>mfw I remember?

>mfw I remember /swco/ isn't a thing anymore
I'm sad now.

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  1. 1 week ago

    >Before the TFA teaser
    >/swco/ was in agreement about love of TCW (Shit Wars Guy notwithstanding)
    >After the TFA trailer
    >any mention of TCW met with spam and derision (usually accompanied by a tumblr gif of Daisy Ridley trying to look cute for the cameras)

    • 1 week ago

      lmao, I forgot about shit wars guy. The general went on surprisingly long. I believe sometime after TLJ was released. I still don't know why the mods shut it down considering a healthy stream of comics and cartoons were kept on tap following the rebels finale. It was honest to god one of the last good places to talk about Star Wars.

      • 1 week ago

        >I still don't know why the mods shut it down considering a healthy stream of comics and cartoons were kept on tap following the rebels finale.
        Jealous shitposters from Cinemaphile kept coming in and spamming the threads with giantess and other crap and the mods just decided to shut it down altogether to make it stop.

      • 1 week ago

        >I still don't know why the mods shut it down considering a healthy stream of comics and cartoons were kept on tap following the rebels finale.
        Jealous shitposters from Cinemaphile kept coming in and spamming the threads with giantess and other crap and the mods just decided to shut it down altogether to make it stop.

        Wasn't just that, it was the blatant lie that the general was banned until there was an active show. When there was an active show again they still kept deleting the threads. Of course some time after that all the generals were banned. Doesn't seem to have helped Cinemaphile at all. If anything there is even more low quality and bait posting, with many threads basically being outright Cinemaphile and /misc/ (though it's hard to tell the difference between the two). Cinemaphile is basically worthless these days. Not sure why I still occasionally pop in, except to find a thread like this to tell my oldgay tales of woe.

        • 1 week ago

          What was the logic behind banning generals? I'm also an oldgay just popping in. I remember how fun and active some old generals were back in the day.

          • 1 week ago

            From what I recall it was a belief that they degenerate into low quality posting, circle jerks, and hug boxes. I'm sure not all generals were the same, with some being worse than others. I recall Cinemaphile used to have some of the best Transformers threads on the site outside of /m/. It doesn't really seem to have stopped any of that (especially the low quality posting) and merely spread it around. I'm also not really sure why any of the above mattered to Cinemaphile of all places. When you're the so-called butthole of the internet, I don't know why some people want to bleach it and pretend it doesn't stink. Especially if it was keeping up the site numbers for Mootwo.

            • 1 week ago

              >low quality posting, circle jerks
              That's most of today's Cinemaphile threads.

              • 1 week ago

                Feels like it, but it's more than that. What's the word people use for it? Cinemaphilentrarian? People seem to hate everything. I guess they aren't really different. People circle jerk to what they like, but it's worse when they circle jerk to what they hate. All that anger and bitterness really gets to you after awhile.

                It's nothing new. I remember when the first Guardians came out the initial threads seemed pleasantly surprised that it was an enjoyable movie. Dance Off Bro was just memeing when people realized that the normies enjoyed it too, and suddenly it was something to despise.

                I only started sticking around again after a recent surge with people rediscovering old Cinemaphile joys, like Strange Hill High. It was nice seeing people discovering something and actually expressing joy about it, with the only bitter being that it was over and the props were sold at auction.

            • 1 week ago

              I can see the reasoning when it involves shows that have ended and aren't having new material coming out. Eventually anons just run out of things to talk about and persona dramas and conflicts start becoming more and more common. Things can spiral out of control if there's nothing new to talk about and I've seen that happen with other generals before once a series ends. But when it involves something that's constantly getting some kind of new product then it's weird to see it get the boot. Maybe they thought it would be easier to go for a blanket ban rather than a case by case basis?

          • 1 week ago

            It started with the Homestuck general being banned for out-of-control shitposting and autism almost exactly ten years ago (June 2014), then in August the Frozen general was banned after hitting #1000 for similar reasons. Later that year they decided to ban the Gravity Falls general during the show's hiatus and it sort of became an unofficial policy from then on.

        • 1 week ago

          From what I recall it was a belief that they degenerate into low quality posting, circle jerks, and hug boxes. I'm sure not all generals were the same, with some being worse than others. I recall Cinemaphile used to have some of the best Transformers threads on the site outside of /m/. It doesn't really seem to have stopped any of that (especially the low quality posting) and merely spread it around. I'm also not really sure why any of the above mattered to Cinemaphile of all places. When you're the so-called butthole of the internet, I don't know why some people want to bleach it and pretend it doesn't stink. Especially if it was keeping up the site numbers for Mootwo.

          The general ban worked really well, Cinemaphile is so much better now half the threads at any given time are twatter screencaps of creator/eceleb drama and outrage bait instead of people actually discussing the comics and cartoons they’re interested in.

          Why is there no /cog/?

          In hindsight /cog/ would have been a better call than /aco/, that place is dead as frick. But it won’t happen because mods just use /trash/ for that purpose so they don’t actually have to do any moderation.

