Killing Belos was retarded

So, first off, why didn't he have a successor lined up in the event of his death, like every monarchy/empire does? He made a shitload of Grimwalkers of Caleb, couldn't he have done the same thing for himself? He could render himself virtually immortal and stay in power almost indefinitely.

And aside from that, let's address the obvious power vacuum. Who exactly is supposed to take over in his place?
The Coven Heads? They were traitors and turncoats who conspired against Belos and were in league with his murderers. The rule of law is in their hands and they're just going to look the other way instead of prosecuting his killers, that sets a HORRIBLE precedent. If the rule law ceases to exist because of the powers that be's preferences/loyalties, society is fricked.

Let's also not forget that Belos was literally helpless and defenseless when Raide, Eda, and King killed him. They could not argue self defense in any competent court of law, as Belos was not posing any threat to them and literally BEGGING FOR HIS LIFE. Luz would even be charged with criminal negligence and felony murder for standing back and allowing it to happen, especially since she was the one Belos begged for mercy.

In short, the post-Belos society would be corrupt, rule of law would be totally disregarded based on the leanings and preferences of the Coven Heads, and the fact that the show brushes over these unfortunate implications for a forced happy ending is lazy and appalling.
While Belos may have deserved justice for his actions, this was the wrong way to go about it.
Vigilante justice is a slippery slope, and the fact that it implicitly leads to a corrupt oligarchy in this case says a lot.

What exactly was stopping them from simply arresting Belos and letting him stand trial? They could literally just use magic to keep him detained and prevent his escape, or any other such shenanigans.

Of course, the finale was rushed like the rest of the third season. But that's neither here nor there.

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  1. 8 months ago

    If the Coven Heads have any integrity, they'll do the right thing and bring King, Eda, Raine and Luz to justice for their regicide. The same rules have to apply to them no matter how much the Coven Heads may agree with their actions. Otherwise, they are unfit to enforce and uphold the law and should be deposed.

  2. 8 months ago

    tl:dr boring cartoon

  3. 8 months ago

    >He made a shitload of Grimwalkers of Caleb, couldn't he have done the same thing for himself?
    For one thing, he's much too prideful and would not see a zombie clone of himself created by witchcraft to count as a worthy successor to his crusade. Also we don't know all the rules to making grimwalkers; they might need the original base to be dead or something

    >Who exactly is supposed to take over in his place?
    You can liken it to various historical coups or revolutions where the previous system of government was completely illegitimized. For all you know, the BI will become a constitutional republic, or revert to whatever system of government was in place before Belos took power not even 100 years ago

    >What exactly was stopping them from simply arresting Belos and letting him stand trial?
    Belos at the end of S2 was nothing but a splatter on the wall, but somehow managed to get into a position where he was a hair's breadth away from mass genocide (again). Way too dangerous to let live for more than a second longer

    • 8 months ago

      "he's much too prideful and would not see a zombie clone of himself created by witchcraft to count as a worthy successor to his crusade"
      [citation needed]
      >they might need the original base to be dead or something
      Which Belos very much was after this. What was stopping Belos from getting someone to scrape up the dead Belos goo and cloning him?

      >Way too dangerous to let live for more than a second longer
      How the frick is a powerless pile of goo with a skull "too dangerous to let live"? Again, you could use magic to keep him under control.
      And even if he were "too dangerous to let live", that does not justify vigilante justice. Let the courts decide if he deserves execution, not a mob who lacks that rightful authority.

