ITT: humiliation ritual moments in Film and TV

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Craig is a known bumboy. He had to hide it while being bond for obvious reasons but just look what he’s been up to recently.

    • 3 months ago

      >only upcoming role is a gay guy
      >last role before that role is a gay guy
      >that gay bar comment
      >insisting he's not gay but that being gay is normal and has no effect on anything
      He'll come out once the new Bond is chosen and he's irrelevant forever.

    • 3 months ago

      He has a wife and kids

      • 3 months ago

        >He has a wife and kids

      • 3 months ago

        That must be the first time ever that’s happened then

      • 3 months ago

        He clearly must have got a taste for it visiting those gay bars then

      • 3 months ago

        there are a lot of "straight" married men with kids on Grindr...

        • 3 months ago

          or so I hear haha, wouldn't that be gay haha, just guessing though

      • 3 months ago

        So did my neighbor in the 90s. He divorced his wife, she moved out and another man moved in. He had 2 boys with her, just a little older than me, I always felt so embarrassed for them, this was the 90s when that was insanely frowned upon, no one here will know. So yes, gay guys sometimes get married, either because they're in the closet and using the woman as a beard (secretly having gay sex behind her sex) or because they dont even know they're gay yet.

        • 3 months ago

          No such thing as purely gay guys. They can frick woman and feel attracted to them but their deviant attraction to men outweighs it. I knew a guy who was all over this twink kid in school and thought no one noticed. He was quite popular too and easily could get girls but he stuck on this specific kid. Joked about putting him in a dress and fricking him. He didn't even have a wife and kid and died from HIV 10 years later after school.

          • 3 months ago

            I could've saved him.

      • 3 months ago

        Oh sweet summer, bait-poster

        • 3 months ago

          It's not bait tho

      • 3 months ago

        So did your father

      • 3 months ago

        >ugh look, he's just gay, ok!?!?

      • 3 months ago

        >WITH A GUUMAN

    • 3 months ago

      isn't this a reference to the balls torture in his first movie and not meant to be gay? or am i misremembering?

      >bisexual men literally do not exist

      Imagine limiting your potential by strictly being interested in women lol

      • 3 months ago

        You are literally just a psycho with sexual deviations, you need meds and being institutionalized. Like, I'm not trying to insult you, it's just truth - you have a mental illness. You should stop watching porn and probably talk with a good specialist about your parents.

        • 3 months ago

          Ha! Miss me with that gay shit!

          Lmao get fricked chuds I've had sex with dozens of women, men, and anyone in between.

          I've got a hookup tomorrow to get fricked by a guy 10 years older than me. He's hung and we've fricked before. Last time I dressed up as a pizza delivery boi and sucked him off when the pizza was delivered cold.

          Two weekends ago I fricked a cis girl and her transman bf for 2 and a half hours and made em both squirt. Fricked the cis girl two days later and gave her 23 orgasms in an hour and a half. She rode me so hard I thought she was gonna break it off.

          I've been to Amsterdam and fricked hookers there. One was a FAT tiddied black woman. She was enjoying frickin with younger, not technically virginal but still very inexperienced me. She let me frick her and then stroked me off onto her pillowy breasts.

          I've fricked trannies, I've fricked men, I've fricked every sort of person there is. I've had threesomes and more, and I loved every second of it. I've never had an STD and I've had consistent girlfriends throughout my life.

          Meanwhile you're here, an incel, on a taiwainese basket weaving forum, complaining about someone else fricking life on life's terms.

          • 3 months ago

            L after L after L
            I mean big oof
            Quite literally
            Tell me without telling me that you're an EPI sex addict
            Stop gaslighting me that fornication is healthy
            If your body count is greater than 1, lower your tone when addressing me
            If this is true, think about your future, dude. And imagine telling these stories to the woman you want to marry.

            • 3 months ago

              Imagine shackling yourself to one b***h that has a pretty decent chance of just deciding one day that you aren't worth it anymore and taking half your stuff. Marriage is good for two things, one is for better taxes, and two is for making sure you get YOUR half. If you're the one that stands to lose after a divorce, don't get fricking married lmao

              As for the future, pic related. We could get hit by a damocloid in an hour and never know it until we lose a chunk of the earth's crust. I'm here to live my life as best I can until my inevitable demise, afterlife, and rebirth

              You're just bitter and coping. And in order for gaslighting to be effective, you'd have to be buying into the falsehood which should tell you something about yourself lol

              See [...]

