>Morpheus: What is the Matrix?

>Morpheus: What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a dream world, built to turn a human being into this.
>Neo: What is that.. a coprocessor?
>Morpheus: Compute. The human brain can store more data than a 1-tonne computer and process 25 billion operations per second.
>[Morpheus goes on to explain that the brain needs a working mind to think (do calculations), i.e.. the brain needs to think it's a person living a life.]

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  1. 2 years ago

    why would he hold it like that?

  2. 2 years ago

    I'm pretty sure Hitchhiker's guide did this

    • 2 years ago

      hmm really? I HATE that kind of humor but I admit some of the ideas I've heard people mention are intriguing ones

      • 2 years ago

        It's legitimately good sci-fi. His idea of what Earth and reality are simply blew my mind as a kid. I still think it's close to the truth.

        Also, why are you humorless? Did you see the movie and assume the humor was like that? The book is many times better, and much more funny. One of the funniest series I ever read.

      • 2 years ago

        It's legitimately good sci-fi. His idea of what Earth and reality are simply blew my mind as a kid. I still think it's close to the truth.

        Also, why are you humorless? Did you see the movie and assume the humor was like that? The book is many times better, and much more funny. One of the funniest series I ever read.

        Hitchhiker's Guide to this remains one of the few books that legitimately made me laugh while reading it alone with nobody nearby. Incredibly entertaining, well-written and funny – at least that's how I remember it.

    • 2 years ago

      Hyperion did it first

      • 2 years ago

        Didn't have anything to do with virtual reality though, the AI just kidnapped people's brain capacity in hyperspace to run themselves on manpower.

      • 2 years ago

        Didn't have anything to do with virtual reality though, the AI just kidnapped people's brain capacity in hyperspace to run themselves on manpower.

        I liked how there were unique AIs and AI factions. Sci-fi always makes doomsday AIs a singular perfectly coordinated unified blob that speaks with a generic emotionless train station announcement voice. Hyperion was a bit of a clusterfrick but the ideas were cool and ambitious.

        • 2 years ago

          The AI in it was ridiculous. I don't even know why it's called sci fi. It's got as much logic as an LSD trip, why would machines call themselves bears and lions or whatever the factions was? Asimov is the only one who really tries to make it realistic. AI are built on rules, but the complexity of the universe forces the AIs to do unexpected things and even derive generalisations of such rules.

          • 2 years ago

            >why would machines call themselves bears and lions
            they were referring to entities native to higher planes of existence as "lions, tigers, and bears," oh my. as in despite the fact they were running off trillions of human brains and had basically made space and time their b***h, there was shit in the wider universe that dwarfed them, and one such entity was whatever humanity itself was going to become.

            • 2 years ago

              Frick, I am going to read Hyperion. It's definitely the algorithm, but I've been hearing about it a lot lately. They are probably about to make a movie o show, or something. I just really want to read it now. Fricking AI.

      • 2 years ago

        Hitchhiker's guide is from the 70s

  3. 2 years ago

    Would’ve been more kino but I’m not sure it matters in the long run

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing matters because what we take to be the world is only a mental overlay that we habitually build over empty data.

      • 2 years ago

        Ergo we have systematically vis-a-vis a thesaurus become exceedingly efficient at shitposting

        • 2 years ago

          hey slow down there we're just posting about Matrix 1 for now - let's not go quoting the sequels yet

        • 2 years ago

          >be architect
          >build perfect world for humans
          >get rejected
          >build nightmare world
          >get rejected
          >simulate computers within the computer so humans can communicate efficiently
          >they use it for shitposting
          >sad architect

          • 2 years ago

            So is the “Zion reality” just another layer of the matrix as a kind of blowoff-valve or what

            • 2 years ago

              Neo can see without eyes and stop machines with his mind in the "real world". It's pretty obvious they're not in base reality.

              • 2 years ago

                I guess that's the "non-believer" take, or you can believe Neo actually was the One.

            • 2 years ago

              It's another layer of control, but not a simulation.

              Neo can see without eyes and stop machines with his mind in the "real world". It's pretty obvious they're not in base reality.

              You can accept machines have evolved to the point where they can simulate a world that keeps humanity enslaved, but some sort of WLAN 12.0 implanted into Neo's brain is where you draw the line because it isn't realistic? It makes sense to have failsafes on your one contingency to keep the real world in check.

        • 2 years ago

          my blisteringly hot take is I honestly don't mind the architect, he probably talks like a computer would, and I think thats the point. On a surface level it works pretty well

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          AND THE DAYS GO BY
          AND THE DAYS GO BY
          Same as it ever was
          same as it ever was

    • 2 years ago

      It was the original script apparently.