      • 8 months ago

        >[citation needed]
        It's the same motherfricker who was hoping for a promotion when he got back to the human world. Multiple characters have pointed out his egotistical worldview

        >What was stopping Belos from getting someone to scrape up the dead Belos goo and cloning him?
        Again, pride. He's been living in the isles for hundreds of years but trusted not a single soul with his plans and will. Maybe Kikimora would've done it but he told her to frick off, like he does with the rest of demon/witchkind. Maybe the Caleb clones would've been an exception but they always rebelled

        >Let the courts decide if he deserves execution, not a mob who lacks that rightful authority
        What courts? The whole system of government has been revealed to be a sham, and the highest remaining power in the land (the Titan, the land itself) has basically condemned him to death, if the rain and its empowerment of Luz is anything to go by

        • 8 months ago

          >It's the same motherfricker who was hoping for a promotion when he got back to the human world. Multiple characters have pointed out his egotistical worldview
          What does that have to do with how he'd feel about a Grimwalker replacing him? Belos made compromises all the time, if it meant his plans are carried out out surely he'd consider all possible options.
          >Again, pride
          If pride were really that much of an issue, Philip would've died in obscurity long ago. He swallowed his pride long enough to earn everyone's trust and admiration and become the frickin' emperor. Again, he had centuries to think about all this, at some point he had to have put aside his pride in some capacity.
          >What courts?
          The courts of the government that would rise after his deposition.
          >the highest remaining power in the land (the Titan, the land itself) has basically condemned him to death
          I don't see that holding up in a court of law.

          • 8 months ago

            He's a single-minded genocidaire. He doesn't care about laws or anything else except as a means to his goal.

            • 8 months ago

              Way to make genocide sound cool and fancy lmao

    • 8 months ago

      >You can liken it to various historical coups or revolutions where the previous system of government was completely illegitimized. For all you know, the BI will become a constitutional republic, or revert to whatever system of government was in place before Belos took power not even 100 years ago
      So why wasn't any of this established in the show itself? I feel like this is pretty important information for the viewer. Killing an Emperor has consequences. Consequences that affect everyone.

      What is stopping the new government from falling to corruption and repeating the mistakes of Belos's regime, or worse? What checks and balances are in place?

      • 8 months ago

        >I feel like this is pretty important information for the viewer.
        You're a fricking nutjob if you think that matters to anyone but you.

        • 8 months ago

          It matters because actions have consequences. Power vacuums are very real and they more often than not lead to very nasty situations for the people involved.

          • 8 months ago

            Isn't that par for the course in most children's media? An evil lord or king (or God, if you consume weed stuff) is defeated and everything is good now, without anyone having to discuss politics

          • 8 months ago

            It doesn't matter because it's a cartoon that had 5 minutes of airtime left after Belos got stomped. The time jump showed everyone happy, the schools open, the coven sigils being removed, and so on. It was worked out.

            You 'real word problem" autist worrying over shit need to get a new hobby.

            • 8 months ago

              I can't help it. These things bother me. I notice little things that just don't add up and I just gotta get to the bottom of it.

              • 8 months ago

                Like I said, society was functioning after the time skip. That's all the answer you're going to get.

              • 8 months ago

                If it was functioning properly, Raine, Eda, King and Luz would be serving a life sentence for their conspiracy to murder.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay, maybe not Luz - but she still allowed it to happen, so she'd get charged with criminal negligence and felony murder for failure to take action when a helpless man was being murdered.

              • 8 months ago

                Stopping Belos happened before the New Republic. Ex post facto.

    • 8 months ago

      His genocide was a good thing. Killing satanic demons is good

      • 8 months ago

        Siding with demons is the wrong move anon. I pray for your conversion

        Nothing christian about the show, keep your fairly tales to yourself.

        • 8 months ago

          >fairly tales

  4. 8 months ago

    Yeah yeah OP we know you hate le gays and like roleplaying as a righteous crusader so you identify with the villain of this children's cartoon. If we had Cinemaphile in the 90s you'd be identifying with Frollo and saying THoND is cuck propaganda.

    • 8 months ago

      Praying for your repentance and conversion. God bless.

    • 8 months ago

      It's funny that this also happens for the Wish villain too. Like for some reason they want white male villains to be more sympathetic or dignified

      • 8 months ago

        King Wunderwar did nothing wrong.

        • 8 months ago

          He's wearing Crocs with that outfit.

          • 8 months ago

            >He's wearing Crocs with that outfit

            Then he deserved it after all.

