Is Nico one of the biggest ass kissers in the industry?

Is Nico one of the biggest ass kissers in the industry? I mean he was friends with John K and is good friends with Vivzie.

What are the chances he has his own personal demons no one talks about?

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  1. 3 months ago

    When was he friends with john

    • 3 months ago

      During the APC era when he was dating Kali Fontecchio

      • 3 months ago

        How in the frick did that happen?

        • 3 months ago

          No, John K was dating Kali. Nico was friends with both of them

    • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    >Not trying to start any trouble
    Why can't these homosexuals ever admit to anything even when it's blantantly obvious

    • 3 months ago

      Because then they wouldn't be homosexuals.

  3. 3 months ago

    This guy does nothing but start trouble

    • 3 months ago

      Take this with a grain of salt but I remember hearing a rumor that he got himself blacklisted because of how much drama he causes from white knighting.

      He single-handedly tanked TCR's reputation and turned a 3 day "this sucks" into a month-long artist vs fans battle and he didn't even work on the show. Funny how even in the industry where dickriding is mandatory people thought he dickrode too much.

      • 3 months ago

        So whats he talking about in the OP pic? Whats the context?

        > He single-handedly tanked TCR's reputation and turned a 3 day "this sucks" into a month-long artist vs fans battle and he didn't even work on the show.
        God that takes me back. I remember loosing my shit to him after that trailer dropped six years ago when nico started boasting about "blacklisting" anyone who bad mouths a modern cartoon show

        I wonder how the actual creator of thundercats roar is doing. The guy with the knot top

        • 3 months ago

          >I remember loosing my shit to him after that trailer dropped six years ago when nico started boasting about "blacklisting" anyone who bad mouths a modern cartoon show
          Weirdly enough I feel like I keep seeing this take and it amazes me because the current gen are known to struggle with professionalism anyway so it's gonna just result in a frick ton of people who deleted their twitters

          • 3 months ago

            Personally i think its wrong to just up and blacklist someone for not liking a particular cartoon, especially since alot of modern shows are pure shit now. That isnt to say this is a mew phenomenon, i remember seeing here that this has been going on since at least the mid 2000s but hopefully possibly since the TCR backlash theyve cooled downed on blacklisting for said reasons

            • 3 months ago

              The whole thing started out as a way of vetting people that you are going to be stuck in a tiny closet next to for the next year or two so they better be someone you can put up with for a long time. Like a way to vet spergs or weird freaks with anger issues. Then it slowly mutated into you better be perfect at all times or else they will say things that make no one want to hire you, to out and out threatening you with how perfect you better be or else!

              The other part of that is, not many people work in the industry at a time, like a few hundred, everyone works 6 months to a year then bounces to the next studio across the street. And after a while it's everyone knows everyone small town kind of culture. So if someone is an butthole, it's known real fast ans rumors spread around about them easily. You have to play along and make sure rumors do not pop up.

        • 3 months ago

          I've got a bad vibe with this guy. Everything he does feels manipulative. Like all his relationships are treated like transactions. The kind where he'll technically never do anything "wrong" but there will be burnt bridges and careers suspiciously piled around him.
          Or he's totally a nice guy and just comes off like an butthole on Twitter. IDK just vibes.

          I feel bad for TCR man. He just seemed like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

          • 3 months ago

            > feel bad for TCR man. He just seemed like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
            Lookin back i kinda feel bad for him too. Last i heard he had like an entire mini series that got produced about space rabbits that got zaslav'd and wont see the light of day now, and while i still hate TCR thats just sad to me. I still wish hed unprivatize his twitter because i would love to go back to his 2018 tweets and see his takes on the TCR backlash

            • 3 months ago

              He actually got to make an Aquaman miniseries soon after that nobody heard of. Driftwood would've been his first big-budget original project, so it's a shame that he's always been tied to major IPs with rabid fan bases instead. ThunderCats Roar wasn't amazing, but I found it amusing for the most part. The backlash def got out of hand.

              • 3 months ago

                When was driftwood cancelled anyways? Was it really fully completed?

              • 3 months ago

                I think it was more or less fully written and storyboarded before CN gave it the axe. It's weird that they were so giddy to cancel a standalone film as opposed to a long-form series, especially when said film had been in production for a while by that point.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah that sucks, CNs barely making anything now anyways so canceling a unique film seems like a dick move

              • 3 months ago

                >It's weird that they were so giddy to cancel a standalone film as opposed to a long-form series
                Even weirder that this happened to fricking LOONEY TUNES movies. NOTHING is safe under Discovery

              • 3 months ago

                I know some storyboards were leaked here. Some people on the crew were definitely frusterated it was cancelled

              • 3 months ago

                I liked Roar. Not all the jokes landed, but it was a fun time. Tygra, Panthro, and Mumm-Ra were entertaining, and Cheetara was still hot.

              • 3 months ago

                Ya gotta admit it was fricking surreal to make this kinda show for fricking thundercats tho, right?

              • 3 months ago

                It was a very different approach to the franchise that took some wild creative liberties, yes. But it was a standalone reboot at the end of the day. The previous ThunderCats iterations still exist and will always exist. Courtright had prolly built a healthy relationship with Warner at the time, so they must've let him pitch his own take on an established IP as some sort of pittance to see what he could do:

                Generous enough to let him run his own show, but not generous enough to let it be wholly original.

              • 3 months ago

                I think one thing people were mad at was that this replaced the thundercats reboot from like 2011. Had there been a more serious thundercats show on at the same time the bile wouldnt be thrown so much at the show. Also i think its bullshit that courtwright couldnt have made his own unique wholly original show and that everything hss to be associated to a previous property now

              • 3 months ago

                >Also i think its bullshit that courtwright couldnt have made his own unique wholly original show and that everything hss to be associated to a previous property now
                I also think it's bullshit that companies are so averse to original ideas, but I guess it's easier to sell something when it's controversial right out the gate. This is why I'm so conflicted on the Good Times reboot. I'm digging the style and some promising names are attached to the series, but this easily could've just been its own thing.

