Lost hate thread

Based on the other thread.

Lost what is it ?
An Extremely click bait shit show that baits you every episode with strangeness, never answers anything OF IMPORTANCE.

For example WHY THE FRICK did the counter start to count in Egyptian ?

And not there is no answer.

PS: This is not how mechanical counters can work.

>HUR DUR Who are the two bodies in the caves?
Some people who died ?
Who gave a shit ?

>Why is there a polar bear on the island?

Who gave a shit about that crap ? And the explanation is .....
Because someone did bring it there.
WOW so deep ! NOT !
Dharma did bring the animals for experimentation.

You know what everyone was wondering about was the dharma stuff like the clock and the button and why it is counting in EGYPTIAN !

All they explain is pointless shit and then never answer the big WTF moments of the show.

And then we get the bullshit
>Oh it was all about the characters
Literally on one gave a shit about the characters and their gay little adventure frick all of them.


>Why start this thread ?
To warn people of never wasting their time on this trash show.

>Why the show is old
Because someone got baited into watching this trash.

>Yea however …
NO. The show is a wast of time. An extremely long multi season disappointment I do not want others to suffer this shit like we did back in the day.

Everyone vent what was the stupidest shit or not answered in the show.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Holy esl

  2. 2 years ago

    god I fapped so often to Juliet when I watched it as a teenager

    • 2 years ago

      For me it's Ana Lucia or Libby

      • 2 years ago

        Based. I’ve never seen another Ana Lucia appreciator in the wild. Michelle’s tummy was tight.

    • 2 years ago

      That episode where Kate and Juliet are handcuffed together

    • 2 years ago

      I used to jerk off to the plane crash scene from this and the bus crash from the Dawn of the Dead remake that came out around the same time.

    • 2 years ago

      That episode where Kate and Juliet are handcuffed together

      Kate and Juliet always had a low-cut tank top. This had to be intentional.

  3. 2 years ago

    Ive never enjoyed a tv show after the dissapointment that was LOST. I wanted everything to mean something but they were just making it up as they went along. They tricked me as a young teen and i refuse to be fooled again. All shows are terrible

    • 2 years ago

      I once read a very accurate description of JJ Abrams which stated that he's the artistic and creative equivalent to a ponzi scheme. Make all of these grand promises, string people along and none of it ends up being anything that adds up to anything.

      • 2 years ago

        >JJ Abrams which stated that he's the artistic and creative equivalent to a ponzi scheme. Make all of these grand promises, string people along and none of it ends up being anything that adds up to anything.
        This is very accurate.

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly the same thing that happens in One Piece. Full of mysteries and black silhouettes but in the end when he has to reveal them it's a literally who or a disappointing reveal after all those years waiting.

        • 2 years ago

          Example? Cause I think one piece has answered most stuff well so far

          • 2 years ago

            he's criticizing the "buildup of shadowy figure -> oh its a literally who -> resolution process," in the sense of how "mysterious figures" aren't really all that mysterious if they're just unknown because they haven't done anything in the story so far. the first time he did that i thought the mystery man was supposed to be a character already introduced.

      • 2 years ago

        100% right

      • 2 years ago

        JJ Abrams left the show after the pilot

      • 2 years ago

        Fringe also did this, but managed to tie up everything pretty good.

        Exactly the same thing that happens in One Piece. Full of mysteries and black silhouettes but in the end when he has to reveal them it's a literally who or a disappointing reveal after all those years waiting.

        >One Piece
        Who gives a shit, it's a cartoon aimed at 4-12 year olds

    • 2 years ago

      >I wanted everything to mean something but they were just making it up as they went along. They tricked me as a young teen and i refuse to be fooled again
      >All shows are terrible
      Try shows from the 80s man. Or Star Trek Voyager.

    • 2 years ago

      I once read a very accurate description of JJ Abrams which stated that he's the artistic and creative equivalent to a ponzi scheme. Make all of these grand promises, string people along and none of it ends up being anything that adds up to anything.

      What disapointed you the most ?

    • 2 years ago

      this, streamgays will never understand how goddamn frustrating this show became and how utterly unsatisfying most of the payoffs ended up being
      there's a reason the viewership plunged right around the time it starts to become a convoluted mess

    • 2 years ago

      This. Exactly this. I felt so shit after. I never expect anything to finish great now. I have never seen such a good show in my life then ended so bad. It was unbelievable all of the stories and random shit. I was fascinated with how they'd explain it all and tie it together. FRICK THEM

      • 2 years ago

        >This. Exactly this. I felt so shit after. I never expect anything to finish great now. I have never seen such a good show in my life then ended so bad. It was unbelievable all of the stories and random shit. I was fascinated with how they'd explain it all and tie it together. FRICK THEM
        YES. Lets bash this trash. Frick them for wasting all of ouer time with this show who did not explain all the big parts.

  4. 2 years ago

    Got carried by sentimental music

  5. 2 years ago

    Did you get buck broken by someone saying they liked the show? Pretty weird brother

    • 2 years ago

      >Did you get buck broken
      Read the other thread.
      Some anon got tricked into watching this shit show (is losing interest in s3) there everyone warned him not to watch this garbage. This is a thread to warn others not to watch this shit and for people to vent what was the dumbest thing in the show.

      • 2 years ago

        The Hurley bird was moronic. Kate always acted like a dumb c**t.

  6. 2 years ago
  7. 2 years ago

    Lost is a cynical soulless version of Twin Peaks

  8. 2 years ago

    newbie redditors man. L O S T threads were amazing. have a nice day.

  9. 2 years ago

    >looks like Tom Cruise with Down-Syndrome
    >Is actually Tom Cruises cousin

    Also who sent the care package with the parachute after they fricked up in the bunker. That bugs me

    • 2 years ago

      Ben/wildmore and what was left of th defunct dharma initiative kept those care packages going because they knew that the swans operations were no joke, when Ben enters the numbers it's obvious that he knows it's serious and would want the people operating it to have food, they observed the people who worked on the swan through the pearl

      • 2 years ago

        Damn. Have a (you)

      • 2 years ago

        so why'd they keep coming after the swan imploded?

        • 2 years ago

          The people working at the warehouse sending the care packages and Eloise didn't know the swan exploded until Ben told them

          • 2 years ago

            >they observed the people who worked on the swan through the pearl
            so this "they" wasn't the people sending the care packages?

            • 2 years ago

              No the people at the pearl were not the same people that worked at the dharma initiative logistics warehouse in Guam

        • 2 years ago

          >so why'd they keep coming after the swan imploded?
          Not him, it was years since I last have seen the show however here is some fanon.
          Fanon because the writers fricked this up even more in future explanations.

