ITT: Redundant legacy characters

Why the frick did they introduce a new female White Tiger who is a relative of the original when there was ALREADY a new female White Tiger who was a relative of the original?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Synergy with the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean the same Spider-Man cartoon that had a teenage Luke Cage and a teenage Iron Fist at school with Peter Parker? Why would they do synergy for White Tiger and only for White Tiger?

      • 5 months ago

        For Power Man, they introduced Victor Alvarez for synergy. Note that he looks identical to Power Man in the cartoon.

        • 5 months ago

          He was introduced 2 years before they announced the cartoon.

          • 5 months ago

            Animation takes a while to make. A lot of cartoons are in production for years before they finally see release.

            • 5 months ago

              2 years is long enough to be questionable for me, unlike White Tiger in OP who was introduced like 3 months before the cartoon was announced so I can totally believe that

              • 5 months ago

                He was introduced 2 years before they announced the cartoon.

                For Power Man, they introduced Victor Alvarez for synergy. Note that he looks identical to Power Man in the cartoon.

                Synergy with the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.

                Sam Alexander Nova was also created for the USM cartoon but introduced in the comics first. Do note that Jeph Loeb was working in both Marvel animation and comics at the time.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        They were setting up White Tiger to be in a romance with Spidey. They dropped it when the focus shifted to more Spidey-like things.

      • 5 months ago

        For Power Man, they introduced Victor Alvarez for synergy. Note that he looks identical to Power Man in the cartoon.

        Well aren't Luke cage and Iron Fist already Spiderman's age? It's just that they're all adults in most comics. Luke Cage married a girl that went to highschool with Peter.

    • 5 months ago

      Is that the reason why she's created?

    • 5 months ago

      Sam Alexander Nova was also created for the USM cartoon but introduced in the comics first. Do note that Jeph Loeb was working in both Marvel animation and comics at the time.

      If they are that obsessed with sinergy then where is Storm nephew Spyke? He was pretty important in X-Men evolution that was a really popular show.

  2. 5 months ago

    We already had one? Really?

    This character is so obscure I don't even know anything about her/them. I know she was in that crappy cartoon, but before that was she a Spider-Man character? Daredevil? Heroes for Hire?

    It's redundant to make a legacy character for an unmemorable character. There's no legacy to adopt.

    • 5 months ago

      We did and Ewing had them fight in New Avengers

      • 5 months ago

        Ewing must be the only White Tiger fan in the entire world.

  3. 5 months ago

    Black Knight's daughter, who also called Black Knight and wears the same costume and you can only tell which one is when character announces it. Also they have they share the sword so they can't be out at the same time. Also she's a mutant because Krakoa books were selling well at the time.

    • 5 months ago

      Funnily enough, I once headcanonned a bastard daughter sidekick for Dane. She would be an upbeat tomboy with a black brigandine and halberd.

      • 5 months ago

        I never got the sense Black Knight was meant to be old enough to have a child as old as his canon daughter anyway. If he had a kid he didn't know about she should probably have been younger, but that would have stopped them from gradually replacing Dane with his black daughter.

        Tim Drake

        He wasn't redundant when he was created, and not for almost 20 years afterwards. Introducing the actual son of Batman as the new Robin just suddenly made Tim redundant overnight.

        • 5 months ago

          >I never got the sense Black Knight was meant to be old enough to have a child as old as his canon daughter anyway
          Yeah, that's why in my headcanon she was 12. Basically, I like the idea of Dane being a mentor figure and think that him grappling with the idea that his daughter will eventually inherit his cursed sword compelling.

        • 5 months ago

          Damian didn't make Tim redundant. There was plenty of room given Damian's history, personality, and behavior to have them contrast and work off each other (and personally I think Damian would have bounced off Tim better than Dick). Morrison just wrote Tim out of the main book in favor of his royalty check.

          • 5 months ago

            >Damian didn't make Tim redundant

            Yes he did, in fact he made all Robins redundant including Dick. It was a horrible mistake to invent a Robin that's actually Batman's son. He naturally outranks all the rest of them.

