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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Wingards death note was the only live action anime adaption I actually liked because he seemed to respect the source material enough to seperate himself from it and give his own take. Made an edgy supernatural teen movie using the animes ideas instead of trying to recreate it like The Last Airbender or Netflix cowboy bebop which feel like much more of a spit in the face

    I’m sure the duffer brothers will frick this up though, since they will probably be trying to make a more “faithful version” that’s ultimately just a much lower quality version of the original after the backlash of Wingards version

    • 2 years ago

      >respect the source
      >give his own take

      • 2 years ago

        This is really low effort bait.

        It’s not bait. Adapting anime to live action is an inherently terrible idea because stories and ideas that work in animation usually don’t work in live action. I don’t think Wingards death note was great but it was a passable film taken on its own.

        There’s nothing more disrespectful to the source material than trying to make a carbon copy of it in live action, because that’s literally just an inferior clone, telling a story that’s already been told for profit. Wingard took the basic ideas and characters and used it to make something completely different, which is far more respectable. Wingards death note isn’t even set in the same country, and his Light doesn’t share anything with his anime counterpart except a name, he told his own story using the basic ideas of the anime. Was it a good story? Not really, but atleast he did his own thing instead of raping the source material, like Netflix cowboy bebop or M. Nights the last airbender

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s a good movie by any stretch. I only watched it once and enjoyed it as a schlocky edgy supernatural teen movie. something like M Nights the last airbender cant have the same effect because it’s just an inferior version of its source material, while Wingards death note is something different entirely

        • 2 years ago

          >Not really, but atleast he did his own thing instead of raping the source material, like Netflix cowboy bebop or M. Nights the last airbender
          They also did their own thing, moron. How can you possibly act like either are anything close to the source material?

          • 2 years ago

            >They also did their own thing, moron. How can you possibly act like either are anything close to the source material?

            No they didn’t, they just took the source material and raped it. Cowboy bebop told the same story with unfunny marvel jokes and le strong women and The last airbender told the same story with indians and mispronounced names. They made a bunch of terrible changes to the story but still had the same plot. Death Note was it’s own thing. it shared the setup of light finding the death note and meeting Ryuk, and a couple of moments from the show. But other than that it was completely different. Death notes anime never had a scene where L chases light with a fricking gun, Misa wasn’t lights BPD highschool friend that turns out to be more crazy and evil than him, light wasn’t an edgy homosexual that gets bullied and eats popcorn while watching his kills on tv, there isn’t a big finale in a theme park. Most of the animes key plot points are entirely absent and it has its own instead. Cowboy bebop added backstory filler but overall it’s following the same story, just like airbender following book 1. You are delusional if you can’t see the difference here. You can still argue that Wingards death note is an unwatchable abomination like most people do but trying to claim it’s intentions were the same as Netflix BeBop or M nights airbender is completely dishonest

            Shitguard sucks at making movies.

            Yeah I’m not a fan of his, they’re passable popcorn flicks and death note was no exception. Still better than the average capeshit though

            >stories and ideas that work in animation usually don't work in live action
            Are you moronic? The same can be said of western animation and/or comics and yet superhero movies seem to work fine.
            Live action anime adaptations fail because the people who make it are fricking morons who try to impose western values on eastern material. Japs have made a number of great live action anime adaptations.

            Superhero movies fricking suck. Death Note is fairly grounded in reality, even then a live action depiction of a teenager who has a god of death that follows him around like a pet is completely moronic. Live action doesn’t allow you to suspend your disbelief like animation does and CGI doesn’t allow a character like Ryuk to blend perfectly into the world and it’s aesthetic without looking silly

            • 2 years ago

              >No they didn’t, they just took the source material and raped it. Cowboy bebop told the same story with unfunny marvel jokes and le strong women and The last airbender told the same story with indians and mispronounced names.
              They ruined the original story by making moronic changes to it until the whole thing was completely disfigured.

        • 2 years ago

          > Adapting anime to live action is an inherently terrible idea because stories and ideas that work in animation usually don’t work in live action.
          Not if you cast Black folk as the major characters.

        • 2 years ago

          >stories and ideas that work in animation usually don't work in live action
          Are you moronic? The same can be said of western animation and/or comics and yet superhero movies seem to work fine.
          Live action anime adaptations fail because the people who make it are fricking morons who try to impose western values on eastern material. Japs have made a number of great live action anime adaptations.

          • 2 years ago

            Disney Marvel movies aren't marvel comic books.The only good Batman movies (Burton) weren't really like comic books. Nolan bat weren't like comic books.
            Can go on

            • 2 years ago

              Black person, if you are trying to imply that Batman The Movie ('66) isn't an enjoyable movie we are going to have a problem. The Reeves Superman and Raimi Spider-Man films also range from good to great and lean fully into their comic book origins.

