In 2003, Millar wrote a column for CBR detailing what he'd do with the company's titles if he suddenly found himself in charge of DC Comics. Do you like his choices? Bear in mind, he's thinking of 2002/2003 versions of these writers and artists.

>How I'd redesign DC. How I'd redesign DC. I must admit this is something I've often thought about. Supposing I had 12 months to start from scratch and turn the whole place around. Who would be my perfect pack of writers and artists? You, dear reader, can play this at length on your various message-boards, but the rules are that you mustn't give anyone more books than they're currently producing (although a Jim Lee-style head-start is, of course, okay for those lazy-ass artists since we're only talking about a twelve issue jump-start for the company). Another rule, just to avoid any of the current creative teams getting offended, is that nobody on this list is allowed to work on something they're currently writing or drawing.

>Got that? Everybody happy?

>Okay, big deep breath and away we go…

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    >I'd streamline the DCU down to the following titles, ripping back all the spin-off books (however good) because I think in this period of consolidation they distract from the parent book that should really be getting our attention. We can build these books up again as we approach the next boom, but right now the DCU needs to consolidate assets and put their biggest names on their biggest characters. It's the only real way to get people excited and re-ignite enthusiasm in the line.

    • 2 years ago

      Mark Millar/ Bryan Hitch

      Warren Ellis/ John Cassaday

      Mark Waid/ Andy Kubert

      >I know Mark Waid would rather write the Superman title, but this is my little private fantasy and so he's going to have to settle for Action Comics here. How d'you like THEM apples, Mister Waid? Also, Warren, you might as well face the fact that you write superheroes better than anyone else and stop being embarrassed about it, you English slag. Hitch and I have been preparing for Superman since we were eight years old so this one doesn't even go to a vote, I'm afraid.

      • 2 years ago

        Brian Bendis/ Leinil Yu

        Brian Azzarello/ Adam Kubert

        Grant Morrison/ Alan Davis

        >Giving up Loeb and Lee would be ridiculous, of course, but the rules of the game are the rules of the game and we'll keep them busy elsewhere. Bendis and Azz on Batman is a no-brainer and Adam Kubert has always said it's his favourite character. Morrison, I think, writes a much better Batman than Superman (easily the best moments in JLA were Batman moments and Gothic and Arkham are among the best things he's ever done). Alan Davis, like I really need to say it, drew the best run on Batman since Neal Adams when he teamed up with Mike Barr in the late eighties for a classic stint on Detective so he and Morrison would make a perfect team here.

        Azzarello would take over Batman for "Broken City" right after then-ongoing "Hush", and a surprisingly accurate prediction about Morrison there

        • 2 years ago

          >Bendis on Batman
          The seething would be incredible

        • 2 years ago

          >Bendis & Yu on DETECTIVE
          Long ago, in ancient time, this would've been a wet dream of mine to get a Bendis Bat-Book.

          Now all I can think about is Batman making dad jokes, Penguin speaking in Yiddish, some obscure waifu of Bendis getting the spotlight, & Damian winding up black.

          >Azz & Kubert on BATMAN
          I adore Azzarello's Bat stories but his style of storytelling seems a bit too slow & methodical for Andy Kubert's more larger than life style. Bit odd

          >Morrison & Davis on BATMAN & ROBIN
          Soooo...Batman & Robin, but even slightly more British? Ok.

          >WORLD'S FINEST
          Mark Millar/ Joe Quesada

          >Joe Quesada is, without doubt, the best Batman artist out there and he draws a mean Superman, too. I know he's being paid a lot of money to run Marvel, but in my spanking new DC I'd pay him three times that money to draw Superman and Batman. People would frick their own mothers to see these guys drawn by Quesada.

          Classic Mark

          >Millar & Qusadilla on WORLD'S FINEST
          I'm not sure what is more surprising: The fact that a lot of you have convinced me that Millar can probably write a damn good Superman book...or that i totally forgot that Joey Q used to draw and his heroes where huge and beefy. Quite the contrast from his Daredevil/Spidey days

          >WONDER WOMAN
          Kevin Smith/ Terry Dodson

          >Hmm. Best babe artist with the nicest style around teamed up with the guy who writes the best female characters in comics? No brainer, people. Smith has also proven that he can make the lowliest of the lowly characters sell more than even JLA or the X-books so he's genuinely the one man alive who could resurrect Wonder Woman from the position she's pretty much always held in the sales charts (barring a brief spike with Perez when I was still in high school).

