ITT: Times you missed getting laid

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    a chubby chick in college asked if i wanted to be fwb and i said no. This was before smartphones so nobody wouldve known.
    The sad part is this happened during my first month of college and for the next 4 years never had sex present itself to me again

    • 2 weeks ago

      Beggars can’t be choosers, pal

      • 2 weeks ago

        That fact that the only girl who came on to me was a fat girl did not bode well with me. If only I had known what was to come

        • 2 weeks ago

          we must imagine plapjak happy

          • 2 weeks ago

            thread theme

        • 2 weeks ago

          My first girl was a chubby (but not plapjak fat) redhead who resembled tiernen blue and kira the redhead and who was completely fricking wild
          Huge breasts, bratty face and perfect feet
          Still think about her to this day

      • 2 weeks ago

        He chose not to have sex with her. So, apparently they can.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Big oof

    • 2 weeks ago

      holy fricking based

      Beggars can’t be choosers, pal

      Big oof


      • 2 weeks ago

        Not having a chubby chick on the side to booty call if you strike out is the opposite of based

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I worked in a hospital for a year. One pharmacist told me out of the blue she got out of a 9 year relationship and was desperately lonely and I didn't do anything. Another girl in the same hospital, on a night shift told me she had been too long without human touch, and again I did nothing. I don't know exactly what's wrong with me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Working in a hospital is being surrounded by desperate pussy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

    • 2 weeks ago

      don't eat where you shit, anon, especially with desperate crazy women. they sound like they would've reported you to HR for rape if you didn't call them back.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >older high school crush invites me over
    >we're all alone
    >laugh a lot, take a store trip, watch Horrible Bosses
    >say goodbye for the night
    >next day our mutual friend tells me she's mad that I didn't try anything
    >we never talk again

    • 2 weeks ago

      That me in a nutshell. Long list of hotties who didn’t realize I am autistic

      • 2 weeks ago

        now I'm fat, bald and older and posting on Cinemaphile after midnight

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Every real homie misses out on an obvious chance at getting laid at least once

    • 2 weeks ago

      You ever see the end of Dumb and Dumber? Every guy who doesn't have Channing Tatum level of good looks, has an experience like that at least once. We've all been there my anonymous friend.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >come back home on summe break from college
    >meet up with the girl i went to prom with
    >she has the house all to herself
    >we go swiming in the pool and drink beer
    >slept on the couch all night
    >i didnt make a single move on her

    i really fricked up that one

    • 2 weeks ago

      I had a story like this. Slept on the couch while I was helping a friend move. She was putting the moves on me, and I didn’t catch on at all. For the best though since her dad showed up at 6AM the next morning to help her move the couch I was on

  6. 2 weeks ago

    was such a moron I was in bed naked with two drunk bawds who rubbed their breasts all over me and I still somehow made it awkward enough for nothing to happen

  7. 2 weeks ago

    my life

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Chubby nerdy fanfiction writer on middle school, she had a boyish attitude
    She told me she wrote stuff on Wattpad, i gave it a try and decide to read some of her stuff, one of her stories had a tendency of ending with personal notes and one of them said
    >"so there's this guy that i like a lot and i just told him i do this sort of stories"
    Didn't realize she was talking about me, so Everytime we were together i had a chance to actually be with her.
    We stayed friends until we stopped talking altogether.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    There have been several. I’m terrified of sex, something’s wrong with me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Personally I just don't trust strangers enough for one night stands, or even sex early into a relationship. Who's to say she isn't trying to make her murderous boyfriend jealous? How do I know that she won't just bite my dick off if she offers me a blowjob? What if it's that scam where a criminal hires a 17-year-old to frick you and then they rob you so you won't go to the police because you also committed a crime?

      • 2 weeks ago

        For me it's fear of genital warts, HIV, STDs, AIDS. If they would frick me then they would frick anyone and who knows what they got.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Michael Jackson said he had the same problem as a teenager and in his 20s

      • 2 weeks ago

        Just read an article about that. Poor Mike, god he was pure.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is me.
      >Be me in college
      >Staring at a chick because she's hot
      >She notices me, looks over, and winks
      >Hear her talking to her friend later "this guy was looking at me. He was kinda cute"
      >Get scared and fastidiously avoid her from them on
      I have also fricked up opportunities with the following people: (as in people are actively telling me "dude she likes you. Ask her out" and I just don't)
      >My high school crush, a blonde Stacy athletic girl. She is now getting married
      >A beautiful red haired Texan girl from college. She was mildly racist against black people but had an apparent thing for skinny israelites. (Which I am) I followed her on social media, she dated 3 skinny israelites in a row and is now married to one with kids
      >Another blonde Stacy sorority girl who studied Computer Science with me. She is now living in a different city.
      >A Muslim girl who got pulled into an ARRANGED FRICKING MARRIAGE while I was screwing up the courage to ask her out. Yeah she has kids.
      Maybe I should actually kill myself. This thread sucks.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Mate, try and get a date or an arranged date through a friend; try and get yourself and her tipsy and raise the topic of “bad dates” or some such and tell those stories with the same anger and bitterness and you’ll be married within the year, promise

        • 2 weeks ago

          I ain't angry at anyone, just regretful. The absolute only person who's to blame is myself. Maybe feeling bummed out is appropriate but there's nothing to get angry at. I'm the one who let the opportunities slip through sheer avoidant-ness. Besides, my friends have it as bad as me. They're not virgins, with like one previous relationship each, but not one of us have dated since college, neither the men nor the women.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    My entire life of 36 years.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    There's a girl who likes me but I'd rather shitpost on Cinemaphile instead. I'm too lazy to maintain a relationship.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I'm too embarrased to even talk about it

  13. 2 weeks ago

    A rather forward 350 lb woman at a bar invited me to her house a couple nights ago. I haven't been laid in over 10 years but I'm not quite that desperate... yet.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not me, I frick fat chicks like it’s a charity.

      • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      good call, 350lbs on a man is extremely obese, let alone a woman.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >born 35 years ago
    >missed getting laid for 35 years straight

    • 2 weeks ago

      dubs get and this anon fricks in 2024

      • 2 weeks ago

        Taking a shot for you buddy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Lower your standards and take your shot. You’d be surprised at what you can pull.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What powers do you have?

      • 2 weeks ago


  15. 2 weeks ago

    I’ve intentionally missed signals of girls who slept with friends of mine, because I’m a fricking idiot. I’m not even friends with the guys anymore.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I had girls thrusting themselves at me once in class, and throwing a paper with their number on it at me. I believed they were fricking with me and ignored them. A year later that girl clawed my arms and hit me in the head when I asked for a piece of paper. Then a year later she was super nice and treated me very kindly from there on out. I think I misread that whole situation. It doesn’t matter though.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    A girl once invited me to Paranormal Activity 3, and I said no because I didn’t like the first one. I didn’t miss out on much, honestly, but I still feel stupid about it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I said no because I didn’t like the first one.
      Based Cinemaphile autist

    • 2 weeks ago

      I sperged out with a girl I was interested in over how much I hate Avatar when she mentioned Avatar 2.
      I blame the Avatar spammers.
      I hope he/they get cancer

      • 2 weeks ago

        At least we learned our lesson. haha

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yup, I basically have to get rich or keep praying one day a girl will both approach me and find my spaghetti dropping endearing

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I've spilled my spaghetti enough times to write a novel. I've also fricked a lot of b***hes, win some lose some but there was one red head who looked better irl than in her photos and said she used to be a waitress and didn't like black people and I had her in my bed at my house watching a movie and didn't frick, truly tragic

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Once in high school, and debatably two different chicks in college.
    34 year old virgin today.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    the thought of anyone being attracted to me in any way feels surreal

  21. 2 weeks ago

    ugly heavyset chick asked me if she could come over and watch me play video games. nice girl but hideous. i politely declined.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >at diner getting breakfast before class
    >walk up to register to pay
    >cute cashier smiles at me
    >asks me what i'm up to today
    >tell her i'm on my way to genetics class
    >looks impressed and interested, says "oooooh nice"
    >ask her what she's doing after work
    >she says "Ohhhh nothing, probably just reading or something"
    >tell her to have fun with that and leave

    >also be me
    >run into a girl on campus who always dresses up in 80s clothes
    >tell her i love her aesthetic, that I'm a huge 80s fan too and seeing her outfits around campus always makes my day
    >she says thanks
    >tells me she likes my hair, that she's always a sucker for guys with long hair
    >say thank you and walk away

    Every once in a while God throws me a bone and I never know what to do with it, and just end up dropping it in the dirt

    • 2 weeks ago

      Do not confuse friendliness from female workers with attraction.