              >They also did their own thing, moron. How can you possibly act like either are anything close to the source material?

              No they didn’t, they just took the source material and raped it. Cowboy bebop told the same story with unfunny marvel jokes and le strong women and The last airbender told the same story with indians and mispronounced names. They made a bunch of terrible changes to the story but still had the same plot. Death Note was it’s own thing. it shared the setup of light finding the death note and meeting Ryuk, and a couple of moments from the show. But other than that it was completely different. Death notes anime never had a scene where L chases light with a fricking gun, Misa wasn’t lights BPD highschool friend that turns out to be more crazy and evil than him, light wasn’t an edgy homosexual that gets bullied and eats popcorn while watching his kills on tv, there isn’t a big finale in a theme park. Most of the animes key plot points are entirely absent and it has its own instead. Cowboy bebop added backstory filler but overall it’s following the same story, just like airbender following book 1. You are delusional if you can’t see the difference here. You can still argue that Wingards death note is an unwatchable abomination like most people do but trying to claim it’s intentions were the same as Netflix BeBop or M nights airbender is completely dishonest

              Yeah I’m not a fan of his, they’re passable popcorn flicks and death note was no exception. Still better than the average capeshit though

              Superhero movies fricking suck. Death Note is fairly grounded in reality, even then a live action depiction of a teenager who has a god of death that follows him around like a pet is completely moronic. Live action doesn’t allow you to suspend your disbelief like animation does and CGI doesn’t allow a character like Ryuk to blend perfectly into the world and it’s aesthetic without looking silly

              >Superhero movies fricking suck
              You fricking suck. MCU sucks but the cultural impact of Christopher Reeves as Superman should not be ignored. The music, visuals, and general iconicness of Superman (and also Burton's Batman) have endured longer than you've been alive.
              >Live action doesn't allow you to suspend your disbelief like animation does and CGI doesn't allow a character like Ryuk to blend perfectly into the world
              Black person unless you're about to tell me that Jurassic Park, ET, The Thing, and Terminator are shitty movies because 'you can't suspend your disbelief like you would be able to in animation' you're a fricking stupid Black person hypocrite.

              Marvel movies work because they largely disregard nonsensical comic book writing.

              You are moronic. Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers, two of the better liked films in the MCU both lean in HEAVILY into moronic comic book tropes and writing.

              • 2 years ago

                >You fricking suck. MCU sucks but the cultural impact of Christopher Reeves as Superman should not be ignored. The music, visuals, and general iconicness of Superman (and also Burton's Batman) have endured longer than you've been alive.

                I’m a zoomer, I haven’t seen reeves super man since I was a small child so I can’t speak on it

                Batman 89 sucks ass and Batman Returns is only kino because it’s more of Burton film than a Batman one, you can pick any frame out of that movie and tell it was made by him, it’s incredibly fricking strange and dark, the penguins overly cruel origin story, the sets, the costumes, etc. That movie is just burton doing his thing and basically ignoring the fact it’s capeshit. Western comics also fricking suck to begin with so their shitty adaptions aren’t as offensive

                (1/2 more autistic rambling on the way)

              • 2 years ago

                >Black person unless you're about to tell me that Jurassic Park, ET, The Thing, and Terminator are shitty movies because 'you can't suspend your disbelief like you would be able to in animation' you're a fricking stupid Black person hypocrite.

                Terrible examples, Spielberg is just capeshit for boomers and I’m not surprised you hold this perspective on live action adaptions since you have most shallow mainstream tastes imaginable. I will be nice though and give you a good example of the point you’re trying to argue: Bladerunner

                It’s a live action movie and the script was written with that in mind, they’re able to bring an incredible futuristic world to life that still looks amazing today, have flying cars, robots, etc. all while maintaining your suspension of disbelief. All of that was achievable in live action but if you take an animated story people consider similar like Akira or Ghost in the shell, it simply does not work, Bladerunner can’t show a naked robot woman’s body composition changing in real time and convulsing as it’s torn a part because there’s no way to do that in live action that doesn’t look fricking silly, it wasn’t possible in the 80s and it isn’t in 2022. E.T works because he’s a puppet, a character like Ryuk cannot be done as a puppet.

                These are extreme examples, but something as simple as death notes tennis scene couldn’t work, or even the potato chip scene. The way it’s animated is what allows such mundane things be so intense, you can try recreate that scene with slow motion shots, extreme camera angles, and characters inner monologuing, but again, it would be fricking silly in live action and impossible to take seriously. Animation is an extremely unique medium that allows things like that to exist, that’s the reason an adaption has never worked and never will unless it’s something different entirely

                (2/2 autistic rambling complete and capeshit nog btfo)

              • 2 years ago

                The Guardians of the Galaxy comics bare little resemblance to Gunn’s versions of the characters. I believe they’ve now changed them in the comics to match up better with their more popular movie personalities.