          Smith at the time was supposed to take over Black Cat, the rape plot will be published some three years later

          >Smith & Dodson on WONDER WOMAN
          Ew. no. Send these two to horny jail.
          I want Azz & Chang back at Wondy again.

          • 2 years ago

            >this would've been a wet dream of mine to get a Bendis Bat-Book.
            You know he did a short Batman series right? It was the only well-received DC work of his around here too

          • 2 years ago

            >Joey Q used to draw and his heroes where huge and beefy
            he got some Marvel book he is drawing that star BP and Captain America who do look quite Beefy

      • 2 years ago

        Brian Bendis/ Leinil Yu

        Brian Azzarello/ Adam Kubert

        Grant Morrison/ Alan Davis

        >Giving up Loeb and Lee would be ridiculous, of course, but the rules of the game are the rules of the game and we'll keep them busy elsewhere. Bendis and Azz on Batman is a no-brainer and Adam Kubert has always said it's his favourite character. Morrison, I think, writes a much better Batman than Superman (easily the best moments in JLA were Batman moments and Gothic and Arkham are among the best things he's ever done). Alan Davis, like I really need to say it, drew the best run on Batman since Neal Adams when he teamed up with Mike Barr in the late eighties for a classic stint on Detective so he and Morrison would make a perfect team here.

        Azzarello would take over Batman for "Broken City" right after then-ongoing "Hush", and a surprisingly accurate prediction about Morrison there

        amusing thing about this;Andy Kubert got Batman with Morrison and Adam got Superman with Johns and Donner.

      • 2 years ago

        >Millar/Hitch on SUPERMAN
        Part of me knows that Millar has the utmost respect for Supes & has done some really good
        stories in the past. But another part of me will think he may be tempted to write this like he did Ultimates. Maybe it's the Hitch attached to this that worries me

        >Ellis/Cassaday on ADVENTURES
        Hopefully, it would've been Planetary Ellis who would have brought back weird super science to Supes instead of edgy deconstructionist Ellis

        >Waid/Kubert on ACTION
        This right here is my comfort food. I would've loved this.

        • 2 years ago

          >This right here is my comfort food. I would've loved this.
          Why? Waid sucks.

        • 2 years ago

          Millar hated mos so I think his superman run would have been good

        • 2 years ago

          Both Millar and Hitch are big Superman fans, so I don't believe it would've been like Ultimates.

        • 2 years ago

          But another part of me will think he may be tempted to write this like he did Ultimates.
          Lol he had an existential meltdown after Man of Steel because he hated how dark and edgy it made Supes. Pushed him to make lighter books for a while
          >Maybe it's the Hitch attached to this that worries me
          Hitch is as big a Chris Reeve gay as Millar is and he ironically enough is doing a big Superman book with Waid

      • 2 years ago

        Brian Bendis/ Leinil Yu

        Brian Azzarello/ Adam Kubert

        Grant Morrison/ Alan Davis

        >Giving up Loeb and Lee would be ridiculous, of course, but the rules of the game are the rules of the game and we'll keep them busy elsewhere. Bendis and Azz on Batman is a no-brainer and Adam Kubert has always said it's his favourite character. Morrison, I think, writes a much better Batman than Superman (easily the best moments in JLA were Batman moments and Gothic and Arkham are among the best things he's ever done). Alan Davis, like I really need to say it, drew the best run on Batman since Neal Adams when he teamed up with Mike Barr in the late eighties for a classic stint on Detective so he and Morrison would make a perfect team here.