    • 8 months ago

      Siding with demons is the wrong move anon. I pray for your conversion

  5. 8 months ago

    Belos isn’t supposed to be a good villain, Dana wrote him as a hate sink/representation of all the shit she hates/hated growing up in CT. Just like she wrote Odalia to be her mom, he’s basically just there to be enough of a threat until her borderline Mary Sue that’s based off of her crush comes in and save the day with a Deus Ex Machina and everyone lives happily ever after, except Belos who gets stomped out by a wine aunt, a furry, and a troony.

  6. 8 months ago

    >why didn't he have a successor lined up in the event of his death, like every monarchy/empire does?

    He was a Puritard Cromwellian, that's why

  7. 8 months ago

    >So, first off, why didn't he have a successor lined up in the event of his death, like every monarchy/empire does?
    He didn't think he would lose and his endgame was the destruction of the Boiling Isles.

    >And aside from that, let's address the obvious power vacuum. Who exactly is supposed to take over in his place? The Coven Heads?
    The 'good' coven heads. If you watched the show, you'd seen a few coven heads eyeing the throne and the good ones chased them off.

    >Let's also not forget that Belos was literally helpless and defenseless when Raide, Eda, and King killed him.
    He was helpless before and always came back as bigger threat later. With magic involved another comeback is possible and the threat that nearly killed everyone needed to be put down.

    In short, the show ran out of time and happy ending for all was assumed.

    • 8 months ago

      >He didn't think he would lose
      That's no excuse. He planned this shit for centuries, it would make sense for him to have contingency plans. Did these writers learn nothing from DAVID MF XANATOS?
      >The 'good' coven heads
      The only good coven head is a dead coven head.
      >the threat that nearly killed everyone needed to be put down
      At the expense of due process, rule of law, fairness and equity in justice? Belos was murdered. MURDERED. That's a crime and it should be punished as such. You can't just murder anyone perceived as a threat, you have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that their actions legally warrant execution.

      • 8 months ago

        Also, Belos was not actively trying to hurt or kill anyone in his final moments but was looking to make peace with Luz. This is important to note because, regardless of whatever threat his past actions may have posed, his actions in this circumstance were no such threat.

        • 8 months ago

          A minute earlier the was trying to burn everything down.

          • 8 months ago

            Which, again, does not justify murder and vigilante justice. Why are you not getting that?

          • 8 months ago

            Let's consider the fact that on multiple occasions, Belos rose from the goo like a phoenix after being splattered.
            But for whatever reason, in this case, stomping him into the ground was enough to be done with him forever.

            If he can be so easily dealt with, surely he can stand trial.
            It's not like emperors have never been prosecuted.

            • 8 months ago

              And each time he came closer to destroying everything. The people present made a judgement call and stomped him.

              • 8 months ago

                And it was the wrong judgment call. How the hell was he supposed to destroy everything in that pathetic state? Killing him was unnecessary, if they wanted to hold him accountable they should've arrested him and tried him.

                As pointed out, there was no government at the time and no one had the authority to make an arrest.

                While this may be true, it still does not make it okay to murder Belos. They could have informally detained him while establishing the new government and then using the laws of that government to prosecute him.

              • 8 months ago

                Citizens arrests are a thing lmao

              • 8 months ago

                Don't even get me started on how Luz's invasion of Belos's mind is a total affront to the principle of the 4th Amendment.

                Crazy how the Boiling Isles have all the same legal statutes as America.

              • 8 months ago

                America is not the only country that has citizens' arrests.

              • 8 months ago

                Still not the Boiling Isle.

              • 8 months ago

                >How the hell was he supposed to destroy everything in that pathetic state?
                How the hell did anybody know what his state was? It's been established he's come back from being goo before & he had the power to make himself look like his old self. No one was certain if he was bluffing or actually powerless.

  8. 8 months ago

    No one's answered why they didn't just arrest Belos and put him on trial lmao

    Y'all got nothing

    • 8 months ago

      As pointed out, there was no government at the time and no one had the authority to make an arrest.

