"Mmmm yes, I love fricking my adopted son's girlfriends.

"Mmmm yes, I love fricking my adopted son's girlfriends. I knew from the moment I saw you as a little girl by your dad's side I had to have you. I like the fact that commish Gordan is my friend and Im fricking his daughter. I love the fact that I raised Dick myself and as soon as he had a real girlfriend I had to take her from him. I'm a handsome billionaire who can have any woman I want, both as Bruce and as Batman, since the villains want me. But no, I dont want that, I want you Babs. Frick the intense perversion is getting me off so much right now. I will even actively resist any villain or woman trying to bang me, but Ill bang you Babs-- Because I like it. I like the personal ties. I like everything about it. I like the perversion. I'm Batman."

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  1. 2 years ago

    I don't necessarily hate this because Batman at his core is a domineering overprotective weirdo and I can see him doing something like this but this was clearly just Timm's fetish and not an attempt to analyze the character or whatever.

    • 2 years ago

      This. That's my major gripe with it. It felt absolutely random as frick and out of the blue. And when more BruceBabs in DCAU stuff came up, the clearer it was that Timm was bringing his horny fantasies in canon.

      • 2 years ago

        >It felt absolutely random as frick and out of the blue.

        Babs is horny for Bruce in BTAS. By the time Babs and Dick are confirmed as having dated, it was meant to be a failed relationship. And honestly Bruce/Babs isn't even that big in the DCAU, they aren't entirely dating in TNBA and the only confirmation they ever did is a single line in Beyond. More people have thought about how Bruce/Babs being offputting than the writers put anywork into establishign the relationship. And no, Timm did not write the Killing Joke movie

        • 2 years ago

          >And no, Timm did not write the Killing Joke movie
          Well then who did?
          >Brian Azarello
          Well that sounds about right

          • 2 years ago

            Timm writes astonishingly little and so much accusations on him on Cinemaphile are really paranoid delusions taken by the fact that Timm is still there at WB animation where as everyone else left, so people see conclusions that aren't there. A lot of this writing comes from a writers room and groups of creators coming up with ideas.

            The most likely truth? The Bruce/Babs romance probably came out entirely from chemistry Bruce and Babs had in TNBA. As the prominent male and female leads its just natural. In Beyond it probably came out of the need to establish a reason for Bruce and babs to be on shaky, but not completely separate terms. I wouldn't be surprised if the writer for that specific episode came up with it herself.

        • 2 years ago

          Timm writes astonishingly little and so much accusations on him on Cinemaphile are really paranoid delusions taken by the fact that Timm is still there at WB animation where as everyone else left, so people see conclusions that aren't there. A lot of this writing comes from a writers room and groups of creators coming up with ideas.

          The most likely truth? The Bruce/Babs romance probably came out entirely from chemistry Bruce and Babs had in TNBA. As the prominent male and female leads its just natural. In Beyond it probably came out of the need to establish a reason for Bruce and babs to be on shaky, but not completely separate terms. I wouldn't be surprised if the writer for that specific episode came up with it herself.

          As I've said before, it makes sense for Bruce to have a shitty, somewhat odd relationship because DCAU Bruce is a controlling butthole. Barbara knows his secret. He can trust her to keep it, since he knows her secret too. And he has a position of authority over her. It's perfect for the sort of guy DCAU Bruce is.

          For that matter, it's kind of messed up. But I think that's the point.

        • 2 years ago

          >Babs dreaming of vigorous physical activities fighting crime with batman
          >Greyson wakes her to flirt
          >Babs: Thanks DICK.

        • 2 years ago

          >And no, Timm did not write the Killing Joke movie
          He was a producer and worked along side that excrement Azzarello and defended it when people complained about it.

    • 2 years ago

      I do necessarily hate this because Batman is supposed to be a hero and not a fricking dirt bag

      • 2 years ago

        having sex with an adult woman doesn't make you a dirtbag or any less of a hero, you spinless cuckold

        • 2 years ago

          But having sex with your daughter in law is while you give her biological father a handshake.

        • 2 years ago

          Way to go and being an intentionally obtuse homosexual. There's a reason why that scene inTKJ got so much shit from viewers; it came out of nowhere and shit on the fatherly relationship Bruce has with his sidekicks. Fricking moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >it came out of nowhere and shit on the fatherly relationship Bruce has with his sidekicks.

