Just started watching this for the first time. What am I in for?

Just started watching this for the first time. What am I in for?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    A lot of questionable writing choices.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    A soap opera that occasionally has zombies. Mostly just people fricking each other over. Also zombies that never die after decades even though they're rotting

  3. 2 weeks ago

    video game writing where tedious cutscenes are broken up with "get 10 headshots before timer runs out" events

    • 2 weeks ago

      No wonder everyone liked picrel

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >What am I in for?


  5. 2 weeks ago

    a large amount of time spent for not much entertainment or content

    watch oz instead

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Race mixing the tv show

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Schlock that veered off the source material a few episodes in.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    skip season 2, 4 and 5 are peak, after 6 it turns into slop

    • 2 weeks ago

      Don't listen to this moron watch season 1 and frick off OP

      • 2 weeks ago

        Came here to post this. Only serviceable season was the first one

  9. 2 weeks ago

    The good news is S2 is much better when you can binge it. It was such a fricking slow season watching a single episode per week but that isn’t as annoying when you watch 5 episodes in 1 sitting. The bad news is you missed out on Shaneposting.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    first season is great. second season is bad. third season starts off good then the show is bad until they leave the prison. then the show is good for a bit after they leave the prison and get to the walled-off town. then the show is boring until negan shows up. then the show is good for negan's first episode. then the show is bad forever.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Great first episode, solid first season. After that it becomes a glorified soap opera but still kinda watchable for like 5 seasons. I dropped it at 6.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Remember when they said Black person uncensored in season 1 but had to censor FRICK in the season 4 finale?

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I just binged that for the first time over the last few weeks and finished a few days ago (I'm on Fear the Walking Dead S2 now). So I can say a few things about what you're in for:

    Beautiful practical effects that kick ass until Season... 7 or so, when it falls into an increasingly cheaper rut. Horrifically bad special effects that make you appreciate the practical effects even more. Writing-wise, the cast is big and changing enough for you to have favorite you root for but contrived drama will make for moments when you're ready to quit and call the show shit. You're going to get frustrated by what I came to call "magic zombies." Zombies are unlimited and omnipresent. Everybody died at home, so every home without exception is filled with zombies. Everybody also died at work, so every business is filled with zombies without exception. Everybody also died outside, so there's literally limitless zombies roaming around in numbers that increase over time despite being killed by the hundreds every day. There is no attempt at realizing a zombie population; they just are where the writers want them to be in the moment, in the numbers they want in the moment, which must continue in higher and higher quantities over years to add stakes. Also, there's a whole lot of "No, John. You are the demons" to justify why people aren't just banding together to wipe them all out (not that that would matter because, again, magic zombies).

    Still, it was an entertaining watch that I don't regret going through. I wish I had stopped with Season 8, but I wanted to continue onto the sequel series so I went all the way.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Depending on how much of the population turns, it would take awhile to take them all out. The story mostly takes place less than two years after it starts. By the end, they DO wipe them all out and only have to deal with new ones.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It is a repeated plotpoint that no matter how much they clear, "They're coming in larger numbers every day." After almost a year in the prison, that was a plot point with that exact quote, and the fences were at risk of collapsing. In Alexandria, four years after the start, that was exact quote is used again as a plot point. Six years later, now 10 years after the start, it is still a plot point, now with the same amount of wild zombies roaming about but also hordes of 10,000+ also roaming around too. There's so many hordes 10 years later they start naming them like tyranid hive fleets - all while the number of regular zombies in groups of 1-10 are still omnipresent in all the towns they swear "have been repeatedly picked over" by them over the last 10 years.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They say that they are gathering in larger groups, not that the total numbers are increasing.