  9. 8 months ago

    Belos' death was shit because he was built up as some grand complex and powerful villain only to be stomped to death by Cubone's moronic cousin, a nonbinary with a cigarette addict's voice and Ryoko's grandmother.

  10. 8 months ago

    Don't even get me started on how Luz's invasion of Belos's mind is a total affront to the principle of the 4th Amendment.

  11. 8 months ago

    >So, first off, why didn't he have a successor lined up in the event of his death, like every monarchy/empire does? He made a shitload of Grimwalkers of Caleb, couldn't he have done the same thing for himself? He could render himself virtually immortal and stay in power almost indefinitely.
    >He could render himself virtually immortal and stay in power almost indefinitely
    You answered your question while asking it. Did you miss the part where he was absorbing life energy from Palismans? He just got wienery with it and therefore didn't have a plan B.

    • 8 months ago

      The level to which he got wienery makes no sense, given how fricking long he spent planning everything. The last thing you want to do in that scenario is let your pride go before you. You don't get to where Belos is without swallowing your pride to some degree.

      Let's not forget how he could've possessed the Titan heart at any point but still went along with his convoluted plan involving Collector and the Draining Spell. Clearly, this implies he considered contingencies and alternative solutions. Of course, the shit writing ignores the fact that he could've just possessed the Titan heart before Luz even arrived.

      • 8 months ago

        >You don't get to where Belos is without swallowing your pride to some degree.
        But he never leg go of human superiority and he was better than everyone around him. He didn't think anyone else on the Boiling Isles was his equal and since he wanted to kill them all, who would succeed him?

        >Let's not forget how he could've possessed the Titan heart at any point.
        He didn't know that until the end and it wouldn't have let him get home.

        • 8 months ago

          >He didn't know that until the end

          Pic related

          Also one said anything about it getting him home, put down the damn crack pipe.

          • 8 months ago

            *No one said

        • 8 months ago

          >who would succeed him?
          A Grimwalker. Duh. He could just get one of his minions to scrape him up and throw him into the cloner. He'd have a guy just for that occasion because he'd have a contingency plan if it was me writing this.

          • 8 months ago

            >He could just get one of his minions to scrape him up and throw him into the cloner
            Hunter shows the Grimwalkers don't have the memory of their previous lives and have free will. If he copied himself early on, there no guarantee the Grimwalker would follow through or try to depose him.

            • 8 months ago

              Only decent rebuttal ITT. My argument remains ironclad otherwise.

  12. 8 months ago

    Idc about your fanfiction but the reason is as always just because it got shortened to hell

  13. 8 months ago

    How many people in this thread say Belos shouldn't have been killed also say Aang should have snuffed the Fire Lord?

    • 8 months ago

      Heroes don't murder. Heroes don't allow others to murder.

      • 8 months ago

        It wasn't murder, it was self defense. Eda ate the slug guy in the second episode who tried to kill her to steal her customers. Call the cops.

        • 8 months ago

          Eda deserves another life sentence for that too. Frick her.

        • 8 months ago

          >it wasn't murder, it was self defense
          Yes it fricking was.
          What the frick is a helpless pile of goo going to do to you? Ruin your shoes?

          • 8 months ago

            That pile of goo just turned into Godzilla and tried to burn the island to ash. They had no idea if he could do it again, so they protected themselves and the rest of the population the only way they could. I don't recall any of them having an empty jar or coffee can to take him into custody with anyway.

            • 8 months ago

              Still doesn't justify murder

              It makes sense that Belosgays want to play the victim just like the man himself

              I said that Belos deserves justice for his actions.

              • 8 months ago

                Not murder. self defense.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't see that holding up in a court of law.

                Stopping Belos happened before the New Republic. Ex post facto.

                A crime still occurred.

                Judgement call made by boots on the ground. And on Bellos.

                And it was the wrong judgment call.

                >why didn't he have a successor lined up in the event of his death, like every monarchy/empire does?
                A successor? To rule the country that he planned to genocide? Is that what you mean?