    • 2 weeks ago


  23. 2 weeks ago

    >hanging out with my stoner friends
    >hear about a party
    >stoners don't want to go
    >show up
    >high as frick
    >start taking shots and having fun
    >time passes
    >people are passing out/leaving
    >I'm chilling
    >chick comes over and snuggles
    >"is tired" and wants to go to the bedroom with me
    >I'm not tired

  24. 2 weeks ago

    >Girl said she doesn't give head as we are starting to mess around, roll over and pass out to stick it to her

    >Ghost chick 3 girls I knew after 1 frick. Could have had them repeatedly. One said "until next time" when I dropped her off implying she was down routinely.

    I'm an idiot.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    >bro is stationed in florida for some military training shit
    >Go visit
    >go bar hopping every night
    >one night he has some 8/10 come by with her 8/10 friend
    >chat up the friend
    >get absolutely zooted off jagerbombs and shitty coke
    >we all 4 go back to the one girl's house
    >bro and girl go upstairs immediately
    >sex sounds ensue
    >talking with other girl in living room, getting touchy
    >literally on the verge of blowing in my pants just from chatting
    >see a playstation hooked up to the TV
    >see Elden Ring case (Which I had not played yet)
    >she says it's her friend's brothers I can play if I want
    >immediately turn it on and proceed to ignore her
    >don't even notice she left the room
    >play for 7-9 hours straight, I lost track
    >my brother walks downstairs in the morning and ask what the frick is wrong with me

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hope this really happened

      • 2 weeks ago

        sounds realistic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Elden Ring would be far more satisfying to do than sex. You made the right choice.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >elden ring
        great game
        >better than sex
        how would you know?

    • 2 weeks ago

      honestly, you made the right choice
      STDs are forever

      • 2 weeks ago

        I have fricked 15 women, I have never worn a condom with any of them (on the first date, puzzle that shit out), and never gotten an STD. I am convinced they are rare unless you exclusively frick absolute bottom of the barrel women

        • 2 weeks ago

          Honestly 15 women isn’t that much. I’m a doctor and see young people with std’s all the time, they do happen quite regularly. Also know multiple people in my personal life that have had an std at some point.

    • 2 weeks ago
  26. 2 weeks ago

    >hanging out with my chubby gf and her cuter friend, swimming in her pool
    >cute friend says she hasn’t gotten laid in forever and wants a 3way
    >chubby gf very reluctantly says okay
    >I decline, because I know it’ll ruin chubby gf’s self esteem and their friendship

    I still can’t decide if I’m proud of myself or if I’m the dumbest motherfricker in the universe.
    Also dunno why cute friend was interested in the idea anyway. I’m no Chad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I still can’t decide if I’m proud of myself
      You know you did the right thing but the world is evil and tells you that you did wrong
      You did good, I'm proud of you anon

      • 2 weeks ago

        Thanks, anon

    • 2 weeks ago

      You missed out on prime herpes infection

    • 2 weeks ago

      The friend was almost certainly jealous that her friend had someone and she didn’t. She was running a power move and you didn’t bite. Nice work

    • 2 weeks ago

      you did the right thing

    • 2 weeks ago

      don't you know what it means to become and orgy guy? it changes everything. you'd have to dress different, you'd have to act different. you'd have to grow a moustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions. you'd need a new bedspread and new curtains. you'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting. you'd have to gst new friends- you'd have to get orgy friends. naw, you're not ready for it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why would it ruin the ugly friends self esteem?
      This is by far the worst in the thread. You passed up on a lot.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    I had plenty of chances and i fricked up alot of them. To be fair not all of them were my fault. If i played my cards right, my body count would be 20-25. Having anxiety can be a b***h, especially when talking to women.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    I've never done it on accident only on purpose
    I pretend to be stupid though it makes girls feel better

    • 2 weeks ago

      >some summer music festival
      >run into a girl I had all my frreshman classes with at the bar, complete coincidence this is in another state
      >visibly slightly drunk
      >doesn't even say hello, just ''I broke up with my boyfriend last week'' with a huge smile and a hug
      >thrown off by how random this is, still digesting that she's even here at all, I just say ''Oh, that's too bad''and get my drinks
      >realized a few minutes later what happened but I don't have her number and couldn't find her in the crowd
      >come autumn she has a new boyfriend

      >lunch break at some college museum job i had
      >go to subway, long wait in line so I take out some manga I was reading at the time (I think it was Kodoku no Gourmet)
      >my turn comes up, very cute girl notices what I'm reading, starts chatting me up, we talk about random weeaboo bullshit for 15 minutes
      >just as I'm thinking 'wow it's pretty nice running into someone who likes the same stuff i do', I notice this old lady has been behind me in line for ages and smiling at us
      >say sorry and move on
      >next week, same lunch break
      >cute girl is there, gives me extra shit with my sandwich, notice her number is on the back of the receipt
      >get fired that day, completely forget about all this long enough for me to wash my pants with the receipt still in there
      >go back to the subway the next week but she's not there (end of contract)

      And so many more, I've been lucky with girls in the past I guess, but often too much of a pussy to do anything about it. I take a long time to notice any ''signs'' and then an even longer time beating my anxiety into a pulp so I can accept that someone might be attracted to me. That last one I think about a lot though, I've never met another person with whom I clicked that fast and the way it happened feels like something out of a bad movie script.

      be careful with pretending anon. I pretended to be gay to get out of dating some girl, that shit followed me all year.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I have a bunch of stories like the ones ITT but I don’t feel particularly bad or dumb about them, what does that mean

    • 2 weeks ago

      I typed a whole story out but when I realized I had so much to say that nobody would read I just deleted it all

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't have a story, I just also wanted to shit up the thread with a useless comment.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      > but I don’t feel particularly bad or dumb about them, what does that mean
      Probably Becuase you have also had plenty of scores, and at least 2 longer term gfs.
      Most guys in this thread stay losers

  30. 2 weeks ago

    There were a couple of girls in high school who liked me and probably would have been DTF. I wasn't ready at the time. I was immature and scared of girls. Years later when my libido turned on the incel crisis hit and it was over for me.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    >go to club with buddies
    >meet a couple of girls with good buddy
    >the 4 of us get into a cab back to their house
    >its a trailer dump
    >they roll some shitty joint to smoke
    >buddy goes into the bedroom with one chick
    >making out with the other
    >we go to her room
    >she removed some nasty ass bandage from her has
    >boner killer
    >making out some more to get it back up but it wasn't workint
    >friend calls me and tells me he stole $40 from the chicks purse and is leaving
    >put on my clothes and got the frick out of there

    • 2 weeks ago

      how do i say this
      you are a Black person

      • 2 weeks ago

        I probably lucked out and didn't get aids

    • 2 weeks ago

      Did he frick her before stealing from her? Or did he choose 40 bucks over sex?

      • 2 weeks ago

        He fricked her and then took her money. I meant to say she removed a bandage from her ASS. I couldn't even get it back up

    • 2 weeks ago

      >friend calls me and tells me he stole $40 from the chicks purse and is leaving
      >put on my clothes and got the frick out of there
      What a disaster

    • 2 weeks ago

      kek I've met people like your friend, good for a laugh but not very fun if they leave you holding the bag

  32. 2 weeks ago

    There was this one chick that was really into me, decent breasts but fugly, but I was in my I hate everyone and everything teen phase
    Skip ahead a bit and she gets knocked up by one of my friends and well lets just say bullet dodged

    • 2 weeks ago

      I once had a disaster confess she liked me. I said no, and she gets knocked up by the only guy at school who was more of a autist than me about a year later.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    >friends find an ad on craigslist
    >two of my friends went
    >there were 6 guys in the hotel including the husband
    >the 5 guys fricked her while the husband watched
    >I was on barracks duty that day

  34. 2 weeks ago

    My first few weeks of university, this girl got me into her dorm room four different times and I never made a move. One time she invited me over before going to a party later that evening... We made small talk and sat in silence on our phones for a bit. Then I pretended to take a nap on her roommate's bed and just sat there with my eyes closed for like 40 minutes. At one point she took a shower and came out of the bathroom wrapped in just her towel. All I did was peak through my eyelids. I've failed to recognize so many girls hitting on me in my life but that was probably the worst instance.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Then I pretended to take a nap on her roommate's bed and just sat there with my eyes closed for like 40 minutes

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I pretended to take a nap on her roommate's bed and just sat there with my eyes closed for like 40 minutes
      I did this on a road trip once to avoid dealing with this very hot girl hitting on me. Not only would my virginity prevent me from reciprocating at the time, but I knew her boyfriend and he would have beat me into a fine pulp without thinking twice about it.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    Last night I told her to get some sleep cuz she was tired guess who got woken up an hour later for sex

  36. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      What the frick... is she serious?

