It was weird as frick but not bad. Pratt Mario is unironically just his fat guy voice with a slight accent.

It was weird as frick but not bad.
Pratt Mario is unironically just his fat guy voice with a slight accent.
Peach girlbosses a bit but is otherwise fine.
Jack Black is just playing Jack Black with a dragon roar filter on his voice.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I cooka da pizza.

    • 2 years ago

      Mama mia

  2. 2 years ago

    Meh, I might watch it then. Hell I might even make popcorn.
    But frick the cinema's.

  3. 2 years ago

    Wow only someone who definitely saw this film could go into such specific detail, I believe you

    • 2 years ago

      OP's dad works at Illumination.

      • 2 years ago

        My uncle, he works for Nintendo, he said after the credits you get to see Peach's breasts!

    • 2 years ago

      I could give you a plot write up and it would make about as much sense to you as it did to me, which wasn't much. movie feels like a shitcrazy hodge podge of situations that we pass thru due to the magic pipes. Literally goes from city to sewers to the mushroom kingdom to a jungle to a desert before ending up on volcano castle. Kids high on soda and candy screaming through didn't help.

      Define dragon roar filter?

      benedict cumberbatch's voice as the dragon in The Hobbit literally that growly filter but on Jack Black

      Is it a complete origin story, or is the origin just the opening monologue/montage, followed by a new original story? Also, any tongue-in-cheek references to the old live action movie, a la Deadpool?

      It's an origin. We see the bros. working in blue collar stuff before ending up in the kingdom thru a pipe. It's basically the arcade game leading into the NES game. First scene is actualy Mario and Luigi childhood in pixels. no we dont see their parents faces.

      • 2 years ago

        >I could give you a plot write up and it would make about as much sense to you as it did to me, which wasn't much. movie feels like a shitcrazy hodge podge of situations that we pass thru due to the magic pipes. Literally goes from city to sewers to the mushroom kingdom to a jungle to a desert before ending up on volcano castle. Kids high on soda and candy screaming through didn't help.
        Yeah that sounds just too far out there for me, and I doubt i'd be able to follow anyway. All those locations, What were they smoking and uh, where can I get some?

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Could you give a plot write up as well as what you thought overall?

        Also, what was the animation style like?

        • 2 years ago

          I thought it had good jokes but the story only barely makes sense
          Plot is an Alice in Wonderland deal. Mario and his brother live in a normal-ish cartoon city and work as plumbers, Mario doesn't like the monotomy and their butthole boss (who straight up looks like a cartoon israelite with a spanish accent, which is absurd) makes it worse. A construction site they're doing pipework at gets invaded by Donkey Kong who causes a ruckus and Mario and Luigi have to deal with him due to their contract. They beat him and Kong escapes to the sewers, which Mario has to go for because he took his hat (lol) and because their boss wants to sell him to the zoo to make up for the money loss.
          They find weird evidence of bananas and other weird things in the sewers that shouldnt be there and trying to grab Mario's hat Kong left behind from the top of a mechanical swivel they drop into some old pipe that brings them to the Mario world ( as in, the world we know from the games, not the SNES game's world ) and they end up finding out they are in a world full of talking mushrooms and plants and other weird things, the toads bring them to the castle because the kingdom's pipe warp zone has been weird recently and Peach needs help.
          Cue a segment where Mario is super into this weird world but Luigi is all put off and wants to go home but Mario likes to wander, they meet the princess (she clearly likes Mario's moustache, it shines ) and find out some shit about how the princess has a duty to tend to the Warp Pipe network that connects shit. They try to check out the pipework beneath the castle and they find out its weird because it's clogged with koopa minions (one which blows an attack horn) that starts an invasion(???) from all pipes.

          Bowser arrives his clowncopter and takes Peach, he brushes Mario off like nothing and thinks he is the castle's gardner. Thats a detail that was fun, Bowser never calls Mario until near the end and keeps calling him different shity jobs
          shit i hit limit

          • 2 years ago

            The guy who looks like a israelite with a Spanish accent is Foreman Spike from Wrecking Crew. In the game he’s Mario and Luigi’s boss as they work as construction workers. So it’s nice to hear that they incorporated that into the film.

            Plot sounds fine to me and what I pretty much expected from your description and what’s been indicated from the details we know: a simple but fun origin story that goes through the Mario world.

            What was the animation style like? Was different from Illumination’s previous films and were there any sequences that stood out to you?

            • 2 years ago

              -donkey kong takes his monkey friends to the city to eat bananas, bowser fumes in his castle and finally says that the plumber made it personal (gets mario's name right for once) and will get "Mario and Linguini" which made people kek
              The animation looked like standard Hollywood stuff to me, it wasn't all finished, but it looked like what you'd expect to, the one weird thing that stuck out to me is that the human characters dont have lips. their faces are smooth in a cartoon way and their teeth and mouth seemed cartoonier than they look in the games too (think Felix the Cat when he smiles)

              • 2 years ago

                Interesting. Was it cartoony in like a Hotel Transylvania way? Or was it like that recent DreamWorks movie that came out? I think it was “The Bad Guys”?

