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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 days ago

    actually not a bad idea

  2. 4 days ago

    Too little, too late. A gimmick like that would've worked better 5-10 years ago.

    • 4 days ago

      >Too little, too late. A gimmick like that would've worked better 5-10 years ago.

      Why wouldn't it work now? Aside from capeshit being on its last legs.

      • 4 days ago

        Capeshit as you call it is on its last legs because all were getting is DEI slop, girl power shit, race swapping, gender swapping, it always kills franchises

      • 4 days ago

        Gimmicks can't save them, now. The only thing that can save them is an honest to God good script in the present day that's probably 90 mins long. Having it take place in the past or in the future or whatever does nothing.for that. Plus having blacks and dykes in 60s clothing like Mad Men is gonna look really moronic.

  3. 4 days ago

    pretty much live action Incredibles then
    it might be good

  4. 4 days ago

    bad idea
    bad casting

  5. 4 days ago

    >non-white doctor
    >in the 60s

    ya okay

    • 4 days ago

      pedro is caucasian

      • 4 days ago

        He has black Mayan eyes.

        • 4 days ago

          He's from Chile, not Mexico.

          • 4 days ago

            Same thing. Even in the poster he clearly doesn't belong.

      • 4 days ago

        > Pedro Pascal (born April 2, 1975, Santiago, Chile) is a Chilean-born American actor

        No. He’s definitely not white. Look at him.

        • 4 days ago

          Chileans are white of Italian descent. Only Brazil and Mexico are brown.

          • 4 days ago

            So sad how delusional you people are, an entire lifetime of denial you're going to have to lead.

            • 4 days ago

              whatever you say tyrone danygga

              • 4 days ago

                Everything that comes out of your mouth is denial, historians will probably try to figure this out, not even Indians are willing to take it this far.

          • 4 days ago

            That's Argentina. Chilean are spaniards mix with indians.

          • 4 days ago

            >of Italian descent

            • 4 days ago

              Yeah. We are so much better than white.

        • 4 days ago

          A israelite became president of Mexico. Latin America isn't an ethnostate

        • 4 days ago

          he comes from a wealthy family of chilean politicians
          he's basically 100% spanish
          >inb4 le spaniards aren't white

      • 4 days ago

        homie his name is pedro

    • 4 days ago

      >there were no latinos in america in the 1960s

      • 4 days ago

        about 3%

        • 4 days ago

          This map is dumb there were obviously more native Americans than that in 1610

          • 4 days ago

            I'm sorry were you there?

          • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

      I Love Lucy was America's Pandora's box

  6. 4 days ago

    there's not going to be a Mexican doctor in the 60s and sue looks like Benedict Cumberbatch with breasts

  7. 4 days ago

    So why didn't they help with anything in the other movies?

    • 4 days ago

      I bet they are going to say some dumb shit like
      >"Doom tricked the F4 to go to space and get trapped on a black hole for decades but now the watcher (who's black obviously) sees an upcoming threat that the F4 can help with so he teleports them back to current year earth"

    • 4 days ago

      According to the rumors it's set in a different universe

  8. 4 days ago

    >Senor Fantastic
    No thanks.

    • 4 days ago

      Senor Fantasico! They really need to recast Pedro Pascal.

      • 4 days ago

        Like 20 actors declined the part.

        • 4 days ago

          like who

        • 4 days ago

          Because they aren't the lead. Sue is

  9. 4 days ago

    It's like at this point they just want to lose money.
    Right now the only think keeping Disney/Marvel afloat is ethnics who watch these movies with their entire extended family.
    Do you really think they can wrap their head around the concept of this being set in the 1960s? Do you think they care about such a choice? If anything it will just confuse them.

    But I guess they want to squeeze in some civil rights pandering horseshit in that time period, which will no doubt again just baffle anyone crazy enough to pay for a ticket.

  10. 4 days ago

    if they don't make the Human Torch gay I will be 100% shocked and lose two bets.

