Murder Drones

Wouldn't you, though?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    My heart is with V

    • 8 months ago

      Why do all the other robots have clothes but this one has her whole booty out Donald Duck style

    • 8 months ago

      That's why you WOULD, correction. Bratty corpo-bots need correction.


      Drone girls shouldn't dress so indecently, especially if in the presence of humans!

  2. 8 months ago
  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    I would, but I prefer N and Lizzy.

  5. 8 months ago

    I'm not sure if even new episode can lift us back from this morb. The fanfics and coomerisms have gone long enough

    • 8 months ago

      Have you considered not being a homosexual?

      • 8 months ago

        Do you have this pic without the baalbuddy edit?

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I only just got here a few days ago. Prepare for an influx of people filtering out from ADC to the next biggest thing on Glitch's channel.

    • 8 months ago

      >not expecting Glitch to capitalize on their absolutely massive new crowd with a reveal of the next MD episode date and news
      Probably why GlitchX is even happening because they expected Digital Circus to blow up, all they need to do now is make sure that gets plenty of advertising and boom, millions of eyes on MD and all the other shows they have to share
      It's gonna be a little sad going to lose the nicheness MD has but damn it, it's probably better on the long run

      • 8 months ago

        I feel you. It's been fun just tossing questions here and there though, even if all good things come to an end. Unless Murder Drones can somehow maintain its nicheness somehow. Not that I don't want it to be more popular but that popularity is always a double-edged sword when it comes to thread discussions.

      • 8 months ago

        >millions of eyes on MD and all the other shows they have to share
        Not sure at this point. The MD Pilot is up ~2 million views since TADC released, all the other MD videos are up substantially fewer. The MD official trailer is up ~100K views. At this point, they seem to have two entirely separate fan bases, with relatively few TADC newcomers converting into either MD fans or general Glitch fans.

        • 8 months ago

          So what I’m hearing is that a bunch of fricking normies probably got filtered by the pilot?
          Thank god.

  6. 8 months ago

    Who would even want to do her? She's a bratty corporate bootlicker

    • 8 months ago

      That's why you WOULD, correction. Bratty corpo-bots need correction.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >Verbally abuses you until you shut her up by clanging her
        The hell kind of seduction is that? b***h is being annoying and asking for it

      • 8 months ago

        She's all set

        • 8 months ago

          No matter what she tries, even this look, I'll never love a corporate bootlicker

        • 8 months ago

          Need to lift her skirt up further

          • 8 months ago

            I did a version without the skirt, ain't posting it here though

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                I don't got a censored version on me

        • 8 months ago


          Would. All of them. Even the Absolute Solver. Especially the Absolute Solver. I want to show the eldritch horror from the void the power of human love, affecfion and penis.

          Have you considered not being a homosexual?

          Wouldn't you, though?



          • 8 months ago

            Me with N! Me with N!!

  7. 8 months ago

    Would. All of them. Even the Absolute Solver. Especially the Absolute Solver. I want to show the eldritch horror from the void the power of human love, affecfion and penis.

    • 8 months ago

      >worker drone is a stick
      >murder drone has giant butt and thick thigh
      For what purpose

      • 8 months ago

        Sex. For both.

        The Absolute Solver is just based beyond your puny human comprehension.

        • 8 months ago

          >Cyn's mom has got it goin' on!

          >"(Irritated frown) Mother, you always do this in front of my beloved."

        • 8 months ago

          Silver got a problem and Anon's here to solve it

          • 8 months ago

            >The Solver of the Absolute Fabric, Cyn's mom, cucks Cyn by doing Anon

            • 8 months ago

              Okayodon is always an option too

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, I don't think I'll be able to handle doing the Solver and Cyn at the same time

              • 8 months ago

                You'll never know unless you try

              • 8 months ago

                Implying you have much of a choice

  8. 8 months ago

    Hottie drones

  9. 8 months ago

    Of course.

  10. 8 months ago

    Could he beat Cyn?

    • 8 months ago

      only if he brings scratch and grounder without snooping as usual

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, the dumbass couldn't even take Bakhmut or overthrow the Russian government.

  11. 8 months ago


  12. 8 months ago

    none of the requests i felt i could do in a timely manner before the thread died so here is cropped porn i just drew as a peace offering. night

    • 8 months ago

      >couldn't be fricked doing requests
      >draws cropped porn instead and posts it
      Holy frick drawgay is unfathomably based.

      • 8 months ago

        i like to keep requests in one thread and the thread killed itself before i could make any headway OKAY

    • 8 months ago

      You better post the uncropped one later

    • 8 months ago

      I like

  13. 8 months ago

    Beat on the brat
    Beat on the brat
    Beat on the brat with a baseball bat
    Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh

  14. 8 months ago

    I want to smack J across the face with a metal pipe.

  15. 8 months ago

    Can we even trust J at this point? I'm still thinking about Tessa's blood scan that read as Null and it concerns me that something fishy's going on. Even if Cyn found her annoying, the developed sort of loyalty in her A.I. might be an ideal tool for the Solver. Seem like she's the only one with an EMP arm attachment too.

    • 8 months ago

      J is still a mystery to me. I was kind of stunned to see her get left at the curb and still can't figure out why. Does she actually have LESS resolve than Tessa about whatever needs to be done down in the labs and Tessa doesn't want her interfering? Is Tessa certain that she and the others won't be coming back and she wants to protect J? I don't know.

      • 8 months ago

        I assumed Tessa wanted her on lookout in case something came chasing asfter them

        • 8 months ago

          Could be possible, but how big of a priority is a possible threat coming from behind them when they've got the Creepy Unknown Labs Of Death in front of them? Leaving behind a drone so capable that they're supposedly mass-producing her via cloning seems like a misuse of resources on its face, I felt like something more was up.

          • 8 months ago

            this is a stretch but i'll say the Solver will send zombie rones or something and and they will try to trap them inside and J is there to prevent that from happening

    • 8 months ago

      I personally think she could very well turn out to work for Cyn, especially with the possibility that Tessa isn't really Tessa. Something definitely has to come from her staying back the entire episode, tho maybe we won't even see her at all for EP7 and she will be back after whatever happens down in the labs, maybe lore gets altered crucially again and things aren't that much like they appeared to be after all. Didn't think much about it , tho, so don't know really.
      Captcha related, this > < close to perfection

    • 8 months ago

      When J said that "Effective drones are cloned more." I honestly think that's supposed to imply that Cyn/Solver valued and subsequently exploited J's workaholic focus. I wouldn't be surprised if J's were cloned specifically to act as competent field coordinators for the DD squads deployed planetside

    • 8 months ago

      >Can we even trust J at this point?
      No. She was either deluded or lying about the company stuff.
      Her core turned into a singularity and flew off to parts unknown (and knowing this show, that had to be meaningful).
      Her admin is still presumably Cyn. '
      She was cloned? By who? And where? And why did she seem to remember Uzi, if the cloned neural network would have to predate Episode 1? Or did the the core from Episode 2 get into that new body?
      The Episode 3+ J was in one of the pods we saw heading toward Copper-9 in Episode 1. Inactivated, or can there be multiple Js simultaneously?
      "Effective drones were cloned more" by who? And when? As far as we can tell, there was no point after getting fished out of the dump when they were actually working for JC Jenson.
      And why did Tessa send her (theoretically) most reliable drone to go guard a ship from unspecified threats?
      There's a lot of suspicion around J, though the two minutes of screentime she has left are probably not enough to answer them, even if she is innocent.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, her short screentime really adds to the suspicion. And that she was sent back to guard Tessa's spaceship. Seemingly knowing Uzi. Wouldn't three fully functional Disassembly Drones be more useful than two? Especially if it's official that only Js or squad leaders can carry an EMP. Those have to work on the Sentinels.

        When J said that "Effective drones are cloned more." I honestly think that's supposed to imply that Cyn/Solver valued and subsequently exploited J's workaholic focus. I wouldn't be surprised if J's were cloned specifically to act as competent field coordinators for the DD squads deployed planetside

        Multiple Js kind of.. it's an interesting idea if we take that Cyn will be sending more Disassembly Drones to other mining exoplanets to create the spires/create more potential Solver hosts via killing worker drones by the mountains. JCJensen (in Spaaaaaaaace) is an intergalactic operation.

        If I were to take a guess, J is probably the most loyal to the Solver. After all, original J was the one "receiving orders through a broken communication system presumably actually having direct conversations with Cyn through eldritch telepathy or some such. She probably knew exactly what was going on and had a much better understanding of the actual plan.

        Yeah. I'm wondering if V's in on it or if she's also below J since she seems to retain some memories of their time at the manor, hiding it from N.

        • 8 months ago

          >JCJensen (in Spaaaaaaaace) is an intergalactic operation.
          Well, honestly they were huge already. The only real question is how much influence does she have? (My money's on a lot.)

          • 8 months ago

            She as in Cyn/Solver or Tessa? Her suit said something like Technician, right? Sort of curious now how much time has passed since the manor and the present at Copper 9, she does seem noticeably taller. I paused at the part where Louisa was reprimanding her and it looked like the worker drone head is barely at her eye level.

            • 8 months ago

              They have cryopods. Absolute time is irrelevant.

            • 8 months ago

              She as in Cyn. I still believe that Tessa (and J) are still separate from the solver, simply because the plot couldn't move forwards if everyone was on the same team. We aren't Alpharius here - nobody deserves that.
              >Sort of curious now how much time has passed since the manor and the present at Copper 9
              It's got to be a decade-ish, give or take a few - she was in her early teens during the gala and now she's in her twenties most likely.

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but my headcanon is that Gala incident happened somewhere in 3050 and in the same year earth went kaboom so I also headcanon Tessa (if she's human) to be around her early 30s

              • 8 months ago

                I'd put her in her late twenties, but that's honestly close enough. Regardless, the timeline from the Gala Incident to Present Day, Present Time is narrow enough that it doesn't really change much. Humanity had about a quarter of a human lifetime between first warning and the big kaboom.

        • 8 months ago

          V seemed more like she'd been cowed into doing as she was told via the threat of further harm coming to herself or to N than truly loyal, although I don't discount the possibility that she may have had some inkling of the true plan.

          • 8 months ago

            Poor gal's been through a lot. It makes episode 6 really hard to re-watch for me when I get to *that* part. I've watched the other episodes a few times, 3 I think has my favorite pacing and the prom part was just great. I've only watched 6 once and even if I could find some stuff on re-watches, it does end on a downer. I don't want them to rush episode 7 but I NEED CLOSURE

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, it's no coincidence that the happiest murder drone is also the most oblivious.

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm still thinking about Tessa's blood scan that read as Null
      I choose to believe that the lab has simply been locked down so heavily that NOBODY is allowed in or out, human or not. They were studying end of the world shit in there, and even bots who were there right from the start (Alice et al.) are still hunted by security, not to mention the giant pile of dead DDs in the lobby. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out, robotics laws be damned.