              To respond to this post and say "I don't care" would indicate on some level that I do care enough to tell you that. However I'm just responding so you know that I saw your post

              • 3 months ago

                Aha! So this is the endgame of MGTOW. Getting sodomized by older men, hooking up with the most unhinged bawds in existence, acting like it's an achievement to make a nymphomaniac orgasm, the hits just keep coming. And let me guess, you probably do drugs too. This is the life you're unwilling to leave behind? This is what you'd be longing for if you were "chained down" to one faithful woman who actually knows you and loves you as a person? You realize there is a name for that, right? It's not "being sigma," it's "fear of commitment." Which doesn't jive at all with your supposed damocloidophobia. If anything, expecting to die soon should spur you to grow up and fulfill adult life milestones sooner and not later. You're just a middle schooler in an adult body. Nobody of legal voting age is impressed by "getting laid" because it's not even hard. What's hard (especially for you, I'm sure, even if you tried) is finding love. And building a life together. Whats impressive is leading a family and making happiness flourish. Raise the bar for yourself man, you're circling the drain.

              • 3 months ago

                You're the one spouting off MGTOW stuff man I've never bothered with that shut

                I just live my life and frick who I want in whatever manner I please and your tradlarping as a means of trying to portray me as a sick freak I'd pathetic tbh. I work, I own a house, I have a dog and cat. I was engaged to a woman once and based on that experience decided id rather not have the trad life. It's fine if you want it and if you judge me for it, but don't act like I'm some unique basketcase ruining my life for short term fun. I dont do drugs or drink. My one vice is I smoke some weed daily, but it averages at only about a half ounce a month. I meditate daily and go hiking on the weekends. I'm just also a freak on the side and am not hiding it on Cinemaphile of all places.

                do you frick asian bois like me, pls frick me next tbh

                Absolutely. As long as you're over 21 I'm down

              • 3 months ago

                >typos etc

                Sue me I'm phoneposting from work on a slow Friday I'm sure yall will figure it out

              • 3 months ago

                One thing I never called you is unique LOL

              • 3 months ago

                What did she mean by this?

                Sad that you gave up tbh
                There probably are still women out there who will settle for you if you can bear to stop taking it in the ass from old men kek

                If you think willpower against the endless tide of eternity will save you, you are truly the one who is lost my friend

                Full court press multimedia viral psyop to defang a phrase that had been gaining grassroots understanding within young normie-adjacent spheres. Always understood to be a cabal phenomenon, primarily a israeli cabal phenomenon, the term is currently being neutered on two fronts: association with conspiracy kooks, and semantic fatigue. Nauseating overuse and misuse intended to kill its popularity among organic speakers, and poisoning the well to prevent its adoption by novel hearers

                Here is your reminder that if you perceived this as a "humiliation ritual" it is because you are subconsciously self inserting as John Cena and imagining how you yourself would feel on that stage nude. Which, it seems, alot of you would be horrifically embarrassed; understandably so. I imagine most of us do not have John Cena's body. But John Cena does. So instead of seeing it as something embarrassing nobody would want to do, maybe see it as him just happy to be in the limelight again and showing off his rockin' bod. After all the man made a name for himself wearing a speedo, knee high socks and a hat. Using a card as underwear isn't exactly far outside his wheelhouse

                yeah this scene is insane and made me feel sick watching

                Actors choose the roles they perform
                >Verification not required.

              • 3 months ago

                Sad that you gave up tbh
                There probably are still women out there who will settle for you if you can bear to stop taking it in the ass from old men kek

              • 3 months ago

                >I dont do drugs or drink. My one vice is I smoke some weed daily

              • 3 months ago

                Degradation ritual.

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            As I said, just seek help. It's never too late, to start is the hardest step, it's gonna get easier.

          • 3 months ago

            Yo that's gay

          • 3 months ago

            do you frick asian bois like me, pls frick me next tbh

          • 3 months ago

            >Lmao get fricked chuds I've had sex with dozens of women, men, and anyone in between.
            Every homosexual has sex with dozens of men. It's not impressive even if you added one female prostitute to make it sound better.

            • 3 months ago

              I've only had sex with 6 men, most of my sex life is with cis women

              >I dont do drugs or drink. My one vice is I smoke some weed daily

              If zen monks were allowed to smoke a thousand years ago while they lived a monastic life. I'm sure smoking a very moderate amount of marijuana is just fine in comparison to all the shit that's out there now. At least I'm not popping pills or mainlining heroin

              >gonna have dementia when I'm older, may as well get to work damaging my brain right away!
              Then I guess nobody can stop you.
              >taking special supplements to mitigate the destruction you inflict on your body
              Nice, sort of like rubbing neosporin on your self harm cuts.

              You could always stop hating yourself?

              Your body is literally designed to decay. I merely embrace and allow it to happen while doing what I can to keep myself as healthy as is reasonable. I'm walking 35,000 steps a day. What do you do for your body's health?

