I've been reading X-men comics for over twenty-five years and I have no idea what Mr. Sinister's powers are.

I've been reading X-men comics for over twenty-five years and I have no idea what Mr. Sinister's powers are.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Are you going to make a thread for every one of these fricking characters?


    • 2 weeks ago

      Got a problem with that?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, actually.
        Carry on.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You should probably pay more attention to what you read instead of just looking at the pictures

        • 2 weeks ago

          The people that read it don't know it either

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sinister's powers are are to keep making these threads

      • 2 weeks ago

        >are are
        Isn't that an hentai thing?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    For at least 10 years no one at Marvel knew either.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    The power to accompany the posts of incrediy gay people

  4. 2 weeks ago

    It’s not that hard really his power just works anon.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Hodge podge of different powers:

    shape shifting
    force blast
    super strength
    super invulnerability

    Also functionally immortal and genius level scientist especially in genetics, biology and medical science.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nice wiki search

      • 2 weeks ago

        I wish the OP did that too instead of a thread

        • 2 weeks ago

          The people that read it don't know it either

  6. 2 weeks ago

    He gets whatever powers he can get and use, anon, ain't that hard.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    He steals DNA and assimilates it into himself


  8. 2 weeks ago

    I think they made it so that he originally wasn't a mutant but because of him experimenting on himself and using Apocalypse tech he basically gave himself mutations thus rewriting his genetic code at a fundamental level that he now carries the X-gene.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    For the longest time I thought Magik's mutant power is channeling Limbo into cuhrazy shit (similar to how Cyclops has access to a dimension through his eyes) until I read further where her mutant ability is literally just portals and everything else Mephisto just gave her.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah all her other stuff like her sword and shit is all magic, her only mutant power is "can create a portal"

      If some writer thought Sinister, for some reason, now can shoot eye beams like Cyclops can, they would do it and nobody would bat an eye because Sinister just has powers with whatever the hell he wants at the moment.

      Same with Apocalypse

      • 2 weeks ago

        >name is Magik
        >doesn't actually have magic as an innate ability

  10. 2 weeks ago

    If some writer thought Sinister, for some reason, now can shoot eye beams like Cyclops can, they would do it and nobody would bat an eye because Sinister just has powers with whatever the hell he wants at the moment.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sort of like Sauron. He just gets powers and you have to shrug and go along with it.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    He's like High Evolutionary but shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Is he still a gorilla?

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I haven't been reading them for very long, or even all that often, but I have perused some stuff about him, and while I'm not entirely sure about his powers, I know that he's, like, at least three guys, and maybe also a chick.
    And he's old enough to have met Sabertooth's brother and sister.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Sinister started out in the early 1980s as an unpublished story idea from the second wienerrum run (#145-163). The idea was that after Jean's death, Scott would visit the orphanage he grew up in and there would be revelations about how everyone was acting strange and a mysterious master controlling the orphanage and a young kid there who was the spitting image of a young boy who was at the orphanage when Scott was a kid.

    The story would end with the X-Men rescuing Scott but being forced to leave the orphanage by the local cops, who were in league with the evil mastermind running the orphanage: the young boy who resembled Scott's childhood friend who is in truth, a mutant who's power makes him immortal but who only ages one year every ten years. And that he's obsessed with Scott for reasons that Claremont and wienerrum didn't think up when they were pitching story ideas to Louise Simonson (their editor at the time).

    Cut to years later and with Magneto now a hero and Claremont doing an X-Men/Hellfire Club alliance, he needed a new villain. He decided to resurrect the immortal kid idea but had the idea that he would be using a "front" because no one would work for an evil mastermind if he looked like a kid. Silvestri drew him as a sort of evil albino in a black leather armor outfit with tattered cape and for reasons unknown, also borrowed heavily from Colossus by way of Tim Curry.

    He was put in charge of the Marauders and made responsible for the Mutant Massacre. He was pure mystery box shit and Claremont connected him to the Maddie Pryor/Scott/Jean quagmire by having him be responsible for putting Maddie in a coma and stealing her and Scott's kid plus erasing all evidence the two existed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The recent MMW collection of the Inferno saga revealed that Claremont wanted to reveal that SInister wanted to get his hands on Jean after she became Phoenix (not knowing Jean had been replaced with a cosmic firebird) and when she died, cloned her to create Maddie to get himself his own Phoenix. But when orders came that Maddie had to die, Claremont made Sinister a vague mad scientist obsessed with breeding powerful mutants and wanting a kid via Scott and Jean who'd be as powerful as his parents and making Maddie when Jean "died" to get the kid.