      • 8 months ago

        I think that the sentinel may have been confused by Tessa, with the whole "docile for a half a second, then attack" thing. She may not really read as a human anymore (if she really has been solverfied), but not read as a drone either. So the sentinels were programmed to err on the side of caution and kill anything that didn't explicitly read as human, but the presence of "human blood" from the target kept interfering with that. It seems like they were relatively safe to be asking for humans pre-incident, we see people casually standing next to them seemingly with no fear of attack.

        • 8 months ago

          >She may not really read as a human anymore (if she really has been solverfied), but not read as a drone either.
          I may have picked my side on this but I do still want an answer. Damn I can't wait for episode seven.

        • 8 months ago

          They're in (permanent) free-roam mode which is implied to use "kill them all - the Lord will know his own" targeting rules.
          Before the core collapse, they would've been in regular mode, and thus no threat to anyone.

          • 8 months ago

            Wasn't one of the orders displayed on its HUD specifically to "eliminate hostile AI" though? Something to that effect? The wording of that pretty explicitly rules out humans as valid targets.

            • 8 months ago

              >code red security protocol override
              >run for your life
              >seek shelter or vacate the premise [sic] immediately
              I doubt those messages were intended for drones.
              It's not supposed to ever attack humans, but in that mode the JC Jenson is absolving itself of liability if they do.

              • 8 months ago

                It's an existential threat that could easily spell the end of the entire human race. If things go bad you kill everything and everyone who went bad and erase their memory and lie through your teeth to their next of kin. Then you transfer their funding to the next most promising colony that hasn't gone cuckoo yet and hope they get it this time.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, there might have been a different operating mode before the core collapse killed all humans on Copper 9. There was that photo of Nori and Yeva with a Sentinel just chilling, with a human holding a clipboard.

          • 8 months ago

            >core collapse
            lmao imagine still believing this

  16. 8 months ago

    is this another one of those generals disguised as a discord server

  17. 8 months ago


    If I were to take a guess, J is probably the most loyal to the Solver. After all, original J was the one "receiving orders through a broken communication system presumably actually having direct conversations with Cyn through eldritch telepathy or some such. She probably knew exactly what was going on and had a much better understanding of the actual plan.

  18. 8 months ago

    damnit I still can't get the mental image of a Solver-corrupted Radiant out of my head.

    The whole concept is actually making me kinda sick to my stomach because the ship itself is like the Starsector equivalent to a Re, AKA "a floating pile of bullshit that really shouldn't work and will shove your fleet through a woodchipper if you're not equipped properly".


    • 8 months ago

      If I hail that ship on a comms channel, how cute does she sound?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm thinking of Solver corrupted Evangelions from NGE and Mechs in general

  19. 8 months ago

    TALKING TO Cyn's many eyes!
    BEING TOLD you'll be spared if you don't pry!
    PRETENDING you don't hear anything!
    BEING FRIENDS with Cyn forever!

  20. 8 months ago

    To put it simply, this isn't a war, this is triage.
    (Yes I am very smart)

  21. 8 months ago

    If you want to know how I'm doing, I'm stressed and a lot, I hate Tuesdays.
    I'm trying to maintain the happiness but its hard with all the stress.
    Luckily today is short in Uni so I'm going home, I will talk you guys when I'm finally home, hope you all are doing great!
    Remembering someone called me SmileAnon helps me a little to feel better.
    Tell me Friends, how are you all doing? What are you doing?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm sorry to hear you're stressed out anon, but I know you'll get through it, you keep those spirits high and you can get through anything
      also I am dangerously close to buying either an N plush or a Pomni plush because I realized i had more money on me than i thought

      How are the company branded pens not actual merch, that seems like a no brainer

      While it would've been neat to see branded pens, I'm glad they probably used the money they had on merchandising to make another plush or more shirts instead... Maybe the next wave of merch they'll have pens (now that Drones is getting more popular)

      • 8 months ago

        I can fix her

    • 8 months ago

      doing fine, turns out environmental activism disguising for english class blows ass i was just hoping it wouldn't wholly be so

    • 8 months ago

      Unlike you Anon my day was long thanks to Uni and work. My brain is simply too fried right now to write the aftermath of Feral Uzi getting cuddles green and the the Gayeing with Male Cyn I only have the energy to shitpost rn

      • 8 months ago

        repost feral uzi getting cuddles

        • 8 months ago

          >repost feral uzi getting cuddles
          I don't have it screencapped, sorry. I thought someone else would do it

          • 8 months ago

            oh damn, well guess it's a good thing i copy paste all my greens into note form for easy repub

            • 8 months ago

              I have it saved in a word document, I just don't know how to make one big screenshot of it without copy pasting constantly in paint

              • 8 months ago

                last thread i literally reposted two whole sagas of greens, well 1 and a half finished one, just so someone else who already planned to would make a cap of it for me, its the best i got till the ao3 inv comes in

              • 8 months ago

                Oh well, you're right, probably should've screencapped my own stuff anyways. Give me some minutes and I'll have one created

        • 8 months ago

          I think I have the greentext screencapped. I'll post it once I get home. Might take a while, though.

    • 8 months ago

      hey anon, good to see you. just catching up on the thread. have a dentist appointment today for an abscess that's been fricking KILLING me but i might miss it.
      gonna draw later, as per usual

    • 8 months ago

      I walked to my home, that helped me a little

      I'm sorry to hear you're stressed out anon, but I know you'll get through it, you keep those spirits high and you can get through anything
      also I am dangerously close to buying either an N plush or a Pomni plush because I realized i had more money on me than i thought
      While it would've been neat to see branded pens, I'm glad they probably used the money they had on merchandising to make another plush or more shirts instead... Maybe the next wave of merch they'll have pens (now that Drones is getting more popular)

      Thanks Friend, I'm trying my best to keep the happiness.
      Buy MD Drones Plushies.
      Consume MD related stuff.

      doing fine, turns out environmental activism disguising for english class blows ass i was just hoping it wouldn't wholly be so

      I hope it gets better Friend, try to stay positive.

      Unlike you Anon my day was long thanks to Uni and work. My brain is simply too fried right now to write the aftermath of Feral Uzi getting cuddles green and the the Gayeing with Male Cyn I only have the energy to shitpost rn

      Is okay to rest Friend, rest it's something that everyone needs from time to time.

      hey anon, good to see you. just catching up on the thread. have a dentist appointment today for an abscess that's been fricking KILLING me but i might miss it.
      gonna draw later, as per usual

      Good luck on the dentist appointment!
      I hope I can see your drawings Friend!

    • 8 months ago

      Good morning. I love drones!!!

      Sorry to hear you're stressed buddy. Hang in there, your favorite drone is rooting for you!

      • 8 months ago

        I love them too!
        I'm hanging, barely but I am!
        I hope she is.
        I wish she were real

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe one day anon! Never lose hope!

          • 8 months ago

            I'm still young, 80 years doesn't sound like much.
            Doesn't sound hard to live 80 years more.

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              God damn it, Anon. Those walls were just repaired

              • 8 months ago

                But they love you, Anon. very very much :3

    • 8 months ago

      I have 2 brainworms in me head. Got them immediately after finishing my first story. Damn it, is this what the writefrens feel always?

      • 8 months ago

        it's new to me, actually wanting to get more writing done instead of just feeling like it's just work, but that's likely what happens when you start having fun!

        • 8 months ago

          I started to want to keep writing while making my first story. It was short but it felt good knowing that I was able to turn an idea into reality.
          Hopefully, this feeling continues more and more for me. Might have to avoid longer stories though. I am bad at those.

          • 8 months ago

            i'm somehow getting better(?) at making longer stories this way, normally i can't handle much but now i got what 1k+ from the 2 sagas? and more on the way too

  22. 8 months ago


    All shit options. What you REALLY need is a mature drone who knows how to take care of a man.

    • 8 months ago

      >Insane hillbilly MILF bot
      Do you think the drones have a similar concept to wendigos

    • 8 months ago

      Based beyond belief

      >Insane hillbilly MILF bot
      Do you think the drones have a similar concept to wendigos

      Either some anon posted it a few threads ago or it was in the greentext, but basically the idea was that Alice got the entire Southern-theme from movies, which makes a lot of sense together with their human larp. To give my take on your question, I don't think they made their own myths and legends yet, they are still into mimicking school for example, but it would make sense to me that the original Wendigo idea is well known to them, seeing how it has become more popular IRL over the last years.

  23. 8 months ago

    How are the company branded pens not actual merch, that seems like a no brainer

    • 8 months ago

      They only really showed up in the pilot, didn't they? And mostly as a gag. I don't think they expected then to become such a meme, probably didn't have plans in place the way they did for things like plushies and israeliteelery.

  24. 8 months ago


    After Sunset Paradise, the Australian gov't doesn't give grants to Glitch anymore. Everything is funded by merch at this point.x


    What an butthole for not loving unconditionally. You don't deserve her.


    Nah, Cordie is a quite chill girl. That eldritch b***h is too "robotic" to my liking.

    TALKING TO Cyn's many eyes!
    BEING TOLD you'll be spared if you don't pry!
    PRETENDING you don't hear anything!
    BEING FRIENDS with Cyn forever!

    Please DO NOT announce to the thread when you are going to give your soul to Cyn. This has been a reoccurring issue, and I'm not sure why some people have such under developed social skills that they think that a thread full of drone obsessed anons would need to know that. You're not gonna go to heaven (especially considering where that soul has been). I don't want to add this to the rules, since it would be embarrassing for new anons to see that we have a problem with this, but it is going to be enforced as a rule from now on.

    If it occurs, you will be disassembled, then additional occurrences will be dealt with at the discretion of JCJenson. Thanks.

    • 8 months ago

      >If it occurs, you will be disassembled
      She'll just put me back together again. It's already too late to throw us away.

  25. 8 months ago

    Look, I'm not gay but

    • 8 months ago

      >Male Cyn, Uzi and Doll fall for Anon but he's straight
      >Each one of them uses various methods to make him ingest their nanite infested solver blood
      >With the nanites inside him, they rewire his brain into being a homosexual/bisexual
      >Now they can kiss without any awkwardness

  26. 8 months ago

    >Alice can be seen in the same photo.
    Wait, so she had the Solver too? From what we saw, Alice didn't used Solver's powers at any point in episode 6.
    There's actually a way to remove Solver from drones?

    • 8 months ago

      She might be a zombie drone but without the Solver manifesting. Remember that zombie drones spontaneously reactivating and manifesting the solver is around 0.7% if I remember correctly

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, 0.7%. Pretty tiny percentage even if we do observe 4 Solver-infected in the show, that's after humans on Copper 9 artificially induced 2 from the Cabin Fever Labs, Nori and Yeva. And then they had kids.

        • 8 months ago

          .7% is still fricking huge when it comes to your robotic workforce which given the interstellar nature humanu had achieved could range in the billions. And thw risk is a universe eating eldritch horror

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, but that number is only considering drones that have been improperly disassembled. Most drones that die are expected to be disassembled properly by their owners as there are laws against improper disassembly. You only start getting issues when you have rich buttholes like the Elliots slaughtering their drones en masse for any little mistake, and dumping their corpses in a scrapheap without disassembling them or making sure their cores are destroyed.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, the Elliots (the parents at least) seem the type to not care about the protocols of drone disassembly. James kills a drone nonchalantly and there's a dumping ground near enough to their manor where we see the pile of improperly disassembled drones (that basically harken back to the spires being built). System Errors begin with Human Errors. They basically fricked everyone over.

