Joker 2 will cause femcel violence

Joker 2 will cause femcel violence

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    I just read the movie is going to be a musical
    I want off this gay earth.

    • 10 months ago

      gaga was assigned to the movie by the notorious them, this is the same thing that happened with the matrix and that isla dominatrix homosexual who was there to sabotage the movie
      don't fall for this shit

  2. 10 months ago

    they're trying so hard to replicate the magic of Joker, its pathetic

  3. 10 months ago

    Wow, I am truly outraged over that fake headline homosexual OP made.

  4. 10 months ago

    Law of averages states there is at least one 8/10 femcel out there, I just want to know her story, id assume part of it is her being so attractive men dont bother approaching her, and she has to have ugly duck syndrome or something kind of fascinating honestly.

    • 10 months ago

      yes, they do exist.
      here is a list of them.

      • 10 months ago

        No I mean real female incels, they don't ever leave their house, dont have friends, spends countless hours just scrolling on what ever chan or social media they prefer, jobless to in a dead end job, and hasnt had. They dream of better but dont really make any strides like real incels, just kind of crazy.

        • 10 months ago

          They exist but they'd never date someone like you. They may be lonely but absolutely no one wants to frick with some bitter frick who lives with his mom and has no ambition.

          • 10 months ago

            you arent a good poster anon
            do better

            • 10 months ago

              >didn't even deny it
              Say hi to your mom in the hall for us troon lmao

          • 10 months ago

            >but absolutely no one wants to frick with some bitter frick who lives with his mom and has no ambition.
            why do you have to hurt me like that? ;_;

        • 10 months ago

          Law of averages states there is at least one 8/10 femcel out there, I just want to know her story, id assume part of it is her being so attractive men dont bother approaching her, and she has to have ugly duck syndrome or something kind of fascinating honestly.

          They exist but they'd never date someone like you. They may be lonely but absolutely no one wants to frick with some bitter frick who lives with his mom and has no ambition.

          There's countless of these women. It's pretty much a running joke at this point that all-female forums and imageboards have the on average most attractive female users, and typically a considerable amount of those are lonely sexless weirdos.
          Also, they indeed will not be interested in dating you. Usually they are extremely misandrist and don't want to associate with men that much and have a hard time emotionally connecting with other people. You shouldn't want to date one, by the way. They are a mess.

          • 10 months ago

            Im married, I dont want to date them

          • 10 months ago

            I can fix all of them

    • 10 months ago

      Every hot femcel on LULZ has had sex. I know of two from there that are virgins who are very hot but it doesn't count
      >one is a gigantic e-prostitute who has severe mental illness so won't associate with real people irl at all
      >One is a schiophrenic/crazy person Christian and also clearly asexual/aromantic without knowing it

  5. 10 months ago

    women aren't capable of anything remarkable, so no kek

    • 10 months ago

      >mommy pls hug me
      >daddy pls come back
      >jessica pls touch my pp

      • 10 months ago

        Relax, simp. There are no women here

  6. 10 months ago

    she so attractive with ruined makeup

  7. 10 months ago

    Joker 2 will be steaming trash

  8. 10 months ago

    yea ppl gonna be mad

  9. 10 months ago

    Fricking lol the first one was a normie test if you thought it was good your a homosexual it's taxi driver meets king of comedy by tards that's it.

  10. 10 months ago

    God she's fricking ugly

  11. 10 months ago

    >I can't get with a man who's 6ft, fit, has a 7 figure salary! I'M GOING CRAZY!!

  12. 10 months ago

    It would be hilarious if some FtM shot up a cinema.

  13. 10 months ago

    What i find particularly frustrating about that whole embarrassment is the masses came so close to the truth, they said the media wanted a shooting but they only thought they wanted it to sell newspapers
    the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he was in it for the money

  14. 10 months ago

    Media was so desperate for a shoot out to happen at Joker screenings. You could tell many of the outlets were trembling from the anticipation and genuinely shocked nothing happened.

    • 10 months ago

      I bet a bunch of them already had articles typed out just waiting to fill in a few blanks with the details and post it right away.

