>It is good that my son made a movie...

>It is good that my son made a movie... With that, he should stop.

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Noooo Miyazaki needs to be nice to his son because it reminds me of my dad who was mean to me or something
    He was literally right

    • 7 months ago

      No one says he needs to be nice to his son, but a parent publicly shaming their child is a big deal in Japan. If Miyazaki wanted to criticize his son's work, he should have done so in total privacy.

      • 7 months ago

        Goro produced a bad movie, could Hayao have helped? Absolutely, his help was instrumental with Poppy Hill when he made painting for Goro. However, Hayao never had a doting figure like that himself to understand that, he started from the literal bottom of Toei animation, he had to work on weekly TV series as an in-between artist and gained absolute understanding of animation production before landing his first movie. It's not that Goro isn't worthy to be an animator, he got himself an animated movie without becoming an animator. You can't rush these things, he should've worked as an animator for couple of projects first.

        Also, Goro's mother was similarly opposed to him directing the movie, because Goro was already a parent when he decided to start fricking animation career with a feature length movie. Failings of Hayao as a father aside, does that not seem spoilt at all to people? Am I the only weird one here?

        • 7 months ago

          >when he made painting for Goro

          He did that?

      • 7 months ago

        Right? Japanese tend to be honorable towards everyone in public, especially their relatives.
        You can be disappointed in your son all you like, but jesus christ, keep the passive-aggressive comments out of the interviews.

        Add the fact that, after learning his son was gonna direct Tales From the Earth Sea, he refused to speak with him until the movie was released.
        It's such childish behavior, if he had given him some advice, it could have improved drastically.

        It's read like:
        >Who the frick told you can direct a movie? Stop, you suck so hard, you will make a fool out of yourself
        >Fine, do it then, but you won't get any tips from me.
        >*months later*
        >Look at who fricked up? I told you so, you can retire from film-making, because suck at it

        • 7 months ago

          Hayao Miyazaki isn't the only fricking animator at Ghibli, movie was carried hard by all the talented animators working on it who had input on it too, as any animated project is a collaborative project. He didn't want to make movie for Goro and he knew Goro wouldn't be able to make a movie, no one will fricking make a good movie on their first try, SO DON'T START BY MAKING A FRICKING MOVIE.

          • 7 months ago

            >I won’t make a good movie first try
            >better not do it at all then
            I mean it’s not like they reconciled and worked together on other projects like Ponyo, Goro is still a fricking animator at Ghibli you fricking idiot. You should have a nice day.

            • 7 months ago

              >I won’t make a good movie first try
              >better not do it at all then
              Not what I said, I said do it after you gain understanding on animation, Goro had options, he could've worked freelance on couple of projects first for 1 or 2 years to understand the process and go through the path of modern animator first. In fact, it's exactly what he fricking did with Ronja and Earwig and the Witch, being the only guy at Ghibli who knows CG animation after working on Ronja.

              >I mean it’s not like they reconciled and worked together on other projects like Ponyo, Goro is still a fricking animator at Ghibli you fricking idiot.
              I genuinely have no idea what you were trying to say here. Of course Goro had nowhere else to go but up. Also he primarily works on Ghibli Museum and Ghibli Park. He considered directing a fricking movie more of a side-gig, thought he'd try this shit once and return to Ghibli Museum.

              • 7 months ago

                Seriously Hayao, you need to go outside more

                >>I won’t make a good movie first try
                not do it at all then
                NTA but no moron he's obviously saying Goro should work hard developing skills in filmmaking by working on other peoples projects before making his own feature
                >You should have a nice day.
                Sorry your (based) Dad walked out of your baseball game for a smoke when you were 8 then called you a gay and a shit batter to make you this emotionally invested in something that has nothing to do with you

                Nice projection, have a nice day

            • 7 months ago

              >>I won’t make a good movie first try
              not do it at all then
              NTA but no moron he's obviously saying Goro should work hard developing skills in filmmaking by working on other peoples projects before making his own feature
              >You should have a nice day.
              Sorry your (based) Dad walked out of your baseball game for a smoke when you were 8 then called you a gay and a shit batter to make you this emotionally invested in something that has nothing to do with you

        • 7 months ago

          >Add the fact that, after learning his son was gonna direct Tales From the Earth Sea, he refused to speak with him until the movie was released.

          Wait, who's idea was it to give the film to Goro then?


      • 7 months ago

        >but a parent publicly shaming their child is a big deal in Japan.
        it's a big deal anywhere, you don't humilate your family in any culture

      • 7 months ago

        Miyazaki is one of those typical bitter leftists who hate everyone and treat everyone like shit especially family

    • 7 months ago

      Unironically more soul than anything Hayao ever made.

      • 7 months ago

        contrarianism isn't impressive or interesting, stop

  2. 7 months ago

    >Talanted man has weird opinions
    Shocking, that never happened before!

    • 7 months ago

      Drawing mediocre cartoons and crying about the West is not talent.

  3. 7 months ago

    Miyazaki always struck me as such a wienersucker.

