ITT: based retard villains

>was a loyal knight of the round table for years
>throws it all away after a 40 second conversation
>tries to murder the king in front of everyone
>Arthur never even actually said he wasn't getting new land

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >tries to solo Arthur and the knights
    >almost wins if not for excalibur/caliborn

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't Arthur had one arm broken for most of the movie? Kinda make sense for him to not be at his 100%

  2. 2 years ago

    A victim of bad writing.

    • 2 years ago

      why do his fingers have hands

      • 2 years ago

        They don't, it's just that his fingernails are gnarly as frick.

      • 2 years ago

        He gets things done. He needs extra hands for that.

  3. 2 years ago

    the old ruber threads were gold, i need more

  4. 2 years ago

    >king of amphibia
    >search parties cant even find anne or sasha

    • 2 years ago

      >lose the box the first time and now it could be anywhere in the multiverse and you have no way of going to different dimensions to look for it: patiently wait in a basement for a thousand years for the sliver of a chance that it may find its way back to you
      >lose the box the second time and now it’s no longer in your possession but you know exactly where it is: immediately decide to allahu akbar the entire planet

      • 2 years ago

        both andrias and the core were both moronic but core was more moronic
        >urges andrias to try to kill marcy for some reason

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >siege moronius
      I don't get it.

      • 2 years ago

        The seats of the Round Table were called Sieges (the modern term regarding warfare descends from this, literally sitting outside your enemy's encampment)
        The Siege Perilous was the empty chair reserved for the knight that would one day find the Holy Grail
        So yadda yadda yadda worldplay

  6. 2 years ago

    I'm the QfC anon from a few weeks ago, I finished the book. I'm still pissed at the ending even though I saw it coming.

    • 2 years ago

      QRD? Does it build up to something and not deliver it or just end weakly

      • 2 years ago

        Quest for Camelot, sory. I finished reading the King's Damosel, the book Quest for Camelot was very barely inspired by.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh yes I know, I recall you mentioning it a while back. What's the plot like, how did it fail?

          • 2 years ago

            I had started typing a long, detailed thing from memory but stopped when I reread what you wrote. Did you just want to hear the points I liked or a whole overview?

            • 2 years ago

              The more the merrier, lol

              • 2 years ago

                Thread please don't die I'm typing so much

              • 2 years ago

                Okay since I finished it the other day I just wrote a huge-ass ramble spoiling the main story. But for those who don't want to be spoiled this much, I can do some greentext of the points I liked/disliked. Sorry for blog, I was having fun rambling all this out:

                Clusterfrick option, okay
                The book is the second in a trilogy, but takes place before the first one. Which is kind of annoying, because I've been reading from a book that has all of them in it and the first book literally spoils parts of the second, in passing. All the main characters are different in each one so to be honest I just wanted to get to this one already. It's a lot like Arthurian fanfic in some ways - the good is that I'm not super well-versed in it so if something is too corny sometimes it'll fly over my head, but sometimes it doesn't and its like okay we get that this is a reference. I also didn't expect all the Christianity, which might sound weird but to be fair I was coming from the movie which is more vaguely celtic.

              • 2 years ago

                It has some interesting ideas the movie doesn't do (no I don't mean the rape scene) but it also does some things that drive me up a fricking wall. Right off the bat it starts off in media res (and right there I finally realised that I hate this device), saying Lynett (Kayley, but she's better in this) went on an adventure with a guy called Gareth (where they must have gotten Garret's name from) to save her sister. We don't get to see that adventure. They mention they bickered here and there but she got a crush on him. Well too bad, he's getting married off to her sister, and Lynette is getting married off to Gareth's brutish brother. Thankfully, right when they're alone that night (and put under immense pressure by everybody else to frick each other), the brother admits that he has no interest in her either and doesn't even stop her from ditching him when Merlin appears and lets Lynette know that there are greater things planned for her. Lynette is pretty frustrated with Merlin, which is understandable, because he has an odd tendency to pop up right after something really shitty happens to her (he first spoke to her after she got raped by a knight she trusted, and she was only thirteen). So she's like this was all such bullshit, what were you talking about this shit is still unfair. He tells her again that there is greatness she'll accomplish, and shows her a magical projection of her future self, dressed in white, holding something incredibly holy. Lynette refuses to believe that's her, because she sees herself as ugly and impure. Anyway to hurry things up a bit, Lynette basically becomes King Arthur's official messenger.