      Sinister died after Inferno but Claremont intended to bring him back in a new form: Gambit. But he quit the X-Men and Jim Lee made Gambit be Gambit and Fabian Nieza and Scott Lobdell later wrote that Gambit was a recruiter for Sinister and recruited the Marauders for him.

      Sinister got his origin of being a Victorian era scientist given powers by Apocalypse in the Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix as well as establishing his obsession with Scott and Jean stemming from them being present when he was given his powers. And that their kid was going to be Sinister's weapon to kill Apocalypse, who Sinister later betrayed to go work solo.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Sinister died in Messiah Complex but came back in the body of a woman who became Mrs Sinister; who at first was SInister in a woman's body before becoming a unique entity whe Kieron Gillen revealed that SInister had created clones of himself to continue if he died and was doing a bizarre death/rebirth cycle to make himself stronger and smarter. Along the way, it was revealed that Sinister was a Nazi scientist and performing experiments in disguise in the 00s Weapon X comic and who had planned on using Xavier and Sebastian Shaw as host bodies if he died, before picking the evil female scientist who became Mrs Sinister.

        Gillen changed Sinister into being obsessed with replacing all life on Earth with clones of himself and Hickman made Sinister a silly campy idiot in the Krakoa era. Gillen tried to course correct but Duggan created the "four Sinister" shit Gillen had to make work by making a one-off mentioned cosmic horror created by Al Ewing named Enigma (from a Defenders mini Ewing wrote) into being Nathan Essex post- FAOC&P and that Sinister we all know, was a clone created by Essex to gain godhood. The other clones were Stasis and Orbis plus there being a female clone of Sinister's dead wife who was into magic/magic lore (Mother Righteous).

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Hickman made Sinister a silly campy idiot in the Krakoa era
          He's been like that for at least a decade.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yes, but before it was portrayed as an act he put on to throw people off. Hickman wrote it as the entirety of his character.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Gillen tried to course correct but Duggan created the "four Sinister" shit Gillen had to make work by making a one-off mentioned cosmic horror created by Al Ewing named Enigma (from a Defenders mini Ewing wrote) into being Nathan Essex post- FAOC&P and that Sinister we all know, was a clone created by Essex to gain godhood.
          Enigma and the four Sinisters are 100% Gillen. Enigma is written right there on the chair in Immortal X-Men #1. Ewing teased Enigma and Duggan introduced Stasis months later. They and Spurrier were all ultimately contributing to Gillen's story.

          Okay, a note to all writers; Said "mystery box shit"? DO NOT DO THAT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT THE CHARACTER'S DEAL IS FROM THE START. Just don't. Figure out what the answer is first, then tease the mystery.

          They're not going to listen to you.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >They're not going to listen to you.
            But they should, since this is fricking obvious. Then again, it SHOULD be obvious, yet nobody ever seems to realize this before starting their mystery plot.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Even great writers like JMD did this. He created the new Jack O'Lantern legitimately having no idea who it was, dropping clues that didn't actually mean anything, and was taken off the book before he ever got around to solving it, leaving a future editor to come up with the answer.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This is inaccurate. Gillen is the one who made Sinister more campy an that's the personality Hickman carried on with.
          Enigma wasn't a one-off cosmic horror that was reworked by Ewing. Enigma was created by Gillen as we saw him and Ewing asked to preview him in Defenders. (That's why it was called the "Fifth Business"

          • 2 weeks ago

            Hickman turned Sinister into a campy joke, something GIllen himself called him out on.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Okay, a note to all writers; Said "mystery box shit"? DO NOT DO THAT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT THE CHARACTER'S DEAL IS FROM THE START. Just don't. Figure out what the answer is first, then tease the mystery.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    same but i dont read xmen comics

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Whatever the plot demands when he whips up a new clone.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    His power is he has many powers

  17. 2 weeks ago

    He turns into a slime when hit and gives people seizures.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Being FABULOUS!, of course.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Who is the most "Yeah he has a frickton of powers" out of all the "Yeah he has a frickton of powers" X-Men? Exodus comes to mind but I dont think he's actually that bad, right?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Apocalypse or Nate Grey, though Sage & Vulcan had a bunch of different powers in their first appearance and never used again

    • 2 weeks ago

      Superman, and to some extents Thor and Hulk

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nate Grey, aka the X-Man. This shit only ever really works for villains since you know the heroes can overcome it. It's pure power wankery when it is done with heroes.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >25 years and I don't know shit
    I haven watched or read anything Xmen in 25 years and from what I recall from just the old TV series alone is that he is basically a mad scientist that made himself into a artificial mutant and engineered multiple mild powers like healing and blasting/propulsion attacks and some psionic shit,

    What the frick is your problem OP?

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Mr Sinister is the kind of guy who would graft fetuses onto test subjects to see if they can absorb his powers.

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