              • 2 years ago
                time to run

                wait but what about the old forgotten Mario characters cameo you didn't see any tho??? ):

          • 2 years ago

            lemme make it quicker for the word limit
            -Bowser runs away with Peach
            -He wants to control the warp pipes to expand his kingdom, only peach has the masterkey and she'll be kept captive and her people trapped in bricks til she gives up the masterkey
            -Luigi pussies out but Mario thinks this is the adventure they always wanted
            -Luigi tags along after being hesitant and with toads help they try and fix pipes to go after bowser
            -after some comedy ending up in wrong places they end up iin a jungle area where they meet donkey kong and his family, they are being attacked by bowser too and Dong was trying to get to his castle but is a moron and ended up in the city, mario and luigi and him team up and peach's main toad arrives to tell them he knows the way to the koopa lava hideout
            -Peach pisses Bowser off, his wizard minion uses a crystal ball to find out Peach put the key on Luigi's pocket and sends army to attack him
            -They end up trapped in a desert during attack that breaks pipe and Mario needs Luigi to help fix it but Luigi isnt collaborating cuz Mario neevr listens, they bond after Luigi almost gets taken away by witch and manage to fix pipes to go to to a lava land
            -They use turtle shells to pretend to be soldiers and sneak in (Kong looks hilariously bad but it works), until they meet Bowser 's son who causes a ruckus and they get found out
            -Bowser sends his whole army but theyre getting owned now that Kong is helping, he decides to use Peach as bait for the group and sends his witch to deal with Mario and Luigi while he fights Kong, Mario beats the witch and Bowser Junior but the witch teleports Luigi to Bowser's hand just as he beats Kong, he gets the masterkey, but Mario fights him on the classic game flaming bridge (in front of his castle, not inside in this one) and using the same jump he did to beat DK early in the movie he steals the key and cuts the bridge with an axe
            -everybodys happy, go back home, mario and luigi open own business in kingdom

            I hope this is real because that's about as good as an Illumination Mario movie could be. I'm sure the action is more like slapstick, though, and I'm sure any tense moments are immediately undercut with their lame comedy. Still, at least there's hope. Thanks, OP.

          • 2 years ago

            This actually sounds...good. It's pretty in-line with how I'd handle it. Of course, this is just a brief blurb so who knows what the execution is like.

          • 2 years ago

            >A construction site they're doing pipework at gets invaded by Donkey Kong who causes a ruckus and Mario and Luigi have to deal with him due to their contract

            That idea is so absurd that it actually makes me chuckle.

            >Hey, why aren't you two greaseballs working?
            >What? Dude, there's a giant talking ape smashing the site. We're not getting involved in that shit.
            >YOU ARE IF YOU WANT TO GET PAID! Grab a hammer and get rid of that goddamn monkey or you're fired!

            • 2 years ago

              So Foreman Spike is the Benson to Mario and Luigi's Mordecai and Rigby? Interesting.

          • 2 years ago

            >she clearly likes Mario's moustache, it shines

          • 2 years ago

            OMG is just like my idea, darn they stole from me lol like is scarily close and I counted my movie idea as the superior idea, meaning I will like this 99%
            My movie idea from a time AGO (meaning before it was even announced) was exactly the same, Mario and Luigi working as plumbers in a city getting teleported by pipes to another dimension, Luigi being a scaredy cat and Mario wanting the adventure, Peach being more girlboss, Kamek as Bowser's side-kick, ect., etc. is all there, they made what I would have wrote. I am excited for now!

            • 2 years ago

              That was basically my idea too, minus Peach being a girlboss (I prefer Peach really owning up her damsel in distress role by being a total airhead). I guess it's just an obvious storyline to use.

              • 2 years ago

                (Same anon) Ya-ha seems Mario can't be done differently, I mean, my second idea was putting Mario inside the Mushroom Kingdom and make him part of the world BUT it doesn't matter if we all know Mario, you need someone explaining stuff and the best way is to make the plumber himself an alien to the new world. Although my idea actually explains how Peach is a human in a Toad world, I hope this movie does that in the future (a Peach solo film?)
                OH, hey OP, does Pauline appears in this movie? I made my idea before Odyssey but she was included as a minor mention, does Pauline has the same faith in the actual movie?

              • 2 years ago

                >OH, hey OP, does Pauline appears in this movie? I made my idea before Odyssey but she was included as a minor mention, does Pauline has the same faith in the actual movie?
                I too had the idea to start in New Donk before the name "New Donk" was even coined.

              • 2 years ago

                Same minds think alike? Nay Mario might be the problem, too easy to write things about.

          • 2 years ago

            I wrote this movie when I was 17. Hollywood screenwriters are fricking hacks.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like they were inspired by this comic, especially the opening chapters.

          • 2 years ago

            >a cartoon israelite with a spanish accent, which is absurd
            But Spain has a storied israeli community, anon.

          • 2 years ago

            lemme make it quicker for the word limit
            -Bowser runs away with Peach
            -He wants to control the warp pipes to expand his kingdom, only peach has the masterkey and she'll be kept captive and her people trapped in bricks til she gives up the masterkey
            -Luigi pussies out but Mario thinks this is the adventure they always wanted
            -Luigi tags along after being hesitant and with toads help they try and fix pipes to go after bowser
            -after some comedy ending up in wrong places they end up iin a jungle area where they meet donkey kong and his family, they are being attacked by bowser too and Dong was trying to get to his castle but is a moron and ended up in the city, mario and luigi and him team up and peach's main toad arrives to tell them he knows the way to the koopa lava hideout
            -Peach pisses Bowser off, his wizard minion uses a crystal ball to find out Peach put the key on Luigi's pocket and sends army to attack him
            -They end up trapped in a desert during attack that breaks pipe and Mario needs Luigi to help fix it but Luigi isnt collaborating cuz Mario neevr listens, they bond after Luigi almost gets taken away by witch and manage to fix pipes to go to to a lava land
            -They use turtle shells to pretend to be soldiers and sneak in (Kong looks hilariously bad but it works), until they meet Bowser 's son who causes a ruckus and they get found out
            -Bowser sends his whole army but theyre getting owned now that Kong is helping, he decides to use Peach as bait for the group and sends his witch to deal with Mario and Luigi while he fights Kong, Mario beats the witch and Bowser Junior but the witch teleports Luigi to Bowser's hand just as he beats Kong, he gets the masterkey, but Mario fights him on the classic game flaming bridge (in front of his castle, not inside in this one) and using the same jump he did to beat DK early in the movie he steals the key and cuts the bridge with an axe
            -everybodys happy, go back home, mario and luigi open own business in kingdom