          So here is the fanon basically there are some time dilation fields around the island.
          Dharma instead of using a refrigerator to store all the food the operators will need, used one of these time dilation.

          Basically they dropped cargo for 30 days every 1h or so and what they dropped in the sky hits the time dilation and is frozen in time and will pop back up in 30 day intervals. Basically them doing a shit loads of drops in one year will give you fresh produce for 40 years or so using the time dilation of the island.

          In other words:
          They are eating 1970s food who is time traveling to 2003.

          Remember this is fanon the writers fricked even this up.

          • 2 years ago

            this is actually such a cool explanation that it makes me angry that writers cant pull it off

            • 2 years ago

              >this is actually such a cool explanation that it makes me angry that writers cant pull it off
              There where some hints yet they fricked this up. And it is a clever use of the time dilation effects of the island.

              Keep in mind the writers did go
              >UuUUuUUUUuu strange thing look look
              And never explained it and either forgot they ever mentioned it, or got to lazy to even be arsed to explain it all.

              LOST is a shit load of ideas and a cliffhanger or new shit or new bait every episode, there was no way these clowns can explain it.

          • 2 years ago

            lost is really good when you put more effort into it than the writers.

            • 2 years ago

              >lost is really good when you put more effort into it than the writers.

  10. 2 years ago

    How much of a moronic esl spergBlack person are you that the Egyptian hieroglyphs is the thing you're hung up on after finishing lost. Everything in lost is explained you dumb fricking moron, dharma was obsessed with ancient Egypt and used things like hieroglyphs consistently throughout the series as an homage to the previous inhabitants of the island. You could fricking google it instead of making a thread about it - translated literally that combination of hieroglyphs means "die"
    What fricking deep and amazing explanation did you fricking want with the polar bear you absolute dipshit? How else would a polar bear get on a tropical island? Someone would have to bring it there

    • 2 years ago

      >the thing
      or it was just one thing of many that was irrelevant to the ending, that's ultimately inexplicable and pointless, because the entire show was pointless.

      but lostgays have to pretend every criticism of the show, from anyone, is THE ONE ALL IMPORTANT THING to whoever expresses it, so as to make it look silly to get "hung up" upon, because for some reason that's easier than just admitting lost was a ride that a lot of people got taken for, that ultimately had nothing deeper going on than a few thrills and spills.

      • 2 years ago

        I dont even know what the frick you're saying you dumb esl homosexual, you were too low iq to watch this show and it's not your fault it's your moronic parents, who were probably brown, and their shitty genetics that failed you, not Lost

        • 2 years ago

          >I dont even know what the frick you're saying
          what part did you have difficulty understanding?

      • 2 years ago

        The other post literally explains this "ultimately inexplicable" thing. Dharma liked the anesthetics of ancient Egypt and were paying an homage to the people who lived on the island before them, who were either ancient egyptians or egyptian adjacent/influnced culture.
        Not every detail has to be relevant to the ending, do you understand that you sperging about the hieroglyphs would be like sperging over why dharma says "namaste" or why they wear jumpsuits and how the show is bad because it never explains why they say namaste and wear jumpsuits and it's irrelevant to the ending
        And the egyptian shit is relevant to the ending because it's showing you that there were people on the island stretching as far back as the dawn of civilization which gives you an idea on the scope of how old and important the island is

        • 2 years ago

          your explanation is
          >don't pay attention to it, it was just there just because

          which is lost in a nutshell.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >which is lost in a nutshell.

            Thanks for chipping in.
            I love how the lost gays get meltdowns over this since they can not shove it into the

            >It is a magic island dude
            >It is a magic anomaly dude

            Cope outs.

            So now magically Dharma who has ZERO interest in ancient Egypt or did not have any hieroglyphs anywhere else ... now they simply decided to build that counter this way simply because. And I still remind everyone that you literally can not physically construct a mechanical counter this way.

            • 2 years ago

              >physically construct a mechanical counter this way.

        • 2 years ago

          >or why they wear jumpsuits
          OH MY GOD.
          And here I thought that they wear jumpsuits .... because it IT IS WORK CLOTHING ! Or they did think it makes them look futuristic since it is the 1970s.

          >Dharma liked the anesthetics of ancient Egypt
          LOL show them using hieroglyphs anywhere else I wait.

          And once more it is physically impossible to manufacture a mechanical counter that will only show hieroglyphs after it reaches 0000. This is not how mechanical counters work !

          You are desperately trying to ass pull an explanation.

          >They simply liked hieroglyphs
          Is this why the only time they show up is when the counter reaches 0000 ???? Nowhere before ?

          • 2 years ago

            >the egyptian hieroglyphs

            the egyptian hieroglyphs...

            why is everyone going full autism mode for that?
            ok fine, i will unriddle it for you, though i thought everyone already knew.

            After 0000 it literally says:
            FRICK YOU


            • 2 years ago

              I do not care what it says. Why does it show that in Hieroglyphics ?

              Using Hieroglyphics anywhere else.
              I wait.

              Lost gays are pathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                Was there another Dharma counter in the show?
                Maybe it was important to counters.

              • 2 years ago

                I accept your addition of defeat.
                >Was there another
                Not on clothing, not on writing or on station names.

                It is literally the only moment this shows up.
                No one can explain this.

      • 2 years ago

        >because for some reason that's easier than just admitting lost was a ride that a lot of people got taken for, that ultimately had nothing deeper going on than a few thrills and spills.
        Basically this.

        I can not believe after all these years there are still lost gays.

        I mean most of the problems are shoved into the
        >It is a magic island dude
        >It is a magic anomaly dude

        Cope outs.

        However the hieroglyphs are not something you can easily shove into on of them. What did Dharma do them for a prank ?

        What about communicating over the computer what was that ?
        You notice the computer and the counter can not be shoved into the magic cope outs; this is why asking about it makes lost gays go mad.

        Either the writers forgot or are not bringing it up in hopes everyone forgets this ever happened.

        And the absolute shit show that is the end
        >I-i-i-it was always about the characters
        No one gives a shit !

        Or the moronic non questions like
        >Who are these 2 skeletons ?

        • 2 years ago

          >Or the moronic non questions like
          >>Who are these 2 skeletons ?

          surprised nobody responded to this bait with Rose and Bernard, it's fricking confirmed

          • 2 years ago

            ye, obvi, that's why the white one was holding a white stone and the black one was holding a black stone, becauase when interracial american couples die they want to make sure that whoever finds their corpses knows they were different colors

    • 2 years ago

      >muh polar bear
      Literally no one give a shit. Stop bringing up this non question.

