It saddens me that it became cool among zoomers to hate the FoX-Men films.

It saddens me that it became cool among zoomers to hate the FoX-Men films. However uneven they were, the good ones were really damn good, and they overall paved the way for the MCU alongside Raimi's Spider-Man films.

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  1. 2 years ago

    X2 is better than most mcu movies

    • 2 years ago

      Another npc who heard dozens of people praise X2 in particular and repeats after them, having no particular reason of his own to like it best. The first movie is still the best/most novel.

      • 2 years ago

        Wizard magazine pushed "X2 is the greatest comic book movie of all time" so hard it just became accepted wisdom amongst X-Men fans. Wizard changed their minds by the time of Spider-Man 2, but there are still a lot of people who'll swear that X2 is the absolute peak of comics movies because those movies about other superheroes can't possibly be better. Honestly, the X-Men movies just never managed to do as good a job of being ensemble cast team movies as other comic team movies did, it's basically just a few characters that actually matter.

        • 2 years ago

          I watched these movies when they were coming out. I was indifferent to the first one, I liked the second one and hated the third one like everyone else who watched last stand

          • 2 years ago

            >and hated the third one like everyone else who watched last stand
            Oddly, that one was hated by critics and by X-Men fandom, but was the most successful and popular one with normies until DoFP, which overperformed internationally compared with the rest of the series.

            • 2 years ago

              I'll never understand why, it was a really bad movie and nobody remembers anything from that movie. but everyone talks about the magneto breakout in X2 to this day

              • 2 years ago

                Magneto lifting the bridge was pretty memorable.

            • 2 years ago

              >the most successful and popular one with normies

              Because 1 and 2 got so much hype everyone came back to 3. 3 sucked and thats why the franchise stagnated until DOFP.

    • 2 years ago

      X-2 is like a 7/10 at best anon

  2. 2 years ago

    >It saddens me that it became cool among zoomers to hate the FoX-Men films.
    Literally where and when?
    Half of these are well-liked

  3. 2 years ago

    They were barely good. I saw X-Men in theaters and was underwhelmed even then, we all were. X2 was cool, the Deadpools are fun I guess as live action cartoons. That's about it. Logan is overrated as hell.

    • 2 years ago

      >Logan is overrated as hell.
      I'm going to say it's rated as it should be. There isn't a single thing I don't dislike about the movie.

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly. It's not a perfect movie but out of all the Fox X-Men movies it has the best action, best character moments, and it also has a kickass soundtrack. It's just such a great Swan Song for a franchise that has been severely inconsistent.

    • 2 years ago

      As overrated as it is, I think it would've made for a way better ending to the franchise than either Dark Phoenix or New Mutants.

  4. 2 years ago

    I was thinking about X-movies the other days how I seen almost all of them except dark Phoenix and New Mutants.

    That if it's worth it to watch, I'm tempted to see it before MCU-X comes out.

  5. 2 years ago

    I taught in a high school in 2017-2018. That was, what, two years(?),after that first Deadpool movie? And I'd say around 1/4 of my kids owned multiple Deadpool shirts, backpacks, etc. It was huge. No clue how they felt about the X-Men movies, but those Deadpool movies made bank for whoever ran the merchandising department. I assume that's Marvel. Maybe FOX got a cut.

  6. 2 years ago

    They fricking sucked
    They might as well just call all the movies they shit out 'our attempt at marketing it to the teens and onions adults so we can make cash'

    • 2 years ago

      >They might as well just call all the movies they shit out 'our attempt at marketing it to the teens and onions adults so we can make cash'
      This. Brian Singer's Big Gay Colorful Casting Couch: The Franchise

    • 2 years ago

      “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” and “Logan” are better than any MCU movie, and are arguably two of the best superhero movies ever made.

      • 2 years ago

        Days of Future Past is like Iron Man 2 tier, some fun action but the actual story is lol
        Logan is great though

  7. 2 years ago

    >the year Logan killed the MCU

  8. 2 years ago

    Yes, FoXmen paved the way and walked so MCU could run but they sure did shit the bed at times with installments like the wolverine, apocalypse, and both of the dark phoenix. Tbf, mcu had plenty of stinkers during their first few phases as well. It's just the cycle repeating itself

  9. 2 years ago

    The first two X-Men films were better than any MCU film (I haven't watched most MCU films). X-Men 3 was shit. I didn't watch any of the rest, and will now hide this thread as I couldn't give two short shits about any of your opinions.