  11. 4 days ago

    >Set in the 60s
    >MC will have noticeable Latino accent
    >Everyone talks like they're from Reddit
    Modern day writers are hacks

    • 4 days ago

      >MC will have noticeable Latino accent

  12. 4 days ago

    > 60's
    > cast isn't all caucasian white looking
    >" he appeared to suggest that it might not be the same 1960s New York that viewers have previously seen onscreen."
    Black folk chinks and shitskins i bet

  13. 4 days ago

    They needed someone like Karl Urban for this part.
    The Boys gave him plenty of media presence and he showed in those shitty Star Trek movies he has range.
    He can channel autistic intensity quite well.

    But what makes or breaks the entire franchise at this point is Doom.
    If they frick up Doom it's over.

    • 4 days ago

      >If they frick up Doom it's over.
      I can pretty much assume that this role is doomed
      >t. pun intended

  14. 4 days ago

    Me fantastic’s face is too wide

  15. 4 days ago

    I bet this will totally not involve a bunch of preachy stuff about race and women's rights given the 1960s setting

  16. 4 days ago

    >zoomers into 90's shit recently
    >only 90'e MCU movie is shitty Captain Msrvel
    They're really moronic. Nerdy zoomers think the 90's are cool at the moment.

    • 4 days ago

      >Nerdy zoomers think the 90's are cool at the moment.
      Wrong, it's the 70s and 80s we're getting into right now. We cringe at milennials obsessed with the 90s.

    • 4 days ago

      >Nerdy zoomers think the 90's are cool at the moment.
      Wrong, it's the 70s and 80s we're getting into right now. We cringe at milennials obsessed with the 90s.

      Samegay have a nice day

  17. 4 days ago

    >People still gobble this capeshit up
    Can we please give it up already? Won't this be the third reiteration of this franchise?

  18. 4 days ago

    I stopped giving a shit about Marvelslop two years ago. Too little too late. If anything maybe I’ll catch the highlight reel on youtube after it gets dumped on streaming and call it a day

  19. 4 days ago

    Does that mean no Black folk, no homosexuals and women back in the kitchen? I'd watch that

    • 4 days ago

      it's a "reimagined" 60s for "modern audiences"

  20. 4 days ago

    >No Cavill as Reed Richards
    >No Taylor Swift as Sue Storm
    Flop is coming. X-Men won't save this dead universe, all MCUcks have never watched a X-Men Movie, even when they were compiting against The Amazing Spiderman and Redditvengers.

    • 4 days ago

      >a brit and a popstar
      sounds extremely homosexual

  21. 4 days ago

    bidengays vote against their own economic interests

  22. 4 days ago

    Won't mean anything, because they'll still want to do their team up movie, so something something time travel something hey the Fantastic Four are in 2030 now.

  23. 4 days ago

    >brown reed richards

  24. 4 days ago

    That's nice, it will still be woke trash shit.

  25. 4 days ago

    Pedro looks like he's from Pakistan in these drawings. He's pale as frick in real life

  26. 4 days ago

    >End the MCU
    >Continue to make shit films

  27. 4 days ago

    Reminder that Sue originally convinced Ben to join them on their flight into space by asking him if he wanted THE COMMIES to be the first in space.

  28. 4 days ago

    They really should have just set it in a different universe.

    • 4 days ago

      I thought it was a different universe in the 60's?

  29. 4 days ago

    If it's in the 60's Pedro better slap Sue

  30. 4 days ago

    It's going to be set in the 60's so it can be all about how Sue leads the team in the face of a chauvinist society. I'm calling it now

  31. 4 days ago

    *the woke 1960s

  32. 4 days ago

    >marvels version of the sixties:
    >Galactus: WOW I may destroy entire worlds but I’m not racist!

  33. 4 days ago


  34. 4 days ago

    >it's officially shit

  35. 4 days ago

    What .... exactly is the thought process of setting this in the 60s?

    The only thing I can think of is for them to start in the 60s then due to science hijinks get transported into the present, so they can play off their retro character sensibilities against the current world for continuous humor.
    Same thing for Doom, having him go from 60s to present day and then establish himself might be interesting enough.

