Katana Momday

A thread about Tatsu Yamashiro, vengeful Japanese milf (sometimes tilf) with a magic sword.

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    What’s with the bedroom eyes?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tatsu needs sekkusu.

      • 2 weeks ago

        instructions unclear; administered sudoku.

        Subject now experiencing severe hemorrhaging of the abdominal cavity, please advise.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She realized having sex would solve 50% of her hang-ups.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Zatanna-san, I need your magic to allow my husband's soul to possess a host body and also transform the host's body into my husband's body.
        >Yes, to the first but the best I can do on the second is transform the host into a hot chick. But the hot chick transformation comes with a massive wiener if you're into that sort of thing.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >don't transform the host. Sigh, let's see who would be an adequate candidate
          >maybe Bruce?
          >Zatanna, no
          >Bruce would be okay with-
          >*pant pant* sorry, I heard you need a sex host?
          >Damian, get out

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Zatanna-san, I need your magic to allow my husband's soul to possess a host body and also transform the host's body into my husband's body.
            >Yes, to the first but the best I can do on the second is transform the host into a hot chick. But the hot chick transformation comes with a massive wiener if you're into that sort of thing.

            Get back to /d/ with your troony shit

            • 2 weeks ago

              Imagine not knowing that Zee has a canon TF fetish.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    “Jace-San, I must train you in the sensual arts.”

    • 2 weeks ago

      Weird how Josh Ridley has been trying for a while now to make Tatsu give up on killing.

      • 2 weeks ago

        People trying to make Tatsu stop killing has been a thing since OG Outsiders.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Eminently fertile, she births kids in pairs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      At some point, you just have to change pants.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Or drop them altogether and fight in your panties.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Ready for anything at a moment's notice, Katana keeps a blade hidden between her buttcheeks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She looks like she belongs on a pillow.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Did this one even marry? She looks young.

      • 2 weeks ago

        As per the headcanon of these threads, everything in her life got moved back by a couple of years. So she's an orphan who was taken in by the Yamashiros, got into a love triangle with their sons, and attempted to get married while still in high school with Maseo only for Takeo to murder Maseo and his parents on her wedding night.

        • 2 weeks ago

          For added drama, Takeo and Maseo could be identical twins in this version, something that makes Tinier Tatsu not be ready to off Takeo just yet, because she’s also seeing the face of her husband. This also makes Takeo a recurring foe.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It also emphasizes the twin motif in Katana's backstory (the swords, her children).
            And for extra, EXTRA drama, a lust crazed Takeo kills everyone on Tatsu's wedding night because he went there with a half wienered plan to replace Maseo during the interesting bits of the night.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >half wienered
              More like full mast, geddit? (It’s about a penis. Having an erection. Because of sexual excitement)

          • 2 weeks ago

            It also emphasizes the twin motif in Katana's backstory (the swords, her children).
            And for extra, EXTRA drama, a lust crazed Takeo kills everyone on Tatsu's wedding night because he went there with a half wienered plan to replace Maseo during the interesting bits of the night.

            Don't forget, it's not just Tatsu that is younger but Maseo and Takeo as well. Takeo isn't some powerful Yakuza in this canon, he's a jumped up errand boy who swiped an antique from his boss and committed a family annihilation.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah, that's why he's making it alive for so long in this version. The og had a certain level of protection from being a high ranking yakuza. This version literally has to rely on his looks to protect him.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Based on earlier threads, his immediate gang was wiped out due to the heat it brought down on them by the cops and other gangsters so the people most immediately poised to hunt him down are out of the picture. That said, my thoughts are that this Takeo is much more of a bottom-feeding thug and that the perception of him, by both himself and Tatsu, is much grander than reality. Also the corrupting nature of the Soultaker is played up, so the more you see him the more you question his grasp on reality and just how much he lost of himself to the Soultaker - raising a lot of concerns about what's happening to Tatsu.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It also emphasizes the twin motif in Katana's backstory (the swords, her children).
            And for extra, EXTRA drama, a lust crazed Takeo kills everyone on Tatsu's wedding night because he went there with a half wienered plan to replace Maseo during the interesting bits of the night.

            My dirty mind is cooking something about that wedding night.

            • 2 weeks ago

              IIRC, these threads have gone with the idea that Takeo killed Maseo right as they were starting to bang thus leaving Tatsu permanently unsatisfied.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh yeah, I can work with that.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh yeah, I can work with that.

                Takeo secretly kills Maseo before he enters the nuptial room, takes his place and tries to get it on with Tatsu, who realizes that’s not her husband.
                Or Takeo kills Maseo just when he’s about to consummate with Tatsu, enacts a demented role playing situation where he imitates Maseo’s mannerisms and still tries to get it on with Tatsu.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Tatsu be like
                >I don't recognize that bulge

      • 2 weeks ago

        >She looks young.
        It's anime, dude. They all look young.

      • 2 weeks ago

        she will always look young when the core of her design is "conventionally attractive 5'2 asian girl"

      • 2 weeks ago

        Canonically Katana married a Yakuza and gave birth to twin girls before all three of them were murdered in a fire started by her brother-in-law

        Also I don't have any fanart of Katana, just have this unrelated men's adventure pulp art instead

        • 2 weeks ago

          Maseo wasn't Yakuza. Takeo was the Yakuza member and he killed Maseo with the Soultaker, which is why Maseo was initially in the sword. Tatsu's daughters were killed in a fire started during the altercation but their deaths were unintentional.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That pic gives me an idea for a new set of pulpy villains: a bunch of anachronistic pin-up Amazon girls genetically modified / enhanced / irradiated by the A bomb that haven’t aged a day since the forties and think the war rages on. Basically sexy Captain Americas but Japanese.
          >we are the four Megami-Kaze, our war carries on and Japan did nothing wrong.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Sounds interesting

          • 2 weeks ago

            So did they live through the intervening decades or were they in suspended animation?

            • 2 weeks ago

              They are in deep denial, they fancy themselves as military but are a four girl gang that’s embarrassing for the government and pretends it doesn’t exist.

