Marvel Comics is reportedly working more closely with Marvel Studios to promote comics

>The marketing and sales teams have reestablished closer ties to the editorial and creative teams to ensure we are pulling the proper PR and digital marketing levers that were quite frankly not coordinated as well as they could have been over the past couple of years. We are also working much more closely with Marvel Studios to drum up excitement for comics relating to major studio events. This coordination is specific to each studio offering, and sometimes even leads to surprises – like the unplanned recent post on social media from Ryan Reynolds for the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII by Joe Kelly and Adam Kubert.

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  1. 4 days ago

    >That time Peter turned into a giant spider and gave birth to himself so he could shoot webs without shooters like in the Raimi films.
    >Kamala Khan being a mutant in her TV show made comic Kamala into a half-mutant.
    >Black Adam Black Adam-ing everyone in Dark Crisis and having his face morphed into Dwayne Johnson because of the latter's ego
    >Barbara remaining as Batgirl at the expense of her successors for a movie that will never be released for tax purposes.
    >Amanda Waller and Deadshot being killed off in Arrow for the Suicide Squad Movie. Deathstroke would also later be banned from appearing in spite of being made an integral part of the shows plot.
    >Wonder Woman and Batman's rogues (outside Greek Gods) not being able to be used in Justice League Unlimited because of the Nolan movies and a Wonder Woman movie that never got made
    >The Batman cartoon being banned from using Two Face, Rhas Al Ghul, Scarecrow, and initially Joker because of the Nolan films
    >Aquaman and his villains being downgraded in the Justice League Cartoon because of a Smallville spinoff that never got made
    >Everything about the Inhumans replacing mutants
    >2019 GoTG run being lifted straight from the movie


    • 4 days ago

      Modern comics are kind of poo-poo.

      The rare FPBP/SPBP combo

    • 4 days ago

      At least Agatha Harkness is young and hot now.
      I wish the same thing happened to Aunt May.

  2. 4 days ago

    Modern comics are kind of poo-poo.

  3. 4 days ago

    >Shit is reportedly working more closely with vomit to promote filth

  4. 4 days ago

    Oh, that's bad. Movie/Comic synergy is almost exclusively a bad thing.

  5. 4 days ago

    >more synergy
    >marketing involved with editorial and creative
    It's Joever

    • 4 days ago

      No kidding. I don't think hearing snide, insulting comments from Tom Brevoort and Nick Lowe is going to put asses in seats and bring people to the comic book stores.

    • 4 days ago

      No kidding. I don't think hearing snide, insulting comments from Tom Brevoort and Nick Lowe is going to put asses in seats and bring people to the comic book stores.

      That's what I'm wondering, I wonder if Feige is just looking for an excuse to remove them

      • 4 days ago

        It's entirely possible. A lot of those old Quesada hardliners are way too devoted to him, Feige probably wants to replace them with his own people.

        • 4 days ago

          On the one hand certain Quesada-era people were causing a lot of the problems, on the other hand I don't trust Feige's decisions either

          • 4 days ago

            Yeah, it's kind of a toss-up between the two factions.

          • 4 days ago

            Clearing house at Marvel and getting rid of every last one of Quesada's people AND everyone they've hired since and replacing them all is something long overdue, but Feige himself seems perversely obsessed with focusing on adapting awful characters and awful stories from Quesada and Alonso era Marvel over older material from back when Marvel was actually good. The last several years of the MCU are an argument for replacing him.

    • 4 days ago

      Been joever for a long time mate

  6. 4 days ago

    Does this mean they will stop forcing Carol since they are giving up on her in the MCU?

    • 4 days ago

      doing carol without the xmen was always dumb.

      • 4 days ago

        I don't even like Carol, but you're talking like some moronic cartoon casual who thinks the entire point of Carol was always just "where Rogue gets her powers from".

        • 4 days ago

          No, that's correct. Who ever gave a shit about her otherwise?

          • 4 days ago

            Arguing whether Carol or the X-Men are more popular in 2024 is like arguing over who's the tallest dwarf. But you do indeed have to be a filthy casual to not know Carol had significant roles in a number of good Avengers runs, and was pushed hard as one of Marvel's main heroines in the 2000s, with her own solo book with all those cheesecake covers. There's a reason there was so much pushback to her getting turned into Captain Marvel, people liked what she was before that. Your arguments that nothing that happens outside of X-Men matters just aren't going to fly in an age where X-Men doesn't matter anymore.

  7. 4 days ago

    >the unplanned recent post on social media from Ryan Reynolds for the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII by Joe Kelly and Adam Kubert.
    spoonfeed me please

  8. 4 days ago

    Translation: the movie suits are up the asses of writers and editorial to synergize even harder. No wonder most of the x writers jumped ship and Ewing is probably bailing for DC since it seems like they wanna frick him over on Thor.

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