              • 8 months ago

                There's an image after when Tessa is showing N the destroyed Earth in Ep 6, after saying "it took Cyn as a host" , where there is a gigantic glowing hole where the pile of drone corpses in the scrapyard outside the Elliot's manor used to be which is presumably where the Singularity began to form. Which lends credence to the fact that the Spires the Absolute Solver ordered the Disassembly Drones to build on the human exoplanets are to initiate more events to manifest singularities into the universe.

    • 8 months ago

      It seems more like, based on the zombie drones tape, that not all who reactivate actually develop to "possession by outer god that grants them super powers" stage. It seems to be very rare. Remember how frightened and surprised Alice seemed when Uzi went yellow-eyed and started [NULL]ing shit? She'd probably never seen a witch who had gotten to that point before, very few people have (and survived to recount the event)

      • 8 months ago

        It's hard to make out the numbers but 70.3% No Change Observed and Potentially Hazardous Mutation is at 0.7%. I think this does mean that N, V, and J are technically zombie drones who self-rebooted themselves without a Solver if we go by what James said, "curb her trips to the dumps". Probably all of Tessa's 'dumpster pets' are (which is pretty harsh Tessa's mom, I mean Tessa manages to fix them up a little as a teenager, she might be gifted for mechanical engineering). Yeah, Alice might just fall into that larger percentage of drones that self-rebooted with no Solver.

        • 8 months ago

          Honestly, I hate Tessa's parents for being abusive and all, but the fact that they apparently just ignored their child being an apparent technical prodigy really seals the deal for me. If my kid fished a complex machine out of the garbage and brought it back into full working order, all by herself, just for the hell of, damn bro. How are you not excited about this shit?

    • 8 months ago

      Not necessarily related, but do you think it was intentional by Glitch that in the one shot of V looking into the "black hole" made by Uzi-Cyn, we can see Alice's body with the orange lights on the hands still on. As far as I watched dead drones no longer shine, was it on accident, am I wrong, or did they mean something with this?

  27. 8 months ago

    Probably one of my favorite physical gags (comedic, mind you), followed by the explosion sending her flying. Slapstick is just classic.

    • 8 months ago

      she's so fricking hot

    • 8 months ago

      i'm glad i'm not the only one who likes that scene. The way she reacts to fits her personality perfectly. Easily my favorite joke in the show so far

      • 8 months ago

        That was my favorite bit (along with her being sent flying) but there was also Braiden, the drone whose head is usually on fire. In ep 2, his head catches on fire after Uzi hacks his sentience but he's also dancing with his head burning at the prom. After he gets decapitated, his body just bursts into flames. I think the crew was having fun.

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder what would happen if Doll and Lizzy every interacted on screen again

      • 8 months ago

        Solver-crazed lesbian sex I imagine.

      • 8 months ago

        What a b***h. I love her.

  28. 8 months ago

    Itanon can't catch a break

    • 8 months ago

      He seems to not like his situation.
      I would personally love it but he doesn't like it, they should talk things out because harassment is not a good way to be Friends with someone.

      • 8 months ago

        You know what that actually sounds like a good idea to draw

        • 8 months ago

          Drew the idea

          • 8 months ago

            Oh hey it's Emily's mom

          • 8 months ago

            She understood that she still can hug and be near him without being harrasment!
            Or if you read right to left, maybe she doesn't like what she is hearing

            • 8 months ago

              Lol that reminds me of certain panels of the hell boy comics, where you read them in the opposite direction shit becomes funny as hell

          • 8 months ago
            definitely not the letter after d

            nice, but I don't get one thing - who is 'Nox' and why is that tall stick dude sucking him?

    • 8 months ago

      >Alice in a sexy nurse outfit
      I cannot describe how happy this makes me

    • 8 months ago

      What can you really do against naughty drones like this?

  29. 8 months ago

    Rate every draw/write anon on the HWH (Horror, Wholesome, Horny) on a scale from 1 to 10. with 10 being the most extreme and 1 being practically nonexistent

    • 8 months ago

      where the frick is the funny option

    • 8 months ago

      Henry anon is a 7 on horror, didn't read past 5 sides glimpses of later parts

      • 8 months ago

        Ayyyyy, thanks
        I appreciate that
        Here, have a little picture of Henry watching you sweetly

    • 8 months ago

      There are way too many, someone should proabably make a list of draw/writeanons in here first.

      • 8 months ago

        There was an incomplete list posted many threads ago, I could try to find it or I could try to write one up again and risk missing names

        • 8 months ago

          I would appreciate either very much

          • 8 months ago

            Sorry for being so late, almost forgot about this post. Keep in mind this is a rough one off the top of my head so apologies in advance if/when I inevitably forget to include your handle*. Please reply with corrections and/or additions

            >OG Bloodplayanon
            >Space dork

            *Please note that this list is simply a convenient means for distinguishing who did what works, rather than any sort of attempt to namegay. Do keep this in mind if you are going to suggest a "handle", so that we may continue to preserve the anonymous spirit & avoid the perils of shitting up the threads with namegays

            Also only doing the writefriends, since I don't know whether the drawfriends want any kind of name attached to their stuff here or not

            • 8 months ago

              Can't forget Fugueanon
              They made not write or do art but they've had an impact

              • 8 months ago

                He writes.

              • 8 months ago

                Actually I write and I do art
                /and/ I have and impact 😉

              • 8 months ago

                What do you write and what's your art?

              • 8 months ago

                I drew this, among other things

              • 8 months ago

                I drew this, among other things

                And I wrote this, among other things

              • 8 months ago

                can confirm. without you, this wouldn't have happened.


              • 8 months ago

                Both, both is good.

              • 8 months ago

                Please forgive me and please don't haunt my dreams and make me kill a blonde horned devil in a human body

              • 8 months ago

                just kidding anon, sweet dreams 😉

            • 8 months ago

              sup homie, it's me springlockanon
              i only post my art on Cinemaphile and i use the name on other generals with boorus so i don't mind having the association

            • 8 months ago

              SS13/MDanon, even though he's only one the Feral Uzi cuddles green and that fanfic he's doing

            • 8 months ago

              Great friend, only ones coming to mind would be sprayanon and marcyanon, but I can't really keep up with the greens so they may be in there already.
              I as a drawgay wouldn't mind having a name attached, but as far as I know there isn't a dingle named drawfriend, best to complete the writers first.

            • 8 months ago

              AmyAnon comes to mind.
              I really have an awful memory so I really can't remember names.
              And many of I remember Friends have already said.

            • 8 months ago

              Cool to be recognized for my awful and brain-damaging contribution to these threads. I write and draw so by including me you've already started in on the artgays (the worst of them, of course, me)

              Great friend, only ones coming to mind would be sprayanon and marcyanon, but I can't really keep up with the greens so they may be in there already.
              I as a drawgay wouldn't mind having a name attached, but as far as I know there isn't a dingle named drawfriend, best to complete the writers first.

              MarcyAnon and PhoenixAnon are the same Anon.

            • 8 months ago

              oh and don't forget smileanon, he writes too

              • 8 months ago

                Hey that's me!
                Feels good to be mentioned.

              • 8 months ago

                love you anon

              • 8 months ago

                Hmm, maybe I’ll draw some smileanon art at some point, like I did for fugueanon

              • 8 months ago

                Friends I made.
                Someone thinks about maybe drawing something related to me.
                I'm famous. I made it big time.
                (I don't have an image of V ascending)

              • 8 months ago

                I made it*
                It's a little late.

              • 8 months ago

                One question, it's good to show my happiness or some times I should stay silent?

              • 8 months ago

                don't let anyone tell you what you post is cringe, anon
                you're just a friendly guy
                everyone (most people) respect it
                express your happiness it's all good

              • 8 months ago

                It was me who thought that, I believe that sometimes I talk too much.
                But thanks Friend!
                I like showing happiness!

            • 8 months ago

              There's the anon that wrote the Cyn greentexts too. The loving embrace one, Vashtorr as Cyn's dad one and Cyn Deterioration. Don't know if he's done any more.

            • 8 months ago

              bootsanon here, been lurking threads for weeks but made a name (no matter how small) a week or so ago

      • 8 months ago

        If someone makes the list, remember to say what is their most famous works.

    • 8 months ago

      springlockanon, or whoever drew the boots feet pic is a 5 on horny and an 8 on wholesome

      captcha: tv40t

      • 8 months ago

        thanks homie
        yea that's me

  30. 8 months ago

    Frick you anons, have some angst. These threads have been too happy lately

    • 8 months ago

      Friend, happiness is the beat emotion.
      Most of the time at least.
      And it hasn't been all happy.

    • 8 months ago

      This ain't angst, it's bittersweet. Angst would be Cyn's Deterioration

      • 8 months ago

        That is true.
        This makes me think like the end of a Series that says "Dont be sad because it's gone, be happy because it happened"

    • 8 months ago

      But anon, that is happy.

  31. 8 months ago

    How would sticking it in N be like?

    • 8 months ago

      Do not the Drone.

  32. 8 months ago

    To the anon who wanted the screencap of the Feral Uzi getting cuddles green, here you go. Pulled directly from the word document and is a bit shittily formatted

    Keep in my mind that picrel and RUINED EARTH are my first adventure into creative fanfiction writing so it will be shit

    now if someone uploaded this to the booru since for the love of god I can't figure out how that site works

    • 8 months ago

      Mad hype thx

      Captcha jgtjax

      • 8 months ago

        Please do give your honest opinion about it, one anon said it's cute but sad

        hopefully I'll rectify that with the aftermath

        • 8 months ago

          In class rn, will do a read over again later and give feedback

    • 8 months ago

      ok feedback time

      i judge stuff based on the medium, for a green this is basically a 10 out of 10, sure the "smelly femcel" part does depend on outside info to get the joke but in context it works to show that the other drones don't like uzi

      as general writing though it's a little lacking i feel, could have included one part for an uzi pov to give how she's feeling and trying to rationalize everything to herself, but where it starts to lack is funny enough with the feral uzi portion of it, adding in sound effects could really help SELL the feel of anon in the green

      one part exemplifies my deal with the latter portion

      "you yell out as you throw uzi towards the ground with all your strength, she slams on the ground and her frame goes limp"

      quote above could really do with some exaggeration and a few sound effects if you decide to up it and make an ao3 page on this, adding in her body bouncing off the floor and maybe some creaks and or cracks from the impact and a clang too, sell the idea of a metal body slamming against the metal floor.

      overall though it's a GREAT green no question

      • 8 months ago

        >overall though it's a GREAT green no question
        Thanks Anon, I'll try to improve in other greens I do

    • 8 months ago

      there's a cut-off line of dialogue on the right side

  33. 8 months ago

    >Harper came in for work like usual the next day.
    >He chatted with his coworkers but made a beeline for his workspace.
    >He was eager to speak with Elizabeth.