      • 1 week ago

        Futa porn spam.

    • 1 week ago

      And that's a good thing!

  2. 1 week ago

    Just try to reminisce about the lips times.

    • 1 week ago

      Plump DSL.

  3. 1 week ago

    The last few animated projects have not been very good, and the comics have settled into being total non-events.

    • 1 week ago

      To be fair, the canon comics were never eventful. They just had recency bias due to "canon" being newly invented.

      • 1 week ago

        The Soule Vader series was occasionally decent for what it was. I don't mean non-events in terms of being "important", but in that they're bland and don't provoke much conversation. The High Republic stuff is more compelling, but the way they structured it left it falling flat out of the gate.

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, I loved the Soule Vader run. I occassionally read a chunk of marvel stuff just to make slow progress in catching up to where they're currently at, but the 2020 post TESB comics are rough. Bounty Hunters is fun, but Aphra became terrible after how good the first run was. The Soule Star Wars book seems promising, but I haven't read enough of it to say for sure. Can't be worse than Aaron's run.

    • 1 week ago

      The now completed Trial of Lando Calrissian stands out. Bit of a wet fart, really. The mid-trial kidnapping of Mon Mothma in particular didn't go anywhere and was resolved way too quickly and easily. The only thing worthwhile in it was the fact Mon Mothma's explanation for why the Empire sucks. It was a pretty decent bit of trolling on her part that I didn't know she had in her. Managed to convince the evil lesbian chick who was immediately executed by her own people, but then they all died the next page or so.

      Some people hated that Lando's punishment is being indebted to the Rebellion and having to "work it off". That didn't really bother me. As a gambler he's used to that, plus rather than diminishing what he'd do later for the Rebellion we know it wasn't necessary and he quickly impresses enough to earn the rank of general and takes point in the run on the Death Star II. We know that wasn't done to recoup what they felt he owed them. Not to mention they trust him enough to let him go undercover with Jabba. To me the whole thing was just the idiots in the Rebellion pushing the trial trying to save face.

      I'm more annoyed by the whole Imperial Schism crap led by Vader that leads him back to Exegol, this time equipped with a stupid lance and shield because I guess his powers are still on the fritz after the whole bullshit with Han's ex. Then the whole stupid dark droid bs.

      Oh, and Luke is now a captive of his mom's old decoy Sabe who is sort of maybe working for Vader.

      • 1 week ago

        >I'm more annoyed by the whole Imperial Schism crap led by Vader that leads him back to Exegol, this time equipped with a stupid lance and shield because I guess his powers are still on the fritz after the whole bullshit with Han's ex. Then the whole stupid dark droid bs.
        >Oh, and Luke is now a captive of his mom's old decoy Sabe who is sort of maybe working for Vader.
        This was all kino. Pak's Vader has been great since issue #1 and is the only one worth reading.

    • 1 week ago

      >The last few animated projects have not been very good
      The Bad Batch was the best thing since TCW S6. Tales of the Jedi was good too. Tales of the Empire was pretty boring, but I guess Filoni used it as a sort of backstory for Ahsoka S2, so maybe it will work fine as such.

    • 1 week ago

      >The last few animated projects have not been very good

      Bad batch and Visions is some of the best star wars content ever

      • 1 week ago

        I liked the general concept of Bad Batch and enjoyed it overall, but damn, it stalled too much with the plethora of those side missions during those 3 seasons. I wish I could get the time of my life back that BB spent on the lizard b***h and her bar.

  4. 1 week ago
  5. 1 week ago

    remember FUTA ahsoka memes?

    • 1 week ago

      Futahsoka? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.

  6. 1 week ago

    Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

  7. 1 week ago

    Hasn't been a thing in... shit, five years? Six? Agh, I cannae even remember how long it's been.

  8. 1 week ago

    Why is there no /cog/?

  9. 1 week ago

    >/swco/ isn't a thing anymore
    Good you moronic Filonigays belong in discord with your fellow troony zoom zooms anyway

  10. 1 week ago

    >no /swco/
    well this doesnt mean a discussion still cant be made

    now, the next animated show has not been announced yet, and lucasfilm have stated that asajj ventress will be getting more stories, given that she is now somehow alive (as well as explaining how she is alive)
    so, could ventress be the focus of the next animated show?

    there has also been the rumour that another season of TCW (or something related to it) is coming as all the "the final season" branding has been removed from it
    putting 2+2 together, could we see a finished animated version of dark disciple?

    • 1 week ago

      I think The Sexual Adventures of Barbaventress could be pushing the envelope for an animated series, but it just might work.

    • 1 week ago

      >so, could ventress be the focus of the next animated show?
      Yep. It will probably focus on bounty hunters in general, i.e Asajj, Boba, Cad Bane and others

      • 1 week ago

        bring back krayts claw
        boba, bossk, dengar, latts razzi, highsinger and asajj ventress

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