            what the frick, I like this, it's the sonic movie all over again

        • 2 years ago

          lemme make it quicker for the word limit
          -Bowser runs away with Peach
          -He wants to control the warp pipes to expand his kingdom, only peach has the masterkey and she'll be kept captive and her people trapped in bricks til she gives up the masterkey
          -Luigi pussies out but Mario thinks this is the adventure they always wanted
          -Luigi tags along after being hesitant and with toads help they try and fix pipes to go after bowser
          -after some comedy ending up in wrong places they end up iin a jungle area where they meet donkey kong and his family, they are being attacked by bowser too and Dong was trying to get to his castle but is a moron and ended up in the city, mario and luigi and him team up and peach's main toad arrives to tell them he knows the way to the koopa lava hideout
          -Peach pisses Bowser off, his wizard minion uses a crystal ball to find out Peach put the key on Luigi's pocket and sends army to attack him
          -They end up trapped in a desert during attack that breaks pipe and Mario needs Luigi to help fix it but Luigi isnt collaborating cuz Mario neevr listens, they bond after Luigi almost gets taken away by witch and manage to fix pipes to go to to a lava land
          -They use turtle shells to pretend to be soldiers and sneak in (Kong looks hilariously bad but it works), until they meet Bowser 's son who causes a ruckus and they get found out
          -Bowser sends his whole army but theyre getting owned now that Kong is helping, he decides to use Peach as bait for the group and sends his witch to deal with Mario and Luigi while he fights Kong, Mario beats the witch and Bowser Junior but the witch teleports Luigi to Bowser's hand just as he beats Kong, he gets the masterkey, but Mario fights him on the classic game flaming bridge (in front of his castle, not inside in this one) and using the same jump he did to beat DK early in the movie he steals the key and cuts the bridge with an axe
          -everybodys happy, go back home, mario and luigi open own business in kingdom

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, as I said, this honestly sounds like a lot of fun. Simple sure, but fun.

            How would you describe the animation style?

          • 2 years ago

            Also, thank you for giving some info about it. They’ve been so secretive about this and hearing that they were actually doing test screenings for it today was relieving.

          • 2 years ago

            This sounds fun, what is everyone complaining about?

          • 2 years ago

            Is every toad voiced by Key?
            That's kinda unnerving to be honest.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think so. Peach's assistant Toad is him no doubt. Other toads different and mostly high, but Peach's assistant has a hip man voice and screams loudly out of a trumpet he carries around. I actualy think it is his voice in the credits song?

              That sounds different than what Illumination usually does. Granted, Minions 2 leaned a bit more in the cartoony side more than they usually do but it wasn’t like full throttle. But they’re mostly on model.

              I didn't see Minions 2. Again, the characters look like what you expect them to, it's really just the mouth that is different because it's smooth. my mspaint depiction shows it as well as i can

              Rate the movie out of 10

              Is it weird enough to be entertaining or just passably inoffensive?

              I don't think it's winning any awards, but its funny parts is the kind of humor that grown ass fricks like us can watch without cringing, mostly, i winced at some bits with the koopa turtles doing a force "dumb guy annoying monotone coworker" bit. 7/10

              If this is fake I'm going to kill myself, capeesh?

              You live

            • 2 years ago

              Not really, if he does this voice the entire time.


          • 2 years ago

            >Bowser 's son
            Junior is in, huh, any other character they haven't already confirmed in? Toadsworth, Daisy, Diddy Kong?

          • 2 years ago

            >They use turtle shells to pretend to be soldiers and sneak in

            I've actually seen that before, could be fake

          • 2 years ago

            Does Cranky Kong (DK's grandpa) show up in the movie? I think he was confirmed.

          • 2 years ago

            This might be Illumination's best honestly. Fun adventure vibes from this one.

            • 2 years ago
              Luigi Marinus

              It will probably be the best movie from Illumination since Sing 2.

              • 2 years ago

                It will be times better than Sing 2!

              • 2 years ago

                Infinite times better!

              • 2 years ago
                Luigi Marinus

                So it will be so powerful that it will beat Illumination’s magnus opus known as Sing 2?

          • 2 years ago

            sounds pretty decent all things considered

          • 2 years ago

            >beginning is roughly the plot of Mario Bros. 1 only Peach has a key instead of white magic that helps transform toads from blocks back into their original selves
            Movie should've reintroduced the white mage Peach back into the series, tbh. Last time she was one without "wish magic" was in Mario RPG.

            • 2 years ago
              time to run


      • 2 years ago

        >movie feels like a shitcrazy hodge podge of situations
        Oh, so like every Illumination film then.

  4. 2 years ago

    Define dragon roar filter?

  5. 2 years ago

    Is it a complete origin story, or is the origin just the opening monologue/montage, followed by a new original story? Also, any tongue-in-cheek references to the old live action movie, a la Deadpool?

  6. 2 years ago

    my fire balls

  7. 2 years ago

    Define "Girlboss" in this context.
    Does Peach attempt her own escape, like in the old SMB Adventures comic (the one where she dresses up as Luigi), or perhaps she gives some sort of quippy lecture about Bowser's toxic masculinity?

    • 2 years ago

      She's not scared of Bowser and makes life hard for her guards to distract them. there is a good gag about her handyman (Toad that ends up in her same cell) who can escape through a toilet to deliver messages to Mario and gets himself captured everytime to go back to the castle on purpose.

      • 2 years ago

        Ahh, so like Roxanne from the beginning of MegaMind. That's very good, actually.

      • 2 years ago

        Bowser/Peach is gonna have a field day if true.

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair, that's more or less exactly what Peach does in the Paper Mario games.

      • 2 years ago

        That's not without precedent in the lore.

        • 2 years ago

          Why would Peach be scared of Bowser? He clearly has a crush on her and has tried to marry her several times. She knows he wouldn't hurt her intentionally. Those kidnappings are just vacations from the daily life of a princess.