      >Egyptian hieroglyphs
      > [Max Sperging]
      I see you are mad.

      The fact is that it was literally never explained.

      >dharma was obsessed with ancient Egypt
      >Source my ass
      Funny how literally nowhere does dharma use Egyptian hieroglyphs also it is literally impossible to make a mechanical counter that works like this.

      If you know engineering it is literally physically impossible to make it have these extra symbols in there.

    • 2 years ago

      What was sawyers quip about the polar bear again?
      bear disco or something?
      might have been a dub

      • 2 years ago

        Bear village?

        • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    They explained the Bears in S3. They were once in the cages that Sawyer and Kate were kept in. They never explained WHY they were brought there, but presumably it was by dharma for some unethical experiments.

    • 2 years ago

      >dude dharma did that
      >uh... why? does this have any deeper relevance?
      >... yea but look at this other thing! isn't it mysterious??

    • 2 years ago

      >They never explained WHY they were brought there
      There was an explanation in the show about a portal to the south pole or something.

    • 2 years ago

      it was explained in the orientation video

    • 2 years ago

      Bears were brought there specifically because of their combination of intelligence and strength. they were trainable, and could frick with the donkey wheel.

  13. 2 years ago

    Whats worse than LOST is the fact the creator continued to get work. He then did the same fricking thing to STAR WARS

    • 2 years ago

      and another did the same thing to alien.

  14. 2 years ago

    The fact that the biggest criticism of lost in this thread is the engineering problem of adding extra symbols to a flip clock display proves how autistic lost haters are.

    • 2 years ago

      >The fact that the biggest criticism of lost in this thread is the engineering problem of adding extra symbols to a flip clock display proves how autistic lost haters are.
      >of adding extra symbols to a flip clock display
      Then build one moron.

      In other words the hieroglyphs MUST cycle once the seconds hit 00 or below.

      I know you are a dumb frick who has no engineering knowledge however look at this rotary dial, it literally can not function like this it literally violates physics !


      • 2 years ago


        they could pop in in front.
        I think you are an autist who got trapped in a circle and can't think outside the box.
        Which is why you hate Lost.
        Better go watch a washer circle.

        • 2 years ago

          >they could pop in in front.
          The animation does not show it that way.
          >they could
          Nope entirely mechanical.

          • 2 years ago


            they could pop in in front.
            I think you are an autist who got trapped in a circle and can't think outside the box.
            Which is why you hate Lost.
            Better go watch a washer circle.

            >The fact that the biggest criticism of lost in this thread is the engineering problem of adding extra symbols to a flip clock display proves how autistic lost haters are.
            >of adding extra symbols to a flip clock display
            Then build one moron.

            In other words the hieroglyphs MUST cycle once the seconds hit 00 or below.

            I know you are a dumb frick who has no engineering knowledge however look at this rotary dial, it literally can not function like this it literally violates physics !


            The fact that the biggest criticism of lost in this thread is the engineering problem of adding extra symbols to a flip clock display proves how autistic lost haters are.

            Watch this gayots

            There is no way to put your hieroglyphs there.

            • 2 years ago

              Have the hieroglyph panels sandwiched between two magnetic panels, they pull apart when the counter starts spinning and stay out when a stronger magnetic field keeps them apart.


              Doesn’t explain why dharma would suddenly use hieroglyphics there and no where else, what they were supposed to mean or why anyone would think they were a meaningful “you dun fuuuk’d up” message. But lindelof’s career is all about big shocking reveals and dramatic moments that don’t actually make any sense.

              • 2 years ago

                you would still see the red color of the whole hieroglyph panel, moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, it only goes for the high speed spin when shits getting fricked. The rest of the time the counter just leisurely turns. This isn’t a difficult engineering problem, but figuring it out doesn’t unlock anything about the narrative.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nah, it only goes for the high speed spin when shits getting fricked.
                >I literally do not understand how these mechanisms work
                This is not your iPhone zoom zoom

              • 2 years ago

                The behavior of the flip counter when the countdown reaches zero is not the same as the rest of the time.

              • 2 years ago

                >The behavior of the flip counter when the countdown reaches zero is not the same as the rest of the time.
                And this is physically impossible like explained to you.

                >I said "if the roll is big enough to sustain many cycles".
                It can not be. See [...]
                10*100 = 1000 this means that the lowest minute digit needs to literally have 1000 cards and some to do this.


                yes, it would be quite a big roll, probably 3, 4 feet diameter. I guess only the gods can imagine such a wild and unimaginable mechanical bestiality.

              • 2 years ago

                >it’s physically impossible for a flip counter to spin… faster…

                You’re arguing against someone who generally agrees the scene is bullshit, but not an impossibility of engineering like you insist.

              • 2 years ago

                >but not an impossibility of engineering like you insist.
                It is impossible explain how it is not. And no in the show the counters do not do a fast flip upwards once they hit 0 on every digit.

              • 2 years ago

                An anon explained it further above with a bigger wheel of about 4 feet.

              • 2 years ago

                >An anon explained it further above with a bigger wheel of about 4 feet.
                This level of desperation.
                > a bigger wheel of about 4 feet.

                WTF do you think it means when I say PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE ?

              • 2 years ago

                there is no wall behind? are you moronic?

              • 2 years ago

                >there is no wall behind? are you moronic?
                HUH ?
                It literally is a box that hangs.

              • 2 years ago

                >the counters do not do a fast flip upwards
                Who said they would? The best explanation is

                Have the hieroglyph panels sandwiched between two magnetic panels, they pull apart when the counter starts spinning and stay out when a stronger magnetic field keeps them apart.


                Doesn’t explain why dharma would suddenly use hieroglyphics there and no where else, what they were supposed to mean or why anyone would think they were a meaningful “you dun fuuuk’d up” message. But lindelof’s career is all about big shocking reveals and dramatic moments that don’t actually make any sense.

                . Read the entire post this time.

      • 2 years ago

        >guys, one of the most watched and celebrated shows of the last 30 years is actually bad!

        • 2 years ago

          >>guys, one of the most watched
          I'm sorry did you expect everyone to have magic time traveling powers and know in S1 how it all will be one big lie in the future ? So was everyone supposed to magically know how the show ends in multiple years from S1 ????

      • 2 years ago

        LOST is bullshit... but couldn't the hieroglyphs just have been the next part of the cycle after zero?
        that would explain why they only show up after you left the clock get that far along, every other time it was reset ja?

        • 2 years ago

          The problem he’s pointing out is how the hieroglyphics would need to show up every time the counter reset, as the numbers only flip one way. so every time they pushed the button, they’d see the ooooo red scawry hieroglyphs flip past.

