>A completely fresh take launching a new Jurassic era, following three adults (Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo) and three teens (David Iacono, Luna Blaise, Audrina Miranda) getting stuck on the Island filled with dinosaurs. Mahershala Ali and Rupert Friend round up the cast in antagonistic roles.


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  1. 1 week ago

    I didn't bother with JW3, but it would have been cool if they leaned into the idea of InGen just fricking off and letting dinosaurs propagate throughout Central America, like how that guy imported four hippos to his cocaine compound and now they're an invasive species. The Dino-Soar parasailing business perfectly represents the kind of post-InGen world I want to see.

  2. 1 week ago

    >Luna Blaise

    I dig it.

    • 1 week ago


  3. 1 week ago

    >A completely fresh take launching a new Jurassic era, following three adults and three teens getting stuck on the Island filled with dinosaurs.
    That doesn't sound very fresh.

    • 1 week ago

      Fresh, huh? Okay. Try to imagine yourself in the megaplex. You get your first look at this "fresh" take as you enter the theater. It looks like an original story, all of the characters are new -- and you stay and watch 'cause you think that maybe this will play out like Fury Road, a soft reboot done right -- but no, not Jurassic World 4. You stare at the screen, and the mediocrity stares right back. And that's when the disappointment comes not from the front, but from the side, *shhwoop*, from the shameless Lost World ripoff you didn't even know was there. Because studio executives are hacks. They use focus groups and algorithms as a substitute for creative talent, and they are out in force today. They don't bother to kill your franchise with any dignity, no, no. The fill it with woke dialogue or political talking points, or maybe cut up the continuity, spilling your canon.

      The point is... you are alive when they take your money.

      • 1 week ago

        Fricking funny.

      • 1 week ago

        that doesn't sounds like kino, more like a sixty minute slop fest

  4. 1 week ago

    Nobody is going to die

  5. 1 week ago

    >three teens
    No way not watching

    • 1 week ago

      >and three teens

      This was pitched as being a movie aging millennials who grew up with this can take their kids too like Ghostbusters

      • 1 week ago

        I've never met anyone of any age who didn't enjoy Jurassic Park on some level.

  6. 1 week ago

    >and three teens

  7. 1 week ago

    Here's the only way they should go with the next film.

    Retcon all the Worlds. Have characters not related to any of the previous ones get ship rekt during a storm and end up at the island years after it was closed and quarantined. Easy as frick.

  8. 1 week ago

    I have diarrhea

  9. 1 week ago

    >>A completely fresh take
    >getting stuck on the Island filled with dinosaurs
    So are they keeping the fresh take a secret for now?

    • 1 week ago


      >A completely fresh take launching a new Jurassic era, following three adults (Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo) and three teens (David Iacono, Luna Blaise, Audrina Miranda) getting stuck on the Island filled with dinosaurs. Mahershala Ali and Rupert Friend round up the cast in antagonistic roles.


      > that cast
      sounds like a fresh pile of shit

  10. 1 week ago

    >No Isabella Sermon
    homosexual SHIT.

  11. 1 week ago

    At this point they strip mined the frick out of the JP license on its own so its time to combine it with their other IPs. I am talking Fast and the Furious 11 when Dom and the familia have one last heist off of the coast of Costa Rica to find and return a lost shaving cream container some fat scientist lost containing Dinosaur DNA. Movie will have to have scenes of Vin Diesel drag racing the villain with both of them riding T-Rex's. Maybe there can be a Meet the Fockers cameo and set up a cinematic universe

  12. 1 week ago

    Why they just adapt the book... i don't get it, make it a tv series or something the book is great

  13. 1 week ago

    Jurassic Park needs the Aliens treatment

    >a bunch of US Marines/Navy SEALs/speshul forces enter a forest filled with militarized raptors like the ones in Dominion
    >they thought they're just going to shoot up lizards

  14. 1 week ago

    >new trilogy
    >not called Jurassic universe
    >not set in space

    • 1 week ago

      Jurassic land
      Jurassic Kart
      Jurassic 64

    • 1 week ago

      Producers are cowards and not willing to do some crazy shit like this nowadays.

  15. 1 week ago

    The last 2 films were garbage, did they make money?

    People will pay to see realistic dinosaurs on screen I guess, that's all I can think of.

    • 1 week ago

      >did they make money

      All three broke a billion.

  16. 1 week ago

    >and Rupert Friend round up the cast in antagonistic roles.

    he was not a good friend

  17. 1 week ago

    >three teens

    Keep going…

  18. 1 week ago

    Jurassic Park shouldve never become a franchise. its premise isn't suitable for sequels. at most they shouldve stopped at 2.

  19. 1 week ago

    Gareth makes some of the most boring characters, it's insane

  20. 1 week ago


  21. 1 week ago

    That doesn't sound like a fresh take at all.

