Batman has a small but important role in the film. Michael Keaton originally played the role, but since Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will now come out after The Flash, where Keaton’s Batman is folded into the DCEU, they are reshooting all of his scenes with Ben Affleck.

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  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Batman has a small but important role in the film. Michael Keaton originally played the role, but since Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will now come out after The Flash, where Keaton’s Batman is folded into the DCEU, they are reshooting all of his scenes with Ben Affleck.

        But if it comes out after flash why would they reshoot with the wrong batman

        • 2 years ago

          Meant before, whoopsie daisies

        • 2 years ago

          It means either the Flashpoint movie is getting canned or set in another reality, or they're now having it take place after Aquaman 2

      • 2 years ago

        This is dumb but made me smile anyway. Thank you anon

    • 2 years ago

      Basically, they're flipflopping on a lot of shit because of the Flash being delayed. The Flash movie is supposed to do some fricky continuity stuff which replaces Ben Affleck Batman with Michael Keaton Batman. Since The Flash was slated to release before Aquaman (after Flash's timeline shenanigans) the scene was going to be played by Keaton. Since The Flash release keeps getting delayed they had to swap out Keaton for the 'current' Batman to keep a continuity going.

      That said, I don't know why they're desperately trying to catch this collapsing continuity instead of just starting fresh.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm guessing because it's only a soft reboot rather than a hard one. For all the MCU screeching about the DCEU failing, it's still by far the second biggest/only other successful attempt at the formula. For perspective, they left Transformers and Fast and Furious in the dust a long while ago. Not to say that WB hasn't fricked up in many truly amazing ways through the years and made many baffling choices, but the it's a sign of the brand strength that people still generally watch the movies. I liked Peacemaker a lot but never expected it to be as popular as it was.

        • 2 years ago

          I've been iffy on DC movies, I'm not strictly a Marvel fan. I like both really. From the start though I always felt like DC rushed a little too much trying to get a Justice League movie out.

          • 2 years ago

            I agree to a degree, but I've always found the argument odd, because it's based entirely on the way the MCU did things, and a lot of people who say it also then rag on WB for aping the MCU at all. The MCU had to build up the Avengers because frankly most of them were B listers who most of the audience had never heard of until the MCU. I suspect the DC characters more widespread notoriety lulled them into a false sense of security. I also think that the different tone and more... 'creative'... interpretations of the characters made people knee-jerk when compared to the quippy popcorn-flick tone of the MCU. I like both the MCU and the DCEU, for the record.

            • 2 years ago

              That's the thing, I don't dislike that they tried to emulate the MCU's formula. It's just... They moved too fast with it and we weren't really given much time to digest things. It didn't help that they just kinda threw characters into Justice League that hadn't really been established yet. I think it would have played out better and been more well received had they been a little more methodical about their releases. Give the audience some time to breathe, give the characters their establishing movies first, then move into Justice League.

              • 2 years ago

                >It didn't help that they just kinda threw characters into Justice League that hadn't really been established yet.
                Like Ruffalo Hulk and Hawkeye? 2 out of 6 Avengers? Stop being moronic, you just dont like it. Its fine. Superman, Batman and WW had their own movies before JL. Aquaman was greatly succesful having his movie after it. There was no reason to have a Cyborg movie just as there was no reason to have a hawkeye one.

              • 2 years ago

                >Like Ruffalo Hulk and Hawkeye?
                As far as I know, Norton Hulk's story is still canon. They just swapped actors to Ruffalo. Though I agree you could place Cyborg alongside Hawkeye as not needing a movie. There wasn't a Batman movie, there was Batman V Superman. That's a VS movie. They even established new Batman plot points in BVS (Robin's death? Joker?) that hasn't actually existed in a prior cinematic Batman movie so we can't say that would be a Norton/Ruffalo situation either.

                Anyway I think had they given a year or two to breathe between releases, and dropped Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Women and Flash in their own movies before BVS then did Justice League after that, then the reception may have been better. Like I said, I don't mind them emulating Marvel's formula, it just felt like they were trying to speed run it to me.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes Norton Hulk is canon but none of the interpretation, plot or character arc continued into Ruffalo's. It was a new character for all intents and purposes.

        • 2 years ago

          >still by far the second biggest/only other successful attempt at the formula.
          You forgot Monsterverse

        • 2 years ago

          >For all the MCU screeching about the DCEU failing, it's still by far the second biggest/only other successful attempt at the formula.

          Not true. Monsterverse is successful as well. And much better than the clusterfrick that is the current DCEU.