    >He'd been forced to work a second shift over at the factory floor for the last week - the work was grueling but it paid handsomely.
    >He could've avoided it, but he wanted to reach his savings goal as soon as possible.

    >To tell her that he'd finally saved enough to buy her contract from the company.
    >That they could both leave and go anywhere they wanted and no one could ever tell them what to do ever again.
    >That they could see the world.

    >He grinned.
    >Today was going to be great, he could already feel it.
    >He rounded the door to his office, striding to his cubicle as quickly as he could without running.
    >As he sat down at his desk and began to get things sorted out, he noticed a decently sized wooden box on his desk.

    >Somebody had left him a present.
    >How nice.

    >A card was attached.

    >'Special Occasions deserve Special Memories.'

    >A picture of a tropical beach was on it, behind the quote.
    >Opening it, there was a gift card to the headquarters' cantina.
    >'I thought you could use a nice paperweight, maybe for some napkins down in the chow hall?'
    >It wasn't signed, but there was a little winky face.

    >Harper raised a brow but thought nothing of it.
    >Anonymity was understandable - maybe they'd heard about his plans and wanted to congratulate him and Elizabeth without being known.
    >He himself was a little sheepish over the whole thing, but it was for her so he didn't mind.

    >He put the card to the side and turned his attention to the box.
    >It rolled slightly as he picked it up.
    >Despite the size, it was fairly heavy.
    >Something fairly dense must be inside - the paperweight, he presumed.

    Canto I.6
    Harper gets a neat little box
    I wonder what's inside

    • 8 months ago

      I hope Harper gets to kill Henry in the most brutal way possible

      • 8 months ago

        of it's any consolation, Henry does get to have an encounter with a core akin to those scarabs in the Mummy movies.
        The ones that burrow through you
        He doesn't like it much, and it leaves him paranoid for a while

        • 8 months ago

          Better idea
          What about chestburster core

          • 8 months ago

            I want him to see his death coming and be incapable of stopping it
            The spoiler idea could work, but I want it to be visceral and soul crushing

    • 8 months ago

      oh no....
      this makes my heart race
      poor harper
      i really hope elizabeth gets rebuilt
      goku doesn't like mean surprises..........

      • 8 months ago

        If Elizabeth somehow doesn't get rebuilt, I'm making a riot!

    • 8 months ago

      I hope Harper tortures Henry.
      A broken man doesn't have anything to lose.
      Also, do the cores just maintain the energy of a Drones or they do more things?
      Like saving files and memories, if not, the head if it is still intact (I read the greens to the most detail way possible) maybe has a the 'hard drive' that stores most of the information they know.
      I just wnna see Harper and Elizabeth happy man O'm just trying my best to think in a way he can save her and be happy.

      • 8 months ago

        the idea I'm going with is that the cores hold basically all of the drone's information. As long as it isn't damaged, any and everything can be salvaged.
        Henry didn't damage the core much, if at all
        The question ends up being if anyone has the know-how and willingness to salvage a Drone's core

        • 8 months ago

          Now, salvaging a human is an entirely *different* matter

          • 8 months ago

            I'm going to make a riot if I know what you mean

        • 8 months ago

          same way i think of them. very based idea.

          Now, salvaging a human is an entirely *different* matter

          goku will make sure there is nothing left

        • 8 months ago

          I will *maybe* not make a riot then.
          Even if someone doesn't know I'm not gonna lie, I think they still will try it even by brute force like a 'last option' typical thing you say "What is there to lose?"
          OMG I just discovered ctrl+s makes the spoiler tags

    • 8 months ago

      >It took a minute to get the box open.
      >He finally succeeded with a bit more force than he would have thought, popping the lid up and sending a small slip of paper fluttering out.

      >Grabbing it, Harper glanced over it.
      “No workplace relationships! Remember that rule next time!"
      "Be thankful it's easily replaced.”

      >He frowned.

      >Lifting up the inner lid of the box, he grabbed out the contents.
      >A… core? A Worker Drone core.
      >Harper grimaced.
      >Slightly macabre, all things considered.

      >He turned the piece of machinery over in his hands
      >What's the joke here anyway, if there even is one?
      >It's not uncommon to get drone cores lobbed around the department, due to the nature of the work, but still.
      >Ah. A serial number.
      >That might shed some light on things.
      >Who was the unfortunate drone who got -


      >Harper blinked.
      >He reread the number.
      >How strange. That was Elizabeth's serial designation.

      >His vision constricted suddenly - the world felt like two distant pinpricks of light.
      >His head hurt.
      >Tinnitus' whine droned as his heart beat harder from stress.

      >Shakily, he put the core back into the box.

      >He took a deep breath and steadied himself.
      >Harper shook his head, more for his own benefit than anything else.
      >What a grotesque joke.
      >Absolutely tasteless.
      >Surely there was nothing to worry ab-

      >He took off running, desperately looking for proof that everything was fine.
      >Searching for comfort in a suddenly frightening world.
      >Screaming a name in hopes he would elicit an answer, a verification that his dreams hadn't been shattered into a million little glistening pieces.

      >He found no comfort that day.
      >He would never know comfort again.
      Surprise, Harper.
      >You degenerate slob.

      • 8 months ago

        Henry is going to learn drone blood ain't cheap one of these days.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


        oh my fricking god henryanon this actually made me sick (compliment, but my fricking tummy hurts)
        you really know how to make people feel shit with words

        • 8 months ago

          I will take the compliment gladly, Anon
          Hope your stomach feels better soon

      • 8 months ago

        Rend Henry asunder

      • 8 months ago

        >Be you, Security Carl.
        >You sit at your desk for most of the day, trying to work the cameras.
        >Lately, certain feeds cut in and out randomly, causing no small amount of distress to you.
        >You've brought Toby down to the office no fewer than four different times to have him look at it.

        >He keeps looking at you like you're insane as he goes through it.
        >He always says 'everything is working perfectly. I'd see if someone tampered with any of the inputs.'
        >And then he tells you that he's busy, and that he doesn't have time for this, and that he's a highly trained professional.

        >Guess what, Toby.
        >You're also a trained professional.
        >A security professional.
        >How about that?

        >You're not (that) stupid.
        >You've SEEN the cameras go to static.
        >You KNOW something keeps killing feeds at the strangest times.

        >They're always sequential, too.
        >Starting in a particular wing of the building, with each camera between said wing and RT6's area cutting in succession.

        >It’s pretty creepy.
        >And when things get creepy, you bust out your patent-pending JCJenson Puzzle Truncated Icosahedron (TM) to calm down.
        >It’s perfectly modeled for ‘maximized fun’ and ‘non-murdery education.’
        >It also happens to be a perfect replica of a drone core.
        >You’ve been working on your sleight of hand tricks with it, but it’s still a bit tricky to nail the swaps.

        >You try and fail again.
        >"You kind of suck at that, dontcha?"

        >The puzzle goes flying as you leap out of your chair.
        >"SWEET ROBOJESUS, why the heck did you sneak up on me, Tessa?"

        >Tessa laughs at you.
        >She's good natured, if slightly insane.

        >The laughing stops abruptly.
        >Uh oh.
        >That's never a good sign.

        >"Do you know where Harper is?"
        >Tessa looks perplexed.
        >"I haven't seen him at all for the last week and a half."
        >"Usually he's either bothering me about some project specs."
        >"That, or I can hear him 'secretly' chatting it up with his sweetheart Elizabeth."

        >Huh. Well, you might as well check.

        • 8 months ago

          >"Harper? He's in your division, right?"


          >You flip through your logbook, which Hoskins dumped on you your first week here.
          >It had never been used prior to your arrival, apparently, but it comes in handy for situations like these.
          >Although you're still not quite sure why he insisted you fill it out in crayon.

          >"According to this, Harper hasn't gone through ID check all week."
          >You begin to sweat.
          >"You… you don't think he's been sneaking in to prove a point, do you?"
          >That would be worrisome, if someone was sneaking by.
          >Then you wouldn't be able to keep records updated.

          >Tessa shook her head.
          >"I thought as much. Just… give me a heads up if you see him, alright?"

          >You nod.
          >"Of course. You can count on me."

          >She smiles weakly and leaves.

          >Making sure to lock your door this time, you return to fiddling with the JCJPTI (TM).
          >You can't focus on it, though.
          >Harper seemed nice enough.
          >You hope he's okay.

          >But why do your coworkers keep disappearing?

          >You spin in your chair mindlessly.
          >And nearly jump out of your skin again when you realize you're not alone.
          >Something lurks in the shadows.

          >"H-hey! Uh… you're not supposed to be here!"

          >"Relax, Carl. It's just me. Harper."

          >He steps a little closer.
          >His face is visible now; he looks like death warmed over.
          >He's got bigger bags under his eyes than some backpacks, skin pale enough to make the DDs look tan, and speaks like he's got a cold.
          >Hoarse. Strained.

          >"Harper, where have you been?"
          >"Everyone's been worried about you!"

          >Harper tries to grin but just looks pained.
          >"I'm sorry. I've had to… sort some things out."
          >He doesn't make eye contact.

          >"Oh. Okay, then."
          >You reach to call Tessa.
          >"Well, I'll just let-"

          >"No. Don't."


          >"I… I don't want anyone to know I'm here. I just… needed your help with something."
          >"You know Henry, right?"
          Carl knows Henry more than he wants to

          • 8 months ago

            is harper going to kill henry? i hope he faces no repercussions and succeeds. and gets his wife back
            a man should never have to lose his robot wife.

            • 8 months ago

              More than a couple Henrys are gonna get 86'd

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Taken 80 miles outta town
                Planted six feet deep
                Dead as a doornail

              • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >You vomit a little into your mouth.
            >You know Henry, just like you know about insect ASMR.
            >You hate thinking about him; it gives you chills.
            >"I do, but why do you want to know?"

            >"Just tell me where I can find him, okay?"
            >Harper looks at you desperately.

            >You feel like this will turn out badly.
            >Despite that, you relent and give him the information he needs.
            >He gratefully thanks you and leaves.
            >You go to close the door and realize it's still locked.

            >The puzzle toy gets used very heavily for a while after that.
            Harper is on a mission

            • 8 months ago

              man's on a mission from robogod

            • 8 months ago

              Godspeed, Harper. May you find vengeance for your sweetheart.

            • 8 months ago

              Carl just got that man killed

              • 8 months ago

                Carl just got SOMEONE killed
                Who it is exactly remains to be seen

            • 8 months ago

              >Henry smirked as he poked the jar, sending the reconstructed brain bobbing along with the ripples of formaldehyde.
              >Thankfully, reconstructing MG's mind had been pretty straightforward
              >Certainly, a lot of the original organ was missing - a side effect of drawing the rage of a DD without any means to protect against it.
              >However, the surprising solution was to fill in the missing bits with Play-Doh.
              >It wasn't like the original did any difficult thinking.

              >But tinfoil, wrapped in Play-Doh.
              >That had been a mildly embarrassing trip to the store.
              >A grown man wearing an eye patch and a jaw brace, standing a head taller than the cashier, buying a 12 color pack of the molding clay made for quite a sight.
              >Thankfully, no one questioned it - they were too fearful of him.