              • 2 years ago

                She's supposed to travel up along with an assistant to stop some butthole who's claiming he owns the area up there. So they go up there and well frick, its the rapist. The assistant gets killed, Jeanne (the falcon) barely gets away, and Lynette is captured. Lynette does make a speech calling out the rapist and for a moment even his own men are swayed by her words, but unfortunately she keeps going on, enjoying chewing him out too much, and so they no longer believe her. Pretty obviously because of Lynette's grudge, these freaky spiny black magic shapes keep appearing to haunt her, and they do every now and then in the story. The rapist tells her that he doesn't want to frick her anymore, but he still wants the info so he tortures her with a thumbscrew instead. Lynette is terrified because he makes her swear under God to tell the truth and also the torture is so bad she passes out at first, but she manages to lie and tells him something in code instead. Jeanne later returns showing that the knights understood the cry for help from the code, and reinforcements are coming. The knights arrive and Lancelot asks Lynette if he should kill the rapist. Even though he pleads for his life Lynette is like nah kill him, and he cuts off his head.

              • 2 years ago

                Later on a face appears above the severed head and pleads Lynette to forgive him. Yeah, it's bullshit, he learnt that he misunderstood lust and affection and regrets trampling on her innocence. Also that he can never rest until she does (he's in some tortured existence), so she pities him and does. Black fuzzy things disappear. Anyway now she gets sent with three other round table knights to find the holy grail. Stuff happens, the paths get messed up by illusions and Lynette encounters Morgan Le Fay herself, who offers to have Lynette work for her as a mole, because come on doesn't Arthur even pay you? Lynette is like hell no and gets out of there.

              • 2 years ago

                Lynette is still seperated from the others. In the dark while travelling she falls into the rushing water and nearly drowns, but a man saves her (and in doing so he held her against him, oh my). The man is Lucius, and he's blind. He's supposedly very pretty and doesn't wear much, but is badass enough to go for a swim in that area for fun because he knows the place that well. He lives in this valley with a nice old witch woman who helps him out (there's also stuff about her religion and Lynett is judgemental at first but then becomes more tolerant) Lynett and Lucius fall in love, but the way it's written is cute. They make love, its sweet. Then the witch woman lets Lynette that Lucius is actually dying and only has a year left. Whoops. So Lynett is like "oh yeah that holy grail could save him" and promises him she'll come back. Lynett eventually finds the other knights and they do their magical test, in which Lynett's tells her she's not really over her grudge. But she is, and lo and behold she gets to use the holy grail itself. The only thing is, the holy grail can heal only one thing. And only he can choose. So Lucius has to choose his sight or his lifespan. GUESS WHICH ONE HE FRICKING PICKS IT'S SUCH BULLSHIT AND HE ONLY HAS A MONTH LEFT BY THEN SO HE FRICKING DIES Then Lynett is like well, guess I'll go back to being the King's mesenger and go on more adventures, and yup, it ends with that.

              • 2 years ago

                Anyway, sorry that this is more Cinemaphile than Cinemaphile but I'd rather hang out here.
                The good
                >Lynette is a far better character than Kayley and now I'm sad that we didn't get her in the movie instead. She isnt weak or OP, she does end up in a quite a few pinches and sadly doesn't get to use a sword, but it's cool how she uses her wits. It was genuinely heartwarming to read about her finally feeling confident and loved in the final chapters.
                >Aiden the falcon is Jeanne in this, and tags along with Lynett instead (though I think it's still implied she's sent from Merlin)
                >Aside from Jeanne and the knights now and then, Lynett often gets stuck having to deal with shit alone which is actually interesting, there's more tension that way (and because we know how dark things can get, it's scarier too)
                >Lucius, who Garret was inspired by, doesn't appear till near the end but he's a decent love interest (though total badass Garret was fun)
                The bad
                >The writing has a habit of jumping past things that could have been interesting (no, not the rape). More often than not it really got on my nerves. For instance a chapter ends with her going into a forest and then the next chapter will begin with her coming out of it already. Like come on
                >Barely any Ruber, sorry, I was gutted by this too
                >No wacky Forbidden Forest that I love, at least not the one we all know
                >Jeanne talks and then just doesn't and they don't bother to explain, magic I guess
                >oddly I felt like there wasn't that much fighting
                >ending is such bullshit which really sours everything even though you see it coming
                The eh
                >I didn't feel that much for the "forgive the rapist" arc, maybe it was 2Christian4me. Fortunately the story continues past that and it isn't the end of the book
                >I like the concept of her travelling with a group of knights from the round table, but personalitywise there didn't feel like there was much to them (even though I know they were meant to be like "omg ARTHURIAN REFERENCE")

