>Leave the 7ft tall,grizzly bear killing, invisible, high tech warrior alien to me.

>Leave the 7ft tall,grizzly bear killing, invisible, high tech warrior alien to me. I've started hunting like 2 days ago.

Is there something that girl power can't defeat?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    frick off, incel

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        /pol/troony thread

    • 1 month ago

      /pol/troony thread

      same troony

    • 1 month ago


      /pol/troony thread

      same troony

      Man, this board really is just the same thing everyday.

      • 1 month ago

        >see the same thing every day
        >keep browsing every day
        you will never be free

    • 1 month ago



  2. 1 month ago

    You laugh, but a woman who has to put up with the patriarchy every day of her life is tough enough for anything.

  3. 1 month ago

    I thought they preferred the bear

  4. 1 month ago

    i would like to have sex with this beautiful native american woman

  5. 1 month ago

    A horny, good looking, and slightly psychopathic man.

  6. 1 month ago

    she trained her whole life as a warrior. she just wanted it more. the others in the tribe were warriors because thats what theyre supposed to be. but its not about girl power and equality. the females in their tribe arent warriors so the men made fun of her for it. she was an enigma even to her own people. you might even say the predator landed in that area because it sensed something strange like her in the area. we honestly dont know how their tech works. maybe they have like saiyan scouters

    anyway the genius of the movie was that there wasnt even any story to it. it was literally just about hunting. and thats fricking awesome. stop hating on things that are awesome

    • 1 month ago

      What an absolute homosexual post.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      You're arguing with polnpc's anon. They can't enjoy anything, it's always culture war 24/7
      Prey was comfy as frick compared to some of the other recent ones.

      • 1 month ago

        >Femmies aggressively introduce culture wars and gender wars into formerly comfy media


        • 1 month ago

          nothing about this was about culture wars until you tried to argue it was you homosexual OP Prey is simply a great part of the predator series and none of your utter homosexualry will change that

          • 1 month ago

            >a great part of the predator series
            The Predator seres is Predator and Predator2. The rest is slop.
            Some people like Predators, but that's all.

            • 1 month ago

              >zoomy *buzzwords*
              post discarded

            • 1 month ago

              you haven't even watched either of them or any of the others so how wold you know?

        • 1 month ago

          you are such a disengenuious homosexual if you actually wanted to argue about cultre gender shit being injected into predator you'd post about The Predator, a total piece of shit that did exactly what you are claiming Prey did, but you can't because everyone would ignore it as everyone ignored that total shit film, so because you are desperate for engagement you try and attack Prey a genuinely good addition to the predator series and then are butthurt when everyone calls you out for being a homosexual, go on you want to post about a shitty piece of crap that tried to insert its shit into the predator series post about The Predator, but you won't because your a coward who just wanted to b***h about Prey because it was actually liked because it was good

          • 1 month ago

            HE'S disingenuous? Holy irony

            • 1 month ago

              nothing disengenuios about it, yes he is, he just wanted to rant about women in action movies without having any idea of the movie he was trying to discuss, if he wanted to rant about shitty muh gurlpower shit then he would've posted about The Predator, a total piece of shit that is exactly what he's trying to say Prey is, but since he aka (you) have no idea what you are actually posting about you chose prey since it has a girl on the poster, not realizing the very thing you are upset about already happened and every fan of the predator series disowned it as a total piece of utter shit. But you didn't want to acutally discuss shitty girl boss crap in action movies you just wanted to try and shit on Prey, something thats actually good, because you are a disingenuous homosexual.

              • 1 month ago

                >>it's good because it's good beacuse it's good because it's good, let me write a powem about how it was good period

              • 1 month ago

                yes yes, you are illiterate as well as willfully blind we already got that

              • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Yuatja do not have a fricking power level scanner. You are a DBZ homosexual. Here's some rope.

      • 1 month ago

        anyone who ever uses this instead of called them predators is a homosexual, simple as

  7. 1 month ago

    don't care . she cute . simple as

  8. 1 month ago

    I am a woman, hear me ROAR!!!

    • 1 month ago

      I'M ACTING!

  9. 1 month ago

    The point is the alien is basically unbeatable. The only thing that can beat it are the traits humans have best - intelligence and tool use.
    This movie was fricking epic. My favorite action horror of all time.

    • 1 month ago

      >Alien species thst mastered FTL space travel
      >Inferior intelligence and tool use

      • 1 month ago

        You think some third world pajeet is going to magically receive an intelligence boost when a group of western scientists figure out FTL travel?

      • 1 month ago

        You think some third world pajeet is going to magically receive an intelligence boost when a group of western scientists figure out FTL travel?

        its pajeet cunning that beasts them
        pred 1


        Pred 2

        This fricker hunts crack heads his own friends us himself what the frick bros this is insane

        pred 3

        simmilar to 1 + 2 but they again do the most insane shit

        rescue a pred , pred goes human mode bum rushes an arm camp alone then the fricking humans come back to save it

        humans art smarter there beyond unpredictable

        Its shown why they fight sword to sword with samurai dudes
        because samurai dudes are unhuntable they dont run they just stand still raise there sword

        predators were probably baffled untill they started fighting them sword to sword (and occasionally loosening)

    • 1 month ago

      I enjoyed the movie too. Did everybody on this board forget that the Predators fight for honor and hunt for sport? The Predator in the first film went way harder on Arnie and his team because they were trained killers with lots of firepower and other equipment at their disposal. Also, other than the silly physics of her tomahawk rope, the main character in the newer movie really squeeked by with her victory against the predator, and a lot of the damage the predator took was when he was attacked by groups of men. If it was literally "little girl vs predator" the whole way through I would've rolled my eyes, but in the context of the franchise I thought it was a solid entry.

      • 1 month ago

        It's true to the spirit of the original. Narau learns quickly and wins by being smart, and like all good movies you can see they put actual thought into it.

      • 1 month ago

        >fight for honor
        Giant meme

        It's true to the spirit of the original. Narau learns quickly and wins by being smart, and like all good movies you can see they put actual thought into it.

        >It's true to the spirit of the original.
        No, it isn't, giant homosexual

  10. 1 month ago

    It's like that Godzilla vs Bambi short. I assume Alien Romulus (Xenomorph vs minuscule Cailee Spaeny) will be similarly, distracting absurd

  11. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    Yeah, the need for quality

  12. 1 month ago

    If she had Black Girl Magic the movie would have been over in 10 minutes.

