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  1. 5 months ago

    nothing he was just never funny

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Already started giggling as soon as i saw the title + thumbnail

  2. 5 months ago

    He realized it's a lot easier to thank lefties for donations while playing gta than write funny material

    • 5 months ago

      He bans people from his chat for talking about politics

      Went teetotal.

      Also frick him, he's rich but he complains when youtube doesn't work properly when using adblock.

      If you're too cheap to pay for youtube premium, despite streaming the video to hundreds of people then at least don't complain.

      He's been sober for decades, long before the show started

      His greatest role was as the window cleaner in The IT Crowd.

      The IT Crowd is awful
      >You're only saying that because Linehan is gender critical!!!
      It was always crap. Linehan's entire life-ruining obsession started when he wrote an incredibly tedious episode about a trans woman and he couldn't stomach the backlash i.e. people disagreeing with him on the internet. The show as a whole makes it very obvious that Linehan can't write without help
      >Father Ted
      In the top 10 TV shows of all time. Written with Arthur Matthews
      >Black Books
      Pretty good. Written with Dylan Moran

      him living in his ex wifes house and hearing the thuds of chad thunderwiener on the walls while he streams shitty games and thanks people for their $2 donations was probably not the best idea

      They're not married, but they got back together after the split. It's in his autobiography.

      It's a bit weird that people still defend him despite his tumultuous downfall from comedian with a loving wife to Irish Hasan Piker groveling for Subway gift cards on twitch from 13 year olds while his ex wife tends to her bvlls in their old marriage bed. It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic. RIP Limmy.

      See above

      • 5 months ago

        How much money have you paid Limmy for a seconds worth of validation on his stream? Speaking of his autobiography, this is my favourite limmy clip


        • 5 months ago

          I haven't given him any money at all. Maybe I would if I had a zinger like this

          • 5 months ago

            >I haven't given him any money at all

            that's a lie, why are you lying, are you ashamed? should be,

            • 5 months ago

              has anyone donated and called him a Black person

              Quality discussion. Thank you

        • 5 months ago

          I haven't given him any money at all. Maybe I would if I had a zinger like this

          has anyone donated and called him a Black person

      • 5 months ago

        >incredibly tedious episode
        You honestly think the fight scene was "tedious"? I think you might be picrel

      • 5 months ago

        they split after the autobiography came out

        • 5 months ago

          >they split after the autobiography came out
          This. c**t doesn't know what he's talking about.

  3. 5 months ago

    He was on Gladiators last night

  4. 5 months ago

    he won

  5. 5 months ago

    Lynn is taking passive aggressive shots at him again bros...

    • 5 months ago

      >le rent-a-cops at le buchanan street shops were telling me to le smile
      completely made up bullshit story

  6. 5 months ago

    He let his girlfriend (mother to his child) ruin his life and direct his political and societal beliefs

    • 5 months ago

      Limmy has been a lefty his whole life ya wank, he did edgy humour when he was younger but he still hated tories

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but now he does cuck material. There are certain characters he won’t ever reprise

      • 5 months ago

        you dont need to take or even understand political positions to be scotch and hate tories its drummed into you from birth. you could be nigel farage on crack but if your born in scotland you hate tories simple as. 'edgy' humour lol ok sure.

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          It's a bit weird that people still defend him despite his tumultuous downfall from comedian with a loving wife to Irish Hasan Piker groveling for Subway gift cards on twitch from 13 year olds while his ex wife tends to her bvlls in their old marriage bed. It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic. RIP Limmy.

          • 5 months ago

            PS Limmy starts these threads on Cinemaphile and even posts in them. I would like to think he seethes when he reads posts like yours.

            • 5 months ago

              How long until we get him to cut off his wiener and suicide, just show us his political views are "correct"?

              • 5 months ago

                I am surprised he has not done it already. There is a great deal of money and attention to be made from it.