              • 3 months ago

                What the frick is the good times anyways? And yeah i like the animation but also it seems like a very niche thing too so i dunno if ill be interested

              • 3 months ago

                Cartoon remake of a 70s sitcom about a poor black family that live in the Chicaco southside projects.

              • 3 months ago

                >and some promising names are attached
                Is this Seth's attempt at making up for The Cleveland show?

              • 3 months ago

                Turning an action cartoon into something purely comedic will always be met with some confusion and anger. That's why Jellystone got away with doing whatever (and subsequently fell under the radar after everyone forgot about it)

              • 3 months ago

                The only times I see JS talked about are either people retweeting posts from people who work on the show, post from friends of people who work on the show... or people talking about how they want to frick Cindy. I don't hate JS, hell I liked the first season, but it ain't breaking ground.

              • 3 months ago

                That would be a really great drawing of a woman if it wasn't for that stupid fricking face. I hate to say it but I'm going to need to cover the top half of the image to jack off to this.

              • 3 months ago

                Didn’t people hate 2011 after the first episode?

              • 3 months ago

                2011's biggest problem was they got some solid writers for the pilot episode(s), and then immediately booted them for cheaper writers for the rest of the show. Also the Tygra dickriding got completely fricking ridiculous.

              • 3 months ago

                It was fun. The people who got the most angry just wanted to fight. Suddenly they had to pretend that thunder cats was their favorite franchise of all time.

          • 3 months ago

            This is how I’ve always felt about him. He always makes everything about himself somehow and boasts about his connections and the celebrities he’s met more than anyone else in the industry.

          • 3 months ago

            I bet he is a molester like joss whedon. Beta males are the biggest predators

            • 3 months ago

              Dude's a fricking snake, I wouldn't call him a beta.

              • 3 months ago

                nta but I'd argue a beta is the perfect example of a snake, they're too pussy to do anything directly so they find other ways to frick with people
                it's still cowardly and pathetic so it fits a beta just fine to be sneaky

              • 3 months ago

                >they're too pussy to do anything directly so they find other ways to frick with people
                >cool it with the antisemitism

        • 3 months ago

          >I wonder how the actual creator of thundercats roar is doing. The guy with the knot t
          I heard from a friend that the TC creator retired, dont blame him since they moronified his creation.

        • 3 months ago

          He did the Max Aquaman series a couple years later, but I think he is just doing random things for Apple TV shows now.

          Animation has no linear growth, you can be a director on one thing than a plain ol storyboard revisionist or background artist on the next.

        • 3 months ago

          I've got a bad vibe with this guy. Everything he does feels manipulative. Like all his relationships are treated like transactions. The kind where he'll technically never do anything "wrong" but there will be burnt bridges and careers suspiciously piled around him.
          Or he's totally a nice guy and just comes off like an butthole on Twitter. IDK just vibes.

          I feel bad for TCR man. He just seemed like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

          > feel bad for TCR man. He just seemed like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
          Lookin back i kinda feel bad for him too. Last i heard he had like an entire mini series that got produced about space rabbits that got zaslav'd and wont see the light of day now, and while i still hate TCR thats just sad to me. I still wish hed unprivatize his twitter because i would love to go back to his 2018 tweets and see his takes on the TCR backlash

          He actually got to make an Aquaman miniseries soon after that nobody heard of. Driftwood would've been his first big-budget original project, so it's a shame that he's always been tied to major IPs with rabid fan bases instead. ThunderCats Roar wasn't amazing, but I found it amusing for the most part. The backlash def got out of hand.

          He's at nickelodeon last I heard but given what happened recently he likely jumped ship.

          • 3 months ago

            Was he working on rock paper scissors or something?

          • 3 months ago

            Why CN people keep going to Nickelodeon when it's just the Spongebob/FOP/TLH/Avatar studio at this point?

            • 3 months ago

              Wow all of that is shit except for nu spongebob

              • 3 months ago

                >Wow all of that is shit especially nu spongebob

              • 3 months ago

                L take

            • 3 months ago

              Because Nick is still producing new stuff while CN is really not. They just moved over to a model of buying up lots of old properties like Transformers, Garfield, Smurfs, and TMNT and outsourcing the work to orther studios.

            • 3 months ago

              Monster High is the only good one beacuse is a show about cute girls doing cute things

            • 3 months ago

              Nick might get more viewers if they stopped screwing over shows for not doing as well as spongebob. Do they still do that?

              If so Disney is better of the 3 by doing nothing

              • 3 months ago

                Disney is currently sabotaging any of its shows that arent povenmire slop so theyre becoming just as bad as nick is

      • 3 months ago

        That's a funny turn of events, quite believable though it's the first time I've heard of it.

      • 3 months ago

        True Capitalist Radio?

        • 3 months ago

          Thundercats Roar

        • 3 months ago



          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        He is kind of soft blacklisted because he had this really weird attitude of treating up and comers like shit for a while. But now those up and comers looking to make connections back in 2017 etc are the ones in charge of projects looking at potential hires and seeing him and thinking
        >Oh it's that guy who was an butthole to me when I was trying to get my first gig
        And they ignore him or not want to be around him. The guy really thinks of his position as some high and mighty special chosen few elite and everyone else should worship and adore him.

        >He single-handedly tanked TCR's reputation and turned a 3 day "this sucks" into a month-long artist vs fans battle and he didn't even work on the show.
        And yes, I consider him to be the actual main cause of that being an event at all instead of a shitty trailer people complain about for a week at best. The whole team working on the show was dead silent and he kept on trying to make it into a huge event attacking anyone who had anything to say about it.

        He even commissioned Childhood Ruiner pins and advertised them on twitter for a while.