  13. 1 month ago

    Prey was good and I'm tired of pretending it was not

    • 1 month ago

      Sure it is, buddy

    • 1 month ago

      >and I'm tired of pretending it was not
      Shut the frick up, homosexual.

    • 1 month ago

      I especially liked how All white men were ugly rapists and how all of them brutally died.

      • 1 month ago

        Read literally any White persons account of how ugly and barbaric the bison hunters were

      • 1 month ago

        well they were french so

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      It was ok. Was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a complete and utter piece of shit, so there's that

    • 1 month ago

      More like Prey (the 2006 videogame) is good.

    • 1 month ago

      Why are you pretending? Are you so shallow, so empty of any moral compass whatsoever, or solid heartfelt opinion, that you feel the overwhelming need to *pretend* about something you don’t believe so others won’t say something snide about you? Is your very existence, nay, your inborn molten core level of anxiety built upon such craven ideals that you have to PRETEND to go along with the unwashed masses so you can appear to fit in? Imagine being the spineless cowardly thing that is you. So afraid to be yourself, to be unique, you feel you must pretend to hold a belief you don’t agree with so you can remain hidden among marching morons on a daily basis. Truly, a more pathetic and emotionally crippled case of sorrow
      cannot be unearthed throughout human history, aside from the pitiful, sociological milquetoast that is you. It goes without saying, your dejected mother weeps at her ultimate failure that is your solitary, useless, and ephemeral existence of nothingness upon the face of our planet. The gods weep

      • 1 month ago

        its a meme you dip

  14. 1 month ago

    Presumably a girl predator, because they have TWO veganas (one in the pants, one in the face) instead of just one.

  15. 1 month ago

    It was an ok action movie and she's beautiful. What's not to like? I enjoyed it, but I won't watch it again

    • 1 month ago

      >What's not to like?
      the movie

      • 1 month ago

        Well I liked it. Not amazing, but entertaining.

        • 1 month ago

          It's ok. I enjoy many bad movies too

    • 1 month ago

      >What's not to like?
      The contrived ending. The girl power stuff was bad but didn't ruin the movie for me.

      • 1 month ago

        You've never met a woman in your life who did some legit "girl power" stuff?

        • 1 month ago

          Not the kind of shit you see written in modern movies.
          Xena was more believable

        • 1 month ago

          i don't leave my house im stone cold homie

    • 1 month ago

      >What's not to like?
      It was offensively stupid. The cgi was disgusting. Basically capeshit.

      • 1 month ago

        >offensively stupid
        It was an middle of the road action movie, you're stupid if you expected some deep shit in it

        • 1 month ago

          Predator and Predator 2 did it billions of times better 40 years ago with40yo technology

          • 1 month ago

            They were incredibly stupid movies too, that's why they were enjoyable

            • 1 month ago

              What's stupid about them?
              No they weren't. You are just being petty.

        • 1 month ago

          that's the problem - it was the action that was stupid. random power level jumping, mary sue out of nowhere, nonsense fight logic, weightless cgi.
          > you're stupid if you expected some deep shit
          homie I expected a fricking PREDATOR FILM. If you follow up one of the greatest action horrors ever with slop you should expect to be shit on.
          Predators (2010) was a fun, worthy sequel.

          • 1 month ago

            >Predators (2010) was a fun, worthy sequel.
            The only thing wrong with that movie was Walton Goggins didn't say Black person,

          • 1 month ago

            >Predators (2010) was a fun, worthy sequel
            And I'm out. If you've seriously gotten to the level of praising that movie, then there's no hope left.
            This place is fricked.

            • 1 month ago

              see you tomorrow anon

          • 1 month ago

            Predators (2010) was shit, and far from being a worthy sequel.
            Still better than NATIVE VS GLASS CEILING

    • 1 month ago

      haven't watched this slop but i'm gonna assume the cheap special effects and the awful camerawork and digital color grading they use to hide them

    • 1 month ago

      >she's beautiful.
      Zoolenials are fricking pathetic.

  16. 1 month ago

    >monster is near invincible terrifying killing machine at the start
    >at the end it just throws people around rooms and you can wrestle it to the ground
    this is probably my most hated trope. Prey and A Quiet Place are especially egregious.

  17. 1 month ago

    The patriarchy apparently.

  18. 1 month ago

    >Woman in movie
    >"AAARGH!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!"
    Serious or not, it's really getting pathetic at this point.

  19. 1 month ago

    Special Forces Dutch was a broken man who baaarely survived at the end of the first movie.

    This b***h walked into her village with the cut off head of the predator and acted like it was no biggie, barely a scratch on her.

    • 1 month ago

      It's almost comical. First thing she did was throw the head of the predator to the feet of the tribe leaders and start commanding them around in a boss b***h wanna be confident tone.

      Literally went straight to the girl boss cliche

    • 1 month ago

      That's not true you're a fricking moron

      • 1 month ago

        its absolutely true you cuck

        • 1 month ago

          No it isn't you homosexual, we already did this the other day you absolute moron

          • 1 month ago

            I want's here but I bet you were btfoed and had a meltdown

        • 1 month ago

          watching this reminded me how stupid it was that they spoke in english.

          • 1 month ago

            They did a version in Native American if it bothers you that much

          • 1 month ago

            the movie was released in america. movie makers often release movies in the dominant language for a country so that the actors can be understood. Books are available if I wanted to read. stay mad.

      • 1 month ago

        Nta, where is he wrong? I've watched this bs movie twice and that was the ending both times. Is there an alternate ending somewhere?

        • 1 month ago

          >Is there an alternate ending somewhere?
          I guess there is that homosexual's hadcanon and nothing else

  20. 1 month ago

    How many times do you want to get BTFO OP? you homosexual

  21. 1 month ago

    Poor writing, bad effects.

  22. 1 month ago

    Is that the girl from Legion?

  23. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      holy fricking shit what a goddess

      • 1 month ago

        I can cure her half breededness.

  24. 1 month ago

    Women love bears, deal with it.

  25. 1 month ago

    >giant space moron
    >only wins against humans because of brute strength and tech
    >doesn't understand how his own tech works
    >gets owned when a character takes a couple of minutes to come up with a proper trap involving said tech

    Oh wow, it's almost like the message was: Don't be a moron. No wonder it flew completely over OP's head.

    • 1 month ago

      So it was the special olympics of the Predator movies?

      • 1 month ago

        Basically, the pred in Prey came off like he was a special needs kid that went on a safari.
        Even the bear nearly got him because he was such a moron.