      • 5 months ago

        Hating tories doesnt necessarily mean youre a lefty, and being a tory doesnt make you a righty. Labour have always quietly been anti immigration for the workers rights, whilst tories always import millions of shitskins and legalised gay marriage when no one asked for it

      • 5 months ago

        He's Glaswegian and not a Rangers fan despite not being openly catholic , 50% leftist city and separate race of scots, his views are unchallenged there from birth and only contradicted by the king licking huns so frick them up de ra and free Palestine.

  7. 5 months ago

    His son seems like the type of person that Limmy would hate

    • 5 months ago

      what, a kid?

      • 5 months ago

        An entitled coddled homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          Scottish people?

  8. 5 months ago

    had the bad luck to be born in scotland

  9. 5 months ago

    >boohoo muh depression
    >gets pegged by his wife

    weakest sad dude alive trumps his occasional funniness

    • 5 months ago

      >gets pegged by his wife
      That was the turning point.
      She lost all respect for him and so did his fans.
      His poor son will get bullied over that in school so he probably isn't a fan either.

      • 5 months ago

        It depends on who asked for it. If she got the courage up to ask him then she never had any respect for him.

    • 5 months ago


  10. 5 months ago

    Normal words, but a Scottish guy!

  11. 5 months ago

    It's just a pint of milk

  12. 5 months ago

    >SneedsFeedSeedsy one word

  13. 5 months ago

    Went teetotal.

    Also frick him, he's rich but he complains when youtube doesn't work properly when using adblock.

    If you're too cheap to pay for youtube premium, despite streaming the video to hundreds of people then at least don't complain.

    • 5 months ago

      >bad because isn't a paypig
      most zoomer thing i've read today

      • 5 months ago

        Bad because he isn't a paypig but complains that it doesn't work properly when he's just extensions to circumvent being a paypig.

        Also streaming videos just steals viewers from creators.

        • 5 months ago

          >streaming videos just steals viewers from creators
          new most zoomer thing i've read today
          i don't want to spam the thread too much so check my profile for further updates

          • 5 months ago

            The most zoomer thing would be "no bro those totally result in a halo effect, that helps the creator" when multiple creators have shown it never translates into views.

            • 5 months ago

              Who gives a frick

  14. 5 months ago

    I'm actually out of the loop, what did he do?

  15. 5 months ago

    His greatest role was as the window cleaner in The IT Crowd.

  16. 5 months ago
  17. 5 months ago

    him living in his ex wifes house and hearing the thuds of chad thunderwiener on the walls while he streams shitty games and thanks people for their $2 donations was probably not the best idea

    • 5 months ago

      I like watching him play games poorly

    • 5 months ago

      There is no man like that in Scotland. They’re all fairies or drunks

    • 5 months ago

      It's his house

      • 5 months ago

        It's our house now.

  18. 5 months ago

    You guys give him promotion everytime you make these threads, you know?

  19. 5 months ago

    Makes people like yous seethe, so what went right? you mean

  20. 5 months ago

    I still don’t understand his accent

  21. 5 months ago

    Cuck fetish shit has been absolutely destroying homies lately. You can't have a healthy relationship when getting off on being emasculated in private.

  22. 5 months ago

    Le evil Tory bastards!
    >The only material you need to become a ‘funny’ popular lefty comedian in the uk.

  23. 5 months ago

    I don't understand why he's so left-wing when your stereotypical woke person seems like the type of person he would despise

    • 5 months ago

      the scots are reflexively and hopelessly contrarian to anything they believe the english to be doing, he probably thinks they're all chuds so he has to be the opposite

    • 5 months ago

      You know how England gets made fun of for arresting people for upsetting trannies and pakis? Scotland was the real trailblazer in that department.

  24. 5 months ago

    He's an effeminate feminist homosexual

  25. 5 months ago
  26. 5 months ago

    >While he streams Limmy has to listen to an Englishman sticking his superior shaft up his ex-wifes pooper chute and stirring last nights haggis in the room next door.

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