              >He would have done it anyway - science demanded sacrifice.

              >Henry ran the code on his computer again.
              >The wires connecting it to the brain jar should make a successful connection any time now.

              >The MS DOS styled interface lit up.
              >Of course.
              >Was there ever any doubt?

              >[Hello, world.]
              >A moment later, a more natural message appeared.
              >[Where am I?]

              >Henry typed out a reply.
              >[Hello, Marketing Guy. This is Henry, RT6.]
              >[You're in my lab.]

              >The cursor pulsed thoughtfully.

              >[Am I dead?]

              >Henry snickered.
              >A fair question, although he would have thought even MG knew the answer to that.
              >[You *were,* thanks to a relatively unfortunate set of events. I brought you back.]

              >[Oh. Thanks.]

              >[My pleasure.]
              >While Henry was intrigued by the idea of communicating across the veil, so to speak, he had a purpose.
              >[A question, MG. How would you like an opportunity to earn that bonus you crave?]


              >Inarticulate gibberish. Henry interpreted that as MG being so excited he couldn't think coherently.
              >[That's great. Let's talk about this more later, then.]

              >[Wait, don't leave, I'm alone and it's dark and scary and I can't -]

              >Henry shut down the interface.

              • 8 months ago

                damn, poor guy. what does MG stand for btw

              • 8 months ago

                It's in the story right there, but it stands for Marketing Guy.

              • 8 months ago

                Our dear departed Marketing Guy
                Made the mistake of opening his big mouth at the wrong time

              • 8 months ago

                It's in the story right there, but it stands for Marketing Guy.

                sorry guys i'm stoned as a motherfricker

              • 8 months ago

                Murder Grone of course.

              • 8 months ago

                >"Together, we are Murder Grone"

              • 8 months ago

                >Marketing Guy would persist, it would just be boring and horrific until he returned.

                >He returned Jar-keting Guy to the fridge and continued with his broader project.
                >Components from DDs, WDs, and sentinels alike were strewn about his lab.
                >The blueprints he'd created were taking a bit longer than expected to actualize - integrating features from the three different styles of drone available to him proved difficult on multiple levels.

                >But the yield would certainly be worth it.

                >He began to piece the boot-looper module into the worker chassis, only to be interrupted by a knock.

                >A knock at HIS door.
                >How very… odd.
                >He glanced at the feeds again from where he stood.
                >No sign of anyone coming to this side of RT6's wing, now or prior.
                >The camera just outside his door was disconnected, somehow.
                >Very strange.

                >Henry shrugged.
                >With a button press, he slid the door open.
                >"Come in."

                >He didn't bother turning his head to see who entered.
                >His visitor didn't announce his entrance, either.

                >Henry leaned slightly to the left as the pickaxe slammed into his workbench, embedding itself in the metal with a sound like a gunshot.
                >”Honestly. Are you another one of those fools?”
                >He turned to address the stranger, who’d managed to pull the pickaxe back out in record time.

                >”While I am honored you’d attempt to grace me with the same demise as Trotsky, I’m afraid my work has not concluded yet.”

                >Henry looked the intruder over, assessing whether he was a threat or not.
                >Within a heartbeat he’d classified him as a ‘not’.
                >A haunted-looking man carrying a pickaxe and a semiautomatic pistol, a Glock 9mm, by the look of it.
                >He scoffed.
                >Really, what did this fool take him for?

                >“I hope that you’ve got eight rounds in that magazine, because getting shot with seven will only make me mad.”
                >Henry paused before asking the more pertinent question.
                >“Who the hell are you, anyway?”

                Henry v Harper

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                >The stranger said nothing.
                >He dug out his wallet and threw it at the researcher.
                >Henry caught it easily, flipping it open and fishing out the ID.

                >Harper from Technical Engineering.
                >“The degenerate slob.”
                >Henry tossed the wallet and ID back to Harper, sighing deeply.

                >“Why are you here, Harper? To die?”
                >“I don’t kill things with souls, you know.”
                >”Not willingly, anyway.”

                >“I'm here to make you pay.”
                >He gritted his teeth and gripped his pick tighter.
                >“I'm here to avenge her. To finish things.”

                >Oh lord, what an absolute snore.
                >Harper’s behavior suggested he’d been reading too many comic books and desperately needed a reality check, payable right now.
                >“Are you talking about some glorified tin can? Because if you are, I’ll need you to be more specific. I’ve gone through about 30 of them this week.”
                >Henry gestured at the tasteful manner in which he’d used cores to function as bookends, paperweights, and doorstops.

                >“Elizabeth! I’m talking about Elizabeth, you bastard!”

                >Oh, that was right. The screamer.
                >The self-deleting anomaly.
                >Henry snorted in amusement.

                >”My my. Elizabeth.”
                >”I actually DO remember that one. It was… interesting.”

                >“Don’t call her ‘it.’ She had a name.”

                >Henry ignored that.
                >Best not to humor the deranged.
                >”Well, Harper… would you like to know what its last moments were like?”
                >”I reminded that little Worker Drone not to ever harbor pretensions like they are all so prone to doing.”
                >”I figured you’d have gotten over it now, honestly. As I pointed out to her, those drones are easily replaced.”
                >He shrugged.
                >”Dare I say… dime a dozen.”

                >He dodged as Harper flung himself forward to strike out again.
                Last for Tonite, Anons
                G'night all

              • 8 months ago

                nighty night anon. working on a big 3 parter henry drawing, almost finished it tonight but i only have one more sketch and 2 refinements to make before its done

              • 8 months ago

                Don't mind me, just looking, is not going good but ko tbad either, just lookin'

              • 8 months ago

                You know who ELSE wants to kill Henry?
                [Spoiler]My mom![/Spoiler]
                Captcha: "SAD 2D"

              • 8 months ago

                >Messed up the spoilers

              • 8 months ago

                >Messed up the spoilers
                now that’s “SAD 2D”

      • 8 months ago

        One must imagine Harper happy, for what greater joy is there in life than to have nothing left but vengeance to live for?
        No need for friendship, comfort, love or peace, nothing to lose or even to gain, except the absolute satisfaction of your nemesis' hot blood, or the blissful release of your own death.
        Either way Harper is a winner!

        • 8 months ago

          a warrior must remain detached

          • 8 months ago

            I'm imagining Vegeta saying this to some drones that tried to make friends with him now

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >Once they get there Goku ends up ITing back to Earth so some of the drones can meet Bulma

              • 8 months ago

                Goku forgets that the drones dont have ki while bringing back Vegeta, before they realize they'll have to do a month long trip again

  34. 8 months ago

    Yup, time to latch onto another general of another media that I will browse for however long it will stay alive even though particular media didn't even impress me that much and I like themes/tropes behind characters and fancannon more than characters themself (previous was deltarune)
    Sometimes I wonder if it's autism or mental issues

    • 8 months ago

      This except I accidentally fell in love with Cyn and am actively cheering for the end of humanity. Don't worry, you will too.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm more of a V enjoyer

    • 8 months ago

      please don’t call me out like that Anon 🙁

  35. 8 months ago
    JcJ(IS)™ TerminalMessengerSys, Copyright(©) 3071

    To: All JcJ(IS) employees [Public]
    Do not attempt procreation with any drones owned by JcJ(IS), any attempts to do so will be prosecuted as property damage, sabotage, theft, and corporate espionage. You are permitted to attempt such activities off company time, when in possession of an official JcJ(IS)™ Drone Fricker permit(©). Please consult the employee handbook or the JcJ(IS) website for more information on the subject.

    Thank you,
    -JcJ(IS) AutoMessenger

    • 8 months ago

      You can't stop me. Well, okay, maybe you can. But you won't have stoped me (past tense). Go ahead - you can't un-summer romance her.

    • 8 months ago

      What?... Is this real? is this a real problem?
      I haven't heard anything like that around my office.

  36. 8 months ago


    Finished another Tessaract chapter which gets me to 100k
    If you like cute human on drone stuff you may enjoy it

    • 8 months ago

      Hell yeah, more TessaJ kino

    • 8 months ago

      I have seen chapter 2 but I'm too lazy to read chapter 3, but I need happines, I feel like I can't trust you cute the word 'cute' with how chapter 2 ended but I will read and take a risk
      >captcha: MYRYA
      That's cool for a name I will write it down

      • 8 months ago

        I hardly even remember what happened in chap 2 because it was so many words ago tbh
        My biggest problem writing this stuff is just making sure I'm respecting continuity and not making some moronic plot decision that deviates from whatever happened. I have a lot of respect for actual novelists and stuff because it isn't easy.

        • 8 months ago

          I feel you, talking about writing, I should get back to it.
          I have wrote just 200 words today.

          • 8 months ago

            Any progress is good progress!

            I also have the constant urge to retcon my story while nobody is looking and rewrite scenes which I feel are subpar but it feels like cheating. And then readers would just get confused. So annoying.

            • 8 months ago

              It happens, but what you can do, also I got trips it feels good, and I think it means I should write more, yeah

            • 8 months ago

              >I also have the constant urge to retcon my story while nobody is looking and rewrite scenes which I feel are subpar
              I feel this every time i write something. Feels like im literally just making shit up as I go with little coherence. Suppose thats the price of hating to outline stuff

              • 8 months ago

                even with an outline you'll always feel like you could have done better with your work

              • 8 months ago

                I know because I technically do have a very loose (Schizophrenic and vague) outline

              • 8 months ago

                This nails my writers woes right on the head. Trying to translate the mental image of what I have into words always makes me feel like I'm fricking up in one way or another. It's also the reason why reading my own stuff hurts cus I can't stop but cringe at all the instances of "man I could have done this different, or did that better"

              • 8 months ago

                sounds like an easy fix to me. proof-read your finished product, make changes, then do it again.
                maybe even take a break or sleep on it. a fresh perspective helps

              • 8 months ago

                I find alcohol helps, if you're of age to drink it
                It lowers your inhibitions so you post more, with less doubt

              • 8 months ago

                Typically I just get high as a kite before writing some of the more wacky stuff, but I might try shaking things up a bit with some drink

              • 8 months ago

                I find alcohol helps, if you're of age to drink it
                It lowers your inhibitions so you post more, with less doubt

                Second this, I only tried it once but I got done in about a third of the time I usually need. After 10 minutes of cleanup the next day, it didn't even look any worse than my other works.

                Or TRY DN

                i'm always high because weed (granted, when my tolerance was lower) make my imagination more vivid and i'm better at translating the image in my mind to the paper

              • 8 months ago

                Second this, I only tried it once but I got done in about a third of the time I usually need. After 10 minutes of cleanup the next day, it didn't even look any worse than my other works.

                Or TRY DN

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                it just comes with the territory, better to doubt your work/talent then to be zealous of your latent superiority

          • 8 months ago

            You've got Cyn powering you

  37. 8 months ago

    Okay, I'm gonna out myself as an idiot, or worse, a newbie. What website do I plug /works links into?