        • 1 month ago

          The Predator was young and easy to goad and aggro. Narau witnesses him fight the bear, thus becoming aware of his propensity to rash action.

  26. 1 month ago

    >be a half Asian half white mutt
    >get cast as an Indian

  27. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago
  28. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      She put a clover leaf on a skin-stripped carcass.
      Can't you see she's feminine and compassionate?
      Now watch her perform kung-fu on a cgi alien hunter and win!

      • 1 month ago

        that doesn't happen, are you really dense? why do you hate this movie you haven't seen?

        • 1 month ago

          >that doesn't happen
          >are you really dense?
          >why do you hate this movie
          I don't. Didn't even know it existed, really. I don't watch movies (or film trailers) anymore.
          >you haven't seen?
          My inferences from having seen the original "Predator" and seeing a tribal woman as the main character is that
          1. She fights the Predator without technology
          2. She wins
          If that is the case, it seems very contrived and unless she's hot-as-frick and nude, not something I want to watch for 2 hours.

          I made that webm 5 years ago and you're the first person to reply to it. I thought it was pretty funnyI love you please bear my children. This is unrionic

          No prob. Looks silly to me, too.

          • 1 month ago

            >I desperately want someone to talk to
            go the frick back then, you're opinions are worthless, you stupid child

            • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                how desperate are you for some sort of human interaction? you are willing to make a complete fool of yourself just so someone anyone responds even if its just to call you a fricking idiot. thats really sad

              • 1 month ago

                You're making me feel so bad, Mr. Internet poster...

              • 1 month ago

                >how desperate are you that you will make a complete fool of yourself for any kind of human interaction
                I guess the answer is very, well anon desperate for interaction heres another (you) just for (you)

          • 1 month ago

            >No prob. Looks silly to me, too.
            its like totes dead and she's like omg get well soon LOL I mean its perfect comedy
            I do standup and I just spend 15 minutes explaining that joke and people sometimes get it and laugh but sometimes don't
            am I so out of touch that they don't get it

          • 1 month ago

            >are you really dense?
            ah no kiddo yea seriously yea you are dumb as all frick

      • 1 month ago

        I made that webm 5 years ago and you're the first person to reply to it. I thought it was pretty funnyI love you please bear my children. This is unrionic

      • 1 month ago

        its a fake webm you fricking moron, you are insistent on making a fool of yourself eh?

  29. 1 month ago

    it was good
    ignore op hes just a chud homosexual
    She used wits and agility and it wasn't even over the top. It barely had any le women get it done like Op is implying. but he is a giga homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      >chud homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      >She used wits and agility
      She used Kratoses chainblades, and ripped piece of Predators head using her bare hands.
      >It barely had any le women get it done
      On the contrary my troon friend - she got all male warriors of the tribe killed just because of her pride, and as showcased in Predator 2, she got herself killed as well.

      • 1 month ago

        I bet you spend your whole day spouting meme words because you can't speak like a normal person in public you gigantic homosexual.
        I think home depot has some rope on sale

        • 1 month ago

          Simp some more for your paper thin girlbosses, troon.

          • 1 month ago

            you're delusional and make things up that never happened then get mad and rant about these things that only exist in your own head

            • 1 month ago

              How do you do this? How do you see this movie that the 5 feet tall girl defeats a predator and say its not girlboss shit? God, leftists are such dishonets dygenic homosexuals.

              • 1 month ago

                You have brain rot.
                You have reeler syndrome. You want everything to be a controversy
                You lived the p Diddy documentary on Netflix
                You want to find something to make you made at every point in your life so you can rebel because you are a hapless homosexual who can do nothing irl
                Stop posting

              • 1 month ago

                >You want everything to be a controversy
                That's you.
                Why do you want to defend a shit movie at all costs?

              • 1 month ago

                All costs to a zoomer is making a post while lying on the couch with my dog
                You're embarrassing yourself
                "NO u"
                There I did your next argument ;you trite little donkey

              • 1 month ago

                why are you so desperate to make shit up that never happened to shit on this movie?

              • 1 month ago

                All costs to a zoomer is making a post while lying on the couch with my dog
                You're embarrassing yourself
                "NO u"
                There I did your next argument ;you trite little donkey

                The movie is just bad and the character moronic. There is nothing more to it.
                You are now so angry you can't even write

              • 1 month ago

                how am I angry? why would I be? it was good its getting a sequel and I'm going to watch it again once I'm finished watching predators, walter goggins just got killed by a predator while calling him a homosexual

              • 1 month ago

                It's bad and you can't stand people who point it out.
                Keep getting miked by bad movies and spend days and nights defending them, I guess

              • 1 month ago

                have you even watched the movie?

  30. 1 month ago

    Audience disinterest.

  31. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    Unlicensed rape.

  32. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?

  33. 1 month ago

    it's unreal that anyone on this board would defend this film. actual trash for capeshit addicted sois.

    • 1 month ago

      go back to your tranime homosexual

      • 1 month ago

        t. butthurt whiteknight

  34. 1 month ago

    if women are so good then why do trans MMA fighters destroy them in seconds?

  35. 1 month ago


  36. 1 month ago

    Usually girl boss shit sucks, but she's pretty cool and smart throughout the movie so I liked her and the movie

    • 1 month ago

      She's lame and the only reason she wins is because the movie is reatrded and the villain a mongoloid

  37. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Tom "60 year old midget" Cruise is very believable when he beats up 7 foot tall henchman, stfu, troony.

    • 1 month ago

      Just stop writing, woketard, you can't make valid female characters

      • 1 month ago

        At least I get paid to serve slop to bottomfeeders like you. What are you doing, stocking shelves? You washing dishes bro?

  38. 1 month ago

    It was an Ok movie. Could have used a better predator tbh. She wins cause the predator dishonors her and thinks she’s a pup, never taking her seriously until it’s too late

  39. 1 month ago

    At worst, it's the #3 best film in the series

  40. 1 month ago

    Reminder that commanches had a taboo against eating fish and they treated their women like shit.

  41. 1 month ago

    Anyone got that compilation of girlbosses screaming and defeating armed men?

  42. 1 month ago

    Movies aren't real life. It's escapism and fantasticalness. Sooner you realize that some movies are trying to be that way the happier you'll be

  43. 1 month ago

    Or its just the traditional structure of an action/thriller movie. Having a normie character learn fast creates more dramatic tension.

    • 1 month ago

      Or it's just a bad movie

      look up Calendula idiot

      Does Calendula kills you with hypothermia? Is Calendula magic?