              • 2 years ago

                >Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers, two of the better liked films in the MCU both lean in HEAVILY into moronic comic book tropes and writing.
                Guardians of the Galaxy is heavily based on a cult TV show called Farscape, and largely ignores the original GotG comics.

          • 2 years ago

            Marvel movies work because they largely disregard nonsensical comic book writing.

        • 2 years ago

          There is a japanese live action adaption that was faithful to the source material and is infinitely better than the western shit one.

          • 2 years ago

            >There is a japanese live action adaption that was faithful to the source material
            And it's bad. The source material of Death Note isn't good in any universe, and the Japanese live action adaptations are basically just the anime but worse.

        • 2 years ago

          >downgrading a Japanese product to a israeli product is an inherently bad idea

          • 2 years ago

            This wasn’t my point but is also true. It’s the reason the original Cowboy Bebop ironically manages to be a purer western than its remake actually made in the west for western audiences.

            But what I meant by that was things that work in animation simply don’t work in live action. Look at how beautiful 1990 Ghost in the Shell is and how horrific the live action adaption looks. I dread the day they attempt to adapt Akira, and I might just kms the day Miyazaki dies and Disney buys the rights to make live action versions of his films. Live action and animation are different mediums that allow different kinds of stories, animation allows an artist to bring exactly what’s in their head to life in a way live action simply never could. Try to imagine a live action version of the Simpsons as an extreme example, even if it was extremely well casted, well directed, and written by the golden age writers. It simply couldn’t work, you can’t have homer strangle Bart be funny because it would be an actual balding fat man painted yellow strangling an actual child, the hyper expressive and flexible animation is what allows those jokes to work.

            But you’re still right, any jap kino that gets adapted by the west will be pozzed and that alone can ruin it

            • 2 years ago

              >you can’t have homer strangle Bart be funny because it would be an actual balding fat man painted yellow strangling an actual child, the hyper expressive and flexible animation is what allows those jokes to work.

              I agree with everything you said except your suicidal ideation. Keep your chin up!


            • 2 years ago

              >It’s the reason the original Cowboy Bebop ironically manages to be a purer western than its remake actually made in the west for western audiences.
              It failed on every level.

        • 2 years ago

          >There’s nothing more disrespectful to the source material than trying to make a carbon copy of it in live action
          There definitely is. This isn’t even something I’d think is a big offense.
          It’s much more preferrable than doing a live action adaptation of a mystery series and making it as fricking dumb as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      This is really low effort bait.

    • 2 years ago

      Shitguard sucks at making movies.

  2. 2 years ago

    How does that work with prison population demographics and fbi crime statistics

    • 2 years ago

      Very well. I presume Light will kill off white supremacists on TV.

      • 2 years ago

        Doubt it will happen, but I hope they go the other route, subtly and more pointedly than in the original series. Make Light initially seem noble in his marks, but instead of just becoming more selfish and brazen in hiding his tracks, let his biases shine trough as he becomes more comfortable with killing, the way most emotionally immature and sheltered youths would do if they had this power.

  3. 2 years ago

    I just rewatched the anime
    and I kinda enjoyed the Final Destination style of the Netflix movie with Light Turner

  4. 2 years ago

    you can polish shit but it's still shit

  5. 2 years ago

    They already made a kino live action deathnote but because it's not in English nobody gives a frick. Netflix already tried and failed to do it why do it again?

    • 2 years ago

      >Back in the day a theater teacher in HS bought a bootleg rip of the Death Note live action movie
      >It was MTL
      >Some 15 years ago
      >All the characters names were translated literally making it a giant clusterfrick and impossible to follow
      Honestly it was one of the better group showings I've experience. That is some true mystery science theater style gold

  6. 2 years ago

    You have to hand it to israeliteflix: they never give up

  7. 2 years ago

    so theres going to be a bunch of N- BLACKS in it then, wow great

  8. 2 years ago

    What, is Light gonna be black too this time and L is gonna let him kill a hundred thousand Trump voters?
    >Look, he's only killing Republicans. This must mean he's like me: he's suffered at the hands of the white man.

  9. 2 years ago

    This is a terrible idea. Netflix couldn´t make this kind of shit work with a superior source material like Bebop so something like DN couldn´t possibly work.

  10. 2 years ago

    Why Death Note again?
    Why don't just try with something else like 20th century boys or Pluto.

    • 2 years ago

      >20th century boys or Pluto.
      No anime and 20th Century Boys has a live action film

      • 2 years ago

        Yes I know and that's my point, they should try adapting something that hasn't been adapted thousand of times already, something new at least to be original for once.

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    America will adapt many Anime shows with how popular it is but will refuse to cast Asian-American men in it. Racists.