              • 2 weeks ago

                But yeah, they were in suspended animation.

                They're a quartet of hot chicks who spout off the kind of opinions usually reserved for the most bitter and judgmental of old ladies.

            • 2 weeks ago

              But yeah, they were in suspended animation.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Meanwhile, Kitsune:

            • 2 weeks ago

              Always thinking of the next buck.

          • 2 weeks ago

            They had a penpal in that one japanese soldier stationed in the Philippines that thought ww2 never ended

            • 2 weeks ago

              That was the inspiration, yes. Now I'm reworking them as not being in suspended animation at all, but as having been isolated in a small island always believing that the war was still going on, until the present day, when they decide, after eighty plus years, to become more proactive in their efforts.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Can't wait.

              • 2 weeks ago

                can even twist it as a more nefarious kind of Themyscira, where they are the last "residents" and get the benefits the island bestows like peak physical condition despite their age

              • 2 weeks ago

                They had a penpal in that one japanese soldier stationed in the Philippines that thought ww2 never ended

                Kinda getting Blitzkampf vibes

              • 2 weeks ago

                can even twist it as a more nefarious kind of Themyscira, where they are the last "residents" and get the benefits the island bestows like peak physical condition despite their age

                Maybe they were IJN equivalents to a USO show, stranded with the garrison when American bombings cut off transport and communication. The island quickly went Lord of the Flies as supplies dwindled and they were held captive as prizes. Since they weren't busy fighting they noticed that despite no one having enough food they weren't suffering anywhere near the dehibilitating effects of starvation; more curious as the casualties mounted they seemed to grow stronger despite being reduced to a handful of rice and treebark a day. Finally once the soldiers had exhausted themselves they killed their captors and hunted down the few remaining survivors. As the years passed they noted their lack of aging, their strength and athletic abilities surpassing what they ever thought possible, and now their long decades of imprisonment on a forgotten island have come to an end. Out from the past comes the Megami-Kaze to rule the future.

          • 1 week ago

            If we're doing villain ideas I've got one based on Katana's Spring Breakout anthology story.

            >Wych Doctor
            Crime wizard for hire. If you want pure arcane power she's your go-to. Of course, if you need her then you probably won't notice she's anywhere near as capable as she claims. Competent enough to be a threat, incompetent enough to be highly dangerous. A cut- rate Constintine that will gladly sacrifice everyone else for her, many, frickups.

            • 1 week ago

              >Frick Up for a Mage
              Oh that sounds hilarious

              • 1 week ago

                >Hey boss, didn't the wizard lady say we needed a bunch of seals glued to the corpse to keep the demon under control?
                >Yeah, why?
                >Four of them are on the floor.
                >Is that scotch tape?

              • 1 week ago

                If we're doing villain ideas I've got one based on Katana's Spring Breakout anthology story.

                >Wych Doctor
                Crime wizard for hire. If you want pure arcane power she's your go-to. Of course, if you need her then you probably won't notice she's anywhere near as capable as she claims. Competent enough to be a threat, incompetent enough to be highly dangerous. A cut- rate Constintine that will gladly sacrifice everyone else for her, many, frickups.

                Another Yakuza building
                >You sure about this?
                >Look, we need every edge we can get.
                >Why not just hire those ninja monkeys?
                >One, no. Two, for the last time we aren't indulging to your fetish.
                >Hey! I just think their leader is cute.
                >Wait......do you smell something?
                >*sniff sniff* Smells like charcoal and some funny meat.
                >Goons walk into a room where one of the gang members is burning alive
                >What the frick--
                >Shit, the sacrifice wasn't supposed to start until that Katana b***h got here.

              • 1 week ago

                Not gonna lie, a yakuza asking Apex out and her not being able to handle it is a great concept.

                >He had been looking at me weird all day and I was gonna say something but then we were alone and he was all "Would you like to get something to eat" and you know me, Hell yeah I can eat but then he was all "I'll pick you up 7pm on Thursday" and "I know a great wine bar" and I just realized he was asking me out to dinner!
                >Not important but yes. What am I supposed to do? I've never been on a date! I don't have time for this! And a criminal at that?
                >I am not a hypocrite, Basho-san! I am a ninja, I am death in the shadows and night; he is Yakuza, he shakes down love hotels to install blackmail cameras! This is how you get a Kitsune reputation. What if he's some kinda of freak and suddenly it's all choke me with your tail, Apex, crush my worthless wiener and balls with your chimpanzee strength, Apex, stop showering, get all sweaty, and let me stick my face into your fur, Apex!
                >They are legitimate concerns, stop mocking me.

              • 1 week ago

                >What have I done?!
                >Oolong foiled some Ninja "tradition" again?
                >I'm going on a date this Thursday!
                >........You almost got me! Didn't think you had any humor in you.
                >I don't. And I'm serious. And I've never been on one.
                >........Oh my god. Y-you mean it.
                >I can see it now! "Use your Mysterious Techniques to jerk me off!!"
                >I can't believe I'm saying this but I may have corrupted you. And I feel bad about it.
                >Really, now?
                >Yeah! Besides most guys want freaky stuff around the 4th time you screw.

              • 1 week ago

                Not gonna lie, a yakuza asking Apex out and her not being able to handle it is a great concept.

                >He had been looking at me weird all day and I was gonna say something but then we were alone and he was all "Would you like to get something to eat" and you know me, Hell yeah I can eat but then he was all "I'll pick you up 7pm on Thursday" and "I know a great wine bar" and I just realized he was asking me out to dinner!
                >Not important but yes. What am I supposed to do? I've never been on a date! I don't have time for this! And a criminal at that?
                >I am not a hypocrite, Basho-san! I am a ninja, I am death in the shadows and night; he is Yakuza, he shakes down love hotels to install blackmail cameras! This is how you get a Kitsune reputation. What if he's some kinda of freak and suddenly it's all choke me with your tail, Apex, crush my worthless wiener and balls with your chimpanzee strength, Apex, stop showering, get all sweaty, and let me stick my face into your fur, Apex!
                >They are legitimate concerns, stop mocking me.

