It's no secret that the current mainstream animation industry is very homogenized and has a disapproval of artists criticizing it's practice...

It's no secret that the current mainstream animation industry is very homogenized and has a disapproval of artists criticizing it's practices, so for a while if you wanted to work in it you couldn't *notice* that the new-Calarts artstyle is a problem, and you sure as hell weren't allowed to make fun of it

Recently a shift occurred where it suddenly became acceptable to do so because audiences en masse started noticing it's existence as well, and there was no point in hiding it, so many artists and cartoon creators now became empowered to boldly and bravely mock the "style"
But only a highly specific and curated hyperbolic depiction of the style in the form of a shiny, rounded character with a big cheek and a bean mouth
This is a form of approved and acceptable opposition to show the world that "See? The artists in the industry *aren't* repressed, they are allowed to point this out." without actually risking stirring the pot

But you'll still not see artists criticizing the style as a whole and the issues with it, not for a looooong long time, because they're still not actually permitted to do so, they can only repeat memes that have now become safe for them to repeat.

I don't feel like standing up and clapping for them having finally said, so bravely and controversially, what we were all seeing years ago
Even more so for saying a safe version of it

Pardon the autistic statement but- these "Haha look guys industry guy making fun of Calarts!" memes are, in a way, the "Calarts style" of industry criticism - soft, inoffensive, culturally approved and mass produced for what they think the audience wants, and without edge or intent.

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  1. 1 month ago

    it feels like when someone lies to you for years but only agrees to admit to a small part of what theyve done after you found physical irrefutable proof of it

    • 1 month ago

      >No [thing] doesn't exist, it's a myth!
      >Oh ok I guess we can't hide it, fiiiiiine it exists, b-but only in this veeeery specific way! So the rest is still fake, got it?
      Hm yeah this is pretty reminiscent of some shitty stuff

      >Double G


  2. 1 month ago


    We can't even have nice intelligent discussion threads on Cinemaphile without some gay like this coming along

    • 1 month ago

      That's my image lol. Nice to know it's still being used.

      ive been saying it for years that pic rel is just a psyop largely perpetuated by industry gays to discredit the calarts style observation

      It's because nobody fricking likes it if it isn't Gravity Falls or Star Vs.

      • 1 month ago

        Frick off Birchy

        • 1 month ago

          What are your thoughts on the art style? Me personally I don't like it unless it's done right.

          • 1 month ago

            Frick off Birchy

            it was an hyperbole meant to troll Cinemaphiletards, gumball is by far the show with the most unique artstyle of last decade.
            Thing is, things got REALLY fricking bad fast, so the meme became real.

            The meme may not have been MADE by Calartists and shills but it was definitely loved and spread by them as a kind of controlled opposition

            No. Let me guess you're gonna use that image of Chibi Maruko Chan going off model to disprove me right? And I don't hate beanmouth I hate how it's being used, it's fine when it's a few designs, but using it for every fricking design sucks ass.

            Frick off Birchy

            This image is 100% correct but I hate how "calarts style" has become known as just bean mouth shit when what John K originally coined the term for was industry cliches that are blindly followed. Reducing it down to just beanmouth (which is only one of many industry cliches present) has made it very easy to deflect and criticism of modern cartoons should just stop using it.

            To be fair the term John K coined refered to the Calarts of his time, that doesn't make this term incorrect, just confusing
            It's like if I called the pic on the left a 'British house' and you said 'what? but 100+ years ago it referred to the pic on the right!' yes it refers to both in different eras and contexts and somehow we still recognize the context we are speaking about at the time
            But to be fair that's why some people now say 'new calarts'

            Then what are we supposed to call it then?

            Frick off Birchy

            • 1 month ago

              >To be fair the term John K coined refered to the Calarts of his time
              He referred to the Disney style that was popular at the time.
              >But to be fair that's why some people now say 'new calarts'
              In this neck of the woods it's called beanmouth, just an easier term. But I agree we need a new term that hasn't been used to death.

            • 1 month ago

              fact of the matter is
              people know what you mean when you say calarts it has a clear association and thats the most important part of all we cant just throw out a word that works because its not 100% accurate but we do need to clarify it
              "new calarts" is a great compromise and im defo gonna start using it


              >To be fair the term John K coined refered to the Calarts of his time
              He referred to the Disney style that was popular at the time.
              >But to be fair that's why some people now say 'new calarts'
              In this neck of the woods it's called beanmouth, just an easier term. But I agree we need a new term that hasn't been used to death.

              frick off birchy

              • 1 month ago

                Look I'm just saying maybe we need a new term for it. I have heard some people call it the "California artstyle" or if you wanna get cringe the "woke artstyle"

              • 1 month ago

                Frick off Birchy.

    • 1 month ago

      he ain't wrong though
      anime will always be relevent to this discussion. its japanese cartoons. its animation

    • 1 month ago
  3. 1 month ago

    >Double G

  4. 1 month ago

    ive been saying it for years that pic rel is just a psyop largely perpetuated by industry gays to discredit the calarts style observation

    • 1 month ago

      By portraying the Calarts style as NOTHING MORE THAN "big cheek and a bean mouth" they effectively create a strawman that they can easily push down with two stock arguments
      1. Look at this obviously Calarts show, it doesn't do the big cheek and bean grin so it's obviously not Calarts' and also
      2. 'Look at this clearly non Calarts cartoon by like, idk, Ghibli or something, it DOES have a big cheek and a bean grin so i gueeeess it's Calarts too riiiiight?'
      Everyone with eyes and healthy pattern recognition can notice what the style is
      Look at pic rel and tell me it doesn't exude the Calarts accusations despite having NONE of the memetic properties that we're supposed to notice
      NO bright neon colors, NO big side cheek, NO beany toothy grin
      So how come we can still tell it belongs in that category? Because it has many, many aspects of the style that nobody in the industry is willing to mention lest it be revealed that "the style" isn't just one or two traits, but rather a whole design philosophy and sets of observable patterns all coming together to create what we now know as the "Calarts style"

      • 1 month ago

        >NO bright neon colors,
        open your eyes when discussing art.

        • 1 month ago

          It's no brighter than something like an old Sonic cartoon, whereas I'm referring to neons, y'know bright marker colors, like in comparison to the OP's pic rel

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah the main reason artists go for bright colors is because they're stuck behind a bright monitor all day and night. I wish they'd experiment with more warmer colors.

          • 1 month ago

            Good point, it's definitely at least in part a result of not seeing anything outside the screen and having their brains and eyes fried.

            Now frick off Birchy

            • 1 month ago

              In very small part perhaps yes but not entirely, it's moreso to do with the fact that bright colors are eye catching and safe, it's what they think people want, working with muted colors and considering a good palette or mood is haaaawrd, sad face ):
              They just wanna pump out crap

            • 1 month ago

              It is the colors, me brother, Ren and Stimpy was made digitally for the latter seasons and you wouldn't easily discern that it was done so because they used more muted colors. It's how you use the program. Besides, making everything bright and simple is easier and cheaper for foreign sweatshops.