              • 3 months ago

                You could reasonably be much healthier in both mind and body if you gave up all your self destructive habits. Just because somebody somewhere is "allowed" to do something doesn't mean you can't have a higher standard for yourself. That goes for dude weed monks as well as yucky heroin users and "those other gays" who take it too far. One, no amount of that, large or small, has is beneficial for your health. Two, these things ALWAYS progress. Chronic weed use, even in moderate amounts, dulls your wits and your memory. The overwhelming likelihood, statistically, if you don't quit, is that you'll end up doing it more and more, relaxing your previous boundaries, making exceptions at first for bad days, or good days, until the exception becomes the new rule.
                >inb4 muh DARE muh gateway drug muh nonaddictive muh consenting adults muh condoms muh STD tests
                Facts don't lie. Turn back now for your own good.

              • 3 months ago

                Keep tradlarping bro I'm sure you'll find the one soon by trying to convince unapologetically bisexual men online to stop their existence. Have a nice life I hope you get the chronically stuck stick in your ass removed soon

              • 3 months ago

                >stop their existence
                You're saying you would die without your weekly shitpush? My mistake, that sounds really stable and healthy, maybe I should give it a try.
                >I hope you get the stick in your ass removed soon
                This but literally
                >Have a nice life
                This but unironically, I've given you nothing but good advice and you will either realize this or die a lonely, preventable death.

      • 3 months ago

        Ha! Miss me with that gay shit!

      • 3 months ago

        Men are disgusting. They are hairy and have weird, bulbous jaws and unpleasant features. I don't know how people could possibly be attracted to both men and women, they're so fricking different.

        • 3 months ago

          It all makes sense once you realize homosexuality is nothing but a perversion of healthy sexuality, usually potentiated by considerable mental illness.

        • 3 months ago

          Ask a woman what she appreciates in men and you'll have your answer for the most part. I also find strong jawlines very attractive on both men and women so that probably helps. I personally am not a fan of big burly masc hairy men either, but theres guys who are not as hairy. It's also why I prefer to bottom for men, I don't want to be looking at some hairy man ass or untrimmed pubes on his ballsack

          It all makes sense once you realize homosexuality is nothing but a perversion of healthy sexuality, usually potentiated by considerable mental illness.

          Sex is sex the more you make it taboo one type of sex more bizarre it gets. If you really want to cut down on weird homoerotic fetishry you would just let gay and bisexual men be themselves. Then they wouldn't have to repress and have that desire boil over into gross fetishes

          • 3 months ago

            Being gay IS the gross fetish, and I hope you realize that before you end up in diapers from bottoming hung old geezers

            • 3 months ago

              I mean statistically speaking were both likely to eventually wind up in depends anyways. I keep my butthole nice and tight by only bottoming once a week at most. The poor folks who end up in diapers at 40 were taking comically large dildos every day and not taking supplements to boost smooth muscle growth

              • 3 months ago

                >gonna have dementia when I'm older, may as well get to work damaging my brain right away!
                Then I guess nobody can stop you.
                >taking special supplements to mitigate the destruction you inflict on your body
                Nice, sort of like rubbing neosporin on your self harm cuts.

                You could always stop hating yourself?

    • 3 months ago

      Bardem's international breakout is a gay cuban poet

    • 3 months ago

      why do israelites insist on slandering arayan men as homos?

  2. 3 months ago

    unironically what did they mean by that

    • 3 months ago

      craig special forces bond too manly

    • 3 months ago

      become gay, goy

    • 3 months ago

      Throwing off the villain's attempts at homolust. He was clearly repulsed by Silva, and by pretending he was into it, Silva immediately stopped using it as a tactic to lower Bond's guard.

      Craig is a homosexual but this was just standard anti interrogation tactics.

      • 3 months ago

        A nice idea for a scene okay but them being hellbent it be kept in makes it clear that it was literal and that Bond is some kind of bisexual which is a demented idea.

      • 3 months ago

        Agree and amplify. You beat the shit test by leaning into it to prove the test is pointless.

        • 3 months ago

          only when you know the outcome

      • 3 months ago

        Agree and amplify. You beat the shit test by leaning into it to prove the test is pointless.

        pretty much. What was Bond supposed to do
        >Oh ewwww, get your hands off me you homosexual degenerate
        Any scenario where Bond is visibly uncomfortable with it is one where he loses, Silva played gay chicken with Bond, Bond didnt let it phase him and didnt lose face. If he ever had done anything sexual with another guy is besides the point, it's irrelevant, the point being that Bond is incredibly secure in his own sexuality.

        • 3 months ago

          why have this scene in the first place?
          It's not like having a scene where Silva caresses Bond adds anything to the overall movie.
          It's obviously added just to concede to Craig's gay fantasies

          • 3 months ago

            >It's not like having a scene where Silva caresses Bond adds anything to the overall movie.
            Like any sex scene in the Bond series? We all know Bond is a womanizer, do we need another scene of him bedding someone?