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't know why they're desperately trying to catch this collapsing continuity instead of just starting fresh.
        Becuase the backlash against this continuity was mostly from moronic bloggers and autistic morons, not from the general public that doesn't give a frick about superman smiling, they liked affleck, they like cavill, and warner knows that, the every announcement has met rage and mockery, from supergirl to batwoman to flashpoint being a reboot, WW failed, TSS failed, batman being presented as successful when it made less money than BvS just changed the narrative now they cant dismiss those movies as failures without acknowledging present failures, they also know that the snydercult part of their fanbase can create ANTI-hype, they cant make a movie into a blockbuster, but hundreds of thousands morons IN YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE b***hing against your product and pointing out its half assed and doesn't fit with the other movies has an effect on normies, is what happened to TSS, is not unlike if 2 morons in a dinner claimed they found shit in their plates, it doesn't matter if they are moronic or if they are right, they will affect how others see the products. WB has 2 captive audiences, one is tumblr morons that love stuff like CW shows, but they are not trustworthy as the birds of prey movie showed. They need cavil and affleck to keep snydergays talking about the snyderverse instead of shitting on the movies.

        I'm guessing because it's only a soft reboot rather than a hard one. For all the MCU screeching about the DCEU failing, it's still by far the second biggest/only other successful attempt at the formula. For perspective, they left Transformers and Fast and Furious in the dust a long while ago. Not to say that WB hasn't fricked up in many truly amazing ways through the years and made many baffling choices, but the it's a sign of the brand strength that people still generally watch the movies. I liked Peacemaker a lot but never expected it to be as popular as it was.

        >I liked Peacemaker a lot but never expected it to be as popular as it was.
        It wasn't even popular, but HBO had to pretend it was. i liked it too, it was better than the movie

        • 2 years ago

          >, but they are not trustworthy as the birds of prey movie showed.
          I don't think CW tumblr tards wanted that movie.
          I don't think anyone wanted that movie outside of Margot Robbie.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          From a slightly different angle this seems to be largely the case. WB was never getting the MCU audience because the MCU is a cultural phenomena more than something you can ape; but they did have a loyal core audience that liked what they were doing. Recent releases have shat all over that audience in renewed attempts to steal lightning in a bottle from another franchise, and in the process that loyal core partially fricked off, and it's looking like WB might finally be realising that with shit like Peacemaker and the renewed Affleck and Cavill mentions floating around.

          • 2 years ago

            They had morons in charge like that Hamada guy or that Sarnoff lady that wanted their OWN thing instead of stuff people liked. The beancounters obviously took notice.

        • 2 years ago

          >they also know that the snydercult part of their fanbase can create ANTI-hype
          Based. We mastered the antihype. Our body odor can literally break the universe in half.

          I will never take a bath
          I will not take the vaccine
          and I will never stop with #releasethesnydercut even if it was released already
          WB can suck my tiny angry nazi dick and there is nothing they can do to convince me to watch their Black person shit unless Affleck, Cavill and Sneeder come back.

          • 2 years ago

            this is satire, right?

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, I take one bath a week.

        • 2 years ago

          >They need cavil

          reminder that they need him so much he waited out his contract and is now free to ask whatever amounts he wants if they really need him back, which they don't

          reminder that they need cavill so much that next year is the 10 year anniversary of his only solo movie to date and his only solo Superman movie, and his 40th birthday

          reminder that they could at any time in the past 10 years have made another solo Superman movie but chose not to, even when Marvel, Sony and pre-sale FOX were making five movies a year between them WB refused to just make another Superman movie with Cavill

          Batfleck bros... WE'VE FRICKING WON!

          it's been so long since he appeared as Batman that he went into rehab, finished rehab, lost all his weight to cocaine, split with his wife, got a hot younger girlfriend who left him, got back together with his psycho pre-wife ex, married her, and still looks miserable

          reminder that the event which precipitated his breakdown and sent him to rehab in the first place was appearing as Batman

          breakdown imminent, prepare to see Batman blow his own brains out at a world premiere

  2. 2 years ago

    But isn't Keaton in the Batgirl film scheduled to come out before Flash?

    • 2 years ago

      It’s dead, Jim.

      • 2 years ago

        >Babsgirl gets shot down because of a lunatic’s actions

      • 2 years ago

        Batgirl is delayed, not dead

        • 2 years ago

          Goddamn it.

      • 2 years ago

        >movie that already finished filming is "dead"
        don't be fricking stupid

    • 2 years ago

      Batgirl is supposed to come out after the flash

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    How does this make any sense? If Keaton is folded in during the Flash, why would Affleck appear AFTER the Flash?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, that'd make more sense if they were canning the Flash film...

      Wait a minute... bros...?

      • 2 years ago

        Interesting if true. I hope it doesn't mean that the Flash movie is getting buried as though it never existed, as I still want to see the finished movie, with Hispanic Supergirl (her design reminds me of Lara in the Injustice dream sequence, and she deserved better than to be just a dream) and Keaten as more-or-less Beyond Batman. I don't give a shit about Batgirl though.

        Simple. Scrap Flash, tell Flash did something to the timeline and had to restore. Instant universe fix

        >implying the Flash is ever coming out

        They just had a new public test screening for the Flash last night and it was overwhelmingly positive, the movie is coming out.
        Warner doesn't care that Ezra slapped a few b***hes around, they probably all deserved it anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          bro... he also groomed and kidnapped a teen girl...