          • 2 years ago

            Not only this the second counter or what was the lowest position literally will need to go like this
            EGYPTIAN SHIT

            And you see the Egyptian shit by simply watching the numbers count down.

      • 2 years ago

        Mate, my entire point is that the mechanism driving the flip display is irrelevant. It's a cinemasin tier 'gotcha' criticism, totally worthless. Do you also criticise The Shining because it's never explained where jack gets all the paper for his typewriter from?

        • 2 years ago

          And it’s been pointed out multiple times that
          >it’s just a nitpick! It doesn’t break the show!
          Is the lostgay response to every criticism of every aspect of the show. To the point the show is nothing but nicks to pick, start to finish, in service of nothing beyond chasing ratings.

  15. 2 years ago

    All this hate put into a thread and it won't stop me from rewatching this show for the 5th time later this year.

    Kino ride from start to finish, only slows down in the middle just to pick it back up again. I wish they could retroactively put clues from S6 into the earlier seasons though, like they are doing with Stranger Things. That shit would be so good!

  16. 2 years ago

    I feel like exactly this same situation was happening with Raised By Wolves. New unexplainable shocking twists all the time and promising answers that would never come since Ridley's a hack

    • 2 years ago

      Raised by wolves was actually doing what lost pretended it was doing, you just had to pay attention and know what symbols were referencing. And we all know what happens to shows you need to actually watch to understand
      >police squad

  17. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    The biggest plot point never comes up in these threads and it bugs me every time

    They never ever explain why Kate’s big swampy bush isn’t commented on by the men, after 50 days on that island you’d have a bush the size of an Afro and it would be swampy as frick and smell like a nappy on the beach
    Why does Sawyer never mention this?

    • 2 years ago

      Assuming she waxed, it would take more than 50 days to become that huge bush you speak of

      • 2 years ago

        The magic island makes women grow hair faster this is confirmed

  19. 2 years ago

    So I'd nothing is wrong with this show, explain it all to me?

    Whats with the numbers for example? The guy has to type them into the computer as well as the fat man hearing the numbers repeated over and over and wins the lottery. Explain this whole arc

    • 2 years ago

      they're recurring numbers. there's nothing to explain.

      • 2 years ago

        So I'd nothing is wrong with this show, explain it all to me?

        Whats with the numbers for example? The guy has to type them into the computer as well as the fat man hearing the numbers repeated over and over and wins the lottery. Explain this whole arc

        >Whats with the numbers for example? The guy has to type them into the computer as well as the fat man hearing the numbers repeated over and over and wins the lottery. Explain this whole arc

        I checked https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Numbers
        HOLY SHIT ! They literally never explained that. AHAHAHAHAHA This shit show !

        Want to watch this shit show for 100h to get no answers ?
        LOL now you understand why everyone hates this shit show ! WE got scammed !

        • 2 years ago

          I don't want an answer to the numbers, it's better being mysterious

    • 2 years ago

      >The guy has to type them into the computer
      Correction they are not typed in. Only a very similar sequence is typed in.

      >Explain this whole arc
      Probably some meaningless bullshit.

  20. 2 years ago

    Fricking summergays

    • 2 years ago


  21. 2 years ago

    Here is another bullshit.

    The button.

    >Herp derp you must press the button ever 108 minutes !
    Why ?
    >Or bad thing happens
    OK however why not automate this process ? Why does anyone need to enter the numbers why not make it automatic ? You have computers and shit there.
    >Oh it was all a psychological experiment the button is meaningless
    >Except it is not since the anomaly is real and the bunker exploded if you did not press the button.

    This is beyond moronic. Frick the writers.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why ?
      Because that's when the electromagnetic energy starts building to dangerous levels
      >OK however why not automate this process ? Why does anyone need to enter the numbers why not make it automatic ? You have computers and shit there.
      You need people on site in case the thing breaks down so they can fix it
      >Except it is not since the anomaly is real and the bunker exploded if you did not press the button.
      You completely missed the point of the Pearl station

      I know this is basically bait but I'm bored

      • 2 years ago

        >You need people on site in case the thing breaks down so they can fix it
        No I understand this. Only why the frick do the humans need to do all the autistic shit with the numbers and the computer?

        Why not simply have them look at the mechanism from time to time and live there ? While the computer or some automated mechanism pushes the button ?

        >You completely missed the point of the Pearl station
        Then explain it LOST gay. Keep in mind I have not seen this shit show in over 10 years.

        • 2 years ago

          >Only why the frick do the humans need to do all the autistic shit with the numbers and the computer?
          There are a lot of tasks in real life where people are placed in charge of doing it over computers. If there was a chance of a meltdown every 108 minutes I'd damn make sure it was a human putting the numbers in over a computer that could malfunction.
          >Then explain it LOST gay. Keep in mind I have not seen this shit show in over 10 years.
          The Pearl Station was an experiment to see if the people inside it would do as instructed. They were told that the other stations were the ones that were psychological experiments, and they were forbidden to have contact with them (Because they would find out that they were being lied to). Everything that happened in the Swan with the button was real. Does that clear things up?

          • 2 years ago

            >There are a lot of tasks in real life where people are placed in charge of doing it over computers
            Ok irrelevant however OK.

            > I'd damn make sure it was a human putting the numbers in over a computer
            It is literally like watching a moron squirm.

            No you moron. The numbers are meaningless if its pressing a button then make 1 button labeled PRESS

            And if it is over a computer the computer can do the pressing on its own.
            The humans should not be inputting any numbers who are always the same numbers mind you.

            This is the worst idea of all times ! This thing makes no sense whatsoever you idiot !

            >that happened in the Swan with the button was real. Does that clear things up?
            A little.

            However here is the thing. The only way for this clown show with the button and the numbers and and the computers to make any sense whatsoever is for it to be fake and an experiment.

            So the writers burned down their only explanation to why this shit show was made.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah this was bait, enjoy seething

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm a LOST gay and I literally can not explain.
                LOL LOST gays are pathetic.

    • 2 years ago

      >Here is another bullshit
      Yes thank you sirs. This show very confusing.

  22. 2 years ago

    to debunk all of your comments regarding the counter - mechanical hieroglyph problem:

    the letters (numbers) are written of flipcards. The flipcards are attached to a wheel. The problem our autistic friends here are facing, is the fact, that one revolution need to show the hieroglyphs, or at least their color a bit.

    Except your roll is big enough to sustain many cycles of 0-9 before the hieroglyphs. The animation when switching to hieroglyphs are indicating, that a much larger roll is in place, not only one that keeps 0-9 plus a bird:

    • 2 years ago

      >b-b-b- the animation
      Watch this video you dumb frick.