            1. It establishes Silvas character, flamboyant, probably gay, very sexual, predatorial. All things that seem very threatening to typical heterosexual males.
            2. Ties in with above, we've seen Bond getting his nuts smashed in (casino royale), he's been strapped to a table almost sawn in half with a lazer (goldfinger), stuck in some choking mechanism (world is not enough). How many times do we need to see the same shit over and over? We know bonds going to get out of it, this is another scenario that is "dangerous" to male audiences, their sexual ego, not being the guy on top anymore.
            3. It shows that Bond isnt scared of sex, sexuality isnt even important to him, he's rock steady in what he knows about himself that Silvas attempt to unsettle him fails.
            4. It's just cheeky banter, calm your breasts, Bond doesnt canonically suck dicks in alleyways. You'd know if you actually had friends growing up instead of online friends.

            • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        I would agree with this but Sam Mendes is a gigantic homosexual who's also into cuckshit

    • 3 months ago

      Hehe Bond was gay, being gay is so cool hehe

    • 3 months ago

      Silva wanted to yerg Yames off.

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      All wh*te boys are gay.

      • 3 months ago

        But James Bond isn't a boy. He's a full grown man.

      • 3 months ago

        And I thank God that I am. See [...]

        >Jamie pull up that Infograph of how many shitskins are in the LGBTQ+ mafia and how many have aids.

    • 3 months ago

      Craig bond burgered your brother last night.

    • 3 months ago

      Wait are they implying James had it in the pooper before?

    • 3 months ago

      In Casino Royale, Mads Mikkelson dies while scratching James' balls as James sits nude tied to a chair. So it was not his first time having the bad guy handle his junk while he was tied to a chair. It really could not be more clear.

    • 3 months ago

      Silva was trying to throw him off but Bond played it cool so Silva instantly swapped to a different manipulation tactic

    • 3 months ago

      They were literally unironically playing gay chicken

  3. 3 months ago

    Skyfall was such a piece of shit movie.
    >Annoying l33t haxXor Q
    >homosexual ass villain
    >Never ending establishing shots
    >Money penny is black for some reason
    >Plot ripped off from mission impossible
    >Third act is basically home alone
    >One of the worst theme songs
    >Bond goes into hiding for the billionth time

    • 3 months ago

      >Skyfall was such a piece of shit movie.
      It was miles better than the movies that came after it, though.

      • 3 months ago

        I never watched anything after Skyfall after how bad it was

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          spectre is unwatchable and no time to die hard or w/e is watchable for about 30 minutes

    • 3 months ago

      >Skyfall was such a piece of shit movie.
      It was miles better than the movies that came after it, though.

      It was the only Craig Bond movie I enjoyed.

      • 3 months ago

        Skyfall over fricking Casino Royale? You have to be taking a piss.

        • 3 months ago

          It's fricking boring except for a few action scenes.

          • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >Money penny is black for some reason
      There's so many non-whites in London I don't know how they even get away with the castings they do. Their mayor is a paki and the PM is an unelected Hindu.

      • 3 months ago

        and? this is a movie not the census of modern day London.
        Revealing the random black lady as moneypenny is jarring

        • 3 months ago

          It wasn't even an attractive one, it was that looks like a man in a dress.

        • 3 months ago

          It's more jarring to me, having been to London, how they get away with pretending the UK is white at all.

    • 3 months ago

      >Money penny is black for some reason
      Even back in 2012 israelitelywood was pushing the DEI bullshit.

    • 3 months ago

      >black for some reason
      >for some reason
      You know why

      >Money penny is black for some reason
      There's so many non-whites in London I don't know how they even get away with the castings they do. Their mayor is a paki and the PM is an unelected Hindu.

      Notice how neither of your examples are black, and yet the swaps remain consistently black only

    • 3 months ago

      >One of the worst theme songs
      You have to admit it was an excellent choice of a track

    • 3 months ago

      l33t haxXor Q
      it was the style at the time
      ass villain
      hes by far the best bond villain
      ending establishing shots
      penny is black for some reason
      dont care she makes my pee pee hard 🙂
      >>Plot ripped off from mission impossible
      act is basically home alone
      >>One of the worst theme songs
      you mean best? yes i agree, it does have the best theme song, a little long but its better by miles
      >>Bond goes into hiding for the billionth time

      • 3 months ago

        >hes by far the best bond villain
        have a nice day

        >It's not like having a scene where Silva caresses Bond adds anything to the overall movie.
        Like any sex scene in the Bond series? We all know Bond is a womanizer, do we need another scene of him bedding someone?