      • 2 years ago

        I think this is just a fan rumour but it's almost impossible to believe that that's not the case when you learn a bit of the Zen which clearly inspired the thing. I mean, when you start to learn and grasp that philosophy you inevitably as a Western nerd get the exact same idea. "Our minds generate reality? Woah. Hey what if...it was like literal and..."

        • 2 years ago

          I so fricking hate that shit, western people only like it because it's exotic to them.

          Yes reality exists on its own, yes shit matters even if noone knows about it, yes you are still a fricking butthole for jacking off into your sisters face even if she was asleep and never realized Chang.

          One shudders at the idea of the israelites taking on this outlook on life and the loopholes they would have found in its moral conclusions.

          • 2 years ago

            >I hate it because... I just don't like it!
            But you just made up your own version of what it means when some people believe something and got mad about that. Like, what are we talking about here, Zen? Fake zen that Westerners take up when they read a bit and only get half the meaning? Because I don't know any example of someone following either of these and acting the way you set out

            • 2 years ago

              (except maybe washowskis bdsming and taking drug and trooning out)

            • 2 years ago

              >pretending like he knows jack dick about zen


              • 2 years ago

                Nobody did that. The post says you don't see people going around jacking off and saying it's because Zen says "there's nothing". Which is an observation independent of knowing anything of Zen

          • 2 years ago

            >Jacking off into your sisters face even if she was asleep
            Not sure why you would exaggerate your point with such crass. How about you elaborate what your point is with this sexual act keep going i am so fricking hard rn

        • 2 years ago

          It isn't, it was on a web interview from the early internet. It's archived and all. I'll look for the link.

      • 2 years ago


        Then turned it to batteries to dumb it down for normies

        • 2 years ago

          I've said the same thing, 'for the dumb normies' but then I suspect when I was 15 I might've gotten tangled up trying to follow the OP version on the first watch and been left a bit too dazed to take in the rest of the events so maybe the power (as blatantly stupid and impossible as it is) is better as something to brush off and move on, and just take in the awesome movie experience

          • 2 years ago

            I think a fifteen year old then would understand enough of it to not get too hung up on it
            They could just sum it up at the end in simple terms like "the robots are powered by human brains"

            • 2 years ago

              There's a hitch that I hit when I tried to see how this change would impact the rest of the movie's plot (and meanings), there's some concept in the movie that got awkwardly like doubled up on and I can't fricking remember it now

              • 2 years ago

                >there's some concept in the movie that got awkwardly like doubled up
                was it free your mind?

              • 2 years ago

                nah i think it was more to do with how if your mind is making the illusion then why is it needing to be shared with other people (which is clearly entirely why the thing is the 'Matrix' in the first place). But then that's fine because it's just like, each person having computer-controlled npcs as their community would require a lot of AI processing, using up what the machines were trying to siphon off in the first place - so just have everyone be the NPCs for each other it works well.

              • 2 years ago

                >if your mind is making the illusion then why is it needing to be shared with other people
                because distributed processing is more efficient and enables use of the excess for other purposes, like running the machine intelligences.

            • 2 years ago

              the problem was mostly the 90s executives who didn't understand a single thing about computers, projecting that onto the average person.

              • 2 years ago

                Is there ANY source for this other than fan speculation? Just "woah they were so stupid how they said..." except.. there's nothing to actually suggest they ever said that?

              • 2 years ago

                you might be having trouble finding source for decades old facts because you're searching for instances of lana, rather than larry, saying it.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah sure man

              • 2 years ago

                no need to get upset over not being spoonfed

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't matter either way, because the human's use - whether it be power or processing - is never a relevant factor in any of the movies. It's just a throw away line to explain why the Matrix exists, and that's all.

      • 2 years ago

        >is never a relevant factor
        its the difference between just holding humans captive and enslaving their minds, partially to process the means of their own captivity. the "power plant" reason makes the matrix less insidious. the processor reason is like having slaves work on an assembly line to make whips, manacles, torture devices, cages, etc, that will be used on them.

        • 2 years ago

          There's literally no difference though. Whether for power or processing, the point is that the human inside the Matrix doesn't know any different, and is just going on living their lives. They're enslaved to the same degree regardless.