            • 5 months ago

              Dick and Jason are fine since they graduated to new roles.
              Dick is Nightwing, being Bruce's adopted son who grew up good.
              Jason is Red Hood, being Bruce's adopted son who grew up bad....because he died.
              But Tim's lack of identity is apparent since they don't even know what to name him or what his motif is but they still try to push him out on his own away from Batman.

              • 5 months ago

                I’d prefer if it was the original Robin who died and became Red Hood. It hits much harder if it’s the first one. Batman takes on a sidekick and it ultimately ends with him getting killed. Batman goes solo until Damian shows up, then Red Hood appears. It’d be a cool way to tie all the League stuff together to create a myth arc.

  4. 5 months ago

    Hot take: Danny Ketch. Back in the 90s they should have just had Johnny Blaze become Ghost Rider again and then told the exact same stories. Danny just wasn't distinct enough to justify keeping around instead of just using the original again.
    Say what you will about Robbie Reyes, but he is a very different character to Johnny Blaze, both in character design (which includes his vehicle) and personality.

    • 5 months ago

      I hate to admit it since Danny Ketch was my introduction to Ghost Rider, but you're probably right.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know anything about ghost rider but I could have sworn I herd Ketch was the one to introduce the concept of penance stare and a lot the modern look of ghost riders.

    • 5 months ago

      The reason you're wrong is because they kept Blaze around in the 90s book as an ex-Ghost Rider who knew more about everything that was going on than Ketch did, and he was a cool 90s guy with a trenchcoat and a hellfire shotgun.

      I don't know anything about ghost rider but I could have sworn I herd Ketch was the one to introduce the concept of penance stare and a lot the modern look of ghost riders.

      This is true, they basically shifted a lot of visual elements and powers from the 90s run over to Blaze when they defaulted back to him as the main Ghost Rider.

      I think the difference is that Frank kills "real" criminals associated with ethnic minorities like gangbangers, while this new Punisher so far has only fought against super-villains and higher-stakes threats you'd see in a spy thriller.

      >I think the difference is that Frank kills "real" criminals associated with ethnic minorities like gangbangers
      Let's be honest, this is much more "what people who don't read Punisher comics but are offended by the concept of the Punisher think Punisher comics are like". It doesn't happen anywhere near as often as they think it does, unless it's mafia families, and they're not offended by that.

      Ironheart is redundant when they could have just put Rhodey's daughter back in the armor. Frick Bendis and his OCs.

      IIRC it was Rhodey's niece, not his daughter, she was a blatant copy of Natasha Irons from DC, and had only appeared in one or two stories. She was obscure enough nobody even remembered her until Benis created Ironheart and suddenly everyone was asking why he didn't use Rhodey's niece instead. He'd have created an OC for the royalties anyway, but he probably never even knew she existed, most people didn't.

  5. 5 months ago

    >The Punisher is problematic because he's a veteran white guy who executes criminals, which real world cops admire
    >Let's replace him with another veteran white guy who executes criminals, surely realy world cops won't admire him

    • 5 months ago

      You'd think the woke crowd would love Frank because he actually killed corrupt cops.

      • 5 months ago

        The problem is that the cops and Dirty Harry wannabes who wear the patch pretend that they're the only good ones left.

        If a cop wearing a Punisher skull on his truck meant that he was genuinely fighting corruption in his department, you wouldn't hear about them for long. Cops don't like other cops trying to hold them accountable. And you'd better believe that middle age gun-nut wearing the Skull to show that he'll point his gun at a cop is going to end up given the Epstein Special when he's suddenly brought down to the station for some "questioning".

    • 5 months ago

      I think the difference is that Frank kills "real" criminals associated with ethnic minorities like gangbangers, while this new Punisher so far has only fought against super-villains and higher-stakes threats you'd see in a spy thriller.

      • 5 months ago

        He did kill a bunch of Chinese gangsters/triad members, though it was the Inner Demons, who aren't exactly grounded.

