Most kino crossovers?

Most kino crossovers?

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Stratton Oakmont Wolf of Wall Street Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Spoony was such a supreme butthole narcissist, and he got everything he deserves. Literally if he just got over himself and accepted that some people would have a laugh at him he would just get back to being a youtuber instead of a drunk.

    • 2 weeks ago

      LordKat was right about everything and it's a shame he trooned out.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >LordKat was right about everything and it's a shame he trooned out.

        LOL Lord Fat was nothing, and yes he's a pathetic weirdo so him trooning out is expected.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >him trooning out
          Looks like a Decisive Spoony Victory to me...

          • 2 weeks ago

            This. Spoony won.

            Twice as bright.
            Half as long.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          >cuts his own dick
          No LordKaat, you were always too mental to make it

      • 2 weeks ago

        LordKat is even more pathetic than Spoony, at least Spoony could occasionally make good content

    • 2 weeks ago

      It was a tragedy because Spoony was smarty funnier and more inciteful than the rest of them combined

      • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        it's true. the greatest tragedy is that Angry Joe and Nostalgia Chick went onto become youtube millionaires while Spoony's mental and health issues sucked his soul out.
        That said. 2024 is likely YEAR OF THE SPOONY!!!

        • 2 weeks ago

          If even Curtis from Phantasmagoria coudn't cure his autism then nothing will

        • 2 weeks ago

          All he had to do was keep making videos. That was it.
          That's like expecting to quit your job and NEET out for a decade and still get paid as much as your old coworkers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      don't TELL him how to PLAY

      • 2 weeks ago

        You know, now is not a good time to smart ass him. Few times are, but now is REALLY not a good one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's the difference between NC and Brad on one hand and Spoony and Linkara on another. The ones that make it learn to roll with the punches, the others seethe themselves into an irrelevant hobbit hole

      • 2 weeks ago

        Don't you talk about me you son of a b***h!

  2. 2 weeks ago

    It'll be out when it's out

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I don't know who any of these guys are but they all look like they're plotting to kidnap a child.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They were the 1st generation youtube reviewers after AVGN created the genre.

      As a boomer this picture has the same energy as the old Watchmen photo of has been heroes

      • 2 weeks ago

        See I know who AVGN is. I'm not familiar with the knockoffs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't know who any of these guys are but they all look like they're plotting to kidnap a child.

        AVGN and Spoony are 2nd gen. The first gen are basically nobodies who caught on. It was AVGN who popularized it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You are contradicting yourself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because you are just an ignorant moron.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Did Spoony nuke his channel?

    • 2 weeks ago

  5. 2 weeks ago

    this channel has been shilling hard on Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile lately

  6. 2 weeks ago


  7. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      last time this was linked I spent like half an hour laughing so hard my face hurt

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine the smell

  9. 2 weeks ago


    don't TELL him how to PLAY

    Spoons was always a massive ass but always ahead of the curve. He was a regular streamer on before it was twitch tv but he never capitalized on it. Trust me: if spoony chillaxed a bit, and was a regular reviewer and streamer he would be raking in the cash now: like 250K a year minimum.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I agree actually. Spoony's content at his best was definitely a cut above the rest. He could actually write jokes and when he was passionate about something it really shined through. If he cut back on some of the cringe TWTGisms like the shitty skits and "references are funny" comedy he probably could have been Lindsay Ellis or Angry Joe-tier in popularity

      • 2 weeks ago

        Lindsay and Joe for all their faults kept grinding out material. Lindsay fell victim to the Spoony disease when a small contingent of twitter blew up at her. Because she was a twitter addict, and felt that the twitter elite were people whom she wanted the approval of, it caused her immense pain. Hint: don't try to base your self-worth on random strangers on the internet you haven't me.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I didn't think about it that way but it's pretty funny that Twitter brainrot made two TGWTG collaborators tank their own careers

          • 2 weeks ago

            when you look at the math, Lindsay was trending with 30K tweets, meanwhile she was getting 1 million views per video. It's not even given that any of these people were even her fans to begin with, but these were quite literally 3% of her audience at most. And it turns out, it was just defensive Asian-Amerians who form a kind of clique to attack anyone online who dares critique an Asian-American film. Which is why these amount to blasphemy charges, and can be used to settle petty grievances and scores. Lindsay looooved these hate crusades when she was on top, and never considered she would be a victim of them. like how the Bolsheviks ended up being mostly killed by Stalin.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah Lindsay's case is pure hubris. Most people didn't give a shit but she'd invested so much of her ego into believing these were righteous crusades and not just petty Chinese fingertrap power squabbles that when those weapons were turned against her she just couldn't cope. She could never admit her whole stance was built on nothing but spite so she just pulled the plug. It's interesting on the flipside to consider how prone these communities are to self-cannibalism. It's like because they know their whole shtick is not based on anything real, it's just a rat race of performative outrage it naturally leads to resentment where they're only too eager to tear each other down. You could feel the vindictive glee in watching them tear her apart over nothing

              • 2 weeks ago

                There is nothing to do on twitter, literally nothing, so if you go "what can I do on twitter?" going into rage circles is the most obvious. They need someone once a week to rage at.