              • 1 month ago

                Couldn't have said it better myself friend. Now you're getting it.

              • 1 month ago

                youre right anon its not the tools its how well you can use them

              • 1 month ago

                Like it's possible to do cel style animation digitally. I've seen artists do it all the time and it varies in quality. Idk since cartoons went digital it lost that umph it used to have. There was soul poured into every drawing and cel.

              • 1 month ago

                True but I do feel like the harder it was to create something, the more effort and skill needed to go into it
                Maybe technological development and progression isn't always a good thing when it incentivizes lazyness

              • 1 month ago

                why did you copy what

                >I hate the "oooh but this other thing does beanmouths too so is THAT Calarts?" argument
                Same, like I said it's fine when it's just a handful of designs. And by that logic any cartoon/anime that has used rounded mouths are considered "beanmouth" to these morons.
                It's the colors man, Ren and Stimpy used digital for the later seasons and you wouldn't even tell that it was digital because they used warn colors. It's how you use the software. Also making everything bright and basic is easier and cheaper for overseas studios.


              • 1 month ago

                I don't mind ^_^. The more people learn about the history of cartoons the better you are as an artist.

                Enter picrel

                >The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble
                That's not just a cartoon industry thing. It's been weaseling its way into everything for the past 10+ years. I blame the internet, specifically tumblr.

                Bruh went to art school and became worse. And this is coming from a guy who draws like dog shit.

    • 1 month ago

      it was an hyperbole meant to troll Cinemaphiletards, gumball is by far the show with the most unique artstyle of last decade.
      Thing is, things got REALLY fricking bad fast, so the meme became real.

      • 1 month ago

        >They heck'n did le anime reference and use cheap 3D
        It's not that stylized, 90% of the time its just calarts

        • 1 month ago

          exactly just like that
          well meme'd friend

        • 1 month ago

          exactly just like that
          well meme'd friend

          Gumball barely has any anime references also frick off Gumball using 3D was high quality shit

          • 1 month ago

            I appreciated the fact that one episode referenced the first portion of Dragon Ball, i.e. not Z. Beats stock parodies from the 90s and 00s I guess

    • 1 month ago

      This image is 100% correct but I hate how "calarts style" has become known as just bean mouth shit when what John K originally coined the term for was industry cliches that are blindly followed. Reducing it down to just beanmouth (which is only one of many industry cliches present) has made it very easy to deflect and criticism of modern cartoons should just stop using it.

      • 1 month ago

        Then what are we supposed to call it then?

        • 1 month ago

          Coining any sort of term is inevitably going to become corrupted by bad actors/purposely obtuse people. Be extremely specific in criticism I guess.

          • 1 month ago

            Okay I hate the rounded thin line style. Nah beanmouth has a better ring to it.

            • 1 month ago

              People are gonna see "beanmouth" and immediately disregard whatever it is you have to say.

              • 1 month ago

                I don’t think it’s that different

              • 1 month ago

                I think industry shills are upset because of The Patrick Star show shat on their precious artstyle. It's like the don't touch the dial episode of Mighty Mouse. I wish they'd do it more.

                >arguing with birchy
                lol you don't know, do you? it's a lost cause just give it up the man is literally (no not figuratively as an insult, but literally) insane

                frick off birchy

                Not as insane as you kiddo.

      • 1 month ago

        frick off john, arguing semantics is for midwits.

    • 1 month ago

      Adventure time and Regular show are also big examples of calarts use and made it even more degrading than it is I swear the mid to late seasons of these shows's animation looks so static and lifeless as well both show's artstyles like AT's dotted eyes of almost all characters and RS characters faces being shrunk down

      • 1 month ago

        Adventure is more rubberhose based. Albeit shitty. Still has some hotties in it though.

        What fandom? Kevin Spencer? You're still obsessed with it?

        Pfft what fandom?

        • 1 month ago

          >Still has some hotties in it though.

          Their bodies are hot but their faces are mid I cant get horny over dotted eyes with a black line mouth who ever thinks those are "good" character designs are tumblur/deviant artist

          • 1 month ago

            That's why we have Rule34 Anon. ^_^

            • 1 month ago

              whos your favorite princess?

            • 1 month ago

              90% is off model shit but if that's the appeal

        • 1 month ago

          idk you are the one who can't shut up about it

          • 1 month ago

            Eww I don't talk about dead fandoms Anon.

            Carrie would easily win that fight she's a magical possessing ghost with psychic abilities meanwhile Rachel is rich and colorful.

            I think we know how the ep will turn out

            But if I want to see a girl fight in a Gumball it would be Carrie vs Penny that would be more interesting

            Hell yeah, or maybe both of them get with Darwin, like a love triangle.

            whos your favorite princess?

            Flame Princess. She's hot, literally and psychically.

            • 1 month ago

              flame princess is a good choice i like her too

            • 1 month ago

              >Eww I don't talk about dead fandoms Anon.
              True, you spent your whole life stalking female artists and spamming their art here instead.

            • 1 month ago

              >Hell yeah, or maybe both of them get with Darwin, like a love triangle

              Idk if you watch the show but Darwin kinda hates Penny due to being with Gumball why do you think we see alot of yaoi shota art woth Gumball and Darwin? so I wouldn't say a fight between them for Darwin's love more of them not liking each other or at first compare whoose boyfriend is better and then somehow escalating into of both them fighting each other.

              Like I said it would be interesting since both of them have actually powers Penny shapeshiting into any fictional creatures she wants based on her emotions

  5. 1 month ago

    >Brown double D,
    They'd 100% do this today

  6. 1 month ago


    Japanese cartoons were the original bean mouth.

    • 1 month ago

      No. Let me guess you're gonna use that image of Chibi Maruko Chan going off model to disprove me right? And I don't hate beanmouth I hate how it's being used, it's fine when it's a few designs, but using it for every fricking design sucks ass.

      • 1 month ago

        >Chibi Maruko Chan going off model to disprove me right?
        No. I don't need to disprove you. I'm right. You're not. But as no amount of imagery I could post will convince you of that, I'll just leave it at that. Enjoy being wrong.

        >And I don't hate beanmouth
        The point made was "Japanese thing better because it doesn't do thing" to which, I replied "actually, it started thing" then you got upset about it.

        • 1 month ago

          Bruh just say you hate anime and move on. Over explaining shit is not a good argument. Even if you write an entire tournament arc worth of text I still won't care. Also I'm not upset, you're the one getting smoke up your ass because a majority of people are sick of this artstyle and want more variety.

          • 1 month ago

            >just say you hate anime and move on.
            Not only irrelevant, but also a false conclusion pulled entirely from the ether.
            You are not very smart.
            >I still won't care
            Exactly what I said, kiddo.
            You are not very smart.

            • 1 month ago

              >arguing with birchy
              lol you don't know, do you? it's a lost cause just give it up the man is literally (no not figuratively as an insult, but literally) insane

              frick off birchy

        • 1 month ago

          >I'm right.
          No you're not. Most anime up until the SAO era was angular rather than beany and in fact zoomhomosexuals hate the older stuff for being so angular instead of safe shapes. Even in japanese game artwofk series I've seen frickers say stuff like they prefer classic Mega Man for being "a precious bean" over X rather than its quality merits. Beanmouth in older anime was limited to one or two kodomo anime aimed at very young children and even now it's more likely you see it in that demographic outside of SAO and it's clones.