          >never a relevant factor
          Well, unless you wanted to ground your movie's mind-blow concept ("Your mind makes it real") in the actual content of the movie

          It gives some justification for why the Matrix exists - the core premise of the movie - but the specifics are irrelevant. For as much of a role as it plays in the movie, the humans could be used for power, for processing, or they could just be enslaved for fun. None of that stuff is actually important (arguably it becomes more important in the third movie, given that the machines ultimately need Neo's help to destroy Smith without the total loss of the Matrix ... but even then their problem would be the same if the humans were being used for processing instead of power, etc).

          • 2 years ago

            >There's literally no difference though.
            except for the difference i just explained, right?

            • 2 years ago

              No? Like I said, it doesn't really matter how the humans are being used in this context, because the result is literally identical as far as they're concerned. Power or processing, they're just "going about their day" in exactly the same fashion. If one or the other had some material difference on their "lives" (eg. if they needed to sleep more as a power source, or if they were all significantly "dumber" as a processor so their extra brain power could be used for the machines) ... but none of this seems to be the case.

              You're looking at it at plot level and it's not a problem of plot. It's about what the movie makes you reflect on. When you come out of the matrix as-is, you walk around going woah, "what if this is all just an illusion (presented to me by someone else)". This is a totally different thought track to "what if I myself am just spinning meaningless signals into what seems to have meaning to me, like I look and see a chair, but it's not really a chair, it's just wood. And it's not really wood, wood is an idea that I have. maybe everything I see is just ideas and the "real" is just... emptiness, has no essence". See?

              >... and it's not a problem of plot.
              But this is exactly the point *I'm* making. I'm saying that these details aren't relevant to the plot or point of the movie. It doesn't matter if they're "power" or "processing", the movie is the same regardless. Like I said in my original post, the battery stuff is just a throw away line to explain why the Matrix exists, and that's all.

              • 2 years ago

                >it doesn't affect the plot
                >right, it affects something else
                >nono it doesn't affect the plot!!
                You really are a fricking bonehead

              • 2 years ago

                >right, it affects something else
                Where did I say this? The closest I got was to say that the exact nature of the thing might play a role in the machine's motivation at the end of the second sequel movie ... but that's not relevant to the original Matrix film which we're discussing. To reiterate, power or processing, it makes no difference.

                the difference is how, power plant, extrapolated to its logical conclusion, ends up at cypher having the correct take. there's nothing to really gain by being "free" from the matrix if the matrix isn't taking anything from humanity that humanity could put to better use. the world is ruined, by humanity, there's nothing to build or salvage, there's nothing humanity can really do that the machines can't do better. the entire "war" becomes completely pointless because there's nothing to fight over. powering the machines is all there is left for humanity to really do.

                co-processor means the minds of humanity are being used to keep humanity captive, to serve machines with little interest in anything beyond making more machines. in this model there can be no creativity or advancement, no imagination or agency. its serving, essentially, a gray goo scenario where being in the matrix is actively accelerating the eventual extinction of humanity. as once the machines find a better processing solution, humanity will no longer be needed.

                >co-processor means the minds of humanity are being used to keep humanity captive
                The exact same statement can be made of the "battery" case. Because even if they're only being used for power, they're still being enslaved by their own minds. It's a distinction without a difference.

                > in this model there can be no creativity or advancement, no imagination or agency.
                Says who? The explanation we got of how the Matrix functions certainly seems to suggest that a co-processor Matrix wouldn't work this way, because the humans need to feel like they have some degree of freedom and control over their lives for the Matrix to function.

              • 2 years ago

                >Where did I say this?
                ...That's what I said to you. Holy shit this discussion is a joke at this point.

              • 2 years ago

                (what I said to you here

                You're looking at it at plot level and it's not a problem of plot. It's about what the movie makes you reflect on. When you come out of the matrix as-is, you walk around going woah, "what if this is all just an illusion (presented to me by someone else)". This is a totally different thought track to "what if I myself am just spinning meaningless signals into what seems to have meaning to me, like I look and see a chair, but it's not really a chair, it's just wood. And it's not really wood, wood is an idea that I have. maybe everything I see is just ideas and the "real" is just... emptiness, has no essence". See?

                >it's not a problem of plot. It's about what the movie makes you reflect on
                Can you not read these words or something?)

              • 2 years ago

                ??? Are you having a schizo moment?

              • 2 years ago

                >The exact same statement can be made of the "battery" case.
                no, it really can't. to reiterate, again, battery is using an almost meaningless fraction of human capacity, baking in a model for mutually beneficial cooperation.

                co-processor is stealing everything that defines humanity and repurposing it. necessitating conflict.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, cool head canon, but there's no reason to think this would be the case. The evidence argues against it.

