ITT: Inspirational stories of talented people succeeding in Hollywood

>In 1994, Charlize Theron flew to Los Angeles on a one-way ticket her mother bought for her; she intended to work in the film industry. During her initial months there, she lived in a motel with the $300 budget that her mother had given her; she continued receiving cheques from New York and lived "from paycheck to paycheck". Theron stole bread from a basket in a restaurant to survive. One day, she went to a Hollywood Boulevard bank to cash a few cheques, including one her mother had sent to help with the rent; however, the check from her mother was rejected because it was out-of-state and she was not an American citizen. Theron argued and pleaded with the bank teller until talent agent John Crosby, who was the next customer behind her, cashed it for her and gave her his business card. Her first two film appearances came out the following year.

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  1. 5 days ago

    b***h murdered her own father and her mother took the wrap

    • 5 days ago

      Shes hot so that doesnt count

    • 5 days ago

      >the wrap
      With a bow on top

    • 5 days ago

      zero evidence

    • 5 days ago

      Yep. She's as cold as it gets.

    • 5 days ago

      The father was abusive drunk tho.

      • 5 days ago

        Murder is murder.

  2. 5 days ago

    All I had was the shirt on my back and supermodel looks. Despite everything I made it.

  3. 5 days ago

    Why did she adopt two kids and force them to dress like girls?

    • 5 days ago

      H_______ r____

      • 5 days ago

        Hamster rape?

    • 5 days ago

      _umiation _itual

      • 5 days ago


        Hello sirs

    • 5 days ago

      It rhymes with ‘Rumiliation Hitual’

    • 5 days ago

      It's fashion.

    • 5 days ago

      so a woman pushing 50 can stay relevant

    • 5 days ago

      Every Hollywood actor who lives in L.A. is a degenerate. They're completely fricked in the head.

  4. 5 days ago

    >After her initial success she continued sucking israelite wiener landing her several high profile roles.

  5. 5 days ago


  6. 5 days ago

    Wow! What are the chances?!
    And that kind stranger just cashed her check and got her roles in films out of the kindness of his heart?! And he didn't even want anything in return?
    I guess people truly are good

    • 5 days ago

      the only poster who got the irony of this thread. SAD!

    • 5 days ago

      Yes. He just saw something in her teary young eyes that were swollen and red. It affected him deeply.

    • 5 days ago

      >mutually beneficial relationships cannot exist

      • 5 days ago

        The agent clearly didn't benefit anything because she fired him when he tried to offer her films like Species and Showgirls.

    • 5 days ago

      He came inside her

      • 5 days ago

        of course he did.

    • 5 days ago

      >10/10 young blonde white women
      >~~*hollywood talent agent*~~
      I'm thinking somebody got their schmeckle schumked if you catch my drift

      • 5 days ago

        He probably pissed nd shited on her face

        • 5 days ago

          Thank you for the enlightenment, fren

        • 5 days ago

          If you knew anything about Hollywood you’d know it’s the other way around.

      • 5 days ago

        What's a schmeckle?

    • 5 days ago

      >I guess people truly are good

      moron he's an agent who just met a poor 10/10 actress... gave her his card...

      The agent clearly didn't benefit anything because she fired him when he tried to offer her films like Species and Showgirls.

      he can't predict the future, moron

  7. 5 days ago

    >When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot meal.

    • 5 days ago

      You mean those Married With Children royalty checks weren't enough to live on?

    • 5 days ago

      >didn't cook it himself

      Posh b***h

    • 5 days ago

      The original article about this had a typo. Matt actually bought a Hot Wheels, not a hot meal.

  8. 5 days ago

    >Theron argued and pleaded with the bank teller until talent agent John Crosby, who was the next customer behind her, cashed it for her and gave her his business card.
    This is what really happened.

    • 5 days ago

      Found the incel

    • 5 days ago

      What does eating bananas have to do with it?

  9. 5 days ago

    Inspirational alright but let me introduce you to a little concept called :

    You don't hear much about all the failed artists that finished as baristas, waggies, sex workers for rich saudis, that tried and failed didn't you ?