      • 1 month ago

        I said look it up not keep posting nonsenseical seethe

        • 1 month ago

          I said get a reality check, moron.
          She could have used some plant based paste over her her body to get the same effect of mud and be done with it, but they chose to go full moron.
          But the film's real problems are elsewhere (premise, cgi, writing, main character, action, villain...)

          • 1 month ago

            you moron the plant exists it just isn't quite as effective as shown in the film

            It's bad and you can't stand people who point it out.
            Keep getting miked by bad movies and spend days and nights defending them, I guess

            I'll continue to enjoy good films you continue to seethe about it, good chat

            • 1 month ago

              >you moron the plant exists it just isn't quite as effective as shown in the film
              Then it doesn't, idiot

              It's bad and you can't stand people who point it out.

              Keep getting miked by bad movies and spend days and nights defending them, I guess (You)
              >I'll continue to enjoy good films you continue to seethe about it, good chat
              No, lmao, you won't. You'll watch it out of spite while remembering than people don't like it.
              Then you will come here to have a meltdown, midmovie

              • 1 month ago

                your brain is legitimately damaged if you think I watch things by myself during my time off out of spite what am I psychically sending you messages?
                >haha I'm watching it again take that anonymous stranger
                now about that meltdown are you absolutely sure you are mentally sound? I watch things because I enjoy them and its been over a year since I watched prey, I am going through some predator movies now done with 1 and 2 almost done with predators, no fricking way i'm ever watching The Predator, that shit looked awful, so Prey is up next, might play oneof the old predator games next or go to alien movies maybe read some comics not sure see how I feel after prey

              • 1 month ago

                >TL;DR blog
                Ok, see you next time for another meltdown, baby

              • 1 month ago

                you can keep melting dwon now if you like i'll keep checking back in, predator just blew up the ship, haven't seen predators in ages its better the I remember but their is some really stupid shit too, like for some reason the og predator has control of the trios ship, or maybe they have control of his, ok I guess that makes sense maybe they just planted a bomb on it so if the og one got away they could just blow it up, eh its fine I suppose, adrian brody really is miscast though, didn't need a big guy but he can't pull off hardened mercenary very well, maybe bale playing him like he did connor in terminator would've worked better, its fine but could've been better

              • 1 month ago

                >TL;DR blog

              • 1 month ago

                so the turn from topher grace is decent even good the actual reveal is well done the hint leading up to it, I'd say its one of the strongest points of the film, but again its not perfect, just a little bit more on the hints side of things like maybe the way he acted with lawrence fishburn maybe he's the one who first catches on they are about to be betrayed something like that, still its a nice twist

  44. 1 month ago

    > Character learns how to make herbs by observing her mother, character notices things others do not, character is intelligent and very observant.

    • 1 month ago

      What are those herbs? What herb lowers your body temperature to the point of you stopping appearing on thermo yet doesn't give a heart attack?
      Where was this type of wonder medicine knowledge when small pox arrived?

      • 1 month ago

        how would that help with small pox?

        • 1 month ago

          It wouldn't. But if they figured out shit modern medicine can't do. Why can't they figured out a vaccine? The main point is that "le tree hugging Indians know of herbs white man couldn't figure out" is a moronic trope. There is no way you can lower your temperature this much and not go into cardiac arrest.

          • 1 month ago

            because figuring out a certain herb prepared a certain way makes you colder isn't the same thing not even remotely close, thats just stupid
            >le tree hugging Indians know of herbs white man couldn't figure out
            jfc you are just going to try and find anything to get mad at arn't you? it was just a diferent way then "cover yourself in mud" which is what every other predator movie does,how about the pistol? the only reason she had any chance at all isn't that
            >le fur trapping white man know of something indians couldn't figure out
            this is a really stupid attempt to find fault

      • 1 month ago

        It wouldn't. But if they figured out shit modern medicine can't do. Why can't they figured out a vaccine? The main point is that "le tree hugging Indians know of herbs white man couldn't figure out" is a moronic trope. There is no way you can lower your temperature this much and not go into cardiac arrest.

        look up Calendula idiot

  45. 1 month ago

    Yeah. You virginity.

    • 1 month ago

      Liking shit movies with shit characters and defending fictional women online doesn't make you a sex machine

  46. 1 month ago

    Women literally do not have the brain for hunting/fighting. At all. They don't know where to begin. There is no instinct, guile, or grit there. I always find this aspect even more hilariously backwards than the physical shortcomings. All women do is cry about how terrible war is, how much they hate violence, how men need to do more to protect them, and then those exact same people will turn around and demand representation as a magical fighting indian woman because reasons.

  47. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    White wiener

    • 1 month ago
  48. 1 month ago


  49. 1 month ago

    im more pissed that the predator was lame and had a more advanced net and healing tool

  50. 1 month ago

    >7ft tall,grizzly
    homie a grizzly is far bigger than that

  51. 1 month ago

    > Hundreds of dumb movies where a male protagonist is indestructible and does impossible shit: YAY THIS IS SO COOL!! WHAT A BADASS!!!

    > Movie in which female protagonist defeats adversary through cunning, wits, and adaptation: NO THIS IS UNREALISTIC!! MUH REALISM!!

    • 1 month ago

      You are fricking moron making this about a male vs woman fight
      >> Hundreds of dumb movies where a male protagonist is indestructible and does impossible shit: YAY THIS IS SO COOL!! WHAT A BADASS!!!
      We call those movies shit movies and nobody defend them
      >> Movie in which female protagonist defeats adversary through cunning, wits, and adaptation: NO THIS IS UNREALISTIC!! MUH REALISM!!
      Whe call those movies shit movies and you defend them on and on because they have a woman

    • 1 month ago

      >cunning, wits, adaptation

      Never happens so yeah

  52. 1 month ago

    >women aren't as strong as men
    >but 70 years old Luke should've been a huge badass
    Rightoid logic

    • 1 month ago

      who the frick is luke?

    • 1 month ago

      t. mindbroken
      Your movies and characters are just badly made and conceived

  53. 1 month ago

    trans power, apparently.

  54. 1 month ago

    This was a pretty bad movie. Maybe the new one will give us more insight why the pred was handicapped.

  55. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    the box office or hollywood accounting

  56. 1 month ago

    The female womb kills as egg every month.

    An unfertalized women has more kills on her belt than any alien ever could.

  57. 1 month ago

    Haha good one anon! i too watched PointlessHubs video on this movie! thank you!