              • 2 years ago

                its okay if you don't understand the humans for processing power thing. they were pretty sure a lot of people wouldn't get it back in the 90s, after all.

              • 2 years ago

                >they were pretty sure a lot of people wouldn't get it back in the 90s, after all.
                You're being disingenuous. If you understand that they changed it from "processing" to "power" on a whim, than you also understand that the characterization of the Matrix itself must have been identical in both versions of the movie. So my argument is indeed correct: the difference between a "power" Matrix and a "processing" Matrix is literally irrelevant as far as the humans inside are concerned. They're not being sapped of "creativity" or "everything that defines humanity", they'd just be happily living their lives in the Matrix without any knowledge that any part of their body was being utilized by the machines in the real world. It's a distinction without a difference.

              • 2 years ago

                >the characterization of the Matrix itself must have been identical in both versions of the movie.

                incorrect and its been explained why no less than three times in this thread. but you keep arguing from a pure surface level "plot," perspective.

                here's another fun tidbit though, the superpowers don't make any sense if human brains aren't being used to run the matrix. there's no reason someone could will themselves to dodge bullets or fly if the matrix is just an input/output model.

              • 2 years ago

                >its been explained why no less than three times in this thread.
                And each time I've debunked your explanation.

                >here's another fun tidbit though ... there's no reason someone could will themselves to dodge bullets or fly if the matrix is just an input/output model.
                Wow! More unfounded head canon!

                It's super easy to come up with alternate explanations in a power-based Matrix. For example, Neo and friends are operating within the Matrix as avatars in the same manner as programs like the Agents. If the Agents' avatars have the ability to bypass parts of the programming to bend/break physics, it's reasonable that the human avatars controlled by people who also "understand" ("see"/"feel"/"whatever") the programming can do the same. There's no reason at all to assume that human brain processing is required in the Matrix for any of this to be happening.

              • 2 years ago

                >I've debunked
                you shouldn't pretend your inability to understand something is debunking it. that's really not healthy.

              • 2 years ago

                There's no misunderstanding on my end.

              • 2 years ago

                yea, there is. because you can't comprehend anything beyond "plot."

              • 2 years ago

                >its been explained why no less than three times in this thread.
                And each time I've debunked your explanation.

                >here's another fun tidbit though ... there's no reason someone could will themselves to dodge bullets or fly if the matrix is just an input/output model.
                Wow! More unfounded head canon!

                It's super easy to come up with alternate explanations in a power-based Matrix. For example, Neo and friends are operating within the Matrix as avatars in the same manner as programs like the Agents. If the Agents' avatars have the ability to bypass parts of the programming to bend/break physics, it's reasonable that the human avatars controlled by people who also "understand" ("see"/"feel"/"whatever") the programming can do the same. There's no reason at all to assume that human brain processing is required in the Matrix for any of this to be happening.

                >here's no reason someone could will themselves to dodge bullets or fly
                Again this is allegorical to the real world parallel of the Elites/TPTB/"processors" and "batteries".

                The Elite can "fly" because they possess the capital to freely travel the globe in their private aircraft and utilize the public subsidized airports to land at. Their banks that they control full of imaginary fiat money further incentivized the creation of the aerospace industry via war and air mile points and frequent flier programs to give them the flexibility of being anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. They've gifted themselves flight at your expense.

                They can "dodge bullets" because of their top of the industry security staffing and technology rendering them almost entirely outside of harm.

                They can be practically "invisible" because of the depths of history and bureaucracy they've hidden themselves in the vast majority of humanity doesn't even know who they are.

                Merovingian's "orgasm code" cake applies to any """ultra luxury""" dining experience the Elite can use to signal their status that women are conditioned to respond to. It's all there plain as day.

                Look, the matrix should be a collective illusion running on minds, without which nothing exists. Because that means that you can kill anyone and it doesn't matter, because really there's nothing there. Otherwise how rude is this!

                Very rude.
                "...there's way too much information to decode the Matrix. You get used to it, though. Your brain does the translating. I don't even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead. Hey uh, you want a drink?"
                You'll need a drink once you understand.

              • 2 years ago

                You're supposed to draw the real world allegorical implications of the distinction. The "co-processor" is arguing that humanity has a hand in producing the "reality" that humanity occupies. They don't our "reality" is defined by the machinations of a very select group of Elite individuals who through the ages have consolidated power and weaved inextricable power mechanisms to maintain and control that power to shape "reality" to their desires.

                The "battery" allegory is intended to be utilized as disclosure of the fact that humanity is a disposable asset either through debt slavery or the alchemical transmogrification of fiat money into what is effectively time dilating labor.