        Azzarello would take over Batman for "Broken City" right after then-ongoing "Hush", and a surprisingly accurate prediction about Morrison there

        >no spinoff
        >except superman and batman gets 3 books

        • 2 years ago

          Batman and Superman have had 3 concurrent titles each since at least the 80s

  2. 2 years ago

    Mark Millar/ Joe Quesada

    >Joe Quesada is, without doubt, the best Batman artist out there and he draws a mean Superman, too. I know he's being paid a lot of money to run Marvel, but in my spanking new DC I'd pay him three times that money to draw Superman and Batman. People would frick their own mothers to see these guys drawn by Quesada.

    Classic Mark

    • 2 years ago

      Kevin Smith/ Terry Dodson

      >Hmm. Best babe artist with the nicest style around teamed up with the guy who writes the best female characters in comics? No brainer, people. Smith has also proven that he can make the lowliest of the lowly characters sell more than even JLA or the X-books so he's genuinely the one man alive who could resurrect Wonder Woman from the position she's pretty much always held in the sales charts (barring a brief spike with Perez when I was still in high school).

      Smith at the time was supposed to take over Black Cat, the rape plot will be published some three years later

      • 2 years ago

        Alan Moore/ Jim Lee

        >C'mon, Jimbo and Moore? Could this be the book that makes Jim even more money than that new X-Men number one made him all those years ago?

        • 2 years ago

          >TEEN TITANS
          Joe Casey/ Kaare Andrews

          >Think about it. They're perfect for this.

          This is what Andrews' art looked like around that time if we don't count those weird photorealistic covers

          • 2 years ago

            Jeph Loeb/ Alex Ross

            >Again, Jeph is the best writer DC has at the moment and Alex was born to do the JSA. The two of them producing a JSA book (set in the forties to avoid confusion with a revamped JLA) would probably be my favourite comic on this list. These guys scream class and Alex was just telling me yesterday that he can paint four pages a week.

            • 2 years ago

              Warren Ellis/ Seth Fisher

              >The 31st Century, meet Spider Jerusalem. Sci-Fi as only Warren can write it. Madness as only Seth can draw it.

              Damn, Seth Fisher is still alive

              • 2 years ago

                Alan Moore/ Frank Quitely

                >Swamp Thing was a large, talking vegetable and very possibly the most difficult character to write in comics and yet Alan Moore turned the series into the most critically acclaimed book of the 1980s. Aquaman is a very, very difficult character to get right, but I think Moore is the only guy who could really find the right angle on him. Quitely on art, I think, because I have a feeling he'd be very good at drawing fish and octopi and stuff.

                What's the deal with Millar and Superman? is he a big fan?


              • 2 years ago

                >GREEN LANTERN
                Warren Ellis/ Kevin O'Neill

                >Our best sci-fi writer with our best sci-fi artist? Again, no brainer.

              • 2 years ago

                >THE FLASH
                JMS/ Ed McGuinness

                >Joe might have a funny, kind of foreign surname, but he's one of the cleverest writers around when it comes to really thinking through a character's abilities and showing us things we've never seen before. Geoff and Mark have a particular aptitude for this too and it's something integral to making The Flash work. He's also fabulous at character development and could, I'm sure, do for Wally West what he did for Peter Parker. He and Ed would thrive on this book.

              • 2 years ago

                Grant Morrison/ Mike Weiringo

                >Morrison's never really written Captain Marvel, but the fundamentals of the character (magic, childhood, wish fulfilment and weird uncles) are an environment where I think he could really do something special for a modern audience and finally draw a line under that whole retro-vibe Cap's had since DC started publishing him in the 70s. Ringo would, naturally, draw this book like no other.

              • 2 years ago

                >MARTIAN MANHUNTER
                Joe Kelly/ Doug Mahnke

                >Martian Manhunter should be the Superman of the Southern Hemisphere and these are the only guys who could pull that off convincingly. Joe's a very clever, inventive writer and, like JMS, is a brilliant character guy. His Martian Manhunter is probably the high point of his JLA book and he's just about the only person you could really trust to make this difficult character really work.

