>Millions must die

>Millions must die
So Alan Less claims that Ozymandias, who's supposed to be the smartest man alive but shown he has the same mindset as a wojak, is the good guy and his decision was the right one
But Rorschach, who's only done good and stood against mass murderer and the coward, is the evil one because he doesn't shower and hates gays

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  1. 8 months ago

    Actually he's claimed no such thing. In fact he's claimed the exact opposite, he's explicitly said Rorschach is right in a moral sense, but in a terrible way that dooms the world if followed through.

    • 8 months ago

      >that dooms the world if followed through
      So, he is wrong.

      • 8 months ago

        It's better to die right than to live wrong.

        • 8 months ago

          Unironically, have a nice day then.

          • 8 months ago

            No, because while I'm alive I can live well, and, if I can't outright stop evil, then at least I can inconvenience it through my continued existence. All you have to do is not do bad things and oppose bad things when you see them. It's pretty easy, actually. You just need a bit of backbone. It's not about winning or losing - it's about having the guts to stand up and try.

            • 8 months ago

              Great, now tell me where "destroying the world is fine" fits into that mind set

              • 8 months ago

                Destroying the world is bad, which is why narcing on the guy who blew up cities (cities are part of the world) is good. I don't care about your greater good. I care about Good, capital G.

      • 8 months ago

        No, he's right. Good and evil themselves are wrong. It's a matter of utilitarianism vs. some other -ism.

    • 8 months ago

      Alan is a left wing anarchist, not to mention, mentally insane. Not only does he hate Rorschach, but he explicitly created it him as a jab toward the Question/Mr A, who believed in an objective morality and was right winged. He made sure to portray Rorschach as a misogynist and homophobic to make the readers hate him and it backfired against his face.
      If you approach the guy and say anything positive about Rorschach, he'll tell you to frick off

      • 8 months ago

        >and it backfired against his face.

        Alan should have known better than to expect people who read comics to be intelligent.

        • 8 months ago

          Expect that's not the case. Rorschach, in all sense and terms, isn't in the wrong. You're welcome to prove me wrong through Alan's perspective and his intentions

          • 8 months ago

            >Rorschach, in all sense and terms, isn't in the wrong.

            He’s repeatedly shown to be wrong, acts hypocritical all the time and basically bungles his way through the story/investigation making incorrect conclusions/presumptions and failing to live up to his own code.

      • 8 months ago

        Stop making these stupid Watchmen/Moore bait threads every single day.
        Frick off

  2. 8 months ago

    They both suck ass, Nite Owl for the win baby!!!

  3. 8 months ago

    >Another idiot can’t understand Watchmen

    Oh boy, it’s been a while!

  4. 8 months ago

    something something tree by the river of truth something etc no you move frick off
    t. morality pro

  5. 8 months ago

    >The world will blow up without my squid false flag
    >Except the real world still hasn't
    I'm confused, was having Nixon, the guy who eased tensions with China, still in power, supposed to be the reason a war was inevitable?

    • 8 months ago

      1 it was written before the end of the cold war and ussr
      2 there was this naked blue guy who tipped the scales of power irrevocably for the US in the story

    • 8 months ago

      The history is significantly different from ours and there was only endless escalation due to Manhattan’s influence and interference in the Cold War matters like Vietnam

  6. 8 months ago

    >is the good guy and his decision was the right one
    No. No that's not what happens at all. You're pretty moron.

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    >is the good guy and his decision was the right one
    Not really. Even in the most shallow reading you can make he comes across as the villain.

    But I do agree that Moore underestimated how much positives he wrote into rorschach.

  9. 8 months ago

    Frick off ESL

  10. 8 months ago

    >Ozy is the good guy and his decision was the right one
    Did you pay attention to the Black Freighter story at all anon? What makes you think Adrian is "supposed" to be right?

    >But Rorschach, who's only done good and stood against mass murderer and the coward, is the evil one because he doesn't shower and hates gays
    Rorschach is a hypocrite and beats up random buttholes in a bar for no reason. His final moral stand against Ozy is an act of hypocrisy, because it turns out the kind of man driven to do the kinds of things Rorschach does is not a mentally sound or healthy person.

    • 8 months ago

      It was a last gasp for sanity by a good man in a bad world.

      • 8 months ago

        You are correct. That doesn't make it any less hypocritical or Rorschach himself any less mentally unstable. It was Walter Kovacs, the troubled but well meaning and compassionate man, finally surfacing from beneath the mask of the callous and inflexible Rorschach.

  11. 8 months ago

    I don't believe that was the point Alan Moore was trying to make.
    In fact, I think you might've missed the point completely.

    • 8 months ago

      Moore despises Rorschach and everything he stands for. He purposely created the character as both a jab toward the Question and embodiment of everything he, Alan, despised. At the end of the Watchmen, it's either Ozymandias or Rorschach, they both can't be wrong and they both can't be right.
      If Ozymandias is a nutjob and all his plan amounted to was the death of millions of people without meaning, then Rorschach would be in the right for standing up to him, and Manhattan, and threatening to expose him and call him out on his insanity.
      Alan Moore himself is a nutjob who hates objectivity. He believes there isn't anything like a definitive right or wrong, and that the 'right thing' is subjective, ie the death of the millions by the giant squid can be justified
      >inb4 but he doesn't insert politics into comics
      Keep in mind, the only reason the president in the comic wasn't Roland, as Alan intended, because he was worried he'd lose the readers who were supportive of Roland Reagan irl

      • 8 months ago

        I realize this is bait, but I'll bite.
        >embodiment of everything he, Alan, despised
        >the fact that there's something about his uncompromising attitude that I have a great deal of sympathy with
        It's a combination of likes and dislikes in one character.
        >they both can't be wrong
        Yes they can, and they are.

        • 8 months ago

          Moore despises Rorschach and everything he stands for. He purposely created the character as both a jab toward the Question and embodiment of everything he, Alan, despised. At the end of the Watchmen, it's either Ozymandias or Rorschach, they both can't be wrong and they both can't be right.
          If Ozymandias is a nutjob and all his plan amounted to was the death of millions of people without meaning, then Rorschach would be in the right for standing up to him, and Manhattan, and threatening to expose him and call him out on his insanity.
          Alan Moore himself is a nutjob who hates objectivity. He believes there isn't anything like a definitive right or wrong, and that the 'right thing' is subjective, ie the death of the millions by the giant squid can be justified
          >inb4 but he doesn't insert politics into comics
          Keep in mind, the only reason the president in the comic wasn't Roland, as Alan intended, because he was worried he'd lose the readers who were supportive of Roland Reagan irl

          Moore is a moral subjectivist
          No moral judgement is correct or incorrect

          • 8 months ago

            Or, here me out here, the point of the story is not to offer an objective moral judgement on the actions of its characters, but to let the reader come to their own conclusion and decide what the correct moral action is for themselves.

      • 8 months ago

        >it's either Ozymandias or Rorschach, they both can't be wrong and they both can't be right.
        >be alan moore
        >make a comic about the strict black and white morality that exists in capeshit is dumb and doesn't apply to complex real world situations
        >people reading your comic start to divide the characters into a strict binary of right and wrong

  12. 8 months ago

    >The West has fallen
    >Millions must die
    Holy shit is Ozy a chud?

  13. 8 months ago

    I actually like the fact that the movie made Dr Manhattan the scapegoat rather than evil squid monster

    • 8 months ago

      We've had this discussion. Changing it to Manhattan breaks the entire story and the US would get the blame.

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