          >inb4 "but moe"
          Compare Di Gi Charat to SU. Even if Dejiko is 3 heads tall like Steven she's a hell of a lot more angular in her fmhead and eye shape and even her dress has sharp corners as opposed to Steven where everything is soft and sanded off.

          • 1 month ago

            This. Go watch an anime from the 90s-2000s and compare it to the modern ones. There is a BIG difference.

          • 1 month ago

            Entirely false. Enjoy being wrong and living in delusion to suit a false narrative, kiddo.
            >I don't even know what the frick SAO is lmao

  7. 1 month ago

    what’s the difference between cartoons nowadays having these rounded shapes and many cartoons of old having these more angular shapes?

    • 1 month ago

      The angular shapes at least took some kind of skill to draw

  8. 1 month ago


    I'm right and you know it. The term is overused by hardcore Ren and Stimpy fans.

    >just say you hate anime and move on.
    Not only irrelevant, but also a false conclusion pulled entirely from the ether.
    You are not very smart.
    >I still won't care
    Exactly what I said, kiddo.
    You are not very smart.

    Then why waste your time? If you're right why waste time arguing? Oh wait that's all you know how to do my bad. You guys aren't known for being smart.

    • 1 month ago

      That's super.

      >arguing with birchy
      lol you don't know, do you? it's a lost cause just give it up the man is literally (no not figuratively as an insult, but literally) insane

      frick off birchy

      It's 6am and my tummy hurts so I didn't go for my run this morning. I've got nothing better to do until I shower and get my kid ready for school. And no, I don't know who Birchy is. I'm not a fixture on this board. She seems very unintelligent, tho.

  9. 1 month ago

    I do hate how dishonest it feels when they kept telling us it's fake and gay and not a problem actually, and now every cartoon in close succession suddenly felt like they can come out and say it

    I don't doubt many of the artists saying it aren't just doing it for the meme I'm sure many of them have always believed it and just weren't allowed to point it out but it still hurts being vindicated in such a dumb way

    The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble

    Pointing it out now after the discussion of it has already passed as a way of saying that we tottally hear ya, audiences! Is just patronizing

    And yeah I guess I'll say it as well just for posterity:

    Frick off, Birchy

    • 1 month ago

      >The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble
      Yeah true, you can't criticize anything without some watchdog getting in your business and threatening to blacklist you for wrong think.

    • 1 month ago

      frick off birchy

      thats just how it always goes isnt it
      >it's not happening!
      >ok it's happening but it's not a big deal
      >it's happening and it's a good thing actually!
      >haha, what? we always thought it was a bad thing, we knew it was happening and didn't like it all along! <= you are here
      soon, in the future probably:
      >it never happened!

      • 1 month ago

        You guys suck at trolling. Come on.....
        If you're gonna raid do it right.

    • 1 month ago

      Enter picrel

      >The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble
      Yeah true, you can't criticize anything without some watchdog getting in your business and threatening to blacklist you for wrong think.

      >The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble
      That's not just a cartoon industry thing. It's been weaseling its way into everything for the past 10+ years. I blame the internet, specifically tumblr.

      • 1 month ago

        The issue with Rory is that they don't know how to learn, they were always a trust fund baby who got into art because it was an easy thing for people like them to do at the time and felt cool and glamorous but you can tell they only learned from a small collection of people and their work became incestuous
        One of thoe people was themselves
        You know when you repeat a word a buncha times and it starts to sound weird? Yeah that's what happened here with their art

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah parents just pay their kids into scholarships. It's nothing new.

          >people itt effectively bullied birchy into trying the one tactic he never attempted in getting attention and respect from his peers...
          >communicating like a normal human being
          holy shit

          >They're still going after getting destroyed and derailing the thread over a hate boner
          Man you guys need to go outside more. Kek. You suck at trolling.

    • 1 month ago

      >The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble
      >children's cartoons

      Rest assured this cult is like the special Ed illuminati. You think the execs would promote more competent manages, but now half a billion in losses and growing.

      Just make your own shit and network with like minded artists

  10. 1 month ago


    Watching this namegay try and pretend to be different people and honestly thinking anyone who knows him for even a day will fall for it is depressing it's like watching a kid think he's invisible when he closes his eyes but then you realize it's a grown ass whole entire adult man

    • 1 month ago

      You are not very smart.

  11. 1 month ago


    If course she's a she. What else do you call something that insists on being wrong while insisting she's actually right but "she?" That is female behaviour.

  12. 1 month ago

    >the one fricking time in a blue moon when someone on Cinemaphile actually wants to discuss something technical in regard to art
    >some insane namegay comes in and ruins it
    board is kill i hate it here

    • 1 month ago

      Just keep discussing the thread topic and ignore him, remember what Dr Eggman said

      • 1 month ago

        >remember what Dr Eggman said
        idk what Dr Eggman said

        • 1 month ago

          Don't worry about it, just remember

          • 1 month ago


  13. 1 month ago


    frick you you self centered homosexual you ruined everything

    • 1 month ago


      You are not very smart.

      It's true lol. You morons are this obsessed with me because I dated criticized your queen and now you're gonna fight tooth and nail for her. And that will always be funny. You're all just digits on a computer and can never do anything except make yourselves look like jackasses. I will forever laugh at you. And please give me more TF2 images to steal they're great.

      • 1 month ago

        You are not very smart.

        Don't worry about it, just remember



        Do not hate my mother.

        So which cartoonists do you think would actually criticize Calarts as a trend if given the chance, and which are just jumping on the meme of drawing le funnee bean face now that it's allowed?

        Despite how lame I think it is that they only did it after it became acceptable I think it's safe to say at least some of the people working on the Patrick Star show actually dislike the style and know why they dislike it
        Mao Mao too, we know he was a classic oldschool internet artist back inna day
        Most of the others feel performative, to be perfectly tbh with you

        I didn't know many cartoonists by name but I can't help but think that Peter Whatever, the guy behind Æon Flux, would be happy with it. I never liked his artwork, but at the very least it was unmistakeably his. My sole issue with the current trend is that I can't immediately recognise who is responsible for what anymore. From Rugrats to Stressed Eric to Rocket Power to those McDonald's cartoons, Klasky Csupo was immediately recognisable. Same with Butch Hartman's stuff, Seth MacFarlane's (sp?), Simpsons guy's and others. Now, everyone looks the same. So much for diversity and inclusion.

        • 1 month ago

          >I can't immediately recognise who is responsible for what anymore. (...) Now, everyone looks the same.
          I absolutely agree! A good artstyle is a beautiful thing and we're treating it like it's something that can just be packaged and sold as dehydrated soup, a samey stock thing that you can just throw onto any cartoon when creativity is not an option, and the individual artist's intent is lost ... If it was ever even there to begin with, because if they didn't create their visual piece of media around, well, the visuals, then what else did they put little to no effort into?