      • 2 weeks ago

        the mind of a femoid is impossible to direct towards accountability or away from victimhood

  37. 2 weeks ago

    There was this total qt 8/10 girl, completely my type, who followed me around because I loved to piss off the English teachers in high school. She would "joke" about sneaking off and fricking all the time. She'd say I can frick her pussy under the stairs in the theater room. Legit horny as frick for me. I was too autistic. It was only 8 or so years later that I realized that she was actually being serious. In college, there was this 8/10 autistic weeb girl with massive breasts who kept trying to get me to ask her out all the time. We used to go to her apartment to do group studies and there were times when everyone would leave except us because we were finishing up. I know we could have fricked, even back then. But I didn't want to get involved because she was like 3 years older than me. There was also this 9/10 absolute qt virgin goth girl in high school who i could have definitely dated, we kind of were just not officially, but she identified as bisexual and was a LARPer and pretendes to worship Athena or some shit like that. She turned into a bpd roastie prostitute and seems a little bit more sane now after getting dicked down enough by a dude who got her pregnant. Sometimes I wonder if I had just dicked her down she'd be a trad goth wife. Oh well. Sometime after college, I went to a Halloween party and got so wasted I just started to grab asses. One 8/10 b***h liked it and gave me a sultry smile and winked at me. I didn't frick because I was too piss drunk and she came with her boyfriend.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    too many to list and i want to kill myself

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wait until after this thread. These stories are great

  39. 2 weeks ago

    A girl I worked with kept walking up to me and trying to kick/knee me in the balls and laughing at how embarrassed and shocked I was one day. Another woman told me that was flirting and she wanted me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I feel worse about the time wasted pursuing girls that weren't into me. I thought attraction was something that built up over time with kind gestures.

      this shit is moronic and i don't feel bad for not picking up on it at all, this kind of woman should not get legal personhood.

  40. 2 weeks ago
  41. 2 weeks ago
  42. 2 weeks ago

    Can any of you anons help? I feel like I dont really enjoy sex, I just enjoy the IDEA of it.
    I was with a girl recently who was very into me, and all during foreplay, kissing, groping, undressing, I was very hard and turned on. In my head I kept thinking "wow I made it this far this is good" I was turned on when she was telling me how good she was feeling when I played with her breasts. I was able to make her orgasm just by fingering her which made me hard. But then when she went to give me a handjob I felt nothing, when she gave me a blowjob I felt nothing. I didnt even want to stick my dick in because my brain had already checked out mentally like it was telling me "good job you made her very happy and she likes you, you can go home now"

    This has been happening for a decade now, since the first time I almost had sex at 22. I was even with a girl for 3 years who loved me very much, but I felt more joy in making her cum and feel happy that wanting to get blowjobs handjobs or actual intercourse, because at point i just dont feel any sexual interest anymore.

    Everyone keeps saying that its porn addiction or death grip issues, but I feel like its more mental than that. Im 31, and have been with less than 5 women, and every time its turned out the same way.

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        i dont like anal and im not attracted to men. none of the porn i watch has men in it

        • 2 weeks ago

          >im not attracted to men
          homie u gay

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Everyone keeps saying that its porn addiction or death grip issues
      >Doesn't deny porn addiction, instead it must be something else that he doesn't even know exists
      You're a coomer
      You're fricking old, stop being a coomer, you're not a fricking teenager anymore

      • 2 weeks ago

        how is watching porn different than doing it in person?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >how is watching porn different than doing it in person?
          Read the book "Your Brain on Porn", it's not a long book
          If your porn brain can't read books then I believe the author of the book has youtube stuff, or at least a website and you're able to get some of the info handed to you without reading the book, look into it, I think any man living in today's world should be familiarize themselves with this topic and be able to share it with other men that suffer from your current problem

          • 2 weeks ago

            ne tiktok vid?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Can you give me the greentext version instead?

            • 2 weeks ago

              tl;dr is that it's fricking bad and gets worse, and everyone should strive to cut it out of their life entirely, I recommend looking into it because this tl;dr doesn't even do it justice, being a coomer is like being a porn junkie and harms your ability to have actual sex with someone like your actual wife to make actual children to love and create the future

              i can read you jackass. i already found the PDF

              That's good anon, glad you're looking into it

              • 2 weeks ago

                thanks for the rec anon. I hope this helps me, and lets me finally able to cum in a women

              • 2 weeks ago

                >and lets me finally able to cum in a women
                Only do it if you get married (actual marriage in the Catholic Church), for the purpose of creating life, as God intended
                Otherwise we should remain celibate
                We should not allow ourselves to be coomers, we're better than that

              • 2 weeks ago

                you dont understand anon. i havent been able to cum with a women present ever in my life. I dated a girl for 3 years whom i was going to marry and i could not cum if she was watching me or nearby.
                That is what I need to cure.

              • 2 weeks ago

                This will likely fix it
                If not, it could be a spiritual issue and you could benefit from speaking with a priest

              • 2 weeks ago

                what will a priest tell me? "my son stop looking at porn"?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"my son stop looking at porn"?
                But depends on your situation, he could refer you to a solid Catholic therapist, if something like that was necessary, for example

              • 2 weeks ago

                im orthodox greek though

              • 2 weeks ago

                Submit to Rome

              • 2 weeks ago

                no he will say
                >do you know any nubile young boys in need of my salvation through Cheezus Crust?

          • 2 weeks ago

            i can read you jackass. i already found the PDF

            • 2 weeks ago

              you dont understand anon. i havent been able to cum with a women present ever in my life. I dated a girl for 3 years whom i was going to marry and i could not cum if she was watching me or nearby.
              That is what I need to cure.

              what does this mean? just stroke your dick while staring at the wall or what

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh shit so you’re like broken broken. You gotta use your imagination. It’s dumb, but it helps

              • 2 weeks ago

                right but it says "without fantasizing about porn" so what should i be imagining in my head, that a hot sexy woman comes through my door and wants get fricked by me?" is that not porn also?

              • 2 weeks ago

                you fantasize about a girl, not a pornstar
                think just sex, not porn sex

              • 2 weeks ago

                It’s more like scenarios in your personal life, I’d say. Part of it is imagining people you’ve never seen naked naked. Essentially making anticipation a part of the process again.

              • 2 weeks ago

                you fantasize about a girl, not a pornstar
                think just sex, not porn sex

                im in trouble then, ive only dated 2 girls in my life and that was years ago, id have to start thinking about them again even though i wouldnt want to. When Im out in public i dont even notice women any more

  43. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Obviously a beard

  44. 2 weeks ago
  45. 2 weeks ago

    when I go back and think about them all i get extremely sad and then start to think about all the ones i didn't even fricking notice. don't smoke weed kids.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    There’s so many occasions but how about this particular scenario from 2 days ago: I’m a bartender, this qtpi angel little short stack 22 year old new server we have was sitting in the well while I’m making drinks, as servers tend to do, watching me, locks eyes with me and goes “god it’s so hot out there today (on the patio) I’m just so sticky and sweaty”, I was shook but managed to respond with “makes you want to take a shower huh” because I was in full work charisma mode but the internal autist was and still is screaming . She keeps staring and making fun little comments, but I’m old enough to know that the at work stuff never works out.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't get it

      • 2 weeks ago

        What’s not to get? She knew what she was doing. I knew what she was doing. She makes a comment about her body, I do too. The other sever girls have already yapped about me thinking she’s hot. 4’10 little petite blonde always with pigtails and short shorts and perky little breasts, oof.