  8. 2 years ago

    Nice larp

  9. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Aziz Ansari as Mario
      Damn, kind of close strangely, just another actor from Parks and Rec

  10. 2 years ago

    Does it have a sequence in which Mario and Luigi fight and/or have some misunderstanding and separate as sad music plays?
    I hate those and they’re in every cartoon movie nowadays it seems

    • 2 years ago

      OP please I need to know

      It doesn’t recreate this scene or anything like it, does it?

    • 2 years ago

      It does lol, Luigi is the "surviving is good enough" brother, Mario wants to "live". Luigi lets himself get pushed around by Mario all the time and finally snaps when theyre in a desert and Mario realizes in their whole life made Luigi decisions for him (thats why Luigi dresses like Mario but green) and they only make up after luigi is almost taken away but escapes because of Mario teaching him how to spin a cork to open tomato sauce bottle early in the movie (this makes sense in context i assure)

      I hope this is real because that's about as good as an Illumination Mario movie could be. I'm sure the action is more like slapstick, though, and I'm sure any tense moments are immediately undercut with their lame comedy. Still, at least there's hope. Thanks, OP.

      There's no Spiderverse action or whatever no, it's normal kids cartoon fare. Donkey Kong beats people up tho

      This sounds fun, what is everyone complaining about?

      I felt like it was chaotic and some locations pass by too fast, the jungle thing with Donkey Kong's family could lasted longer, Diddy dont even talk

      OP please I need to know

      It doesn’t recreate this scene or anything like it, does it?

      the entire final act happens near a bowser castle that reminded me a lot of the dragon castle in Shrek lmao, but no music with lyrics, only credits had music ( a remix of Thats Amore with videogame sounds, i am not shitting you )

      Interesting. Was it cartoony in like a Hotel Transylvania way? Or was it like that recent DreamWorks movie that came out? I think it was “The Bad Guys”?

      There's noodle limbs on some expressions and faces distort if thats what youre asking.

      • 2 years ago

        That sounds different than what Illumination usually does. Granted, Minions 2 leaned a bit more in the cartoony side more than they usually do but it wasn’t like full throttle. But they’re mostly on model.

      • 2 years ago

        Is Tiny Kong in it?

        • 2 years ago

          Man I wish this design was in more games.
          Then again, I should be grateful it's in as many games as it is.

      • 2 years ago
        time to run

        well this sucks I expected more the movie probably gonna be mid AF X_X

        • 2 years ago

          It won’t be mid at all because we made this movie.

          • 2 years ago
            time to run

            when do I get to see a trailer for it tho

            • 2 years ago

              Like I said. Tomorrow.

              • 2 years ago
                time to run

                ok yayy

  11. 2 years ago

    Rate the movie out of 10

    • 2 years ago
      Luigi Marinus

      10/10 best movie ever!

  12. 2 years ago

    Is it weird enough to be entertaining or just passably inoffensive?

  13. 2 years ago

    If this is fake I'm going to kill myself, capeesh?

  14. 2 years ago

    Is it better than Sonic 2?

    • 2 years ago

      There is no sassy black woman wedding segment so it sat better in my stomach by default

      How much of the animation was actually finished?
      Are the character designs the same ones from the game?
      Any iconic Mario tunes in the movie's score?

      Most looked finished in important parts or atleast good enough to look finished to my chronically dry eyes, stuff without shadows was mostly in the middle at the desert and the ending had cuts with storyboards . there was alot of temp audio though, Peach's voice changed a few times and some crowd scenes had mouths moving with no sound. Luigi's actor is the stand out btw, he sounds like he is pissing himself convincingly
      They look like the games but smoother, they change clothes a few times before Mario puts on the overalls you know and love, I guess Peach's eyes are smarter looking too? she is not an airhead
      i recognize lots of tunes, the pipes had the cave music from SMB1 for sure, bowsers castle had the familiar tune too for sure

      Is Tiny Kong in it?

      Cranky, Diddy and Dixie are named on screen, theres some generics, that one didnt appear. you see his rhinoceros pal (who hates mario and luigi)

      How good were all the performances? (Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Toad, Donkey Kong, Cranky Kong, Kamek, Spike aka israeli guy with Spanish accent)

      I don't like how "Spike" sounded, felt a little too like a regular guy talking, everyone else was suitably cartoony. Jack Black is going nuts and is like a ferocious school bully. Peele is weird but is clearly meant to be; peach squeaks cute when shes mad. SETH ROGEN DONKEY KONG is good, it is just his usual voice but it worked with the faces he was making and people laughed. Very good bit where Luigi asks him why he didnt talk earlier and Kong says he tried but people at the city told him to shut up and die and Mario says sounds about right. Pratt is his fat guy voice with accent, if you saw Parks and Rec. If Kamek is the wizard then he was good, kinda sounded like a black baptist priest announcing his words

      I guess they took that Yoshi voreshit out, good.

      Yoshi was there! They see him when trying various pipes and his tongue is stuck on frozen pipe

      • 2 years ago

        >Very good bit where Luigi asks him why he didnt talk earlier and Kong says he tried but people at the city told him to "shut up and die, giant Black person" and Mario says sounds about right.
        Woah, Raimi!

      • 2 years ago

        >If Kamek is the wizard then he was good, kinda sounded like a black baptist priest announcing his words

      • 2 years ago

        >Cranky Kong
        But the Donkey Kong that attacks Mario in the Donkey Kong arcade IS Cranky Kong.

        • 2 years ago

          It's a movie

  15. 2 years ago

    How much of the animation was actually finished?
    Are the character designs the same ones from the game?
    Any iconic Mario tunes in the movie's score?

  16. 2 years ago
    Gold Mantis

    I mean, it sounds pretty legit. Saving thread for the future.

  17. 2 years ago

    How good were all the performances? (Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Toad, Donkey Kong, Cranky Kong, Kamek, Spike aka israeli guy with Spanish accent)

  18. 2 years ago

    Is NCU confirmed?

  19. 2 years ago

    I guess they took that Yoshi voreshit out, good.

