Black Sails

49 posts · 10 months ago

Who was worse?

31 posts · 10 months ago

What do we think of this film?

67 posts · 10 months ago

>the most beautiful woman in the world

162 posts · 10 months ago

What would you do?

296 posts · 10 months ago

What are some boomercore kinos?

146 posts · 10 months ago

ITT: Dead careers

53 posts · 10 months ago

Hairy Pothead Bros...

33 posts · 10 months ago

>is that...

76 posts · 10 months ago

Ugh oh, Disneybros???

38 posts · 10 months ago

Is capeshit finally over?

46 posts · 10 months ago

"Rey who?"

126 posts · 10 months ago

When did his reign end?

82 posts · 10 months ago

Would you ever switch go Samsung?

29 posts · 10 months ago

what kind of beer do you like?

37 posts · 10 months ago

Who was in the right?

63 posts · 10 months ago

How in the FRICK was this greenlit

320 posts · 10 months ago

Why did it fail?

98 posts · 10 months ago