  10. 5 days ago

    >Fun fact about the Kevin Nash scene. The knife was supposed to be a rubber plunger blade so when he stabbed him, it would just go into the handle. But not only was it a real was DULL , which means it takes more force to pierce flesh and technically hurts more because you're tearing with pressure instead of a clean cut. That means Thomas Jane was strong enough to force a dull prop knife through a man's chest, and Kevin Nash was tough enough to ignore it and finish the scene. Also Kevin actually threw Jane through that wall.

    • 5 days ago

      >it's real
      >During shooting of a fight scene, Jane legitimately stabbed Nash in the collarbone with a blunted butterfly knife after a stunt co-ordinator forgot to change the props. Nash did not break character and continued the scene and accepted cold beers from the crew as compensation.

    • 5 days ago

      Why does he always get penetrated?

      • 5 days ago

        Sometimes life uh doesn't find a way

      • 5 days ago

        Rolling for a 92

    • 5 days ago

      Why does he always get penetrated?

      He's a big guy

    • 5 days ago

      never believed that bullshit.. Nash is a pussy who certainly would cry and whine about until today, not take a stabbing with a dull knife.

  11. 5 days ago

    Nash was RAPED

  12. 5 days ago

    >African-American yells in a bank
    >doesn't get magdumped

  13. 5 days ago

    Strange how this 10/10 supermodel looking woman never managed to hold on to a man.

    • 5 days ago

      maybe because she keeps adopting children from africa and turning them trans

    • 5 days ago

      I’m going to assume that chicks like her and Jennifer Aniston are insane high maintenance pains in the ass with insanely high standards, and I’d imagine that the novelty of banging them wears out really quick for a dude that at the level to nail someone like that, and can probably frick whoever they want.

  14. 5 days ago

    >she became a prostitute shortly thereafter, servicing israelite producers and directors and their depraved fetishes, and as part of her contract vowed to serve them in their destructive hatred towards eurogene people
    >she later adopted a pack of feral baboons, casting her own high quality genetics into the oblivion void.

  15. 5 days ago

    On 4 December 2009, Theron co-presented the draw for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in Cape Town, South Africa, accompanied by several other celebrities of South African nationality or ancestry. During rehearsals she drew an Ireland ball instead of France as a joke at the expense of FIFA, referring to Thierry Henry's handball controversy in the play-off match between France and Ireland.[58][59] The stunt alarmed FIFA enough for it to fear she might do it again in front of a live global audience


  16. 5 days ago

    She was going to be Pamela Voorhees in the now-cancelled Crystal Lake show. Kind of a bummer that it got canned, she probably would have been pretty good.

  17. 5 days ago

    >Theron argued and pleaded with the bank teller until talent agent John Crosby, who was the next customer behind her, cashed it for her and gave her his wiener. Her first two film appearances came out the following year.

  18. 5 days ago

    >until talent agent John Crosby, who was the next customer behind her, gave her his business card

    I wonder what he saw in her

    • 5 days ago

      his penis

  19. 5 days ago

    if you are working with her and not A list, don't talk to her or she will get you fired

  20. 5 days ago

    I know two female artists that only got their job because they were fricking a more successful male artist. One colors comics for marvel because her boyfriend just happens to be an artist. The other was 17 and fricked the head of a studio that was 40 years old and had two kids.

    being a woman is tough!

    • 5 days ago


    • 5 days ago

      wow they sound like real movers and shakers.

      • 5 days ago

        All I'm saying is if I had to frick some 45 year old hag to get a promotion I would. I wish that were an option.


        nice digits. A++ would reply again.

  21. 5 days ago

    Ok so where was the talent and hard work in this story?

    I'll restate it for you
    >woman goes to LA, mommy pays for it
    >lives in a motel, mommy pays for it
    >steal stuff even though mommy is paying for it
    >go to bank to cash one of mommy's checks so she can keep paying for it
    >random guy gives you a job

    I mean, are you fricking with me?

  22. 5 days ago

    >talent agent John Crosby

    At least we now know the answer to "Who's dick did she have to suck to get into Hollywood?"

  23. 5 days ago

    >until talent agent John Crosby, who was the next customer behind her, cashed it for her and gave her his business card
    Gameplan for finding poverty chicks in Hollywood and giving them my business card?

    • 5 days ago

      Frick yeah, I'm in

  24. 5 days ago

    fricked her way to the top
    transed innocent black boys

    her faith is sealed by the black rider who will kick her off his horse

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