        • 3 months ago

          >The whole team working on the show was dead silent and he kept on trying to make it into a huge event attacking anyone who had anything to say about it.
          >He even commissioned Childhood Ruiner pins and advertised them on twitter for a while.
          Good lord that's some major dick riddin'.

        • 3 months ago

          The pin by the way

      • 3 months ago

        he's not really blacklisted, he wants ever so badly to be a storyboarder and showrunner but is just not any good at it and does nothing to get better at it either. He is a good animatic timer and people continue to hire him for that, just no one cares about his pitch ideas. They just want him to time animatics then go home.

        • 3 months ago

          What skills do you need to be an animatic timer? That sounds like good work for someone who wants to work in animation but has no talent.

          • 3 months ago

            A feel for pacing and the most rudimentary of skill using video software. The job is easy as frick but as such, the jobs are hard to get since almost anyone can do it and there aren’t a ton of positions to go around.

          • 3 months ago

            It's a video editing job to get all moves, all dialog, and everything just right and timed perfectly before sending it off to be animated. You need to be great at doing this fast, like 1-2 days at the most for a full 22 minute episode. Which usually means being able to do all of it without any guides and just eyeballing it the entire time.

        • 3 months ago

          >look at this guys twitter
          >he’s offering commissions and a paid “course” about pitching cartoons
          >he’s never sold a pitch to an actual network, and if is to be believed he doesn’t even fricking do anything important on the shows he works on
          >commission page mostly just brags about how he created his indie cartoon
          >both his commission page and his course page have this huge ass pictures of him on it
          The strong sense of self importance that I feel from this guy pisses me off, he seems like such an ass. I hope he never gets a pitch picked up

          • 3 months ago

            Or he gets his show and it bombs. And since whatever network he pitches it too WILL own it wholesale, that's it.

      • 3 months ago

        I swear, between this and TTGo's crossover, Roar was cursed with some of the worst "allies" in the industry. They legit accomplished nothing but make things worse for that poor crew.

        With allies like those, who needs enemies?

  4. 3 months ago

    Nico is a fat loud-mouth piece of shit.

  5. 3 months ago

    He’s basically a Diet Coke Kyle Coroazza.

    • 3 months ago

      Are Dana and Alex going to become his Vee?

    • 3 months ago

      Diet nothing, then.

  6. 3 months ago

    It's possible

    • 3 months ago

      Nico may be obnoxious about how he "knows people in the industry," but he gave us Bivvins, so he gets a pass from me.

      • 3 months ago

        hairy bivvins c**t sitting on my face and smothering me in ass

      • 3 months ago

        Nico didn’t design her. He gave you nothing.

        • 3 months ago

          True, Nat Weir is largely to thank for Ollie & Scoops's designs looking as fun as they do. I'd like to see what the whole cast used to look like back when it was just Nico drawing everyone.

          • 3 months ago

            Here's the main two

        • 3 months ago

          True, Nat Weir is largely to thank for Ollie & Scoops's designs looking as fun as they do. I'd like to see what the whole cast used to look like back when it was just Nico drawing everyone.

          Here's the main two

          Nico can still sort of draw.
          >Captcha: AK4XXX

          • 3 months ago

            I didnt finish watching the latest half in the bag, is this really in it?

    • 3 months ago

      off-topic but that is a terrible pfp he had
      in what way did he draw that for presumably several hours and never once think 'this doesnt make me look like im a serial rapist who has rancid breath and only validates themselves on performing rightthink'?

      • 3 months ago

        > in what way did he draw that
        He didn’t. A friend drew it for him. Nico can’t draw.

      • 3 months ago

        The pfp looks a certified basement-dwelling pedo that lurks on kids.

    • 3 months ago

      oh so that's why Vivzie lives off from creating a 5/10 (not even a so bad that it's good, just bad) show that only gets attention due to controversies, said controversies including brain dead parents allowing 7 year olds have cellphones in the first place to watch trash like these guys' works.

      boy, wouldn't it be funny to completely call these people by what they are, a complete nuisance to society living off from spite alone just like the ones who literally created the "Please Please Please Get A Life Foundation" in Animaniacs, forcing you not to criticize what they want to impinge to our children?

      • 3 months ago

        >just like the ones who literally created the "Please Please Please Get A Life Foundation" in Animaniacs
        Anon, even the nerds it was making fun of back in the day were laughing at it. That was never something made out of spite like most of what comes out of Twitter.

      • 3 months ago

        >muh think of the children horseshit
        At least we both agree modern parents are idiots to give phones to young children, tho

  7. 3 months ago

    I have a friend who did some freelance work for him. From the sounds of it, he's a stuck up douche who lets his close friends steal jokes from others.

  8. 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    it's weird how this guy's been working in the industry for decades but whenever he pops up on the credits for a show it's always like, storyboard revisionist or some other entry-level job

    even ollie and scoops owes its entire look to someone else

    • 3 months ago

      Storyboard revisionist is a job that requires real skill. Nico is typically a video editor which is the single most bullshit position in animation. Animation isn’t made like live action where the film comes together in the cutting room. If you’re doing significant video edits after animation is finished, someone fricked up hard.

  10. 3 months ago

    It was based on this tweet by the way, he clearly meant Alex and Dana

    • 3 months ago

      Industrygay here, yes Alex and Dana suck as is well documented online. Faust is also a nightmare to work with according to multiple friends who have worked with her. She yells at people all the time and won't take notes. It's not a coincidence she's either left every show she's been on after a season, or it got killed in development.

      And yeah Nico is a social-climbing backstabbing transactional loser. Vivienne Medrano doesn't even hang out with him anymore now that she's got more famous friends (she's the same way).

      The South Park guys aren't great but they're not monsters, mostly just super-rich and out of touch. You don't get the sense they have much inner humanity left, they're all about the business.