    • 10 months ago

      Meanwhile it was nogs who chimped out over some other film.

  15. 10 months ago

    Moids will never understand

    • 10 months ago

      Femcels don't make good jokers

  16. 10 months ago

    >REEEE The movie about the mentally ill loser Batman villain was super successful!?! You need to shoehorn a woman into the sequel!!!
    Woman are so pathetic. Jealous of the so called "incel" movie they all screeched about. Hopefully they'll shoehorn a really awesome Ken into the next Barbie movie to placate all men...

    Always remember boys, being an "incel" is still better than being a fricking woman.

    • 10 months ago

      They're going to blame incels when it flops.

      • 10 months ago

        ahhh good call.

  17. 10 months ago

    >I just read the movie is going to be a musical
    It's probably going to be a "musical" in a way Dancer in the Dark was, so basically the musical parts are the expression of mental illness.

  18. 10 months ago

    there is absolutely zero possibility that a woman can't engage in a sexual intercourse and it's not her own willing
    every single one is at most a few tinder swipes away from guaranteed sex, even most ugly creatures will get their share of attention
    prove me wrong, protip you can't

    • 10 months ago

      This. Women are simply different and the incel equivalent isn't one that hasn't sex, just the one that gets passively-aggresively bullied and ignored by her "friends" or whatever.

      • 10 months ago

        oh so femcels are just women that don't have many friends? like 80% of men?

        • 10 months ago

          I don't know because I'm not a woman or a psychiatrist.

    • 10 months ago

      loneliness has nothing to do with gender. you could have sex too if you were desperate enough to frick anything. that was and never will be a valid argument. it's about feeling alone and feeling like you don't belong. women feel like that too.

      • 10 months ago

        >you could have sex too if you were desperate enough to frick anything
        woman moment

        • 10 months ago

          says the incel who wants a 10/10 stacy or nothing at all
          L M A O

          • 10 months ago

            you don’t know shit

      • 10 months ago

        i’ve literally swiped right without looking non stop. i’ve literally intentionally swiped right on the fattest ugliest most hideously deformed beasts. no matches. women are trash.

        • 10 months ago

          >i’ve literally intentionally swiped right on the fattest ugliest most hideously deformed beasts
          Have you tried not being the ugliest hideously deformed incel?

          you don’t know shit

          Do you have male friends?

        • 10 months ago

          >using tinder
          that's where you fricked up, dude. only the most shallow, STDridden and borderline women are on that fricking app

          you don’t know shit

          I'm sure (you) both had girls interested in you but they weren't ""good enough"" for your standards. being an incel says a lot about ones personality and I don't give a frick about being inexperienced with sex, it's about how fricked up your expectations are and nothing else.

          • 10 months ago

            >only the most shallow, STDridden and borderline women are on that fricking app
            good thing the noble and worthy women are all around us, you just need a firm handshake amrite?

            • 10 months ago

              learn to see women as humans and get to know them, befriend them and if you are compatible, the feelings will literally come without any struggle. just don't expect her to look like a super model, you don't either

              • 10 months ago

                >just be yourself bro
                those are the most basic, effortless pieces of advice you can give.
                befriend them how? they already all have boyfriends or a cohort of simps at their service
                the feelings will come without struggle? you mean feelings of having to put up with mono-syllable responses to your messages?
                just don't expect them to be supermodels? shame they do

              • 10 months ago

                >you mean feelings of having to put up with mono-syllable responses to your messages?
                your answer tells me everything wrong with your approach, as I said you see women only as an object not as humans. if you chat with a girl who doesn't even put in the effort to form whole sentences you are to blame. wtf do you even chat with them in the first place? I'm writing more with you in this thread than they did and that is really shocking. getting friends is not the easiest thing to do, but you have to put yourself out there first as shitty as that may be, for introverts especially. and get some self-respect, don't waste your time on people that don't respect you and that you clearly don't respect either, because you are chatting with them only for the sex.

              • 10 months ago

                >if you chat with a girl who doesn't even put in the effort to form whole sentences you are to blame
                but then I have never talked to any woman that didn't show such behavior
                so am I just not myself enough or what?

