>It flopped

>It flopped

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  1. 11 months ago

    >a sequel AND a series already in development

    • 11 months ago

      cast him

      • 11 months ago

        barneygay of course

  2. 11 months ago

    >96 million and counting on a 70 million budget is a flop
    >brought to you by people who say 1b for Barbie is a flop because they secretly spent 6 gorilion on marketing and actually it's physically impossible for Barbie to make it's money back

    • 11 months ago

      When they spend 70M on a movie and another 70M for advertising, they expect to make 5x that amount. They have barely broke even. It's a flop you fricking moron.

      • 11 months ago

        by this metric the majority of Hollywood movies that ever came out are flops
        movies that make 5x their budget are a fricking rarity

        • 11 months ago

          It hasn't even made it's money back...it's a flop. That's all. My arbitrary number of x5 is meaningless and I hold no authority on the matter. But as it stands, the movie is a flop.

        • 11 months ago

          > by this metric the majority of Hollywood movies that ever came out are flops
          movies that make 5x their budget are a fricking rarity

          Why do think Hollywood is falling apart. Why studios are not bugging on strikes. Why only use big IPs. People will only go to the movies now for massive budget movies, which is a crapshoot. For every Barbie you got 5 massive flops

          • 11 months ago

            why are ESLs always so fricking stupid?

            • 11 months ago

              What a strange new obsession.

          • 11 months ago

            They're not a rarity nowadays, they have always been a rarity. With this logic Hollywood should've ceased to exist long long time ago.
            The way things actually work are different. First of all the theatres absolutely do not get HALF of all the profits. I have no idea where this idea came from, but maintaining a whole studio which produces films, merch, etc. is a much more expensive than maintaining a film theatre chain. Naturally theatres get a lesser half of the revenue split.
            Second of all, marketing never exceeds the movie's budget, this is not a viable business strategy.

            i don't know why you treat it like some sort of conspiracy theory, Hollywood Accounting is a real thing.

            Here, the marketing was 150 million, but the movie itself cost around 250 to 300 million. The marketing is still less than the production budget. The amount of marketing also doesn't always correlate with it's cost completely. It depends on how big the IP is, and how big of a project in general is. For example getting a single billboard ad for and indie film would be less expensive than getting a single billboard ad for Avengers. This is the same logic as with actors who are not famous getting paid less than actors who are stars for equivalent roles.
            And the difference is not just between "Hollywood" and "indie", there's a difference inside Hollywood too. Depends on a lot of factors including the budget of the film itself.

            • 11 months ago

              > With this logic Hollywood should've ceased to exist long long time ago.

              No they wouldn’t have. First, movies didn’t use to have ridiculous budgets. It was. rarity. I remember when Terminator 2 came out. It’s 100 mill budget was big news. It was unheard of. Second, you didn’t have as many options in the pas than you do now. Movies would stay in theaters for months. Now, it’s on steaming in less than two months.

              • 11 months ago

                Since Terminator 2 came out there was a shit ton of movies that cost 100+ million dollars. I have even provided an example - Ratatouille - which is not considered a flop, yet by the logic that seems to be forced on Cinemaphile lately it should've been. I have also checked a bunch of other Pixar films, and most either don't make it 5x times over or barely touch that mark (and again not counting the budget for marketing).
                Yet Pixar that whole time was considered a big fricking thing and only started falling off relatively recently.
                The rule of the thumb in general is that a movie that makes 2x, maybe 2.5x it's budget is a success starting point.
                Going back to the TMNT movie that I did not watch and not planning to, but I guess because I got baited in this thread I'll touch the topic again. Current number is 96 million. The movie is still in theatres. Probably not even out in a bunch of c**t's. The number itself is also from like two days ago according to The Numbers. Unless the film just outright stops making money it will most likely underpeform, but that's very unlikely. It will easily make back it's budget twice.
                I myself don't give a shit about the film specifically, I'm more annoyed at a fact that the idea that theatres are taking 50% of the money and marketing on every movie is shitton billion dollaru is being forced on Cinemaphile lately. There's shitposting and then there's moronation.
                I understand that some anons are delusional enough to hope than if this random TMNT movie flops then Seth Rogen is out of job, but these people forget the personal connections he has and the fact that he is not the only writer.
                >Screenplay by Seth Rogen Evan Goldberg Jeff Rowe Dan Hernandez Benji Samit
                If the movie indeed underperforms, I bet my ass that Rogen will get zero shit and the other writers will be out of major projects. This is reality. Rogen is an annoying c**t, but he is in too deep.