      >b-b-b- the animation
      Then the animation is physically impossible. Thanks for playing.

      • 2 years ago

        I said "if the roll is big enough to sustain many cycles".
        Can you read or are you a functional illiterate?

        • 2 years ago

          >I said "if the roll is big enough to sustain many cycles".
          It can not be. See

          I think he think that there are multiple sequences of number cards there ....
          Because Dharma was really obsessed with their Hieroglyph prank for some reason....

          Either way lets take 108 as the max
          10*100 = 1000 this means that the lowest minute digit needs to literally have 1000 cards and some to do this.
          This is physically impossible ! In like you can not cram that many cards into it with that card and display size.

          And all of this for what ? Build all this custom shit for what ?
          Because Dharma wanted to do their Egyptian prank ?????

          Literally why ?
          The computer will scream

          Also notice how moronic it is to type in the numbers on keyboard before the system lets you you know save the world.

          Literally the only explanation is that it is a social experiment only the writers killed this possibility.

          Why the frick is this not automated ?!

          10*100 = 1000 this means that the lowest minute digit needs to literally have 1000 cards and some to do this.

          • 2 years ago

            yes, it would be quite a big roll, probably 3, 4 feet diameter. I guess only the gods can imagine such a wild and unimaginable mechanical bestiality.

            • 2 years ago

              So from what we see in the show and the size of the box it is literally physically impossible for this to exist.

    • 2 years ago

      >your roll is big enough to sustain many cycles of 0-9
      Doesn’t solve

      The problem he’s pointing out is how the hieroglyphics would need to show up every time the counter reset, as the numbers only flip one way. so every time they pushed the button, they’d see the ooooo red scawry hieroglyphs flip past.

      . But nice try

      • 2 years ago

        yes it does. think again or kys

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, flip counters are a bunch of plastic cards fixed to wheels. They only “flip” one way. When one “resets” it flips through all the cards back to the start position. Which means it would need to flip past the hieroglyphs unless something else was holding those cards together.

          • 2 years ago

            and you still don't understand my argument.

            • 2 years ago

              Anon, I understand how flip counters work and don’t work. You don’t. Like ESLanon has just pointed out, the last rolls would need millions of cards.

          • 2 years ago

            ok but what if the heiroglyphics are below the normal start position and they only get flipped down to in special circumstances? really of all the moronic shit in this show, suggesting its impossible for the heiroglyphics to be put i the flip counter is an insane thing to get hung up on

            • 2 years ago

              A: the entire show is moronic
              B: this I just another thing in the huge moronic pile for lostgays to fail to explain

              So trying to say “dude this wasn’t important stop pointing it out” just applies to everything in the entire pile of shit.

              >But lindelof’s career is all about big shocking reveals and dramatic moments that don’t actually make any sense.

              • 2 years ago

                why get so hung up over Lost and not anything else?

              • 2 years ago

                Should I start talking about other shows in this, a lost thread?

              • 2 years ago

                Are you lost?

              • 2 years ago

                I just don't get how every show, including Lost, has some frick ups, but when Lost does it it's COMPLETELY FRICKING UNFORGIVABLE

              • 2 years ago

                Because it wasn’t just “some frickups,” it was a show built around using every cheap gimmick possible to draw viewers, and then acting like none of the hooks that drew people in actually mattered. Because the writers had no plan for any of them.

                It’s more about abrams and lindelof in general, who’s careers are both all about big shocking reveals and dramatic moments that don’t actually make any sense.

                And the more you think about lost, compare it to their later works, the clearer it becomes that the writers didn’t just frick up, they never even tried.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm mainly talking about the topic at hand, the countdown timer (And stuff like the turbine in the Pilot). I'm not mechanically inclined so I don't know one way or another if it's feasible but let's say OP is right. Why is that such a massive sin that it deserves it's own thread bashing it for 100+ posts? It's so extreme.
                And it makes me cringe that he linked to my post yesterday in his OP for some reason

              • 2 years ago


                A: the entire show is moronic
                B: this I just another thing in the huge moronic pile for lostgays to fail to explain

                So trying to say “dude this wasn’t important stop pointing it out” just applies to everything in the entire pile of shit.

                >But lindelof’s career is all about big shocking reveals and dramatic moments that don’t actually make any sense.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I saw your post, I'm wondering why minor errors are grievous sins for Lost but not for anything else. But who the hell am I kidding, you're willingly spending your time 12 years after the show ended shitting on it instead of doing something you enjoy

              • 2 years ago

                >I saw your post but answer the argument it refuted again anyway

              • 2 years ago

                The only answer is that you're eternally butthurt over a 20 year show and should move on with your life

              • 2 years ago

                Yet… I’m impassively pointing out flaws in writing that are indicative of the rest of the show, and you’re hurling insults to defend it.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not refuting anything you said, actually I said I agree with you, I just think it's honestly depressing and wish we could have a comfy Lost thread instead of this miserable thing

              • 2 years ago

                You’re going to have to find another way to deepen your parasocial relationship with lost.

              • 2 years ago

                oh hey it's my buddy from yesterday. did you happen to find those episodes I was asking for?

              • 2 years ago

                Go search for parasocial on 4plebs. If you think all of those are the same person, you might just be moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                you can't fool me anon

              • 2 years ago

                So moron it is. I did notice that apparently you got trapped trying to prove they didn’t call the light/flash/sky purple and then chose to die on that hill. That’s pretty dumb dude.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, so you're not that anon yet you know exactly the conversation I'm talking about lol. No, y- I mean, that anon never greentexted the quotes from the show so the argument ended right there

              • 2 years ago

                Or I just checked for parasocial on 4plebs, and saw a bunch of posts from yesterday, from clearly (you), trying to argue away the white/purple flash frickup.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh give it up. You had no sources to back up your claim so you lost the argument. That's how these things work, be more prepared next time

              • 2 years ago

                Give what up? From what I can see, you went hard pedantic/quibble mode and insisted it wasn’t called purple, despite everyone knowing they did, because it wasn’t called purple in a specific way.

                You do know the archives don’t go away, right?

              • 2 years ago

                the word count of "moron" in this thread is concerning. why cant we all just be more civilized and admit that Lost was an awesome mystery show?

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, only morons weren’t let down.

              • 2 years ago

                its not, and it is mechanically possible either way like a poster showed above in a youtube vid, where one guy actually built it or a 4 feet wheel of cards, which is possible.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm not mechanically inclined so
                Learn about it if you can build with legos you can understand how these things work.

                >Why is that such a massive sin
                Lets say by some next level alien tech this works.