  58. 1 month ago

    She knew it wasn’t a bear.

  59. 1 month ago

    >here's that round-faced, full-lipped, absolutely not thai native american i was telling you about 😉
    jesus christ

  60. 1 month ago

    It’s impossible to beat the first one.

  61. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    Audience with standards, apparently
    Who watches this shit?

    • 1 month ago

      everyone, it did very well and is getting a sequel

      • 1 month ago

        your subreddit isn't "everyone"

        • 1 month ago

          I wouldn't know never been their I'm talking about how it did so well its getting a direct sequel first ever in the predator series

          • 1 month ago

            >chep badmovies gets a cheap sequel
            It's still bad 😉

            • 1 month ago

              >I think this film is great and i'm happy its getting a sequel
              >uh it'll be on the same budget as the first one
              lmao what a stupid attempt at an argument if thats what they can achieve with the budget they have then with more experience it could only get better or at least be on par, jfc you really have nothing to work with eh?

  62. 1 month ago

    >"I grew up with four brothers."
    That's when the movie jumped the shark.

    • 1 month ago

      The movie jumps the shark every 10 minutes. Hard to take anything seriously

    • 1 month ago

      that doesn't happen, she has one brother who does all the heavy lifting quite literally carrying her over confident stupid ass back to camp

      The movie jumps the shark every 10 minutes. Hard to take anything seriously

      it never does you don't understand what that phrase means

  63. 1 month ago

    The predator was a pussy
    The brother was beating him in fair combat and then the MF cloaked

    • 1 month ago

      the only predator that wasn't a massive cheat was Wolf, because he wasn't playing a game he was on a mission

  64. 1 month ago

    avatar live action really did her dirty

    • 1 month ago

      she would've made a great azula

      • 1 month ago

        >25 during filming
        >mutt ethnicity
        nah bro

        • 1 month ago

          I was going to add a caveat that she was too old for azula, I thought she did fine as moon girl though, what was your problem their?

          • 1 month ago

            the costume department gave her a dollar store wig, it was a common complaint

            • 1 month ago

              better then dickhead hair, but yes it looked bad fair point

  65. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    critical thought.

  66. 1 month ago
  67. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    OMIGAWD I FRICKING HATE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. 1 month ago

    Reminds me of her, who didn't do much really.

  69. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      make prey 2 NOW

      • 1 month ago

        she won't frick you even if you watch her bad movie

        • 1 month ago

          I very much doubt she would frick me doesn't mean I won't enjoy seeing her on screen again, what a bizzare comeback, I liked the movie I will likely enjoy the new one, I don't expect to frick adrian brody nor have any desire to either, I still liked predators, what is this strange as frick idea that because someone likes something they think the actor will frick them? is that what you think do you like the og Predator because you think Arnold is going to frick you? what is the name of this mental disability?

          • 1 month ago

            >I think this film is great and i'm happy its getting a sequel
            >uh it'll be on the same budget as the first one
            lmao what a stupid attempt at an argument if thats what they can achieve with the budget they have then with more experience it could only get better or at least be on par, jfc you really have nothing to work with eh?

            >I like bad movies and defend women online, look at me, I'm very proud
            Buy an ad

            • 1 month ago

              what would I buy an ad for? what would I be advertising? you starting this thread OP i'm just posting in it, do you have any non-buzz phrases to contribute, I know its been a massive shock to discover some people like what you don't but I'm sure you can at least attempt to actually discuss something rather then posting tired buzz phrases
              >uh she's a girlboss
              no she isn't
              >uh she can't fight a predator
              sure she didn't
              >she isn't pure native american
              I don't care she's cute
              >uh this movie bombed
              no it didn't
              >uh she won't frick you
              never thought she would
              >uh its bad
              nah disagree
              we are here, you are hilarious, if you wanted to rant about woke girlboss shit you picked the wrong movie to do it

              • 1 month ago

                >everyone is one person
                What an argument. Now all the accusations are magically debooonked and the movie is magically gooood
                If you wanted to argue a good movie you picked the wrong movie to do it

              • 1 month ago

                you say its bad I say its good, not really anything else to say from here I can point out all the scenes I like you can continue to post tired cliches without any substance or weight, go ahead, doesn't matter at all what you say I and apprently many others will continue to enjoy the film and likely enjoy the sequel while you continue to impotently seethe it exists and keep saying nothing except
                >its bad
                >i-it just is ok

              • 1 month ago

                All your arguments were "nu hu" kek
                You are like a snydertard who still demand explanations about why are snydershit supposed to be bad years later and after billions of times it was explained to him in detail
                Yeah, you said it's good kek

              • 1 month ago

                you are really new eh? you don't understand what greentext is do you?

  70. 1 month ago
  71. 1 month ago
  72. 1 month ago
  73. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      how about when shes brushing her teeth with the stick? its cute as

      • 1 month ago

        I haven't. I didn't make them unfortunately.

        • 1 month ago

          shame, still thats a nice one, great scene

        • 1 month ago

          why did they make the mask different?

          • 1 month ago

            Because it was set in ye olde times.

  74. 1 month ago

    Who is still shilling this fart in the wind?
    Don't you have some fallout thread to make?

    • 1 month ago

      why does this great action flick make you upset? you didn't even watch it why do you care?

    • 1 month ago

      I mean, it's the best Predator film since Predator 2. Not saying much but still.

      • 1 month ago

        I would say its better then 2 but then 2 has the disc and the med kit scene

      • 1 month ago

        Predator > Predator 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Predators >>>>>>>> Prey >>> The Predator

        • 1 month ago

          I liked that. I'd still put Prey maybe just ahead of it.

        • 1 month ago





          Dog Shit>>>>The Predator

          • 1 month ago

            AvP2 might have been better if it was just a little bit lighter, it was too dark. I liked Reiko Aylesworth as the Ripley type character.

            • 1 month ago

              yep agreed thats why I thought I'd skip it on this rewatch of pred movies, but now i'm reconsidering, maybe avp2 as well before moving on, Wolf is cool as frick and the setting small town being overrun by aliens is a really good one

            • 1 month ago

              AvP 2 had awesome 5min of predator action and the rest was barely watchable

              • 1 month ago

                It probably had more, but it was too dark to see.

              • 1 month ago

                It might have had more thats watchable, if you could see anything

          • 1 month ago

            Lmao no way. Pred2 mogs the shit out of Prey. Predators and AvP1 too.