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, exactly, though I admittedly screwed up when I said "I can't help but think that Peter Whatever, the guy behind Æon Flux, would be happy with it." I meant "wouldn't," of course.
            The one saving grace is that a lot of these lookalike characters exist in fairly well done worlds. The backgrounds in many of them are beautiful and often quite unique to their own programmes

            • 1 month ago

              His name is Peter Chung. Great artist who worked on some amazing stuff. He also worked on Rugrats for Klasky Csupo.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah Peter Chung is great sucks he doesn't do anything anymore

            • 1 month ago

              That’s true about the backgrounds and it really makes me think it isn’t the artists at fault for these designs. So does every other pilot for a show having a unique look, and then getting sandpapered into the same old shit once it gets picked up.

              The artists submit to the system but it seems obvious to me that behind the lip service most of them really are desperate to break out of the calarts style and do something more unique. There’s some analysts determining broadest visual appeal and then mandating everyone follow that, the fault goes higher than the people actually sitting in front of computers and animating/drawing.

              • 1 month ago

                It depends on the execs/producers. If you get someone who hates cartoons and only uses it as a crutch to get into live action then the show is shit.

                Yeah Peter Chung is great sucks he doesn't do anything anymore


  14. 1 month ago


    You are not very smart.

  15. 1 month ago

    you guys are doing a terrible job at trolling this namegay but its more entertaining than beanmouth discussion

  16. 1 month ago

    So which cartoonists do you think would actually criticize Calarts as a trend if given the chance, and which are just jumping on the meme of drawing le funnee bean face now that it's allowed?

    Despite how lame I think it is that they only did it after it became acceptable I think it's safe to say at least some of the people working on the Patrick Star show actually dislike the style and know why they dislike it
    Mao Mao too, we know he was a classic oldschool internet artist back inna day
    Most of the others feel performative, to be perfectly tbh with you

    • 1 month ago

      I know the entire SpongeBob crew hates it. And I know Bill Kopp does too.

    • 1 month ago

      >we know he was a classic oldschool internet artist back inna day
      i think this is the largest factor in whether or not someone is able to critique the industry at least in their own mind even if theyre not legally allowed to do it out loud
      most of the industry is full of LARPers and nepotism babies who never once actually loved art and only do it because it's suddenly profitable and trendy

      I know the entire SpongeBob crew hates it. And I know Bill Kopp does too.

      go away

      • 1 month ago

        >most of the industry is full of LARPers and nepotism
        The Boxtown creator is a good example of this, they went and messaged a bunch of big name artists to try and shill their indigogo campaign.
        >go away

      • 1 month ago

        >most of the industry is full of LARPers and nepotism babies who never once actually loved art and only do it because it's suddenly profitable and trendy
        Yeah, that's why it's so full of sensitive ninnies now, they don't have the love or drive and never suffered the troubles of an artist or true ego death coming from years of hard passionate work

        And just ignore Birchy he's basically an auto-bumper for this thread just treat him like a little robot that works for us

        • 1 month ago

          Dawg you literally tried to derail the thread because of your hateboner for me. And now you're trying to fix it? Lmao. Your little plan backfired. You guys suck ass at trolling.

          Now back to the topic at hand.
          Beanmouth would not get as much hate if they put more variety in the animation and art. There is this cartoon from Russia that is about a dragon, a knight, and a princess that I can't for the life of me remember the name of. It has beanmouth designs, but it's done in a way that it's appealing.

  17. 1 month ago

    I hate the "oooh but this other thing does beanmouths too so is THAT Calarts?" argument, we know the internet art scene has already destroyed people's perception of what an "Art style" is because they think it just refers to how faces are drawn and nothing else, when in reality a style takes into account everything visual from character designs to movement to character animation to colors and line width and variance in facial designs.

    Like, if you honest to god look at pic rel and tell me "It's no different than Calarts because the mouth is a bean, therefor your argument is moot" I seriously think you're either a lying shill, or have worms on the brain.

    Unrelated but why is DuckDuckGo image search sucking lately? Anyone else?

    • 1 month ago

      >I hate the "oooh but this other thing does beanmouths too so is THAT Calarts?" argument
      Same, like I said it's fine when it's just a handful of designs. And by that logic any cartoon/anime that has used rounded mouths are considered "beanmouth" to these morons.

      Good point, it's definitely at least in part a result of not seeing anything outside the screen and having their brains and eyes fried.

      Now frick off Birchy

      It's the colors man, Ren and Stimpy used digital for the later seasons and you wouldn't even tell that it was digital because they used warn colors. It's how you use the software. Also making everything bright and basic is easier and cheaper for overseas studios.

  18. 1 month ago

    Frick the industry.

    Independent animation is the future.

    There is no guarantee of a paycheck and there is risk involved, but the artists with balls go for it and those are the artists who produce things worthwhile. The rest can rot in their industry safespace hell, they chose that for themselves.

    • 1 month ago

      Case and point TADC, a show that is mega popular in South America. Meanwhile Vivzie (fat haha) is barely able to get her show past stagegays and Twitter.

  19. 1 month ago

    >people itt effectively bullied birchy into trying the one tactic he never attempted in getting attention and respect from his peers...
    >communicating like a normal human being
    holy shit

    • 1 month ago

      you guys just waltzed in here shitting up a storm and you guys couldnt even get the namegay to shut up

      • 1 month ago


        >liking garbage SAO knock off shit
        Normie zoomers have shit taste in content for liking garbage modern anime

        I'm just saying there's a reason why Zoomers prefer anime over the garbage made here. Only western cartoon Zoomers like is TADC.

        • 1 month ago

          >Only western cartoon Zoomers like is TADC.
          the creator is a freak but aside from the head drilling fetish and the grooming allegations towards them the show is fine i learned to separate art from the artists

          • 1 month ago

            >the creator is bad because there's allegations against them
            letting normie women onto the interwebz was a mistake

          • 1 month ago

            >head drilling fetish

            it actually started out not calarts whatsoever and borrowed more and more from the nu calarts style as time went on

            Yeah the first season was nearly a completely different art style.

            • 1 month ago

              >Yeah the first season was nearly a completely different art style.

              Yeah but it was still "calarts" or "bean mouth"

              • 1 month ago

                Well it had character to it. More animation as well.

  20. 1 month ago


    >liking garbage SAO knock off shit
    Normie zoomers have shit taste in content for liking garbage modern anime

  21. 1 month ago

    >People who still think Gumball is ironically "calarts"

    • 1 month ago

      it actually started out not calarts whatsoever and borrowed more and more from the nu calarts style as time went on

      • 1 month ago

        I only see that in the main cast rest of Gumball's arstyle, animation, and characters etc were the same as before so I don't where your getting at?

        • 1 month ago

          >the show started borrowing-
          >"i only see it in some places tho??"
          yeah that's
          what borrowing from something means

          • 1 month ago

            Even then the main cast has expressions that aren't calarts expressions regardless on how you feel about them

            Well it had character to it. More animation as well.