                Lets grant this. Writers are idiots and think mechanical counters are iPhones.
                Lets grant this excuse.

                The question still remains
                SHIT !!!!!!????

                Try to answer this. We know that the writer did this to hook viewers.
                Now why did it do this in universe ?

                Keep in mind the best explanation to all of this crap was nuked by the writers.

                So literally
                >Be Dharma
                >Create a problem and an anomaly that is bad
                >Create a way to neutralize it
                > Do this the most moronic way possible.
                > Create a computer yet the pushing of the button is not automatic.
                >Harass people every 108 minutes (this fricks with their sleep) to push it.
                >instead of you know a big button to press make it a combination of numbers that need to be entered, they are always the same
                I'm sorry what is the logic here ? You do not want unauthorized people to save the world by accident ???
                >When the time runs out make the counter say something in Egyptian. For no reason whatsoever
                Can you fricken imagine this ? OK so how do you think did Dharma get that counter ?
                Did they go to the store and get one ? What is it next to the one who starts writing in ancient Babylonian when it reaches zero ?

                So it was
                >Be Dharma
                >get really obsessed with the counter showing Egyptian once it hits zero.
                >Literally manufacture this yourself
                >By alien tech at this point however lets ignore this
                So you have a dangerous anomaly and a counter WHOSE FRICKEN purpose is to accurately show the time and you are not interested in its reliability only if it will start showing your le Egyptian meme once it hits zero.

                Like frickn think about this trash ?

              • 2 years ago

                You are thinking in top-down hierarchies, like a docile mutt would do.
                Maybe one of the workers who built the counter wanted a more dramatic approach to the zeros and showed "underworld" in egyptian, which he did.
                Maybe the swan station supervisors thought this to inflict further stress, by showing something dramatic, hard to decipher in red.
                It worked with the audience.

                So why being so attached?

              • 2 years ago

                >Maybe one of the workers who built the counter wanted a more dramatic approach
                Today on the clown show that is the Dharma initiative some worker decides to sabotage the exploding anomaly because he cares more for the Egyptian symbols meme then for you know that fricken thing showing the accurate time to explosion ?!?!?!?!

                >Maybe the swan station supervisors thought this to inflict further stress, by showing something dramatic, hard to decipher in red.
                Once more they did it for no reason and building a mechanical counter only for this moronic meme LITERALLY COMPROMISES ITS FUNCTION !
                And its function is to show the time to explosion !

                >So why being so attached?
                Because this makes no sense in universe. You can not defend this.

              • 2 years ago

                I think the computer shouting SYSTEM FAILURE and the world ending are pretty big indicators that you fricked up. The hieroglyphs were a stylistic choice to indicate this.
                You have no imagination

              • 2 years ago

                >he hieroglyphs were a stylistic choice
                Flip counters are no iPhones these symbols needed to be made. Hand making a counter like this compromises its function.

              • 2 years ago

                >Because it wasn’t just “some frickups,” it was a show built around using every cheap gimmick possible to draw viewers, and then acting like none of the hooks that drew people in actually mattered. Because the writers had no plan for any of them.
                We got insulted and wasted ouer time on this ride.

              • 2 years ago

                >Some frick ups
                NO !

                We are not talking visible crew or disappearing item.
                We are talking 100s of mysteries who got paraded and promised answers for.
                We got shit, no answers or solutions to the most trivial crap.

                The fact that no LOST gay can explain how their Dharma counters can work is one of these examples.

              • 2 years ago

                >We are talking 100s of mysteries who got paraded and promised answers for.
                We got shit, no answers or solutions to the most trivial crap.
                Completely incorrect. What are some things you're confused about? Besides the Pearl station and the countdown timer

              • 2 years ago

                >Besides the Pearl station and the countdown timer
                >Except the things you listed
                Why don't you start with Pearl station and the countdown timer ?

                No gayot that shit was on prominent display for 1 SEASON AN entire season and now the lost gays go
                >Stop asking questions about this thing

              • 2 years ago

                Because I explained those things to you and you refused to listen so I'm not wasting my time again. I genuinely want to hear your other gripes and see how I can answer them

          • 2 years ago

            >Anon, flip counters are a bunch of plastic cards fixed to wheels. They only “flip” one way. When one “resets” it flips through all the cards back to the start position. Which means it would need to flip past the hieroglyphs unless something else was holding those cards together.
            Anon I appreciate your effort however you are talking to a LOST gay who has no fricken idea how these clocks or counters work.

            Also I like to point your attention to the lowest value (seconds ? Minutes ? Who gives a shit) on that counter, there is no way the hieroglyphs would not show during normal operation on them since they must cycle to the next card and if LOST gays want to bullshit there are more cards ….
            10*100 = 1000 how the frick can you fit over 1000 number cards into that thing ?

            And the best question is. WHY ?!
            Why not normally drop a card saying in ENGLISH
            >SYSTEM FAILURE !

            Was Dharma so obsessed with their prank that they needed to do this ? Because there is no benefit to showing hieroglyphs when the timer runs out.

            However you know what this accomplishes ? This makes people interested in the show. So they keep on watching.

            The best part is that there is an explanation for all of this that makes 100% sense.
            >It was all a psychological experiment to see how long until they stop pushing the button.

            Only the moronic writers nuked this possibility.

            And we are left with the shit show of
            >You need to use the autismo computer and the numbers because because, simply because
            So not 1 switch to ASAP push the button.
            >They will show Egyptian hydrophilic regardless how nonsensical and regardless how much it did cost to make the dam clock this way because because, simply because. STOP ASKING QUESTIONS

            This shit can not be saved.

          • 2 years ago

            >The flip counter doesn't work!!!
            Why won't you go back to fondling a dog, Adum

            >verification not required.

      • 2 years ago

        I think he think that there are multiple sequences of number cards there ....
        Because Dharma was really obsessed with their Hieroglyph prank for some reason....

        Either way lets take 108 as the max
        10*100 = 1000 this means that the lowest minute digit needs to literally have 1000 cards and some to do this.
        This is physically impossible ! In like you can not cram that many cards into it with that card and display size.

        And all of this for what ? Build all this custom shit for what ?
        Because Dharma wanted to do their Egyptian prank ?????

        Literally why ?
        The computer will scream

        Also notice how moronic it is to type in the numbers on keyboard before the system lets you you know save the world.

        Literally the only explanation is that it is a social experiment only the writers killed this possibility.

        Why the frick is this not automated ?!

        • 2 years ago

          You could enter other numbers / commands which purpose is not yet disclosed.