            • 1 month ago

              goddamn, no sorry have to disagree completely, pred 2 is very silly and tonally all over the place, however their are some cool af scenes and pred tech, just finished predators and while it is better the I remember it has a probelm, I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is, maybe because it feels like a prequel to a moive that doesn't exist. As for AvP1 it holds a special place for me as the goofiest dumbest shit I love it for being s godamn unapologetically b movie dumb I dragged everyone to the cinema to see and while I love it for its goofy shit that doesn't mean I won't acknowledge thats its utterly cartoon tier, it has its place, and I'm glad it exists bt I would never call it good lace hedricksens
              >I need this
              still is a joke among my friends any time we are arguing about doing something just throwing that in
              >bros...bros...I need this
              never fails to make us all crack up, its moronic but its a good kinda moronic, doesn't fit in with the rest though, maybe alien resurrection

        • 1 month ago

          Where is AvP?

          • 1 month ago

            >Where is AvP?
            It's difficult to say. As a movie below Predator 2. As a predator movie it's.... dunno. Didn't like that they were noobs but I liked the execution.
            Ok let's settle for behind P2 and before Predators

  75. 1 month ago

    The only way I'd ever watch a girl fights predator movie is if she was mostly naked for most of the movie. Anything less sounds moronic and you're a homosexual for trying to humanize sex objects

    • 1 month ago

      I'm on it.

    • 1 month ago

      she nver fights him that is one of the many things that makes every single attempt you make to argue against this movie moronic, its obvious you never saw it, what the frick makes someone whos never seen a movie spend this much time trying to shit on it?

      • 1 month ago

        I only made one post take your meds. If she ain't naked my point still stands you fricking homo

        • 1 month ago

          if she was you'd complain its unrealistic she's sliding all over the place on her bare butt would've been nice though, you didn't have a point btw you just want to see her naked which I completely empathise with and would be happy with, but full time nah, would've made the movie suck now this movie you haven't seen at one point she gets covered in mud and hides in a lake while the pred fights a bear, if she had stripped down after that to wash off, now that would've made it 10/10

  76. 1 month ago

    >Is there something that girl power can't defeat?
    The wall

  77. 1 month ago

    I'm surprised they havent done one in ww2 Germany yet
    Aryan vs predator

    • 1 month ago

      ww1 would be better, ww2 is played out and boring, their are so many setting that would be fun, boer wars, 1800 london or the carribean, pred vs pirates, cloak doesn't work in water, fall of rome, nepolianic wars, drop the pred in almost anywhere you can make it work

      • 1 month ago

        All this concept of primitives angainst Predator sounds lame as frick and can only end with human asspulls vs predator being moronic

        • 1 month ago

          no its great, also the preds nerfing themselves to use tech that is more appropriate for the prey they are hunting, you are a homosexual think of them as big game hunters, you don't show up in a blackhawk with 50cals to hunt a lion on the plains thats just boring

          • 1 month ago

            No, it's stupid. It's the exact same moronic story every time. And suddenly you have hundreds of people throughout history that have killed fricking predators because they've been coming to hunt on earth for thousands of years and dying every time to lucky protagonists who apparently keep it a secret

            • 1 month ago

              or the predators kill them and no-one knows, or they kill the pred and a legend forms of some scary as frick supernatural being who hunts in the wilds, gee what a strange idea that could never happen irl some strange stories and myths of supernatural beings in the wilds hunting and killing, what a strech, you stupid homosexual, the legend of the predator easily fits into real world myths not even considering wait for it this may surprise you...THIS ISN'T THE REAL WORLD ITS SCI-FI HORROR STORIES you fricking dipshit, jfc are you genuenly autistic, have even seen any of the predator movies even 1 or 2? the ones you say are the only real ones? both talk about ledgends of predators that have been around for ages, both of them stop posting you fricking moron, int he first film the girl talks about how its a legend that a monster comes and hunts brave men in the forest, in the 2nd one the voodoo guy talks about how their are legends of the "invisible monster that hunts brave warriors" why are you even posting when you have no idea what you are posting about?

            • 1 month ago

              no its a great story, and it was established in the first fricking movie they have been doing this for ages, you just never saw any of the movies and are being contrain for no fricking reason

  78. 1 month ago
  79. 1 month ago

    Predator weak as hell in this movie

    • 1 month ago

      lol no

      I haven't. I didn't make them unfortunately.

      he's a fricking beast

    • 1 month ago

      He had down syndrome, andstill hat to become extra moronic to be beaten by glass celing shattering girl

      • 1 month ago

        you are terminally obsessed with 2016 buzzwords you haven't even watching the movie you are trying to talk about

        • 1 month ago

          you haven't even watched either of them or any of the others so how wold you know?

          >U haven't seen
          Trite old cope

          or the predators kill them and no-one knows, or they kill the pred and a legend forms of some scary as frick supernatural being who hunts in the wilds, gee what a strange idea that could never happen irl some strange stories and myths of supernatural beings in the wilds hunting and killing, what a strech, you stupid homosexual, the legend of the predator easily fits into real world myths not even considering wait for it this may surprise you...THIS ISN'T THE REAL WORLD ITS SCI-FI HORROR STORIES you fricking dipshit, jfc are you genuenly autistic, have even seen any of the predator movies even 1 or 2? the ones you say are the only real ones? both talk about ledgends of predators that have been around for ages, both of them stop posting you fricking moron, int he first film the girl talks about how its a legend that a monster comes and hunts brave men in the forest, in the 2nd one the voodoo guy talks about how their are legends of the "invisible monster that hunts brave warriors" why are you even posting when you have no idea what you are posting about?

          Basically it's bad, got it.

          • 1 month ago

            so in short you haven't seen it and have no business commenting on it, lol what the frick makes you think your opinion matters?

            • 1 month ago

              QED kek

              >Basically it's bad, got it.
              so Predator is bad, predator 2 is bad all of them are bad that is what you are saying? okay so frick off then, your opinion is less then relevant, you think all these movies are bad why do you think anything you say matters?

              you are so mad, kek

              • 1 month ago

                no thats not a non-sequitur its a direct response to your stupidity fricking idiot you don't even have a clue what you are talking about at all do you? damn you are stupid

              • 1 month ago

                >Oh, agh, I'm so mad now! Why am I so misundertood?

              • 1 month ago

                >Why am I so misundertood
                no I think we understand you quite well, you are an idiot desperate of a (you) really anyone to talk to even if its just people calling you a moron over and over, as long as someone anyone is replying for (you) thats more then enough

          • 1 month ago

            >Basically it's bad, got it.
            so Predator is bad, predator 2 is bad all of them are bad that is what you are saying? okay so frick off then, your opinion is less then relevant, you think all these movies are bad why do you think anything you say matters?