          >The story mostly takes place less than two years after it starts.
          It's far longer than that.
          >~One year: S3 E4 Judith's birth
          >Two years: before S4 E1 when Rick and Carl put away their guns. S4 E1 starts with a timeskip 5 months after that.
          >Three years: S8 E16 When Negan is captured
          >Four and half years: S9 E5 Rick and the bridge
          >Ten years: S9 E6 6-year timeskip after Rick's disappearance
          >Eleven years: S10 E1 timeskip after borders treaty with Alpha
          >Twelve years: end of S11
          I was making this at the top of my head and realized someone else probably already did a timeline, and sure enough there is one with exact days. I'll admit though, a lot takes place in the time between 2 years and 3 years Prison falls, Terminus, finding Alexandria, Jesus and meeting other communities, and everything Saviors: Negan, working for them, surrounding the Sanctuary, the escape and Alexandria getting grenaded, Carl's death, and everything up to and including beating Negan.

          Yeah I meant everything up to Negan is within 3 years. The last few seasons after it went to shit started doing timeskips all the time.

          The part that triggers me the most is Carl going from being a child to being a full grown man when its supposed to just be a few years.

          • 1 week ago

            >not that the total numbers are increasing.
            No, the total number arriving at their fences/walls increases every day, not that the group size is larger when they do appear. At the prison, they went from having to clear a few a day, to a dozen a day, to dozens a day, to hundreds a day which is when the fences start to collapse because it's more than they can keep up dealing with. At Alexandria, a similar thing happens years later (not counting Alpha's shenanigans). The show acts as if the world population of zombies is constantly increasing over time, even years later.

            It's always silly, but eventually it just gets disdainful. They make a point that Alpha has been gathering her horde of thousands over years, with Beta being b***hy every time a single one dies because of how much effort it's taken. Then that horde gets wiped out between the cave collapse and Hilltop's defence, but somehow Beta, by playing some music from a rooftop (again, in a town that's been picked dry repeatedly - said by Aaron during Saviors, said again with Rick and the bridge, said again 6 years later) he instantly gathers a new horde of thousands in a couple of hours to siege them again. They didn't even bother trying to squeeze in excuse that there was a wandering horde in the area that he luckily caught the attention of right when they passed, or some low-hanging fruit like that. Playing music had thousands burst out of all the buildings and from all the streets, 11 years after the whole thing began, in a nearby town that had been fine-combed by Alexandria multiple times over 11 years. The number of zombies are magic; they can be as many as they want, whenever they want, and it is always increasing to keep the stakes high.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The story mostly takes place less than two years after it starts.
        It's far longer than that.
        >~One year: S3 E4 Judith's birth
        >Two years: before S4 E1 when Rick and Carl put away their guns. S4 E1 starts with a timeskip 5 months after that.
        >Three years: S8 E16 When Negan is captured
        >Four and half years: S9 E5 Rick and the bridge
        >Ten years: S9 E6 6-year timeskip after Rick's disappearance
        >Eleven years: S10 E1 timeskip after borders treaty with Alpha
        >Twelve years: end of S11
        I was making this at the top of my head and realized someone else probably already did a timeline, and sure enough there is one with exact days. I'll admit though, a lot takes place in the time between 2 years and 3 years Prison falls, Terminus, finding Alexandria, Jesus and meeting other communities, and everything Saviors: Negan, working for them, surrounding the Sanctuary, the escape and Alexandria getting grenaded, Carl's death, and everything up to and including beating Negan.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Cool stuff followed by despair, boredom, and fruits.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I stopped watching when the guy with the eye patch is being swarmed by zombies with his back against the wall and then magically appears right behind the chick he's chasing. There was more leading up to it that really annoyed me, a shame because i thought the prison was cool.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    homosexuals kissing and he fricks a nog

    • 2 weeks ago

      Imagine how gay and repressed you have to be to remember 1 gay kiss scene as the main takeaway from 11 seasons of crazy, moronic shit.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Survivor group on the move? Kino.
    Survivor group settling down? Garbage.
    So basically you've got two and a half seasons of good and the rest is shit.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I watched 9 seasons. At best, it's kino, at worst, it's just boring. Overall it's an okay show.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Read the comic instead. Seriously.

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