  23. 2 years ago

    >click bait
    cool internet brain rot you have there, you mentally ill incel

  24. 2 years ago

    Meh, it was a fun show in the beginning especially. I was in high school when it aired and have some fond memories of discussing each episode at my lunch table the day after it came out. It's definitely turned me off of 'mystery box' shows. Someone just needs to make one of these shows and stick to a strict 3 season plan where season 1 is build up, season 2 mostly fleshes things out without adding a million new mysteries, and then season 3 is resolution. Instead these things are made with just constant build up season after season and then when its time to end they have to throw together a very sloppy resolution to answer all of the questions that were never meant to be answered

    • 2 years ago

      Also wasnt there some big author strike and as a result the shows quality suffered?

      • 2 years ago

        there was a strike but all it did was cut off two episodes from season 4

        • 2 years ago

          I remember the writer's guild strike but that was only a thing for like six months, doesn't really explain why half of the show is moronic

          It sure didnt help make the show better

      • 2 years ago

        I remember the writer's guild strike but that was only a thing for like six months, doesn't really explain why half of the show is moronic

    • 2 years ago

      >Instead these things are made with just constant build up season after season and then when its time to end they have to throw together a very sloppy resolution to answer all of the questions that were never meant to be answered
      >Someone just needs to make one of these shows and stick to a strict 3 season plan where season 1 is build up, season 2 mostly fleshes things out without adding a million new mysteries, and then season 3 is resolutio
      NOPE mini series only now.
      Make it 12 or 24 episodes and wrap it up like you know any anime.

      There literally was no reason for them bumming around for more then 2 and a half seasons.
      I'm literally never going on a ride like this.

  25. 2 years ago

    and finally real life proof that such a counter can mechanically exist AND would NOT show the hieroglyphs, except one wants to:

    I think anti-lost morons should apologize.

    • 2 years ago

      >I think anti-lost morons should apologize.
      Lets see
      I'm actually hypewd to watch this.
      >50% anre Egryptian crap
      Challenging !

      You can see they Egyptian ones you gayot moron !

      Also notce that there is no countdown show on that thing since it iwll be unlike on the show.

      >I think anti-lost morons should apologize.
      I think you need to apologise publickly for beign a mega gayot who did not even watch yoru own video.

  26. 2 years ago

    10 years later this show keeps filtering plebs out

  27. 2 years ago

    Ok, ok. I got it. The show was about bears, right?

    • 2 years ago

      let it go already

  28. 2 years ago

    Wait, so you're telling me the polar bears weren't Walt magic?

  29. 2 years ago

    Bro let me just stop you there. I don't give a frick about the mystery. I don't give a frick if the counter clock is physically impossible. Obviously a fricking wheel can't send you back in time either. It's a tv show. I liked it because I related to the characters in high school, particularly Locke and Sawyer but all of them really. Also the chicks are hot. I can tell from this thread you are some butt mad star wars fan. News flash star wars sucks ass and has always sucked ass. Lost was ding dong diddly based. I don't care that you hate it I fricking loved it and it got me into philosophy and literature. So frick off get filtered and LOST forever bros hell yeah.

    • 2 years ago

      this. Lost was never hard scifi.
      OP is a massive homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        Lost was never anything but a string of cheap gimmicks.

        • 2 years ago

          I think in a broader sense your comments regarding Lost and its creator JJ are already tangential to antsemitism. I need to ask you to stop.

          • 2 years ago

            Frick israelites

  30. 2 years ago

    theres lots of things wrong with lost but hieroglyphics in the fricking hatch counter and polar bears arent one of them

    • 2 years ago

      >theres lots of things wrong with lost but [point of criticism] and [literally any specific point of contention] arent one of them

      This is the handwave for every critique of lost. No matter what is brought up, eventually a lostgay trots this logic out, as if it absolves the show of being a pointless clusterfrick of gimmicks.

      • 2 years ago

        But anon is right.
        The whole last season is an insult to every time- and emotional investment. Counters pale in comparison.

      • 2 years ago

        lots of things wrong with lost but [point of criticism] and [literally any specific point of contention] arent one of them
        Brilliant point.

        And I bring the bunker in particular since you know this was the focus of A ENTIRE SEASON !!!!

        And entire season wasted on bullshit and never explained.

        I also say that it is impossible to defend, LOST gays can not scream magic island since it is Dharma tech.

    • 2 years ago

      >theres lots of things wrong with lost but hieroglyphics in the fricking hatch counter
      Try to explain that one !
      NO ! Try to defend that one !
      Because this was never explained.

      • 2 years ago

        why is it so difficult to believe that the dharma initiative put it there? they were aware of the egyptian ruins on the island and were even teaching hieroglyphics and ancient egyptian in childrens classes

        • 2 years ago

          >they were aware of the egyptian ruins on the island and were even teaching hieroglyphics and ancient egyptian in childrens classes
          Show that.

          >why is it so difficult to believe that the dharma initiative put it there?
          Only WHY ?

          • 2 years ago

            >Show that.
            pic rel
            >Only WHY ?
            i just think that with smoke monsters, island wizards, time travel, immortality, and glowing beams of light that represent the heart of the island theres a lot more things to pick with what this show did wrong than a stupid counter.

  31. 2 years ago

    Brb rewatching LOST

  32. 2 years ago

    JJ said it's all explained and reasoned when you take good attention, but he will reveal eventually in 2025. Can't remember which article, I think Hollywood reporter.

  33. 2 years ago

    too lazy to find out which one to reply to, but my theory for why they use the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 is because the Dharma initiative understood the power of the sequence, and the power can only be harnessed by an individual. Like hurley having great luck in winning the lottery, putting the numbers in gives great luck to discharge the anomaly before it destroys the earth. That is why it isn't automated.

    • 2 years ago

      you know what, that would be cool and super easy for the writers to put in. but you know what happened? nothing. there are some cool answers to stuff in lost but the writers weren't very good. take the "whispers" you hear throughout the series. they initially relate to the others, which was cool when they were this primal tribe that were ruthless but also very smart. turns out they're just normal people though, ops. not very interesting now. also, they're actually the voices of the dead on the island. almost as lame as the star wars shit about the force.

      anyone else notice how the character arcs and motives went to absolute shit in the last season? none of the characters acted like they did normally. Ben was probably the worst. literally up until the last episode Ben is a pathological liar and also a psychopath who kills people and feels no remorse. even asking the man in black if there were "more people to kill". then, when hurley offers him 2nd place in leading the island he just turns a leaf and becomes a moral person? that shit is just moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        he wasn't a psychopath, he was wandering without purpose after Alex died and he was exiled and going with whoever would have him

        • 2 years ago

          bro he genocided the dharma. sure he hated his dad but he had a close relationship with the leader of the dharma and other dharma people. he also had no problem kiddnapping women and killing people at the start of the season (to be fair, his character was only introduced in S2 and was never meant to be a permanent character).

          also, normal people don't go murdering others because their family member died.