    • 8 months ago

      used to be pastebin, now it's ao3 since pastebin deletes shit

    • 8 months ago

      Archive of Our Own

    • 8 months ago

      Don't worry, I was in the same situation as you.
      AO3 page also known as Archive of our Own!
      Happy reading Friend!

  38. 8 months ago

    Shit, I posted V when I should have posted J. It's over.

    • 8 months ago

      Friend, V is just better, and your body knows it.

      • 8 months ago

        I know, but it's not nice to rub it in. We must be gracious in victory.

  39. 8 months ago

    sprayanon here, finally got some writing on my story done, focused mainly on the ending, i didn't think i'd have nearly 600 words on just the ending alone (i thought it would've been the easiest part to write) but here I am staring at this ending and being like "goddamn am i glad i made my brainstorming sheet lmao"

    • 8 months ago

      It's nice to write Friend.

  40. 8 months ago


    This freakin melted my cold unfeeling heart. Thanks writegay

    • 8 months ago

      Is WriteFriend Friend!
      Remember that they are Friends like you are mine!

    • 8 months ago

      we need more sweet greentexts like these

      • 8 months ago

        This one is an older green, but it's still pretty cute

    • 8 months ago

      You're welcome anon. And I hope to find the motivation to write more today

      • 8 months ago

        NTA but please do, it was cute. Might write my own someday

  41. 8 months ago

    >Fricks your Drones right in front of you
    How would you react?

    • 8 months ago

      I will feel awful.
      Like someone cheating on you, except if is not with consent then I will feel rage and treat you like we do in south america to people like that

      • 8 months ago

        based sudamericachad
        that's the normal response

        • 8 months ago

          Imagine not lynching a criminal, any criminal

    • 8 months ago

      That wouldn't be a concern, due to vegana dentata mode.

    • 8 months ago

      my drones have good taste + loyalty
      he wouldn't
      i could kick his ass regardless though
      from that image i am 100% sure i'm bigger than him

  42. 8 months ago

    How would he fare on Copper-9?

    • 8 months ago

      How would YOU fare on Copper-9?

      • 8 months ago

        I would probably die very quickly due to being human and how hellishly cold it must be.
        Could possibly survive for a while if a drone affiliated with JcJenson like the DDs found me.

      • 8 months ago

        depends. is copper-9's atmosphere toxic? i don't remember. and how cold is it again? is it nuclear winter or regular old winter? Assuming I can breathe and the temperatures aren't moronic like in the negatives (fahrenheit) then i'd be peachy

        • 8 months ago

          It is toxic yes. N and Tessa both mention it. I don't know what the temperature is exactly but it's cold enough that the skeletons are covered in ice.

    • 8 months ago

      >Can flash away on a moment's notice
      >Has a Proto Buster and a spine to shoot it
      >Beaten many Robot Masters that DD's take inspiration and ideas from
      He's probably fine
      Probably fricked against the Solver tho

      • 8 months ago

        You'd probably need someone like X with built-in virus countermeasures for the Solver, yeah

        • 8 months ago

          The Solver isn't a virus. And the main problem is that hosts of the Solver can sort of just frick with reality, and there's not really any defence against that unless you're a Solver host yourself. Not much you can do when whatever you are fighting can literally just cause you to implode with a hand gesture, or click their fingers and have a black hole manifest ontop of you.

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks sister you have convinced me now I will become a Solver host.

  43. 8 months ago

    Who would I need to contact to get a MD version of video related
    I am willing to pay cash money.

  44. 8 months ago

    Just curious, what is the most degenerate/down bad post from these threads?
    Btw, keep it going. It will hopefully keep the normies away.

    • 8 months ago

      The Femanon probably

      • 8 months ago

        the female.

        That what...

        • 8 months ago

          The thing dosen't have a name, and even if it had a mortal, nay even an immortal and all knowing mind couldn't comprehend it in all of its terrible and disgusting repulsiveness

    • 8 months ago

      the female.

    • 8 months ago

      Male Uzi & N Cannibalism Orgy
      Fem! N Milk Arc
      Fem! N Rape Arc (Ongoing)
      J warehouse
      Bloodplay (Why has it seized lately ?)
      Reverse Bloodplay
      Thalia (Hopefully we get Samantha soon)
      Femanons abomination wich shall not be named
      Handholding Headpating and Uppies

      • 8 months ago

        Assuming these are on the booru? Just gonna be hard to find without a title I guess. Haven't read them yet

      • 8 months ago

        >Reverse Bloodplay
        Admit it, that's kinda hot

        • 8 months ago

          When did i say i was not into it ?

        • 8 months ago

          UZI STOP

      • 8 months ago

        bloodplay will come in either the zeke saga soon, a based in the verse side story, or in saga 3, definitely when i get the zombie drone involved though

        • 8 months ago

          >More blood play
          Yay, but can Zeke also get some uppies ?
          The threads have had me feeling uh... Roman lately when it comes to boy drones

          • 8 months ago

            Yes zeke will eventually be getting uppies too, though eventually wagie anon will just be a walking drone carrier with them piling on

      • 8 months ago

        You forgot whatever the frick Nuzicest was supposed to be

    • 8 months ago


      Male Uzi & N Cannibalism Orgy
      Fem! N Milk Arc
      Fem! N Rape Arc (Ongoing)
      J warehouse
      Bloodplay (Why has it seized lately ?)
      Reverse Bloodplay
      Thalia (Hopefully we get Samantha soon)
      Femanons abomination wich shall not be named
      Handholding Headpating and Uppies

      said but also Emily Zipbomb

    • 8 months ago

      The most degenerate thing I've posted is N & Boyzi's game of foreplay

    • 8 months ago

      Kissing nundrones

    • 8 months ago

      Sill don't believe that this Anon wasn't a chick.

      • 8 months ago

        I do
        Femgays are some of the most degenerate writers out there

        • 8 months ago

          Sill don't believe that this Anon wasn't a chick.

          We know that it wasn't *her* because when anons said "why Femanon?" she came out to say that she didn't like that they were men or something like that
          The creator of that green said he was a man too

          • 8 months ago

            >Meet the Spy
            Anon needs to provide proof or I'll cry

            • 8 months ago

              I don't know if that thread was archived

              • 8 months ago

                almost all threads are archived on a third party site

              • 8 months ago

                Desuarchive, look for thread subject/name murder drones

                Drew the idea

                Luv me woif

  45. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      how can she be a bawd and a femcel at the same time?

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          >CLANGING Solver’d drones

    • 8 months ago

      this makes me hard as fricking diamond for some reason

    • 8 months ago

      this person was so close to making a great on model nude but then they ruined it by omiting the skirt hips

  46. 8 months ago

    Best outfit

    • 8 months ago

      Why does V look so much hotter when she actually wears shorts?

      • 8 months ago

        Highlighting her amazing ass

        • 8 months ago

          Same with the red dress. It really shows off her figure.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't know, it's weird
        Normally I think, for example having only thigh highs looks hotter than naked

        Same with the red dress. It really shows off her figure.

        I really love that red dress

      • 8 months ago

        not for me. I like exposed waists and i like girls wearing a top but no pants

    • 8 months ago

      >Clanging the counselors behind the cabins

      • 8 months ago

        That means you have to clang both N and V without anyone noticing

    • 8 months ago

      I'd Jason her Vorhees if you catch my drift.

  47. 8 months ago

    Have you guys seen the Pilot recently? Maybe it's just me, but it's better than I remembered it.

    • 8 months ago

      I'll maybe re-watch the entire series, considering my first thoughts overall were just "meh" so I'll definitely give it a re-watch.

    • 8 months ago

      I'll maybe re-watch the entire series, considering my first thoughts overall were just "meh" so I'll definitely give it a re-watch.

      Complaining by anons on Cinemaphile tends to poison your perception of things, as anons here have a big habit of acting like things are worse than they even are. I never found the Pilot to be that bad, yeah it has apparent flaws but overall it's still a decent pilot. I find a lot of the talk on Cinemaphile about the pilot in particular being "terrible", "unwatchable" etc etc to be really disingenuous and feels mostly like circlejerking. Yeah, some of the dialogue is bad and the self-referential. self-aware meta-humor aspect in some areas was cringe and didn't really land at all - but how does that completely demerit everything good about the pilot? It can still be enjoyable if you remove the stick in your ass, it really feels like people choose to be more personally annoyed by the dialogue and humor than they actually are.

      • 8 months ago

        I haven't had experience with the show prior, so my first thoughts weren't soured by any outside opinion.

      • 8 months ago

        The rise of user submitted reviews on the internet have taught me that a LOT of people tend to be easily polarized by media. Sometimes all it really does takes is for ONE particular thing to either rub you the wrong way into calling something shit, or for ONE particular thing to be so enamoring that it makes that something perfect. Taking the time to critically break down a creative work is far more time consuming than a lot of people feel is worth it, which is why all those big video/podcast essays take off so easily since they do all the heavy lifting for you.

        • 8 months ago

          >or for ONE particular thing to be so enamoring that it makes that something perfect.
          I could feel this happening to me in real time, I could literally feel my brain changing in real time from sheer mmmmffffpphhfff evil toaster hips. It's actually kind of scary feeling your brain get reprogrammed like that.

          • 8 months ago

            This anon just said exactly what happened to everyone here.

          • 8 months ago

            Absolutely nothing wrong with that anon. It is one of those deeply ingrained quirks of being human. Hell even the most critical minded of people aren't immune to these kinds of infatuations/repulsion, with a lot of the "critical analysis" being little more than an attempt to justify an intelligent sounding reason for why they love/hate something so passionately

            For me the thing that made me fall in love with this show was how sincere & heartfelt the dynamic between Uzi and N is depicted. It's been a hot minute since I've seen something so god damn adorable

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah. Even with a small number of episodes, they manage to pace their dynamic really well and by episode 4, I'm rooting for them. The part where they're falling and talking things out, N playing with her tail and Uzi playfully replying before they hit the ground is goddamn adorable. Good writing with the VAs landing their delivery.

    • 8 months ago

      I've always been of the opinion that the Pilot isn't quite as bad as most of the anons here make it out to be. It's easily the weakest of the show by far, but it isn't what I would call 'bad'. The worst things I can say about it is the blatant mocap animation & the self-aware dialogue that comes off as unnecessarily cliche.

      Although to be fair, I have an incredibly high threshold for me to actually not like a piece of media so I am certainly among the outliers who don't find the dialogue offensively repulsive

    • 8 months ago

      It's much better going back because you get to see how the series evolved and grew from its humble little roots into something really special

    • 8 months ago

      some of the jokes are like "jesus christ....." but i can indulge in meta humor from time to time, some of them hit. it's good for a pilot, honestly.

    • 8 months ago

      i was always a fan of the pilot. Hell, the pilot is the reason i watched the rest of the series. i watched it back when it was the only episode and i was eagerly waiting for more. There was indeed some cheesy dialogue but not enough to make me stop watching. the good stuff heavily outweighed the bad stuff. Maybe i just got used to it after watching it seven or eight times

    • 8 months ago

      Rewatching the pilot after finishing the series so far makes more sense than watching it blindly for the first time.