                The best response is AVGN who simply ignored them, partly out of ignorance. So you have him and his video trending on twitter, but he's saying nothing in reply, so it's just Lindsay and her buddies shouting into the air.

                More or less everyone was thinking what James was thinking: that Ghostbusters 2016 is lame and not interesting so they were gonna skip it. James is the only one who said that out loud. That is a big no-no, as that's effectively being against women in general, so they dog pilled him and shouted into the void.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah Lindsay's case is pure hubris. Most people didn't give a shit but she'd invested so much of her ego into believing these were righteous crusades and not just petty Chinese fingertrap power squabbles that when those weapons were turned against her she just couldn't cope. She could never admit her whole stance was built on nothing but spite so she just pulled the plug. It's interesting on the flipside to consider how prone these communities are to self-cannibalism. It's like because they know their whole shtick is not based on anything real, it's just a rat race of performative outrage it naturally leads to resentment where they're only too eager to tear each other down. You could feel the vindictive glee in watching them tear her apart over nothing

              Lindsay's (now deleted) video about her twitter cancelling was insane. To think that anyone gave a shit or needed so much detail, she was really super arrogant and out of touch.
              Luckily she got off all social media and had a kid, she seems much happier in her rare online appearances.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >And it turns out, it was just defensive Asian-Amerians who form a kind of clique to attack anyone online who dares critique an Asian-American film.

              It wasn't just them, there were also people who:
              >had a bone to pick with Lindsay over things she previously said or did, and saw an opportunity
              >could be Disney Adults, since Raya is a Disney film

              Don't forget, the other reason this escalated was she brought this up while the StopAsianHate hashtag was trending, she compared Raya to Avatar the Last Airbender, came back, saw the shitstorm and said "I can see where if you squint I was implying all Asian-inspired properties the same". It was seriously bad timing and bad decision making

  10. 2 weeks ago

    God Policenauts sucks! It's like a really bad Visual Novel. And I don't know, seriously, VN are like the easiest thing in the world to design. So when you design a bad one, that is remarkable.

    Like the entire story of Policenaughts is not only a pixel hunt, but you basically have to try everything, and then try everything multiple times. So if you don't know this, like if you want to know about some photograph, you ask about the photograph, and she tells you something, and then you have to ask the same topic again. So that photograph entry can occur 3 or 4 times. And then you have to start from the beginning and try them all again because the third time might have opened something new up. And you have to exhaust every single option. ALL OF THEM. Before the game will let you move on. That is HORRIBLE.

    It's not like an oldschool adventure game. Because in an adventure game you don't have to look at and inspect everything on the screen multiple times. You're just sitting there, desperately wanting to move on with the plot, and then you're stuck trying to inspect every little thing over and over again, and asking people the same questions over and over again. Ah it's bad. And when it finally gets exciting, it gets exciting for 20 seconds then you're right back at it.

    Is the plot interesting? Not really. You know what the story is? It is 5% Blade Runner, 95% Lethal Weapon. It's straight up Riggs and Murtaugh. It's not even subtle. He rips off whole scenes. It's amazing.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >1 million or the chance to wait this table

    • 2 weeks ago

      Brad must frick like a god, how does a bald manlet obsessed with vintage smut always have these babes clinging to his shoulder? b***h looks like she's practically grinding him under the table

      • 2 weeks ago

        Confidence can go a long way.

      • 2 weeks ago

        He's like the smoothest guy on the entire TGWTG and could've fricked all of them. He used to be kinda fat but he looks a lot better these days with the bald head and the thinner body.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would make an epic Big Lipped Alligator reference and Doug would tip me $1 million anyway in Dougecoin, his personal crypto reserve

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wtf, Cinema Snob pulled a baddie!

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine the smell

  13. 2 weeks ago


    Wow not a bad body at all

    • 2 weeks ago


      he's a tiny manlet so the proportions work in his favour

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Literally who, who, who, and who?

  15. 2 weeks ago


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