              • 2 years ago

                Anyway, sorry that this is more Cinemaphile than Cinemaphile but I'd rather hang out here.
                The good
                >Lynette is a far better character than Kayley and now I'm sad that we didn't get her in the movie instead. She isnt weak or OP, she does end up in a quite a few pinches and sadly doesn't get to use a sword, but it's cool how she uses her wits. It was genuinely heartwarming to read about her finally feeling confident and loved in the final chapters.
                >Aiden the falcon is Jeanne in this, and tags along with Lynett instead (though I think it's still implied she's sent from Merlin)
                >Aside from Jeanne and the knights now and then, Lynett often gets stuck having to deal with shit alone which is actually interesting, there's more tension that way (and because we know how dark things can get, it's scarier too)
                >Lucius, who Garret was inspired by, doesn't appear till near the end but he's a decent love interest (though total badass Garret was fun)
                The bad
                >The writing has a habit of jumping past things that could have been interesting (no, not the rape). More often than not it really got on my nerves. For instance a chapter ends with her going into a forest and then the next chapter will begin with her coming out of it already. Like come on
                >Barely any Ruber, sorry, I was gutted by this too
                >No wacky Forbidden Forest that I love, at least not the one we all know
                >Jeanne talks and then just doesn't and they don't bother to explain, magic I guess
                >oddly I felt like there wasn't that much fighting
                >ending is such bullshit which really sours everything even though you see it coming
                The eh
                >I didn't feel that much for the "forgive the rapist" arc, maybe it was 2Christian4me. Fortunately the story continues past that and it isn't the end of the book
                >I like the concept of her travelling with a group of knights from the round table, but personalitywise there didn't feel like there was much to them (even though I know they were meant to be like "omg ARTHURIAN REFERENCE")

                Wow, that is a trip but at least for how shit QFC was in many respects there's still some recognizable remnants of character inspirations

                >that spoiler
                Fukken wut. Yeah I'm not a fan of the sound of the note things end on there
                Thank you for the rundown, it was enlightening

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, just Kayley gets it the worst. I recognised that the scene where she suddenly starts chewing out Garret out of nowhere must have come from Lynett, but otherwise Kayley is way more cheerful (nothing wrong with that, it was just jarring for that scene). And yeah the ending sucks. Lynett was feeling loved but Lucius wants to SEE and yeah, he's happy and at last she gets that affirmation that she's actually beautiful but man. As soon as the choice thing came up I knew what was coming. Such bullshit. Funny thing is too, when I listened to "Looking Through Your Eyes" again I noticed the credits version has a lyric about "and I see a girl that's learning to trust" - describes Lynett better than Kayley. Also couldn't fit it in the last post but I am a sucker for all the goofy wacky obvious magic the movie had. You're welcome, I had fun!

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    >Latest concert isn't a complete sell out
    >Tries to summon a demon to destroy the world
    There should be more unapologetically evil, petty, and insane villains

    • 2 years ago

      I know he’s voiced by Lou Reed but that plot always gave me serious Bowie vibes.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Try to kill everything
    >Asexually reproduce
    >Try to kill everything, including yourself

  10. 2 years ago

    God I love him. He is one of the few redeeming qualities of that shitty movie.

  11. 2 years ago

    anyone know any good starting points to get into Arthurian legend?

  12. 2 years ago

    The best part was when he beat those dragons to death with his bare fricking fists. And then they cooked and ate the dragons later.

  13. 2 years ago

    The roundtable scene is nuts over how fast it goes down like dude sneaks in, gets left out of the stupid table ceremony and then tries to kills the king 10 seconds later.

    • 2 years ago

      >sneaks in
      that's another hilarious part
      he's literally done nothing wrong at this point, hasn't been "triggered" by the discussion yet, but he's still skulking around the shadows in a place where he's presumably entirely welcome and not an unusual sight. Seemingly all for pure shits and giggles

      • 2 years ago

        They make it look like he wasn't on the list and eas being excluded because he's not a part of the round table, only for him to have his own seat and everything

  14. 2 years ago

    For some reason, I always mix him up with the guy from Heavy Metal 2

  15. 2 years ago

    Same energy

  16. 2 years ago

    >this girl has the supernatural ability to turn anything sad into joy because she's just that optimistic or some shit
    >the only way to drain her of this ability is with these horrid little fetus ghosts we have as minions that suck the joy out of people, which still works on her as it happened 5 minutes ago and she only got it back thanks to her friend fighting them off for her
    >therefore, we'll pull an epic prank on her by throwing both her and her friend into our gigantic tornado made of eternally miserable ghosts that serves as the backbone of our entire civilization, since she was going on about how she didn't want them to be separated. without draining either of them first, of course
    >oh shit why is our society imploding

  17. 2 years ago

    To be fair, River’s actually pretty OP.
    >Solos the round table until the magic sword
    >BTFOs Arthur at the end
    >Manhandles a Griffin and makes it his minion

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