  47. 2 weeks ago
  48. 2 weeks ago

    >hanging out with friend of a friend after helping her move
    >watch standup specials for a while
    >''it's getting late, you should stay over the subway is closed'' (i lived 15 minutes away on foot)
    >I'm not moron but hadn't had sex in 2 years so too pussy to try anything
    >in the morning she is visibly pissed and throws me out saying she needed to study
    >years later my friend tells me she was waiting for me to make my move all night

  49. 2 weeks ago

    had a job taking care of morons and this thin blonde one was always rubbing her ass on me. I definitely would have fricked her if she didn't stink all the time

  50. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >drunk at the Halloween party
    >everyone leaves except for hosts and hostesses hot cousin
    >get told I have to frick cousin because it's her bday
    >she's on their bed in her loose costume
    >start going down on her
    >tastes like cotton candy
    >stomach churns
    >leap outside the doorway and puke all over the floor
    >pass out
    >mfw she thinks her c**t made me puke

  51. 2 weeks ago

    >work at a fast food joint
    >Girl A is a former coworker who had just recently quit is a beautiful 10/10 perfect modelesque blonde model with just a slight dash of tomboy personality
    >think Taylor Swift, but even hotter
    >she is roommates with another coworker, Girl B, who still works there
    >working with Girl B one night
    >Girl A is texting Girl B that she's naked on their couch and horny as frick, jerking off
    >Girl B is like "oh my god" and tells me this in shock
    >I tell Girl B to text back and tell her some some lame joke Anon made
    >Girl A texts back and says something along the lines of "Anon needs to stop or he can come over and fix this problem himself"
    >Girl B had previously mentioned that I matched Girl A's type of tall needy dudes
    >being an awkward virgin who never had a gf I don't immediately jump to frick one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen
    I've been in a committed relationship with the perfect person for about a decade now and I still regret that night

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      women say a lot of shit like this, trust me if you actually called her bluff and asked what’s the address she’s would have found some excuse

  52. 2 weeks ago

    >work with butterface girl with huge breasts
    >too autistic to realize she was down to frick basically the entire time we worked together
    >sent me a snap chat of her breasts and all I said was "nice" because said autism
    >nearly fricked her at party but pysched myself out that she was too drunk and would have considered it rape
    >after that she got really cold towards me and randomly talked about having a foursome with some dudes in which I just said "damn thats crazy"
    At the time I thought she was kinda below me but I wish I just took the opportunity to frick some prime easy pussy, opportunies like these never come up as you get older

    • 2 weeks ago

      sounds like a bawd

  53. 2 weeks ago

    >all these anons describing themselves as autistic
    >still get invited to parties

    • 2 weeks ago

      Good point, I've never been invited to a party in my life

    • 2 weeks ago

      I was autistic with hobbies, at school I more or less kept up a facade of being outgoing. Nowadays I dont care.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Prescription medication wasn't a thing for austism until you were diagnosed

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm autistic and I get druk with my friends all the time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Autistic on this board usually just means slightly on the spectrum. You can be a functioning member of society, but have some autistic traits that specifically affects interactions with women. I'm like that myself.

      I spent the whole with a girl playing games and stuff. She had previously sent me cleavage snaps. I know she wanted to, but I was too scared to make a move anyway. And then she just lost interest, but I managed to get one more date with her six weeks later, but then it had been so long, it just got too awkward to try anything. I still think about this daily four years later.

  54. 2 weeks ago

    I meet a couple of honeys last night and only got to bang one but I wanted to frick them both

  55. 2 weeks ago

    i honestly thought she wrote this to make fun of me. still not a 100% sure. i tried to reach put to her a week ago but she didn't respond.

    • 2 weeks ago

      No one signed my yearbooks

      • 2 weeks ago

        not missing much. i can't tell who most of the people are because they only used their first names. some of them, like the one i posted, make me sad. the ones from friends i' still close to are only slightly amusing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I can't encode it entirely but it seems she loves you and she wants to have a kids with you. Is she qt?

      • 2 weeks ago

        she's gorgeous. was a cheerleader and on the volleyball team as well and whip smart. she often flirted with me but i always assumed it was something like picking up a dog and posistioning his paws on the handlebars of a motorcycle, safe and funny because obviously nothing's going to happen. one time a friend of hers asked me out as a prank actually the second time that happened to me and she was nearby. i didn't fall for it that time but i couldn't decipher the expression on her face. i thought i could i could get some clarity if i talked to her but she won't speak to me any more. she must be 26 now. could be married.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >one time a friend of hers asked me out as a prank
          How did you knew it was a prank?

          • 2 weeks ago

            i dunno, the "vibes"? it was obvious her friends had put her up to it. when i told her i knew it was a prank she was maybe a tad disappointed but mostly relieved.

    • 2 weeks ago

      nah that's just hehe high school girl talk.
      don't think too hard on it. remember how girls always say I love you as a way to say thank you

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah maybe. can't tell. what i do know is that when we imagine "how it would be if..." we always imagine a best case scenario. a man who was rejected from military service imagines, for the rest of his life, a long and storied career that he would have been proud to tell his grandchildren about. he does not imagine weeks on end of doing mindless tasks like small arms repair and sweeping hallways in the humid summers at the barracks before losing three limbs to and I.E.D. two days into his first deployment. if we had dated back then we would probably have broken up back then, too. to quote my favorite author, jerome k. jerome: "Let us not sit with folded hands, gazing upon the past as if it were the building; it is but the foundation. Let us not waste heart and life thinking of what might have been and forgetting the may be that lies before us. Opportunities flit by while we sit regretting the chances we have lost, and the happiness that comes to us we heed not, because of the happiness that is gone."
        still, i wrote a poem about her. she'll never read it so i may as well post it here.
        >Do her eyes shine so brightly,
        >Do her lips part so wide,
        >Because it is not me
        >She is letting inside?
        >Can it at least be "despite",
        >Oh, let it not be "because",
        >She has forgotten me quite,
        >That she sings as she does?
        >That I hope to have wounded her,
        >And for that wound to rankle yet,
        >Is, if I'd listen, a lecture,
        >In being pleasant to forget.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    Literally had a girl tell me she wanted my dick inside her but she creeped me out so I passed lol

  57. 2 weeks ago

    I used to date chicks I worked with. After breaking up with one of them a new girl was hired, this latina with a big fat ass and super tiny waist. She was the super serious type as she was basically the manager while the terminal manager was out —which was always. Her and I didn’t get along since she was a know-it-all and I’m a smartass that likes joking about everything. We got into arguments all the time. One day I find out she wants to learn to play the guitar so I invite her to my place, surprisingly she says yes.

    She comes over and she’s looking sexy as usual. She’s got like this tight olive shirt on and it’s low cut but hugging her breasts to death. I bring her up to my place and we play guitar for a bit. I teach her some basic chords and eventually we start watching Netflix (literally Seinfeld lol). We both also start drinking. I’d gotten her some dark beers she liked, and I went into vodka, since I legit thought we were not going to be fricking.

    Later she says that she has to get going. She’s clearly a bit tipsy, but at this time I’m absolutely fricking hammered. So I wrap my arm around her and start making out with her, and she gets into it and then says “what about (other girl)?” from work who I’d broken up with. I tell her it doesn’t matter and start feeling her breasts and eventually sucking on them. I stand up and drag her over to the bed and she keeps asking about the other girl, and I keep assuring her it’s fine and we really are broken up. She eventually asks if it’s going to be a one-time thing or something more, and I have no idea how to respond. At this point, my dick is a fricking metal bar because I’ve wanted to hatefrick the life out of this woman for a month. So just as I’ve pulled her pants down, she changes her mind. I’ve always beaten myself up over it because she did like me and we had good chemistry. There’s other stuff that happened but character limit stops me from really going into detail.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not reading lol

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah sorry I tried to condense it and it was still 2000 characters. Idk point is I almost fricked this girl

  58. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >high school junior
    >at a friend's house party
    >oneitis shows up
    >told her i liked her before and she shot me down
    >just friends haha for years
    >ignores me the whole time, doesn't even look at me
    >100% on purpose
    >in retrospect probably thought that's what I was doing to her all that time by nit chasing her or some stupid female shit
    >I'm actually just super fricking moronic
    >get bummed then jealous then mad
    >start pounding beers in the kitchen by myself
    >pretty drunk now
    >a qt 3.14 approaches
    >we've been texting a bit for a week or two
    >too fricking moronic to realize why
    >casual conversation ensues
    >just pulls the front of her jeans down a little to show me her underwear
    >too drunk and just generally fricking moronic to even process what has happened or what she said
    >she walks away
    >realize I'm a fricking moron and want to kms
    >don't even try to approach her for the rebound
    >just go sulk in a corner because both are ignoring me now
    >qt 3.14 comes and sits with me anyway
    >oneitis notices and comes over
    >absolutely seething with jealousy
    >don't even know what she said or did, probably in secret girl language
    >they both leave shortly after
    >drive home drunk and mad at everyone and everything
    >next day
    >try to text qt 3.14
    >interest is totally gone
    >want to kms all over again
    >couple weeks pass
    >over it now
    >back to casually hanging out with oneitis again
    >go get dinner together
    >snidely asks me how things with qt 3.14 are going
    >realize in that moment what she did
    >absolutely btfo'd 16 yo me
    >not the last time she does it either

    • 2 weeks ago

      >realize that she wienerblocked you on purpose
      >still hang out with her so she can do it again
      why bro

      • 2 weeks ago

        There's no excuse. I had it bad. She was cute, bubbly, smart, but I think she enjoyed trying to hurt me. Maybe I liked that about her, I don't know. wienerblocked me a couple times after that, then threw herself at me a couple times. In front of my whole family once, absoutely shameless. Always turned her down. Fricking with her head was better than sex I guess. Think the feeling was mutual.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Reminds me if the first time I did MDMA. Must have been bunk because instead of having fun I got paranoid. Time heals everything my fren

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nah, they were dumb b***hes. You deserve better.

