>It's one of the best post-movie episodes.

>It's one of the best post-movie episodes. I'm glad you have OCD, you deserve it.

>This episode is fantastic, the character interactions, the writing, the fantastic slapstick and line delivery. Boy what an episode and that doesn't even begin to delve into the deep philosophical undertones the episode discussed regarding materialism and self actuation. Truly a grand piece of artwork. You would have to be an unevolved cromagnon to think otherwise.

Everything that was said here about Skill Crane is bullshit. Thank you

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  1. 2 years ago

    >wake up babe new schizo just dropped

  2. 2 years ago

    It was a fricking joke and it was a funny episode. Stop looking for shit to get offended about. Same with i am stupid that episode was also funny as hell
    T. Anon with literal crippling OCD and who went to special ed for most of his later schooling

    • 2 years ago

      >It was a fricking joke and it was a funny episode.
      Still bullshit

      >Stop looking for shit to get offended about.
      I'm not trying to get offended. I just want to be respected for something that I don't like. My OCD has to be satisfied

      >Same with i am stupid that episode was also funny as hell
      That one is a double edged sword for me

      >T. Anon with literal crippling OCD and who went to special ed for most of his later schooling
      Everyone is immature

  3. 2 years ago

    OP do you want to talk? Not about this episode but about the actual issues plaguing your life that have driven you to make multiple threads in a desperate attempt at attention and validation? Do you have a father figure in your life? Any friends? A job or productive hobby? You appear to be suffering anon and I don't think insulting a random episode of Spongebob is going to help you.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, I've been having multiple issues for many years, including my mentality. I don't know who I would consider to be a "father figure". I have some friends at my job. And yes, I am suffering.

      • 2 years ago

        Then discuss these issues with your friends, not US.

        • 2 years ago

          >Then discuss these issues with your friends, not US.

        • 2 years ago

          You also better not be

          OP do you want to talk? Not about this episode but about the actual issues plaguing your life that have driven you to make multiple threads in a desperate attempt at attention and validation? Do you have a father figure in your life? Any friends? A job or productive hobby? You appear to be suffering anon and I don't think insulting a random episode of Spongebob is going to help you.

          either. They're at lease trying to be more helpful with my issues

      • 2 years ago

        >Then discuss these issues with your friends, not US.

        >Glad to see I'm finally getting the following I deserve.
        I only greentexted it because I took it seriously

        >Have fun seething over an episode that's been out for, what, 17 years now?
        The past always matters. You are a stupid fat b***h who does not respect me

        >Good or bad, it ultimately didn't matter. Just like you.
        I dare you to take all of this back. Maybe even double dare for that matter, you c**t, who won't respect me. Go to fricking hell and burn

        >It was a fricking joke and it was a funny episode.
        Still bullshit

        >Stop looking for shit to get offended about.
        I'm not trying to get offended. I just want to be respected for something that I don't like. My OCD has to be satisfied

        >Same with i am stupid that episode was also funny as hell
        That one is a double edged sword for me

        >T. Anon with literal crippling OCD and who went to special ed for most of his later schooling
        Everyone is immature

        bumping this thread to tell you you're one huge autistic Black personhomosexual

        • 2 years ago

          You don't know what it's fricking like. You are a fricking devil who has a grudge against autistic people. Shame on you, and god damn you to hell

          • 2 years ago

            >You are a fricking devil who has a grudge against autistic people
            How could you tell?

            • 2 years ago

              Because they hate autistic people like me. They don't know or care what it's like. They don't wanna respect me either. They're a devil

              • 2 years ago

                Anon I can garuntee that the only reason you're an autist is because you weren't bullied enough to stop this moronic behavior

              • 2 years ago

                It's all I fricking get. My behavior wasn't even meant to be like that. I just wanted to be honest and be respected for something that I don't like. I don't like being judged. I don't like being criticized severely. It's not fun when I'm like this. I'm scared and I'm confused

  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    >>It's one of the best post-movie episodes. I'm glad you have OCD, you deserve it.
    Hey, I wrote that! Glad to see I'm finally getting the following I deserve. Have fun seething over an episode that's been out for, what, 17 years now? Good or bad, it ultimately didn't matter. Just like you.

    • 2 years ago

      >Glad to see I'm finally getting the following I deserve.
      I only greentexted it because I took it seriously

      >Have fun seething over an episode that's been out for, what, 17 years now?
      The past always matters. You are a stupid fat b***h who does not respect me

      >Good or bad, it ultimately didn't matter. Just like you.
      I dare you to take all of this back. Maybe even double dare for that matter, you c**t, who won't respect me. Go to fricking hell and burn

  6. 2 years ago

    I decided to rewatch this episode to see if it really was that bad or good.
    I gotta go with bad.
    It's like the fourth or fifth time they have done this concept with squidward, so it already starts off being a rehash that is then done poorly compared to its competitors like "idiot box" or "the paper". There's a very low number of jokes in the episode, which is just odd in general, spongebob, even the bad ones are usually filled with "jokes". Squidward himself, honestly, he seems out of character the whole time, he seems more like what spongebob would act like if he had the problem of not winning a crane machine. In fact, the whole episode would make a lot more sense with spongebob, or perhaps patrick in place of squidward.

  7. 2 years ago

    Fun fact, this episode is actually a direct parody of an episode of The Twilight Zone, The Fever. The difference is that instead of a slot machine, its a crane machine

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