    • 4 days ago

      they can always cop out with space shenanigans with the four being lightyears away from the rest of the world

      • 4 days ago

        What .... exactly is the thought process of setting this in the 60s?

        The only thing I can think of is for them to start in the 60s then due to science hijinks get transported into the present, so they can play off their retro character sensibilities against the current world for continuous humor.
        Same thing for Doom, having him go from 60s to present day and then establish himself might be interesting enough.

        Oh shit that's what's going to happen.
        They'll go on a space mission in the 60s but arrive in present time then they'll play the whole fish out of water shtick with them awkwardly reacting to modern stuff.

        • 4 days ago

          I feel like they'll come to the present and the present day humans would be the backwards ones, even with stark, space and asgardian tech, with how long they've been cosomo-hopping trying to get back (if that's what they're going for)

    • 4 days ago

      They know its quite easy to write fish-out-of-water stories and old sensibilities clashing with modern ones. Thats the entirety of Cap's arc and gets somewhat explored with Thor in the first movie until he turns into Hemsworth 2.0 sans the accent. Now they can use people raised on Cold War ethics, Mccarthyism and Civil Rights shit and milk it endlessly.

  36. 4 days ago

    Replying to a comment from a previous thread on this, about a poster who thinks corporations only do diversity casting in the interest of profit and 'wouldn't do it if it's unprofitable'


    I have some lefty friends. Some quite smart, all think like this. You can conclusively prove the contrary to them and get them agreeing, and a week later they're spouting the exact same thing.
    The simplicity of blaming everything on corporate greed is too fundamental to how those circles think.
    I'm in a corporation that measures yearly profits in the billions and I can unequivocally state that we do a massive amount of superfluous and performative activities that negatively impact our bottom line.
    The reason these people have so much trouble reconciling with reality is because they still think of corporations as their enemy, not getting that the things they think they want, are the exact same things being espoused and actioned by corporations and governments.
    We have programs that explicitly hire and fund the international moves of non-whites, we have success measures for execs based on 'gender parity' in their hires, we have queer grants and positions that explicitly exist just to give 'a voice' to specific groups so small, that if they were wiped off the face of the earth tomorrow, we'd have to look a thousand decimal places into our profits to find a dip, and you wouldn't find it, because it would be significantly offset by the savings in not funding these exercises.
    There are a lot of true believers that do it because they were taught it's right and that we have a 'social responsibility'.
    The other aspect is that our top two biggest shareholders are Blackrock and Vangard, and our policies have over the decade become completely aligned with theirs.
    But all that means nothing after a lefty hears two friends with zero corporate experience spout a zinger they heard on reddit.

  37. 4 days ago

    Have you seen the latest Tom hank/Zemeckis trailer "Here".
    It seems the boomers are going hard in on nostalgia for one last hurrah before hitting the graveyard. They have nothing left

    • 4 days ago

      >Tom Hank

  38. 4 days ago

    >period film
    Oh boy, can't wait for all the virtue signaling and political subtext about racism and sexism in the 1960s in my sci-fi adventures!

  39. 4 days ago

    >we HAVE to make a FF movie that will flop
    >but why?
    >WE HAVE TO! now let's cast the wrong mister fantastic and then write the worst plot we can, and set it in the 1960s!
    >but why?
    >so we can ignore every FF plotline and make it ABOUT Black folk!
    >but why?
    >because everyone likes Black folk, and cares only about Black folk. no one wants to watch a FF movie for the FF. NO ONE

  40. 4 days ago

    is the fire guy not a rigger this time?

    • 4 days ago

      why should he be? he was always a white blonde guy except in that one shitty movie.

  41. 4 days ago

    Why do they keep casting this guy and his distractingly tiny mouth

    • 4 days ago

      Isn't he like 60 by now? They really must have a hard time finding handsome latinoid actors. Is he the only one they've got? Nothing else?

      And let me guess, the actor at the top: his storyline will revolve around AIDS in some way. He looks like a prolific incubator for rectal sexual infections.

  42. 4 days ago

    Is this where we learn that the 60's was funnily enough exactly like modern day California

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