          • 2 years ago

            she's like 19 years old, how is that kidnapping when she went willingly?

    • 2 years ago

      the frick are you talking about dumbass? Aquaman 2 comes out BEFORE Flash

    • 2 years ago

      because according to the leaks the flash folds in keaton's batman but gets a message from affleck's batman they are still out there and need help wherever they are.

  4. 2 years ago

    if true, I wonder if this could mean behind scene arrangements for James Gunn to take over DC movies.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would it?

      • 2 years ago

        Almost everything greenlit by the previous administation by Hamada is on hold not only that but the path traced by those movies seems to go to a death end. Batinson came short to expectations since the excecutives behind it were banking on billion dollar star Robert Pattinson and billion dollar franchise director to bring big cash.
        Is still a rumor but James Gunn could go to DC after finishing GOTG since he has no place in Marvel, if he had we would've heard the rumor of his name attached to one of the features in fases next to come. (That's what I think) an Avengers movie, hasn't he earned that? But no there are other names been attached to those features. It looks like he has no place in Marvel anymore.
        In the other hand I think Warner executives are more pleased with Gunn's cost efficiency, that did more to start a cinematic universe with fewer investment than any of the other productions had.
        I think that from the point of view of style Batfleck suits more the style of Gunn than Battinson who also was according to rumors dificult to work on set.

  5. 2 years ago

    > more hype for a one minute cameo than a whole movie of old potato Michael Keaton coming back

    WB execs seething right now

    • 2 years ago

      they are gonna blame it on bots again

      (who the fricks hires Joss Whedon?)

  6. 2 years ago

    Robert Pattinson?

  7. 2 years ago

    Gotta commend DC for going forward despite the pure clusterfrick they've gone through

  8. 2 years ago

    This has nothing to do with comics or cartoons.
    Wrong board
    >inb4 hurr batman is Cinemaphile durr
    You're not talking about Batman, you're talking about the actor who's going to play Batman.

  9. 2 years ago

    Why they didn't just scrap whatever showed Keaton?

  10. 2 years ago

    Interesting if true. I hope it doesn't mean that the Flash movie is getting buried as though it never existed, as I still want to see the finished movie, with Hispanic Supergirl (her design reminds me of Lara in the Injustice dream sequence, and she deserved better than to be just a dream) and Keaten as more-or-less Beyond Batman. I don't give a shit about Batgirl though.

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone likes Cass and Steph better.

  11. 2 years ago

    >new the flash test screening reports say people are absolutely loving and cheering for Michael Keaton's Batman and his one liners
    it's over

  12. 2 years ago

    DC bros? Why did we have to suffer like this? The DCEU is such a convoluted mess.

    • 2 years ago

      just like the comics!

    • 2 years ago

      They should've just stuck with the Green Lantern (2011) timeline. Sure it was a pile of hot garbage but the rest of the movies could've been decent.
      Instead we got Zack Snyder edgy bullshit and a rushed team up movie that made less money than a literally who superhero like Doctor Strange. What a mess.

  13. 2 years ago

    Hot Take: The DCEU and MCU should transition to animated films and stay animated.

  14. 2 years ago

    Simple. Scrap Flash, tell Flash did something to the timeline and had to restore. Instant universe fix

  15. 2 years ago

    Batfleck bros... WE'VE FRICKING WON!

  16. 2 years ago

    >implying the Flash is ever coming out

  17. 2 years ago

    >Peacemaker Season 2 by Gunn.
    >Justice League 2 by Snyder.
    >Justice League 3 by Snyder.
    >Man of Steel 2 by Snyder.

    It’s all I’d really like honestly

  18. 2 years ago

    did the lawyer business not work out too well for Saul?

  19. 2 years ago

    >affleck is in the good movie
    Based. Aquachads and Bafflecktitans cant stop winning

  20. 2 years ago

    ... DC's universe is so fricking dogshit. Why don't they just start a new one based on the latest Joker, and Batman movies and build like a proper universe if they want one so badly.

  21. 2 years ago

    i forgive Ezra Miller

    • 2 years ago

      But hawaii doesn't

      • 2 years ago

        They all seem to joke about it well enough so seems like like they may be open to forgiveness

    • 2 years ago

      how could you not forgive this angel?

      • 2 years ago

        What's this?

      • 2 years ago

        They take off their shirt in the Flash movie btw.

        What's this?

        A music video of Ezra's

  22. 2 years ago

    >Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will now come out after The Flash

    you can just say never OP

    there's no way in hell they'll release the Flash while the star is still literally on the run from the feds, and they're not going to reshoot it

    • 2 years ago

      how are you dumb enough to believe someone is on the run from the feds when no one in any official law enforcement capacity has said they're looking for him?

      • 2 years ago

        imagine being so young you don't know how the feds changed tactics after Waco

        he's contained, but he ain't getting out until he releases his hostages

        • 2 years ago

          >He's in rehab, but ain't getting out until he's clean

  23. 2 years ago

    Pure capekino

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