            • 1 month ago

              so in short you haven't seen it and have no business commenting on it, lol what the frick makes you think your opinion matters?


              • 1 month ago

                its ok to admit you are a clueless zoomer with no idea what you are talking about, you already have ITT after all, frickwit

              • 1 month ago

                >Why am I so misundertood
                no I think we understand you quite well, you are an idiot desperate of a (you) really anyone to talk to even if its just people calling you a moron over and over, as long as someone anyone is replying for (you) thats more then enough

                Nice blog, bro
                You still here talking to yourself?
                I'm watching the only two good predator movies (1&2) in a row and dropping here every now and then to make you mad without reading your seething comments. How is it working?

              • 1 month ago

                no i'm talking to you, you haven't seen either 1 or 2 but you should 1 is really great and 2 is cheesy fun, keep thinking i'm mad if that makes you feel better though you clearly need anything you can get

              • 1 month ago

                Write a diary about it, bimbo

              • 1 month ago

                Prey was shit btw. Stupid character

              • 1 month ago

                aww you keep trying with those insults zoom zoom i'm sure one day you'll get it, now go actually watch Predator. I'll be here when your finished with the opening credits and need a break

              • 1 month ago

                If you weren't mad you would have just stopped giving me (you)s, but you literally can't

              • 1 month ago

                I just care about you're mental health too much, you clearly need this, so heres another (you) just for (you), I know I know you just want to sperg out and then samegay agreeing with yourself, but trust your elders this is for your own good.

              • 1 month ago

                Thanks for the (you)

              • 1 month ago

                aw good work lil bud I was hoping you'd pick up on that, I left it just for (you), heres another one now then go rev up that switch or w/e you crazy kids are watching stuff on these days, I want you to at least get 10min into Predator before daybreak think (you) can do that for me?

              • 1 month ago

                Didn't read.
                You can't stop giving me yous kek

              • 1 month ago

                how far have you gotten now? at least finish opening credits? hey its a start, and starting is 1/2 the battle

  80. 1 month ago

    The patriarchy, apparently, as they are always fighting it.

  81. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      this scene is responisble for my deaths in AvP2 so much, you can heal near instaly but you do the predator scream when it happens, meaning if some fricking sniper marine or alien is close they can track you, it only takes a couple seconds to recover, but in a massive melee with dozens of players its death I love this scene

      • 1 month ago

        You Vill get ze facehug and you vill be happy

  82. 1 month ago
  83. 1 month ago

    The patriarchy

  84. 1 month ago

    The Dick

  85. 1 month ago

    she had help, also who gives a frick. loved this movie can't wait for the next one

  86. 1 month ago

    So why do we have daily seethe threads for this movie?
    Is it just for easy (you)s or is it some autistic guy just sperging out for a year straight? Or however long ago this movie came out.

    • 1 month ago

      People like making fun of mediocre movies. For some, that's all that makes them happy.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't disagree but like, there's other movie to post about. There's constant new bad/mediocre movies coming out. Constantly.
        Hell, Hellraiser came out around the same time as this and it has literal trannies, gays, white man bad, female protagonist, the whole nine yards and it doesn't get 1/100th of the amount of threads as this movie.

        • 1 month ago

          Maybe it's because hallraiser is dogshit too but it doesn't have rabid defenders?
          Think about SW prequels

    • 1 month ago

      some anon has been super upset this film exists for going on 2 years now, apparetly because it has a gurl in it, eh its mostly just an excuse to talk about predator stuff

    • 1 month ago

      It's that seeing people vehemently defending bad movies is irritating to some

  87. 1 month ago

    I don't really have a problem with strong women tbqhwy

    • 1 month ago

      qt. The skinny nerd she's wrestling isn't equivalent to the hulking Predator though.

      • 1 month ago

        I mean it doesn't really matter when the Predator can KO a bear with one punch. Arnie couldn't compete physically with it either. It always comes down to bushcraft.

        • 1 month ago

          You've got to outsmart th3 Predator yeah.

    • 1 month ago

      how embarrassing

  88. 1 month ago

    She gets her ass kicked multiple times, and finally uses her wits and her training in medicine to kill him.

    • 1 month ago

      >She gets her ass kicked multiple times,
      When? She falls from a branch when she gets distracted by moron Predator. That's as far as her "losses" went.
      >and finally uses her wits
      b***h knows the moron predators advanced alien technology better than he did after watching him use them once.
      >and her training
      True, true. She did have the best type of training possible: self trained woman. That's rare to see.
      >in medicine
      Magical invisibility medicine. A body temp a few degrees over or under will kill a person, or at the very least make them feel like they're dying, but this b***h can drop it to ambient temp and still be able to do more super human stuff, such as....
      > to kill him.
      By completely overpowering the moron predator physically and mentally.

      The more I think about it, the more I hate this movie.

  89. 1 month ago

    In Soviet Russian, strong woman overcome you!

  90. 1 month ago

    >only loses deer because of the Predator ship
    >bounces and spins off trees like Legolas
    >"louk at muh tomahawk skillz tho!"
    >"use that tomahawk your father gave you to cut plants...not make dinner for the men" (kek)
    >"louk at muh tomahawk skillz tho, this time rope!"
    >"let her come, she's the best tracker add medical knowledge of orange flowers"
    >only loses cougar ("lion" sounds scarier) because sexism was distracting her; still almost gets it but Predator noise distracts her
    >he carried you home (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! MUH STRUGGLE!)
    >"I only killed that "lion" because of your plan and you wounded it for me"
    >only gets beat in fight with men because they need to show female oppression
    >they have to gang up and sucker punch to stop her
    >(still make them likeable and awesome warriors who hold their own against the predator because Indians have to be portrayed positively)
    >only gets caught by dirty/ugly/stupid/evil white people because of animal trap
    >proceeds to beat the shit out of like 5 of them at once when the time comes
    >"I will give this cowardly white man magic flower medicine because I noble..."
    >"he will give me a pistol which will become effective because I, an Indian woman, am now weilding it"
    >[guns aren't effective when there are dozens of them being used by trained men with a plan, because they're white and evil and stupid]
    >mutilates white trapper/leaves him for bait ("HE BAD THO! YAS QUEEN!")
    >"I'M A GIRL AND SO I AM IGNORED! THAT MAKES ME STONG!" monologue to no one
    >holds her own one-on-one fighting the Predator hand to hand (she gets to beat it because not only is she Indian, she has XX factor)
    >"Look tribe! Your sons are dead, so is my own brother...but I'm a hunter now! YASS, SLAY QUEEN! LITERALLY!"
    "SHE NOT A MARY SUE THO!" [confused by the fact all the male indians are also gary sues/just generally confused because: moron]

    • 1 month ago

      do they fly?

