Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

>The leaks are true.
>Cassie finds her suit in Hank Pym's basement while snooping around, and we see her in giant form.
>Corey Stoll plays MODOK. He looks just like he does in the comics and is the main villain of the film.
>MODOK is the commander of Kang’s army and the one with the most screen time, similar to Ronan and Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy 1.
>Bill Murray plays Krylar, the king of the Quantum Realm. He and Janet had a fling while she was trapped in the QR and even had sex, and he is still in love for her. Hank is not mad and says he went on “a couple of dates” too.
>Krylar raises an army of humanoid aliens from the Quantum Realm to try to defeat Kang and MODOK. The army fails, but the Ant-Family then summons an army of ants and is able to beat Kang.
>This movie’s Kang is a younger variant who goes by “Victor Timely”.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

>The leaks are true, but incomplete.
>Namor is revealed as a mutant in the film.
>The Doctor Doom post-credits scene was filmed with a stand-in, and whoever they cast will redub his lines prior to release.

The Marvels

>There is a scene of a spaceship under attack, with humans and Skrulls aboard. A litter of Flerken cats is running about and they start eating people, which scares them even more. Then they start to realize the cats are saving people by eating them and transporting them to safety in the pocket dimension in their stomachs.


>Charlie Cox only filmed for a few days.
>One of the villains of the show is a rich white woman.
>One of the villains of the show is an Asian/Native Kung-Fu assassin, probably a version of Snapdragon.
>One of the villains of the show is a wild and crazy hunter who forces Echo out of wherever she is at the start of the series.

Fantastic Four

>They’re looking for actors in their late 20s to mid-30s for the main cast.
>No actor has currently signed on for the movie.

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  1. 2 years ago


    >Anthony Ramos is playing the Hood, who is the big bad of the show.
    >Alden Ehrenreich is playing Zeke Stane, Obadiah Stane’s son.

    Werewolf By Night

    >Harriet Samson Harris plays the lead villain, a Transylvanian cult leader.
    >Jack Russell and Elsa Bloodstone infiltrate a manhunt for Man-Thing so that they can retrieve the Bloodstone. The hunt takes place in the enormous, gothic manor of Elsa’s father Ulysses Bloodstone.
    >There are two versions of the special: one in black and white, and one in color. Marvel wants to release it in black and white.

    Eternals 2

    >The film is in development.
    >The first film had a very troubled production and Marvel is taking precautions so it doesn’t happen again.
    >Chloe Zhao probably will not return, and if she does, she will be heavily restricted.


    >Marvel Studios has at least 4 unannounced animated shows.
    >What If? season 2 will have at least 9 episodes.
    >One of the shows involves alien weapons that are placed on Earth, which include the Ten Rings and Ms. Marvel’s bangle, and it will be officially announced during the animation panel at SDCC.


    >Chloe Bennet (Quake) has signed with Marvel Studios
    >Elden Henson (Foggy Nelson) has signed with Marvel Studios.
    >Deborah Ann Woll (Karen Page) should also be back, but hasn’t signed with Marvel Studios yet.


    >Gary Oldman was a top pick to play Arthur Harrow in Moon Knight before Oscar Isaac brought in Ethan Hawke.
    >Hawkeye is not listed as a limited series inside Marvel Studios and there are active talks about season 2.

    • 2 years ago

      Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

      >The leaks are true.
      >Cassie finds her suit in Hank Pym's basement while snooping around, and we see her in giant form.
      >Corey Stoll plays MODOK. He looks just like he does in the comics and is the main villain of the film.
      >MODOK is the commander of Kang’s army and the one with the most screen time, similar to Ronan and Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy 1.
      >Bill Murray plays Krylar, the king of the Quantum Realm. He and Janet had a fling while she was trapped in the QR and even had sex, and he is still in love for her. Hank is not mad and says he went on “a couple of dates” too.
      >Krylar raises an army of humanoid aliens from the Quantum Realm to try to defeat Kang and MODOK. The army fails, but the Ant-Family then summons an army of ants and is able to beat Kang.
      >This movie’s Kang is a younger variant who goes by “Victor Timely”.

      Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

      >The leaks are true, but incomplete.
      >Namor is revealed as a mutant in the film.
      >The Doctor Doom post-credits scene was filmed with a stand-in, and whoever they cast will redub his lines prior to release.

      The Marvels

      >There is a scene of a spaceship under attack, with humans and Skrulls aboard. A litter of Flerken cats is running about and they start eating people, which scares them even more. Then they start to realize the cats are saving people by eating them and transporting them to safety in the pocket dimension in their stomachs.


      >Charlie Cox only filmed for a few days.
      >One of the villains of the show is a rich white woman.
      >One of the villains of the show is an Asian/Native Kung-Fu assassin, probably a version of Snapdragon.
      >One of the villains of the show is a wild and crazy hunter who forces Echo out of wherever she is at the start of the series.