      The Phineas guys are generally ok, Povenmire b***hes too much about his ex-wife on tiktok but as bosses they're ok.

      • 3 months ago

        >Povenmire b***hes too much about his ex-wife
        This gets a lot funnier when you remember his Hamster and Gretel self insert family.

      • 3 months ago

        >And yeah Nico is a social-climbing backstabbing transactional loser.
        Who has he backstabbed

      • 3 months ago

        I've heard some really fricked up stuff involving one of the South Park guys (Matt I think) and strippers.

        • 3 months ago

          All I've heard is that Trey married a stripper after getting her pregnant. But it's not a secret or anything, her name is Boogie Tillmon.

      • 3 months ago

        I think its so cathartic that povenmires wife left him, thats what he deserves for getting every other DTVA show cancelled to make way for his shit P&F revival

        • 3 months ago

          whut? Disney's favoritism is not his fault

          • 3 months ago

            I dont care if it really is his fault(i still believe it is in some ways, like i do have theories he got shows cancelled to make way for shit like hamster and gretel) i still fricking hate the man for making subpar shit while everything else gets cancelled in his wake

            • 3 months ago

              >making subpar shit while everything else gets cancelled in his wake
              right because the network needed more space for superb shows like… the owl house and the ghost and molly mcgee? or whatever fotm “lore” shows you guys like to suck up to

              • 3 months ago

                TOH and molly mcgee absolutely were better then povenmire slop and disney had no right to unjustly cancel them

              • 3 months ago

                phineas and ferb’s worst episode would mog the frick out of the scripts billy bob had planned for tgamm season 3

              • 3 months ago

                Wrong, P&F was never good

                I have no reason to believe all this unless it's 100% confirmed.
                For example, Alex pissing on trash-cans was indeed true (I think) since it was implicitly confirmed by this Moon girl crew member who right now is into the Hazbin Hotel crew.

                Honestly, it's a shame that Moon girl won't get another season since it seems that the all its crew are leaving.

                Really, moon girls ending now too? What is disney even going to have for its future?

                The whole thing started out as a way of vetting people that you are going to be stuck in a tiny closet next to for the next year or two so they better be someone you can put up with for a long time. Like a way to vet spergs or weird freaks with anger issues. Then it slowly mutated into you better be perfect at all times or else they will say things that make no one want to hire you, to out and out threatening you with how perfect you better be or else!

                The other part of that is, not many people work in the industry at a time, like a few hundred, everyone works 6 months to a year then bounces to the next studio across the street. And after a while it's everyone knows everyone small town kind of culture. So if someone is an butthole, it's known real fast ans rumors spread around about them easily. You have to play along and make sure rumors do not pop up.

                God that sounds like hell to be on your constant good behavior because the animation industry tolerates no personal issues with you

                Cartoon remake of a 70s sitcom about a poor black family that live in the Chicaco southside projects.

                Why revive it when no one under the age of 50 even remembers that show?

              • 3 months ago

                >Why revive it when no one under the age of 50 even remembers that show?
                Same reason they keep reviving Rocky and Bullwinkle, Yogi Bear, and other incredibly old shit that is decades beyond relevant to any kids anywhere ever I suppose.

              • 3 months ago

                >God that sounds like hell to be on your constant good behavior because the animation industry tolerates no personal issues with you
                As long as you just do you work and not gossip or play dumb highschool games then go home literally nobody will bother you.

              • 3 months ago

                Can you at least have any fun (joking, etc) or is that not allowed too?

              • 3 months ago

                Depends on what you joke about and with whom. You could probably get away with quite a bit if everyone knows you're cool. If you're some new to the industry guy and start making chinky eye jokes and black people a animals jokes you'll be written off as an annoying weirdo that nobody wants around.

                The industry doesn't often kick people out for being racist or whatever, people get 'blacklisted' for being a person nobody wants to engage with. Nobody wants to deal with egotistical buttholes or inappropriate spergs and as pointed at earlier, jobs are short lived. So if you were a douchebag to your female supervisor, when the show ends and everyone moves onto the next production she has 0 reason to give you a call and ask if your open to work on the next show she's a part of. You can send your work in to mr male director on another show, but he'll probably ask whoever you last boss was what it was like to deal with you. If she goes "he's kind of a douchebag always making inappropriate comments" he'll probrably just move onto the next portfolio. Chances are you aren't SO GOOD at your job the guy right behind you wouldn't be able to do it just as well so it's not like passing on you hurts the production in terms of talent. The very very very very few guys in the industry that are just that good can act like buttholes and people will put up with it (though even that has a line I know some guys have crossed).

                Like I said, go into work, do your best, don't act like a fricking edgy butthole until you know the room and the room knows you, go home and shut the frick up online, you'll be Gucci. It's not hard.

              • 3 months ago

                >If you're some new to the industry guy and start making chinky eye jokes and black people a animals jokes you'll be written off as an annoying weirdo that nobody wants around.
                Wow so it's just like every other job

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >go home and shut the frick up online,
                Do they really get that mad if some animator shit talks another show?

              • 3 months ago

                It's complicated but I'll try and keep it really general. I'm assuming you have 0 experience interacting with the animation industry so you might have to change how you view it. It's not a monolith. Some productions wont care, hell the people working on it might silently agree the show looks like shit (because in production maybe they had concerns or ideas that weren't listened to that resulted in everything coming out poor). Some productions might care a lot because everyone put their heart and soul into the work and for whatever reason it just didn't pan out. Sometimes a certain comment about a show will piss off a specific person on the production. Shows are made by individuals, every part of a show exists because someone somewhere spent X amount of time making it so. When you say "The character designs look like dogshit" There's a character designer you're basically ragging on. When you go "that plot line was dogshit" there's a writer or entire writing room who's work you're ragging on. Those people, if they know you hate their work, have 0 reason to hire or call or recommend you. It's just that simple. Especially since as I mentioned before, you probably aren't such hot shit people will deal with your dissent because you're the only man for the job.

