Love and Thunder was so bad that people are actually calling Thor: The Dark World a good movie now.

Love and Thunder was so bad that people are actually calling Thor: The Dark World a good movie now.

Get ready for them to be the new TASM apologists.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    But L&T have FosThor wrapped in tight bondage and choked. The cooming from that alone makes this an S-tier film.

    • 2 years ago

      Also Tessa being a muscle pit bawd.

      • 2 years ago

        is she less insufferable this time around? Hated her guts in Ragnarok.

        • 2 years ago

          Nta but, and I say this as someone who hated her guts in Ragnarok surprisingly yes. It's nothing to write home about, she's basically just the tagalong sidekick who gets to be plot relevant because everyone else has a divine weapon and she keeps up by taking Zeus' after Thor beats him. But instead of trying to justify herself or being put on a pedestral she's shown to miss the space viking life, depressed about missing her gf (who apparently IS the blonde "actual" Valkyrie from the flashback) who gave her life to save hers, is more supportive than snarky (although she does have her fair share of quips since this is the MCU after all, it's just that it comes off as...less vindictive than in Ragnarok)

          There's nothing in it that will win you over to her if you already disliked her in Ragnarok and the premise of her being given the throne in Endgame because Thor forgot his responsibility aesop, but for what it's worth she's less aggressively insufferable and plot armoured.

          • 2 years ago

            that'll work, thank you

  2. 2 years ago

    Still seething my homie Chadstopher Eccleston got fricked over with this role

    • 2 years ago

      >Chadstopher Eccleston got fricked over with this role
      Shouldn't have chosen him then if they were just gonna write him so blandly.

    • 2 years ago

      >It fricked over my favorite Doctor and my favorite comic Thor villain in one go
      Thor: the Dark World felt like an attack on me personally.

      • 2 years ago

        >Ray Stevenson had to leave Dexter early because of scheduling conflicts over this movie
        Count me in. I actually enjoyed his character on that show.

    • 2 years ago

      Doctor Who actors are just cursed.

  3. 2 years ago

    Because it is.

  4. 2 years ago


    > Comedy interrupts the end battle too much altho not half as bad as Ragnarok.
    > Malekith is unquestionably the weakest Mcu villain and doesn't even have a cool or faithful design.
    > Thor throwing the flimsy science poles at Malekith at the end looked silly.
    > Not much done with Portman or the romance.

    > Thor's outfit is much better then his suits in Thor1 or Avengers1.
    > More for Heimdall to do.
    > Loki is fun as always and got more to do here then he did in Ragnarok.
    > Kurse is cool looking and fairly menacing, him beating Thor into the ground was fairly brutal.
    > Final battle is fairly creative with the portals.
    > Frigga's death & funeral is great. Score is beautiful. Thor's reaction to her death, blasting Malekith's face with Lightning was great.
    > A little bit more for Sif & the warriors 3 to do.
    > Showed us more of Asgard, their technology and history.
    > Flashbacks to Odin's father Bor should have been longer but were cool none the less and Bor was perfectly cast.

  5. 2 years ago



    > The film has zero emotional weight after Odin's death. The Guardians films get away with their humor because before Infinity War they had the most emotional impact of the entire Mcu. This had none of that balance. The entire time I was watching Ragnarok I was saying to myself "Gunn could have done this so much better".
    > The humor is unbearably awkward and fake feeling, like a bad SNL skit. It went genuinely into Scary Movie/Movie 42 spoof vibe territory. The scenes with the Grandmaster especially.
    > Hela is just as flat a villain as Malekith or Ronan but is given a pass because she is alot more badass then them.
    > The sets and outfits on Sakaar look disgustingly cheap. Instead of celebrating the mythos (like aquaman did) and bringing Jack Kirby's designs to life they literally use his art as fricking wallpaper.
    > Valkyrie looks and acts nothing like any version of the character in the comics.
    > Surtur in the comics is a dark apocalyptic figure as menacing as Galactus, here he is a god damn joke.
    > A major complaint against the first 2 films was them doing nothing with the warriors 3 and this film does the same but full on kills them off. People give Snyder crap for killing off Jimmy Olsen in Bvs but give this a pass, hypocritical c**ts.
    > Doctor Strange is wasted.
    > Jeff Goldblum is wasted.
    > Ruffalo is wasted.
    > Karl Urban / Skurge is wasted and his death (one of the most emotionally powerful in all of comics) is done as a afterthought.
    > The destruction of Asgard is given little to no weight. We could have gotten something tragic & beautiful (see pic related) but they pissed in our faces instead.

    • 2 years ago



      > Skurge's outfit is perfect.
      > Hela's outfit is perfect.
      > Thor's design once his hair is cut is damn good.
      > Odin's death was good, better then the original version with him being stabbed in a filthy alley.
      > Gladiator match is good & Hulk's CGI in it is better then it is the rest of the film.
      > Tessa is decent and has some fun mannerisms.
      > Hemsworth is more fun then in previous films.
      > The flashbacks to Hela slaughtering the Valkyries is visually fantastic and a wiener tease of what the Thor films should have looked like the entire time (Lord of the Rings + Zach Snyder)
      > Loki is still good and fun to watch.
      > Elba is given slightly more to do.
      > The "get help" joke is genuinely funny.
      > Them using the music from the first film at the end was well done (until they ruined it with the rock guy thinking he killed his friend)

      • 2 years ago

        No appreciation for Thor unlocking his full power? That was always my favorite part but people never talk about it.