                >Kitsune tries to get Apex ready for her date
                >Cue Hijinks

          • 1 week ago

            That was the inspiration, yes. Now I'm reworking them as not being in suspended animation at all, but as having been isolated in a small island always believing that the war was still going on, until the present day, when they decide, after eighty plus years, to become more proactive in their efforts.

            Maybe they were IJN equivalents to a USO show, stranded with the garrison when American bombings cut off transport and communication. The island quickly went Lord of the Flies as supplies dwindled and they were held captive as prizes. Since they weren't busy fighting they noticed that despite no one having enough food they weren't suffering anywhere near the dehibilitating effects of starvation; more curious as the casualties mounted they seemed to grow stronger despite being reduced to a handful of rice and treebark a day. Finally once the soldiers had exhausted themselves they killed their captors and hunted down the few remaining survivors. As the years passed they noted their lack of aging, their strength and athletic abilities surpassing what they ever thought possible, and now their long decades of imprisonment on a forgotten island have come to an end. Out from the past comes the Megami-Kaze to rule the future.

            Megami-Kaze is a fricking cool name.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Plappable butt.

      I'm not surprised that Japan would make her younger, but I'm also not complaining.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The design is meh

  4. 2 weeks ago

    “Come my Raijin. It’s time we practiced in bed.”

  5. 2 weeks ago


  6. 2 weeks ago

    Plappable butt.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tinier Tatsu is not for lewd!

      • 2 weeks ago

        You can't tell me what I can or cannot leer at.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Then I'm doing it wrong.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >.t guy who is going to suffer a horrifying and brutal death because he thought he was the romantic lead

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've heard of animating on 3s, but is this animated on the fricking 5s?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Looks like it’s a wonky gif.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I would advise not getting killed by her

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >take off your pants, I want to be a mom again

  9. 2 weeks ago
  10. 2 weeks ago

    Her modern stuff is lame. Get her back to being Halo's adoptive mom and Bruce's aggressive tiny murder friend. Don't put her in the Squad.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    President of DC gives you a chance to write Katana solo series
    What do you put in the first issue that gets readers hooked?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Extensive stylized violence and tasteful nudity.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >written and drawn by Tsukasa Hojo

      • 2 weeks ago

        >He sneaks in a Ryo Saeba cameo

    • 2 weeks ago

      Batman. Sorry, them's the breaks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Extensive stylized violence and tasteful nudity.

      Extensive stylized nudity and tasteful violence.

  12. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >gave birth to twins
      >still has a chest that flat

      • 2 weeks ago

        She's Japanese.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Naruto looking ass

  13. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Cute and hot.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tinier Tatsu will never help you with your math homework then save you from death by killing your assailants.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >my life can’t be that of a widow still attending high school!

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >Her name is Katana
    >She has my back

  15. 2 weeks ago

    She can't wear a choker and give that look, it's too lewd!

    • 2 weeks ago

      I’ll accept it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      She's not being lewd, she's trying to kill you. Your boner is your problem.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Any drawing suggestions?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tatsu with an elaborate katana tattoo on her back. If you want to go all out, have it also reference the outsiders. A halo, a bat, lightning, Mist to imply Metamorpho.

      Looker a shit

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tinier Tatsu being intense and sexy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm gonna go with

      Tatsu be like
      >I don't recognize that bulge

      , chief.

    • 2 weeks ago

      let me try and give some other ocs some art

      how about Dandy man doing his song and dance on Kitsune? It working a little too well on the girl, having so much trouble finding companionship

    • 2 weeks ago

      are you our resident drawfriend? I was curious on the kimono request.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tastu stabbing Wolverine. And Logan going "Lasted a week in Japan til I got sliced. Must've done something right"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tinier Tatsu having her already disintegrating pants completely evaporate, revealing her pantsu.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Draw her pregnant with twins (which she canonically has had)

      Use this for body

      • 2 weeks ago

        Goddamn! That ain't real.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Show her being motherly to Halo.
      As Looker watches.

    • 1 week ago

      Tatsu drinking a glass of lemonade to battle the heat

  17. 2 weeks ago
    A Halo Appreciating Anamoly

    >Had started a Kimiyo/Tatsu/Halo thing
    >Other writing project I took to get me to write more is also kicking my ass
    I will deliver one day, friends.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If it makes you feel better I've been stuck on an Axana piece since May.

      • 2 weeks ago
        A Halo Appreciating Anamoly

        We'll get there brother.

        • 2 weeks ago

          And an outline of a Zaibatsu piece, some thoughts on the Infinite Empire of Japan idea from a while back, two villains, a supporting cast member, and three villains for Tinier Tatsu.

    • 2 weeks ago

      How drunk is Kimiyo to do this?

      • 2 weeks ago
        A Halo Apprectiating Anamoly

        Light buzz after also handing Halo her first wienertail

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sounds like someone needs correction

        • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          Sounds like someone needs correction

          >What the hell, Kimiyo? Did you pressure Gabrielle into getting drunk?
          >It was just a highball; excuse me if I thought an American teenager could hold their booze. I'm five in myself and you don't see me having a problem.
          >You've already drunk dialed your ex-husband, accidentally sent thirst trap pics to your kids' babysitter, and one of your villains just showed up concerned that halfway through your rambling voicemail fishing for a booty call you started making a takeout order for yakisoba then b***hed about your mother.
          >That's bullshit, I didn't booty call Flying Fox Brother No.7.
          >I never said which villain.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I do like how we've made Kimiyo kind of a train wreck but still very capable. Kinda of fitting where she's from.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If it makes you feel better I've been stuck on an Axana piece since May.

      You guys can do it!!

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Thanks for the suggestions, something is currently slowing me down, but I’ll get to it as soon as I can. Here’s a tinier Tatsu meanwhile.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I want to pat her.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >loses ha- no, actually Tinier Tatsu lets you pat her because she's affection starved.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Why are you complaining? Tatsu rarely lets me give her head pats or hugs!
          >Onibi, your bodies are noticeably decaying half the time.
          >That makes my hugs extra soft and squishy!