            Character is debatable because I like some character designs and what not in s2 & s3 however to said Gumball s1 had better animation is an understatement Gumball's animation was evolving in a good way from s2 to s6 some scenes at those seasons felt cinematic meanwhile s1's animation and arstyle looks dull and cheap

            • 1 month ago

              >s1's animation and arstyle looks dull and cheap
              Ehh it has some good characters that were cut for some fricking reason. But I get where you're coming from.

              • 1 month ago

                >Ehh it has some good characters that were cut for some fricking reason.

                That was only Rachael none of the side cast were removed or characters with names if you say Molly or Rob they were returned in s3 and have more prominent roles especially Rob

              • 1 month ago

                Rachel was the highlight of season 1. I wanted to see her and Darwin more.

              • 1 month ago

                They could bring her back in the upcoming series/s7 and will hear news about it next month not sure about the movie but I think the only logics way they could bring Racheal back is the lore of the show the Void like how Rob and Molly were stuck in the Void due to them being forgotten idk she could be the new antagonist of the show since Rob became an anti hero in the "end" of the show

              • 1 month ago

                That'd be interesting.

              • 1 month ago

                She wasn't voided. During S5, both Darwin and Teri remember her, both in name and appearance. When Molly and Rob were voided, they disappeared from everyone's memory.
                Not every lack of presence is nefarious in-universe - remember how original librarian had been fully replaced?

              • 1 month ago

                shit your right I guess this was really the canon explanation of why she's gone


                Still I think maybe her returning would be kino and interesting considering Darwin and Carrie are together and would be also interesting to see how Rachel reacts to that

            • 1 month ago

              >Hey bro can I borrow a blue marker for my painting
              >Ok, I'm finished
              >Hey, why is only that one fish blue! I thought you borrowed my blue marker!
              >Yeah, to color the fish!
              >Why is the rest of the picture in all other colors wtf? Why is that thing red? And this thing yellow!? I thought you borrowed my blue marker why isn't the whole thing filled in with blue!

              • 1 month ago

                I still don't get why its a big deal when the show constaly change artstyles there is a reason why this show pushed mix media into becoming a norm or accepted

    • 1 month ago

      it actually started out not calarts whatsoever and borrowed more and more from the nu calarts style as time went on

      >head drilling fetish
      Yeah the first season was nearly a completely different art style.

      Well it had character to it. More animation as well.

      Gumball had a hungarian guy as storyboard artist in the beginning:

      • 1 month ago

        That's cool.

        • 1 month ago

          might or might not have contributed to it being different at first, is what i mean.

      • 1 month ago

        Well bobbypills is working on the new series/season of Gumball

  22. 1 month ago


    What episode of Magical Doremi is this?

    • 1 month ago

      Idk, I'm still on Sharp. I might have missed it if it appeared earlier.

  23. 1 month ago

    why do attention gays like derailing shit so much

    • 1 month ago

      We're talking about beanmouth and how they've infested animation anon.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't know but it's obvious she's doing it because she just can't get enough of abusing him I don't know much about this namegay or what the drama with the Scottish girl is all about but it sure seems like she's obsessed and trying to make him look bad, lol what a shame.

        >exactly a minute apart
        >exact same typing style
        >even the exact same derailment patterns of 'i don't know but i agree with this guy i just heard about also i know she's euro but don't know where she's from somehow'

        Haha you're impersonating me lol. Hey I'll play along, who should I play as?

        >now trying to cover up his goof

        • 1 month ago

          This guy is a clown and every thread he pops up in becomes a circus

        • 1 month ago

          You're terrible at trolling anon. I could care less about your dumb larping. MAN at least try. Kek.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            I hate you but even I gotta admit this is sad lol

    • 1 month ago

      I don't know but it's obvious she's doing it because she just can't get enough of abusing him I don't know much about this namegay or what the drama with the Scottish girl is all about but it sure seems like she's obsessed and trying to make him look bad, lol what a shame.

      • 1 month ago

        forgot to clear the namegay there buddy boy?

      • 1 month ago

        Haha you're impersonating me lol. Hey I'll play along, who should I play as?

      • 1 month ago

        >gets told to GTFO
        >is now impersonating the namegay in retaliation

        forgot to clear the namegay there buddy boy?

        ignore it they do this all the time I know who the real one is

  24. 1 month ago

    You know I got into superhero comics simply to get more stories on my favorite characters. Wow, I was not prepared for how fricked and cucked the characters and the stories were. It was horrible. And the writers refuse to take criticism, they only think they’re right and everyone else is wrong. Crazy….
    Mark Waid himself admitted he rather it collapse than do anything different. Waste of potential. I got outta there quick and started reading manga and watching anime. World of difference.

    • 1 month ago

      Isn't this the guy that got his dick posted on here the other week?
      What a loon

      Anyway, as for thread topic

      I don't know how this happened but at some point every person in the art industry, as well as most of the population in general, started hearing words of encouragement all the time, generalized statements about how smart and wise and important and valid and correct they are, under the assumption that most people undervalue themselves
      But in reality that's not true and it resulted in a lot of conceited people hearing what they wanted to hear

      • 1 month ago

        >Isn't this the guy that got his dick posted on here the other week?
        >What a loon
        i actually find it concerning how long this has lasted
        usually this guys manic episodes go on for a little bit a few days at most and he fricks off but this time around hes been here for like a month idk what happened in his life but im insanely curious to know

        • 1 month ago

          Anon I'm gonna be real with you

          Nobody cares this is a beanmouth thread I could care less about off topic namegay drama that doesn't concern me in the slightest

          • 1 month ago

            It's sad really. I just came in to shit on beanmouth and these homosexuals show up outta nowhere. Kek



            • 1 month ago

              i know
              I have been in this thread since the beginning and i dont care what you did but shitting up the thread is kinda gay

              that being said i think beanmouth isnt that bad as people say

              • 1 month ago

                >Since the beginning
                Which of the early posts is yours?

              • 1 month ago

                >that being said i think beanmouth isnt that bad as people say

                Ehhh I see where your coming from. Like I've said it depends on the artist. Some beanmouth can look good like Gravity Falls and Star Vs. And some can look shitty like Craig of the Creek. Depends on who's in charge of the animation and art.

                She wasn't voided. During S5, both Darwin and Teri remember her, both in name and appearance. When Molly and Rob were voided, they disappeared from everyone's memory.
                Not every lack of presence is nefarious in-universe - remember how original librarian had been fully replaced?


            • 1 month ago

              i am not saying you did it btw

      • 1 month ago

        So basically it became a giant echo chamber

  25. 1 month ago

    >Pardon the autistic statement but- these "Haha look guys industry guy making fun of Calarts!" memes are, in a way, the "Calarts style" of industry criticism - soft, inoffensive, culturally approved and mass produced for what they think the audience wants, and without edge or intent.

    i think you're discovering "recuperation", which is how capitalism will eventually disarm and appropriate every criticism of itself into something that no longer threatens it. that's why everyone thinks every entertainment industry is full of leftists, when the people at the top are the same breed of bastard that run hedge funds and shit.