  20. 2 years ago

    >Chris Fatt as Mario
    hmmm... I might now watch your movie
    >Seth Rogan is still in it

  21. 2 years ago

    This is fake as frick, everything you describe about this movie just sounds stupid

  22. 2 years ago

    Who does Charles Martinet voice???

    Also who were apart of Bowser's army?

    • 2 years ago

      I am confident I heard his voice in the city and Mario screams in his game voice when Bowser burns his butt in a fight.
      The only named characters in Bowser's group are himself, his wizard Kamek and his son, everything else is the enemies from the games. They have some reocurring minions though with their own voices.

      >A construction site they're doing pipework at gets invaded by Donkey Kong who causes a ruckus and Mario and Luigi have to deal with him due to their contract

      That idea is so absurd that it actually makes me chuckle.

      >Hey, why aren't you two greaseballs working?
      >What? Dude, there's a giant talking ape smashing the site. We're not getting involved in that shit.
      >YOU ARE IF YOU WANT TO GET PAID! Grab a hammer and get rid of that goddamn monkey or you're fired!

      That's about precisely what goes on, though Luigi is the one protesting while Mario seems to be amused at the change of pace. Mind you the city is not a real life city, it's kind of an absurd exaggeration with skyscrappers too tall and lots, lots, and lots of pipes and clutter, but it does look New Yorkish.

      This is fake as frick, everything you describe about this movie just sounds stupid

      You're reading my sparknotes bud, wait for the movie to judge yourself, but I tell you in advance it was jokey and hardly dramatic outside of a middle bit.

      • 2 years ago

        > They have some reoccurring minions with their own voices.
        No... it can't be...

        • 2 years ago

          That would make me whole year

        • 2 years ago
  23. 2 years ago

    Are there any power-ups in the movie like the Super Mushroom, the Fire Flower or the Raccoon Leaf? I mean, There's a question block on the poster, after all.
    How does it play out on the movie?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Fire flower appears earlier and Luigi burns his nose trying to smell one when they're getting used to the weird new world. He later use one to fight at Bowser castle and blow up a stock of bombs.
      Mushroom makes Mario get a second wind when dealing with Bowser Junior (think popeye spinach), there is a gag bit where Luigi looks a bit grossed out when a toad eats one. No star, but the star theme plays during a scene.

      Is Mario like this?

      That's not the movie Mario. Movie had his cheeks less lumpy with a smoother head shape and mouth had no lips. Pupil color was darker too.

      >Bowser 's son
      Junior is in, huh, any other character they haven't already confirmed in? Toadsworth, Daisy, Diddy Kong?

      Diddy Kong appears, no to the others. Might be more? There's a fat construction guy in the begining I think could be a Wario cameo, but we don't get a good look and frankly could just be a normal fat cartoony man.

      • 2 years ago

        Did you have a favorite sequence or scene in the movie?

      • 2 years ago

        >fat construction guy
        Wouldn't that be Foreman Spike? Cause I know one of the first things that came out about the voice cast of the movie was that he'd be in it. His VA just straight up said he was in it like a month before the cast for everyone else was revealed

      • 2 years ago

        >Mushroom makes Mario get a second wind when dealing with Bowser Junior (think popeye spinach)

        That was the thing I hope they'd go with the mushrooms and I'm glad they did. IT'd have been hard to explain and carry the idea of the shroom making them bigger so the whole Popeye's Spinach/Asterix's magic potion approach works way better imo

  24. 2 years ago

    Is Mario like this?


  25. 2 years ago

    >Is this Cinemaphile?
    >Is this Cinemaphile?

    • 2 years ago

      It's Cinemaphile, Cinemaphile, and Cinemaphile all at the same time.

  26. 2 years ago

    you're tellin me my boi got shafted??

  27. 2 years ago

    Honestly this all sounds like a very good Mario movie, for Illumination's standards of course.
    I'm still disappointed that Martinet won't be voicing Mario here, without this I would still be somewhat optimistic, though I'd prefer DreamWorks to be doing this one.

    • 2 years ago

      A Mario movie animated in the similar style to The Bad guys who have heavily rose the movie above it's average story so I agree.

      Still, this is as an okay-ish Mario story as we could ever get for an all-audiences movie.

  28. 2 years ago

    It's hard to say, but it legit sounds like a decent movie for what it is, and for it's target audience. I think it'll be a success, maybe even more than sonic.

    • 2 years ago

      Thread still up? if its still up before work ill post a summary

      The kids in the theater laughed when they had to laugh, but they were also noisy as frick and seemed to be high on sugar (there were free snacks and thick frickin soda cups)

      >fat construction guy
      Wouldn't that be Foreman Spike? Cause I know one of the first things that came out about the voice cast of the movie was that he'd be in it. His VA just straight up said he was in it like a month before the cast for everyone else was revealed

      Mario's boss is not fat like this guy. He is akin to Mario and Luigi's shape, with sharp nose and beard. The worker i mention was fat and thick.

      Did you have a favorite sequence or scene in the movie?

      I can tell you the opening bit showing the mario brothers as babies growing up in pixel art is cute, they really do use the game sounds in that segment
      Everything involving Bowser's castle was good and had a string of running gags. Toad repeteadly jumping into the toilet to escape the cell, Peach being picky with her food (the chefs are goombas with chef hats that whince in regret everytime they take hot things out of the furnace), Bowser trying to talk to literally everyone but his son keeps interrupting him to show drawings, Bowser's army shenanigans has lots of good visual slapstick bits. I think those are the parts that adult geeks wiill be partial with in general because they're easy to digest.
      Meeting Kong's bunch is a stand out too and makes you wish it was longer, the old Cranky one roasts everyone and DK. DK is the reason they end up in the mushroom kingdom in first place, he ended up lost in the city while trying to get to Bowser's castles thru a pipe. There's something they don't explain much but the gist of it is that the masterkey peach has configures the warp pipes to where theyre supposed to go, they were not supposed to go to Mario's world, they got screwed up by Bowser trying and failing to commandeer and modify them

      you're tellin me my boi got shafted??