    • 2 weeks ago

      teeny weeny tatsu

  19. 2 weeks ago

    What do you think of this redesign of Katana from Beware the Batman?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like it. My only suggestion would be to remove the stripes on the red parts. They make the design too busy.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >God, can we go now? This humidity is terrible for me, Apex.
    >You wanted some hand to hand training, did you not, Kitsune?
    >Yeah but--
    >So tough it out! Your foes will not care about the elements! When one's life in on the line, survival is paramount!
    >Look, if I fix the AC, can we train in the wherehouse, Pexy-chan?
    >Please take this seriously.
    >I am!! And you know what's serious?! This fricking heat!

  21. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Katana is for Yakuza gangbangs

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Remember, only regular Tatsu is for lewd

    • 2 weeks ago

      Tinier Tatsu is for tinier lewds.

      • 2 weeks ago


  23. 2 weeks ago

    Gonna throw the in thread oc list

    Dai Eien no Zaibatsu: A group of immortals in a pocket dimension running a giant prison/factory populated by kidnap victims.

    The Magnificent Kento, Lord of all Ninjas!: Middle-aged salaryman undergoing a mental breakdown living out his b-movie and toku fantasies as a master ninja villain.

    Unit 999: Far-right neo-imperialist militia with techo-historical aesthetic and heavy firepower.

    Weapon Master: Freelance violence specialist and preemptive security consultant. Uses a variety of weaponry, pragmatism, and common sense to survive Tatsu. Distinct preference for expensive women's business fashion over costumes.

    Tokko-Raida: Evil spirit that possesses people and turns them into outlaw bikers.

    Dandy Man: Tulpa serial killer/living creepypasta that looks like a beautiful young man until the fangs and claws come out.

    Bosu-tan and the Young All-Psychos Gang: Bratty young daughter of a Yakuza boss that got a front row seat to Katana killing her dad. Swearing revenge she has taken the last of her family's resources and gathered the deadliest, most dangerous, and uniquely gimmicked psychopaths aged 12-15 in her bid to crown herself the oyabun of all Japanese delinquents.

    Apex and the Paw Clan: Army of apes and monkeys trained in ninjutsu by a kunoichi who has genetically engineered herself to have simian traits.

    Nekrochan: Aka Titty Kitty, aka Jotei Nekochan, aka Josei Tenno Nekosama, wheelchair bound social media influencer turned wannabe supervillain. Killed by Tatsu, turned into a cyborg zombie by obsessive fans, then inadvertently resurrected when killed by Tatsu again, which ripped her soul from the Soultaker and put it back in her body; the process transforming her into fleshwarping cybernetic being with vague supernatural abilities who has turned her fanbase into a cult.

    Kitsune: Tech based illusionist villain with an army of simp and paypig goons that she recruits through ethottery.

    • 2 weeks ago

      False Katana: Product of Takeo's memories and obsession, a mystical doppelganger of Tatsu that has escaped the Soultaker and is unaware of her nature as a copy.

      The Seven Perfections Society: Far-left revolutionary terrorist cult whose members pattern themselves physically, mentally, and genetically on seven archetypes they believe will create the ideal human society.

      Axana Negodyaeva: Former associate/lover of Takeo seeking to avenge him. Years of recovery after being injured in their fights have left her with deeply romantic/sexual and violent obsession with Tatsu. Heavily uses superdrugs and fringe pharmaceuticals to give her an edge in fights.

      Obaasan: Clark Ashton Smith-style ancient Japanese witch imprisoned in the Soultaker who can manifest a fragment of herself in the real world. Manipulates the False Tatsu to help carry out her agenda.

      Le Roux: Disfigured former popstar turned culture terrorist/Phantom of the Paradise pastiche after the death of his wife and child.

      The Concerned Citizen: Aka Habu-Kurage, fussy retiree bemoaning the state of modern Japan and seeking to change it by poisoning people he views as engaging in socially unbecoming behaviors. Never actually does anything directly and uses a succession of assistants to carry out his work, who inevitably meet their doom at his hands when they fail to live up to his standards.

      Dragon's Den: stable of villains all with a wrestling gimmick

      The Jorogumo Group: team of high-tech con artists claiming to strike back at the privileged while lining their pockets and leaving a trail of corpses

      Mr. Gamist: low end reality warper whose powers can only copy things from video games

      Shoto Toriyama: self-described as "the future world's greatest paranormal detective." Actually a yokai possessing the corpse of a child manipulating superheroes into killing his rivals

      Magnum: Tatsu's surprisingly pleasant Earth-3 counterpart

      • 2 weeks ago

        Totally Not Doraemon: Robotic copy of Doraemon created by Hiro Okamura that was stolen by a gang of jackass kids.

        Killboy!: A baseball obsessed oni that works as freelance muscle for the Yakuza who is also willing to work for Tatsu if she can pay him enough.

        Ryoma: Scarred and grizzled Yakuza who has survived dozens of encounters with Katana. Actually turned over a new leaf and became a law-abiding citizen after his first run-in and near death experience but has the consistent misfortune of finding himself employed at or patronizing Yakuza front companies whenever Tatsu attacks which has given him the reputation as the toughest Yakuza in all of Japan.

        The next few haven't been named yet.

        Psychic twins; one was killed by Katana and inhabits the sword but their psychic connection remains so they act as go-betweens for the trapped souls and the real world.

        A twee looking hipster assassin who uses robotic umbrellas patterned after yureigasa.

        The following are supporting cast rather than villains.

        Chikari and Hideo Yamashiro: Tatsu's mother and father in law who have a complicated view of her activities.

        Shiori Sugimoto: Takeo's "widow" and mother of his child that has a mutually antipathetic relationship with Tatsu.

        Yuriko Sugimoto: Tatsu's niece that everyone tries to keep in the dark about the reality of her father.