            Get that sanctimonious tumblr crap out of here. Burnett, Azzarello, and Timm are all old enough they still approach these characters with a pre-crisis idea of their ages and interactions, not that livejournal Devin Grayson "Bruce adopts everyone :)" crap Bruce might have a parental figure relationship, but that's different from being an actual parent to her. Its meant to be an error on both their parts, but I have no cares that the plotpoint ruins your idea of Bruce being some wholesome dad figure to a bunch of gay brats.

            • 2 years ago

              >Read the thread, moron.
              >Lmao youre literally a moron.
              Not a single link or source anywhere. Still waiting liar.

              "I will not read the thread"
              "I will not do any googling"

              Keep wanking off to your shitty father-daughter sex fan fic.

              • 2 years ago

                People asked for a simple link to a credible source. You have yet to do any of that.

              • 2 years ago

                I made it all up, sure did.

                This dickhead cant highlight text and copy and past into google. Man, you really would enjoy a story an old man writes about fricking his daughter.

            • 2 years ago

              you Black folk are actually moronic. Them adding a scene does not change the context of the story to something that you have both assumed but the film makes no reference to.
              Barbara is a woman in her mid 20s who has never been romantically involved with the teenage boy you have seemingly chosen to self-insert as.

              This is what nostalgia does to a man.

            • 2 years ago

              Jesus Christ dude, just admit that Timm fricked up by showing his shitty ship and was rightfully shat on by people who just wanted the Killing Joke. I doubt the man is going to let you smell his chair.

              • 2 years ago

                You're way more obsessed with Timm than me.

        • 2 years ago

          Cry about it, Timm

      • 2 years ago

        After BTAS, the idea was to pile a bunch of flaws on him because that is narratively interesting. He's a hero, just a flawed one https://streamable.com/bqh3s4

  2. 2 years ago

    >I like the fact that commish Gordan is my friend and Im fricking his daughter.

    Gordan was pushing Babs to marry some random guy close to Bruce's age who just came to Gotham.

  3. 2 years ago

    The ass pain from Dick gays is hilarious
    Gordon absolutely hates Dick and thinks he is some douchebag frat boy who is going to cheat on his daughter surprise he does this all the time

    He actually likes Bruce though and wants Babs to hook up with him because he is a wealthy man who can take care of her

    Shame the accusations of fetishes and daddy creep porn have ruined so many peoples minds about this

    • 2 years ago

      That Harley is cute.

    • 2 years ago

      Dick gays absolutely have no right to complain. He bangs every other chick that comes his way. Why shouldn't Batman just end up with Babs??? Seriously, just think about it. Dick's out here with his own team, with a girl like Starfire who he does end up banging.

      Bruce on the other hand isn't a manprostitute. The opposite really. He has that playboy act, but it's all an act. He's a vigilante detective autist masquerading as a chad thunderwiener. He won't cheat. He's nearly asexual at certain points too. Yeah, there's Catwoman, but that's a Tom King thing, don't even think about that. Talia? She had to RAPE him to get his kid.

      Yeah, they go together neatly. It's sad when people ship Batman more with actual criminals than a person who's not actually a criminal. Even Poison Ivy and Harley is more popular than Batman X Batgirl.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Look boys, its the wiener with the sissy coming out of his mouth

  5. 2 years ago

    Timm was in control of all the DC animated movies, he was responsible for this and OKd it, he even said so.

    • 2 years ago

      Timm was not in control during that period lol

      • 2 years ago

        Timm was given full control of the DC movies around Didio and Lee, he even commented on his choice to include that in the movie, dont feel like getting the quote.

        • 2 years ago

          >There is evidence. i don't feel like showing it, but there is evidence
          I'm not saying I disagree, but showing evidence does help when pleading your case in an argument

          • 2 years ago

            I'll dig it up fpr him because I'm fair.

            >The decision for the two superheroes have casual sex, made by Bruce Timm, Alan Burnett, and screenwriter Brian Azzarello, changes several aspects of both the character’s histories, and twists the film’s overall interpretation of Alan Moore’s infamous comic. Although a sexual or romantic relationship between the two had been teased in some ancillary Batman canon projects (specifically in Batman Beyond), their union is not a mainstay in Gotham stories. Still, director Bruce Timm defended the decision to put in a Wayne-Gordon sex scene.

            >“It was really important to us to show that both of the characters make some pretty big mistakes. I mean, his ‘parental skills’ aren’t that great,” Timm told Vulture. “Maybe never having had any kids of his own, he doesn’t realize that if you tell a kid to not do something, they’re going to want to do it even more. And then she makes some mistakes and then he kind of overreacts to her mistakes and then she overreacts to his overreaction. So it’s very human; it’s a very understandable story.”

