It just hit me.

It just hit me. It's been 5 years since the last movie had been released, yet none of the 7-9 trilogy cast had made any appearance in the cartoon tie-ins much less have the movies touched on outside of Rebels. Is this due to expensive actor likeness contract bs, or do the animation studios not have confidence in the new trilogy as worthwhile material?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Its because no one liked the sequels. For all their faults and failings at least the prequels had cool shit in them. All the cool stuff that was in TFA like snoke or kylo ren were ruined by TLJ

  2. 2 weeks ago

    The prequels had a setting that was different enough from the OT to be interesting, the sequel trilogy is just the OT but much dumber

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I like sequels but they never got to form there own identity. It's much harder to make spin off content around that. If they were set a good couple generations after the originals I'm pretty sure we would've had spin offs.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Prequels had lots of things to differentiate them from the originals, so there's plenty to draw from to make new stuff, even if the movies themselves weren't good. The sequels were just retreads of the originals, so if you want to make something in their setting you may as well make it in the setting of the originals instead, since everybody already loves them.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    The movies happened to be the whole deal in Resistance. But yeah, even Kylo only made brief appearances threatening his subordinates through holograms.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I mean the prequel cast is actually unique in this. There's not really any cartoons about the OT cast. Rebels didn't have them show up as far as I know.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Rebels didn't have them show up as far as I know.
      Darth Vader was present pretty frequently. Palpatine also showed up.
      Tarkin showed up a few times.
      Old Ben Kenobi showed up looking like Alec Guinness
      Leia had an episode focusing on her.
      Lando had an episode and a cameo.
      Mon Mothma was there once.
      And Wedge Antilles got a surprising amount of screen time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Rebels even found a lot of time for Jan Dodonna

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah but Clone Wars specifically is about Anakin and Obi-Wan along with the rest of the prequel cast and obvious OCs in Ahsoka. Rebels is a cast of OCs that occasionally intersect with OT characters. It's be different if Rebels was the Luke and Han show.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >There's not really any cartoons about the OT cast.
      Well there is one.... but we don't talk about it

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >yet none of the 7-9 trilogy cast had made any appearance in the cartoon tie-ins
    Poe Dameron made numerous appearances in Resistance. Voiced by Oscar Isaac, even. The Poe episodes were easily the best ones in that entire show.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    I will never understand the psychology of mentally invalid children who "liked" the prequels and anything they spawned.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Attack of the Clones opened up a lot of opportunities. Even fans of the lowest common denominator could fantasize about self-inserting themselves as a Jedi during the Clone Wars who also somehow surviving Order 66 and yada yada.

      The new trilogy gave both cartoon and tv studios NOTHING to work with. The treasure hunt quest of TLJ should've been a cartoon tie-in instead.

      If there's one thing I would change about the new trilogy, it would be that Luke went into exile with other Jedi pupils who survived Kylo's tantrum-driven purge. Rey convinces the pupils to come out of hiding leading to a square off against the Knights of Ren. There, I just gave Disney millions in toy merchandise except Rian Johnson chose to throw away the Knights of Ren plotline JJ Abrams set up in the first movie.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    didn't they just announce a new Rey movie?

    anyway Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma (partly voiced by Gwendolin Christie) and General Hux (part voiced by Domhnall Gleeson) all appeared in Resistance (this is like Christopher Lee and Samuel L. Jackson both appearing in the Clone Wars movie and being voiced by other actors in the series that followed it)

    • 2 weeks ago

      That got canceled.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Rip off

  11. 2 weeks ago

    John Boyega had a big falling-out with Disney over the direction of Finn, straight up said "They won't get me on Disney Plus!"
    I don't blame him, really. Finn got done real dirty.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    They shot themselves in the foot by having the movies take place right after one another the clone wars was set with enough time you can fill the time with literally anything and still have it fit

    • 2 weeks ago

      Additionaly, in the Prequels you have all that background set by the films. You have the politicians, the war stuff, the jedi thing, you can go bounty hunters, droids or even gungan comedy.

      what background did the Sequels provide?The Republic is in power yet they are the resistance.... and that's it. You only have FO and the rebels (which is the same kinda problem you could say about the original films and thats why they diversified in the EU).

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