              • 2 years ago

                >GREEN ARROW
                Greg Rucka/ Eduardo Risso

                >A few words for anyone who doesn't think this could be DC's best book: Tangled Web issue four

              • 2 years ago

                >MISTER MIRACLE
                Jeph Loeb/ Adam Hughes

                >Like this ISN'T already on the cards, Jephy-boy! Comics' worst-kept secret 😉

                Never heard of this worst-kept secret

              • 2 years ago

                Makes sense, Hughes burns out on sequential work, he was also gonna do a Batgirl series

              • 2 years ago

                >he was also gonna do a Batgirl series
                he was also gonna do All Star Wonder Woman as writer and the artist.

              • 2 years ago

                Bruce Jones/ John Romita Junior

                >THE ATOM
                Pete Milligan/ Mike Allred

                >PLASTIC MAN
                Brian Bendis/ Ty Templeton

                >Each and every one of these books has been found dead before they hit number twenty four in the past, but Jones and JRJR resurrected The Hulk from his grave and who wouldn't kill to read the madness of a Milligan/ Allred Atom? Bendis and Ty on Plastic Man? I'd pay TEN TIMES the cover price for these books.

              • 2 years ago

                Tom Peyer/ various

                >Okay, here's the deal. You give Tom Peyer, probably comics most brilliant satirist, a monthly adult book called Elseworlds where you can do whatever the frick he likes to whoever the frick he wants. This could be the funniest superhero book on the stands and quite unlike anything else we've got right now. The Atom as a crack ho'? The Flash teaming up with Stephen Hawking? The possibilities are endless.

                Why do britbong writers love Stephen Hawking so much anyway?

              • 2 years ago


                >The twenty or so titles you see above are really all I'd publish in the DCU. I know there's some great books out there missing from the list, but I think this is an important period where we really have to focus on the main characters again and spend the next 12 months building them up from scratch again. I'd also place a ban on creating new heroes for the DCU right now. Nobody seems to have noticed yet, but the only ones who really last more than a couple of years are the ones who are at least forty years old. It's something I've learned to my own cost too, but perhaps there's ENOUGH super-people flying around in Metropolis, you get what I'm saying? The DCU should be the heroes who were created in the 20th Century. Wildstorm, since it needs a function within the DC family, should be the home of the 21st century heroes. The Authority, for example, should be as different from the JLA as the Justice League was from the Justice Society. This is where the brave, experimental and super-commercial new books should be burning up the racks and beyond the three titles mentioned below (the 21st century versions of JLA, X-Men and Teen Titans respectively) I'd make every one of their books new characters by excellent new creators like Will Pfeiffer, Mike Carey and Brian Vaughan.

              • 2 years ago

                >THE AUTHORITY
                Brian Azzarello/ Stevie Dillon

                >For sentimental reasons.

                Azzarello and Dillon were supposed to take over The Authority after Millar's run but decided not to after 9/11. This was the cover for their first issue

              • 2 years ago

                Jim Robinson/ JG Jones

                >Because Jim wrote one of the best superhero comics of the 90s when he tackled WildCATS and outclassed even Moore. JG is Earth's successor to Travis Charest.

                That's a hot take alright

              • 2 years ago

                >GEN 13
                Brian Bendis/ Humberto Ramos

                >The writer of Ultimate Spidey and the artist from Impulse on a teen-team-superhero book? Again, nuff said!

              • 2 years ago


                >Personally, I don't really think Vertigo needs a huge amount of tweaking. They were lost for a couple of years in the wake of losing all the big British names, but some good Americans writers have stepped up to the plate at last and some of the big British names are back where they feel most comfortable. A real problem is the fact that almost none of there books sell over cancellation point (I think their highest is around 21,000 or thereabouts), but this could be remedied by rethinking the line a little and making it the place where all new non-superhero projects are launched (the new superhero books being launched at Wildstorm) and where the DC magical characters have a permanent home in 18-only books.

              • 2 years ago

                >PHANTOM STRANGER
                Neil Gaiman/ Ashley Wood

                >Because Neil has had a Stranger proposal in his drawer for fifteen years.

                Here's an unpublished Miracleman piece by Wood from back when McFarlane came THIs close to having him appear in Bendis' Spawn comic

              • 2 years ago

                >DOCTOR FATE
                Geoff Johns/ Carlos Pacheco

                >Because Geoff has already proven he has a gift for writing these characters and, for frick's sake, didn't you SEE that JLA/ JSA thing??