      He's in, but it's a short apperance

      Does Cranky Kong (DK's grandpa) show up in the movie? I think he was confirmed.

      He's in and he is funny but we don't see their crew much after Kong joins Mario

      wait but what about the old forgotten Mario characters cameo you didn't see any tho??? ):

      If deep cuts appaerared then it must've been quick cameos, which I doubt since most crowd scenes are filled with the species you know from the games and I think i'd notice them

      • 2 years ago

        obviously i meant after work, excuse my slug brain

      • 2 years ago


        There are no kids in a test screening, bro. Kids can’t sign an NDA. Got you! Lol

        It was fake after all, as I said. Follow me for more reality checks.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but a long time ago I was at a test screening for the third awful Transformers flick and there were definitely kids in there with us. Their parents probably deal with the legal shit if the kid records something

          • 2 years ago

            it's not about them recording something, it's about them going around sharing the plot with everyone else at school lol
            it simply wouldn't make sense they'd take such a risk, with that much money involved in the project

            • 2 years ago

              A handful of kids in Arizona that tell other kids the plot of a movie isn't gonna be a risk for anyone though. And besides, like leaks from test screenings for literally every recent Marvel movie shows, adults are just as prone to leaking. Hell if this thread is true that's another adult leaking.

              • 2 years ago

                No, an average adult is not nearly as prone to leaking, and they can be prosecuted for that, that's the difference.

                My, you definitely don’t sound needlessly petty at all. This truly does make you even more credible in comparison.

                I don't care if you believe me or not, honestly lol just trying to help here

              • 2 years ago

                You clearly sound invested in this more than anyone else though

              • 2 years ago

                I am because I have an actual source that confirmed this is a fake lol
                I literally have nothing to gain here, seriously. I just hate seeing fake shit being spread and people being fooled lol

              • 2 years ago

                But you don't have a verifiable source though. Not even OP does, but you're the only one being weird about it.

              • 2 years ago

                Alright, you believe what you want to believe then 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know what to tell you man, but again, I saw kids in our screening of Transformers 3. This leak is likely fake cuz Cinemaphile is Cinemaphile but that reason is not a good one.

              • 2 years ago

                >Good luck, i'm behind 7 proxies!

        • 2 years ago

          My, you definitely don’t sound needlessly petty at all. This truly does make you even more credible in comparison.

        • 2 years ago

          That Monster Trucks movie in 2016 had the designs changed because the kids in the screening were horrified by it

      • 2 years ago
        time to run

        oh ok thanks hope to see old characters like stanley bugman, Wanda the fairy, and many others make a cameo in it

      • 2 years ago

        bump for summary

        • 2 years ago

          You get it. i didnt bother spellchecking so if microsoft word didnt catch it then its fricked
          I can answer any question later after im done with dinner

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks brother, your effort is appreciated

          • 2 years ago

            All of that happened in 1h30? That looks like material for three movies heh

          • 2 years ago

            The pacing of this is eeriely similar to the Grinch movie. I fricking hated the grinch movie.

            • 2 years ago
              time to run

              I thought you hated that movie because of the smash bros grinch leak

              • 2 years ago
                Luigi Marinus

                I wish The Grinch was in Smash

              • 2 years ago
                time to run

                same but with the added bonus of these characters as well ^_^

              • 2 years ago

                Banjo managed to get in.

          • 2 years ago

            I find it suspicious that a Mario movie wouldn’t feature the power star?? Think about it, it’s the most powerful, and one of the most iconic power ups, how would they just remove that from a Mario movie.

            • 2 years ago

              I was thinking Mario would defeat Bowser with the star power à la many movies, including the first Paper Mario in some ways. Yeah does sounds SUSpicious a little. If it is true then we should ask Miyamoto.

            • 2 years ago

              The imagery of the stars with eyes show up in the movie multiple times, but there is no part where Mario grabs one and obliterates people by touching them or whatever. You just see them in the sky, on walls at Peach's castle, etc. The fire flowers aren't something that works like the game either, they were not in boxes. There are no coins floating around in thin air btw

              (Same anon) Ya-ha seems Mario can't be done differently, I mean, my second idea was putting Mario inside the Mushroom Kingdom and make him part of the world BUT it doesn't matter if we all know Mario, you need someone explaining stuff and the best way is to make the plumber himself an alien to the new world. Although my idea actually explains how Peach is a human in a Toad world, I hope this movie does that in the future (a Peach solo film?)
              OH, hey OP, does Pauline appears in this movie? I made my idea before Odyssey but she was included as a minor mention, does Pauline has the same faith in the actual movie?

              There was no one called Pauline in the movie. Donkey Kong does not grab a woman and is simply panicking and rampaging due to being lost.

              • 2 years ago

                Power stars in the sky? So there are stars, you said earlier they didn’t appear in the movie.
                Seems like you’re changing the leak with every reply… lol keeps getting sus

              • 2 years ago

                was no one called Pauline in the movie. Donkey Kong does not grab a woman and is simply panicking and rampaging due to being lost.
                That does sound like the kind of plot point Hollywood writers would remove to simplify things

          • 2 years ago

            Important question- How many reaction images do you think we'll be getting out of this bad boy?

    • 2 years ago

      >maybe evem more than sonic.
      From the way it's been described so far? No way in hell. Best I can see it doing under its own merit is Detective Pikachu numbers. Which aren't bad, but won't put it on the same level as Sonic even remotely.

      This is of course not factoring in the numbers it will get from simple Nintendo consumerism.

      • 2 years ago

        Both Sonic movies plots are average as hell yet they grossed fine so who knows anon

  29. 2 years ago

    If this is all true, then why did they delay it to next year

  30. 2 years ago

    >Seth Rogan

  31. 2 years ago

    >Charlie Day mogs the competition
    Predictable but reassuring.