        Thanks bros. I still have cringe PTSD from it but I did eventually do better after like a hundred if these greentexts.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah, they were dumb b***hes. You deserve better.

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Two hot latina friends somehow was interested and talked with me every day being close and flirty. One day they caught me before class started and asked if I wanted to skip class to go hang out. I said no and literally ran away to the class. I have no memory of what happened the rest of the semester with them nor any memory of college. I think I could have had a threesome or one of them was wingman for the other friend.

    Never talked to any other girl since...

  60. 2 weeks ago
  61. 2 weeks ago

    I had these female friend in uni and we were both single. I didn’t really have many other friends and didn’t want to ruin the friendship with sex. We were together at a bar sometime and when we left and i walked her home she had this really disappointed look when i just said goodbye to her and left. She was completely normal the whole time we were at the bar so i didn’t expect that she wanted to bang. Women are shit at signaling they want sex.

  62. 2 weeks ago
  63. 2 weeks ago
  64. 2 weeks ago
  65. 2 weeks ago

    Last week
    >be nurseoid
    >work with alot of women
    >not a complete moron so hang out with them on the reg
    >go out last week and buy multiple rounds of shots and chambombs
    >flash forward to me making out with one of them on my couch
    >we stop when I realize what I'm doing with my fingers actively digging for gold
    >we cuddle on the couch for some reason while we wait for her bf to pick her up
    >calls me later she tells me she's telling her BF of 7 years and is probably going to break up with him
    Yeah, I'm going to continue to talk to her and twist the knife.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    >staying over at rich classmate's house to hang out (or at least middle upper class, huge house, giant yard, no-Black person neighborhood full of rich white people), hurricane michael or whichever one it was hits and locks me at her place for a full week
    >her parents weren't even home most of the time, just the two of us
    >missed a week of opportunity and hints
    I wish to go back and slap some confidence into my teenage self, but what's done is done.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >technically Mexican but genetically and culturally Maronite Lebanese. blonde and blue eyes
    >come from pretty wealthy family and growing up around gross squatemalans I tend to feel that I'm better than everyone else (strong eliot rodgers parallels)
    >chubby kid throughout highschool, finally get in shape in college
    >live in student dorms and see a lot of russian immigrants
    >the girls look like slobs. always wearing ratty flip flops and tank tops
    >russian qt with huge breasts constantly offering to study with me but I rebuff her worried that she'll have hygiene issues
    >one time I actually hide on the ledge outside my second story window to avoid talking to her
    >after a year she moves somewhere else but before she leaves she gives me a little cake and a goodbye card
    honestly felt bad because she was a nice girl and attractive but for some reason I got it into my head that russian women were "dirty"
    Looking back it's insane that I was so picky
    I recall seeing her in the computer room reading LotR and thinking that we might have a lot in common
    Even though I was good looking and well off, I was still a virgin when this went down

    • 2 weeks ago

      Kek weird how men can become this feminine about hygiene.

  68. 2 weeks ago

    I feel like I'm missing out right now. I recently got a job at coffee shop and there is an 18 year old Muslim girl who has been giving me signs she's into me. I'm 30 but look 23ish or so. She went out of her way to ask for my Instagram and went and liked around 5 of my posts that are all from last year.

    She is ghetto af tho cause I am pretty sure she comes from a refugee family cause she went to a really shitty HS in a poor part of Chicago. Anyway I feel she likes me and I could easily frick her but am wary cause sometimes when I text her she takes a whole fricking day to respond, while I at most take 3 hours to respond back to when she messages me. That and I'm like 10 years older than her and she might find it weird even tho she has been flirting pretty heavy with me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      watch out with the ghetto ones
      their families can legit be crazy
      I dated this muslim intern in DC who was pretty hot and her brothers were full on psycho
      Drove to my home a couple of times
      Checked in on us on dates
      Felt like iranian morality police
      And she wasn't even ghetto, they were just FOBs worried about assimilating too fast

      • 2 weeks ago

        thanks anon
        This girl has sibling but they are 4 sisters only, don't know if that is any better.
        Another thing is her being ghetto she seems to be "friendly" with alot of other guys. I was talking to her during a lunch break once and some other dude just stopped by to talk to her, it was her friend, and right in front of me they were talking about skipping work to go hang out and she was telling him that it was tempting but she can't do that to her boss and shit. Just the fact that she was talking to someone else like that left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth, but after work later that day we hung out so it kind of made me ignore it.

  69. 2 weeks ago

    >be 19
    >get invited by two girls over to their apartment to watch Magic Mike
    >they specifically tell me not to bring anyone else
    >I arrive and it's super awkward
    >one girl falls asleep but the other one is up watching the movie with me
    >say the movie fricking sucks and leave
    I had a gf at the time so maybes that why I didn't do anything but then again why was I there in the first place LOL

  70. 2 weeks ago

    >Hit the club with a friend
    >Start dancing some mature woman and her daughter
    >Older woman whispers into my ear “My daughter thinks you’re hot!”
    >No she doesn’t I reply
    >I walk off and go home
    I have such an awful opinion of myself it’s a curse. Even when drunk.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >white and blonde
    >grow hair out and pull it back with a headband for androgynous look
    >go to friends bday party and end up at bar
    >hot latina pries me away from friend group
    >"that's a really cool headband. can I try it on?"
    >"I can't. it was a gift from someone special"
    can't remember much more cause half in the bag but she wasn't happy and extricated herself shortly after

  72. 2 weeks ago

    I have some horror stories. Here's one.
    >Be me
    >21 years old
    >Crushing on cute coworker
    >Am insecure because I was an ugly kid in HS, had birth defects (that were fixed, but no confidence), no father figure
    >Flirt with her a ton at work. Must've been mistaken for confidence. I felt I had no chance so I could afford to be brazen.
    >She throws a lot of hangouts/parties with staff
    >Invites me out, is extra flirty with me when we're out
    >I spend too long every time trying to figure out if she's in to me
    >Plans to watch a Meteor shower at her place with a bunch of the staff, BBQing
    >It's overcast, we all drink and play cards indoors instead
    >Everyone leaves except for me and one other dude. She's driving us both home.
    >Her and I flirt for an hour after he said he wanted to leave
    >Logistically, would make sense to drive me home first, then him, then for her to go home.
    >She drives him home first, asks if I wanna keep hanging out
    >I do
    >We go back to her place to watch a movie
    >We go to her bedroom
    >She tries very poorly to get an HDMI plugged into her macbook so we can putlocker it
    >"Oh shit, I can't get the movie to work anon. Now what should we do?"
    >Uh idk, grab something to eat??
    >We grab mcDs
    >clouds are clear when we get back
    >We lay outside all night looking at the stars and talking, I never make a move

    I have a lot of severe stories, this one hurts special, might be the worst but idk. One of which was the straw that made me finally go to therapy. Now I actually date and get laid, which is nice, but I wish I could take back a lot of these because I think I missed out on some great memories.