        Special Inspector Katsuyoshi Takishita: Tatsu's liaison with the Japanese government; a self-serving bureaucrat who distrusts and dislikes Tatsu and views her more as a tool to be used than an actual hero.

        Tanuki: pen name of an underground gonzo "journalist" and complete sleazeball who is surprisingly good at convincing powerful and dangerous women to let him photograph them nude.

        Oolong, Milk, and Cream: upper class Anglophile ninja master and her twin albino ninja daughters, respectively

        • 2 weeks ago

          Monster Maker: Will sell you all sorts of superpowers for a high price and higher risk. Deep connections in both the villain and hero community of Japan.

          Donnie Wang-Yu: Ruthless and ambitious Triad leader expanding operations into Japan alongside his enforcers, the veteran Gordon Mo and violent Cynthia Hu

          Rouwe, The Wandering Wolf: There's tales of a martial artist, a legend that spread like wildfire. Some say he destroyed the strongest kickboxers in Thailand. One tale is that he kicked another strong fighter out of a high rise in Florida. They say after he beat his father to be the undisputed master of his style, he threw him off a cliff! But what is true us that he is strong and does seek new challengers to sharpen his fangs. Master of the Eastern Mystery of Ki? Just that good? But what is true is that he's always trying to grow. And what better way to sharpen them than against an deadly samurai?

          Shuraba: Before she was thrown into a world of sordid violence, Shuraba was a renowned surgeon, able to perform the most complicated operations. Her fame also reached the criminal underworld, where she became the doctor for a powerful criminal family to repay her father's gambling debts and save her own skin. Essential to the Kitahama clan and its elderly oyabun, she becomes progressively corrupt until ending up de facto leader and, when control through intimidation is not enough, she imitates a certain samurai lady, dons a full face mask and a katana to strike with surgical precision at rival clans.

          The Final Girls: trio of bottom feeding con artists posing as high end personal security using their history as gun molls who have had run-ins with Katana to lend them legitimacy

          and why not give a thread question: What's someone you think deserves a bit more love? What would you think is a good stroy idea for them? Would you have them interact with other ocs or just keep it to them solo or solely interacting with KAtana

    • 2 weeks ago

      False Katana: Product of Takeo's memories and obsession, a mystical doppelganger of Tatsu that has escaped the Soultaker and is unaware of her nature as a copy.

      The Seven Perfections Society: Far-left revolutionary terrorist cult whose members pattern themselves physically, mentally, and genetically on seven archetypes they believe will create the ideal human society.

      Axana Negodyaeva: Former associate/lover of Takeo seeking to avenge him. Years of recovery after being injured in their fights have left her with deeply romantic/sexual and violent obsession with Tatsu. Heavily uses superdrugs and fringe pharmaceuticals to give her an edge in fights.

      Obaasan: Clark Ashton Smith-style ancient Japanese witch imprisoned in the Soultaker who can manifest a fragment of herself in the real world. Manipulates the False Tatsu to help carry out her agenda.

      Le Roux: Disfigured former popstar turned culture terrorist/Phantom of the Paradise pastiche after the death of his wife and child.

      The Concerned Citizen: Aka Habu-Kurage, fussy retiree bemoaning the state of modern Japan and seeking to change it by poisoning people he views as engaging in socially unbecoming behaviors. Never actually does anything directly and uses a succession of assistants to carry out his work, who inevitably meet their doom at his hands when they fail to live up to his standards.

      Dragon's Den: stable of villains all with a wrestling gimmick

      The Jorogumo Group: team of high-tech con artists claiming to strike back at the privileged while lining their pockets and leaving a trail of corpses

      Mr. Gamist: low end reality warper whose powers can only copy things from video games

      Shoto Toriyama: self-described as "the future world's greatest paranormal detective." Actually a yokai possessing the corpse of a child manipulating superheroes into killing his rivals

      Magnum: Tatsu's surprisingly pleasant Earth-3 counterpart

      Totally Not Doraemon: Robotic copy of Doraemon created by Hiro Okamura that was stolen by a gang of jackass kids.

      Killboy!: A baseball obsessed oni that works as freelance muscle for the Yakuza who is also willing to work for Tatsu if she can pay him enough.

      Ryoma: Scarred and grizzled Yakuza who has survived dozens of encounters with Katana. Actually turned over a new leaf and became a law-abiding citizen after his first run-in and near death experience but has the consistent misfortune of finding himself employed at or patronizing Yakuza front companies whenever Tatsu attacks which has given him the reputation as the toughest Yakuza in all of Japan.

      The next few haven't been named yet.

      Psychic twins; one was killed by Katana and inhabits the sword but their psychic connection remains so they act as go-betweens for the trapped souls and the real world.

      A twee looking hipster assassin who uses robotic umbrellas patterned after yureigasa.

      The following are supporting cast rather than villains.

      Chikari and Hideo Yamashiro: Tatsu's mother and father in law who have a complicated view of her activities.

      Shiori Sugimoto: Takeo's "widow" and mother of his child that has a mutually antipathetic relationship with Tatsu.

      Yuriko Sugimoto: Tatsu's niece that everyone tries to keep in the dark about the reality of her father.

      Special Inspector Katsuyoshi Takishita: Tatsu's liaison with the Japanese government; a self-serving bureaucrat who distrusts and dislikes Tatsu and views her more as a tool to be used than an actual hero.

      Tanuki: pen name of an underground gonzo "journalist" and complete sleazeball who is surprisingly good at convincing powerful and dangerous women to let him photograph them nude.

      Oolong, Milk, and Cream: upper class Anglophile ninja master and her twin albino ninja daughters, respectively

      Outdated, here's the current list.

      Dai Eien no Zaibatsu: A group of immortals in a pocket dimension running a giant prison/factory populated by kidnap victims.

      The Magnificent Kento, Lord of all Ninjas!: Middle-aged salaryman undergoing a mental breakdown living out his b-movie and toku fantasies as a master ninja villain.

      Unit 999: Far-right neo-imperialist militia with techo-historical aesthetic and heavy firepower.