                Think of it like working at some University and shit talking other professors and their research publicly. Now imagine the Professor you shit talked gets promoted to Dean at some prestigious school. Why would he hire you instead of the professor right next to you who he gets along with, won't cause drama, and can do the job equally as well.

                This also goes upwards too, if you're some director who get's a reputation or being a dickhead, constantly shitting on work being handed in, demeaning the artists you oversee, being an all around bozo, nobody is going to want to work with you.

                Also important to know, there's a time a place for criticism within the industry. It ain't twitter.

                So it’s basically just like any other job really lol. Anons are always trying to find some super secret industry info or trying to get info from some ex-industry sperg’s video where they “expose” the animation industry. But in reality working in animation seems like any job, where if you are an butthole you will be treated like one


              • 3 months ago

                >This also goes upwards too, if you're some director who get's a reputation or being a dickhead, constantly shitting on work being handed in, demeaning the artists you oversee, being an all around bozo, nobody is going to want to work with you
                Is this what happened to Alex and Dana? Or Faust? What are some notorious directors to work with? Ones you would suggest to stay away from in the industry?

              • 3 months ago

                >Is this what happened to Alex and Dana? Or Faust?
                No Idea, I personally haven't heard anything about them, but I try to stay away from people who I start to notice enjoy gossiping lol. Keeping away from that shit has served me well considering I'm pretty conservative.

                >What are some notorious directors to work with?
                I've been fortunate that all my directors have been awesome, I don't know of any bad eggs personally. I do know that every now and then people will throw sneak disses around about stuff I'm not privy to on other productions. One of my jobs I know my director and another artist got into a feud but I think she was in the wrong lol. Also keep in mind the industry is full of social cowards lmao, rarely will there be direct confrontations, too risky.

                >Do you know why DTVA and CN is such a dumpster fire right now? Theyve seemingly abandoned lore shows in favor of really bad episodic shows or literal toddler shit
                No, those sound like decisions that happen at the executive level and only like supervising directors get to chat with those guys and I'm not there yet in m career lol. This is speculation but I wouldn't be surprised if lore shows just don't perform as well within the networks business model. I know a lot of things that seem incredibly fricking stupid on the ground floor actually have good reasons when you see it from above. Critically acclaimed shows might not sell merch and so people are baffled when the shitty show that puts up merch sales stays for 8 seasons. A show might be really well received with an audience that doesn't spend much on the products the channel is trying to sell/promote. Sometimes networks get wind a new trend is starting and shift gears in an attempt get ahead of it all. Idk, the industry is a really really complex every evolving thing, so if you don't have the right info, context, and lens it does what looks like really stupid things. I hope one day to be in a position to really see how it all comes together lol.

              • 3 months ago

                >Critically acclaimed shows might not sell merch
                The problem is they dont even bother to sell merch in the first place

              • 3 months ago

                It's more complicated than that often. These networks don't make their own stuff, they have to sell the idea to merchandisers, who often sell the idea to retailers. The lore show might not have a convincing enough pitch behind it to get either of those parties on board. If the merch doesn't sell, one of those other 2 parties might think twice about future deals.

                It might seem like a clear choice on the ground level to make some merch but the financials if the wrong choice is made could be disastrous for many parties involved. It's why most merch ends up being hoodies and t-shirts rather than specialty items. The cost of producing and the ease off selling those items is a better bet than a specialty item designed specifically for a single show. That's all without including the cost of advertising and marketing for the merchandise.

              • 3 months ago

                I dont understand why they dont make plushies of more of the lore shows, thats the main product that i want. I understand what you mean tho it sucks the way it is, most cartoons dont get shit in terms of merch anymore

              • 3 months ago

                > Also important to know, there's a time a place for criticism within the industry. It ain't twitter.
                Good to know

                Do you know why DTVA and CN is such a dumpster fire right now? Theyve seemingly abandoned lore shows in favor of really bad episodic shows or literal toddler shit

              • 3 months ago

                >Do you know why DTVA and CN is such a dumpster fire right now? Theyve seemingly abandoned lore shows in favor of really bad episodic shows or literal toddler shit

                Holy cope

              • 3 months ago

                Hamster and gretel and primos! Suck shit

              • 3 months ago

                >This also goes upwards too, if you're some director who get's a reputation or being a dickhead, constantly shitting on work being handed in, demeaning the artists you oversee, being an all around bozo, nobody is going to want to work with you.

                This described the story director over at Floyd County. the guy is a complete piece of shit, that enjoys being a complete piece of shit talking down to everyone and making fun of people or insulting the work they turn in the next day in front of the story crew. And since he was one of the few that set the company up back in 08-09 or so, he gets to be a piece of shit without repercussion! He keeps his permanent year round job forever while the gig storyboarders are around for a few months and then let go once the season is complete.

              • 3 months ago

                So it’s basically just like any other job really lol. Anons are always trying to find some super secret industry info or trying to get info from some ex-industry sperg’s video where they “expose” the animation industry. But in reality working in animation seems like any job, where if you are an butthole you will be treated like one

              • 3 months ago

                >What is disney even going to have for its future?
                According to wiki, and ignoring Disney Jr. shows and adaptations
                >Monsters at Work
                >Hamster & Gretel
                >Hailey's On It!
                >North Woods
                >Sam Witch
                Some are still running, the rest have been announced and are in development.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh and I ignored reboots, but Darkwing Duck and Rescue Rangers are getting revivals as well.

              • 3 months ago

                Sam Witch is a Disney Jr pilot from a couple years back that wasn't picked up as a series and the thing about it having anything to do with Suburbion is speculation that's been accepted as fact by DTVA autists.