            None of this implies it was just Timm, yet Burnett, who's also been at WB for years, doesn't get accused of shit.

            • 2 years ago

              Maybe because Timm comes off like he likes that sort of thing and has been defensive about it.

              >Bro Timm himself said Bruce and Barbra have a father daughter relationship, and that Batman is a bad parent and ends up having sex with his daughter.
              I'm not you "bro". And she's more of a fan-girl to Batman. Bruce never takes the father role with her.

              And the age difference isn't that big. She's early 20s. Bruce is late 20s/Early 30s. There are literal bigger age gaps in real life relationships.

              The only people who are upset at post-wall women who are jealous and simps like you who fall for it. It's like you haven't had a real relationship before.

              I can literally count numerous female friends I have who are in their 20s who wouldn't hesitate to sleep with a Billionaire in their 30s. It's like their dream for many of them.

              Timm said Bruce has a dather-daughter relationship in the post quoted above, bro.

              • 2 years ago

                >Maybe because Timm comes off like he likes that sort of thing and has been defensive about it.

                Yeah no shit because people will take writers having characters act like flawed human beings as a secret confession of some sort of fetish or perversion. Timm has seemingly made one, maybe two statements about the pairing at all, and that's it. 7 years ago.
                Timm had an accusation lobbied at him, and it was his obligation to defend the product his name is on.

                >Timm comes off like he likes that sort of thing

                Only feelings matter, of course.

              • 2 years ago

                >Timm said Bruce has a dather-daughter relationship in the post quoted above, bro.
                Show actual proof and source or stfu. No one cares about your lies.

              • 2 years ago

                Read the thread, moron.

                Lmao youre literally a moron.

              • 2 years ago

                >Read the thread, moron.
                >Lmao youre literally a moron.
                Not a single link or source anywhere. Still waiting liar.

            • 2 years ago

              Maybe for some others, but after the success of BTAS his style has been mimicked by the entire industry. He was also involved in writing the story as quoted above.

              based on that quote I I don't believe he had any involvement with the story at all. It's talking about kids and parenting even though Barbara is an adult woman only five years younger than Bruce in the continuity of the Killing Joke

              • 2 years ago

                They have a mentor/mentee relationship. In the story Batman feels he crossed a line he shouldn't have, which is why he refuses to talk to her and we get that "It was just sex!" speech from Barbara.

              • 2 years ago

                >The decision for the two superheroes have casual sex, made by Bruce Timm, Alan Burnett, and screenwriter Brian Azzarello

              • 2 years ago

                It also describes Timm as the director of the movie, which isn't true. I'm just going to assume an ill-informed journalist asked him for a comment and he bullshitted his way through it

      • 2 years ago

        His justification was literally "Batman's not a good parent"

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, it was just "Uh controversy" and some shitty excuses, ultimately just solidifying this has no purpose and was an excuse to write his weird fan fictions and self insert.

    • 2 years ago

      And? He didn't necessarily tell Azzarello to add it to the movie. Show me proof.

      • 2 years ago

        Dude, hes literally in charge of the whole thing and has been hyper aware and giving a myraid of excuses for it, down to saying he personally liked it and that hes always saw Batgirl and Batman like that.

        You show me some proof Azzarello wrote that in and not Timm himself.

        • 2 years ago

          >You show me some proof Azzarello wrote that in and not Timm himself.

          The writing credit.That's all I need. All you have is a bunch of accusations that Timm is obsessed with the pairing when it comes up once in 20 years. If Timm was inserting it in everything, why are the two primary example a one-off statement in Batman beyond and a scene in a DTV?
          Meanwhile you people will bring up spinoff comics done outside of the WB team as some conspiracy.

          • 2 years ago

            >The writing credit

            Meanwhile Timm is the executive producer with 100x the power of Azzarello and a ton more control. He controls everything in that film and all others, he can add or remove anything he wants.

            • 2 years ago

              So Timm, and Timm alone, chose to push that scene, despite never including Bruce/Babs scenes in any of the other DC DTV movies, despite there now being some 15 years of them? Azzarello, who could've clarified if he was forced to add the scene, and has no skin in the game because he's only ever written a short for Gotham Knight before, has never spoken against it or said he was edited or asked to add the scene, and by all accounts seems to have decided to write the scene with the cooperation of Timm and Burnett. But he was rtotally forced to, I'm sure.

              Please keep telling me about Timm's super secret fetish and how mean he is making writers add his bruce/Babs fanfiction.

              • 2 years ago

                Thing is, this movie was rated R those weren't and Timm used the same reasoning for justifying it as he did in TNA despite Killing Joke being totally different.