    • 7 months ago

      He really is a miserable c**t, it's comical how bitter and conceited he is.

  4. 7 months ago

    >leaves his son's test screening for a smoke
    Holy based

    • 7 months ago

      I am surprised he sat through his son's movie that starts with protagonist killing his father to be honest with you.

      • 7 months ago

        He probably found the projection quite humorous.

      • 7 months ago

        Miyazaki probably wishes his son would kill him

    • 7 months ago

      >not loving your son
      He really is an butthole, isn't he

      • 7 months ago

        He can still love his son, he just doesn't have to like shit he makes when it's obviously bad

  5. 7 months ago

    If anything I am surprised Toshio Suzuki somehow got clean from this beef. Why did he do this?

  6. 7 months ago
  7. 7 months ago
  8. 7 months ago

    Do you think he would have liked a daughter?

    • 7 months ago

      she would have been molested frfr

  9. 7 months ago

    Literally who?

    • 7 months ago

      welcome gen alpha bro

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks, good to be here boomer.

    • 7 months ago

      George Takei, he was in Star Wars 40 years ago.

    • 7 months ago

      Colonel Sanders

  10. 7 months ago

    It’s so weird how a dude who makes all this whimsical fairy tale shit is such a bitter douchebag. At least you kind of expect it with Alan Moore, because most of his shit has a sort of angry undertone.

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe it's his his way of escaping from that bitter mindset. I would say most successful directors are like that behind the closed doors.

  11. 7 months ago

    Goro Miyazaki was writing a blog when he was doing Tales of Earthsea movie. Here's a blog post about his father's impression on the movie, the day after first preview:
    >Number 112 - Hayao Miyazaki's Impressions

    >Saturday last week, there was a launch party for the people connected with the movie.

    >I got up on a stage to greet everybody,
    >and when I took a look at the faces of all the many people sitting there,
    >I completely forgot the words of the speech I had planned,
    >and I was unable to give a good speech.

    >When I think that it was through so many people that this movie was born,
    >I become overjoyed and full of gratitude.
    >Everybody who gave of their all for the movie "Tales from Earthsea",
    >I can't give your names individually here, but I am really, really grateful to you.

    >And then, in the middle of the party, the colour designer Ms Yasuda relayed a message from Hayao Miyazaki.
    >"It was made honestly, so it was good".
    >These few words brought tears to my eyes.

    >Of all the things he has said until now,
    >those words of my father's brought the most joy to me.
    >Suddenly a positive feeling of resolve to keep doing my best welled up in me.

    • 7 months ago

      When you watch him, the old fart acts like he's in a movie. His body language, his quotes, his tough love to his son... it's like he plays a character and hopes one day it will be a movie. A touching one, about a cold father who can't show his love and a son who blames him for things but still wants to be like him. A bittersweet ending. What I didn't know was that Goro played along with him.

  12. 7 months ago

    The funniest thing about this movie is how the original author complained it wasn't diverse enough for her

    >My purpose in making most of the people of Earthsea colored, and the whites a marginal and rather backward people, was of course a moral one, aimed at young American and European readers. Fantasy heroes of the European tradition were conventionally white — just about universally so in 1968 — and darkness of skin was often associated with evil. By simply subverting an expectation, a novelist can undermine a prejudice.
    >The makers of the American TV version, while boasting that they were "color blind," reduced the colored population of Earthsea to one and a half. I have blasted them for whitewashing Earthsea, and do not forgive them for it.
    >The issue is different in Japan. I cannot address the issue of race in Japan because I know too little about it. But I know that an anime film runs smack into the almost immutable conventions of its genre. Most of the people in anime films look — to the American/European eye — white. I am told that the Japanese audience perceives them differently. I am told that they may perceive this Ged as darker than my eye does. I hope so. Most of the characters look white to me, but there is at least a nice variation of tans and beiges. And Tenar's fair hair and blue eyes are right, since she's a minority type from the Kargish islands.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >dumb shitty pop culture author has irredeemably stupid nonsense opinions


      • 7 months ago

        She wasn't dumb, her first Eartshea book is actually really good. In her later books she goes into feminist discourse and they suck.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes, she was. Her books were, and are, dogshit. Read better fantasy, anon. She only became popular after the other grand feminist fantasy author, Marion Zimmer Bradley, turned out to be a child molesting rapist, so she then took up the mantle, except unlike Marion Bradley, Ursula has zero talent as an author, lauded only for her political views and stances.

  13. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I remember how he directed an episode of Lupin the 3rd where Lupin outsmarts an AI that automates Zenigata's job. It's pretty certain he made up his mind decades ago

  14. 7 months ago

    Don't mind me just posting the best 2D film since Howl's & Porco.....,...

    & they say 2D animation is dead puff......

  15. 7 months ago

    zipperhead asiatic

  16. 7 months ago

    He literally wrote the script for Goro's second movie, From Up On Poppy Hill, after all the shit talk.
    I can't help but feel Westerners are unironically incapable to understand tsundere-ism of Japanese men.

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