              • 3 months ago

                I dont care if it really is his fault(i still believe it is in some ways, like i do have theories he got shows cancelled to make way for shit like hamster and gretel) i still fricking hate the man for making subpar shit while everything else gets cancelled in his wake

      • 3 months ago

        Do you have any interesting rumors about these people?

        • 3 months ago

          Nothing particularly shocking that isn't already out there. Hirsch is just generally a narcissistic piece of shit, no respect for anyone around him but all the production stories on Gravity Falls already make that clear. Way back in the Fish Hooks days he used to make his ex chauffeur him around LA cause he didn't drive. One kind of funny thing is his dating app profile literally says "yes it's really me." The pee stories are real (and yeah it's pee not shit).

          Dana has anger management issues and a similar disregard for people working with her, that I think Alex taught her as some kind of showrunner attitude that making the best show is more important than treating people respectfully. The Cintiq-smashing story is true. She acts like a pouty teenager. Great artist but bad showrunner.

          >And yeah Nico is a social-climbing backstabbing transactional loser.
          Who has he backstabbed

          Most notably John K for one, he was happy to suck up to him for years and look the other way on the open racism, pedophilia and all that in exchange for feeling like part of an in-crowd. And then as soon as K had no clout anymore, he was eager to spill the beans about it all. It ties in with the whole transactional thing. He only sees people as obstacles or opportunities, and he's only friendly to people when they have something to offer him. He's run hot and cold with everyone I know. Whenever we're hiring or in a position to do him a favor, he's suddenly all buddy-buddy and complimentary, and then other times he pretends not to remember your name. Really weird insecure guy. The attitude you see on twitter, of desperately trying to seem like part of some exclusive big-time animators club, is real.

          • 3 months ago

            >The Cintiq-smashing story is true.
            Whats this now?

            Also whats rebecca sugar like?

            • 3 months ago

              I second that. Please tell us more.

              And seriously. What is Rebecca Sugar like behind the scenes?

          • 3 months ago

            >John K
            So nobody worth being upset about, got it

            • 3 months ago

              I can't tell if this is for or against John K.

          • 3 months ago

            >Hirsch is just generally a narcissistic piece of shit, no respect for anyone around him
            >Dana has anger management issues and a similar disregard for people working with her
            What caught up to them? Did their peers cut them off? Hirsch went back to creating more Gravity Falls content after his project went into developed hell. Dana opened a patreon with no signs of what next for her.

            • 3 months ago

              A lot of what

              The whole thing started out as a way of vetting people that you are going to be stuck in a tiny closet next to for the next year or two so they better be someone you can put up with for a long time. Like a way to vet spergs or weird freaks with anger issues. Then it slowly mutated into you better be perfect at all times or else they will say things that make no one want to hire you, to out and out threatening you with how perfect you better be or else!

              The other part of that is, not many people work in the industry at a time, like a few hundred, everyone works 6 months to a year then bounces to the next studio across the street. And after a while it's everyone knows everyone small town kind of culture. So if someone is an butthole, it's known real fast ans rumors spread around about them easily. You have to play along and make sure rumors do not pop up.

              said, no one stays a director/showrunner forever in the animation industry and usually tend to move off that gig and take some menial middle of the road job working under someone else right after. But if someone is known to be an egotistical butthole then no one wants to hire them to their projects. One cannot go Hollywood and become an ego driven douche in animation.

          • 3 months ago

            Nice get
            Also this is Luke, haha

            • 3 months ago

              Tone is too mature for Luke
              Luke is arrested in development at like 15 years old.

              • 3 months ago

                Hey Industryanon!
                You got any stories about Luke? Those are always funny. Like the one where he dm'd Ian Jones and told him "Listen m8! The only reason Rebecca is dating you is because she wants woke points for dating a black guy!"

              • 3 months ago

                Hey this is the initial industryanon again.

                >Is this what happened to Alex and Dana? Or Faust?
                No Idea, I personally haven't heard anything about them, but I try to stay away from people who I start to notice enjoy gossiping lol. Keeping away from that shit has served me well considering I'm pretty conservative.

                >What are some notorious directors to work with?
                I've been fortunate that all my directors have been awesome, I don't know of any bad eggs personally. I do know that every now and then people will throw sneak disses around about stuff I'm not privy to on other productions. One of my jobs I know my director and another artist got into a feud but I think she was in the wrong lol. Also keep in mind the industry is full of social cowards lmao, rarely will there be direct confrontations, too risky.

                >Do you know why DTVA and CN is such a dumpster fire right now? Theyve seemingly abandoned lore shows in favor of really bad episodic shows or literal toddler shit
                No, those sound like decisions that happen at the executive level and only like supervising directors get to chat with those guys and I'm not there yet in m career lol. This is speculation but I wouldn't be surprised if lore shows just don't perform as well within the networks business model. I know a lot of things that seem incredibly fricking stupid on the ground floor actually have good reasons when you see it from above. Critically acclaimed shows might not sell merch and so people are baffled when the shitty show that puts up merch sales stays for 8 seasons. A show might be really well received with an audience that doesn't spend much on the products the channel is trying to sell/promote. Sometimes networks get wind a new trend is starting and shift gears in an attempt get ahead of it all. Idk, the industry is a really really complex every evolving thing, so if you don't have the right info, context, and lens it does what looks like really stupid things. I hope one day to be in a position to really see how it all comes together lol.

                is somebody else.

                I don't have any experience with Luke. All I know of him is online rumors but he sounds like a nutjob and I'm not surprised he can't get work.

              • 3 months ago

                What rumors exactly?

              • 3 months ago

                How do feel the state of the industry is going right now. Are the studios starving out jobs on purpose in preparation of a potential strike.

                For some reason 70% of animation workers decided with the brilliant idea to issue a public statement denouncing israel through the animation guild. I'm sure studio execs will negotiate in good faith in the summer now as hollywood execs love palestinians

              • 3 months ago

                Is there really supposed to be an animation strike? What are the chances it actually pans out?

