Mao Mao

what's Cinemaphile opinion about it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I miss it. The theme song was usually the only time I heard the words "I love you" in the day.

  2. 2 years ago

    I cry myself to sleep thinking about how it will never get that season 2

  3. 2 years ago

    Above average in the first season where many shows have some trouble finding their footing. A bit salty it got cancelled and won't develop from there.

  4. 2 years ago

    A good show that got killed by CN. I will never forgive CN for killing their good shows.

  5. 2 years ago

    I liked the base gag that it was like an '80s boys' show like He-Man combined with one for girls, like Care Bears, but I don't think they exploited that angle enough.

  6. 2 years ago

    Never watched a full episode but I lurk the threads sometimes because the fandom can be hilarious. I remember hearing a clip of Mao Mao speak and being shocked how it was nothing like I imagined him sounding like.

    • 2 years ago

      I think he's supposed to be a bit like Batman.

    • 2 years ago

      it's on hbo max and short. just pop on a random episode in the middle of the season, there's some minor running gags you'll miss but frick it, frick continuity.

  7. 2 years ago

    Still denying S2 is cancelled
    Overall, one of CNs best shows within this decade. Original funny action cartoon. God how much I missed them. And this one in such good quality.
    The villian is also the best fusion character ever made.

    • 2 years ago

      Love the characters, love the jokes, love the setting, hate Cartoon Network

      >literally just a snake sitting on top of an orangutan, the snake does the talking while the orangutan fights
      genius character design

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    Pretty good,i dont mind the disguised vore

  10. 2 years ago

    It's a non-trivial achivement that Adorabat is not annoying.

  11. 2 years ago

    Supoib. Its death is one of mankind's greatest crimes.

  12. 2 years ago

    >go on, git!
    I like the Southernisms the Tennessean showrunner sometimes put in there.

  13. 2 years ago

    I loved Mao Mao the characters are mostly buttholes and its great.
    Imo the series was canned while in production because Badgerclops was too gay or something, maybe with a full on "frick your hateful fart cartoon" type scene on Parker.

  14. 2 years ago

    Never watched it, but is it true that it was cancelled cause the main character fought a lot in the show and how it had a different point of view on solving problems that conflicts to how problems are solved in steven universe?
    I've only ever visited a few threads for this show, but I can totally agree that you can't always solve problems by being a crybaby pacifist.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, CN took the preschool route and decided to aim for an even younger audience than kids (babies) and that's been slowly taking place ever since they launched Cartoonito onto their channel. Jessicas Little Big World, Bugs Bunny Builders, Tom & Jerry Time, and now the recently announced Foster's preschool reboot, these are all the shows CN has in store for the future. Mao Mao obviously didn't fit this new image so they had to take it out and stop production on it completely.

      • 2 years ago

        Thats fricking moronic, preschoolers are watching Spiderman and Elsa, not Cartoon Network

  15. 2 years ago

    cancellation stems from:
    >the death of cable tv
    >creepy furry fans spamming shitty gay fur art
    >creepy furry fans "cancelling" parker for saying mao mao and badgerclops' friendship is platonic

    • 2 years ago

      >mao mao and badgerclops' friendship is platonic
      Based Parker. If I had money and a network I’d fund and host his show. Villainous too.

    • 2 years ago

      >creepy furry fans spamming shitty gay fur art
      >creepy furry fans "cancelling" parker for saying mao mao and badgerclops' friendship is platonic
      If that were the case shows like SU would've been cancelled years ago. The actual reason is most likely corporate politics, especially considering it debuted within a buyout.

      • 2 years ago

        that's why i put it after the "also". it's mostly just the death of cable tv that killed it, and everything that comes with those death throes.
        difference with SU is that it had a strong vocal following of non-furries. furries ruin everything.

        • 2 years ago

          >difference with SU is that it had a strong vocal following of non-furries.
          it attracted a different, arguably more 'unfortunate' sort of following though.

  16. 2 years ago

    Solid A+++ show, probably the only case I've seen where a show can be this GAY and still teeter right on the perfect edge of woke and funny and still manage to pull it off.
    Absolute crime it's probably canceled, would've liked to see his sisters onscreen at least once, just to verify if MM has been exaggerating about them or not.

  17. 2 years ago

    Specifically went and watched it because of this thread, binged all 40 episodes. I liked it a lot. the show came into itself beautifully around half way through. the characters started to develop, there was fun call backs, the sweetie pies became a fun part of the show, and the writing actually made me laugh pretty hard towards the end. I can see why it got cancelled, it fits a weird audience that's no longer watching cable television, and the first 10-15 episodes are pretty weak. Without a strong start, and the later episodes not catering towards the target audience it's ratings were probably dead in the water. I think we'll see this kind of thing go the same way as hazbin and helluva, where the creators find their audience online.

