Kang.

              • 2 years ago

                Really if she's stealing anyone's thunder, it's Matt Murdock, who may no longer be the go-to lawyer for superhero stuff as he was in NWH.

            • 2 years ago

              >Thor was like this in the classic Avengers comics, always "off dealing with Asgard shit" whenever villains who weren't Cosmic-tier were threatening.
              He's still like this in the MCU though, we don't really see him fight anything except aliens and cosmic stuff save for that one scene in Age of Ultron against Hydra.

              • 2 years ago

                Movie Thor was in every fight the Avengers had, reminding you that civil war was Captain America 3 and I doubt Thor would fight his friends over a political contract.

              • 2 years ago

                i feel like Thor being in Civil War, he'd force everyone to stop fighting each other yelling enough and thunderstriking Mjolnir the ground which they were fighting on. Thor seems like a "we're all friends here, friends love each other" type.

              • 2 years ago

                Hulk would be the same. He's been on the receiving end of too much Military-grade bullshit to have a brawl over some paperwork.

            • 2 years ago

              Captain marvel isn't used because she sucks.

              The Hulk you want spent more time FIGHTING the Avengers than teaming up with them.
              Comic-style Hulk would have been in the original Avengers movie, pissed off somewhere, and had a couple solo films punching super-strong monsters and maybe the Leader.

              Out of cintrol Hulk should always be a shot just got real moment.
              Professor hulk should be sort of his trade off and let's him do damage. Green ScarWorld breaker could have been then getting hulk under control as in giving him a good reasonable yet entertaining persona.

              That's still monstrously better than what we have now where Hulk is just a nothing character who's five minutes from passing the mantle to his cousin.

              Marvel us just take your daughter yo work day and male mentor loser females no o e likes.
              Its noticeable and everyone hates it.

              • 2 years ago

                How long is your chud-ban? Phoneposting sure is aggravating eh?

              • 2 years ago

                Still pissed I called out your groomer ways paid disneyshill and queer agenda anon?

              • 2 years ago

                You didn't answer the question. How long are you in the naughty-box this time, chudling?

      • 2 years ago

        Hulk’s strength is relative and scales higher, yes, but I’m speaking overall as a hero and accomplishments. Banner has said so himself. I just point it out because we have a lot of shitposters trying to drum up stuff

    • 2 years ago

      >But what happened, besides Ruffalo phoning it in, was Disney watering down the character to pure comedic value due to an inability to create solo films for profit.
      Sort of inclined to agree here. Hulk did some fun stuff in Ragnarok, but ultimately what that movie proved is that he's indeed weaker than Thor and he didn't even get to fight Hela or have more than one exchange with Surtur (bummed that never was a fight considering it was in the teaser trailers and Thor vs Hela and Hulk vs Surtur happening at the same time would've been awesome even if it sounds stupid).

  5. 2 years ago

    >looking forward to mcu products

  6. 2 years ago

    >oh no i'm mad at fictional characters

  7. 2 years ago

    >Bruce holding back on Jen to teach her how to be a Hulk even though he never wanted to be a Hulk
    >Jen being a better Hulk because she doesn't have the same baggage as Bruce
    both could be true but only one hurts my male feelings and I have to complain on Cinemaphile.

  8. 2 years ago

    they just hate hulk at this point
    they gutted planet hulk to give it to thor
    they made him a b***h in infinity war
    instead of getting a rematch with thanos in endgame like tony, cap and thor, he gets sidelined
    world war hulk was supposedly in development but it's been shitcanned
    nerfed in she-hulk

    • 2 years ago

      All of this stems from the rights for him being all messy with Universal. If Namor gets treated great in BP2, I'm gonna start being very suspicious at the MCU for what's been going on with the Hulk.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, he's going to get his ass kicked by Replacement Black Panther. Hopefully he'll just seem cool while doing it.

        • 2 years ago

          Question since I don't read the BP/Namor comics? How does Black Panther even fight Namor? Isn't Namor way stronger, like on She Hulk's level?

          • 2 years ago

            Agility, technology, Batman plot armor, and BP is Cap level strong. He doesn't just choke Namor out or anything.

          • 2 years ago

            black panther wank is a tier above batwank

            • 2 years ago

              Nothing is a tier above Batwank, and you know this.

              • 2 years ago

                Different flavors, Batwank will have really high level stuff like the Batman who laughs but you will still have lots of moments where other characters get one over on Batman in a way that makes him look bad. That sort of thing is a lot less likely to happen to the Illumanati's diversity hire.

    • 2 years ago

      >they gutted planet hulk to give it to thor
      To be fair, Ragnarok gutted a LOT of comics, some of them better than Planet Hulk.
      >they made him a b***h in infinity war
      Everyone who wasn't Cap or Wanda came off as Thanos' b***h in Infinity War/Endgame.

  9. 2 years ago

    Okay, Hulk is a lost cause. There's a chance that Blonsky will at least be cool, right? Right?

    • 2 years ago

      Hulk has had two "misunderstood monster" movies, that's two more movies than Jen will ever have. And a team-up with Thor. And 4 Avengers appearances.
      Situation being what it is, Hulk did ok.

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