        1. It establishes Silvas character, flamboyant, probably gay, very sexual, predatorial. All things that seem very threatening to typical heterosexual males.
        2. Ties in with above, we've seen Bond getting his nuts smashed in (casino royale), he's been strapped to a table almost sawn in half with a lazer (goldfinger), stuck in some choking mechanism (world is not enough). How many times do we need to see the same shit over and over? We know bonds going to get out of it, this is another scenario that is "dangerous" to male audiences, their sexual ego, not being the guy on top anymore.
        3. It shows that Bond isnt scared of sex, sexuality isnt even important to him, he's rock steady in what he knows about himself that Silvas attempt to unsettle him fails.
        4. It's just cheeky banter, calm your breasts, Bond doesnt canonically suck dicks in alleyways. You'd know if you actually had friends growing up instead of online friends.

        have a nice day, you fricking Reddit scum and go get fricked in Daniel's gay bar.

        • 3 months ago

          eat shit you fat frick

          • 3 months ago

            You already consoomed shit if you think Skyfall was good.

            l33t haxXor Q
            it was the style at the time
            ass villain
            hes by far the best bond villain
            ending establishing shots
            penny is black for some reason
            dont care she makes my pee pee hard 🙂
            >>Plot ripped off from mission impossible
            act is basically home alone
            >>One of the worst theme songs
            you mean best? yes i agree, it does have the best theme song, a little long but its better by miles
            >>Bond goes into hiding for the billionth time

            >was the style at the time
            No it wasn't. Name some others which had this bullshit.
            >hes by far the best bond villain
            Kys broccoli
            >dont care she makes my pee pee hard 🙂
            Fair enough but still gay
            >you mean best? yes i agree, it does have the best theme song, a little long but its better by miles
            Overrated would be a better word. But it's still bad.
            Pls delete your post and then yourself.

    • 3 months ago

      is skyfall the one where he summons tube trains through exploding tunnels so that he can escape a foot chase sequence?

    • 3 months ago

      Don't forget that self-serving spook-and-surveillance soliliquy.

    • 3 months ago

      It was okay. The last act was at least novel for a Bond film, but really should have been the last Craig Bond film. Spectre was so insultingly moronic that I never plan to watch No Time to Die, even if there was no DEI mandated casting

  4. 3 months ago

    isn't this a reference to the balls torture in his first movie and not meant to be gay? or am i misremembering?

    • 3 months ago

      No because that was torture, not anything homoerotic. The implication was clear, Bond got fricked up the ass for missions and it was literal, not just a joke or a bluff since the cucked producers and Craig demanded it be kept in despite the studio, rightfully, wanting to cut it out because it's insane.

    • 3 months ago

      Kek is this real?

      • 3 months ago

        Frick no.

  5. 3 months ago

    what the frick is humiliation ritual meme? where did it originate from?

    • 3 months ago

      A tale as old as time

    • 3 months ago

      Something about John Cena at the Oscars. I can't keep up with zoomer memes anymore and why they're supposed to be funny.

      • 3 months ago

        >supposed to be funny
        Did you never understand what memes are?

      • 3 months ago

        How new are you? 'Humiliation ritual' has been around for over a decade

        • 3 months ago

          You know what I mean, smartass. It's only in the last few days newbies started spamming it everywhere.

    • 3 months ago

      There's an entire website dedicated to explaining memes, and you still need to ask.

    • 3 months ago

      Full court press multimedia viral psyop to defang a phrase that had been gaining grassroots understanding within young normie-adjacent spheres. Always understood to be a cabal phenomenon, primarily a israeli cabal phenomenon, the term is currently being neutered on two fronts: association with conspiracy kooks, and semantic fatigue. Nauseating overuse and misuse intended to kill its popularity among organic speakers, and poisoning the well to prevent its adoption by novel hearers

      • 3 months ago

        what did john cena do to deserve it?
        what specifically, i mean

        • 3 months ago

          deserve what, to show off his insane body? to do a silly bit? cena never took himself too seriously, unlike that bald homosexual the rock

          • 3 months ago

            >his insane body?
            First of all, he's not natty so it's pointless to show off something he didn't even work for. It's the equivalent of aislop. Second of all, you are gay.

            • 3 months ago

              You care a lot about men’s bodies huh?

        • 3 months ago

          Sold his soul, simple as. He is their plaything, at their every beck and call. He is available 24/7 to turn tricks for them, no job too big or small. Maybe he did something behind the scenes and had to be corrected, maybe this is just a periodic thing like drug testing at other jobs, to keep him in the right mindset.

        • 3 months ago

          He's still paying restitution for calling Taiwan a country. Apologizing in chinese wasn't enough.

        • 3 months ago

          Usually it’s a favour to keep their career and to keep getting roles

        • 3 months ago

          it isn't a punishment. It is a test. If he is willing to go though such humiliation, just to keep his job and income, then whoever owns his ass can ask for anything.

        • 3 months ago

          He worked for israelites.
          Shabbos goyim get treated like cattle because they are cattle.

        • 3 months ago

          Vince has dirt on him and will take him down with him

      • 3 months ago

        Very intelligent, articulate and accurate post

      • 3 months ago

        All killer, no filter. A refreshingly succinct post.

