ITT we speculate on what "builds" each character is.

Lucy is possibly an Intelligence build. It may not be a coincidence that she gets tranquilised and then also has a tranq gun herself. Maybe what happened was after she defeated the mr handy she turned it's weapon into a gun for herself, or she was just inspired to build one because of that. Looting the mr handy would totally explain why she has a whole belt full of tranquiliser ammo. It's not like that town she was in would sell any. In fact my guess is that she was in the workshop making one while the ghoul was being an butthole, and came out as soon as it was done.

Also itt, no shilling and no east vs. west, or any other drama. I know you get paid to do it, but it is considered off topic in this thread so you're not allowed to do it here. Make your own thread.

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  1. 3 months ago

    most subtle amazog shill

    • 3 months ago

      What did I do?

      if they put this much effort into the show I'd be fricking shocked
      just from the preview clip alone, all the guns looked like spray painted plastic and the brotherhood of steel soldier looked like a cosplay
      this isn't the D&D movie where it was made by actual fans and they put easter eggs in for each character, this is going to be a generic post-apocalyptic show with a fallout skin

      >says not to shill or do drama in this thread
      >does exactly that.
      You're a fricking pleasant person, I'm sure.
      >d and d good and made by fans even though it's the opposite of that
      >fallout bad and not made by fans even though you can 1000% see that's not the case just by watching the clips. Also the creator has admitted to being addicted to Fallout 3.
      Stahp, please.
      >guns look bad
      No they don't.
      >this is going to be a generic ACk
      STOP FRICKING LYING IN MY THREAD! You can't say that when it's not true! You can literally just watch the clip. It's not even possible to say that, what the frick is wrong with you? Why do you do this? In what way is any of this not fricking fallout???

  2. 3 months ago

    if they put this much effort into the show I'd be fricking shocked
    just from the preview clip alone, all the guns looked like spray painted plastic and the brotherhood of steel soldier looked like a cosplay
    this isn't the D&D movie where it was made by actual fans and they put easter eggs in for each character, this is going to be a generic post-apocalyptic show with a fallout skin

  3. 3 months ago

    Also she might also specialise in luck, because she survives getting tranquilised by the mr handy and wakes up before he cuts out her organs. Then she gets saved by a magical Black folk. And there are multiple scenes where the ghoul is pointing a gun at her head, but he never shoots her.

    Also speaking of magical Black folks, this guy is obviously an unarmed build. He never holds a weapon, and we see him brawling a bear, and running into battle with only his fists. Also you can make several different unarmed mods for power armor arms, like electrical damage or special pneumatic arm parts for swinging. That also coincides with him having a jetpack. If he is also an Int build and he goes unarmed because he has fist mods or something, he can also craft a jetpack at higher levels, because both mods only require the same amount of int. It's possible this guy has the Science and Armorer perks, and Lucy has the gun nut perk. maybe he ends up teaching her some science later on. Another thing I think he is is a Chagay. If you played the games you know that intimidation requires much more charisma than charming someone or appealing to reason. In fact you need a full ten points to get hostiles to stand down in fallout 4.
    I know some idjits claim Lucy is a cha character, but she's not. Obviously her trying to win that red speech check is being portrayed as a stupid naive mistake, one that she won't try again.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh also another reason I think he's a cha character is because I like him and think he's cool.

    • 3 months ago

      I cancelled my Amazon Prime subscription because of this show. That and ads.
      I just use Temu, Alibaba, and AliExpress for my cheap Chinese made garbage now.
      I think 90% of Amazon subscribers are just still continuing it out of habit from back when Prime was decent and the market wasn't overrun with fake items and fake reviews.

      Fallout 4 and 76 fricking sucked and this show will suck for using those games as foundation for how the show feels.
      Todd and Emil both need to quit after putting out shit like 4, 76 and Starfield. They've lost their way and are ruining what little legacy they have left.

      • 3 months ago

        >4, 76, and new vegAssfield
        One of these things is not like the other. Also, samegay troll. I know you're just trying to frick with me.

      • 3 months ago

        >let me just admit I haven't played any video games ever
        Just so you know, 4 and 76 feel very different from each other, and this show feels different from them too.

        • 3 months ago

          I played 76 for about 5 months, from the Beta. Fricking thing sucked. Tons of bugs and no real NPCs, amongst a lot of problems caused by it being multiplayer. I don't and didn't care about any stupid shit like the canvas bag or moldy helmet. It just was not a fun game at launch.
          4 and 76 have very similar features and are/were largely the same game. I remember they brought the lever action rifle from Far Harbor into 76. They also brought the janky reload animation and didn't bother fixing it until months later. The game was a mess. Yes sure, maybe years of patches have changed it, but I don't know and don't care. It started as a multiplayer DLC for 4 and released as its own, barely fun, game.
          4 was at least a bit better, although the story sucked and it lost a lot of RPG elements. With mods 4 became pretty good. 76 has no mods, and you can't play it single player unless you pay for it.