      • 8 months ago

        I kinda wish that we got to see more of uzi's handmade weaponry, and held off on the AS/biomechanical abilities. She wouldnt be on par with V or N, but when when the time is right you can put her on par with the DDs

        • 8 months ago

          i always felt like the show could've done better if either it had a few more episodes, or it stuck to it's original premise of drone vs drone action instead of, well what we got, granted it is liam's first series brought to fruition so he's taking the opportunity to basically unload

          • 8 months ago

            The eldritch horror story was always the goal, anon. You'd know that if you followed all of his work. Murder Drones is just the spiritual successor of Design and Internecion Cube, it was never going to be some Red Vs Blue shit with the drones - that would fricking suck. Liam is in his element with stories like this, the Pilot was very clearly him out of his comfort zone.

    • 8 months ago

      The only thing from the pilot that annoyed me a bit was the dialogue before Uzi infiltrated the corpse spire, other than that I always thought it was just fine. Still think it's funny with how effective of a filter it is.

    • 8 months ago

      I've always maintained that Pilot is merely the weakest of the 6 episodes. I may have forgor but I don't think I ever said it's bad.
      The two main issues I had with it were only that the scene between Thad and Uzi feels a bit superfluous (especially now in retrospect with Thad banished to the fricking shadow realm) and all the dialogue being ever so slightly stilted, but that's simply a case of it being a brand new show with every VA being brand new to their character.
      Also, strangely enough, I wish that JCJenson itself remained the primary antagonistic force for Season 1, with the Absolute Solver reserved for Season 2. It seems like a much more Season 2 kind of threat.
      Of course this would delay the revelation of the DD's original selves AND the arrival of Best Girl, but I think the buildup could have been both interesting and given more time for character development between the main cast before they get slammed facefirst into such an existential crisis.

  48. 8 months ago

    Yesterday there was like 35 posters a few hours in, now there's 66?

  49. 8 months ago

    God dammit I'm too late to continue with my converted shenanigan's

  50. 8 months ago

    Guys im a fricking moron
    > Be me
    >Be kinda drunk on a friday
    >Decide to say frick it and preorder the V gravestone from the glitch store
    >Huh weird no confirmation email
    >Whatever its a preorder maybe they will send a confirmation when they start shipping them
    >They start shipping
    >Still no confirmation or anything like that
    >Write an email to their support
    >No response not even an automated one
    >Feels weird check the email field
    >Made a spelling error when ordering and sending the support email
    >Send another email to the support with the correct email this time
    >Get a response instantly
    Bros please i need your strongest robofricker copium i don't want to kill my self until the season 2 and my V gravestone arrive

    • 8 months ago

      I'm a bit moronic myself, is the stand limited time or no?

      • 8 months ago

        i dunno it was just in preorder when i ordered it but im afraid the second i actually receive a message from a human the embarrassment will be to strong and i will just kill myself

        • 8 months ago

          Just relax, it's an honest mistake anon.

        • 8 months ago

          Guys im a fricking moron
          > Be me
          >Be kinda drunk on a friday
          >Decide to say frick it and preorder the V gravestone from the glitch store
          >Huh weird no confirmation email
          >Whatever its a preorder maybe they will send a confirmation when they start shipping them
          >They start shipping
          >Still no confirmation or anything like that
          >Write an email to their support
          >No response not even an automated one
          >Feels weird check the email field
          >Made a spelling error when ordering and sending the support email
          >Send another email to the support with the correct email this time
          >Get a response instantly
          Bros please i need your strongest robofricker copium i don't want to kill my self until the season 2 and my V gravestone arrive

          >They replied
          >The customer service lady is named Nori

          • 8 months ago


  51. 8 months ago

    Shame that board doesn't have habit of making proper generals (I guess it's against rules?), makes navigating writehomosexualry and fan canon a pain.
    Would it be against rules to post list of recent stories and link to last thread somewhere after the OP?

    • 8 months ago

      It would look like a general so yeah, against the rules.

      • 8 months ago

        Why are generals against the rules here ?

        • 8 months ago

          I checked both global and Cinemaphile rules and couldn't find anything against generals but then again there isn't a single general on this entire board so I guess jannies delete them? idk

          • 8 months ago

            Ah so its just the jannies being morons, great maybe we should lower their salaries so they stop being asshats

            • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              >he's a janitor
              >on the internet
              >on an anime imageboard
              >he does it for free
              >he takes his "job" very seriously
              >he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
              >he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
              >he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
              >he will never have a real job
              >he will never move out of his parent's house
              >he will never be at a healthy weight
              >he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
              >he will never have a girlfriend
              >he will never have any friends

            • 8 months ago

              As someone who used to lurk the /SUG/ back when that show was still airing, it's probably for the best that anything explicitly advertising itself as a general is nuked off the board. The insanity of consecutive episode drops drove many of those poor bastards into the depths of insanity

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah they get deleted, god knows why. Let's not push our luck

      • 8 months ago

        Ah so its just the jannies being morons, great maybe we should lower their salaries so they stop being asshats

        Yeah they get deleted, god knows why. Let's not push our luck

        That's why I prefer /trash/ for its more wild-west rules, even if I have to scroll past gay furry porn on catalog

    • 8 months ago

      go move these threads to /trash/ if you want to make generals about a series

      • 8 months ago

        yeah, but then we'd be on trash
        there isn't really a good solution. i say we just keep making threads. who cares
        the autism is going to keep burning for 70% of us no matter what

        • 8 months ago

          Hopefully we'll get a teaser this week or around halloween

          • 8 months ago

            If we get a teaser I will cummed my pants instantly

            • 8 months ago

              Oh, are we J posting now?

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Would this be the drone equivalent to eating your own boogers?

              • 8 months ago

                maybe, who care. the drone is in need

              • 8 months ago

                Fricking CORPORATE TEASE.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                There is more, if you know where to look 🙂

              • 8 months ago

                theres a version with her legs open, all you have to do is go find it

                You could just post a catbox link instead of being cryptic gays.

              • 8 months ago

                oh fine

              • 8 months ago

                hey you know what yeah not bad

              • 8 months ago

                OOOHHHHH. The drussy!

              • 8 months ago

                Now that is J-tastic.

              • 8 months ago

                J is cute! CUTE!

              • 8 months ago

                J is sexy! SEXY!

              • 8 months ago

                Wanna have babies with J

              • 8 months ago

                theres a version with her legs open, all you have to do is go find it

                Found the booru I think at least

                oh fine

                I came.

              • 8 months ago

                theres a version with her legs open, all you have to do is go find it

              • 8 months ago

                There is more, if you know where to look 🙂


          • 8 months ago

            It would be nice, I want to know who here had the right guess of what will happen.

      • 8 months ago

        Moving to /trash/ would absolutely break my heart
        I like what we have right now, please god don't let us end up on trash

        The moment this becomes a general and/or there is a Discord is the exact moment the universal high quality of these threads ends. Please do not do that.

        Heed this anon's words of wisdom

  52. 8 months ago

    Uzi making wall hanger swords and pipe guns

  53. 8 months ago
    Faggot who desn't save anything

    Yo can someone post SacurityAnon(M) whenever he possessed/gets those crazy eyes? Need them for a piece.

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        there's this as well

        Thanks mate, I know it's something you don't really need a ref for in the first place-but I like making sure my art is to the dot, you know?

    • 8 months ago

      there's this as well

  54. 8 months ago


  55. 8 months ago

    encasing N in a jar of resin so ppl eons from now will find fossilised N

  56. 8 months ago

    So, I think I have a design for the Converted Anon in mind. He's supposed to be the Drone version of the uncanny valley.

    • 8 months ago

      neat idea, anon

      • 8 months ago

        I could probably workshop it a lot to look more approachable, but one detail that isn't in the design is how his eyes move.
        They're constantly shifting around like human eyes do

  57. 8 months ago

    The moment this becomes a general and/or there is a Discord is the exact moment the universal high quality of these threads ends. Please do not do that.

    • 8 months ago

      I personally like it continuing as it is now. The booru works fine people just need to be more aware that it exists.

  58. 8 months ago

    Frick off with your generals and just enjoy the threads as they happen you trashBlack folk.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh the Jannie takes his job so seriously he wants a does he want a raise ?

      • 8 months ago

        How about you frick off back to /trash/ while the rest of us enjoy a normal thread you underage homosexual.

  59. 8 months ago

    This community absolutely needs to be moved to /trash/. Most of the content is just horny posting disguised as OC.
    Anyhow there's already a better Glitch Productions show.

    • 8 months ago

      >this guy
      The bait is weak, get better material.

  60. 8 months ago

    i know what you're all thinking. nobody fricking say anything about it. do not reply to any of the posts. do not reply to my post. continue as normal

  61. 8 months ago

    Did mommy forget to bring his 400lb big boy jannie his daily mountie dewie sippy cup again?

    • 8 months ago

      >be anon
      >student at copper-9 high school
      >honestly, the entire situation was pretty weird
      >not because you were the only human left in the planet
      >or because of the fact that the drones had somehow gained sentience
      >neither was it the fact that those same drones were your classmates

      No, it was because you, of all people, had somehow become the most popular person in school.

      >I mean it wasn't that bad; in fact, you were surprised at how similar their make-shift culture was to humans
      >In fact, you being the only human around gave you some pretty powerful privileges that no drone, barring the WDF, had
      >But being popular came with some responsibilities
      >Those "responsibilities" being the most popular drone around and her best friend
      >"Ugh, anon, what did I tell you about hanging out around those losers? They don't care about you, unlike me and Doll."
      >”Now how about we walk back home, it’s getting late and I don’t want anybody, especially that purple loser you’re talking to, to ruin my day”.
      >Speaking of the devil..
      >If she was here then that meant that-
      >Пocмoтpитe, ктo гoвopит. Ho в любoм cлyчae, oнa пpaвa, anon. (Look who’s talking. But either way, she is correct, anon).
      >There she was
      Tы oбeщaл пoтycoвaтьcя c Лиззи и co мнoй пocлe шкoлы. (You promised to hang out with Lizzy and me after school.)
      И ты знaeшь, кaк oнa пepeживaeт, кoгдa нe пoлyчaeт cвoeгo.(And you know how she gets when she doesn't get her way.)
      >Well, a promise was a promise after all
      >You sheepishly apologized to the drone (Uzi, you believe), before heading to meet with Lizzy and Doll
      >”Sheesh, about time Anon. You know do know how to keep the ladies waiting don’t you~.”


      • 8 months ago

        Before you ask, yes I did write this because of that image of Lizzy and Doll laughing. Will finish later because I'm at work.

        >Forgot to highlight one of Doll's dialogue
        frick my life

      • 8 months ago

        Before you ask, yes I did write this because of that image of Lizzy and Doll laughing. Will finish later because I'm at work.

        >Forgot to highlight one of Doll's dialogue
        frick my life

        I can imagine the discourse between Lizzy and Uzi when it comes to you hanging around the purple gremlin

      • 8 months ago

        Before you ask, yes I did write this because of that image of Lizzy and Doll laughing. Will finish later because I'm at work.

