*isn't in like half of the JL movies*. *Is useless in the ones he's in*. Why?

*isn't in like half of the JL movies*
*Is useless in the ones he's in*

Why? Isn't he supposed to be one of the very strongest heroes? Is he just moronic?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Hard to write about and doesn't have many writers interested in writing him anyway.

  2. 11 months ago

    1. His weakness is fire, which is so ubiquitous it's somewhat hard to write around it to make him a compelling hero character
    2. Writers generally don't know what to do with psychics and the default is for them to job/fail to read minds
    3. He's a shapeshifter, which writers find even harder to write than psychics
    4. He's just too alien and doesn't have a human face, hence the lack of broader appeal.

    Personally I'm not quite sure what you do with J'onn. He's basically the DC equivalent of the Vision, in that he's got almost zero solo presence and all his memorable moments come as part of his company's big superhero team. He's had a few minis over the decades but none of them have felt really memorable.

    My best guess is that you could do cosmic horror with him, since J'onn is something of a cosmic horror himself. Have him fight Lovecraftian monsters from beyond the frozen gulf of space. Hell, set some of his action IN space, on other planets in the solar system. His fire weakness will be less of an issue out there.

    I'd also say that they need to stop trying to change his costume. His classic look is his most iconic and what works best for him, trunks and all. Stop trying to give him pants or whatever. The DCAU knew better than to mess with what worked, so should everybody else.

    • 11 months ago

      Why is he only wearing his underwear, a cape and his cowboy boots?

      • 11 months ago

        He likes to show off his beautiful green martian skin, let him have that.

      • 11 months ago

        Because prudes keep insisting that he wears underwear.

      • 11 months ago

        In the cartoon, he takes one look at Superman and Batman. Upon sensing their gay energy, he figures that he should shapeshift to fit in with them.

        • 11 months ago

          I didn't know superman got his power from being gay

  3. 11 months ago

    Same reason Wonder Woman was useless most of the show. They didn’t know how to use J’onn outside of jobbing

    • 11 months ago

      At least J'onn gets some good lines and scenes, and that one brief shining moment where he solos Task Force X. Diana never even got that much.

  4. 11 months ago

    He's so overpowered that he can make a lot of the stories he's in undramatic

    • 11 months ago

      You just have to know how to use him. If Superman doesn’t pose a problem, nor should J’onn be.

  5. 11 months ago

    It's difficult to write a plot where tension is suppose to exist but the setting has so many Shitbrick Powerhouses running around
    The best way to counteract this if you're some poor shlub given too much to work with it is to have the one's who aren't main characters job at all times. Why do you think Captain Atom routinely got his ass mangled anytime he showed up in the Justice League cartoon

    Now, if you're not a poor shlub then you'd be smart to not have Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder woman, and Captain Marvel in the same room together. They should be dealing with situations separately

    • 11 months ago

      >Why do you think Captain Atom routinely got his ass mangled anytime he showed up in the Justice League cartoon

      Because at that point that had become his gimmick as a character

      • 11 months ago

        Very unfortunate

  6. 11 months ago

    >Isn't he supposed to be one of the very strongest heroes?
    Yes, that's the problem.

    >Is he just moronic?
    No, the writers are.

  7. 11 months ago

    Mars is considered box office poison

  8. 11 months ago

    He's way too overpowered, also he's not really stupid as well so you can't even outsmart him, there is just no way to write him in a Justice League comic.

  9. 11 months ago

    Here's one thing I need to do more research on: is J'onn special, by Martian standards?

    He's absurdly powerful but I've always gotten the impression that the average Martian from back in the day wasn't as strong as he was. Generally speaking they could all shapeshift and were all telepathic but I don't think they all had J'onn's full range of powers, right?

    • 11 months ago

      They do, he's only special insomuch that he's a cop so he has combat training

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