          >4, 76, and new vegAssfield
          One of these things is not like the other. Also, samegay troll. I know you're just trying to frick with me.

          I bring up Starfield because after 76 people were more accepting of the idea that 4 wasn't really that great. People were worried that Bethesda was losing its touch. Starfield proved that they have lost touch with what made their games enjoyable and will now produce utter shit.
          For the record, I liked 3 more than New Vegas. Not by much, but it was a good game.

          • 3 months ago

            Go away you lying troll. I have told you a hundred times, this tactic doesn't work. Stop lying. Leave my thread.

    • 3 months ago


  4. 3 months ago

    Main villain or one off mad scientist episode?

    • 3 months ago

      His disembodied head is a plot device

      • 3 months ago

        Also he used to work for the Enclave probably

        • 3 months ago

          That would be so fricking based. You know the enclave can still come back right? The brotherhood may have personally hunted down and exterminated every single one of them, but you are with them when you do that. And you guys never kill any women or children. That means they can still be out there. I don't know if them coming back would count as a retcon or not, but I don't care. I want to see drones seethe.

      • 3 months ago

        I think he’ll come back in a robo brain or as a weird head thing somehow, sort of like the master and house a character who’s kind of “just a head” is very fallout.

        • 3 months ago

          Where are you guys getting this "just a head" stuff from? That wasn't in the trailer. Also, stop trolling right the frick now. You know damn well those two examples you just named were not just a head, and you also know damn well that there is an actual character who is just a head in Fallout 4. You are doing this to frick with me, and fricking with me is off topic I decided.

          • 3 months ago

            There’s some far away shot of Lucy carrying a head in the trailer if you look closely, she also has a head-sized yellow sack with her in some scenes that appear to be later on, the doctor guy injects his neck with something in one scene and we can see the doctor on the ground missing a foot in the ghoul in the junk town scenes. So theory is the doctor gets killed or disembodied anyway and Lucy takes his head for some plot reason. Possibly the ghoul needs the head to collect a bounty and Lucy doesn’t want him to for whatever reason, possibly the doctor is a synth and losing his body doesn’t kill him, possibly whatever he injected himself with is important and in his brain or something.

            • 3 months ago

              I did not notice that scene.

              The thing he injects into his head will probably make his head immortal or something.

              There’s a lot of marketing with Lucy carrying a bloody bag that looks like it contains a severed head.

              >the shot will make his head immortal
              That's ridiculous.

        • 3 months ago

          The thing he injects into his head will probably make his head immortal or something.

          Where are you guys getting this "just a head" stuff from? That wasn't in the trailer. Also, stop trolling right the frick now. You know damn well those two examples you just named were not just a head, and you also know damn well that there is an actual character who is just a head in Fallout 4. You are doing this to frick with me, and fricking with me is off topic I decided.

          There’s a lot of marketing with Lucy carrying a bloody bag that looks like it contains a severed head.

  5. 3 months ago

    Min-maxed, fully optimized, maximum DPS top meta anal build.

    • 3 months ago

      Which character?

  6. 3 months ago

    Her stat is gonna be luck, if you go by the trailer she keeps getting into life and death situations and lives...the bbc...i mean bos dude took the Confirmed Bachelor perk, like everybody in this thread.

  7. 3 months ago

    The ghoul is clearly End. Because all ghouls are End, but also he has complete immunity to chems. And he really really likes his gun so he is more than likely at least average in Per and Agl.

  8. 3 months ago

    An interview with the Amazon show’s writers stolen from Reddit:

    For me, Fallout had all these different things that I found appealing, the speculative and political satire of it. But it also had a sense of humour to it, and that was something that we hadn't really played with before. It was something I was excited about and very nervous about because the tone of these things is very specific. So the combination of their two sensibilities (Wagner and Robertson-Dworet), along with my desire here to really do right by the ambition and scope of the games, felt like the dream team." - Johnathan Nolan

    From the top, Robertson-Dworet says they were given only one ask by Todd Howard: to make sure the series storyline didn't contradict any of the major possible endings of the games, which they respected. So they set their story within the same timeline, with it taking place after Fallout 4.