  10. 2 years ago

    Cinemaphile really is really the oficial consoomer board of Cinemaphile

    • 2 years ago

      Yep. Complete with "COULD DA AVENGERS DEFEAT DA BOYS" tier threads.

  11. 2 years ago

    The best superhero franchise by far and it's not close

  12. 2 years ago

    LOGAN is gritty grim dark shit, not that some wolverine comics aren't, but the movie is like a western with a marvel character as the lead. It barely even seemed like a cape movie at most times.

    • 2 years ago

      And that's a good thing.

    • 2 years ago

      >a western with a marvel character as the lead
      You say it like it's a bad thing.

  13. 2 years ago

    I was just thinking back on how much I liked X-men 1 and its soundtrack and how Ian McKellan got the best and most memorable lines out of that movie.

    >The conversation with Charles near the start
    >"Are you a god fearing man, senator?"
    >The standoff with the police
    >Talking to Rogue about the Statue of Liberty and America
    >The final scene with the Chessboard

    And then I remember how they wasted Apocalypse to show literally anyone else but they still managed to give him 1 great speech that made him sound like Apocalypse should. I still say he should have killed JLaw Mystique so Storm could become a proper Xman.

    There was too much focused on the wrong things primarily Fassbender and JLaw, and some of McAvoy/Byrne.

    • 2 years ago

      >Ian McKellan got the best and most memorable lines out of that movie.
      It's hard to not to read Magneto's comic dialogue in his voice. He was such a great, charismatic villain.

      Little kid me got chills in the theater when pic related happened in X2.

  14. 2 years ago

    Great, Nostalgic to me still

    Not great, Very disappointing after the first 2

    >Origins: Wolverine
    Only the game is good, I ignored the movie

    >First Class, DOFP, Wolverine
    They were alright, yeah. There are some bits and pieces I wish could have been done better.

    Had issues. There were more things I wish they did better

    >Logan, Deadpool, Dark Phoenix
    Never watched

    >Deadpool 2
    Pretty funny

    • 2 years ago

      I suggest you rewatch “Days Of Future Past” (maybe “First Class” too.) My memory of seeing the former in theaters made me think of it as not very good, but after rewatching it I really, really like it; this post is also mine

      “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” and “Logan” are better than any MCU movie, and are arguably two of the best superhero movies ever made.


      • 2 years ago

        They weren't bad there were just things I'd have liked done differently.

        For Instance: The Future Sentinels are great but the Past Sentinels don't get to do anything as cool.

        The idea of JFK and the magic bullet doesn't get done the way I thought it would.

        Magneto is instead trying to save him because he's a mutant? and it's quickly brushed aside.

        • 2 years ago

          Charles reacts to Erik telling him he tried to save JFK with (essentially saying) “I can’t believe I believed you for even a second” (or something like that; essentially Charles believes Erik is lying.) Later it is shown, when Mystique jumps out of the window of the building in which the Paris Peace Accords are happening in, that Erik curves a bullet accordingly to hit mystique in the leg. I assume the emphasis on the curved bullet in the mystique scene is to show that Charles was right; Erik was in fact lying about trying to save JFK; he actually killed him.
          I suppose the only question this brings up now is, if a president was killed by a mutant and individuals like Charles and Hank know, wouldn’t congress be more willing to fund the sentinels if they know that a mutant can kill the president? I may have to watch again to see if this point is addressed but it may be one of if not the only plot hole(s) in the movie.

        • 2 years ago

          Charles reacts to Erik telling him he tried to save JFK with (essentially saying) “I can’t believe I believed you for even a second” (or something like that; essentially Charles believes Erik is lying.) Later it is shown, when Mystique jumps out of the window of the building in which the Paris Peace Accords are happening in, that Erik curves a bullet accordingly to hit mystique in the leg. I assume the emphasis on the curved bullet in the mystique scene is to show that Charles was right; Erik was in fact lying about trying to save JFK; he actually killed him.
          I suppose the only question this brings up now is, if a president was killed by a mutant and individuals like Charles and Hank know, wouldn’t congress be more willing to fund the sentinels if they know that a mutant can kill the president? I may have to watch again to see if this point is addressed but it may be one of if not the only plot hole(s) in the movie.