      • 3 months ago

        Well said.

        what did john cena do to deserve it?
        what specifically, i mean

        You misunderstand how it works. He didn't -do- anything. He was chosen because the point of a humiliation ritual is to destroy a positive male role model for the disenfranchised youth to use as inspiration for self-improvement. Once that morale is subverted, ~~*they*~~ no longer have to worry until a new one arises. Now, the reason why he complied is that he has a lot of favours waiting to be cashed in, so he doesn't really have a choice.

        From the top of my head last year they did the same thing with Nick Offerman (who people can't unlink from Ron Swanson), and Ryan Gosling (who bogged himself). In 2022 they nuked Brendan Fraser, who had become "the little has-been that could", and in 2021 they tried with Matrix 4 but they failed.

      • 3 months ago

        Meds and stop samegayging.

        • 3 months ago

          Projection. Make better posts and you might start getting (You)s like me.

        • 3 months ago

          You are brown, sir.

          • 3 months ago

            And I thank God that I am. See

            All wh*te boys are gay.

        • 3 months ago

          ultimate cringe holy shit

      • 3 months ago

        That is honestly how it feels like to me. I'd seen the term and felt it appropriate in the past, but now it's being meme-ified and turned into a shibboleth to paint you as a moron if you use it in an actual thought out context. Celebrity doing a naked skit? That's not a humiliation ritual.
        Forcing people to say a political slogan by a screeching mob as happened after Fentanyl Floyd? Forcing people to state their pronouns? Forcing them to believe something that is ridiculous or they will be reprimanded and fired? Forcing them to admit to their white privilege and sin? Those are humiliation rituals as much as the greengrocer's slogan:
        >We have seen that the real meaning of the greengrocer's slogan has nothing to do with what the text of the slogan actually says. Even so, this real meaning is quite clear and generally comprehensible because the code is so familiar: the greengrocer declares his loyalty (and he can do no other if his declaration is to be accepted) in the only way the regime is capable of hearing; that is, by accepting the prescribed ritual, by accepting appearances as reality, by accepting the given rules of the game. In doing so, however, he has himself become a player in the game, thus making it possible for the game to go on, for it to exist in the first place.

        • 3 months ago

          >forcing people to agree with political thing
          Why isn’t it just more likely it’s a fad? I mean, people get obsessed with moronic shit like tulips or Pokémon cards all the time and spend insane amounts for bullshit status or to fit in.

          • 3 months ago

            It's not dichotomous, the trend adopters are a component of the machine that perpetuates compliance. The more you have of them, the more acceptable it seems for the true idealogues to punish dissent.

            • 3 months ago

              That’s not an answer to the question. You seem like the type who thinks he’s smarter than he is and just likes to hear himself talk, which is also a solid explanation for how you wound up with a schizo worldview.

              • 3 months ago

                >Isn't it more likely X instead of Y?
                >X and Y aren't mutually exclusive, they actually work in tandem
                Setting aside your accusations of pseudo-intellectualism being obvious projection, I'd love to hear you rationalize how exactly the question was not answered.

      • 3 months ago

        why was Cena at the Oscars in the first place, what movie was he in?

      • 3 months ago

        >Nauseating overuse and misuse intended to kill its popularity among organic speakers
        This is true, but normie conservative and conservative adjacents are the own worst enemy on this front. There is nary a term they won't butcher or a concept they can't help but misunderstand. You should take solace in the fact that niche online dissident right (or whatever the frick you want to call it) memes from 5-10 years ago are entering the normiesphere, as Elon's Twitter is now essentially circa 2014 era /misc/. Once the normie gets a hold of something they never let it go. They get it on a gut level, even if they are morons who genuinely don't understand that actors doing cliched comedy bits are not, in fact, humiliation rituals.

        That is honestly how it feels like to me. I'd seen the term and felt it appropriate in the past, but now it's being meme-ified and turned into a shibboleth to paint you as a moron if you use it in an actual thought out context. Celebrity doing a naked skit? That's not a humiliation ritual.
        Forcing people to say a political slogan by a screeching mob as happened after Fentanyl Floyd? Forcing people to state their pronouns? Forcing them to believe something that is ridiculous or they will be reprimanded and fired? Forcing them to admit to their white privilege and sin? Those are humiliation rituals as much as the greengrocer's slogan:
        >We have seen that the real meaning of the greengrocer's slogan has nothing to do with what the text of the slogan actually says. Even so, this real meaning is quite clear and generally comprehensible because the code is so familiar: the greengrocer declares his loyalty (and he can do no other if his declaration is to be accepted) in the only way the regime is capable of hearing; that is, by accepting the prescribed ritual, by accepting appearances as reality, by accepting the given rules of the game. In doing so, however, he has himself become a player in the game, thus making it possible for the game to go on, for it to exist in the first place.