    "We felt like that would be the best thing to honour the gamer's experiences, and the most truthful," she explains. "If we adapted one specific game, it would not have actually been truthful because it's an open-world game and everyone's experience is different. So had we taken any of the setups of any of the games and just done it 'straightforwardly', a lot of gamers would be like, 'That's not the order that I played it in.'" - Robertson-Dworet

    Instead, as a callout to the OG players, they gently weaved in characters, settings, or mission goals similar to those of the various games. For example, the Lone Wanderer's quest in Fallout 3 is similar to that of Lucy, And the setting of the show being in L.A, harkens back to where the original Fallout game unfolds.


    • 3 months ago


      All of it got the approval of Howard "Todd is one of the most laid-back executives ever, For the amount that he oversees, he's a very chill guy. He read the pilot and was like, 'You know, we never really talked about the incest factor. That's a great idea'" - Wagner

      Wagner says the hope is that the series continues for further seasons.

      "There's piles and piles of stuff we want to do," he teases. "We wanted to slow our roll and not do it all in eight episodes, because we're talking about thousands of hours of gameplay."

      Ella Purnell (Lucy) was also asked a few questions but I found these two in particular the most interesting for me:

      Since you're not a gamer, did wearing the iconic Vault suit or the Pip-Boy have much impact on you?

      "I did play Fallout 4 a little bit to research the games. I just watched people play it, because I was not that good! But the weight of the responsibility on what I was doing, the gravitas of that, was not lost on me for even a second. Like, the first time I saw a Nuka-Cola bottle was the coolest thing ever. I remember putting on the Vault suit for the first time and it was humbling."

      On her journey, Lucy connects with Maximus, the squire and the Ghoul. How do they change her?

      "I love how they use these three archetypes as a way to explore the theme of morality in the show. They balance each other out, the three of them. They all have something the other doesn't have. They all have different backgrounds and have come to adapt to survive in completely different ways. Lucy is faced with a choice when she's presented with these two characters who symbolize these two different ways of being. She has to decide who she wants to be. Every character that she meets in the season will shape her, just like her environment is going to shape her. Who she is at the end of the season is very different from the Lucy in episode one."

      • 3 months ago

        I love this girl, she's a great actor it looks like, but her answers to these questions are just like, no shit. Everything she said was pretty obvious. If this is even a real interview.
        Also did you guys notice she got lasered before this scene? I think that's a pretty good looking wound. Stop complaining about the effects when most of them aren't that bad.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean she probably can’t go into much detail and has to give vague obvious answers because talking about anything interesting with her character would involve discussing the plot.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh yeah. I guess I'm not used to anyone actually trying to keep secrets.

    • 3 months ago

      This is all a lie, I guarantee it. You know we're not going to reedit to check. But it's just not true because two of the major endings of the game include the destruction of the bos.

  9. 3 months ago

    reddit shit

    • 3 months ago

      You might not know this, but it's actually based on the chad games, not the gay coast ones.

  10. 3 months ago

    I like the color of her pipboy. Looks great.

  11. 3 months ago

    >Also itt, no shilling and no east vs. west, or any other drama. I know you get paid to do it, but it is considered off topic in this thread so you're not allowed to do it here. Make your own thread.
    Fallout sucks Amazon should adapt Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead instead there's no need to let Todd Howard rape your post apokino

  12. 3 months ago

    Im not watching your fricking show homosexual and the only thing I'm speculating is how much are they paying you for this ad. You son of a prostitute piece of filth. KYS

  13. 3 months ago

    Most of this thread sounds like AI chat.

    • 3 months ago

      Replaced with synths.

  14. 3 months ago

    shut up todd

  15. 3 months ago

    nah thanks I'm a FO1+2 Chad (NV was aight) don't need this Bethesda slop

    • 3 months ago

      >liking a game made by literal homosexuals who ADMITTED their only goal was letting people know that they were fumko poop collecting manchildren
      >Not liking fun games that are also real role playing games
      Don't sound like a chad.
      >calling troon vegAss alright
      This is proof that you're a shill though. Why post this?

      • 3 months ago

        Are you literally implying that not liking the Bethesdaslop Fallouts makes someone a shill? Are you some kind of special moron?

        • 3 months ago

          M8 sorry to break it to ya but the only slop around here is ur brains

          • 3 months ago

            >mom i'm acting moronud on 4Chains
            good for ya

  16. 3 months ago

    I just want to see one character (preferably the main one) inhale some Jet and start tweaking the frick out

    • 3 months ago

      >frog takes drug that slows down time
      >"I am the time lord now."

  17. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I like the color of her pipboy. Looks great.

      How does she use her pipboy when its on the outside of her arm? There's no way to turn your arm so that you can see that side.

      Also should have been east coast bethesda slop

      • 3 months ago

        Go away shill. And stop pretending to be an alien.

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