      Fantastic Four

      >They’re looking for actors in their late 20s to mid-30s for the main cast.
      >No actor has currently signed on for the movie.

      Yes yes, well done, but will Kamala ever get her PROPER powers? And why did Feige change them to begin with?

      • 2 years ago

        >So she fits in visually with Carol and Monica
        >So it's easier to make look good on a limited TV budget
        >So she doesn't step on Mr Fantastic's toes when he shows up.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty much these.

        • 2 years ago

          >>So it's easier to make look good on a limited TV budget
          $200 million for 6 episodes is a limited budget?

        • 2 years ago

          Those reasons are dumb and I hate them.

          Especially the fitting visually with Carol. Talk about missing the point of the character on a fricking fundamental level.

          • 2 years ago

            >missing the point of the character on a fricking fundamental level.
            isn't that the majority of the mcu?

          • 2 years ago

            The point of the character is that she's a spunky but awkward girl trying to find the common ground between the social life and superhero career that she wants, with the religion and conservative family that she respects.

            • 2 years ago

              And her powers were a fundamental part of that.

              She's awkward. She's geeky. She's pubscent. She's not comfortable in her own skin. That's why they gave her an awkward, geeky power as opposed to a glamorous, flashy one.

            • 2 years ago

              And her powers were a fundamental part of that.

              She's awkward. She's geeky. She's pubscent. She's not comfortable in her own skin. That's why they gave her an awkward, geeky power as opposed to a glamorous, flashy one.

              you guys are putting more thought in to it than they did. all she is a shitty self insert characters whos book keeps getting canceled.

              • 2 years ago

                Since it looks like they're building up to a teen team, have they settled on Young Avengers, or Champions?

                I hope Champions. Let them be their own thing.

                This bit:

                And her powers were a fundamental part of that.

                She's awkward. She's geeky. She's pubscent. She's not comfortable in her own skin. That's why they gave her an awkward, geeky power as opposed to a glamorous, flashy one.

                is directly from the creator.

              • 2 years ago

                the creator wrote a comic about herself if she had superpowers. she only got the job because her parents were friends with the obamas. there was little to no thought put in to it.

        • 2 years ago

          thats one thing i never got with the defense against "dont want her powers to look like Mr Fantastic".

          But..making her powers look like Carol/Monica's is ok? That doesnt add up

          • 2 years ago

            >But making her powers look like Carol/Monica's is ok?

            Unironically yes, because they are a "family".

          • 2 years ago

            Just a reminder there will be 6 heroes in the MCU that use Pym Particles.

          • 2 years ago

            They're making her more in direct relation to Carol, rather than just inspired by her. They want there to be an actual Marvel family in a way that's not just coincidental.

            • 2 years ago

              So they're ripping off Shazam

          • 2 years ago

            in reality, they have no love or respect for the source. these people think they're better than the source, and they're improving it. they'll never see any of it as bad.

    • 2 years ago

      Any talk of more season 2s? Like Ms. Marvel?

    • 2 years ago

      >There are two versions of the special: one in black and white, and one in color. Marvel wants to release it in black and white.

      This is the one rumor I can't take. Marvel never releases alt-cuts without something making so much cash they wipe their asses with it. But to actually shoot for something in black and white requires a lot of effort.

    • 2 years ago

      >Eternals 2
      More skeletons and selma wearing burkas and two men kissing

    • 2 years ago

      Will it be canon?

    • 2 years ago

      is not listed as a limited series inside Marvel Studios and there are active talks about season 2.
      please, no. stop.

    • 2 years ago

      >Chloe Zhao probably will not return, and if she does, she will be heavily restricted.
      Good. Overrated c**t destroyed that movie.

    • 2 years ago

      >Werewolf By Night
      Will they include Man-Wolf/John Jameson Jr?

  2. 2 years ago

    >Chloe Bennet (Quake) has signed with Marvel Studios
    Bullshit. This b***h is blacklisted and inhumans don't exist in the MCU and AoS is NOT canon. Bullshit leaks.

    • 2 years ago

      >This b***h is blacklisted
      No, she isn't.

      >inhumans don't exist in the MCU
      The Universal Inhumans appear in The Marvels

      >AoS is NOT canon.
      Multiverse makes everything canon.

      • 2 years ago

        > The Universal Inhumans appear in The Marvels
        That has never been confirmed at all. They will probably be Universal mutants since Inhumans don't exist in the MCU and Kamala is a mutant.
        Multiverse does not make everything canon. That is not how canon works. AoS as a show has been proven non canon multiple times with stuff like the Darkhold and mockingbird proving it
        Chloe Bennett has done numerous hit pieces against Marvel Studios and has not been involved with them at all. It's different from from the guy that played Daredevil.

