Memes aside what did you think of Hereditary?

Memes aside what did you think of Hereditary?

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  1. 4 days ago

    I can’t say I understood what it was trying to say. The infamous car sequence was haunting but overall it didn’t really impact me.

    • 4 days ago

      Messed up family dynamic and it's relation to the fact the matriarch was in a secret cult trying to use her bloodline to birth a demon. So it's a character study of the family alongside an evolving mystery.

      • 3 days ago

        Not just that, but there is a consistent theme of powerlessness to causes larger than the individual. It's punctuated by many of the setpieces resembling the dioramas being made throughout the film.
        It blends family drama with the inevitability of fate due to powers beyond the control of oneself pretty well in that regard. Imagine all the suffering they went through, not due to the fault of any one of them, but because their bloodline is cursed to host a demon.

  2. 4 days ago

    the family stuff was so dark that the supernatural horror stuff was actually comforting

    • 4 days ago

      Yeah when it devolved into horror schlock in the final act I was so relieved.

  3. 4 days ago

    The head banging against the attic door was some looney tunes tier shit

  4. 4 days ago

    This is Dominic "Kcroat" Petrovic.
    Say something nice about xim.

    • 4 days ago


  5. 4 days ago

    I laughed when Gabriel Byrne burst into flames.

  6. 4 days ago


  7. 4 days ago

    I like it but some parts annoy me. Like how obviously evil the one cult lady is from the moment she’s introduced

  8. 4 days ago

    >movie about family curses and lineage
    >cast an Indian as the son

    • 4 days ago

      Okay, but way overrated. The dead sister scenes were really good. Him being in shock and leaving it for the mother to discover. But I think the quality starts dropping after that. It even does the stupid horror movie thing where they have to introduce an exposition character to explain the plot and people treat it like a masterpiece.

      I assumed the girl was his half-sister and the guy was his step-dad. I mean, it's impossible otherwise and the way he acts makes more sense.

    • 3 days ago

      people who get stuck up on shit like this, especially on Cinemaphile, are embarrassing

      • 3 days ago

        It's just bad casting, it takes people out of the movie and they get mad about it. Some of us are just noticers

        • 3 days ago

          probably why it was so successful huh

  9. 4 days ago

    Kinda dumb movie with a very creepy ending.

  10. 4 days ago

    one of the best horror movie ever made. it feels like most horror movies don't have a plot and always dedicated to make the first half of the movie as boring as possible. Hereditary felt like a real movie, and Midsomar was a huge dissapointment because it was back to
    >le group goes to le cult
    >I wonder what slowly unreveling events are gonna happen next
    great intro scene though

  11. 4 days ago

    Fantastic script, so much subtext in the dialogue

    • 4 days ago

      It is good, but when you learn that the film was originally intended to be a family drama with no horror elements, the horror aspects (which by themselves are pretty good) seem to become tacked on because they actually are.
      It's a decent movie and I think the best things about it are actually the dialogue, atmosphere and performances. The plot itself is thin and there are moments that are unintentionally funny which totally break the tension, but it's a good movie with a fantastic score by a great artist. It isn't scary, it's a bit creepy is all.

      • 4 days ago

        if it didn't have the horror element, would anyone watch it? they'd just dub it "misery porn"

        • 4 days ago

          You're thinking like a studio exec, anon. But you're probably right, I don't think it would be all that interesting unless the family dynamics and drama between them was fleshed out a lot more. The horror aspects really do drive a film that otherwise would literally just be a family falling apart and I think it blends to two well enough, but there are portions that do make the whole thing feel like two unfilmable projects stuck together.

  12. 4 days ago

    7.5/10 horror that slopheads think is 10/10.

  13. 4 days ago

    absolute evil filth, stay away

    Ari Aster is a talmudic witch occultist

    his movies opens portals to trap souls


    you're been warned

  14. 4 days ago

    You ever go to a party where the b***hes is straight choppin nuts?

  15. 3 days ago

    I was really enjoying the film until I noticed that everyone was driving. Doesn't anyone realize the whole plot could have been avoided if these mfs weren't driving?
    You have to be an American to appreciate this film. Otherwise it just comes off as moronic.
    Btw my captcha generated without me having to move the slide. That's how you know I'm right.

  16. 3 days ago

    slow burning atmospheric elevated horror that chilled me to my bones

  17. 3 days ago

    I thought it sucked. Shocked that it's still talked about so much on here to be honest

  18. 3 days ago

    The only good Ari Aster film

    • 3 days ago

      Mcfricking have a nice day newbie

  19. 3 days ago

    basically a rehash of Rosemarys Baby

    • 3 days ago

      Dumbest take possible.

  20. 3 days ago

    I checked out when red-herring girl got decapitated. Granted I did fricking lol at that scene + pissed off a bunch of people in the cinema. I could believe that little gremlin as the kid of Toni Collette and Gabriel Byrne, but the boy looked like a fricking pajeet and that was a huge disconnect for me everytime he was on screen.
    Colette was very good, Byrne dialled it in and fair enough, why bother? 3/10 - good soundtrack though.

  21. 3 days ago

    sEnSe Of DrEaD!!!!!!

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