Marvel hires you to write these

The only mandates are that Kang and his variants must be the big bads, and that Secret Wars must include the memberberry pre-MCU heroes like Jackman's Wolverine and Tobey's Spider-Man.

What do you do?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Re-cast Kang with a comic-accurate Kang and memoryhole the one that was in Ant-Man 3 and Loki
    >Throw money at any of the Phase 1-3 Avengers we can get back and keep the focus of the movie squarely on them fighting Kang in the Kang Dynasty
    >Make Secret Wars an adaptation of 1980s Secret Wars with the Beyonder, not Hickman's Secret Wars
    >The memberberry stuff is restricted to scenes where a character is just watching clips of those old movies about characters who are fictional within the MCU (or in Spider-Man's case, they made a movie about him), because screw your Multiverse Saga

    • 8 months ago

      Posts like these are a worthy reminder of why nobody from Cinemaphile actually makes it in the industry.

      • 8 months ago

        Anon, they're adapting the wrong Secret Wars, and the entire Multiverse Saga is the worst kind of creative bankruptcy, and between the last Spider-Man movie, and Wolverine being in Deadpool 3 they've already blown their load on the only memberberry cameos that normies are even going to care about. Everything they're doing is stupid and awful, it's increasingly obvious how many of the people who've actually made it in the industry are genuinely moronic and have the worst taste in Marvel material to adapt, and likely only made it into the industry due to connections and nepotism.

      • 8 months ago

        This, sure multiverse nostalgia can be shallow, but Hickman wars is better than the original

        It's like comparing smash bros 64 (master hand playing with dolls) with smash bros brawls subspace emissary (characters have to protect their worlds from getting collected and enslaved by Tabuu)

        There's more plot.
        80s sexret wars is cool andvis a classic but nornies will just see it as
        >endgame... but slightly bigger!

      • 8 months ago

        Posts like yours are a reminder that that's not really an insult at this point

  2. 8 months ago

    Use executive demands to proompt an ai for a script. Take the money and buy myself something nice while I enjoy good media from ages past.

  3. 8 months ago

    Secret Wars is a direct adaption of the comic book event, ignoring all existing MCU continuity. Hoping for 2.5-3 hours if I can get it. Recasting everyone to avoid confusion, etc.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Anon, they're adapting the wrong Secret Wars

    I agree. I would make the movie an adaptation of Secret Wars II but be a gripping drama built entirely about the various characters trying to teach the Beyonder how to take a shit. Martin Scorsese would direct. It would sweep the Oscars, develop a cocaine habit, and attempt to impregnate Jessica Alba.

  5. 8 months ago

    Kang Dynasty
    >A couple of the Avengers wake up to find the world completely different and ruled by Kang. Heroes are hated more then ever, loved ones don't remember some of them and other heroes are horrible altered versions of themselves. The Avengers who remain are the only people who remember the pre Kang controlled world. The rest of the movie is plays out as a long mystery with the heroes trying to figure out what's going on. Characters will be tempted by the Kang's with some (Mainly Spider-Man) being given the chances at better lives. 3rd act we find out Beyonder (Kang variant) fricked with the council of kang's plans and was able to give some heroes their old memories. I'd also give him some MCU original backstory like he came from a universe/timeline that was pruned by the Council. Avengers and Beyonder work together to stop the Kangs. Avengers give Beyonder whatever bullshit power the Kangs have. However after their defeat we find out the reason for why they did this was it was the only way to stop the multiverse from imploding in on itself by the hands of someone like Beyonder. Big cliff hanger ending where the universe is reset again.

    Secret Wars
    >Glup shitto the movie. I'd give Beyonder some sort of character arc. Like maybe some bullshit about him being unable to let go of the past which is the reason for all the dumb nostalgia bait and cameos. We end with the entire multiverse being reset once again. Main MCU timeline now how F4 and X-Men. Meanwhile Beyonder goes across the multiverse to restore it all as we end the tease of him making a new universe to exist alongside the main MCU (it's just the ultimate universe).

    • 8 months ago

      *Main MCU timeline now has a new black panther (little Tachalito grown-up) the F4 and mutants existing in it
      I had a stupid moment

    • 8 months ago


      Battleworld will be an expanded version of the void at the end of time from Loki

    • 8 months ago

      What's the point of even using Beyonder if you're not going to make anything like his actual character

  6. 8 months ago

    >What do you do?

    I turn in scripts they're legally obliged to pay me for but which they and I know are totally unusable, stall the projects for another 12 months and end up scrapping your stupid ideas.

  7. 8 months ago

    work in some obscure character like idk, 3-d man or something

  8. 8 months ago

    More diversity and less white people. There's your trillion dollar movies

  9. 8 months ago

    First I will watch Lucifer Valentine's movies religiously for a week to get all the inspiration from my betters I need. And if I'm being honest this is the kind of inspiration MCU deserves at this point.
    Second I will adapt Avengers Arena instead. I think She-Hulk will be my Mettle equivalent.

  10. 8 months ago

    Avengers beat the kangs in first movie. there are 3 left who have forgotten who they are. End credits has bruce Campbell in an elvis suit show up as the beyonder. He sees them and says "well if it isn't the kangs" the kangs answer "we wuz kangz?" He says "yes" they start jumping up and down like monkeys yelling "WE WUZ KANGZ" beyonder pulls out a large pistol and shoots them all then turns to the camera and says "hail to the king baby" a little less conversation a little more action stars playing

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