Kevin Spacey was innocent

do you forgive him, Cinemaphile?

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  1. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      why is OP such a homosexual that he didn't provide a direct link until the next post?

  2. 1 week ago

    there is a podcast about his trial Kevin Spacey Trial: Unfiltered, it's pretty hilarious how his schizo obsession for saving all his files ended up showing Anthony Rapp was a lying b***h.

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        a good example is Rapp saying the accident happened in Spacey bedroom in a party after a play Spacey acted in. Spacey was able to produce a blueprint of his apartment showing it was an studio apartment ( only one room) and a schedule of the play showing the party would have happened on a Thursday during school season (Rapp was 14 and had an protective mother because one of Rapp brothers had been molested ). Rapp also said there was a 17 year old with him when it happened but the dude was actually 19, he was the dude Spacey flirted with, he later exchanged letters with this dude (Spacey also had them). What happened was that Spacey was interested in Rapp friend ( a handsome gay college student from Rapp hometown) , Spacey invited them to dinner and then invited them both to his apartment to see his dog, Rapp went to the bathroom in Spacey apartment, and when he came back he saw Spacey and the other dude being a li flirting a little, and then he changed the story saying it was him. The other dude who had no dog in this fight corroborated this story.

  3. 1 week ago

    How did he get there if he's in debt?

  4. 1 week ago

    Celebrities get the rope.

  5. 1 week ago

    So innocent every single person who could ever testify against him is either dead or confirmed to be "mentally unwell." This guy must have done shit Epstein would have frowned at given his body count.

    • 1 week ago

      >Mentally ill woman ded
      >Cancer pantient ded
      > Lifelong depression suferer ded
      Truly shocking stuff

  6. 1 week ago

    it's bigoted to persecute gay pedos

  7. 1 week ago

    Forgive him for what? Even if he was "guilty" I wouldn't have given a frick if he was a lecherous old man. All the accusations were like "uh there was a power imbalance!"

    • 1 week ago

      the accusation about him touching Rapp when he was 14 was a lie

      The rest of the accusations is him being a groping old gay dude, against men who could kick his ass, and didn't seem to use his position to ruin other people's careers if they didn't have sex with him. Nowhere near other Hollywood sex pests. There are some no cancelled celebrities accused of worse stuff.

      • 1 week ago

        a good example is Rapp saying the accident happened in Spacey bedroom in a party after a play Spacey acted in. Spacey was able to produce a blueprint of his apartment showing it was an studio apartment ( only one room) and a schedule of the play showing the party would have happened on a Thursday during school season (Rapp was 14 and had an protective mother because one of Rapp brothers had been molested ). Rapp also said there was a 17 year old with him when it happened but the dude was actually 19, he was the dude Spacey flirted with, he later exchanged letters with this dude (Spacey also had them). What happened was that Spacey was interested in Rapp friend ( a handsome gay college student from Rapp hometown) , Spacey invited them to dinner and then invited them both to his apartment to see his dog, Rapp went to the bathroom in Spacey apartment, and when he came back he saw Spacey and the other dude being a li flirting a little, and then he changed the story saying it was him. The other dude who had no dog in this fight corroborated this story.

        why are sociopaths allowed to do this with impunity?
        don't they understand it actually inevitably harms real victims who won't be believed if they come forward?

        • 1 week ago

          why do people say this? Most of the activists when it comes to this suff are very pro accuser even when they are lying through their teeth, they don't care, they have been trying to frick over the right of the accused as much as they can to the point it helps blatant liars but that does not consern them.

        • 1 week ago

          >don't they understand it actually inevitably harms real victims who won't be believed if they come forward?
          Why would they care if they are sociopaths ?

          It's hard to actually comprehend that some people truly do not give a frick about anything but themselves until you experience them
          a lot of people think that they get that there are psychos out there that don't care, but then they experience someone really not caring and they are flabbergasted

          • 1 week ago

            >but then they experience someone really not caring and they are flabbergasted

            I dont think Rapp is a sociophat, I think he's just an attention prostitute and got attention for a while saying Spacey ( a talented actor) made a pass on him in the 80s ( it wasnt actually him but his much better looking and older friend), he was also jealous of Spacey ( a much more successful actor) and maybe he had told this lie so much he started to believe it, but his story fell apart because Spacey is a schizo who saves everything. There was a kernel of true in the story ( I think Spacey is kind of a perv just not a very dangerous one) but he didn't do this particular thing.