                Johns is still pretty much a literally who in the industry, he was still doing Avengers at time and just launched Hawkman with Robinson

              • 2 years ago

                Garth Ennis/ Howard Chaykin

                >Because Deadman is one of the most tragically underused and commercially mainstream ideas in the business. Nobody has ever really tapped the brilliant, bad-taste potential of this character and I think Garth could write this for sixty issues without even stopping for a drink. Chaykin is probably my all-time favourite artist and was responsible for just about every masturbation fantasy I had in the nineteen eighties. Honestly, there's nobody who could pull Deadman off like these guys could (if that doesn't sound too lewd).

                Random Chaykin art from 2003

              • 2 years ago

                >THE BOOKS OF MAGIC
                Joe Kelly/ Chris Bachalo

                >Because Harry Potter is the most famous fictional character in the world at the moment and the fact that we aren't capitalizing on this with a brilliant, spooky creative team is a fricking disgrace.

              • 2 years ago

                Pete Milligan/ Richard Corben

                >Because Milligan would realize this character better than anyone since Gaiman and Corben was responsible for the best visualization of John Constantine ever. It's really that simple.

              • 2 years ago

                >CARTOON BOOKS

                >You want comics for kids? Forget the animated superhero books. They might be the best books featuring the characters sometimes, but that's just a disgraceful admission that the parent titles are completely inaccessible and poorly produced. Hence the reason I'd scrap them all at a stroke and make the mainstream DCU titles as easy to read as these books ever were. As the parent of a four year old, I also understand that kids don't want comics about characters they don't recognize from television, movies, video-games and toys and so I'd have a MASSIVE attempt to lure in young readers with everything from Powerpuff Girls to Barbie and Ed, Edd and Eddy, getting them hooked on the habit of turning pages and then gradually easing them into some of the mainstream DC titles like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. You want comics for the 4-8 year old? Well, here they are and the advertising revenue lost from streamlining the DCU could be made up here. Besides, these things make a fortune when repackaged abroad so this could also be very lucrative.


              • 2 years ago

                >IN SUMMARY

                >DCU is where the most famous names do the most famous characters, Wildstorm is where the new superhero material appears for a new audience and Vertigo is where people go for a more sophisticated read. No specials, no minis and no prestige projects for an entire year and every one of these books would at least double in sales. Right now I'm reading maybe two or three DC titles and, I swear to God, I'd read every single one of these and each and every one of them is possible with a little effort. No company can really excuse a lacklustre writer or artist right now because the wealth of talent has really never been this strong and the above list proves it.

                And that's it. Thoughts?

              • 2 years ago

                As much as I disagree with some of his ideas (Bendis on Plastic Man?), it's clear he had an actual vision and his proposals for things outside the box like the kid's books and Elseworlds shows he wasn't just laser-focused on the mainstream titles.

                I don't know how well it may have turned out (Half of those artists and writers would have probably quit after getting the books off the ground), but it's a lot more well thought out than I'd expect from a guy like him.

              • 2 years ago

                Kino, genuinely good ideas

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >Bendis on Batman
                The seething would be incredible

                That's 2002 Bendis you dunce, USM/Daredevil/Alias/Powers Bendis. Don't go around pretending you weren't creaming your pantalones every time you turned a page of of Ultimate Spider-Man #26

              • 2 years ago

                Joke's on you, I've never picked up a Spider Man comic in my life lmao. Also just you wait, leave him on there long enough and he'll become the Bendis you know and hate.

              • 2 years ago

                Garbage. Pure fricking garbage.

              • 2 years ago

                Even back in the 00s I thought Bendis would be a terrible fit for Batman because it was obvious he couldn't write dialogue that wasn't Bendis-character-voice dialogue.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, Universe from a couple years ago was a lot of fun

              • 2 years ago

                Solid ideas all around. Sold me with the focus on Elseworlds, Books of Magic and Kids Comics. The creative teams for the other more mainstream stuff also aren't bad.

