it really is a mystery of the modern age how hank was able to function properly

it really is a mystery of the modern age how hank was able to function properly
>sees a drawing of a bald man with a goatee and glasses
>''well surely this isn't meant to be the only bald man with goatee and glasses that i know''
>''and surely not the only man that i know that would know the meaning of the name HEISENBERG''
>''and surely not the only man that i know that would have the necessary chemistry skills to cook meth''

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  1. 5 months ago

    his mind was permanently clouded by the thought of sex gifs, minerals and Marie hand jobs

    • 5 months ago

      >Marie hand jobs
      dear god, the worst kind.

      • 5 months ago

        >dear god, the worst kind.
        Yes, keep resisting.

      • 5 months ago

        you gay or something?

      • 5 months ago

        marie was the hottest, second only to lydia and heroin gf

        • 5 months ago

          >marie was the hottest
          >despite being second (and somehow not third?) to two people
          sort yourself out mate

        • 5 months ago

          nuh uh

          • 5 months ago

            She had nice breasts, could've been fatter.
            But she is such an insufferable c**t.

      • 5 months ago

        Speak for yourself, I actually got a bit of a half chub when that scene occurred
        Been plotting to get a public stealth handjob ever since

      • 5 months ago

        Hand jobs just suck in general. I can do better on my own, thanks, try something else

        • 5 months ago

          >id rather have a mans hand on my wiener than a womans

          • 5 months ago

            Rather have a woman's mouth on my wiener than a man's hand, homosexual. I'm just saying between her hand and mine, I'm better at fapping than she is.

            • 5 months ago

              >im better at playing with wieners than a woman is
              also pretty gay m8

  2. 5 months ago

    Hanks paradox of being somehow one of the most skilled, capable, intelligent, brave DAA agent yet utterly oblivious to Walt's real activities is perhaps the biggest flaw in the show
    >knows Jesse is working with Heisenberg
    >knows Walt has been in contact with Jesse
    >knows Walt has two cellphones and is hiding a secret from his wife
    >knows the equipment Heinsenberg is using was taken from Walts school
    >knows Walt is on the brink of bankruptcy and is acting increasingly more erratic
    And this is all information Walt has by the end of Season 1. Hank should've found out by Season 2 at the latest.

    • 5 months ago

      you're dumb as frick, hank didn't respect walt and could never see past the "bumbling science teacher" view he had of him

    • 5 months ago

      the equipment Heinsenberg is using was taken from Walts school
      The most perplexing part in all of this is that you can literally walk down to any shop that sells them and buy these with no questions asked, doubly so if you're a chemistry teacher or another stemgay. Everything in the mobile meth lab is piss cheap too. I don't know why they put so much emphasis on it to begin with.

    • 5 months ago

      Hank's the one who told Walt he could get rich making meth. I think he set him up on purpose to get Gus.

      • 5 months ago

        Are you people memeing or are you moronic? Hank is the one who made Walt cook in the first place. Hank knew the entire time.

        I already said that, stop stealing my posts.

        and get out of my walls

    • 5 months ago

      you're dumb as frick, hank didn't respect walt and could never see past the "bumbling science teacher" view he had of him

      He literally never had one single suspicion Walt was Heisenberg until he read the book.
      He was 100% convinced Walt was the spineless nerd he thought he was

      Are you people memeing or are you moronic? Hank is the one who made Walt cook in the first place. Hank knew the entire time.

      • 5 months ago

        Hank even gave Walter a black eye to remind him who was running things.

    • 5 months ago

      it really is a mystery of the modern age how hank was able to function properly
      >sees a drawing of a bald man with a goatee and glasses
      >''well surely this isn't meant to be the only bald man with goatee and glasses that i know''
      >''and surely not the only man that i know that would know the meaning of the name HEISENBERG''
      >''and surely not the only man that i know that would have the necessary chemistry skills to cook meth''

      This show was always a goofy live action cartoon for adults.
      >two face gus
      >i am le one who knocks
      >machine gun in trunk killing nazis
      >magnets b***h
      >any scene with le 4d chessmaster gus
      >it's not le meth
      >the two assassin brothers

      • 5 months ago

        Literally an entire 40 minute episode about some loony toons shit trying and failing to kill a fly.

        God dammit that pissed me off

        • 5 months ago

          See the director and everything will make more sense.
          That guy is poison

        • 5 months ago

          See the director and everything will make more sense.
          That guy is poison

          Fly was kino and you got filtered.

          • 5 months ago

            You must be 18 to post here, and 10 to be allowed on the internet. Go grab a magnet off your dad's fridge and stick it to your computer.

            • 5 months ago

              That actually doesn't do much damage anymore. Especially not a fridge-tier one.

              • 5 months ago

                Kids these days with your fancy shmancy magnet repelling computer hard drive discs

      • 5 months ago

        People never mention Gus psychic bomb detector in the car park.

      • 5 months ago

        The get out of my territory scene is every nerd's pathetic power fantasy where the big angry guy is placate with words. That guy had no reason to not just murder Walt, literally none. Or at least just follow Walt home and kill him later. Whats Walt going to do call the fricking cops? Hell if any criminal really wanted they couldve followed Walt and then ratted him out because he was doing that sort of shit in his own car while not trying to obscure his identity.

        • 5 months ago

          It was a bluff. He wouldn’t have done that if he hadn’t already established his reputation as Heisenberg.

  3. 5 months ago

    He literally never had one single suspicion Walt was Heisenberg until he read the book.
    He was 100% convinced Walt was the spineless nerd he thought he was

    • 5 months ago

      he also was ready to close the case after Gale was kill, but decided to give another go only after Walt went all smug about it. so that added up to his suspicion later

  4. 5 months ago

    based no theory of mind autist

    Hank interacted with more people than the characters the audience sees. He was constantly exposed to hundreds of thousands of hardened criminals. Walt was about as far away from what he would have expected Heisenberg to be based on experience.
    It was the distinct specificity of the book that made it undeniable.

  5. 5 months ago

    Sex with purple wife Marie

  6. 5 months ago

    His brother in law was a cuck loser who lets everyone walk all over him. Of course he wouldn't think he is a crime lord, even if had a slight physical resemblance to one.

    Also what the frick does Hank know about Walt's expertise in Crystallography? He just knows him as a dead-end job high school teacher. Those don't tend to be masters of science or engineering, or they wouldn't be high school teachers.

  7. 5 months ago

    wtf does the real life figure Heisenberg have to do with meth?

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