            • 1 week ago

              Anon, lying for attention is what sociopaths do
              This is not a thing unique to Hollywood, these kind of people ruin families and relationships too

              • 1 week ago

                >Anon, lying for attention is what sociopaths do
                and other people who aren't sociopaths also do t. I think people blame all crimes on personality disorders when " normal people" are capable of being shitty when the opportunity presents itself.

    • 1 week ago

      >power imbalance
      What's the power imbalance between these losers who falsely accuse actors and have their lies instantly platformed by multi-billion dollar media companies versus a single person? Who is now in debt just defending himself, while the platforms that published the BS continue to make money.

      • 1 week ago

        In the trial, Rapp lawyer said something like, " why would Mr. Rapp do this if it wasn't true? He has nothing to gain from this" and Spacey lawyer then said, "your client is suing my client for 30 million dollars." kek

  8. 1 week ago

    If he helps release new celebrity nudes (not of him) I might. You know they all have their own stash.

  9. 1 week ago

    I will never forgive Kevin 'Rapist israelite' Spacey

  10. 1 week ago

    There's nothing to forgive.

  11. 1 week ago


  12. 1 week ago

    Is the trial online? I have to know the details first.

    • 1 week ago

      innocent on all counts.

      Kevin is still and always be a gay though.

  13. 1 week ago

    His defense wasn't
    >I didn't do it!
    it was
    >I'm GAY leave me alone!!! 🙁
    should tell you everything

  14. 1 week ago

    If you think these Hollywood pedos are evil, wait til you get a load of the kind of attorneys who represent them

  15. 1 week ago

    I separate the art from the artist. Good actor, want him to act again.

  16. 1 week ago

    I feel indifferent.

  17. 1 week ago

    Isn't he a gay mass murderer? That's pretty bad

  18. 1 week ago

    Weird how he is doing interviews with fake-right grifters like Tucker Carlson and now Piers Morgan. Why not do it with woke journalists since he clearly is gay and a pedo, shouldn't the wokies be supporting him?

    • 1 week ago

      once you get cancelled, you have to go to the only compassion non-judgemental people left in the media (ie: the right) the left likes to act like theyre the compassion caring party but theyre the most close minded dont wanna hear any opinion but their own fricks on the planet, they just like to kick people like poor Spacey when theyre down, the people on the right are the good people all along!

    • 1 week ago

      once you get cancelled, you have to go to the only compassion non-judgemental people left in the media (ie: the right) the left likes to act like theyre the compassion caring party but theyre the most close minded dont wanna hear any opinion but their own fricks on the planet, they just like to kick people like poor Spacey when theyre down, the people on the right are the good people all along!

      centrists rise up

    • 1 week ago

      Not that surprising, my gay cousin turned right wing because regular boring gay men are getting ostracized from lgbt groups

  19. 1 week ago

    I still believe he's guilty

    • 1 week ago

      they literally acquitted the gay israelite though

  20. 1 week ago

    After listening to the Lex podcast, yes I do forgive him

  21. 1 week ago

    He was innocent but came out as gay to defend against being a pedophile? I will never believe anything they say about this case, frick "Hollywood".

    • 1 week ago

      i think he was into drugs and alcohol back then and he had no idea if he had done it or not kek. Imagine if you are an alcoholic and some woman accuses you 30 years later than when she was a teen, and you were in your mid 20s you made a pass on her (nothing more serious than that) while you were drunk. It's plausible, it ended up not being true for several reasons.

  22. 1 week ago

    The punishment doesn't seem to fit his crime. Also Dan Schneider is completely innocent. I'm glad people are waking up and seeing how many dudes who didn't do anything are being caught up in this MeToo witch hunt.

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