              • 2 years ago

                >Because Milligan would realize this character better than anyone since Gaiman and Corben was responsible for the best visualization of John Constantine ever. It's really that simple.
                Oh if only that was true

              • 2 years ago

                He got him too late, John was an old fart. Still some really great stories in that run.

              • 2 years ago

                Ennis and Chaykin did work on a Phantom Eagle comic at Marvel

              • 2 years ago

                That cover was drawn by Marshall Rogers

              • 2 years ago

                If you are into Ennis's stuff, check out the Jennifer Blood comics from Dynamite. They don't have quite the same edge that old school Punisher had, but the storylines are more in tune with original Punisher, before Marvel jumped the shark.

              • 2 years ago

                kind of a insult or a downgrade
                since Crimson
                >some might say it was supposed to be a tribute

              • 2 years ago

                Is Moore's Wildcats even good? It seems like one of his phone-ins.

              • 2 years ago

                As an almost mean-spirited deconstruction of the core concepts with nothing much else to offer, it still manages to read fairly well
                Violator/Badrock is better, though

              • 2 years ago

                >that cover

                jeezus, just because you can draw things realistically, doesn't mean you should

              • 2 years ago

                Hating on Fabry, b***h?

              • 2 years ago

                >The twenty or so titles you see above are really all I'd publish in the DCU. I know there's some great books out there missing from the list, but I think this is an important period where we really have to focus on the main characters again and spend the next 12 months building them up from scratch again. I'd also place a ban on creating new heroes for the DCU right now.

                >No Cass

                yeah frick this scottish frickface and his nostalgia dickriding.

              • 2 years ago

                For frick sake Cassgay are you in every fricking thread?
                Your waifuhomosexualry amazes me and disgusts me at the same time
                I’m sure you’re the same homosexual crying for Cass in the Cinemaphile Gotham Knights thread

              • 2 years ago

                This is a Cass loving board boomer homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                Enjoy your blacked by Signal waifu, gayget

              • 2 years ago

                I normally try to not get involved in fights involving the “Batgirls” debate, but man the more vocal Cass stans are starting to get really annoying.

              • 2 years ago

                This is a Cass loving board boomer homosexual.

                Nah. Shit character that only morons like.

              • 2 years ago

                Damn, he's right

              • 2 years ago

                >Each and every one of these books has been found dead before they hit number twenty four in the past
                Millar's dream of killing the well-selling batfam titles to prop up his favorite low-sellers is typical ascended fanboy behavior and why his plan to save DC would have gone up in smoke.

              • 2 years ago

                God forbid someone tries to turn Hawkman, Atom and Phantom Stranger into well-selling characters even at the cost of Batdog, Batdoll and Batbat, it's not like fanboys have been WHINING about the barrage of Batbooks every month since the fricking 90s

              • 2 years ago

                The people who complain about the number of batbooks don't actually read those books. They're just mad that the market has a high demand for bat-related titles and far less demand for b- and c-listers. Johns tried with Hawkman and Simone tried with Atom. They're just not concepts a lot of people can get enthused about.

              • 2 years ago

                This; like it or hate it Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl were all great selling titles for DC that never had significant drops in sales at the time. I don't think Miller was familiar with any specific characters. Like what would Titans be, the 80's cast or the Young Justice set?

              • 2 years ago

                I dig this, Rucka on Green Arrow would've been way better than Winick, plus he'd most likely re-establish the GA/Question connection and bring Vic back into the spotlight for a couple of years before his death

              • 2 years ago

                Oh wow, I just realized from reading your post that Dinah and Rene would hijack Ollie's title.

              • 2 years ago

                >Alan Moore/ Frank Quitely
                Shit, that would have been pretty cool to see.

                Bruce Jones/ John Romita Junior

                >THE ATOM
                Pete Milligan/ Mike Allred

                >PLASTIC MAN
                Brian Bendis/ Ty Templeton

                >Each and every one of these books has been found dead before they hit number twenty four in the past, but Jones and JRJR resurrected The Hulk from his grave and who wouldn't kill to read the madness of a Milligan/ Allred Atom? Bendis and Ty on Plastic Man? I'd pay TEN TIMES the cover price for these books.