                The "Elites"/TPTB are the "processing power" pushing the boundaries of cognition and the understanding of the limits of the "Matrix" simulation we occupy. The "batteries" simply exist as background noise and set dressing in an otherwise disposable role to generate the depth of potentiality as outlined by the protocols of the "processors" hence the red herring/dig of "they'd be too stupid to get it" because if you were the viewing audience of The Matrix you weren't born into the echelon of society that doesn't need movies to elucidate these concepts.

                ah sweet, schzioposting

              • 2 years ago


                More like /misc/posting

                You're supposed to draw the real world allegorical implications of the distinction. The "co-processor" is arguing that humanity has a hand in producing the "reality" that humanity occupies. They don't our "reality" is defined by the machinations of a very select group of Elite individuals who through the ages have consolidated power and weaved inextricable power mechanisms to maintain and control that power to shape "reality" to their desires.

                The "battery" allegory is intended to be utilized as disclosure of the fact that humanity is a disposable asset either through debt slavery or the alchemical transmogrification of fiat money into what is effectively time dilating labor.

                The "Elites"/TPTB are the "processing power" pushing the boundaries of cognition and the understanding of the limits of the "Matrix" simulation we occupy. The "batteries" simply exist as background noise and set dressing in an otherwise disposable role to generate the depth of potentiality as outlined by the protocols of the "processors" hence the red herring/dig of "they'd be too stupid to get it" because if you were the viewing audience of The Matrix you weren't born into the echelon of society that doesn't need movies to elucidate these concepts.

                >as outlined by the protocols of the "processors"

              • 2 years ago

                >More like /misc/posting
                is there really a difference?

              • 2 years ago

                >More like /misc/posting

                You're supposed to draw the real world allegorical implications of the distinction. The "co-processor" is arguing that humanity has a hand in producing the "reality" that humanity occupies. They don't our "reality" is defined by the machinations of a very select group of Elite individuals who through the ages have consolidated power and weaved inextricable power mechanisms to maintain and control that power to shape "reality" to their desires.

                The "battery" allegory is intended to be utilized as disclosure of the fact that humanity is a disposable asset either through debt slavery or the alchemical transmogrification of fiat money into what is effectively time dilating labor.

                The "Elites"/TPTB are the "processing power" pushing the boundaries of cognition and the understanding of the limits of the "Matrix" simulation we occupy. The "batteries" simply exist as background noise and set dressing in an otherwise disposable role to generate the depth of potentiality as outlined by the protocols of the "processors" hence the red herring/dig of "they'd be too stupid to get it" because if you were the viewing audience of The Matrix you weren't born into the echelon of society that doesn't need movies to elucidate these concepts. (You)
                >>as outlined by the protocols of the "processors"

                Hello Mr. Smith.

              • 2 years ago

                I may be schizo but I'm not wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                You're supposed to draw the real world allegorical implications of the distinction. The "co-processor" is arguing that humanity has a hand in producing the "reality" that humanity occupies. They don't our "reality" is defined by the machinations of a very select group of Elite individuals who through the ages have consolidated power and weaved inextricable power mechanisms to maintain and control that power to shape "reality" to their desires.

                The "battery" allegory is intended to be utilized as disclosure of the fact that humanity is a disposable asset either through debt slavery or the alchemical transmogrification of fiat money into what is effectively time dilating labor.

                The "Elites"/TPTB are the "processing power" pushing the boundaries of cognition and the understanding of the limits of the "Matrix" simulation we occupy. The "batteries" simply exist as background noise and set dressing in an otherwise disposable role to generate the depth of potentiality as outlined by the protocols of the "processors" hence the red herring/dig of "they'd be too stupid to get it" because if you were the viewing audience of The Matrix you weren't born into the echelon of society that doesn't need movies to elucidate these concepts.

              • 2 years ago

                while not wrong per se, it's still very surface reading. the matrix trilogy (couldnt sit through the 4th so idk whats with that one) is a very overtly a part of the ritual of ushering the new aeon. The now very known 'coincidence' of Neo passport expiring on 9/11 (in a scene from 1999 movie) is just one of a frickload of hints pointing towards that interpretation. To name the few:

                Pay attention to what's on Neo's monitor during the opening of the picture. "Morpheus the most dangerous man in the world, leader of terrorist group escapes from heathrow airport", then screen flickers and there are arabic letters

                There are two scyscrapers destroyed, both by aircrafts - in the first one its a heli and second one in Reloaded gets blown out by Neo who flies out of them.