          (I should’ve written “the Paris Peace Accords are taking place in”.)

  15. 2 years ago

    When they came out the idea that a movie would have to pick up after the last one ended with end credit scenes being critical moments in the next film was not like now.

  16. 2 years ago

    I think X-men should stay in the 90's.

    Time period wise

  17. 2 years ago

    To think if Apocalypse did well Fox would not get sold to Disney

  18. 2 years ago

    >tfw the best ones were all directed by a literal, unironic pedophile not just a culture war meme

    • 2 years ago

      Except for Apocalypse.

      They don't truly make Apocalypse large (only in Xavier's mind) and grandiose (only in 1 speech)
      They repeat the Quicksilver gag but 80s
      Jubilee wasn't there
      Storm being on Apocalypse' side goes nowhere
      Archangel goes nowhere
      Havok died but nobody cared, even his younger brother got over it quick
      Psylocke did frick all
      The kids don't do much, most of the focus is on the First Class/DOFP cast again the most egregious of which is another Magneto is bad moment
      Back to Alkali Lake for some more Logan wank and also to tantalize people who like Jean/Logan

  19. 2 years ago

    >unfunny garbage
    >boring trash
    >unfunny garbage
    >not cinema

    my mcu ranking. rip me to shreds, lads

    • 2 years ago

      civil war sucked as a movie and as a comic
      black panther was shit
      the original avengers and antman should be hire
      move ragnarok and GOTG 2 lower. hulk should be higher.

  20. 2 years ago

    It will pass. For about 5 minutes it was trendy to mock the Rami trilogy when the first Garfield film was coming out, then it became fashionable to hate Garfield when he wasn't included in the MCU. Now both versions are loved arguably more than Holland's because the glitz of him being next to the Avengers wore off and people recognized he was underdeveloped. X-Men, especially post-trilogy X-Men were similarly devalued because they were seen as a competitor to the MCU and holding up the progress of being integrated into the "proper" canon. Now that fatigue of Kevin's shared universe is truly beginning in the wake of Endgame, you will see an outpouring of appreciation for the FoX-Men films, at least the older ones and a few prequels, especially when the new MCU versions are found to be milquetoast and market tested to death.

    There's no denying that the FOX series overstayed its welcome, having two very good chances to make a graceful exit (DoFP, Logan), but still they did lay the ground word for a lot of shit and for the time being remain the single longest running cape film franchise.

  21. 2 years ago

    FoX-Men movies and current MCU films have something in common. Industry Sabatoge.

  22. 2 years ago

    One legit advantage the MCU has always had over the FoXmen movies was the ability to keep most of its actors aside from og War Machine and og Hulk in line and to keep a semi coherent narrative

    -We never see Sabretooth or Toad again cuz frickit, Until the past where we see them again
    -We never see Nightcrawler afterwards cuz Alan Cumming doesn't want to do the makeup again
    -Before X3, we had two different actresses for Shadowkat in past movies and different actresses for Jubilee. Oh and also Colossus.
    -Look man the actor has to be in Superman so let's just kill him off in X3
    -Look Jlaw doesn't want to be in the blue makeup and rather than digitally tint her skin to blue she'll just be JLaw now
    -Magneto leading the Hellfire Club consisting of Angel, Mystique, Riptide, Azazel (Who we could develop into a romance with JLaw to explain Nightcrawler) and White Queen? Let's kill most of them off next movie
    -Everybody came back for DOFP at least. They still kinda cut Rogue out of the movie.
    -Hey we brought back Moira and Havok! What? Where's Banshee? Who's Banshee?

    • 2 years ago

      -Much like Rogue in DOFP Jubilee is cut out of Apocalypse

      There was nobody at the helm to keep a consistent plan and maintaining almost all the actors wasn't a thing at the time like it is with Marvel nowadays

    • 2 years ago

      >We never see Sabretooth or Toad again cuz frickit

      They fricking died.

      • 2 years ago

        Tfw when Toad was supposed to have a fight with Nightcrawler but Ray Parker was busy.

  23. 2 years ago

    where is new mutants?

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