  32. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    I don’t think Super Mario Bros The Movie will be real. I think it will most likely be a fake movie like a cancelled project or something. Also we haven’t gotten a first look or any teaser trailer for Super Mario Bros The Movie but I wish the movie would be real but I am starting to have some real doubts for it.

  33. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    If we are getting a trailer then it should be this month. A lot of trailers seem to be releasing on August so I would bet on August. Maybe within this week. Then I might start getting more faith in Super Mario Bros The Movie or whatever the movie will be called. I think Super Mario Bros The Movie will be the official title if the movie were to be made. Also am I the only one that wouldn’t mind if Luigi was voiced by Tom Holland in this movie?

  34. 2 years ago

    What if this kicks off a Nintendo Cinematic Universe along with the Donkey Kong Country movie?

  35. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    So far my favorite movie from Illumination is Sing 2 and it would take a lot to beat that spot but since Luigi is my favorite videogame character of all time maybe for that reason alone it might become my next favorite Illumination but the show they pulled off at the end of Sing 2 really was the best thing Illumination did. And to me Sing 2 didn’t feel like an Illumination movie at all. It felt like one of the better DreamWorks sequel like Shrek 2 of how good that movie was to me. But in my opinion Sing 2 did what Frozen 2 should’ve done. In Frozen 2 Kristoff went gone for halfway through the movie and that was the only thing in the movie that I didn’t like that much but in Sing 2 nobody really went gone from the movie like they never pretended that Ash didn’t exist in the movie because she had one scene where she sang to Clay Calloway, in Frozen 2 we didn’t have any of that with Kristoff where he didn’t appear like a few minutes later after he disappeared from the movie for a while. But that was like my only nitpick for Frozen 2. But what I’m trying to say is that unlike other people I do actually believe in Illumination because they have made some amazing brilliant masterpiece like Sing 2 and even some really fun movies like Despicable Me The Rise Of Gru so I have faith that Illumination can have a bright future. But I am having second thoughts about Super Mario Bros The Movie and part of that is that they are keeping a lot of it a secret. And even the teaser poster scares me, it’s a question block in a dark black background with only names in it like it’s asking what it’s about and the fact that there are no characters to be found also scares me. All I want to see is the characters and also a title logo for the movie. I really hope we will see something soon.

  36. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    One of the things I want to see happen after the movie ends is a credits scene with Bowser surviving and wrapping the movie up with Chris Pratt in a Mario costume singing “Do the Mario!” That would make my day. Also I am still curious what Charles Martinet’s cameos would be maybe they would be some live action cameos where he’s the god in the Mario world and helps Mario out when he needs him. I really don’t know.

    • 2 years ago

      >Chris Pratt in a Mario costume singing “Do the Mario!”
      If they do that i will unironically watch the movie

  37. 2 years ago
    Chris Pratt

    It’s a me Chris Pratt

  38. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    The animation style will probably be similar to Despicable Me mainly Despicable Me The Rise Of Gru.

  39. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    I honestly think Sing 2 was Illumination’s redemption arc like how Spider-Verse was Sony Pictures Animations redemption arc.

    • 2 years ago

      >comparing Sing 2 to Spidervrese
      b***h are you for real?

  40. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    Super Mario Bros The Movie will probably be Illumination’s Mitchells vs The Machines.

    • 2 years ago

      You mean Spider-Verse, but yes, I really hope so

      • 2 years ago
        Luigi Marinus

        Super Mario Bros The Movie won’t be anything like Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse sorry. It will be more like The Mitchells vs The Machines.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm ok with that, I just want Illumination to do something really good and surpass what they're already capable

  41. 2 years ago

    I showed this to my friend at Illumination and he laughed his ass off. lol
    this is 100% made up, just like that leak with the musical. This is one is slightly better written though, my compliments to the ficwriter lol

    • 2 years ago

      What's the movie actually about then

      • 2 years ago

        A million years ago an asteroid separates the Eath Dimension from the dinosaur dimension. Dinosaurs mutate into human like creatures into Dinohattan. Meanwhile Mario and Luigi Mario live in Brooklyn New York and are plumbers. Luigi falls in love with Daisy, a student looking for dinosaur bones. She gets kidnapped by people from Dinohattan who are able to travel to this world form teh pipes. Bowser koopa is the president of Dinohattan and wants to merge the Human and Dino world. Daisy is actually a princess with the power to do so. The Super Mario Brothers save Daisy and Dinohattan from Koop and then do a rap!

      • 2 years ago

        Idk, he can’t tell me what the story is, he just told me this leak is most definitely false, and that the author picked bits of Mario lore, mixed up with what we already know about the movie, and came up with a fake story to fool us all. lol
        I guess we’ll have to wait for the trailer to be sure of anything…

        • 2 years ago

          I can tell you the trailer comes out tomorrow!

          • 2 years ago
            Luigi Marinus

            You know I’m excited for the trailer tomorrow! I really hope it’s true.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, you could just be bullshitting as much as they probably are with your friend who works at Illumination.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would I make this up? I’m just preventing you guys from making fools of yourselves lol there’s no fun in that

        The fun thing must be create a freak story and have everyone bealieve in it, THAT must be hilarious lol

        • 2 years ago

          *a fake story

        • 2 years ago

          Your autistic as frick tone just makes it look like you're some guy that saw the leak on twitter and got mad that it's being believed tbh

          • 2 years ago

            Aw, don’t be mad

    • 2 years ago

      You don't speak french.

      • 2 years ago

        Does California speak French?

        • 2 years ago

          No, but the actual movies aren't animated in the united states

  42. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    Super Mario Bros The Movie will be nothing like Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

  43. 2 years ago

    Peach kills Bowser.

    • 2 years ago
      Luigi Marinus

      And that’s how Mario died

  44. 2 years ago

    Everybody today were gonna show the first official poster for our upcoming movie “Super Mario Bros The Movie”!