              • 11 months ago

                You are right. The 50% comes from overseas. China takes even more. Studios have no choice. Either agree to it or it doesn’t get played in that country. In US, it’s a sliding scale which theaters are trying to fight. Opening weekend, studios get 90%. Each week after it reduces. Theaters complaint is that movie are all front loaded now and don’t stay in theaters long. The contract worked pre internet when movies stayed in theaters for months. So after 4 weeks, theaters be taking 50%. Ticket money only pays for upkeep of theater when done right. Theaters make their money off concessions. Why shit is overpriced

        • 11 months ago

          >by this metric the majority of Hollywood movies that ever came out are flops
          They are. Especially with Hollywood accounting. It is why the Harry Potter movies are written down as bombs despite making so much box office. And why the Forest Gump book author was screwed over by royalties by the studio claiming the Forest Gump movie bombed.

        • 11 months ago

          he said 5x to make out a worthwhile investment
          nobody makes movies to break even
          even moderate profit can be a waste of time considering the amount of money you tie up for 2 or 3 years

        • 11 months ago

          yes anon you seem to be a genious and have figured out the creative world (books, comics, anime, manga, movies, tv shows, and even music) works. For every profiting movie there are 10 failures, and for every big success there are 100 failures. The success of one covers the losses of the failures and allow to make more failures and maybe a success, this is how it works, until you get an hit is still economically worth it, but if you fail, fail and fail then you run into problems (see this year for disney).
          This is the reason why you get so much sequels, reboots and adaptions of estabilished huge brands too, because when you spend 200m in a production you need to be so fricking safe that it will at least break even.

          A movie needs 2.5x the budget to break even (this is the industry standard) so a 70m movie need to make 210m to break even (we don't know the budget of ads, but we don't care in that case). Less than that and you didn't make any money.
          And no 5x is not a rarity, but is a rarity in high budget productions that use 200m in budget. See barbie for example, 150m budget and grossed 8x that is impressive and pretty rare for it, but if you look at stuff like Megan, it had a 12m budget, but grossed 15x, barbie made more money, but megan on paper was a better investment. So yes if you use big budgets is hard making 5x and you more often than not end up like the flash

      • 11 months ago

        Kek come on

        >96 million and counting on a 70 million budget is a flop
        >brought to you by people who say 1b for Barbie is a flop because they secretly spent 6 gorilion on marketing and actually it's physically impossible for Barbie to make it's money back

        Barbie isn't a flop but it's a movie carried by the brand lol
        NTurtles is BIG with a game liked by morons but yeah 70 and the big marketing is like 100 and we don't count the cinema discount...it's like 15% i think...

    • 11 months ago

      70 Million budget
      100 Million marketing
      Gets half the ticket sales, theater gets the other half
      Film needs 340 Million to break even, couldn't even make 100 in the first weekend.
      Yeah it flopped.
      Get over it Seth, no one cares you potato looking israelite

      • 11 months ago

        Source on the 100 mil marketing budget?

        • 11 months ago

          He added it wrong.
          The average budget for a Hollywood movie's marketing is about 35 million dollar. if the movie costs 70 million like TMNT, that means its budget and marketing would be 110 million
          that still means the movie is underperforming though lol

        • 11 months ago

          not him but I believe it
          tmnt was being promoted often enough like a budget with 200 million

      • 11 months ago

        ITT morons think every movie has the marketing budget of a AAA capeshit movie

        • 11 months ago

          Even if it wasnt and it had no marketing at all, the theater takes a 50% cut, so thats 140m.

          • 11 months ago

            Theaters do not take 50% That’s only overseas.