        • 2 years ago

          >Multiverse does not make everything canon. That is not how canon works.
          actually, yes it does. the multiverse has no bounds. we are in the multiverse, other fictional universes are in the multiverse.

          > AoS as a show has been proven non canon multiple times with stuff like the Darkhold and mockingbird proving it
          the darkhold looking different doesn't prove anything. and hawkeyes wife was agent 19, doesn't mean she's bobbi morse. everything is a fricking mantle these days.

          • 2 years ago

            > the darkhold looking different doesn't prove anything
            It proves that they won't use AoS canon because its not canon and Bobbi does not exist in the MCU. They made mocking bird Clint's wife. That show has never been canon.

            • 2 years ago

              >They made mocking bird Clint's wife.
              did they say it? no. easter eggs aren't canon.

              >That show has never been canon.
              even if it isn't now, it once was. joss whedon and his brother made the fricking thing.

              feigie is just another hollywood butthole, wants complete control of everything, even though he really doesn't care about the product.

  3. 2 years ago

    Any word on the rumors that Tom Holland wants Miles Morales to replace him?

    Any word on which shows from before the consolidation are considered canon? Agent Carter and the Netflix shows seem to be, AoS seems to NOT be, what about Runaways, Hellstrom, and Cloak and Dagger?

    • 2 years ago

      The current plans from both Marvel and Sony are that they want a college trilogy out of Tom Holland. I'm sure they'll replace him with Miles eventually but it's not going to be for a long time.

    • 2 years ago

      Miles is in Spider-Man 4 according ViewerAnon and MTTS

      • 2 years ago

        why do they keep trying to make miles and kamala a thing? they both suck and nobody can make them work.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not about money anon

        • 2 years ago

          It's about da METS baby LOVE DA METS HIT A HOME RUN LET'S GO

    • 2 years ago

      >Miles shit

      Go away homosexuals and take your nog with you

  4. 2 years ago

    Marvel needs to hurry the frick up with Deadpool 3 already before Reynolds gets too old.

  5. 2 years ago

    anything about the daredevil show? i want to know how bad they'll make it. i'm assuming making him stop a world ending threat, and he has actual superpowers now.

    • 2 years ago

      All we know is that Foggy and Karen will appear in it, that Jessica Jones and Echo will pop up to help Murdock at some point, and that Fisk will run for mayor in it.

      • 2 years ago

        >Fisk will run for mayor in it.
        kill me now

        • 2 years ago

          What's the problem now?

          • 2 years ago

            yes, after being shown to kill people, blow up the city, kill cops and fbi agents, and being exposed as to running a crimial empire and corrupting the fbi, he's gonna run for mayor?

            also, let fisk breathe. dd s3 was a regression.

            • 2 years ago

              to be fair trump won the presidency

              • 2 years ago

                non-sequitur. they're gonna turn it into a jokey romp where fisk is an obvious evil white man, but also an idiot, and jessica and echo will show matt how to be a better hero or something.

                i'm glad we got 2 1/2 good seasons (1,2, and half of 3), but i don't want it to turn to marvel sludge.

            • 2 years ago

              from what I read at the daily bugle it was all spider-man's fault

              • 2 years ago

                daily bugle would have been a newspaper in the mcu, if disney wasn't afraid of sony sueing them (even though disney has had the tv rights for spiderman for at least a decade.)

                but now its a shitty one note alex jones joke.

  6. 2 years ago

    finds her suit in Hank Pym's basement while snooping around, and we see her in giant form.

    Not gonna happen, sizegays always get fricked over by live action adaptations.

  7. 2 years ago

    whats the source tho fricking reddit?

    • 2 years ago

      >Deadpool film won't be called Deadpool 3

      It's going to be "Deadpool Meets The Multiverse" or something.

      >World War Hulk
      Never in a million fricking years going to happen unless they finally paid off Universal

      >Inhumans coming back
      goddamn it.

      >Homelander's Dracula

  8. 2 years ago

    Please god, I just need more of her

    • 2 years ago

      she drank the "get rail thin" kool-aid, my friend. no more breasts or ass to shove in a skin tight cat suit.

      • 2 years ago

        Good. All girls should be skinny. "Thicc" is just a psyop to get us to accept disgusting fat girls.

        • 2 years ago

          rail thin isn't skinny, my dude. its death.

          • 2 years ago

            Pretty hot, ngl

            • 2 years ago

              she looked better and more healthy in season 4-6.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Namor is revealed as a mutant in the film.

  10. 2 years ago

    there's not a single part of these leaks that sounds good none

  11. 2 years ago

    All of this shit sounds stupid as frick. What am I reading.

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