              • 3 months ago

                I kinda doubt it, the writer’s got their deal and there isn’t enough to go around. Didn’t the actors strike in solidarity with the writers, what did they get… not much. But a lot of animation people want a strike but also most people in animation are mentally moronic as 70% of them that voted to shit on israel even though everyone knows ~~*who*~~ controls hollywood

              • 3 months ago

                The IATSE contract renewal is up this summer, and that includes the animation union. There has been talk of striking for months.

              • 3 months ago

                >There has been talk of striking for months.
                As much as i dont want a strike to impair animation production i kinda dont blame them with how SO many projects are getting cancelled/shelved even when completed and companies up right refusing to greenlight more animated projects

          • 3 months ago

            >John K
            >nothing in Nico's IMBD page lists anything John K worked on
            Uh huh, totally didn't just blow your credibility there.

      • 3 months ago

        It's sad that I've heard the stuff about Faust enough for it to be believable

        • 3 months ago

          Faust is one of those ridiculously successful people that still thinks of herself as being stepped on and never making it, and will tell you all about how she is so abused and looked down upon by everyone... while assuming any hiccup in production is clearly done on purpose by people that hate her or want her to fail. It's kind of annoying.

      • 3 months ago

        It's sad that I've heard the stuff about Faust enough for it to be believable

        Are there rumors that Faust abuses Craig?

        • 3 months ago

          No they seem fine as a couple. He's a good guy, nothing bad to say about him.

      • 3 months ago

        >Povenmire b***hes too much about his ex-wife on tiktok but as bosses they're ok
        You just made this shit up. Dan is generally respectful to his wife on there he’s just sad it didn’t work out.

      • 3 months ago

        Alex is not really an evil bastard, he is that annoying little shit in high school that picks on people or makes fun of someone for the attention and goes
        >it's all a joke bro!
        when called on it. Thing is, he just continued being the annoying little wannabe funny dork after school and now into his 40s.

        He's not some kind of overbearing monster butthole boss to work with, he;s just an annoying little shit that makes you constantly want to slap him.

        • 3 months ago

          Isn't it an open secret that Alex tries to hook up with every attractive woman he works with, saying he and Dana had an arrangement?

          I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years from now he gets a John K special, except that he waited for them to already be in the industry before making promises of promotion for pussy.

      • 3 months ago

        Povenmire really has that best friend's cool dad who probably doesn't work but likes to hang out with his son's friends kind of energy. He works but he has that still acting like a 20 something sort of thing to him, which is not really a bad thing, he's great to work with. Can't see anyone actually hating the guy.

        • 3 months ago


          TOH and molly mcgee absolutely were better then povenmire slop and disney had no right to unjustly cancel them

      • 3 months ago

        Matt and Trey are just two dumb college stoner buddies that laugh at shit and make fun of things they see and hear. There's not a whole lot of depth to them. They are just the guys who sit around and say things like
        >Bro you know what wold be really funny?
        and turned it into a very successful career. What you see is what you get from them.

      • 3 months ago

        With the animation industry being mostly filled with the most narcissistic and vile pieces of shit, is getting in worth it anymore?

        • 3 months ago

          People with big ego are often get into higher positions easily than the ones who don't.

          • 3 months ago

            How exactly

        • 3 months ago

          it's only worth it if you really like animation and or just want insider knowledge and stuff you can leak like people have been doing

      • 3 months ago

        >Faust is also a nightmare to work with according to multiple friends who have worked with her.
        You sound like a homosexual who hangs out with bigger homosexuals

        • 3 months ago

          Like you?

    • 3 months ago

      When modern animation fans talk shit about creators like Doug TenNapel, and their idea of a quality person is Alex Hirsch, that totally bankrupts their entire worldview. They basically believe in nothing besides growing up on entertainment media and wanting to please the people who work in it. Or worse, they're like Alex and seeking to craft their own self-serving standard to push on kids online

      • 3 months ago

        Guy, your idea of a quality person is a child molester. Sit the frick down.

  11. 3 months ago

    Well then, spill the tea you fat poser.
    I mean jeez man you went after Butch Hartman for his pfp.

    • 3 months ago

      he's probably hinting at the "alex hirsch didn't shower and pissed in trash bins during the production of gravity falls" thing again, he's done it before

      personally i still have no idea how someone wouldn't get fired on the spot for that but hey, i don't work in animation

      • 3 months ago

        >pisses in trash cans
        >doesn't shower
        >wears a coat so long without washing it that people comment on the smell
        Why is Hirsch a filthy little creature

        • 3 months ago

          >TFW i dont shower that much
          I hate being depressed

      • 3 months ago

        It's always weird for me to hear about successful animators behaving like this. Yeah sure I'm old enough to know that profession doesn't always dictate one's lifeskills or general competency, but you'd think a skilled artist who managed to create such a successful show would at bare minimum have the wherewithal to shower and not generally behave like he's an 8 year old in a work environment. It honestly makes me feel like shit for not being a better artist, must not be that hard if even the most maladjusted loons seem to be able to figure it out.

  12. 3 months ago

    Not Cinemaphile, have a nice day

  13. 3 months ago

    Nico's artstyle is disgusting and he himself is really hard to look at. Everything about him is repulsive. He should get a little cardio instead of being a c**t on twitter.

    • 3 months ago

      I fricking hate his profile picture. It looks like such a sneering c**t.

      • 3 months ago

        His pics are always rough. I hate soft, fat bearded men so much. That sort of look just irks me.

  14. 3 months ago


    I never mentioned John in my post. Do you know something about him that we don’t, Guy?

    • 3 months ago

      Buddy you're really shooting yourself in the foot, i practice nonverbal communication which is what your picture achieves. The only reason to perform such a strained reach is to acquire pedophilic pleasure for yourself by abusing me for my inherent identity i was born with. If you bothered to learn about me you would know that I'd call you out on it.