            • 2 years ago

              An actual executive producer is usually just someone who funds the project without actually working on it. For someone like Timm, having an Executive Producer credit is just for the sake of name recognition to help sell the film, like how Stan Lee was "executive producer" on a bunch of Marvel movies despite having no involvemet at all.kyk9v

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe for some others, but after the success of BTAS his style has been mimicked by the entire industry. He was also involved in writing the story as quoted above.

              • 2 years ago

                Way to go and being an intentionally obtuse homosexual. There's a reason why that scene inTKJ got so much shit from viewers; it came out of nowhere and shit on the fatherly relationship Bruce has with his sidekicks. Fricking moron.

                You have no clue what you're talking about. The Killing Joke is an adaptation of a comic book from the 1980s, long before Barbara Gordon was ever a love interest to Dick Grayson, and long before she was retconned into being a teenage sidekick the same age as him.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah.... and they didnt frick in that comic... doofus....

              • 2 years ago

                Last time I read the Killing Joke there was no romance or a sex scene between Babs and Bruce. I know this guy made some good cartoons in the past, but you really don't have to suck his dick and defend him for this.

                you Black folk are actually moronic. Them adding a scene does not change the context of the story to something that you have both assumed but the film makes no reference to.
                Barbara is a woman in her mid 20s who has never been romantically involved with the teenage boy you have seemingly chosen to self-insert as.

              • 2 years ago

                So if I put a twenty minute hardcore porno in the middle of the SpongeBob movie, its still the same thing. Got it.

              • 2 years ago

                Last time I read the Killing Joke there was no romance or a sex scene between Babs and Bruce. I know this guy made some good cartoons in the past, but you really don't have to suck his dick and defend him for this.

  6. 2 years ago

    >How could this ball of repression and bad decisions succumb to fricking a hot college co-ed in a skin tight onsie throwing herself at him every night

  7. 2 years ago

    >Dick isn't Bruce's son
    >Bruce isn't as old as you think he is (this is a later retcon following the introduction of his 10 year old son)
    >Gordon is an older mentor to Bruce, not his work buddy
    The only people upset by this are people who are misunderstanding the material (and women over 25 who hate this kind of thing anyway)

    • 2 years ago

      Bro Timm himself said Bruce and Barbra have a father daughter relationship, and that Batman is a bad parent and ends up having sex with his daughter.

      • 2 years ago

        >Bro Timm himself said Bruce and Barbra have a father daughter relationship, and that Batman is a bad parent and ends up having sex with his daughter.
        I'm not you "bro". And she's more of a fan-girl to Batman. Bruce never takes the father role with her.

        And the age difference isn't that big. She's early 20s. Bruce is late 20s/Early 30s. There are literal bigger age gaps in real life relationships.

        The only people who are upset at post-wall women who are jealous and simps like you who fall for it. It's like you haven't had a real relationship before.

        I can literally count numerous female friends I have who are in their 20s who wouldn't hesitate to sleep with a Billionaire in their 30s. It's like their dream for many of them.

  8. 2 years ago

    nerds tripping over themselves to be hyperpartisan

    it made sense in the DCAU context get over your 20 year old cartoon

  9. 2 years ago

    Honestly why should Dick settle for some crippled ginger b***h when he has a tall alien lady lusting after him?

    • 2 years ago

      Because that alien lusts over everybody.

    • 2 years ago

      because the bat editors said so even though they have the chemistry of a wet noodle

      • 2 years ago

        >even though they have the chemistry of a wet noodle
        That's goes for everything not Bruce-related when you have the bateditors in the first place.

    • 2 years ago

      >why earth ginger when space ginger?
      so many gingers

  10. 2 years ago

    I don't get it? People are upset that a fictional older rich guy slept with a younger woman?


    Do you have any idea how many NBA and NFL players do this? This is so common it's not worth talking about. You comic nerds that's have a problem with this make me laugh. Women won't frick you just because you defend your lady's "honor".

    Barbara is a HO. Did Bruce rape her? Hahahahahaha. Nah. She WILLINGLY slept with him. Miss me with that shame nonsense. no one cares

    • 2 years ago

      No i'm fapping to it

  11. 2 years ago

    We get it buttholes, you have a NTR fetish.

  12. 2 years ago

    Did Bruce rape Barbara? If not then there's no problem. Both were adults.

  13. 2 years ago

    So many virgin anons in this thread lol. Two consenting adults so who cares?

  14. 2 years ago

    If you wouldn't go balls deep in this, you're an actual genuine homosexual.

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