            > “I was shocked to find out movie studios actually take between 80% to 100% of a movie theater’s sales revenue in the first two week,” Yang explained. “Then in subsequent weeks the ratio gradually becomes more favorable to the cinema, usually resulting in a 50:50 ratio.”

          • 11 months ago

            If movie theaters were taking 50% they wouldn’t be on the brink of bankruptcy like AMC and Regal. Studios take almost all the profits first two weeks. Since all movies now are frontloaded, theaters barely get shit to keep faculty running

    • 11 months ago

      Are you trolling or moronic
      I cannot tell

    • 11 months ago

      >people who say 1b for Barbie is a flop because they secretly spent 6 gorilion on marketing and actually it's physically impossible for Barbie to make it's money back

      But that's YOU who said that, you dumb chud shill

      • 11 months ago

        This is a hyperbole based on morons here actually claiming Barbie is a flop despite grossing 1 fricking billion.
        The whole cope is based on making up absurd marketing costs and theatre cuts. By such a metric a shit ton of movies that are not considered flops, through the years, through almost entire Hollywodo history, are flops.
        One imbecile is claiming that to break even the movie needs to gross 5x it's budget.
        By that metric for example Pixar's Ratatouille (150 million budget, 620 million gross) was actually a flop as it didn't make 5x it's budget (not counting advertising).
        This is such embarrassing nonsense it's unreal.

        • 11 months ago

          Barbie is a flop, chuddie. Get over it. Have sex.

        • 11 months ago

          Your pretentious writing gives away the fact that you are undoubtedly either from reddit or one of its shitty clones

          • 11 months ago

            >you don't type like a moron therefore reddit
            the absolute fricking state

            • 11 months ago

              >you don't type like a moron therefore reddit
              YES. EXACTLY. DUMBASS.
              SMART PEOPLE GO TO Cinemaphile TO ACT moronic
              moronS GO TO REDDIT TO ACT SMART
              CLEARLY YOU ARE LOST

              • 11 months ago

                >le epic Cinemaphile screencap i saw on reddit

              • 11 months ago

                >confirming you’re a redditor by claiming you saw it there
                redditors are actually the stupidest fricking people on the planet

              • 11 months ago

                >let me take everything that's said literally what an epic troll it would be

              • 11 months ago

                >you don't type like a moron therefore reddit
                YES. EXACTLY. DUMBASS.
                SMART PEOPLE GO TO Cinemaphile TO ACT moronic
                moronS GO TO REDDIT TO ACT SMART
                CLEARLY YOU ARE LOST

                Your pretentious writing gives away the fact that you are undoubtedly either from reddit or one of its shitty clones


    • 11 months ago

      Its over CHUD
      /qa/ Lost
      Trump Lost
      /misc/ Lost
      Protect trans rights
      Love is love
      BLM matters

    • 11 months ago

      When theaters get half yeah that's a fricking flop.

    • 11 months ago

      >>96 million and counting on a 70 million budget is a flop
      >brought to you by people who say 1b for Barbie is a flop
      No, brought to you by everybody.

  3. 11 months ago

    >permanent teenager
    An actual teenager would not have made the famously hot babe ugly as shit.

    • 11 months ago

      >You now remember the Santa Inc comment section shitting on israelites but in Christmas form
      >Seth Rogen starting to froth out the mouth and get YouTube to shutdown the comment section

      • 11 months ago

        I'm surprised that it is still in effect on Youtube too. Shows the power of Talmudic israeli kveching. Once the goyim know, you have to shut it down

  4. 11 months ago

    hollywood deseves to go bankrupt

  5. 11 months ago

    It didn't, moron

    • 11 months ago

      It won't make back its budget, which is a flop.
      It's not a BOMB, but its also a flop.

  6. 11 months ago

    Anyone seen it? My kids loved the Mario movie will they like this?

  7. 11 months ago

    >Permanent teenager Seth Rogan

    • 11 months ago

      He’s finally being true to himself

      • 11 months ago

        >it doesn't say Permanent israelite Seth Rogan

        • 11 months ago

          nope, this doesn't apply to dude weed. he's one of those narcissistic ones that ALWAYS makes sure to point out how israeli he is.