    • 5 months ago

      Someone keeps claiming that Nu-Punisher is going to end up being the fascist cop version so that Frank can come back and blow his brains out so he can "redeem" himself and reaffirm that he kills corrupt cops.

      • 5 months ago

        That would almost be kind of clever, which is how you can tell D*sney would never go for it.

        • 5 months ago

          Disney has nothing to do with the making of this comic

          • 5 months ago

            For whatever reason, people think that parent companies micromanage the companies they owe instead of just going "do what I bought you for and make me some money". If Disney specifically handled editorial, they would have:
            >Let Carol murder Iron Man for trying to keep her from killing a black kid
            >Let Captain America be revealed to have been a Nazi plant this whole time
            >EVERYTHING with The Ethnostate-Men on Krakoa Island
            >Spider-Man getting eternally shat on
            >The mess that was trying to replace X-Men with the Inhumans

            Almost all comic book/movie synergy is 80% "We might actually sell more books if [insert character]'s movie get really popular! PUSH THEM" and 20% Disney turning to Marvel and asking if there enough preexisting merch so they don't have to pay to make new things.

            • 5 months ago

              >Let Captain America be revealed to have been a Nazi plant this whole time
              Nope, that's not what happened

              • 5 months ago

                The audience is definitely led to believe that Red Skull had changed the MAIN timeline; not that he played a little physical switcheroo with a Cap from an alternate timeline for quite a while.

                Hell, even the climax of Secret Empire makes it seem like Kobik just created a copy of the Steve Rogers everyone remembers.

    • 5 months ago

      most batman characters
      extra flash characters
      too many extra human green lanterns
      vulcan when there are already two summers mutants
      black thor, female thor
      mother righteous

      too many wolverine characters
      too many spider man characters

      black super heroes with electrical super powers stereotype should count as redundant

      like the wanted comic

      • 5 months ago

        I know about Female Thor, but I don't think there's a Black Thor yet. And no, What If...? stories don't count.

  6. 5 months ago

    For additional sexo.

  7. 5 months ago

    "I want the same idea but not to be married to the established canon of the character"

    • 5 months ago

      They're still working with the established canon of the setting.

  8. 5 months ago

    Ironheart is redundant when they could have just put Rhodey's daughter back in the armor. Frick Bendis and his OCs.

    • 5 months ago

      Rhodey doesn't have a daughter. You mean his niece. If you're going to shit on writers for being terrible with continuity and OCs you can't be wrong yourself. It's a bad look.
      And it's not like she's some long-established character. Lila and Riri were created what, a year apart? Two at most?

  9. 5 months ago

    That's what happens when you put people who don't know anything about marvel characters and don't want to research the characters in charge.

  10. 5 months ago

    Why did they even kill off the original White Tiger anyways?

    • 5 months ago

      He was insane and spoke terrible spanglish.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, but he was made by George Perez!

      • 5 months ago

        LOL he translated himself for the english audience...spanish in comics is ridiculous if they have to do that. They should have just done the old "text in brackets, sub-panel stating "translated from *insert language*" deal

    • 5 months ago

      It was Bendis, it's just what he does.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Redundant legacy
    You're being redundant.

    • 5 months ago

      >Redundant legacy characters

      That's a redundant phrase.

      Mass redundancy on an unprecedented scale!

  12. 5 months ago

    Tim Drake

  13. 5 months ago

    >Redundant legacy characters

    That's a redundant phrase.

  14. 5 months ago

    They ended up exploring Ava and her connection to the Tiger God that empowers the Amulet way more than they ever did Angela

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, but they could have written those same stories with Angela.

  15. 5 months ago

    How often does the word redundant has happened in this board?

  16. 5 months ago

    Because every writer sees the woke ESG mandated shit Disney is doing and wants to have a character they've created be adapted. Even though they won't get paid shit for it, y'know, why did I even suggest this idea? It's terrible.

  17. 5 months ago

    I think that 90% of the Hulk Family (except Bruce Banner and Jennifer) is pretty much redundant at this point.

    It's like, what, half a dozen or so Hulk people out there in Marvel right now? Too fricking many.

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