Madame Web

I just read about her and what the frick? She doesn't have spider powers but is a blind and paralyze old woman with psychic powers.

Why is she connected to Spiderman then?
Why is she wearing a spider woman costume?
Why did they made a movie about a supporting character?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >Why is she connected to Spiderman then?
    Because she debuted in his comic.

    • 4 months ago

      She's connected to the Web of Life and Spider-Man was its "Champion". I don't think he is anymore though, I dunno.

      >Why did they made a movie about a supporting character?
      The Spider-Man movie rights gave Sony the rights to a gorillion other characters. Some of them are heroes who just happened to debut in a Spider-Man comic, some of them are every character ever named 'Spider-Woman' (even though the first two of them never really had any connection to Spider-Man until the 2010s), some of them are villains, some of them are supporting characters like Madame Web here that they've revamped into something substantially different to the original comic character.

      Basically their current deal with Disney means they can't make any live-action Spider-Man movies on their own outside of the MCU, so they're using the other characters they have the rights to. Venom was a hit, and since then they're throwing stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks, while making them for a lot less money than the MCU, so it's not that big a deal if they fail.

      Why does she look like a spider woman though?

      • 4 months ago

        Because it looks cool. Spider-Man didn't invent Spider themed motifs.

      • 4 months ago

        She's connected to the Web of Life and Spider-Man was its "Champion". I don't think he is anymore though, I dunno.

        I've seen this character in a few comics but I could never really understand what she's all about or even who the frick she is.
        The mystical spider stuff is confusing and frankly doesn't seem to gel with Spider-Man as a concept.

        As I recall the origin of Madam Web and the web of life plot basicslly sets up the idea of the Spider Totem. That Peter gaining spider related powers wasn’t just a random scientific accident, more a supernatural destiny. There must always be an avatar of the spider totem (maybe there were previous spider related heroes and villains before Peter? Dunno)

        Like above said editorial wanted to link Spider-Man into more cosmic events and this seemed to be their best idea. Then it leads into stuff like Ezekiel and the multiverse of spider people that Web is connected to as well

  2. 4 months ago

    She's connected to the Web of Life and Spider-Man was its "Champion". I don't think he is anymore though, I dunno.

    • 4 months ago

      I've seen this character in a few comics but I could never really understand what she's all about or even who the frick she is.
      The mystical spider stuff is confusing and frankly doesn't seem to gel with Spider-Man as a concept.

      • 4 months ago

        The original purpose of the Madame Web and Web of Life stuff, from what I could tell, was that the writers and editors and whoever wanted Spider-Man to feature in more cosmic-level stories, so they needed a reason to draw him out of his street-level limitations.

    • 4 months ago

      Although now with all the spiderverse stuff, she could be relevant again in that animated universe at least.

  3. 4 months ago

    >Why did they made a movie about a supporting character?
    The Spider-Man movie rights gave Sony the rights to a gorillion other characters. Some of them are heroes who just happened to debut in a Spider-Man comic, some of them are every character ever named 'Spider-Woman' (even though the first two of them never really had any connection to Spider-Man until the 2010s), some of them are villains, some of them are supporting characters like Madame Web here that they've revamped into something substantially different to the original comic character.

    Basically their current deal with Disney means they can't make any live-action Spider-Man movies on their own outside of the MCU, so they're using the other characters they have the rights to. Venom was a hit, and since then they're throwing stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks, while making them for a lot less money than the MCU, so it's not that big a deal if they fail.

    • 4 months ago

      Sad thing is you could do quite a few good movies with some of those characters without even mentioning spider-man once. They have the ability to be their own entertaining thing like Blade or other 90s/00s style hero movies.

      • 4 months ago

        This is very true, and most of them aren't characters non-comic readers would even be aware of, so they're also free to revamp them in any way with few restraints, and 99% of the potential audience won't even be dismissing them as "just a Spider-Man character" and sperging out at the lack of Spider-Man like the turbo autists here keep doing.

        They have the right idea, they just don't have the execution in a way that's actually bringing in audiences except with Venom.

      • 4 months ago

        Superior Foes would make for a good movie or show, and Sony's never been remotely interested in it. It's probably for the best though, I can easily see them screwing it up and making an even worse Suicide Squad 2016.

        • 4 months ago

          They probably still want to make that Sinister Six movie they were talking about ten years ago, so they're not likely to do "supervillain team...but idiots and losers" first and dilute the concept.

  4. 4 months ago

    Denny O'Neil wrote a story about Spider-Man meeting a spooky old blind and paralyzed woman with psychic powers. For aesthetic reasons she was given a spider-themed design.
    Everything that came after that was silly and unnecessary, especially the movie.
    "Creepy-but-good psychic" was enough.

    • 4 months ago

      I thought it was Roger stern

  5. 4 months ago

    Tou ever notice how Spider-Man's spider sense doesn't make any god damned sense. Well several times they have explained or insinuated that it is a low grade psychic ability connected to the Web of Life. Madame Web has a stronger connection to this web. She is something akin to the boss or an high ranking officer granted more information about what is going on, Spider-Man is a soldier at best.

  6. 4 months ago

    >Why is she connected to Spiderman then?
    Because she needed someone to frick with/trick into doing shit for her. She picked Spiderman. All the web of life bullshit was retconned in later.
    >Why is she wearing a spider woman costume?
    She had that outfit first.
    >Why did they made a movie about a supporting character?
    Sony is trying to milk spiderman for all he's worth, and this is the result of giving control of a cinematic universe to the man who wrote Gods of Egypt. Later this year the writers behind Transformers The Last Knight and Men in Black: International will be doing a Kraven movie.

  7. 4 months ago

    From Comicvine:
    >Madame Web introduces Spider-Man to a galactic entity known as Mr. Universe. He with the help of Madame Web has been studying human society on Earth along with many other worlds and has found a confusing phenomena known as good and evil. Madame Web tries to explain to Mr. Universe the good is the only thing that keeps the world in balance but Mr. Universe will not be persuaded. He chooses a world that is totally at peace and has no knowledge of evil, and sends the villains Dr. Octopus, Dr. Doom, and Red Skull there, and allows one year's time to pass. During this time, the planet is devastated and taken over by the villains. It is then Spider-Man's job to lead a group of super heroes to defeat them, proving which is more powerful, and therefore better, good or evil.
    When does this happen?

    • 4 months ago

      >Madame Web introduces Spider-Man to a galactic entity known as Mr. Universe.
      She knows the bodybuilder guy?

    • 4 months ago

      That sounds worse than Secret Wars II.

  8. 4 months ago

    do you know what a spider web is or are you a limited language model that hasn't been taught word association

    • 4 months ago

      good morning sir!

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