    • 2 years ago

      >Specifically went and watched it because of this thread, binged all 40 episodes
      That's 40 x 11 minutes squeezed into 3 hours.
      Jeebus almighty, did you watch it on 3.0 speed?

  18. 2 years ago
  19. 2 years ago

    It had great moments but was cancelled too soon to really leave an impact. Also, the voreshit ruined my perception of the creator. Its one thing to have your fetishes and make NSFW art for other weirdos, it's a whole other thing to put it into kids' shows.
    >B-B-But every artist/animator is a degenerate who has fricked up sexual fetishes.
    Yeah, but I bet they don't show their children or nieces and nephews that shit, do they?

  20. 2 years ago

    Breddy funny unlike something like Amphibia or Owl House. Needed more episodes.

  21. 2 years ago

    It had SOUL (of a madly talented weeb cartoonist), a very nice art style (because look above), and edgy, quippy sort of humor. A little too edgy and tryhard for my taste, and the art style was actually a bit too nice for this show, since it's yet another action comedy toon that heavily emphasizes the 'comedy' part. This goes only for the Pure Heart Valley, the other, one-off location was a total letdown.

    It was also fraught with inconsistent characterization, and most characters were lowkey insufferable jerks, which only seemed to get worse the longer the show went on. The creator is an annoying autistic prick with an oversized ego, and unfortunately, it really shows, because the titular character is his very blatant self-insert.

    The fandom is autistic, which is probably a given for any kind of cartoon, but this particular fandom is not only full of fujos and gayfurs, but also the "where the boy toons at" type of annoying frick.

    It was killed off before the lore and the waifus (REAL waifus, the bat 'milf' doesn't count, and the tanuki wasn't enough) had the chance to appear, so it was mostly popular with tumblr and /trash/. Mostly /trash/ after the creator opened his big mouth and pissed of BadgerMao shippers, and then, not long after (but after like 5 different social media blunders), CN decided to bury the show for some mysterious reason totally unrelated to the creator's awful personality and constant drama he's causing.

    • 2 years ago

      >Shits on husbando gays
      >But muh waifus!

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, I AM a husbando gay.

  22. 2 years ago

    Was one of the best shows that was airing, not kidding.

  23. 2 years ago

    i've never even seen it. is it good?

  24. 2 years ago

    Feels limp honestly, doesn’t feel like it ever lived to its full potential even early on.

    • 2 years ago

      I guess that's a problem a lot of recent action cartoons share, I observe. I managed to enjoy this cartoon despite that though.

      It had SOUL (of a madly talented weeb cartoonist), a very nice art style (because look above), and edgy, quippy sort of humor. A little too edgy and tryhard for my taste, and the art style was actually a bit too nice for this show, since it's yet another action comedy toon that heavily emphasizes the 'comedy' part. This goes only for the Pure Heart Valley, the other, one-off location was a total letdown.

      It was also fraught with inconsistent characterization, and most characters were lowkey insufferable jerks, which only seemed to get worse the longer the show went on. The creator is an annoying autistic prick with an oversized ego, and unfortunately, it really shows, because the titular character is his very blatant self-insert.

      The fandom is autistic, which is probably a given for any kind of cartoon, but this particular fandom is not only full of fujos and gayfurs, but also the "where the boy toons at" type of annoying frick.

      It was killed off before the lore and the waifus (REAL waifus, the bat 'milf' doesn't count, and the tanuki wasn't enough) had the chance to appear, so it was mostly popular with tumblr and /trash/. Mostly /trash/ after the creator opened his big mouth and pissed of BadgerMao shippers, and then, not long after (but after like 5 different social media blunders), CN decided to bury the show for some mysterious reason totally unrelated to the creator's awful personality and constant drama he's causing.

      >and most characters were lowkey insufferable jerks
      I actually enjoyed that aspect about the characters the most honestly. It stands out from a lot of other shows, and it especially makes sense in the case of BC and Mao, both were especially hardened by their life experiences/adventures.

  25. 2 years ago

    It was mediocre but it felt like it had soul and passion behind it. It isn't the kind of show that doesn't really exist anymore since it was a comedy cartoon without lore that wasn't aiming for an older audience but also wasn't aiming for actual babies. Even as a non-fan I miss it just for that.

  26. 2 years ago
  27. 2 years ago

    I wish we got to see a bit more of the young adventurer mao mao

  28. 2 years ago
  29. 2 years ago

    Nice animation. No stakes though, which means boring show.

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