  45. 2 years ago

    And even better were gonna move Super Mario Bros The Movie earlier to October 7, 2022 because were almost done with production!

    • 2 years ago

      Sure grandma, now let’s get you to bed.

      • 2 years ago
        Luigi Marinus

        Is your grandma the CEO of Nintendo?

  46. 2 years ago

    Were sorry that we were late for the first trailer but that was all due to COVID-19 so get ready for something SUPER!

  47. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus

    Thank you Nintendo!

  48. 2 years ago

    I’m not his grandma! Anonymous is lying!

  49. 2 years ago

    I'm an animator at Illumination, and let me tell you, I didn't expect we'd have to ever model Bowser breeding Peach for nearly an hour.

  50. 2 years ago

    I can assure you guys that Super Mario Bros The Movie will totally be good. If you have any doubts then don’t worry it will be a surprise like Teen Titans Go To The Movie and since it’s technically from the creators of Teen Titans Go To The Movie we will definitely make it surprisingly good. It will be like no animated movie you’ve seen before. That’s how special our movie is gonna be.

  51. 2 years ago

    What companies are credited other than Universal Pictures and Illumination?

  52. 2 years ago

    boy i sure am looking forward to all the apologia for the original live action Mario movie when this piece of shit flops.
    dozens upon dozens off "Super Mario Bros (1993) was good ,actually and here's why" video essays

    • 2 years ago

      I enjoyed that movie and I saw it for the first time this year

  53. 2 years ago

    Not the anon from earlier, but I also have a contact at illumination. This leak is pretty cool, but sadly it's fake. I don't really know a lot of the actual plot, but there is a scene I know happens near the end of the movie that directly contradicts OP:

    Basically around the end of the second act, Mario and Luigi do have a falling out about saving Peach. After getting defeted by Bowser in what I heard was a suprisingly dramatic scene, Luigi argues that Mario is putting him in peril for someone he doesn't know, and that Mario cares more about Peach than him. Mario argues that he didn't force Luigi to come along with him, and Luigi, who's also with Yoshi, goes back to his construction job at the beginning of the movie, but not before saying that he went along with Mario for so long because he "at least cared about his family."

    Mario is in a depressed slump and travelling alone as clouds gather. It was a weird scene considering it was fricking Mario. However, it doesn't last long since Toad comes in through a warp pipe. There's only one of them in the movie and he's been helping Mario and Luigi covertly. Mario of course is sad from losing Luigi, but then Toad says that if it would make him feel any better, that he could be an adventuring buddy.

    Mario suddenly grabs Toad by the throat, saying "Then Imma gonna treat you like Luigi! He used to love a' this!" While still maintaining an iron grip on Toad, Mario unbuttons his overalls and shoves Toad head-first up his ass, saying "I a' knew that mushroom cap of yours was a' good for something!" Toad's muffled screams grow silent as Mario anal vores him. Suddenly, Mario powers up and starts to grow. "Wahoo, a mushroom powerup, HERE WE GO!!!" Mega Mario then turns his colossal ass to the camera and sucks the camera inside, where a warp-pipe sound effect plays. Roll credits

    Also supposedly there's a cover of "do the Mario" in the credits, so that's cool

    • 2 years ago

      this is going to be illumination's greatest FILM, i can already tell

    • 2 years ago

      oh my god I laughed loud

    • 2 years ago

      >Also supposedly there's a cover of "do the Mario" in the credits, so that's cool
      Fake, Nintendo will never acknowledge that the DiC cartoons ever existed.

    • 2 years ago
      time to run

      cringe take your meds schizo

    • 2 years ago

      cringe take your meds schizo

      I laughed. Sue me.

      • 2 years ago
        time to run

        dang it why you now got me laughing xD

    • 2 years ago

      illumination is actually being funny for once?

    • 2 years ago

      Holy shit anon, I shouldn't have laughed this hard

  54. 2 years ago

    At least it wont be a live action film.

  55. 2 years ago
    Luigi Marinus
    • 2 years ago

      Why did you leak the trailer outro from our Super Mario Bros Movie trailer?

  56. 2 years ago

    Are there any references to Pauline?

  57. 2 years ago
  58. 2 years ago

    When they inevitably take a pop song for the dance party ending, I hope it's Witch Doctor.
    It would be a grand moment

  59. 2 years ago

    Will Mario ever have a good adaptation

  60. 2 years ago

    To really rope people in they just need to adapt the Max Landis script.

    • 2 years ago

      Adapt the one that renames Peach to Hilda, a.k.a. the movie crew never got Peach's name right

  61. 2 years ago

    So when foes peach get fricked by bowser?

    • 2 years ago

      She doesn’t. Mario can literally save her in 5 minutes, Black person.

  62. 2 years ago

    I don’t believe any of this. It all reads like a poorly written fan fiction. There is no proof that you saw it. Also, the movie won’t be released for another year which means it hasn’t even done test screenings of the actual movie yet. They would be showing a storyboard animatic at this stage, which most likely wouldn’t be focus tested this early on. I have been to test screenings and they only let in an audience when there is actual animation and full color of some sequences because they’re too afraid of people not understanding what an animatic is.

    • 2 years ago

      Beauty and the Beast was originally screened with animatics, isn't that the same?

    • 2 years ago

      well actually Chris meledandri said a couple months ago the movie was 75% finished, so that would be enough for a screening...

      Still I don't believe this leak cause there's no way they made a Mario movie where the power star is not mentioned. It's one of the most easily recognisable elements in Mario lore, it would make no sense from a Hollywood filmmaking perspective to cut it from the movie.

  63. 2 years ago

    This shit is soooo fake, op go frick yourself, I could make a fake leak 100x more realistic than this and the thread would get deleted, who actually believes this shit

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently 14k people believed in this, that's how many people liked the post on Twitter
      Good job OP for fooling that many people lmao

  64. 2 years ago


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