>movie has an unsolveable puzzle that the audience still havent been able to figure out

>movie has an unsolveable puzzle that the audience still haven’t been able to figure out

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Here in the UK we solved this problem almost a 100 years ago with the invention of a roundabout

    • 2 weeks ago

      we still have staggered junctions

    • 2 weeks ago

      but the pic is clearly from either the UK or somewhere like Aus

      This puzzle is literally solved already by not having half the cars drive on the right side of the road and the other half drive on the left.

      every car in the pic is driving on the left; it's just black is coming out of a one-way street

    • 2 weeks ago

      When the solution is more painful and confusing than the original problem itself, it doesn't count as a solution.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You mean a rotary? Lmao what do you call highways, sheep-billyworths?

      • 2 weeks ago

        The UK is full of morons who think they know anything about automobiles. You homosexuals didn’t even invent the car nor the process to quickly assemble one. Die in a hole.

    • 2 weeks ago

      that is called a traffic circle here

      • 2 weeks ago

        are you allowed to move from the inner to the outer circle?

        • 2 weeks ago

          maybe, but i never would, it is a bit risky and stupidly british and europoorish

        • 2 weeks ago

          maybe, but i never would, it is a bit risky and stupidly british and europoorish

          if you select the correct lane on entrance you won't need to change lanes

          • 2 weeks ago

            then it's not a true roundabout, it's a junction

        • 2 weeks ago

          you fricking mong

        • 2 weeks ago

          Never, once you enter the inner circle you must remain in it forever.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No, that’s what the snipers are there for.

      • 2 weeks ago

        having multiple lanes in a roundabout is just asking for a steady supply of accidents

        • 2 weeks ago

          I thought it was bold for Texas, I know bongs do it, but they are nuts over there and drive like savages,in a different lane even

          • 2 weeks ago

            imagine when the paint erodes away

          • 2 weeks ago

            the rule is simple
            >if on approach to the roundabout, your exit is past 12 o'clock on the sign, enter on the right-hand sign, if not enter on the left
            >move to the left-hand lane between the last exit before your exit and the exit, then exit
            or alternatively where it's more complex,
            >follow the signage and road markings

          • 2 weeks ago

            The british should be euthanized to spare them from themselves.

            • 2 weeks ago

              They should just adopt American traffic customs and rules, we can show them the way

              • 2 weeks ago

                There are people who have never visited a town outside of their metropolitan city who looked at that comfy image and were furious at the thought that
                >pedestrians would probably get run over; that looks unsafe!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >OMG I bet those houses aren't even in waking distance of a feminist bookstore coffee shop WTF

      • 2 weeks ago

        These things are for countries too poor to afford traffic lights.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That looks like hell

      • 2 weeks ago

        do americans really not have roundabouts? do they even know how to drive?

        maybe, but i never would, it is a bit risky and stupidly british and europoorish

        I thought it was bold for Texas, I know bongs do it, but they are nuts over there and drive like savages,in a different lane even

        They should just adopt American traffic customs and rules, we can show them the way

        "You can't send ME to jail for killing someone in a car accident, here!!"
        "I didn't know the law! It's not MY fault!"
        "And actually, the law doesn't make sense (to me)!!"
        "I said it in a court-of-law!! In front of a judge!! Therefore, I'm LEGALLY RIGHT!!"
        "WHAT THE FRICK!? You can't send me to jail!!!"

        t. modern society

    • 2 weeks ago

      When the solution is more painful and confusing than the original problem itself, it doesn't count as a solution.

      You mean a rotary? Lmao what do you call highways, sheep-billyworths?

      The UK is full of morons who think they know anything about automobiles. You homosexuals didn’t even invent the car nor the process to quickly assemble one. Die in a hole.

      Or just have a walkable city and you don't have to make up moronic rules for scenarios like this.

      that is called a traffic circle here

      do americans really not have roundabouts? do they even know how to drive?

      • 2 weeks ago

        For Pete's sake...

      • 2 weeks ago

        What's the problem here? They move depending on who arrived at the intersection first. It's called right of way.

        We do, but they're called rotaries.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >We do, but they're called rotaries.
          Hello fellow mbutthole

          • 2 weeks ago

            CT actually but close enough.

      • 2 weeks ago

        woman moment

      • 2 weeks ago

        For Pete's sake...

        woman moment

        Literally footage where they had to avoid unfinished tarmac while the road was under construction.

      • 2 weeks ago

        We do.
        People typically treat them like a yield on an on-ramp so they're typically less effective than a four way stop.

    • 2 weeks ago
  2. 2 weeks ago

    black yellow blue red gotta be moronic to not get

    • 2 weeks ago

      Black, yellow then depending on who got there first blue or red

    • 2 weeks ago

      >t. moron that didn't get
      it's black yellow red and blue because the red one is at the right of the blue

  3. 2 weeks ago

    In seattle they'd all wait till I go regardless of which position I'm at

  4. 2 weeks ago

    This puzzle is literally solved already by not having half the cars drive on the right side of the road and the other half drive on the left.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The only car driving on the right side is the black one, you moron.
      And that's just because it's a one-way street with two lanes, you moron.
      Even if it was driving on the left side of the road and turning left the answer would be the same, you mongoloid.
      Because it's the only one without any signal telling it to give way or stop, you fool.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Why does the straight road have the stop sign?