      Weapon Master: Freelance violence specialist and preemptive security consultant. Uses a variety of weaponry, pragmatism, and common sense to survive Tatsu. Distinct preference for expensive women's business fashion over costumes.

      Tokko-Raida: Evil spirit that possesses people and turns them into outlaw bikers.

      Dandy Man: Tulpa serial killer/living creepypasta that looks like a beautiful young man until the fangs and claws come out.

      Bosu-tan and the Young All-Psychos Gang: Bratty young daughter of a Yakuza boss that got a front row seat to Katana killing her dad. Swearing revenge she has taken the last of her family's resources and gathered the deadliest, most dangerous, and uniquely gimmicked psychopaths aged 12-15 in her bid to crown herself the oyabun of all Japanese delinquents.

      Apex and the Paw Clan: Army of apes and monkeys trained in ninjutsu by a kunoichi who has genetically engineered herself to have simian traits.

      Nekrochan: Aka Titty Kitty, aka Jotei Nekochan, aka Josei Tenno Nekosama, wheelchair bound social media influencer turned wannabe supervillain. Killed by Tatsu, turned into a cyborg zombie by obsessive fans, then inadvertently resurrected when killed by Tatsu again, which ripped her soul from the Soultaker and put it back in her body; the process transforming her into fleshwarping cybernetic being with vague supernatural abilities who has turned her fanbase into a cult.

      Kitsune: Tech based illusionist villain with an army of simp and paypig goons that she recruits through ethottery.

      • 2 weeks ago

        False Katana: Product of Takeo's memories and obsession, a mystical doppelganger of Tatsu that has escaped the Soultaker and is unaware of her nature as a copy.

        The Seven Perfections Society: Far-left revolutionary terrorist cult whose members pattern themselves physically, mentally, and genetically on seven archetypes they believe will create the ideal human society.

        Axana Negodyaeva: Former associate/lover of Takeo seeking to avenge him. Years of recovery after being injured in their fights have left her with deeply romantic/sexual and violent obsession with Tatsu. Heavily uses superdrugs and fringe pharmaceuticals to give her an edge in fights.

        Obaasan: Clark Ashton Smith-style ancient Japanese witch imprisoned in the Soultaker who can manifest a fragment of herself in the real world. Manipulates the False Tatsu to help carry out her agenda.

        Le Roux: Disfigured former popstar turned culture terrorist/Phantom of the Paradise pastiche after the death of his wife and child.

        The Concerned Citizen: Aka Habu-Kurage, fussy retiree bemoaning the state of modern Japan and seeking to change it by poisoning people he views as engaging in socially unbecoming behaviors. Never actually does anything directly and uses a succession of assistants to carry out his work, who inevitably meet their doom at his hands when they fail to live up to his standards.

        Dragon's Den: stable of villains all with a wrestling gimmick

        The Jorogumo Group: team of high-tech con artists claiming to strike back at the privileged while lining their pockets and leaving a trail of corpses

        Mr. Gamist: low end reality warper whose powers can only copy things from video games

        Shoto Toriyama: self-described as "the future world's greatest paranormal detective." Actually a yokai possessing the corpse of a child manipulating superheroes into killing his rivals

        Magnum: Tatsu's surprisingly pleasant Earth-3 counterpart

        • 2 weeks ago

          Totally Not Doraemon: Robotic copy of Doraemon created by Hiro Okamura that was stolen by a gang of jackass kids.

          Killboy!: A baseball obsessed oni that works as freelance muscle for the Yakuza who is also willing to work for Tatsu if she can pay him enough.

          Ryoma: Scarred and grizzled Yakuza who has survived dozens of encounters with Katana. Actually turned over a new leaf and became a law-abiding citizen after his first run-in and near death experience but has the consistent misfortune of finding himself employed at or patronizing Yakuza front companies whenever Tatsu attacks which has given him the reputation as the toughest Yakuza in all of Japan.

          Rally-X: World's greatest getaway driver.

          The Final Girls: trio of bottom feeding con artists posing as high end personal security using their history as gun molls who have had run-ins with Katana to lend them legitimacy

          Karakasa: twee looking hipster assassin who uses robotic umbrellas patterned after yureigasa.

          Gai the Kid: The rootin'-est, tootin'-est, six gun shootin'-est desperado far, far west of the Pecos. One of the more notable members of Japan's surprisingly large cowboy-themed villain community, he's just looking to steal some money, do some killing, and ride off into the sunset.

          Psychic twins; one was killed by Katana and inhabits the sword but their psychic connection remains so they act as go-betweens for the trapped souls and the real world.

          Oolong, Milk, and Cream: upper class Anglophile ninja master and her twin albino ninja daughters, respectively

          Monster Maker: Will sell you all sorts of superpowers for a high price and higher risk. Deep connections in both the villain and hero community of Japan.

          Donnie Wang-Yu: Ruthless and ambitious Triad leader expanding operations into Japan alongside his enforcers, the veteran Gordon Mo and violent Cynthia Hu

          • 2 weeks ago

            The Wandering Wolf: Shadowy martial artist, rumored to hone his skills by traveling the world and honing his skills through deathmatches.

            Shuraba: Surgeon blackmailed by the Yakuza into service. Has used her necessity and access to the elderly oyabun to serve as de facto leader, and has taken to patterning herself after a certain vigilante when getting her hands dirty.

            Supporting Cast OCs:

            Chikari and Hideo Yamashiro: Tatsu's mother and father in law who have a complicated view of her activities.

            Shiori Sugimoto: Takeo's "widow" and mother of his child that has a mutually antipathetic relationship with Tatsu.

            Yuriko Sugimoto: Tatsu's niece that everyone tries to keep in the dark about the reality of her father.

            Special Inspector Katsuyoshi Takishita: Tatsu's liaison with the Japanese government; a self-serving bureaucrat who distrusts and dislikes Tatsu and views her more as a tool to be used than an actual hero.

            Tanuki: pen name of an underground gonzo "journalist" and complete sleazeball who is surprisingly good at convincing powerful and dangerous women to let him photograph them nude.