        A week ago, talking about humiliation rituals meant you were probably Third Positionist into esoteric philosophy. Now it is a shibboleth to be instantly mocked, even in the proper context and use of the term, by establishment shills and their normie lapdogs for its association to crass conservatism.

      • 3 months ago

        High IQ post

      • 3 months ago

        It's both a real thing and the meme is funny. You should be laughing at everyone of these homosexuals. Not just the obvious ones.

      • 3 months ago

        have a nice day you and and the people who keep asking about "ugh what's this new BUZZWORD??". fricking Reddit tier shit, imagine if dubs or bane posting started now it would just never take off because we are now smug redditors who are too enlightened to just laugh at stuff.

        • 3 months ago

          >we are now smug redditors who are too enlightened to just laugh at stuff.
          anon watching a meme being driven into the ground and being repeated ad nauseam is not funny. maybe it is to simple minds like yourself.

          • 3 months ago

            agreed but it's the type of stuff that pops out the second a new meme pops up. after like 3 thread there's a smug soifaced Redditor popping up talking about muh buzzword or whatever.

        • 3 months ago

          Go to bed Milhouse

        • 3 months ago

          People always hated new memes and decried them as "forced". I used to hate seeing Sneed everywhere, then I started liking it and now I still love Sneed.

      • 3 months ago

        Excellent. I always considered
        >humiliation ritual
        to be bullshit, but the blatant shill attempt to ridicule the notion makes me think the idea has some merit.

        • 3 months ago

          Of course it has merit, man. Come on. These people are evil puppets mastered by even more evil scum. All their fame and money is for playing pretend.

      • 3 months ago

        You’re supposed to take your meds every day, anon.

        • 3 months ago

          Nah I figure you take enough for the both of us

      • 3 months ago

        This explanation makes sense, but I’ve never understood the purpose of such a ritual at all

        • 3 months ago

          If you can be humiliated you can be controlled. It's demoralizing.

      • 3 months ago

        post the alphabet agency infographic explaining how they browse Cinemaphile and "dilute" discussion to thwart extremists

      • 3 months ago

        Schizophrenia must be a lot of fun

      • 3 months ago

        Let me guess: you’re a Trump voter.

        • 3 months ago

          Whatever cliche it takes to terminate your thought

      • 3 months ago

        perfectly said

      • 3 months ago

        very succinct, bone-chilling post. I’m literally shaking, sisters. what if the jooz try and do a humiliation ritual on me?

      • 3 months ago

        Spine-tingling post, fellow sir. Really makes me think, or should I say… humiliates my ritual.

      • 3 months ago

        to the untrained eye this looks like a gargle of random buzzwords and incoherent phrases.
        But to the initiated this is a high effort post that hits the nail on the head.
        And we are initiated, aren't we anon?

    • 3 months ago

      John Cena showed off his muscular body and pretended he was naked during the oscars

    • 3 months ago

      Its an old meme. newbies don't get it

    • 3 months ago

      A neonazi book nerd named Borzoi (the right stuff dot biz) popularized it after being obsessed with some books on cultural domination (that he naturally associated with israelites)
      It's the same circle of people that popularized the ~~*triple parentheses*~~ and some other common slang that found its way down to Cinemaphile eventually.

      • 3 months ago

        Erm... Wasn't this a common thing with Weinstein?

        Why would it be ridiculous that another Hollywood executive is doing the same thing.

        • 3 months ago

          It's not ridiculous at all and it is very common. Nazis are always correct about israelites.

    • 3 months ago

      Crustposting didn't take off, so they moved to this one.

    • 3 months ago

      The Bible, unironically.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      It was a common term in surface level research into the esoteric. Got spammed everywhere after the Xi Cena/Oscar incident.

    • 3 months ago

      An old concept that's been aped by zoomers to push another forced meme.

    • 3 months ago

      forced meme of the month that won't stick because its not organic tbh

      You're the one spouting off MGTOW stuff man I've never bothered with that shut

      I just live my life and frick who I want in whatever manner I please and your tradlarping as a means of trying to portray me as a sick freak I'd pathetic tbh. I work, I own a house, I have a dog and cat. I was engaged to a woman once and based on that experience decided id rather not have the trad life. It's fine if you want it and if you judge me for it, but don't act like I'm some unique basketcase ruining my life for short term fun. I dont do drugs or drink. My one vice is I smoke some weed daily, but it averages at only about a half ounce a month. I meditate daily and go hiking on the weekends. I'm just also a freak on the side and am not hiding it on Cinemaphile of all places.

      Absolutely. As long as you're over 21 I'm down

      you're based, wish u were near me tbh

      • 3 months ago

        Where you from? I'm on the east coast US mid Atlantic region

  6. 3 months ago

    His face is so bogged now

  7. 3 months ago

    Bond was a public schoolboy, that means he took it up the ass for his seniors.

  8. 3 months ago

    Humiliation ritual.