    • 1 month ago

      The industry is dying regardless, indie is where it's at.

      Isn't this the guy that got his dick posted on here the other week?
      What a loon

      Anyway, as for thread topic

      I don't know how this happened but at some point every person in the art industry, as well as most of the population in general, started hearing words of encouragement all the time, generalized statements about how smart and wise and important and valid and correct they are, under the assumption that most people undervalue themselves
      But in reality that's not true and it resulted in a lot of conceited people hearing what they wanted to hear

      >Gets caught larping
      >Um BuT ThIs ThInG!!!!

  26. 1 month ago

    birchy is performance art

    they are shitting up the thread, to show us how cal arts is shitting up the medium
    we keep on complaining, they are objectively terrible, yet they never go away, because the lowest effort, gayest things are in this world the hardiest
    (and because giving the attention only makes the problem worse)

    • 1 month ago

      My guy.
      Just give up. You got caught larping and are now blaming everyone but yourself. It's sad at this point. Sorry you couldn't simp for your queen harder. It be less embarrassing if you'd just spam threads about me. kek.

    • 1 month ago

      you are the one complaining and derailing the thread unlike you he is actually staying on topic

    • 1 month ago

      i wish it were that complex but he's really just a lunatic
      it's like watching a guy in a room behave like a complete and utter mental case and then try in vain to gaslight people into thinking he's normal

      >Isn't this the guy that got his dick posted on here the other week?
      >What a loon
      i actually find it concerning how long this has lasted
      usually this guys manic episodes go on for a little bit a few days at most and he fricks off but this time around hes been here for like a month idk what happened in his life but im insanely curious to know

      my best guess is he got some kinda psychiatric care
      he might be on meds that are supposed to balance his moods but just end up making him all manic all the time, and he probably also saw a psychotherapist who taught him all this psychobabble and techniques of tricking people that hes trying to use on others now

      but unfortunately he cant fathom why others can tell what hes doing, because a lower iq individual physically cannot get into the mind of a more intelligent person, just like how a lizard wouldnt be able to understand a person even if they both spoke english

      • 1 month ago

        >but unfortunately he cant fathom why others can tell what hes doing, because a lower iq individual physically cannot get into the mind of a more intelligent person
        Yeah he's always just fifteen steps behind the rest of the world
        I remember when he tried retiring the Birchy persona and then pretended for a while like it never existed until someone explained to him what the tbharchive is and how we have proof of it, then as soon as he figured out that there's an archive of his posts he instantly stopped pretending that he was never here and began using it against others be scouring for old reaction images with the same name and implying it's them
        For a while he even thought it was a separate Chan, and not an archive, so he talked about how people are supposedly talking about him "On the tbharchive"

    • 1 month ago

      i wish it were that complex but he's really just a lunatic
      it's like watching a guy in a room behave like a complete and utter mental case and then try in vain to gaslight people into thinking he's normal
      my best guess is he got some kinda psychiatric care
      he might be on meds that are supposed to balance his moods but just end up making him all manic all the time, and he probably also saw a psychotherapist who taught him all this psychobabble and techniques of tricking people that hes trying to use on others now

      but unfortunately he cant fathom why others can tell what hes doing, because a lower iq individual physically cannot get into the mind of a more intelligent person, just like how a lizard wouldnt be able to understand a person even if they both spoke english

      if you guys really cared why do you keep derailing the thread i mean its one thing to derail the thread over your hatred towards him but losing to him and playing the woe is me card is even sadder

      i cant believe im siding with a namegay god damn it

    • 1 month ago

      You're so pathetic. I hope he posts more Swiss Star just to annoy you.

    • 1 month ago

      >Gets called out for hijacking the thread for off topic drama nobody cares about
      >Blames the namegay
      Can't make this shit up.

  27. 1 month ago

    so what's the deal with the swiss? why does this guy seem to hate the swiss or whatever?

    • 1 month ago

      Idk I hate them too after reading this thread he might be on to something

    • 1 month ago

      Check'd, and great question my dead anon
      It's cause he got rejected by a Swiss female artist online and had such a nuclear end of the world meltdown about it that he dedicated his whole internet life to fuming about her forever
      Whenever he talks about "her" or "The Swiss girl" or "Spencergay", which is a name he gave her and only exclusively he ever uses because that woman doesn't even go on Cinemaphile she's like a DeviantArt/Twitter girly or something, it's him going nuts over her existence and the fact that she didn't gag on his penis.

      • 1 month ago


        das sad

        • 1 month ago

          >hes still in the thread
          have you guys considered that he doesnt care about you i mean if he did hed leave

    • 1 month ago

      Is there Swiss beanmouth? I mean it'd fit, they don't have standards to begin with.

      shit your right I guess this was really the canon explanation of why she's gone


      Still I think maybe her returning would be kino and interesting considering Darwin and Carrie are together and would be also interesting to see how Rachel reacts to that

      I want Rachel back so bad.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't know what would Rachel's role be since Darwin has Carrie as his love interest maybe have a dynamic between his brother Tobais and her being the grounded one like Darwin or Anais?

        • 1 month ago

          Rachel and Carrie fight to the death over him. That would be an interesting episode for sure.

          • 1 month ago

            Carrie would easily win that fight she's a magical possessing ghost with psychic abilities meanwhile Rachel is rich and colorful.

            I think we know how the ep will turn out

            But if I want to see a girl fight in a Gumball it would be Carrie vs Penny that would be more interesting

    • 1 month ago

      the guy firmly believes everyone that has ever appeared in his personal lore is in every single thread he's in so he does this passive aggressive teen girl esque 'vagueposting' about them
      the swiss thing is in relation to the girl who didn't wanna let him smash

      i recall one time i posted in a thread with him in it telling him off and he referred to me by some... guy's name or something? i don't recall what name but he kept doing it so he must've thought i was some dude he knew coming in hot to harass him
      i can't tell if he genuinely believes the only people who would ever dislike him are people who have appeared in his sonichu ass life story, or if it's all a performance he puts on for other people to convince them that thats the case, but either way it's like a true greek tragedy
      depressing, yet hilarious

      • 1 month ago


        LMAO he's blaming her again, holy fricking schizo hours

  28. 1 month ago

    Someone post the pasta I can't be bothered

    • 1 month ago

      I'd do it but the mods have been stingy. I like the Reagan one the most.

      • 1 month ago

        Frick off we won you lost just leave

  29. 1 month ago

    If this guy hates being "stalked" on an anonymous forum so much why doesn't he just take off the namegay, stop talking like a paranoid sperg, and communicate with people in the thread normally about the thread's topic?
    he wants attention he's just crying when you hit him but crying harder when you don't because he wants to be hit

  30. 1 month ago


    >Some hijackers upset over me flatlining their fandom

  31. 1 month ago

    >schizos derail a thread over a namegay
    >they are somehow losing

  32. 1 month ago


    What fandom? Kevin Spencer? You're still obsessed with it?