              • 10 months ago

                delete tinder, form friendships (join a club for example) get to know people, befriend women, find a woman who is compatible to you, get into relationship. I never said it was easy, it isn't. but getting on tinder and thinking you'll get a loving gf out of that hellhole is as dumb as it gets. if you are just interested in sex than go to a club, get drunk, spend money on the first chick you can get and frick her afterwards.

              • 10 months ago

                >get to know people, befriend women, find a woman who is compatible to you, get into relationship.

                >>just be yourself bro
                Nobody told you that you autistic moron.
                >You mean feelings of having to put up with mono-syllable responses to your messages?
                You know you can actually talk with people in real life right? Befriending someone doesnt mean you befriend them with the expectation of fricking or developing feelings you idiot. Befriend people with the expectation of being friends. You may frick some if you find each other attractive regardless of feelings, you may never frick, you may get feelings and develop a relationship, but the point is to GET friends and to learn that they are people and not a set of skills and interests. As the other guy says, join clubs, join facebook outdoor groups. Find a local trekking group and join it, is all about you learning to seek others and persuit companionship, and here is the catch, women love to play matchmakers, if you dont simp, if you dont become an orbiter and you are just some "decent guy" they will set you up with other women, just as a married guy is more attractive to women than a single guy becuase he is "tested", others females opinions give a boost to your value, of course, you also will meet more bros, just remember your hobbies are not who you are, your opinions of black barbie are not important, you are a moron that needs to relearn empathy and how to value other humans beyond what they offer to your dick.

                >You know you can actually talk with people in real life right?
                but how the frick do you talk with women then, where am I supposed to look for them? they all use tinder and other apps anyway so I am already at a disadvantage. There is zero at my work, I could go a month without seeing a female if I time my store visits well enough

              • 10 months ago

                >>just be yourself bro
                Nobody told you that you autistic moron.
                >You mean feelings of having to put up with mono-syllable responses to your messages?
                You know you can actually talk with people in real life right? Befriending someone doesnt mean you befriend them with the expectation of fricking or developing feelings you idiot. Befriend people with the expectation of being friends. You may frick some if you find each other attractive regardless of feelings, you may never frick, you may get feelings and develop a relationship, but the point is to GET friends and to learn that they are people and not a set of skills and interests. As the other guy says, join clubs, join facebook outdoor groups. Find a local trekking group and join it, is all about you learning to seek others and persuit companionship, and here is the catch, women love to play matchmakers, if you dont simp, if you dont become an orbiter and you are just some "decent guy" they will set you up with other women, just as a married guy is more attractive to women than a single guy becuase he is "tested", others females opinions give a boost to your value, of course, you also will meet more bros, just remember your hobbies are not who you are, your opinions of black barbie are not important, you are a moron that needs to relearn empathy and how to value other humans beyond what they offer to your dick.

          • 10 months ago

            >that's where you fricked up
            You didn't lat even 2 post before moving the goals post
            >you could get laid at any moment that you want
            >No, I can't girls have it easy
            >girls are shallow now let me put on my simp suit and tell you how much you are a piece of shit for not getting girls, now that I am simping I will go from saying that girls are stupid shallow to angels that can't do no wrong and is your fault if they don't put the effort that you must put to be in their presence

      • 10 months ago

        being lonely and being an incel aren't the same thing. Women trying to claim they are incels is just them recognising that incels are getting some pity and women want a piece of that pity. No one is saying women can't be lonely.

  19. 10 months ago

    >incels only want 10/10 stacies
    >femcels only want high value men
    funny how that goes

  20. 10 months ago

    >random statement made to look like "news"
    based grifting

  21. 10 months ago

    By God, I can save them.

  22. 10 months ago

    So are we ready to admit the first Joker was woke Trash? Tv just fell for the marketing

    • 10 months ago

      Taxi driver is better and it's reactionary.

  23. 10 months ago

    man Gaga used to be really hot but she hit the fricking wall the past few years

  24. 10 months ago

    crystal cafe sisters, how we holding up?

  25. 10 months ago

    Meanwhile black peoples are an active threat to every day

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