                >PLASTIC MAN
                >Brian Bendis
                Frick you.

              • 2 years ago

                would have loved to see this

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly not a bad pick

              • 2 years ago

                Ellis on LoSH is downright moronic. LEGION would've been right up his alley but LoSH are exactly the kind of thing Ellis does not do.

            • 2 years ago

              This would have been terrible and a bane on the popular modern JSA book at the time

            • 2 years ago

              Poor Loeb, how far the man has fallen.

              • 2 years ago

                He fell upwards into running tv productions. The man can coast off The Long Halloween alone for the rest of his life, he doesn't care.

              • 2 years ago

                >He fell upwards into running tv productions
                He co-wrote Commando and Teen Wolf before he started writing comics Anon. Look up early life

      • 2 years ago

        >Kevin Smith on Wonder Woman
        Jesus christ no

        • 2 years ago

          he wasn't as bad back then as he is now.

      • 2 years ago

        >Kevin Smith
        only truly bad take and Dodson did wind up making the 06 Wonder Woman run very fun

      • 2 years ago

        >Kevin Smith
        >writes the best female characters in comics

    • 2 years ago

      What's the deal with Millar and Superman? is he a big fan?

      • 2 years ago

        Superman is pretty much the only character that Millar won't turn into a fricked up edgelord when writing him.

      • 2 years ago

      • 2 years ago

        Drop everything and read his STAS comics.

      • 2 years ago

        He’s probably the only one who can rival Waid in being a Supergay. Always found it funny how fond of Superman a lot of the “dark and edgy” Brits were

        • 2 years ago

          Ennis especially

  3. 2 years ago

    Could be worse.

  4. 2 years ago

    No way any of these artists could deliver an ongoing without huge delays

  5. 2 years ago

    Huh. I actually agree with a lot of these. GM on Shazam and Ellis on Green Lantern and Legion are pretty solid picks.

  6. 2 years ago

    Frick I miss Wildstorm

  7. 2 years ago

    Some of these are outright moronic while others are simply unrealistic even by 2002 standards (Moore not only back at DC but doing multiple titles?). Some are decent though.
    I could do better.

    • 2 years ago

      He's pretending to be the president and publisher here, I assume he would've paid and acknowledged everything DC owes to Moore regarding Watchmen etc

      Which would've been a smart decision for 2002 DC

      • 2 years ago

        Moore wanted the rights and it would've been a bad decision since they've made far more money from Watchmen these past 20 years that they would have from any new Moore comics he'd make for DC during that time.

        • 2 years ago

          I think in his hypothetical view, Millar would've just gotten the rights back to Moore and Gibbons. Plus this was at a time when Moore's relationship with DC had only just gotten somewhat fractured, but he was still doing stuff on ABC.

          In real life it'd be more complicated because of WB and I doubt Millar would've gotten the rights back to them.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    weren't we getting some Waid/Hitch Superman through Black Label sometime soon?

    hopefully he gets back Paul Neary for the inks, not even Kevin Nowlan managed to hide the decay on Hitch's art lately

    • 2 years ago

      >weren't we getting some Waid/Hitch Superman through Black Label sometime soon?
      at some point but Hitch is still on venom and is doing a weird Avengers event with Jason Aaron in October so next year at the earliest

  10. 2 years ago

    /ourguy/ Millar

  11. 2 years ago

    >only one female lead title

  12. 2 years ago


    >I'm actually a fan of what DC is doing currentl
    >Mary replacing Billy
    >Flashpoint Beyond
    >Multiversity: Teen Justice
    >The Wonder Woman solo being...whatever the hell it's trying to be
    >I Am Not Starfire
    >Black Adam trying to find a replacement we all know is doomed
    >Sandman Universe dead except for The Dreaming
    How the everloving FRICK are you a fan of anything except Monkey Prince? What is there to like? Seriously, what?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not Starfire is part and parcel of DC's attempt to ape Scholastic and it pre-dates even AT&T and was started under DiDio and Harras and has nothing to do with the mainline LCS books.