        • 2 years ago

          Nta but I think people overlook it because every subsequent movie has been dedicated to trying to downplay or workaround Thor being strong enough to brute force through the Infinity Gauntlet's power. For all it's flaws I'll give Love and Thunder credit for effectively letting Thor be at full power if nothing else and mostly hindered by his own stupidity and incompetence considering how casually he oneshotted Zeus

  6. 2 years ago

    It's not good but it was still better than Love and Thunder

  7. 2 years ago

    Nobody thinks TASM is good

    • 2 years ago

      That's the point.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah plenty defend the first one.
      2 no.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally me.

    • 2 years ago

      No, frick you Cinemaphile. You don't fricking get try to retcon shit IRL. I won't stand for this revisionist crap.
      >oh look, he finally has the web-shooters unlike Raimi. They finally showcase Peter's intelligence just like DA COMICS
      >dude small knives, Peter finally quips like in the comics it's so good
      >wow, Peter and Gwen are so great and have such great chemistry together
      >wow, Peter's fighting style is acrobatic just like the comics, not like brawls of Raimi, so cool
      It wasn't until ASM2 was a complete shitfire people started pretending it was always 100% bad.

      • 2 years ago

        Eh I liked ASM2 well enough, sure it had a LOT of problems but I wanted to see where it would go from there. MCU Spider-Man is great in team-up movies and I still think the MCU peaked with civil war but his solo movies are a major letdown and easily worse than the ASM ones.

        • 2 years ago

          >but his solo movies are a major letdown and easily worse than the ASM ones.
          No fricking way you redditors believe this, Homecoming was pure kino

          • 2 years ago

            >Penis Parker
            Vulture aside, they suck, man. They couldn’t even remember Spider-Man already used the Spider-Sense in Civil War so the Infinity War directors had to make it extremely clear so these morons didn’t miss it this time.

            • 2 years ago

              Buhh, the highschool bully's insults are creative enough, duhhh

      • 2 years ago

        It was still bad 100% bad though

      • 2 years ago

        I remember laughing my ass off at how bad it was with my friend when we watched it in theaters but it certainly seems like the general public liked the first ASM well enough. I was always on the 100% bad train though.

      • 2 years ago

        People were expecting another reboot after the first movie anon it wasn't good at all

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm going to watch The Dark World right now and see.

  9. 2 years ago

    People will always be blindsided by nostalgia. Dark World is WAY worse.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't even remember most of what happened in Dark World and I agree. Because Dark World is so fricking bad I STRUGGLE to remember any fricking thing that happened in it. So much was cut about the dark elves' motivations, so much happened because the plot needed it to that it all blends into white noise until the final battle of bad CGI that gets constantly, constantly interrupted with gags.

      I've given Love and Thunder a lot of shit, but the fact that I don't feel like I've actually been brainwashed to forget makes me think it outdid Dark World on most fronts.

  10. 2 years ago

    The first 50 minutes of TASM are boring but the rest of it was fun and the movie overall is leagues better than every spider-man movie that came out after it.
    Haven't seen the new Thor but dark world was boring for its entire runtime so even if the new one sucks, if it has any enjoyable moments and nothing outright offensive to people who like the character it'll be better.

    • 2 years ago

      >enjoyable moments and nothing outright offensive
      I despised Ragnarok, and I'd say this statement is accurate. If nothing else they do give a pretty decent showing for an in-shape Thor with the Stormbreaker who can solo nearly every fight scene although they kind of have to soft-nerf him by having the goddamn axe get jealous of his lingering nostalgia for Mjolnir. Thor's the butt of a lot of jokes, but there's also a lot of scenes that demonstrate how goddamn powerful he is and his relationship with Jane is handled MILES better than in the comics.

      Best fight scene imo is the one where Gorr, Jane and Thor are zooming around a dwarf planetoid in the Shadow Zone (yes that's the actual name for it), and eventually Thor hits it hard enough that it shatters

  11. 2 years ago

    I surprised they didn't tie Jane's cancer in Love and Thunder to her being a vessel for the Aether in The Dark World.

    • 2 years ago

      That's yet another thing that I, and probably everyone still involved in the MCU, forgot about. It would've made sense, yeah. Honestly I'm surprised they didn't just kill off Sif offscreen for how pointless her cameo in the movie was. It was obvious they really didn't want to distract from Thor and Jane's relationship but jesus, Sif has it rough.

      • 2 years ago

        Sif lives another day.

  12. 2 years ago

    That's what happens when the new movies are shittier than the last ones, see also X-Men last stand

    • 2 years ago

      Kind of amazing how Dark Phoenix was even worse.

      >Did you actually watch it, anon-
      Yes. Yes I did, and I stand by the fact that it was worse than Last Stand if only because they took all the Mystique shilling to it's logical conclusion, and villainised Charles for forced drama.

      • 2 years ago

        this shit oh my God

        or this one

        lmao the only actually good scene is the train fight and it still has its issues.

        • 2 years ago

          For me it was Jean getting triggered by Mystique basically screaming CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN YOU DAFT c**t over and over again being when she started tard raging out of control. Every time, every goddamn time studios handling muggas get to the cosmic firebird they just can't help shitting the bed for some reason.

  13. 2 years ago

    Does it have a "morbin time" scene ?

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