      • 1 month ago

        >Predator gets wounded in every scene its in
        >indians bounce of trees like Legolas and consistently out maneuver the Predator in combat
        >all white people in the movie are disgustingly dirty, ugly, and cowardly
        >in fact, the only time the Predator seems badass is when it takes out dozens of the trappers armed with guns and a plan like it's nothing; including using a shield to block their shot
        >just ignore that they were aware of it and had a plan to kill it--you don't have to worry about their plan though because they're stupid
        >also ignore that the guns are only effective when an indian has one and not when they had dozens
        >also forget that the trappers were somehow evading the Predator until they were necessary for the plot; we don't need to know about their encounter with it beforehand because they're just there to be evil and get killed
        >the Predator goes against mythos and cheats by turning itself invisible when it's losing a fight with the girl's brother--he's just too much for it with his ability to spin around and get close enough to pull the arrows he shot into it and reuse them
        >she has magic indian herbs that turn her invisible because they're just so in touch with nature
        >she pulls the same move as the convict in Predators but she doesn't get instantly killed like he did
        >the Comanche were land vikings...the only part of the movie that kind of depicts this is when she cuts off a trapper's leg to use him as bait but he's evil, tied her up with her brother for the same purpose, and wanted to rape her so it's not like she's unjustified in the eyes of the audience
        The Predator is never a threat to anything except wild animals and evil white people. The indians are all mary sues. The movie is editted well and shot nicely and things are set up (e.g swamp/herbs/trap) but it the Predator is a moron whenever it fights Indians (which are all superpowered).

        • 1 month ago
  91. 1 month ago

    Why is it okay when the overweight out of shape cop does it?

    • 1 month ago

      >overweight out of shape
      Troonie cope in full overdrive.

      • 1 month ago

        lol are you really trying to say danny glover is in shape now? heir is reaching their is desperate and then their is you

        • 1 month ago

          That is a picture from Predator 2. You don't know that, because you never saw any of these movies.

          • 1 month ago

            yes I am well aware of what its from you stupid child learn to read, I eant you are trying to say he is in shape "now" as in that movie, long long after he was ever in shape, I grew up watching pred 2 it was on tv much more then predator was, their was a tv cut of pred 2 they played constantly around 11pm saturday, it was probably because it was cheap now when they played actual predator that was different very rare, maybe once a year, hide the vcr under a chair and program it to start recording, their was a tv cut of that as well cut out most of the skinned bodies and the chest exploding shot from the plasma cannon, their was one copy of proper r18+ predator floating around among our friends group when we were about 12, it would be handed around like a sacred treasure proper box cover and all, everyone had it for a couple weeks at a time, could only watch it in secret make sure to be careful parents could never find out, woe be on anyone who fricked up and was found out, happened to some other films but we all made sure predator was safe, my one was desperado, had a perfect copy recorded late nigth and copied it for friends, that one did get confiscated a few times but I always had the master copy well hidden that thing gave me a lot of leverage to get other stuff. god growing up in the 90s was fun. Anyway trying to use danny glover as an example of a fit candidate to hunt the predator is hilarious, sure it was a more avaliable one that we could get away with watching easier, all the parents would immediately go into warning mode if they saw arnie on screen, but fatass old man glover, nah just pause and say we are watching some cop show or something

        • 1 month ago

          >heir is reaching their is desperate and then their is you
          esl moron

      • 1 month ago

        That is a picture from Predator 2. You don't know that, because you never saw any of these movies.

        really is ridiculous how many dorks think Glover was weak and ready for retirement rather than shredded in Predator 2. They just confuse it with his character in Lethal Weapon for no reason

        • 1 month ago

          but most of the Lethal Weapon s were filmed before Predator 2

          • 1 month ago

            really is ridiculous how many dorks think Glover was weak and ready for retirement rather than shredded in Predator 2. They just confuse it with his character in Lethal Weapon for no reason

            Danny Glover was 40 years old in Lethal Weapon.

            • 1 month ago

              I'm almost 50 myself, and I can tell you, I'm too old for this shit.

            • 1 month ago

              that doesn't change the fact that they filmed 3 LW movies before Predator 2

  92. 1 month ago

    >gets wiped out a few weeks later by this...

    • 1 month ago

      Not even that, movie shows another Predator ship landing, and the Predator chieftain gives Danny Glover the gun she took as a trophy. She got herself killed.

    • 1 month ago

      3 rounds a minute not bad but we can do better, why not spit load, he'd get to at least 4

  93. 1 month ago

    Why couldn't we get a Predator movie set in the feudal isolation period of Japan instead?
    >samurai lose a battle against a rival clan
    >survivors are returning to their prefecture and debating seppuku/regrouping
    >start getting preyed on by the predator

    Or how about one with Knights Templar going to or returning from the Crusades? Why did we get a shitty Mary Sioux version instead? Fricking lame.

    • 1 month ago

      actually there is a crusader vs pred short movie, its pretty good

    • 1 month ago

      I doubt even the idea you just described would be that good. At least it wouldn't be defended just because it has a female protagonist

      • 1 month ago

        but you've never watched a single movie that didn't involve spandex in your life much less a predator movie so how would you know?

        • 1 month ago

          You idea for a movie just sounds lame.
          No pre modern setting would have anything to say about the alien and technological side of the predator. And would require some handwaving for the tact that Pred cand see heat. Things like that.

          • 1 month ago

            (You) don't understand that the preds tech far exceeds modern day or any other setting you put it in, they nerf themselves for fun, so putting them in scenarios in various points throughout history would not only be heaps of fun it makes perfect sense as shown by both predator 1 and 2 you'd know this if you had seen either, now get onto actually watching at least one of these films you try to discuss, traditionally you start with the first one, its called Predator, its stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, now I understand you kids have the attention span of a nat but please try you don't need to watch it all at once, just set yourself achievable goals, lets start with the first 10 minutes for today, enjoy its a great film, you'll finish at least one movie by the end of the year I believe in you

    • 1 month ago

      none of that is interesting.

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