            Det. Kogoro Nogami: Lead detective whose meteoric rise among police ranks was due to nepotism and connections more than capability. Earnest, sincere, and over his head most of the time he's increasingly relying on local superheroes to deal with crime.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Totally Not Doraemon: Robotic copy of Doraemon created by Hiro Okamura that was stolen by a gang of jackass kids.

          Killboy!: A baseball obsessed oni that works as freelance muscle for the Yakuza who is also willing to work for Tatsu if she can pay him enough.

          Ryoma: Scarred and grizzled Yakuza who has survived dozens of encounters with Katana. Actually turned over a new leaf and became a law-abiding citizen after his first run-in and near death experience but has the consistent misfortune of finding himself employed at or patronizing Yakuza front companies whenever Tatsu attacks which has given him the reputation as the toughest Yakuza in all of Japan.

          Rally-X: World's greatest getaway driver.

          The Final Girls: trio of bottom feeding con artists posing as high end personal security using their history as gun molls who have had run-ins with Katana to lend them legitimacy

          Karakasa: twee looking hipster assassin who uses robotic umbrellas patterned after yureigasa.

          Gai the Kid: The rootin'-est, tootin'-est, six gun shootin'-est desperado far, far west of the Pecos. One of the more notable members of Japan's surprisingly large cowboy-themed villain community, he's just looking to steal some money, do some killing, and ride off into the sunset.

          Psychic twins; one was killed by Katana and inhabits the sword but their psychic connection remains so they act as go-betweens for the trapped souls and the real world.

          Oolong, Milk, and Cream: upper class Anglophile ninja master and her twin albino ninja daughters, respectively

          Monster Maker: Will sell you all sorts of superpowers for a high price and higher risk. Deep connections in both the villain and hero community of Japan.

          Donnie Wang-Yu: Ruthless and ambitious Triad leader expanding operations into Japan alongside his enforcers, the veteran Gordon Mo and violent Cynthia Hu

          The Wandering Wolf: Shadowy martial artist, rumored to hone his skills by traveling the world and honing his skills through deathmatches.

          Shuraba: Surgeon blackmailed by the Yakuza into service. Has used her necessity and access to the elderly oyabun to serve as de facto leader, and has taken to patterning herself after a certain vigilante when getting her hands dirty.

          Supporting Cast OCs:

          Chikari and Hideo Yamashiro: Tatsu's mother and father in law who have a complicated view of her activities.

          Shiori Sugimoto: Takeo's "widow" and mother of his child that has a mutually antipathetic relationship with Tatsu.

          Yuriko Sugimoto: Tatsu's niece that everyone tries to keep in the dark about the reality of her father.

          Special Inspector Katsuyoshi Takishita: Tatsu's liaison with the Japanese government; a self-serving bureaucrat who distrusts and dislikes Tatsu and views her more as a tool to be used than an actual hero.

          Tanuki: pen name of an underground gonzo "journalist" and complete sleazeball who is surprisingly good at convincing powerful and dangerous women to let him photograph them nude.

          Det. Kogoro Nogami: Lead detective whose meteoric rise among police ranks was due to nepotism and connections more than capability. Earnest, sincere, and over his head most of the time he's increasingly relying on local superheroes to deal with crime.

          I'm ashamed, I tell you, ASHAMED!

          I'll update my document, thanks

          • 2 weeks ago

            How shameful!

            • 2 weeks ago

              that's something we need, a Katana brand "SHAMEFUR DISPRAY"

              • 2 weeks ago


  24. 2 weeks ago

    >what's someone you think deserves a bit more love?
    Apex and the paw clan is such a cool concept it should be its own series.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    >Gotta admit, this trip out here was a good call. Quiet place, this Japan.
    >Yeah. We got some deals goin', the Bosses back in Gotham will be happy and maybe we'll get some extra Fazoles our way. Now to one of these Obseens.
    >That's "Onsen", ya mook.
    >That's what I said, ya sleaze. I'm cultured!
    >Sure, ya are. Anyways, here we are.
    >The gangsters open the Onsen doors
    >What they see is Oolong and her daughters taking out a group of Yakuza. Then a gorilla barged in the room. Also dressed like a Ninja. And fighting the old lady Ninja.
    >The are doors closed back.
    >......Well I think our time is up, better catch that flight!

    • 2 weeks ago

      Would Tatsu and Frank Castle hit it off?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Yakuza are there to shake down the place
        >Apex was hired by a corrupt real estate developer to torpedo the value of the land for a buyout
        >Oolong is there because she claims that one of the staff stole her necklace during her last visit and she doesn't care what the security cameras have to show about whether or not she was wearing it when she arrived
        Meanwhile, in a small bookstore deep in the back alleys of a fictional Japanese city, Tatsu Yamashiro feels like she's missing out on something but can't put her finger on what.

        >Gotta admit, this trip out here was a good call. Quiet place, this Japan.
        >Yeah. We got some deals goin', the Bosses back in Gotham will be happy and maybe we'll get some extra Fazoles our way. Now to one of these Obseens.
        >That's "Onsen", ya mook.
        >That's what I said, ya sleaze. I'm cultured!
        >Sure, ya are. Anyways, here we are.
        >The gangsters open the Onsen doors
        >What they see is Oolong and her daughters taking out a group of Yakuza. Then a gorilla barged in the room. Also dressed like a Ninja. And fighting the old lady Ninja.
        >The are doors closed back.
        >......Well I think our time is up, better catch that flight!

        >War Journal Entry: BTO-1974
        >I make a stop in Japan. I got wind of a potential alliance of East & West Mob scum and I figured I could see if I could added my "opinion" about it.
        >Besides, Micro said Japan is lovely around this time of year.
        >.....I tail a couple of hoods, mid level guys of the Forellli Familes. They were going to this Onsen, to get some R & R before getting back to states.
        >Too bad their vacation was going to be permanent.
        >But the damnest thing happened. They went in....then went right back out. All hell broke lose afterwards.
        >I lose the mugs, but I ended up getting caught up in a Turf War between the local Yakuza and two groups of Ninja. And one of them had primates for members.
        >Isn't this absurd shit, Spider-Man's deal?