  73. 2 weeks ago

    how do you tell when to make a move and when to stop before she even thinks about not enjoying it and crying out rape or say it was rape after?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Stop being terminally online. Besides as a man you have to take risks in life.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you have to ask, you can’t. Some people can.
      I can never either.
      If she gets you alone somewhere by her effort, that’s a sign.
      But I’ve been rebuffed so many times, I just can’t read women at all.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You worry too much that second situation won't happen if you're not a fricked up weirdo stop thinking and just do
      Sooner than you'd think, they have a habit of looking at your lips and then back at eyes. Youre allowed to touch them, see how she responds. It's like a stairxajse, you just keep stepping on step after the other until poof marriage carriage babies coffin

      • 2 weeks ago

        Oh I forgot you all think you're a bunch of fricked up weirdos. Well, most of you aren't (human), and if you still even want to talk to girls, you're pretty normal. Hypnosis is the name of the game snap the frick out of it read the Bible it's old and it's true unlike all this other fricking shit

      • 2 weeks ago

        >they have a habit of looking at your lips and then back at eyes
        this is true but autists here will miss the cues

        easy trick for autists I learned in college
        play with her hand
        start by putting her hand against yours under the pretext of comparing hand size and then gently fold your fingers into the spaces between her fingers
        If she doesn't pull back, make eye contact with her while you do this and try to manage a small smile
        If she smiles back, try leaning in and say you want to tell her a secret. If she goes for that, give her a small kiss on her neck beneath her ear
        This is completely infallible and it allows you both gradually assess interest while at the same time reeling her in

        this is the same idea but it gives you concrete instructions as well as an activity while you progress so you're not fretting over where you should be looking or what you should be doing with your hands ("what do I usually do with my hands? are my hands really just hanging there all the time? that can't be right...")

    • 2 weeks ago

      easy trick for autists I learned in college
      play with her hand
      start by putting her hand against yours under the pretext of comparing hand size and then gently fold your fingers into the spaces between her fingers
      If she doesn't pull back, make eye contact with her while you do this and try to manage a small smile
      If she smiles back, try leaning in and say you want to tell her a secret. If she goes for that, give her a small kiss on her neck beneath her ear
      This is completely infallible and it allows you both gradually assess interest while at the same time reeling her in

    • 2 weeks ago

      You ask for the kiss, at the very least the first time. You'll know if she doesn't want to kiss anymore from when she pulls away. Genuinely, I don't like sleeping around with any chick, but making out is a ton of fun. Sex if better if she's someone you care about, making out is pretty fun universally as long as you're attracted to her.

      As far as when to progress and when to stop, if you're making out, you're off to a good start. Start touching her. Her hips, her side, her boobs, undo her bra, kiss her neck, etc. You have a lot of free reign and basically you just respect it if she stops you or pulls away.

      This is the biggest redpill about dating, tbh. Both of you are going to be pretty much equally nervous about whether the other likes you. One of you has to be the instigator and the other has to set boundaries and tbh society has just dictated it to be the way it is with men having to be the ones to pursue and women being the boundary setters. But it's pretty liberating once you come to terms with it. You realize you're the one who can be the person you wish you had, making moves and being upfront about your intentions and shit. If she's out with you she likes you, and if you're not socially moronic you can tell if she seems invested or not in what you're doing. It should be like hanging with a friend, if she's cold or unresponsive she's being shitty or not into it. Don't try to convince her if she's like that. That's her issue. But typically, if she's out with you and especially if you're already making out, she's into it and you've got nothing to worry about. Literally just don't be a pushy pos from that point and try to convince her if she's clearly not down for something.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You ask for the kiss, at the very least the first time.
        God dang zoomers are a bunch of nancy boys

        • 2 weeks ago

          >t. virgin

          • 2 weeks ago

            >t. virgin

            • 2 weeks ago

              >nnno...noo! YOU!
              Oof, try again

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Really reaching there, stretch armstrong. If you tried this hard to get laid, you might have actually accomplished it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, I bet it doesn't take much effort for you to "pull" at the truckstop bathroom glory hole you disease ridden homosexual. Do you ask their permission first before kissing their wieners?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Haha, now you're GAY!
                You can do better than this

              • 2 weeks ago

                Jump off my wiener then homo

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Keeps responding to me
                >Jump off my wiener, gay!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Keeps responding to me
                >Jump off my wiener, gay!
                Stop being tsundere you little zoomer atrazine shitraped homo. Was it daddy or uncle that touched you that way?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >pic related
                I expected too much of you

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nice reddit-originated maymay, summergay.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Thank you

              • 2 weeks ago

                You won't win. I have a bot script running to reply to you specifically and draw this out.

    • 2 weeks ago

      unfortunately there is no way
      in sweden, a girl can enthusiastically ride you, be loud enough so that anyone outside hear her moans, stop for a pee break and come back to ride you, give you a glass of water so that you arent parched and that can still be called rape
      you can try recording it but most women would probably not allow that

    • 2 weeks ago

      Stop being terminally online. Besides as a man you have to take risks in life.

      If you have to ask, you can’t. Some people can.
      I can never either.
      If she gets you alone somewhere by her effort, that’s a sign.
      But I’ve been rebuffed so many times, I just can’t read women at all.

      You worry too much that second situation won't happen if you're not a fricked up weirdo stop thinking and just do
      Sooner than you'd think, they have a habit of looking at your lips and then back at eyes. Youre allowed to touch them, see how she responds. It's like a stairxajse, you just keep stepping on step after the other until poof marriage carriage babies coffin

      You ask for the kiss, at the very least the first time. You'll know if she doesn't want to kiss anymore from when she pulls away. Genuinely, I don't like sleeping around with any chick, but making out is a ton of fun. Sex if better if she's someone you care about, making out is pretty fun universally as long as you're attracted to her.

      As far as when to progress and when to stop, if you're making out, you're off to a good start. Start touching her. Her hips, her side, her boobs, undo her bra, kiss her neck, etc. You have a lot of free reign and basically you just respect it if she stops you or pulls away.

      This is the biggest redpill about dating, tbh. Both of you are going to be pretty much equally nervous about whether the other likes you. One of you has to be the instigator and the other has to set boundaries and tbh society has just dictated it to be the way it is with men having to be the ones to pursue and women being the boundary setters. But it's pretty liberating once you come to terms with it. You realize you're the one who can be the person you wish you had, making moves and being upfront about your intentions and shit. If she's out with you she likes you, and if you're not socially moronic you can tell if she seems invested or not in what you're doing. It should be like hanging with a friend, if she's cold or unresponsive she's being shitty or not into it. Don't try to convince her if she's like that. That's her issue. But typically, if she's out with you and especially if you're already making out, she's into it and you've got nothing to worry about. Literally just don't be a pushy pos from that point and try to convince her if she's clearly not down for something.

      >girl makes every fricking move to show interest in me
      >even asks for my fricking phone number
      >says my hair is cute and puts her hands in it and caresses it around
      >one day get courage to ask her out
      >she pretends she is busy and is trying her hardest to get away from me as if I'm trying to kidnap her or some shit
      >tells me she is busy and needs to go home asap and drives away
      Just don't be an "autist" right?

      • 2 weeks ago

        sometimes women are the autist. don't take it personally

      • 2 weeks ago

        lol you were so far out of her league, so in threatening as a man, a non-male in her eyes, that she felt comfortable having a filrty friendship with you,

  74. 2 weeks ago

    I've had several girls lie to their friends about sleeping with me. Because that's all we did. Sleep.

  75. 2 weeks ago

    >spanish class
    >sit in the back with only a emo goth light skin latina behind me, amazing ass
    >always play with her during class
    >watching a movie in class, lights off when out of nowhere she starts massaging my shoulders
    >sperg out and tell her to quit, she doesn't
    >get angry, turn around, stare into her eyes, never break eye contact and for some reason put hand on her thigh and slowly start inching upwards
    >hit her hip crease and she freaks and shoves my hand away
    >turn back forward triumpant
    >next day Friday
    >walking to spanish after lunch when latina grabs me from behind
    >'anon i don't want to go to class today, wanna skip? my parents aren't home. We can hang out in my room and watch anime then just come back when school ends'
    >tells me she lives within walking distance and almost dragging me at this point
    >never really skipped so say sure
    >immediately upon walking into her room which was typical emo anime girl style she starts outright wrestling me
    >so confused and surprised trip on something and fall to ground she's immediately on top of me
    >hand fighting nonstop when I guess autism strength kicks in and flip her over now me on top
    >don't realize where my hands are till she completely stops moving
    >hands are on her breasts and she's just laying there under me staring at me
    >she leans up and gives me a hard kiss
    >immediately get hard and involuntarily start dry humping the shit out of her
    >before i can yank her shirt off we hear the door open
    >have to hide in her closet for what feels like 10 hrs till school ended at which point one of her parents leaves to pick her up and we both can escape
    Afterwards she went completely cold.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you didn't do anything wrong there, life happens anon.

  76. 2 weeks ago

    I'm ignoring an ex-gf I dumped who wants to cheat on her new boyfriend with me (again) to get drunk and watch old clips of michael jackson performing on stage from the 80's

    • 2 weeks ago

      Are you gay?