  8. 11 months ago

    Reminder that Barbie and TMNT also have toy and misc merch sales to boost their gains.

    • 11 months ago

      Toys are only relevant if anyone gives a shit about the brand
      Rise's toys sold like shit because the show didn't lend itself to physical 3D desgins, and that goes for double for this movie, which frankly is ugly to look at, and I can't imagine anyone wanting toys for the new April or Splinter. The turtles maybe, but if why would by one of them instead of the literally any other version?

  9. 11 months ago

    i didnt even know it was out already

  10. 11 months ago

    It needs something like 210mill to break even and it won't even crawl to that.

  11. 11 months ago

    >96 million

    And you think the studio takes all of that do you?

  12. 11 months ago

    i don't know why you treat it like some sort of conspiracy theory, Hollywood Accounting is a real thing.

    • 11 months ago

      It is just one troony that is in denial.

  13. 11 months ago

    TMNT was for children under 11
    not teenagers

  14. 11 months ago

    the fatigue is real

  15. 11 months ago

    They just can't seem to get TMNT right after the 1990 film

    2 was shit too, don't let nostalgia trick you.

    • 11 months ago

      This is the correct take. I literally just finished the 1990 movie minutes ago and its amazing how dark it is. Splinter literally tortured and beaten. April's house burned down. Raph In a coma. It has actual touching moments. Also the only movie to her Rapha personality right and make Mikey a competent fighter

      • 11 months ago

        An earlier cut of it is even better that never got released. They made a few last minute cuts/reshoots so it wouldn't be PG-13.
        Mikey had a cut arc, Raph/Casey had a more brutal fight in an alley and there is more scenes with the foot clan like the brutal initiation.

        • 11 months ago

          Is there any way to watch this? I just bought Last Ronin. Took my son to the new movie. I have turtle mania again.

          • 11 months ago

            Nah they never released the extended cut. The german release on blu-ray has a better fight scene at aprils house but that's about it.

  16. 11 months ago

    They exclusively beat up white criminals. In modern day NYC. Thanks ~~*Rogen*~~

  17. 11 months ago

    It did fine. Most movies don't need to make it all back in the box office because now it can be sold to streaming in a few months

    • 11 months ago

      Steaming doesn’t make much. Other studios don’t want another studio’s shit on their steaming site. Think Disney. So just gets booted to company’s own streaming site. Hollywood as we know it is fricked right now. Why got strikes and studios taking massive losses and cooking numbers for steaming services for stock purposes

  18. 11 months ago

    yall are part of the problem

  19. 11 months ago

    Seth rogen is a fat israeli moron >hehehehehehe

  20. 11 months ago

    First of all, I didn't even know this movie existed.
    Second, now that I know it was made by Seth Rogen, I have no intention of even pirating it. I am never touching anything made by that disingenuous little c**t.

  21. 11 months ago

    Why did this even cost 70 million to make? Don’t tell me animation. How much did that israelite Rogan get?

    • 11 months ago

      celebrity voices

      • 11 months ago

        Another reason why Al will be taking those jobs. Who the frick goes to a animated movie because of a celeb voice. I don’t even know what celeb is in this movie. I take it Rogan in it sounding like Rogan because he’s a talentless hack

  22. 11 months ago

    As Gen X kid there was nothing like The Turtles when the cartoon came out. It didn’t hammer you with some moral message. Just a beat ‘em up cartoon featuring Turtles that sounded like Jeff Spicoli. No doubt, be no Power Rangers in US without the Turtles

    • 11 months ago

      >It didn’t hammer you with some moral message.
      lmao takeoff your gayass rosy-tinted glasses and watch an episode: it was barely cool and edgy, but it was preachy AF
      t.wrinkly xgener

  23. 11 months ago

    hollywood is dead. the spectacle is dead. no kid wants to go to a theater and watch a 3d cartoon, they want to play a fps and talk shit on the mic. you dont even see them playing outside anymore. they just game and goon and once it breaks them they transition

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