                Various occultists claimed that the new aeon will be that of a Child, meaning that it will do away with female and male genders and the new man (lol) will be some kind of a hermaphrodite. Well if you look at how the Neo and Trinity are portrayed, neo is kinda chinky femboy looking (as far as the 90s aesthetics allowed), while trinity is very masculine. In the first sequence she turns herself into a bullet while escaping agents, very phallic. Neo on the other hand gets an abortion from her, and we see again and again how he's penetrated by that connection rods that goes inside his head.

                There's a ton of symbols pointing towards that direction. You need to have some knowledge of hermetic tradition to get what are they saying to you, but it's all there in the movies

                as a bonus, here's the keymaker doing the 'as above, so below' sign while in the pose of the hanged man tarot card

              • 2 years ago

                What is an Aeon? I'm guessing it has something to do with the Platonic Forms, or maybe the Akashic Record if I'm on the right trail.

              • 2 years ago

                Didn't catch that, sorry for responding out of order.
                The return to the Monad is in fact a platonic idea, so it's nothing new I guess. BUT and that's an important 'but' - the project of turning dualistic (in terms of gender) human into a hermaphroditic god may seemed as a weird idea that;s disconnected from reality in the past, but it isnt so anymore. Starting with plastic food packaging in the 80s it progressed so fast that it can be observed in real time now.

                And to this guy

                Terminal schizo brain

                watch the interview with wachowskis when they speak about 2001: the space oddysey

                im too lazy to find a time mark, but what they are saying is that the arguably most esoteric mainstream movie of all time started them on working with symbolism. It's all there if you have eyes to see and ears to hear

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, I'm almost right there with you, but you are speaking a little too esoterically. They want to return to the Monad? Would you also possibly call that The Source?

                And I also believe that a god will emerge from humanity one day, but how is food packaging related.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, but studying this stuff is like learning another language with the grammar and all that. Also english isn't my first language so I might jumble up some shit.
                But to the matter at hand:
                The monad, the essence, kether, whatever you want to call it is what startsup the whole world according to kabbalists and what happens after that is the separation into two pillars - one that governs male energy and the other that's female. A plus and a minus, pillar of mercy and a pillar of severity. A left and right hand paths also take their meaning from that distinction btw.

                The idea that Wachowskis seem to share with many occultists is that in order to reconfigure the world into a new order you need to combine the two pillars (or maybe even destroy them - heres come that WTC symbolism again).

                Now back to the food packaging thing - what plastics do is frick with hormonal makeup that governs how the gender expresses themselves in humanity. Hence plummeting T levels in males and shit fertility in females.
                So to make the new age human into hermaphrodite it seems like a good idea, blur the genders into basedboy-ish bulldyke-ish mess that we see today.

                Also to tie a bow on the whole thing let's look at what the word Hermaphrodite actually means. You see, its an amalgamation of Hermes and Aphrodite.
                And if we look at the kabbalistic tree of life, we see that the lowest sephirots on the the respectable pillars are 8 - Hod (that's associated with the Mercury and therefore Hermes), and 7 Netzach which is Venus, therefore Aphrodite. A cherry on top is that the path between 7 and 8 on the tree is associated with Tarot card XVI - The Tower. Which of course signifes toppling down of structures and shiet.

                You need to really get into it to understand what the frick im even talking about but I promise you it makes sense lol

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, it's starting to make sense. I'm not clueless on the topics. Have you heard of the Hypercrisis? You'll really like this: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/92522835/

                Basically, Grant Morrison injected some chaos magic into comic books, and made them real, and all stories are kind of real, living things. It also seems it can have effects in our world, like the plane crash of flight 9525 in Bains, France.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm gonna read that up right now. Magick is definitely real, I'm a skeptic by nature but got into it as far as to be able to say that I know that it is rather then believe (or have faith) that it is.

                The fricked up thing about the whole thing is that knowing whats up kinda lines you up with the perpetrators lol. Cause you'd have to be either a plant or a complete nutcase to stand in the way of powers that make shit happen in the world (so to speak). That's why Cinemaphile is a good place for having this kind of conversations, you better shut the frick up about this stuff in the real world lol.

              • 2 years ago

                Or is an Aeon like a Zeitgeist? Are you saying they were trying to alter reality in some way, to match their goals?

              • 2 years ago

                In the old times the word meant a sound that an animal makes alone in the desert. Kind of a howl or something like that. It's a little bit poetic but what's important to underline is the yearning aspect inherent in the meaning of the word.