      • 2 weeks ago

        no, I just know I can frick her later and I want to enjoy my drinks and alone time

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doesn’t really fit the theme of the thread. You already turned her out, and let her cheat once, and now you know it will just get messy if you keep polling her electorate

    • 2 weeks ago

      if I knew her new bf was a fricking homosexual I would frick her asap no questions asked

    • 2 weeks ago

      it doesn't count as cheating if you're the ex-bf as long as you don't go out of your way to hide it from the new guy. He agreed to her history when he started dating her

      • 2 weeks ago

        >as long as you don't go out of your way to hide it from the new guy
        I actually told him about it and provided proof but he forgave her and is currently letting her live with him rent free

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doesn't count because your ex "gf" has a penis and you already fricked him
      This is about times you missed out on having sex with someone

  77. 2 weeks ago

    >girl in my art class starts talking about movies with me
    >says Requiem for a Dream is one of her favorite movies
    >Tell her I’ve never seen it
    >describes it to me, and I say it sounds dark
    >since she likes dark movies, I ask if she likes A Clockwork Orange
    >says she’s never seen it
    >we set a date to watch them back to back together
    >by the rape scene in Clockwork, neither of us want to see the other again, because holy shit they are not first date movies
    Not really a missed opportunity, but it fits the mood of the thread, I feel

  78. 2 weeks ago

    This is great data mining. Keep it going goyim

    • 2 weeks ago

      Just how schizophrenic are you?

      • 2 weeks ago

        What did i tell you last time b***h?

  79. 2 weeks ago

    Once had a slightly overweight girl ask me to the movie, took me an hour to respond because the invitation caused me no small amount of anxiety. Finally said yes (don't even remember the film even though its the only one I have been on a date with)After the movie I said almost nothing, girl asked me what I thought of it. I held back my true feelings for the film and told her I just disliked it, she said it sounded like I had more to say about it.

    Proceed to sperg out for several minutes about every little flaw I had noticed and about how poorly it was written and acted. She looked at me in stunned silence....

    Never reveal your Cinemaphile powerlevel to femoids, they simply cannot understand

  80. 2 weeks ago

    I knew this chick since I was in 7th grade thanks to my best friend, I always found her physically attractive and a very fun, smart person to be around, around 2 or 3 years ago, one day while in college I decide to text her and the conversation escalates to a point where I ask her If she's still a virgin and if she jerk offs, she said yes to both and as the days go by I try to invite her to a movie date, she doesn't show up because her mom didn't want to drive her there and so next week she invites me to her house to "hang out" her parents were out but her grandpa was there so while he wasn't looking we'd make out and she let me feel her pussy and breasts (I've never touched or kissed a woman before that point) suddenly I have to leave and as the weeks go by I waste my time and money on everything except finish what we started there and so she basically tells me to forget everything and now she doesn't even let me hug her or looks at me, and I've just stopped speaking to her at this point for other reasons.

    tl;dr: I'm not KHH but still virgin and fricked up real bad because I actually loved her.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I actually loved her.
      lol, virgins are so funny

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well yeah, but those feelings already went away after everything, I also forgot to mention she lost her virginity with some homosexual from her college before I went to her house after saying we'd both lose it together, so I feel like I dodged a bullet there.

  81. 2 weeks ago

    GPT is learning a LOT. Let's go goy keep it going!

  82. 2 weeks ago

    I tried to write about it but i can't. must still be raw even if its been years. can i still get pity (you)s?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Have one on me, fren

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah just make sure you're logged into your google/apple/netflix account so we can cross reference

      • 2 weeks ago

        Haha I use windows with an antivirus

  83. 2 weeks ago

    >I went to middle school with this one girl for 8 years (theres no elementary and middle school divide in my country like it is in the states)
    >Finished middle school and started high school. Havent seen eachother since
    >Summer after graduation. She hit me up apparently out of boredome and we started talking.
    >Invite her out for a walk since it was like 2am and I was bored
    >We talk and hang out the entire night.
    >This goes on for the next couple of months
    >Wanted to make a move since I knew I basically had free passage but give up because for some reason I found fricking someone who ive known for basically my entire life weird
    >again a few months pass and she has a boyfriend and everything
    >we meet up and go for one of our standard walks at this point
    >end up asking her if she had any feelings towoards me judging by our previous conversations where she would constantly cry about how she wants to be railed by someome but cant find anyone
    >says that more than once she had to restrain herself from straight up jumping at me and didnt understand why i wasnt returning any of the feelings
    >at that point it hit me that I am what the kids on Cinemaphile call moronic
    This girl (besides her taste in men because shes currently with some flat earth steroid dude) was a straight 10/10 and the only thing that stopped me was me feeling sentimental towords her and not realizing that weve finished middle school 5 years ago at that point. I have a cute gf now tho so its all good

    • 2 weeks ago

      Are you ESL? Jesus Christ.

  84. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Elaine get gangbang

  85. 2 weeks ago

    Bidengays vote against their own economic interests

    • 2 weeks ago

      Biden beans only see short term

  86. 2 weeks ago

    Beans vs Poo Indians
    Who would win?

  87. 2 weeks ago

    when my dog bites me

  88. 2 weeks ago

    this is the most tangible one in recent years
    >go on date with older woman I met through club
    >we have coffee at cafe right by me
    >she's a little homely but we have an okay conversation, but no chemistry at all
    >she goes home so I head to my work to buy a few things
    >go back to apartment with stuff
    >decide to go to local bar on a whim
    >get there and there's a girl sitting half a dozen seats away at the bar
    >"what're ya drinking there?"
    >asks me what's my mbti
    >get her instagram and number
    >don't text her at all, she's mid but somewhat attractive despite that
    >a few weeks later I'm walking past same bar on the way home
    >someone's walking at the same pace on the sidewalk
    >i start walking on the road to get around them
    >"anon? hey anon!"
    >it's the girl from before
    >asks if I want to go for a drink
    >decline, it's 10pm and I have to be back at work for 10am
    >"okay have a good night"

    probably could've invited her over for a beer and show up late next day, it's a retail job
    tried making plans with her right after that, but got rejected because "astrological incompatibility". fricking moronic.

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        it's a personality test. same idea as astrology, just some made-up bullshit that women love.

  89. 2 weeks ago

    a great big fat woman wanted to suck my dick. I declined.

  90. 2 weeks ago

    >be at a disco
    >4 am
    >see cute girl with a birthday ribbon
    >i'm so drunk i have no issue talking to her
    >she's friendly
    >she gives me her IG
    >i take it but don't know what to do with it because I didn't expect this to happen
    >spaguetti drops and I leave
    >go to the bar
    >see another cutie
    >brain is fried so i talk to her
    >again, she's receptive
    >we chat
    >she leans in for a kiss
    >i turn my cheek because i thought she wasn't aiming for my lips
    >she looks at me weird and leaves
    >i tell a friend
    >he calls me a moron and approaches her
    >brings her over and orders three shots
    >i pay because dumbass
    >she goes in for a kiss AGAIN
    >this time i aim for her lips
    >no tongue
    >don't know what to say
    >she looks at me and says she's leaving
    >i try to take it as a hint and decide to go with her, but don't say anything because moronic
    >see her walk out with birthday girl
    >feel so embarrased i stay stuck in place and do nothing
    And that's the last time I ever received female attention. I've fumbled other times but that one was the worst one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >decide to go with her
      >she and birthday girl step out together
      was she hooking you up with a threesome and you didnt follow them out? elaborate please

      • 2 weeks ago

        I assume that they had come together and were friends. I felt pretty awkard about going after the second girl when the first one I had inadvertenly hit on was right there with her and was her friend.

  91. 2 weeks ago

    >Drove an hour to meet some girl I talked to online
    >Fat, but still cute
    >Spent the whole night drinking and listening to music
    >I literally slept in her bed next to her, but didn't make a move

    She also told me she had a high "body count", so dunno if I dodged a bullet on that one.