    • 3 months ago

      >that often

  9. 3 months ago

    Ok but real talk do you think spies would suck wiener and takes it in the ass if their life depended on it?

    • 3 months ago

      Yes but James Bond was never about real spywork or whatever the frick. It was fantastical pulp faustian hero adventures. Him being a spy (not really, he's a 00 secret agent, completely different) is besides the point. He's a superhero without the powers.

  10. 3 months ago

    He is a spy for anglo freemasons, its obvious he has been sodomized before, its in the requirements!

  11. 3 months ago

    >Shut it down

  12. 3 months ago

    John Cena entire career was built upon on a meme. Unlike serious WWE actors like Batista and The Rock, he is doomed to be clowned around if want to stay relevant

  13. 3 months ago

    These flicks will never be canon. Craig isn't James Bond. He's just a gay.

  14. 3 months ago

    He wanted to come out when under contract for Bond and had higher star power. Was denied. Tried the same with those onion knives shit movies and was denied. He asks for his characters to be gayer and gayer each entry and producers indulge him for some reason. Gay action stars don't exist because you can't self insert if you are a straight guy. They are not box office poison, but box office aids. Just do romcoms and hold a frumpy woman's purse, Craig. Be yourself, just do it elsewhere.

  15. 3 months ago
  16. 3 months ago

    Wrong meme. Craig begged and pleaded for that scene. Didn't even care if they filmed it

  17. 3 months ago

    tfw you lived long enough to witness schizophrenic far right conspiracy terms become mainstream Republican talking points

    • 3 months ago

      The MSM reaction (amplification) is very very similar to how they talked about Taytay at the owl last month, not sure what it means just something I noticed

    • 3 months ago

      Well yeah. The entire point of the republican party is to be controlled opposition. They have to do conspiracy theory stuff because nobody believes they or any other part of the system works as presented.
      They'll always try to jump ahead of narratives and steer them somewhere moronic. The troony thing is a good example. Republicans completely and unequivocally supported trannies but have the impression of opposing them by making the narrative about women's sports and bathrooms instead of trannies as a concept. They set the line at "of course we have the same values as leftists, but we need to protect the sanctity of women's soccer" as if that's politically relevant or anywhere close to why people are upset.

      • 3 months ago

        It's refreshing seeing this kind of discourse. Thanks anon.

  18. 3 months ago

    tfw amerimutts think everything revolves around their controlled two party system as if people outside of the USA don't have thoughts or ideas about the global elite's incessant attempts to make everyone capitulate to everything that ruins their lives

  19. 3 months ago
  20. 3 months ago

    Blows my mind how people still don't understand this scene. Silva was doing that shit to mentally screw with Bond, then when he kinda leans into it, Silva backs off. Him seeming to reciprocate these advances wouldn't be fun for Silva so he loses interest. It was a calculated move and if he'd freaked out, Silva would've got the upper hand.

  21. 3 months ago

    >Creator can't stop humiliating certain character

  22. 3 months ago

    Realistically, Bond probably comes from an aristocratic English family, meaning he went to a private school, meaning he 100% had sexual encounters with men. Especially when you consider he's a Navy officer. Not saying he's gay, but he fricked other men and probably was fricked by other men.

    • 3 months ago

      All your gay fetish conjecture.

      • 3 months ago

        >"Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy, and the lash.
        Brits be seething lol

      • 3 months ago

        This literally all Brit private schools, at least it used to be normalize like this. You either "gay up" or "pack up." I remember a long time ago watching an interview with Richard Dawkins, of all people, about sex abuse in the church, and the interviewer mentioned something about altar boys buggering each other, and he just laughed brushed it off as "well that's not too different from what normally happens at boarding schools"

  23. 3 months ago

    >james bond fights back against gay guy by sucking his dick

    As written by a female writer...

  24. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      gwitwm, but while caged as well

  25. 3 months ago
  26. 3 months ago

    >audible ew from the whole audience
    That shit was funny, it was in Miami, audience was latinos and some blacks, lmao.

  27. 3 months ago
  28. 3 months ago

    I count the entirety of Oppenheimer as Nolan's latest humiliation ritual

  29. 3 months ago
  30. 3 months ago

    Robin Williams had the biggest humiliation ritual before his death
    They made him star in countless roles as a homosexual
    Jack black was also put to this treatment then after they gave him jumanji
    But the biggest humiliation ritual was Vince Vaughn
    After finding out he was pro Trump hollywood blacklisted him
    He accepted his humiliation ritual to get back into the business
    They made him star in a horror movie where he had to body switch and pretend he was a young girl
    Then they made him kiss an underage boy
    It was sick and I honestly felt bad for him for going back to Hollywood
    They made him molest a boy to get back into the circle.
    This one hurts the soul

    • 3 months ago

      yeah this scene is insane and made me feel sick watching

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