      • 2 weeks ago

        They share a mutual dislike of Wolverine.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I mean, who doesn't?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The constant smell of cheap cigars is the worst.
            >Did you know he goes around telling people he doesn't smoke anymore? But it's the only thing covering up the BO, I think he showers once a month.
            >He thinks Febreeze counts as washing clothes.
            >He's got the DTs, even with his healing factor.
            >Not surprising, he once left a stakeout to make a beer run. At least he doesn't constantly hit on you.
            >No, but he tries to get into the pants of and give a pussy pass to every single female criminal we come across. Including Black Mariah, and she's pushing 400lbs and 60 years old.
            >He tried hook up with Bosu-tan last time he was in Japan.
            >The mutilated wheelchair demon lady?
            >That's Nekrochan; Bosu-tan is the 7th grader trying to run a school-aged supervillain gang.
            >Jesus wept.
            >He also tried to hook up Nekrochan.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Logan is trying to get Botsu-tan out of crime
              >To Tatsu it looks like he's stalking her
              >To the X-Men, they're running a pool if she's another bastard kid or another surrogate daughter

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is mentor young girls in need of guidance.
                >It would be easier to believe you if you hadn't bought a Made in Abyss daki earlier today.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's fer Laura!

              • 2 weeks ago

                It turns out it actually was for Laura. Eating every meal at a maid cafe, however, wasn't as easily explained away.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Maid Cafes?
                >Hey, the service is good. And they make the best blueberry pie this side of Alberta.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Now I want a Katana/Spider-Man team up

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Yakuza are there to shake down the place
      >Apex was hired by a corrupt real estate developer to torpedo the value of the land for a buyout
      >Oolong is there because she claims that one of the staff stole her necklace during her last visit and she doesn't care what the security cameras have to show about whether or not she was wearing it when she arrived
      Meanwhile, in a small bookstore deep in the back alleys of a fictional Japanese city, Tatsu Yamashiro feels like she's missing out on something but can't put her finger on what.

  26. 2 weeks ago
  27. 2 weeks ago
  28. 2 weeks ago
    • 1 week ago

      Tatsu Nipples

    • 1 week ago

      breasts Yamashiro!

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I'm curious but how would a Batman X Katana looks like? Both are ninja-types anyway

  30. 1 week ago

    There is a new booru that is accessible to all, not just the admins.

    So art-friendo if you still have some laying around, put it in!

    • 1 week ago

      Forgot to post it kek

      • 1 week ago

        There is a new booru that is accessible to all, not just the admins.

        So art-friendo if you still have some laying around, put it in!


  31. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Sexy Katana. And Tatsu pretty good too.

  32. 1 week ago

    what's the origin of Katana's sword?

  33. 1 week ago

    Katana means japanese sword

    • 1 week ago

      You motherfricker, I'll see you in hell!! Leave me alone! Get a job!

      • 1 week ago

        Now I'm telling these son-of-a-bitches that we respect the Japanese of this country, who are honest businessmen. And yeah, this is the land of opportunity for legitimate business, not for death merchants who distribute drugs to our children through schools and on the streets. Now I'm telling these motherfrickers that if they continue killing our children to make their precious millions that they deposit in their secret Swiss bank accounts, counselor, before your last suit even gets off the court clerk's desk, I'll have their stinking bodies in garbage bags and ship them back to Japan for fertilizer. Got it?

        • 1 week ago

          >Tatsu nods sagely

        • 1 week ago

          >Why'd you go under?
          >I'm a undercover cop.

    • 1 week ago

      Claymore means scottish sword.

      • 1 week ago

        That should be the name of Tatsu's Scottish counterpart, altough at first she seems to not like that MASK-WEARIN', FACE-HIDIN', TOOTHPICK-CARRYIN', HUSBAND-MOURNIN', ALIEN-ADOPTIN', GHOST-TALKIN'

        • 1 week ago


  34. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      >Tatsu, no. These are Halo's parents

  35. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Love how Ryo looks

  36. 1 week ago

    Tinier Tatsu pantsu.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Boyshorts mostly. Even she finds her counterpart's bulk pack prefences to be a little offputting.

    • 1 week ago

      She's powered by femcel rage.

      • 1 week ago

        And a need to finish her science project

      • 1 week ago

        In a desperate attempt to save themselves, the criminals of Japan band together and attempt to get Tinier Tatsu laid.

        And a need to finish her science project

        And destroy her science homework.

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            Tinier Tatsu needs an overacheiving, alpha Stacy, high school enemy.

            • 1 week ago

              An alternative Kimiyo?

              • 1 week ago

                A greentext had this universe's Kimiyo be a publicly known villain named Dr. Photonik. I was meaning more a Heather McNamara/Tracy Flick type that could be either a civvie to juxtapose how petty and pointless her goals and actions are or go full psychob***h if you want her to be a villain. Though if the latter have her not be a classmate of Tatsu's.

              • 1 week ago

                Ah, gotcha

  37. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago
      • 1 week ago

        Very nice.

  38. 1 week ago

    Abandoned Wherehouse at the Port
    >Aw, hell it's her!!
    >I see your master, Wang-Yu, didn't heed my warning.
    >BLOW THE b***h AWAY!!
    >Dammit, where's the help?
    >Tatsu starts taking down Triad members, some with more....finality.
    >She grabs one by the collar.
    >Now, where's this shipment is going?! TALK.
    >Okay, okay.....but how do you say.....oh! One needs to be cool!
    >Wha--*Tatsu is just flung into the bay by large figure*
    >"One needs to be cool"? Seriously?
    >Bah, American Humor isn't that good anyway.
    >Maybe but "Cool Off" was right there. Whatever, you pay for tye muscle not the jokes.

    • 1 week ago

      One thing I love about these greentexts and pastes is that they're not afraid to rough up Tatsu or have her get the short end of the stick.

  39. 1 week ago
  40. 1 week ago

    Tatsu is for Shiva

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