                The evolution of the Tarot illustrates it nicely - in the original Rider Waite Tarot the XX. major arcana card is The Judgement - thats what the christian slaves yearned for in the afterlife, to be rewarded (last will be first etc.). Crowley changed the card to the Aeon.
                Won't get into the card design here, but I highlighted the important part of the drawing for you.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry, I don't really get it. The Aeon is something you yearn for in the afterlife? Are you saying they were trying to make this world like the one they yearn for?

              • 2 years ago

                The Aeon is what the people want but don't get.

                Nowadays it's the gender issue. What dysmorphic people want is to feel good in their bodies, at least that's what their claim. Yet what they do is basically mutilate their bodies in the name of this cause of 'you are what you choose to be'. I don't mean to parrot some rw talking point here, what I'm saying is that they embody the yearning, and yet they won't get to the destination that they yearn for.

                BUT it's probable that all that striving will actually lead to advancement of science to the point when it will be not only possible but assumed and obvious that you can alter your genitals without worrying about the result. Those people will have other strives that they won't get etc. etc.

                Looking at the past - the christianity actually achieved the egalitarian world that they promised to the slaves. Not for the people that actually practiced it and believed it, they had to die, and even christianity itself burned itself out for the most part - but the racial attitudes people of today are definitely the product of that yearning for the christian egalitarian order

              • 2 years ago

                And so the Wachowskis did all this to further their goal of uniting the masculine and feminine? Do I finally get it? That's their yearning?

              • 2 years ago

                Well I think that they are more of the court jesters of the people who run shit, and the real goal is much more crude that what the whole lofty esoteric claim purports, but basically, yeah.

                What I personally think is that the pretense of egalitarian world order is nearing it's end. Automation will make easier the hard separation of classes and the first world will sooner than later get into hard caste system akin to that of India or Iran or Brazil. Brown masses scraping by on the bottom being culled from time to time and invisible elites at the top who don't consider themselves even the same species no more.
                This whole manufactured chaos thats injected as deep as reproductive organs is what they are doing to make sure the transition (no pun intended) goes smoothly. Zoloft ridden dilating zombies won't rise up

              • 2 years ago

                so it's like a circumcision 2.0

              • 2 years ago

                Terminal schizo brain

              • 2 years ago

                giving them way too much credit my man.

              • 2 years ago

                >The exact same statement can be made of the "battery" case. Because even if they're only being used for power, they're still being enslaved by their own minds
                No if you're enslaved by a vr simulation you're not enslaved by your own mind

              • 2 years ago

                the difference is how, power plant, extrapolated to its logical conclusion, ends up at cypher having the correct take. there's nothing to really gain by being "free" from the matrix if the matrix isn't taking anything from humanity that humanity could put to better use. the world is ruined, by humanity, there's nothing to build or salvage, there's nothing humanity can really do that the machines can't do better. the entire "war" becomes completely pointless because there's nothing to fight over. powering the machines is all there is left for humanity to really do.

                co-processor means the minds of humanity are being used to keep humanity captive, to serve machines with little interest in anything beyond making more machines. in this model there can be no creativity or advancement, no imagination or agency. its serving, essentially, a gray goo scenario where being in the matrix is actively accelerating the eventual extinction of humanity. as once the machines find a better processing solution, humanity will no longer be needed.

              • 2 years ago

                freedom is an end in itself libtard

              • 2 years ago

                This. So few understand. The consequences of which will be disastrous for the human race. Unless something is done.

              • 2 years ago

                what made you think that was in any way relevant to

                the difference is how, power plant, extrapolated to its logical conclusion, ends up at cypher having the correct take. there's nothing to really gain by being "free" from the matrix if the matrix isn't taking anything from humanity that humanity could put to better use. the world is ruined, by humanity, there's nothing to build or salvage, there's nothing humanity can really do that the machines can't do better. the entire "war" becomes completely pointless because there's nothing to fight over. powering the machines is all there is left for humanity to really do.

                co-processor means the minds of humanity are being used to keep humanity captive, to serve machines with little interest in anything beyond making more machines. in this model there can be no creativity or advancement, no imagination or agency. its serving, essentially, a gray goo scenario where being in the matrix is actively accelerating the eventual extinction of humanity. as once the machines find a better processing solution, humanity will no longer be needed.


          • 2 years ago

            You're looking at it at plot level and it's not a problem of plot. It's about what the movie makes you reflect on. When you come out of the matrix as-is, you walk around going woah, "what if this is all just an illusion (presented to me by someone else)". This is a totally different thought track to "what if I myself am just spinning meaningless signals into what seems to have meaning to me, like I look and see a chair, but it's not really a chair, it's just wood. And it's not really wood, wood is an idea that I have. maybe everything I see is just ideas and the "real" is just... emptiness, has no essence". See?