          • 2 years ago

            there's a difference between him and people like Keamy and the mercenaries. he wouldn't care about Alex or put himself in harm's way to save Hugo if he was a psychopath

            • 2 years ago

              yeah watch this clip and tell me this guy, after learning he's killed a bunch of innocent people, being completely indifferent to it, isn't a psychopath. he literally has no remorse.

              the thing is, ben being a psychopath is fine. he's a very interesting character and adds a really fun dynamic to the show. but, like a lot of characters in the end, the writers just didn't know what to do with him and wanted to wrap the show in a nice way.

              i have a feeling when they eventually do the LOST reboot, ben will be ret-conned with a bunch of wild shit, at least i hope. otherwise, it won't make any. sense

              • 2 years ago

                >If the show doesn't follow my head canon, no one will understand! It won't make sense!
                You shouldn't be alive any longer.

              • 2 years ago

                >non-sequitor and strawman after being proven wrong
                have a nice night kid. maybe next time you'll get me 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                >LOCKE: Why did you kill him when you knew it would destroy the boat?
                >BEN: Well, John, I really wasn't thinking straight. Sometimes... good command decisions get compromised by bad emotional responses.

                He had some remorse afterwards.

              • 2 years ago

                >"I was just following orders!"
                you'd make a good nazi

              • 2 years ago

                >denial of Ben showing regret and remorse right in front of him
                I do detest arguing with schizos

              • 2 years ago

                >"haha, yeah sorry man i made a big mistake! also, i'm going to kill other people in the series and not care about it"
                i'm sure you enjoy watching capeshit as well. it's more up your alley.

                keep responding

              • 2 years ago

                You just don't understand what a psychopath is. If he really didn't care about the people on the boat, he wouldn't have bothered giving an explanation to John. It really is that simple

              • 2 years ago

                go to bed lindlelof

              • 2 years ago

                I just looked at his kill list, he killed either out of anger or to protect the island. Yeah, real psychopathic behavior right there, unlike the actual psychopath Keamy, who just does it for fun.
                Like I said, you don't understand the definition

              • 2 years ago

                oh yeah remember the gas he wanted to release to kill everyone on the island, including the survivors of the plane crash? you're way out of your depth here buddy.

                here, you'll fit in there

              • 2 years ago

                That literally never happened. Charlotte and Daniel were ordered by Widmore to disarm the gas because he suspected Ben might use it.
                Suspicion is not the same thing as Ben actually wanting to and planning on it.
                Try citing something that actually happened

              • 2 years ago

                >If the show doesn't follow my head canon, no one will understand! It won't make sense!
                it's been fun, but it's over now. enjoy your night xD

              • 2 years ago

                No, that's supported by actual lines in the show.
                >I've got nothing
                Yeah, thought so. Brush up on your psychology terms in the mean time

      • 2 years ago

        >you know what, that would be cool and super easy for the writers to put in. but you know what happened? nothing. there are some cool answers to stuff in lost but the writers weren't very good. take the "whispers" you hear throughout the series. they initially relate to the others, which was cool when they were this primal tribe that were ruthless but also very smart. turns out they're just normal people though, ops. not very interesting now. also, they're actually the voices of the dead on the island. almost as lame as the star wars shit about the force.
        Frick this show !

    • 2 years ago

      >Like hurley having great luck in winning the lottery, putting the numbers in gives great luck to discharge the anomaly before it destroys the earth. That is why it isn't automated.
      So what magic numbers only work if a human enters them ?

      AAaaAnd never explained in the show cool fanon !

  34. 2 years ago

    Thanks anon for reminding of how KINO Lost is. Re-watching clips on youtube now. I'm so happy I'm not mentally broken enough to seethe over small details like this.

  35. 2 years ago

    OP how old are you? Justoutof curiosity. Also, does it calm you down watching shiny things spin?

  36. 2 years ago

    >For example WHY THE FRICK did the counter start to count in Egyptian ?
    >You know what everyone was wondering about was the dharma stuff like the clock and the button and why it is counting in EGYPTIAN !
    This is absolutely pathetic. The clock didn't count in Egyptian, you moronic ape, the count concluded and then switched to hieroglyphics.
    >pic related
    >"Swan Small Death"
    If you have any actual questions left after watching through LOST, you should legitimately be put down like a dog.

    • 2 years ago

      >This is absolutely pathetic. < REEE my Pedantic word choice obsession> you moronic ape,
      LOST gays are walking jokes.

      • 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago

    i've watched it with my friends, had a good time, we got many laughs and chills, it was a fun experience
    i would prefer season six to be more sci-fi than fantasy and flash-sideways were a bit a waste of time, but overall i would reccomend it
    all this complaints like "whaaa, they didn't explained some detail everybody forgot already, therefore it's terrible and ruined television for me, what a disappointment!!!" like dude relax, it's just a show

  38. 2 years ago

    Unironically what explanations of black smoke that kills people and a cripple walking again were you expecting? Whan can you do with that other than magic and some sci-fi shit like nanobots, which is just magic with a different flavor.

    • 2 years ago

      They can never respond to this, only with "aha! so you ADMIT it was magical shit!"
      You just can't win with these people

      • 2 years ago

        magic sucks when its just the writers handwaving things. the bigger issue is how little of of the show mattered in the end.

  39. 2 years ago

    Aside from Breaking Bad, name 1 show better than LOST

    • 2 years ago

      Battlestar Galactica

    • 2 years ago

      >1 show better than LOST
      Mc Giver
      Star Trek TNG
      >Breaking Bad
      Is trash.

    • 2 years ago

      >1 show better than LOST
      Star Trek TNG
      >Breaking Bad
      Is trash.

      • 2 years ago

        oh you

  40. 2 years ago

    still LOST it seems

  41. 2 years ago

    Lost was shit. Hated the fact they didn't explain anything and then at the end it was THEY WERE LE DEAD THE WHOLE TIME.

    • 2 years ago

      >Lost was shit. Hated the fact they didn't explain anything and then at the end it was THEY WERE LE DEAD THE WHOLE TIME.

  42. 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      why do you keep bumping this thread?

      • 2 years ago

        probably because he hates lost.

      • 2 years ago

        I wasted my time watching it. We need to warn others to watch something good instead like breaking bad

  43. 2 years ago

    You got filtered

    • 2 years ago

      Quiet gayot.

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