  22. 1 week ago

    My shitty ideas for an actual fresh take on Jurassic movies
    >20-something Female Lead returns home from College for Christmas
    >Family lives on a farm in isolated valley
    >The valley is also home to a couple of other farming families, including an older couple (65+), another family with a 20-something Male who is also back from college (and who could function as a love interest for the lead if desired) and a hunter/family of hunters
    >Only 3 roads in/out, 1 at one end of the valley that winds around the mountains/hills that overlook the valley, 1 at the other end of the valley that cross over a large gorge and/or a large rapid running river and the 3rd is an old dirt path up over the mountains
    >One night, a couple of days after the lead gets home, there's an earthquake
    >Houses are left unscathed, but the bridge at one end of the valley collapses and the road at the other end is buried under a rockslide
    >It will take a week or so to uncover the road and months, if not years to fix the bridge, so for the time being, everyone's stuck in the valley for Christmas
    >The next night they hear a blood curdling roar coming from the neighbors (older couple) place
    >The next day the lead and their father go out to to check on neighbors
    >Old man says that something came in and killed a bunch of his cattle last night, thinks it might be a mountain lion or a bear that that's been woken from hibernation by the earthquake or something

    • 1 week ago

      >That night there's more roaring coming from the neighbors house, but this time also gun shots
      >The next morning the lead and her father go out again to check on the neighbors
      >As they drive up the driveway, they see some dead mutilated cows
      >They get to the house and find it damaged and the couple's old pick up truck flipped on it's roof
      >They look around and find a couple of severed human limb
      >They warn the other families living in the valley
      >The 20-something Guy comes out and has a look
      >He's been studying paleontology and confirms that whatever did this is most likely a large carnivore dinosaur
      >Theories that it had been living in the hills around the valley and the earthquake has forced it down into the valley
      >The Hunter declares that what ever it is, he's going to kill it
      >A couple of nights go by an the hunter manages to kill it
      >The paleontology student identifies it as a young/small Allosaurus
      >The next night there are louder roars and more gunshots from the hunters place
      >It's revealed that the Allosaurus the hunter killed was actually a juvenile and now it's mother is pissed at the humans that live in the valley
      >The rest of the residents of the Valley now have to survive nightly Allosaurus attacks, until they can either kill it or get help from the outside world

    • 1 week ago

      >That night there's more roaring coming from the neighbors house, but this time also gun shots
      >The next morning the lead and her father go out again to check on the neighbors
      >As they drive up the driveway, they see some dead mutilated cows
      >They get to the house and find it damaged and the couple's old pick up truck flipped on it's roof
      >They look around and find a couple of severed human limb
      >They warn the other families living in the valley
      >The 20-something Guy comes out and has a look
      >He's been studying paleontology and confirms that whatever did this is most likely a large carnivore dinosaur
      >Theories that it had been living in the hills around the valley and the earthquake has forced it down into the valley
      >The Hunter declares that what ever it is, he's going to kill it
      >A couple of nights go by an the hunter manages to kill it
      >The paleontology student identifies it as a young/small Allosaurus
      >The next night there are louder roars and more gunshots from the hunters place
      >It's revealed that the Allosaurus the hunter killed was actually a juvenile and now it's mother is pissed at the humans that live in the valley
      >The rest of the residents of the Valley now have to survive nightly Allosaurus attacks, until they can either kill it or get help from the outside world

      Second shitty movie idea
      >A small town/community in some isolated area like a desert or a tropical island is gripped by a sudden series of gruesome killings
      >The local town drunk/crazy witness one of the killings and claims it was a lizard man
      >Finally someone/we the audience get a quick look at the killer and see that it is in fact a humanoid dinosaur
      >It's revealed that a genetics company (Not InGen or Biosyn, something new) use to have a facility in the area, 20+ years ago they actually managed to create a human-dinosaur hybrid, but they put it in suspended animation or something and now it's free
      >Think Peter Benchley's Creature miniseries but with a human-dinosaur hybrid instead of a human-shark hybrid

    • 1 week ago

      >stealth christmas movie

      • 1 week ago

        I'd only used Christmas as a throw away explanation for why the Lead character had come home, but you know what, let's lean into it.
        >At some point someone dubs the Allosaurus the "Krampusurus"

  23. 1 week ago

    >no Isa

  24. 1 week ago

    Just make it a straight up horror movie
    no more "epic dinosaur fight" at the end of the movie, they did that in all the JW movies

    I'm tired of good dinosaur vs evil dinosaur

  25. 1 week ago

    >Mahershala Ali
    aaaand it's dropped.

  26. 1 week ago

    >Mahershala Ali

  27. 1 week ago

    At this point to make it “fresh” they should introduce Cenozoic or creatures from other epochs like the Permian or Precambrian.
    >but JP is just dinosaurs!
    Hasnt been that since the first novel, movies even less so. Sabertooths, dimetrodons, marine reptiles and hybrids between rexes, raptors and humans exist. Make it appear on the big screen, have mammoths and giant centipedes or a megaladon.

    • 1 week ago

      Doesn't the book mention that they have gigantic dragonflies with a 10 foot wingspan on the island? Idk that's scarier than a t rex to me.

  28. 1 week ago

    >back on the island

    How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man?

  29. 1 week ago


  30. 1 week ago

    if they are just rebooting the franchise why not do a word for word adaptation of the book

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