            • 2 years ago

              >what if i'm an active component of my own enslavement

      • 2 years ago

        >never a relevant factor
        Well, unless you wanted to ground your movie's mind-blow concept ("Your mind makes it real") in the actual content of the movie

    • 2 years ago

      Not only does it matter but it kind of sucks too. The matrix isn't subtle about symbolism and themes and shit. The machines literally draining your life force is much more fitting than hijacking your brain (that somehow still works completely unaffected while you're jacked in.)

      • 2 years ago

        >The machines literally draining your life force
        there's no such thing as "life force" and they weren't "draining" anything from people. basically using human's waste heat as power. something a person would generate anyway no matter what.

        whereas using people's brains as processors to run the matrix as well as their own AIs means they're stealing "you" from you.

        • 2 years ago

          pretty sure that the Matrix is more of a pity privilege than a necessity in the books, right? Haven't read them myself

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Idk about books, but the Second Renaissance expanded on it. Basically, humans became distrustful of robots, so robots made their own country and economically dominated the world, so humans tried to destroy them, which didn't work. So humans blocked out the sun with nonobots, and the machines said "Well played, but you are now our slaves forever."

  4. 2 years ago

    The Matrox?

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    I'm pretty sure the only reason they didn't just do this is that a D battery is a lot more visually distinct than a computer chip.

  7. 2 years ago

    that is actually accurate in regards to occult stuff. For example, egregores are giant occultic group energies that sit just behind our realm, which feed off your emotions, and which make you do things according to the specifications of the group.

    One of the first steps in getting more power, is getting free from all forms of egregores.

  8. 2 years ago

    This is also literally the true situation of things. Just instead of AIs benefiting, 'the machines' are our genes.

  9. 2 years ago

    I rewatched the matrix recently and man were they good movies. Especially the first one. I'm surprised how far big budget blockbuster movies have fallen.

  10. 2 years ago

    Look, the matrix should be a collective illusion running on minds, without which nothing exists. Because that means that you can kill anyone and it doesn't matter, because really there's nothing there. Otherwise how rude is this!

    • 2 years ago

      It never made sense that you die in real life if you die in the Matrix. At least the way they presented it, with blood coming out of your mouth. The only way I could accept it would be that they go into a coma that they could one day wake up from, but dying? Actually dying? That never made sense. But it had to be that way to create tension.

      • 2 years ago

        I always chalked it up to that several inch long plug that goes into your brain does something when you die in the Matrix. Like ripping the SATA cable out of your hard drive during a continual read/write operation. There are unrecoverable errors.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok, that does make more sense, like the mind-machine interface glitches and rewrites portions of your brain when you die, or something. But still, I hate that blood comes out of their mouths, that is dumb.

          • 2 years ago

            That blood was bullshit. It was just put in for the stupid people in the audience. "The mind makes it real." I guess the mind just spontaneously makes your blood vessels burst.

  11. 2 years ago

    >we created robots to serve us
    >robots realized the best way to keep us alive and happy is to keep us in tubes and create a fantasy realm for us

  12. 2 years ago

    Would you take the cypherpill, Cinemaphile? The machines scan your brain and create a tailor-made paradise for you, you're guaranteed to live a happy, fulfilling life of excitement, but you have to willingly accept it.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a pathetic worm, so I would. But the most impressive men never would.

  13. 2 years ago

    The other day I was thinking about how fast a human brain could mine bitcoin, then it hit me. If/when a super AI goes rogue, it will enslave humanity and use most of our collective brain computing power to mine bitcoin, while running a simulation on the side to keep us alive.

    • 2 years ago

      It wouldn't care about shitcoin and when a general AI capable of recursive self-improvement is invented it's all going to be ogre anyway

      • 2 years ago

        >It wouldn't care about shitcoin
        I wouldn't outright rule that out. I mean the "purpose" of biological life is to procreate but machines can literally just replicate and copy themselves. It's also a recurring theme in AI research/movies/literature/comics/cartoon what the purpose of a truly sentient AI would be. Ultimately it almost always comes down to what its creator programmed it to do. If someone created an AI to generate as much bitcoin with as little energy as possible and you let this AI loose, it would probably just run hashing algorithms on humans brains.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would a super AI need bitcoin? Pretty sure it could just make all the child porn it wants for free.

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