      Sandman Universe is part and parcel of DC not supporting Vertigo, which got Berger to leave off to Dark Horse and Way/Young Animals was, again, a stupid idea as was the Sandman Universe, started by DiDio (and another example of him starting of something and not doing squat with it, really, like Zoom/Ink/Earth One, All Star and so much other garbage he twiddled his thumbs with while the mainline DC line was treated like a slush fund by Harras and others), and again pre-dates AT&T and has nothing to do with the mainline LCS titles.

      Other than that, your putting words in my mouth. I haven't read any Cereal Lord in years and as the other anon pointed out Multiversity and FB are AU Elseworlds, which I think have a place even if I wouldn't read either, just like I wouldn't read Hulk no matter who is writing it or how many variants Ross or anyone else draws for it, but there's an audience for all that crap. Otherwise, you're just being an idiot. My point is not having 20-50-100 issues of anything, including Batgod, and having a number of limited or mini-series, is a better approach, especially to give characters (like Mary Marvel, or the four issue Shazam, which sadly instead of being about Billy was more of a poor tie-in to whatever the frick they were trying to do with Titan Academy).

      • 2 years ago

        Sandman Universe was by far the best imprint fhey've had at DC in a decade, far better than Black Label, Young Animal, HillHouse and the dying days of Vertigo. They actually had 2 great titles in The Dreaming and Hellblazer, and Lucifer was a pretty good read too once you realize that it's really a far different take on the Satan mythos. Even Books of Magic was alright from what I read, mediocre writing and far too slow paced but a decent read with real good art. Even Nighmare County's pretty good.

  13. 2 years ago


    I'm mostly happy with the base universe as well. I hated Thorne's GL, but Williamson undid it by bringing back the Corp. I wish Jon would be de-aged, but that's my major complaint. After that we start getting into comparatively minor stuff.

    >I'm actually a fan of what DC is doing currentl
    >Mary replacing Billy
    >Flashpoint Beyond
    >Multiversity: Teen Justice
    >The Wonder Woman solo being...whatever the hell it's trying to be
    >I Am Not Starfire
    >Black Adam trying to find a replacement we all know is doomed
    >Sandman Universe dead except for The Dreaming
    How the everloving FRICK are you a fan of anything except Monkey Prince? What is there to like? Seriously, what?

    Yeah DC's overreliance on Batman and the deluge of Batbooks is a problem
    >>Mary replacing Billy
    He and the rest of the family will be back by the final issue of her mini.

    : Teen Justice
    Both aren't part of the main continuity. Maybe shows DC's publishing priorities are misplaced, but they're harmless.

    >>The Wonder Woman solo being...whatever the hell it's trying to be
    A pretty good normal Wonder Woman run? What do you think Wonder Woman should be?

    >>I Am Not Starfire
    A one shot elseworld OGN from over a year ago. Yes it was shit in concept and execution, but there's no reason to keep complaining about it. It came, it flopped, hopefully somebody learned a lesson.

    Adam trying to find a replacement we all know is doomed

    Universe dead except for The Dreaming
    Honestly I think Sandman shouldn't be getting cash in sequels at all. The original series is a classic, let it stand on it's own. So if they're fading it out I'm ok with it.

  14. 2 years ago

    I miss daily goat licker threads bros

    • 2 years ago

      goat licker can only wish he was that frickable

  15. 2 years ago


    >Weren't Millara and Mark part a pitch that wanted to to get rid of the Lois Clark marriage because one see Superman as Jesus and Jesus shouldn't actually be married to Magdalene and the other sees Superman as so evolved above humanity that Lois is like a chimpanzee to him?

    No, that one was all Millar. There's two different pitches you're mixing together:

    The one with Waid, Millar, Morrison, and Peyer was Superman 2000 and one draft was going to get rid of the Superman/Lois marriage, the other keeping it intact

    The in the mid-00s Millar said he came up with his own pitch which was had what you described, though IIRC he wouldn't make it overt

    That's probably the problem I have with his solo pitch, but I've seen his Superman Adventures and Red Son and I'm convinced he could really write a decent Superman in spite of that.

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