      You're achieving a perverse dominance by showering evidence of your own pedophilia while doing your stupid harassment, and will now suffer from impotency. You are truly the sort of person who defends Alex Hirsch.

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          No dumbass I'm crushing your community by exposung your actual pedophile mentality and heating up some truth bombs about how it abused me when I was 15 years old and came to help kids like me grow up better than I did.

          Keep sputtering in your hell nightmare, scum

          >weaponize cancel culture
          is being criticized for raping a child cancel culture?

          Alex Hirsch told 18-year-olds he was going to give them a job and fricked them, which is a sort of psychological rape and also fornication.

          Now here's the part where you say it's okay because they were over 18

          There are people in the animation industry who literally encourage kids to mutilate themselves, meanwhile they rejected me when I was 15 for wanting to help them instead

          • 3 months ago

            John K will never be your father

          • 3 months ago

            >Alex Hirsch told 18-year-olds he was going to give them a job and fricked them,

            Wrong. It was a 19 year old, and she said he never offered her a job, they just met on a dating app and hooked up. Going on a date with a younger girl is cringe but it isnt really on par with rapists and pedophiles. Hirsch is a cuck but consensual sex with someone of age isn't a crime. His biggest crime was Mabel's shit annyoing personality, and making Reagen on Inside Job the town bicycle

  15. 3 months ago


    >weaponize cancel culture
    is being criticized for raping a child cancel culture?

  16. 3 months ago

    Guy ruins every thread he enters. In sick of it

    • 3 months ago

      Y'all picked a fight with me, I defended myself, if you want to give up the John K nonsense go ahead and do so. Don't cry because you lostDon't cry because you lost

  17. 3 months ago

    Who wouldn't want to be friends with John K? As long as you're not a teenage girl you don't have to worry about grabby hands.

  18. 3 months ago

    I have no reason to believe all this unless it's 100% confirmed.
    For example, Alex pissing on trash-cans was indeed true (I think) since it was implicitly confirmed by this Moon girl crew member who right now is into the Hazbin Hotel crew.

    Honestly, it's a shame that Moon girl won't get another season since it seems that the all its crew are leaving.

  19. 3 months ago

    Reminder that it was recently revealed that the VA for Ollie in Ollie and Scoops once wrote a letter defending a known pedophile.

    • 3 months ago

      Where can I find info about this?

      • 3 months ago

        The new documentary series Quiet on Set, there was a moment that talked about people supporting Brian Peck, and Kimmy Robertson was one of them

  20. 3 months ago

    I spoke to Nico a few times and he was fine. Why do people have a problem with him?

    • 3 months ago

      >ask a question with many answers already in the thread

      you can't fool us, Nico.

      • 3 months ago

        >ur NICO GOTTEM XD
        Answer the fricking question instead of being a useless unfunny shitstain. If he's a piece of shit tell me why.

    • 3 months ago

      I tried to talk to him back in 2018, the guy acted like I was totally invisible. with a few of my friends telling me he is just plain like that if you are not a showrunner or director he can network with for future positions. He was known for blowing anything off that was not something special to him.

  21. 3 months ago

    Yeah no, frick Thunder Cats ROAR and the homosexuals on twitter attacking normal people who were critics of it. Hang'em all obviously. Hypercritical gays need to never work in the industry again.

  22. 3 months ago

    I'm going to punch Nico in the face.

  23. 3 months ago

    Idk who this is but why is he putting a target on his back?

  24. 3 months ago

    Shut up IndustryCuck.
    If I'm gonna feel catharsis by critiquing bad actors in the industry, it won't be at the behest of some homosexual c/u/ckold with daddy issues who impersonates creators and spams the internet with his homosexualry fanfic tier ideas.
    Also, I wouldn't go around throwing moral judgement at anyone if I were you. If even half the shit on your profile is true, you're plenty sleazy and vile yourself.

  25. 3 months ago

    >Caring about some nobody who's only contribution was making a lesbian teacher with a fat ass.
    Who cares?

    • 3 months ago

      More of the fact he keeps trying to make himself the main character and is an ass about it.

      Industrygay here, yes Alex and Dana suck as is well documented online. Faust is also a nightmare to work with according to multiple friends who have worked with her. She yells at people all the time and won't take notes. It's not a coincidence she's either left every show she's been on after a season, or it got killed in development.

      And yeah Nico is a social-climbing backstabbing transactional loser. Vivienne Medrano doesn't even hang out with him anymore now that she's got more famous friends (she's the same way).

      The South Park guys aren't great but they're not monsters, mostly just super-rich and out of touch. You don't get the sense they have much inner humanity left, they're all about the business.

      The Phineas guys are generally ok, Povenmire b***hes too much about his ex-wife on tiktok but as bosses they're ok.

  26. 3 months ago

    I thought Nico was a trust-fund baby?

  27. 3 months ago

    Are there any animation people who are genuinely pleasant to work with?

  28. 3 months ago

    Probably not the best idea for him to say anything but with how collaborative animation seems would not be surprised if a lot of people in that industry do not like each other and most of it probably is not that interesting and a lot more petty just like how most workplace drama is

  29. 3 months ago

    Oh frick, he definitely edits his own wikipedia page

    • 3 months ago

      I guess if Wikimods tell you that you don't deserve your own entry, just plug your biography into an entry for one of your productions

    • 3 months ago

      If so, why did he use such a distorted picture for the article when he could have either used a regular size image or a transparent PNG of the show logo?
      Is he stupid or something?

    • 3 months ago

      Holy shit, that’s not even subtle. He sucks his own dick super hard and when he name drops Ashley Nichols, he needs to contextualize what she’s done so you know it’s impressive that he got to work with her.
      What a fricking narcissist.

  30. 3 months ago

    >want to shit on these people
    >realize every single one of them has accomplished things I could only dream of

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