  33. 1 month ago

    kys Birchy

    • 1 month ago

      lol one of these days hes gonna
      or maybe he will just say he will, like how he kept saying hes "leaving the internet for good really this time for real"

    • 1 month ago

      lol one of these days hes gonna
      or maybe he will just say he will, like how he kept saying hes "leaving the internet for good really this time for real"

      This guy is such a nutcase I 100% believe he might get to the point where he attempts to fake his actual real life death and funeral, and then comes back to the web with another name like... "Girchy" or something... And pretend like it's a different guy impersonating him

      • 1 month ago

        hes too much of a moron to do it properly considering for a long time he couldnt understand the tbharchive nor figure out that he shouldnt air out his mental breakdowns on a public twitter before he comes to Cinemaphile and goes off on here
        so it will probably be some kinda edd ed n eddy style scheme where he doodles his face on a puppet and throws it out the window and then runs out dressed like an old lady going "oh no Birchy is dead!" with a high pitched falsetto voice

        you guys cant even harass him right like id just quit at this point he obviously doesnt give a single frick about any of you

        dude no one's talking to you this is a discussion between adults

        • 1 month ago

          >so it will probably be some kinda edd ed n eddy style scheme where he doodles his face on a puppet and throws it out the window and then runs out dressed like an old lady going "oh no Birchy is dead!" with a high pitched falsetto voice

        • 1 month ago

          >dude no one's talking to you this is a discussion between adults
          yeah but why here? dont you homosexuals have tumblr or some gay shit?

          • 1 month ago

            Birchy's tumblr is greenoak95 btw

      • 1 month ago

        A silver casket and fat hookers. That'd be based af. I'll serve Swiss food (German/French food) there too.

        >Hell yeah, or maybe both of them get with Darwin, like a love triangle

        Idk if you watch the show but Darwin kinda hates Penny due to being with Gumball why do you think we see alot of yaoi shota art woth Gumball and Darwin? so I wouldn't say a fight between them for Darwin's love more of them not liking each other or at first compare whoose boyfriend is better and then somehow escalating into of both them fighting each other.

        Like I said it would be interesting since both of them have actually powers Penny shapeshiting into any fictional creatures she wants based on her emotions

        You make an excellent point.

    • 1 month ago

      lol one of these days hes gonna
      or maybe he will just say he will, like how he kept saying hes "leaving the internet for good really this time for real"

      This guy is such a nutcase I 100% believe he might get to the point where he attempts to fake his actual real life death and funeral, and then comes back to the web with another name like... "Girchy" or something... And pretend like it's a different guy impersonating him

      you guys cant even harass him right like id just quit at this point he obviously doesnt give a single frick about any of you

      • 1 month ago

        What's it like choking on Birchy's dick, Birchy?

  34. 1 month ago


    Frick off, why do you have to come in here and make the thread about yourself?
    Take your fricking name off.

    • 1 month ago

      You morons started it first. Like damn, I just came in to talk about beanmouth and you all hijack it over stupid shit.

      This image describes Cinemaphile in its core

      Me on the right.

      • 1 month ago

        No, you fricking schizo ass doesn't need to use a name, simple as.
        Now frick off attention prostitute.

        • 1 month ago

          I know you're trying to get me to spam again. Sorry that tactic is not gonna work anymore. ^_^

          >The industry is cultist as hell right now and any opposition will get you in trouble
          >children's cartoons

          Rest assured this cult is like the special Ed illuminati. You think the execs would promote more competent manages, but now half a billion in losses and growing.

          Just make your own shit and network with like minded artists

          >Just make your own shit and network with like minded artists
          Yes, I wish more people would understand this. Frick the network bullshit.

          • 1 month ago

            Why did you spam in the first place? Did you think it will make her want to suddenly suck your dick?

  35. 1 month ago

    This image describes Cinemaphile in its core

    • 1 month ago

      birchy on the right i love the fact he just doesnt care about hate at all

      • 1 month ago

        namegay on the right.

        yes I'm defending him you homosexuals have yet given me a reason to hate him.

        Okay, Birchy

    • 1 month ago

      namegay on the right.

      yes I'm defending him you homosexuals have yet given me a reason to hate him.

  36. 1 month ago


    i remember that thread this whole freakout started cause someone posted a censored picture of his penis which he supposedly sent to someone

    i wont like when i first saw it i thought it might be fake yknow Cinemaphile and all that, dont trust anything blindly

    but he actually went nuts right afterwords
    the whole time before that he was clearly in the thread but pretending it's not him, then as soon as the wiener picture was posted he lost his mind and started threatening people

    which kinda convinced me it is real kek, cause why would he do that if it was fake?

    • 1 month ago

      Not to mention the like 500 threads he made before to spam his crush's art

    • 1 month ago

      Oh yeah that's 100% real nobody freaks out that hard over a fake, knowing him he would've just done his ol "lol not me you're crazy ^_^" thing but that actually got him to explode

  37. 1 month ago


    It's like that one Looney tunes gag.

  38. 1 month ago


    >I just wanted to annoy her
    Why? Because you have a crush on her? Awww so cute!

  39. 1 month ago

    Many old industry folk, and a few newcomers who came into the industry but had big dreams of true and honest oldschool professional work, spoke about being disappointed in how it handles criticizm
    Most notably how it cannot handle it
    At all
    It's downright discouraged

    • 1 month ago
      Hamlet of Troy

      That's always a sad thing in art circles, and really critism should be encouraged because that improves both the critquer and the crtiquee.

      So, everyone got banned for their off-topic shit? Good

      Hopefully lol, but as a namegay from the /bcb/ threads, I gotta say that Brichy (who really I only learned about in this thread) seem to have won even with being a dummy and sharing a picture of his penis. Hating the swiss is meh (the french/german food thing gave a slight chuckle)

      It's no secret that the current mainstream animation industry is very homogenized and has a disapproval of artists criticizing it's practices, so for a while if you wanted to work in it you couldn't *notice* that the new-Calarts artstyle is a problem, and you sure as hell weren't allowed to make fun of it

      Recently a shift occurred where it suddenly became acceptable to do so because audiences en masse started noticing it's existence as well, and there was no point in hiding it, so many artists and cartoon creators now became empowered to boldly and bravely mock the "style"
      But only a highly specific and curated hyperbolic depiction of the style in the form of a shiny, rounded character with a big cheek and a bean mouth
      This is a form of approved and acceptable opposition to show the world that "See? The artists in the industry *aren't* repressed, they are allowed to point this out." without actually risking stirring the pot

      But you'll still not see artists criticizing the style as a whole and the issues with it, not for a looooong long time, because they're still not actually permitted to do so, they can only repeat memes that have now become safe for them to repeat.

      I don't feel like standing up and clapping for them having finally said, so bravely and controversially, what we were all seeing years ago
      Even more so for saying a safe version of it

      Pardon the autistic statement but- these "Haha look guys industry guy making fun of Calarts!" memes are, in a way, the "Calarts style" of industry criticism - soft, inoffensive, culturally approved and mass produced for what they think the audience wants, and without edge or intent.