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      it's a queer road

  6. 2 weeks ago

    black yellow blue red?

  7. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Check the side of the road they're driving, and also the stop signs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        ok, just noticed it. this makes no sense. some cars are driving on the left while others on the right.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Or just have a walkable city and you don't have to make up moronic rules for scenarios like this.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    It's actually a trick puzzle, the cars are driving on the wrong side of the road.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    black goes first, same turn as yellow but yellow has a yield sign
    yellow 2nd
    blue 3rd, has stop sign but going straight
    red 4th, stop sign and turning

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone else have that puzzle game where you need to figure out a way to get the red car out
    It was awesome

  12. 2 weeks ago

    black, yellow, blue, red
    got my drivers permit at 15, get fricked neets

    • 2 weeks ago

      yellow has a yield sign though so it should be last no?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yielding is a less powerful command than STOP.

      • 2 weeks ago


  13. 2 weeks ago

    Black yellow red blue

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >stop signs on wrong side of road
    The answer is simple, it's fricking homosexuals

  15. 2 weeks ago

    What's the issue? Whoever got to the stop sign and stopped first goes first. If it's too close, you flash your lights at each other until someone goes.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I'd go first because I'm in the only vehicle that matters.

  17. 2 weeks ago


  18. 2 weeks ago

    1. Black - Zero sign parameters to slow it
    2. Yellow - A single "Yield" parameter
    3. Blue - It is taking no shift in action
    4. Red - Its action requires shifting

    And that's WITHOUT noticing this is an "island" since the vehicles are traveling on the left sides of the road.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Three of those morons are on the wrong side of the road.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Black > Blue > Red > Yellow

    • 2 weeks ago


  21. 2 weeks ago

    Still have yet to see anyone to find a real world example of this exact intersection. It's not solvable because nobody builds roads like this to begin with.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's instantly solvable to anyone actively participating in it due to experience with "right-of-way."

      Legally, it's also "solvable" since each vehicle has different parameters encompassing their signaled actions.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Black obviously has right of way due to the road markings and signs, then blue since he's on the primary road and staying on the primary road, then red because he's on the primary road but turning onto the secondary, then yellow. Stop and Give Way hold equal status. Does nobody on Cinemaphile drive? Are you all just a bunch of fat housebound friendless sexless losers who can't drive?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Stop and Give Way hold equal status.
      This is precisely why you're wrong.
      Also, let's play with the hypothetical of you being correct about that specific statement (which is, again, wrong); why are the legal commands phrased differently?

      Language, especially legal, is important.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Incorrect anon

  23. 2 weeks ago

    STOP means you have to come to a complete STOP before proceeding. It doesn't have any meaning related to yielding right of way.
    GIVE WAY means you have to GIVE the right of WAY to other drivers

    • 2 weeks ago

      stop sign does mean give way actually

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not if there's also a Give Way sign.

        • 2 weeks ago

          no, stop sign always implies you should give way after stopping

  24. 2 weeks ago

    >unsolveable puzzle
    i stopped following traffic laws a long time ago. if it were me at that intersection i'd simply wait until it was safe for me to go then i'd peel out of there regardless of who had right of way

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Cars are in the wrong lanes bucko

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Black goes
    Then red when the lane is clear
    Then blue when black is ahead
    Then yellow as it has to give way

    Doesn't matter that the lane positions are mixed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Oops thought red was going straight ahead, so I need to swap red and blue.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    i don't think i even know how right of way works anymore i just drive forward before other people have the chance to react.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    Yellow red and blue need to change lanes then problem solved

  29. 2 weeks ago

    whoever arrives first goes first. not rocket science. why is this shit thread getting so many replies

  30. 2 weeks ago

    This is a completely moronic road, and you will never find Yield signs anywhere but on city busses, railroad crossings, or junctions with heavy merging. If a side road doesn't have a Stop sign, then the Yield Sign is implied; but here goes...
    The two-way stop will NEVER have right-of-way to the north and south-bound roads. The Yield sign only pertains to the south-bound road, so Black would go first. Since Yellow only has to yield to black, they would go second.
    Once the north and south side roads are cleared, then the cars at the two-way stop would go. In theory it would be whoever reached the stop first gets to go first, or the right-most car goes first with the right-of-way following a counter-clockwise fashion. Realistically, it will come down to common courtesy, and depending on the drivers' age, it will end up with both cars sitting there waiting for the other, until one of the cars decides to go forward. Most likely the red truck.

    As for the actual point of OP's thread... I don't think I've ever seen a unsolvable puzzle in a movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I don't think I've ever seen a unsolvable puzzle in a movie
      whos on first?

      • 2 weeks ago

        the Abbott and Costello bit?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >electric auto milker

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