  92. 2 weeks ago

    You literally wouldn't believe me. I'm Costanza tier irl

  93. 2 weeks ago

    The last time I ever went out with a girl was in 2020 and we went to see Monster Hunter. I think she expected me to frick her in the theater because after that she stopped talking to me. And just a little advice for any anons, do not ever go on a first date to a theater. It sounds like a good idea but in reality you’re sitting in silence for 2-3 hours then leave

    • 2 weeks ago

      there was a monster hunter movie?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah. It was setting up to be a series but bombed because it came out during covid and shit. It was made by the RE guy so his wife was the star of the movie. I will say It had a pretty cool bait and switch beginning(basically it’s about these soldiers doing some soldier shit in the desert and then they’re all picked off by monsters) it was a cool idea but turned into chink slop

    • 2 weeks ago

      I took a chick to a movie and we made out in my car for about 30 minutes after. I already knew her from high school or college though
      Ghosted her because she homely and I found out she was a religious freak and probably would have been too much work

  94. 2 weeks ago

    Fingerfricked a girl on the dance floor last month while she was attacking my dick with her ass. After she came, she tried to tell me over the music she was going to be at the bar. I say she tried, because I didn't hear her in that moment and assumed she had just left. It wasn't until I had driven home that I realized what she had said. I went on a frenzy of instagram and other app stalking trying to find her to no avail.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I went on a frenzy of instagram and other app stalking trying to find her to no avail.
      haha me

  95. 2 weeks ago

    >girl in elementary school
    >kicked me in the leg one day
    >I retaliate and knee her in the stomach
    >think nothing of her for years
    >middle school she sits next to me in some class
    >during class she tells me to check my pencil bag
    >there is a note saying "someone in this class likes you"
    >i approach her at the end of class and hand her the note and say "uh i think you meant to give this to someone else"
    i think she never spoke to me again

  96. 2 weeks ago

    In highschool I was madly in love with this hot slice of frickberry pie named Ashley and she knew it and would constantly tease me sexually like fellate a popsicle in front of me and watch me try to hide my boner then laugh about it.

    Anyway one night I finally got my shot with her, I got her alone and we started kissing, I got her completely naked and played with her pussy and then we got interrupted by my frickhead brother and agreed to continue another night.

    The next day at school I told my two best friends (who were also her friends) what happened between us and then they told two of their friends and so on and by the end of the day she absolutely hated me for giving her a reputation and basically never spoke to me again, I had her beautiful pussy literally in the palm of my hand and I blew it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hah. Fricking idiot.

  97. 2 weeks ago

    >In college
    >Walking to class
    >See two hot girls and a dude with some film equipment
    >They see me, tell me they're looking for a guy to be in a porno to do a threesome with the two girls
    >Asks me if I want to do it
    >"No, I got to class to turn in my homework"
    >Walk away
    >Realize my mistake later that day
    Now I'm a 30 year old wizard

    • 2 weeks ago

      That sounds like they were gonna rob and possibly murder you.

    • 2 weeks ago


      That sounds like they were gonna rob and possibly murder you.

      You probably dogged a bullet. Two girls wanting to do a porno would go through some proper casting, if they had any sense of self preservation.

  98. 2 weeks ago

    Happened to me about a dozen times
    Which one you guys wanna hear?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Number 11

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think #11 was this little petite qt with glasses in one of my math classes at college. We were clearly both in to each other and sat next to each other each class
        I had her number and everything and could have easily hooked up with her but for some moronic reason I can't even remember it never happened.
        If I would have perused it like 10% more I could have banged that little qt. I remember not having a gf at the time so I don't know why dumb ass didn't

  99. 2 weeks ago

    >high school
    >literally sitting on her bed
    >she's sitting right next to me
    >realize years later that she didn't invite me over just to 'study'

    you know in early high school when you're still a kid but some of the girls hit puberty early and get the big breasts and start looking more shapely, more like women? Yeah, she was one of those. I'm not even attractive, it was probably because the idea of a girl ever liking me was so foreign that I never even considered the possibility so I'd talk to girls the same way I'd talk to guys, no sexual dimension to my interaction with them. I guess they saw me as a novelty or something.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I'm not even attractive, it was probably because the idea of a girl ever liking me was so foreign that I never even considered the possibility so I'd talk to girls the same way I'd talk to guys, no sexual dimension to my interaction with them. I guess they saw me as a novelty or something.
      I'm still there and am 26.

  100. 2 weeks ago

    >freshmen year college, first semester
    >met a little cutie smoking outside by this big rock and tree right outside the dorms.
    >we smoke weed and cigs together, I bought weed to get high together.
    >always meet at the rock randomly.
    >fell in love
    >invite her to watch a movie at my dorm
    >she agrees and we came back to my room
    >watch In Time by Justin Timberlake on my bed with my laptop
    >she rubs her legs on me watching the movie
    >moron virigin keeps watching movie
    >movie ends we go to rock for a smoke
    >she kisses me and went back
    >still thinking about her 10 years later.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why didn't you just hang out with her more?
      When Game of Thrones was running one of the chicks I was kicking it with at the time watched it together on my bed
      Wasn't planning on banging her because she wasn't that hot and a bit chubby but eventually I did

  101. 2 weeks ago

    Too many times. I'm not bad looking and have had several girls give me signals but I never really follow up on it. Convinced I have a disorder of some sort. Probably gonna just die alone tbh tbh.

  102. 2 weeks ago

    I'm literally too poor for sex

    • 2 weeks ago

      Being poor doesn't even come in to play until you're past your college or high school years

      • 2 weeks ago

        I see you have never been actually poor.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I was poor as frick in high school and college with a hand me down early 90s Honda Civic
          Didn't stop me

          • 2 weeks ago

            Shut up Richie Rich. Poor people don't go to high school and definitely don't have a car.

  103. 2 weeks ago

    A friends 14 yo sister chased me aggressively for months and it took every fibre of my being not to frick the ever loving shit out of her. On one hand I'm glad I didn't because it could have got me in some measure of trouble but I also regret it bitterly. I had a chance years later when she was of age but I was already in a relationship and didn't want to frick it up, but again I probably should have.

  104. 2 weeks ago

    Last day of sophomore year of high school one of our teachers drops 2 chicks and my buddy off at one of their houses (says he's not really suppose to do this but helps us bros out)
    1 chick is an absolute turbo bawd that I could have banged about 50 times but I'm going after her hotter friend instead who'd been flirting with me for a while
    Turbo bawd goes to "take a shower" and her hot friend and I start making out under the sheets on her bed
    My turbo virgin friend who was on track to be a wizard until his late 20s couldn't pick up that she wanted someone in the shower with her and wouldn't leave the room and let me frick this chick. I should have stopped being friends with that homosexual right then

  105. 2 weeks ago

    I'm always 3 steps removed from even getting a subtle offer

  106. 2 weeks ago

    I found out that a cute mutual friend would "get wet and my pussy would convulse" just by being near me. Apparently this ended when everyone went for a meal and after eating I ate up almost everyone's leftovers. I'm not fat, but I exercise a lot and I'm 6'5 so I need more food than the average sedentoid. She lost all interest after this display. Weird b***h.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That’s legit weird because I’ve had the OPPOSITE happen when I’ve sncharffed peoples leftover steak, bit like that parks and rec episode. Maybe she was vegan

  107. 2 weeks ago

    In my freshman year of college I had a seriously hot chick I was friends with interested in me. We had a lot of sexual tension. But I had a girlfriend back at home and didn't want to cheat. I should have broken up with her, b***h broke up with me a couple of years later anyways. And this chick was way hotter, hotter than any girl who showed interest in me. One night we got back to the dorm late and looked each other in the eye before going our own ways...I definitely could have just fricked her right then and there.

  108. 2 weeks ago

    I keep getting chicks pursue me relentlessly and failing and then when I realise or change my mind they act like I don't exist.

  109. 2 weeks ago

    >be 29 year old incel
    >match with 10/10 24 year old bengali doctor
    >she spends the entire date all over me, touching me and holding my hand
    >want to kiss her
    >keep waiting for a perfect moment but it never comes
    >she asks me what I'm looking for
    >try and hedge my bets and come up with some waffle about "errr I dunno maybe a relationship, maybe not, just want to see what happens"
    >she says "I only want to date a Muslim, so I'm just looking for hookups right now"
    >have to go home to finish some work for tomorrow
    >say I have to get back and she immediately goes cold on me
    >message her later saying I'd like to see her again but she replies that I didn't have the vibe she was looking for
    I have a girlfriend now but I rue the day I didn't invite this girl back or at least make a move. I will never get so lucky again.

  110. 2 weeks ago

    When I was in middle school a young substitute teacher was flirting with me but a kid named Liam came in and sperged out about pokemon so we got distracted

  111. 2 weeks ago

    >after kissing girl I had a crush on she asks to take my virginity
    >say she's too late even though she wasn't

    >make out and fondle with three girls at a party
    >on our way home they ask me to come with them
    >4th girl who brought me and I didn't kiss or fondle doesn't want me to come
    >other three still insist
    >don't go

    • 2 weeks ago

      >chad enough to make out with 3 girls at the same party
      >not chad enough to continue in private
      what the frick, i would kill for that opportunity

  112. 2 weeks ago

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