                How many times do I have to fricking repeat this? The successor is to carry out Belos's plans in his absence, which includes the genocide, why are you not getting that?

            • 8 months ago

              >they protected themselves and the rest of the population the only way they could
              Murdering Belos was not the only way they could have protected themselves. Once again, detaining him and using magic to ensure he remains in custody is totally feasible.

              • 8 months ago

                Judgement call made by boots on the ground. And on Bellos.

    • 8 months ago

      I think with Aang, people's problem is less that he spared the Fire Lord and more that the plot kind of bent over backwards to allow him to do so with the whole spiritbending lionturtle thing. The conflict being built up for Aang beforehand was that the Fire Lord would refuse to surrender and would only be able to be stopped if he was killed. If Belos still had some power and fought to the last breath, I think some people would have preferred that to be killed while he was defenseless and powerless.

      • 8 months ago

        Aang to away his bending so he was personally powerless aside from physical ability. He did still have political power as the comics show. Kind of like Belos at the end.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Giant wall of autistic overthinking
    Show was being cancelled, so they skipped over the loose ends. Get over it already.

    You're lucky that Owl House even got to have a finale at all, that's far more than most other cancelled shows have been afforded in years past.

  15. 8 months ago

    >Expecting a good writing from a canceled shitshow

    • 8 months ago

      >frogkek speaking about good writing
      >"This balcony is where i remembered my dead parents, Anne"
      kys, froghomosexual

      • 8 months ago

        >owl shit house is canceled because the writing is shit
        >owl shit house book is canceled because the show is shit
        >amphibia continuously mogged owlshit house in ratings
        >amphibia s3 has been nominated in many awards compared to owlshit s3 zero nomination
        >disney making fun of owlshit main villain by making him even more of an irrrlevant jobber meanwhile Andrias and Darcy gets the main character role in the disney villain crossover
        >owl house is completely forgotten as twitter audience found a better lgbt cartoon to latch on (hazbin hotel/helluva boss/digital circus)
        Owltrannies on suicide watch

      • 8 months ago

        >Amity in this episode I will be crazy about my dead dad that I never brought up before and never will again after.

        Oh yeah the Owlhouse can talk about dead parents. At least they brought up the planter parents death three times in the show.

  16. 8 months ago

    >Belos longed to purge the Isles of vice and sin.
    >But he saw corruption everywhere except within.
    >Also he didn't appreciate his totally loyal shortstack lady-in-waiting

  17. 8 months ago

    >stay in power almost indefinitely
    Lol why? Belos was running the Isles into the fricking ground. He had no intention of sticking around

    • 8 months ago

      In case he failed before running it into the ground, dumbass.

      • 8 months ago

        Seriously how hard is it to understand
        >Oh no I was killed before carrying out my genocide!
        >I know! I'll have my clone take over in my place and pick up where I left off, and if anything happens to him repeat as many times as necessary


  18. 8 months ago

    What was it about Belos that attracts RETVRN autists?

    • 8 months ago

      What is it about you that attracts so many intrusive homosexual thoughts?

    • 8 months ago

      He's so le based dude

      • 8 months ago

        Fornication is a sin. Caleb deserved it.

  19. 8 months ago

    If he was destroying the isles anyway, why bother?
    Also, who would have made a grimwalker of his? Afaik, you need the corpse to make a grimwalker. And they have to be taught anyway.

  20. 8 months ago

    That's nothing
    Post belos society doesn't have a police force

    • 8 months ago

      Citizens Patrol time

  21. 8 months ago

    A lot of owl house makes sense when you realize Dana’s only thoughts regarding Belos is White Man Christianity Patriarchy Bad. That is literally it.

  22. 8 months ago

    It makes sense that Belosgays want to play the victim just like the man himself

  23. 8 months ago

    >why didn't he have a successor lined up in the event of his death, like every monarchy/empire does?
    A successor? To rule the country that he planned to genocide? Is that what you mean?

  24. 8 months ago

    Belos better call Saul.

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