      But finally back on topic, I think distilling it down to "bean mouth" forgoes the animation aspect of it. How much squash and stretch are in a new cal-arts cartoon? How many angles of characters not in the 3/4th angle? Also just the general loss of slapstick comedy is really sad.

      • 1 month ago

        have a nice day

      • 1 month ago

        >I think distilling it down to "bean mouth" forgoes the animation aspect of it
        Earlier in the thread there’s a whole discussion about this, see

        By portraying the Calarts style as NOTHING MORE THAN "big cheek and a bean mouth" they effectively create a strawman that they can easily push down with two stock arguments
        1. Look at this obviously Calarts show, it doesn't do the big cheek and bean grin so it's obviously not Calarts' and also
        2. 'Look at this clearly non Calarts cartoon by like, idk, Ghibli or something, it DOES have a big cheek and a bean grin so i gueeeess it's Calarts too riiiiight?'
        Everyone with eyes and healthy pattern recognition can notice what the style is
        Look at pic rel and tell me it doesn't exude the Calarts accusations despite having NONE of the memetic properties that we're supposed to notice
        NO bright neon colors, NO big side cheek, NO beany toothy grin
        So how come we can still tell it belongs in that category? Because it has many, many aspects of the style that nobody in the industry is willing to mention lest it be revealed that "the style" isn't just one or two traits, but rather a whole design philosophy and sets of observable patterns all coming together to create what we now know as the "Calarts style"

        Then later in the thread we get a bunch of thoughtless posts all at once just recently saying there is no problem it doesn’t exist you’re silly for thinking so bean mouth bean mouth bean mouth, just proving that other anon right

        • 1 month ago

          >We discussed this!
          No, you made a bare assertion about others using a straw man while failing to establish even just what you think the primary elements of "cal arts style" are. It was kind of a blatant and pathetic trick, honestly.

          • 1 month ago

            >one hour ago
            You btfo that guy.

  40. 1 month ago


    So you admit it. When's the next spam meltdown?

    • 1 month ago

      Ehh not really feeling it. Haven't given me a reason.

      • 1 month ago

        And? Hasn't stopped you before, usually you just go into a thread, be a fricking butthole, get hate and blame everything on her.

        • 1 month ago

          >t. Special Ed illuminati

  41. 1 month ago

    Why is this whole thread just a namegay talking to himself

    • 1 month ago

      it is not
      some schizos hijacked the thread to pick on the namegay and he is just not caring in the slightest its kinda badass

      • 1 month ago

        >not caring in the slightest


        >schizo capslock meltdowns

  42. 1 month ago

    >AI posting
    oh god don't remind me of the time he was so mad at his crush he pumped out a buncha AI images of Star Vs characters holding up signs calling her names

    • 1 month ago

      >don't remind me
      lol i'll remind you anyway

      you don't have to tell me twice
      but during the stone age....

      • 1 month ago

        Oh good God, imagine just being some rando on the internet doodling cartoon characters for fun, a complete mental patient gets attached to you, and before you know it he formed most of his identity and daily activities around you, and now years later is still at it
        She probably doesn't even remember he exists anymore, poor lass

        • 1 month ago

          He does this all in hopes she will DM him

          • 1 month ago

            He does, in a previous thread he kept pretending to be other people itt saying "I message him, now someone else do it too! Message him! Guys, message him!" hoping one of those people will be his crush

            Holy shit now that I think about, that's probably how anon got his kok photo

          • 1 month ago

            Nah I don't want that ugly b***h in my dms, why do you guys constantly want me to frick her? This isn't some arranged marriage.

            im so used to birchy's moronic spazzouts that im completely numb to all the nonsense he goes on about, so somehow, this hit me as the dumbest thing he said itt
            the implication that only the british say "lass"

            Got anymore TF2 images for me?

            • 1 month ago

              Why do you constantly spam her art?

    • 1 month ago

      Now those were funny. I'd make more but I'm not feeling it. Care to give me suggestions? I'm trying to get it to do the postal jacket but it gives me the damn dog.

      >don't remind me
      lol i'll remind you anyway

      you don't have to tell me twice
      but during the stone age....

      OH NICE. Thanks for sharing them.

      • 1 month ago

        no frick you I win

      • 1 month ago

        Do some more about you who wants to frick a random Swiss girl but she doesn't want to frick you back so you're all mad.

  43. 1 month ago


    im so used to birchy's moronic spazzouts that im completely numb to all the nonsense he goes on about, so somehow, this hit me as the dumbest thing he said itt
    the implication that only the british say "lass"

  44. 1 month ago

    >Double D is black
    Good. Now the ugly is on the outside too.

  45. 1 month ago


    I don't see seething, I see you spamming threads for hours and pretending everyone who responds to you is the same person.

  46. 1 month ago

    So, everyone got banned for their off-topic shit? Good

  47. 1 month ago


    Literally what I’ve fricking always said. Anime has more variety, better stories, better animation, better everything right now than animation. Animation is either beanmouth shows for baby introverts or liberal propaganda shows like Velma, either only infants or leftist hays code

  48. 1 month ago

    It’s all hollow because we know the studios here will always go for the cheapest and safest option. If it isn’t Calarts, it will be something like outsourcing it for less money or AIslop.

  49. 1 month ago

    Take your meds schizo

  50. 1 month ago

    Tartakovsky studied at CalArts and nobody will ever fault his style; the problem is that nothing else emerged in the wake of the recession. There should have been new legitimate animation and art schools teaching with a basis in life drawing and technical skill on a budget and timeline considering we learned that everything up to the 2000s was moronic at that point.

  51. 1 month ago

    ITT children that have never drawn so much as a smiley face argue about a "style" that literally never existed as anything but John K being mad at Disney and a couple morons being mad at cheap Rough Draft Korea shows for existing.

    The moment you call something "calarts" you are broadcasting that you know literally nothing about illustration or animation.

  52. 1 month ago

    >without edge or intent
    Not all calarts art styles are like this at all. Most might be though.

  53. 1 month ago

    >From Double D to Double G

  54. 1 month ago

    Threads that are whining about generalizations instead of focusing on specific examples are so tiresome.
    You are talking about nothing and jerking yourselves off over nothing. There is nothing of substance to be had in these discussions. They can barely even be called discussions.
    Also the people who post this shit tend to be the same people who worship trash like Family Guy which was notoriously cheap looking and lead to a lot of cheap looking copycats, long before Adventure Time was ever a thing.

  55. 1 month ago
  56. 1 month ago

    You're a frickin moron

  57. 1 month ago


    >But all I asked was for her to leave me alone
    >Goes into every thread with his stupid nametag, is annoying and then just pretends every anon replying to him is her

  58. 1 month ago

    Its funny how the western trash is shitting on each other like parasites, while the Japanese went from student to grandmaster watching his old master battle with dementia

  59. 1 month ago

    they dont want to create shows that require drawing skills to produce. That's it.

    They would have to pay artists well if they were the only ones who could create the show. The way it is now, its one step removed from an ai generated show. The 'artists" just drag and drop features and tween them.

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