  13. 2 years ago

    The villain will be an unkillable troony

    • 2 years ago

      >japanese troony so he passes
      >mikami likes "her"
      >gets the eyes
      >finds out it's a dude and rage kills him

    • 2 years ago

      >The only way to kill a troony with a Death Note is by "deadnaming" them.

  14. 2 years ago

    >yfw they wasted Willem Dafoe
    Hopefully he reprises Ryuk, I think he did a fine job.

  15. 2 years ago

    The ONLY thing the death note Netflix movie did well was actually have interesting deaths for the people.
    >in the anime Light just fricking lazily has everyone have heart attacks
    Fricking midwit. No wonder L caught on to his trail

    • 2 years ago

      He was killing like hundreds or thousands of people a day he didn't have time for that shit

      • 2 years ago

        Do you think a typewriter would work as long as you pictured the person's face as you typed? A word processor and printer loaded with torn out pages of the DN?
        Copy paste causes of death and type the names in afterward.

  16. 2 years ago

    So what, none of the main characters are going to die and there is zero stakes? Will it also be set in the 80s? 80s Japan kino?

  17. 2 years ago

    when you're so creatively bankrupt that you adapt the same manga twice

  18. 2 years ago

    How many times are they going to do this?

    • 2 years ago

      Until you chuds stop taking Light's side.
      We will make him so incompetent, so repulsive that you will all begin to oppose any punishment for any crime.
      Enjoy your social engineering disguised as entertainment.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Light finds George Floyd in a criminal database
    >has no idea what is currently going on with him
    >writes his name down just like any other random criminal
    >Floyd croaks while being kneed by Chauvin
    >causes a shitstorm

  20. 2 years ago

    How will they adapt such an unfilmable scene??

    • 2 years ago

      Make the chip green foam and program a robot operated camera to track it while doing a dolly zoom.

    • 2 years ago

      Build a giant bag of chips like The Boys and have Light walk inside it and eat inside

  21. 2 years ago

    tfw no live action Urotsukidōji

  22. 2 years ago

    The casting of Light leaked!

  23. 2 years ago

    >Sneak peak of Netflix's live action Light

  24. 2 years ago

    Cast him

  25. 2 years ago

    >Stranger Things creators are making a Death Note show for N

  26. 2 years ago

    Ryuk: Light you can't kill that lgbtq dictator you will get cancelled huntyyy
    Light: ryuk fr fr shut up you're triggered my adhd and causing me to stimmy with my vape pen, let me slayy this b***h before she get more clout
    Ryuk: ratio

  27. 2 years ago

    Pretty sure Netflix already blackwashed it?

  28. 2 years ago

    >Fudder Brudders
    I'll pass thanks

  29. 2 years ago

    I like Wingard's Death Note and I'm not ashamed to say it. It has an incredible soundtrack.

    He basically took the bones of Death Note and made a Final Destination film. It's a flawed movie, but it's stylish and unique and will probably stand the test of time in the same way The Crow is still cool because of its aesthetics.

    There's a new Resident Evil adaptation coming out this week, incidentally. Showrunner is Andrew Dabb (Supernatural), and it's kind of mixing the games and the original movies, particularly the post-apocalyptic ones.

    The Resident Evil films are the template for how to make successful adaptations of videogames, and probably anime to some extent. It's about making a fun version of the property that stands on its own.

  30. 2 years ago

    Mia is a way better character than Misa. Film L pins Light pretty fast instead of engaging in moronic mind games that wouldn't ever work in real life. Light is a delusional butthole who hides behind a mask of "I was just trying to make the world a better place." Someone trying to make the world a better place doesn't orchestrate the horrors that were required to carry out the collapse of the Ferris wheel.

    I legit like the film's ending, where L finds the missing page from the book, picks up a pen, then starts crying because even if he kills Light out of revenge, it won't really mean anything. There's a kind of morose subtext to the film where L doesn't really care about being the world's greatest detective. He likes being with Watari. And with Watari dead, he has nothing left.

  31. 2 years ago

    >a bunch of healthy people start dying of heart attacks
    >/misc/ blames the vax
    >Kira posters are /x/posters

  32. 2 years ago

    The key to success is being good enough and popular enough to drown out the haters and demographically displace the haters from their own fanbase. The Death Note film, while good in a number of ways, simply didn't have the raw quality to push the needle far enough. And the changing media landscape means that it's unlikely to have a The Shining-esque re-appraisal where a film everyone hated because it was shit and insulting to the source material is later seen as actually kind of good.
    The question is, though, what Death Note could have done to get better critical reviews and be more popular with audiences. Because a lot of suggestions for "fixing it" are just "Make it more like the comics where Misa is abducted by the police and offers to let Mr. Kidnapper watch her piss because holy shit the author of Death Note has weird views on women."

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