        >Forgot to highlight one of Doll's dialogue
        frick my life

        Love it anon, Lizzy is also kinda underrated, definitely looking forward and good work so far.


      • 8 months ago

        I'll watch this one with great interest my fellow writefriend

  62. 8 months ago

    I just realized something
    >the people in flashback were some sort of victorian-era larpers
    >they were overly rude to their house servants
    >they did things like pic rel to bots that misbehaved
    they were larping owning house Black folk, weren't they? lmao

    • 8 months ago

      Really gives a flair to the tumblr-twitter tendency to make drone humanizations swarthy

    • 8 months ago

      Well they sounded aussie, so it'd probably be aboriginals, but close enough I guess?

      Honestly, that's basically just what Robots have always been though: slaves with less moral/ethical baggage that the idea of AI complicates.

  63. 8 months ago

    Give her your banana

    • 8 months ago

      Frick no
      Look as much as I think E is the cutest disassembler since N himself, there is no way in hell I would trust a moronic robot to handle my junk. She will literally peel and eat my banana

      • 8 months ago

        >E being on par with N
        I’m flattered, Anon

  64. 8 months ago

    So what is the general consensus on where a drone's AI consciousness is stored?

    • 8 months ago

      the core

    • 8 months ago

      The core embedded in their chest

    • 8 months ago

      The core, and all Drone cores and thus their AI seem to have some kind of relationship with the Absolute Solver or whatever realm the Solver is coming in from.

    • 8 months ago

      N regenerated his head fine and dandy, even if with a mild memory loss before J knocked him back to his senses. The core is likely the thing we saw hopping out of Eldritch J's remains after Uzi's rifle blew it up, that N stabbed with his nanite acid tail. And some of the stuff in the Zombie Drones VHS tape too.

  65. 8 months ago
    JcJ(IS)™ TerminalMessengerSys, Copyright(©) 3071

    To: All JcJ(IS) employees [Public]
    Reminder, please do not use the TMS for purposes unrelated to work when not on a scheduled break.
    Thank you,
    -JcJ(IS) AutoMessenger

    • 8 months ago

      Literaly 1984

    • 8 months ago

      I'm using it to express my love for drones!

  66. 8 months ago

    I need an edit of Cyn with Lucky twice over it

  67. 8 months ago

    So before I start capping the first Henry canto, was there a particular way you wanted it organized/broken up? I don't see any feasible way to include all of it in a single cap without looking fricked up, so I'm open to suggestions

    • 8 months ago

      I suggest having it in half or maybe thirds to make the biggest caps for each

    • 8 months ago

      I personally have no opinion, just whatever is comfiest/most convenient for you
      Above all, I am honored that someone would go to the effort of screencapping the ramblings of a drunk writer about a psychotic madman

  68. 8 months ago

    I'm doing good if you wanted to know, I did a "short" and "quick" green, instead of writing my fics, I don't know why I did that to myself.
    I'm proof-reading now, I hope it's fun enough to read, if not, it goes to the box never to be seen again.

    • 8 months ago

      doing good, boots 2 is on a short break for the time being, class sucks ass but we had tacos today!

      • 8 months ago

        I haven't eated a taco in my life!
        You look happy so I'm happy for you Friend!

        Midterms were surprisingly decent for me, so I'm flying high
        Hope you're doing well, too

        I'm doing better than the morning Friend!

        I am doing well anon. Closing in on being all caught up on the backlog for the booru, might even resume work on actually writing my stuff once I'm done

        I hope I see your work Friend!
        (Resume your work on what? link please)

    • 8 months ago

      Midterms were surprisingly decent for me, so I'm flying high
      Hope you're doing well, too

    • 8 months ago

      I am doing well anon. Closing in on being all caught up on the backlog for the booru, might even resume work on actually writing my stuff once I'm done

    • 8 months ago

      Delightful SmileAnon, you are one of the highlights of my evening.
      Today went well, a bit frustrating in places but that always comes with new procedures at work I'm still familiarizing myself with.
      In the end there were no deadlines or valuable parts on the line so I spent a great deal of time learning with no significant time pressure.
      Starting to plan out the Phoenix overhaul, and I think I'll continue practicing drawing fabric and other details tonight, although I do intend to honor CynthiaAnon's request to lengthen her hair.

      • 8 months ago

        It's good to hear that you have a good day Friend!
        I'm excited to see your work!

        good to see you anon 🙂
        had a pretty bad day overall, had my dentist appointment rescheduled, and had a terrible (local) allergic reaction to some weird bullshit that bit me (bite is about the size of 3 quarters stacked on top of each other, plus a little)
        in a decent mood tonight though.
        still haven't drawn, but i plan to draw some more henry/goku shenanigans

        I hope you appointment got rescheduled in a good day.
        And I hope you feel better to the allergic reaction.
        But it's good that you maintain a good mood!
        I hope I see your drawing Friend!

    • 8 months ago

      good to see you anon 🙂
      had a pretty bad day overall, had my dentist appointment rescheduled, and had a terrible (local) allergic reaction to some weird bullshit that bit me (bite is about the size of 3 quarters stacked on top of each other, plus a little)
      in a decent mood tonight though.
      still haven't drawn, but i plan to draw some more henry/goku shenanigans

    • 8 months ago

      I've been procrastinating writing all day after my uni classes. Even to the point where I was doing a programming assignment over face the dread of the writer's block. I know the moment I do some writing I would feel better but I cant bring myself to do it.

      • 8 months ago

        It happens some times Friend!
        But the best you can do is just to force yourself to write, at least that works for me.

      • 8 months ago


        It happens some times Friend!
        But the best you can do is just to force yourself to write, at least that works for me.

        Yup followed my old classic method of just forcing myself to write. I wrote slightly less than the last chapter which is ANNOYING, but what can you do?
        Still taking a break from the Amy greens because Writers block. Ill take any suggestions anyone's got for that if anyone has any.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm going to read it.
          But it's okay Friend, waht can you do, you wrote which is something great if you had fun!
          Also, I don't, I'm not the best at suggestions.

  69. 8 months ago
  70. 8 months ago


    >The mirror reflects something unthinkable in this situation. Your body. Human as always. With that sight, every possible thought about the situation rushes through your head. Yet relief at your form being as it should is the first. You feel as if a gargantuan weight was removed from your chest. This confirms it, you’re either hallucinating or dreaming. The idea that your inhumanity was just your own mind screwing with you is nothing but calming. You don’t want to consider anything else, for that would just confuse you further. Surely, you couldn’t be one of these automotons? It’s all just a dream, and machines can’t dream or do anything of that nature. There’s no way you could be like that. Not one. This is just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Everything is fine.
    >The moment you finish that thought, as if without any warning, a mass of rainbow pixels engulfs your vision for a split second. The moment it clears, you fall backwards from shock and scramble towards the wall. You… That can’t be. It happened again. You’re seeing yourself as a Drone. Hesitating, you get on your feet and slowly walk up to the mirror. This is clearly a hallucination, but you feel the urge to look at what has happened to you anyways. You resemble one of those Worker Drones. Polymer skin. Metal tubing for arms. Glowing, digital eyes in the shapes of rings. A simple robotic face with no features outside of the eyes and the strange mouth. What’s weird is that it feels… Natural. Like you can breathe easier or stretch your legs or something of that nature. You felt all tensed up, but now you feel okay. You shrug, clearly it’s just a delusion. Something unreal. Therefore it shouldn’t bother you. Now, you need to continue focusing on finding a way out…
    His coping mechanism is failing BAD

    • 8 months ago

      Poor little guy just needs to find some copium before he truly goes off the rails
      As soon as I finish up with Henry I will get at least the story itself capped, still on the fence about including every single idea/suggestion made in the replies tho

      • 8 months ago

        suggestions that were used could be thrown in on the side of the image for a little foreshadowing (closer to the real experience)

        • 8 months ago

          That might actually work, given the amount of open side-space these caps usually end up with

        • 8 months ago

          Since we are at bump limit, figured I'd drop a status update on the caps. I still need to do one final pass on the past two threads, but I am pretty sure the only massive thing I have left is to finish the Human-to-Drone cap (about 1/3rd done, doing what said with ideas, notes & related comments on the right side). Once I get that wrapped up, it will just be a matter of uploading it all to the booru

          • 8 months ago

            >Doing God's work anon. We'd be lost without you

            • 8 months ago

              Don't know why I made that a green...
              But it got digits so its factual

  71. 8 months ago

    tfw a guy who's scared of disassembly drones and discovered what a presumably multi quintillion dollar company couldn't figure out to keep them at bay gets nearly as much hate as henry

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, at least only the drones want to kill UVAnon
      Henry has everyone gunning for his wretched ass

    • 8 months ago

      But it's the same trick research team 6 used
      As soon as something is touched by them it is tainted forever

      • 8 months ago

        funny enough only heard of research team 6 post mortem aka after henry

  72. 8 months ago

    Why is Cyn so naughty?

    • 8 months ago

      Her flesh demands invitation

      • 8 months ago

        I demand invitation to her

    • 8 months ago

      The Solver spends too much time on Cinemaphile.

  73. 8 months ago

    Does "Cyn" still exist physically anymore or is it just the Solver's tentacled form putting up some kind of illusion?

    • 8 months ago

      Episode 5 showed the Solver's limbs manipulating Cyn's body like a puppet, it's implied "Cyn" was completely consumed by the Absolute Solver and was being used as nothing but a marionnete to spread its influence in the Elliot Manor. We still don't know if there's a similar sort of situation to Liam Vickers' old story Design where the Left Hand - a sort of eldritch interdimensional parasite that functions very similarly to the Absolute Solver - would gradually kill its host, but upon death the now-corpse-being-puppeted-by-an-eldritch-entity retains some of the personality traits of the host. We just don't know yet.

      • 8 months ago

        yeah i knew that cyn was literally just a puppet for the solver, you can quite literally see and hear that fact with how she'd note of the actions she'd do and such

        • 8 months ago

          I like to think that Cyn at least still exists as a physical anchor for the Solver on the physical plane. Assuming that Tessa was correct when she said "Cyn dissapeared from Earth", it would appear that Solver is at least still using Cyn's name & identity

    • 8 months ago

      I like the idea that Cyn grew a sense of bitterness with how she was treated, and she remembers it after she was self-rebooted as a zombie drone. It might have taken some time for the Solver to take over her since she did have the same hair as Tessa, kind of implying Cyn might not have been insane at first and they were on friendly terms. But as the Solver slowly takes over her, she became less and less herself. I think the Solver still doesn't have that strong a presence in Copper 9's universe since it still requires hosts and it might have to abide having to work with/manipulate a host, can't do anything willy-nilly. Maybe it has taken over Cyn completely or it still needs Cyn's A.I. as kind of an anchor to the universe it's trying to get into. My thought is that she's still sort of there (but is being manipulated by the Solver), since we see in N's screen from the pilot, 'String Absolute Solver blocked by Administration Cyn'.

  74. 8 months ago




    "Shouldn't Prezbolewski have reported in by now?!" The shout came snarling from the Man's throat, above the wailing of the alarms and the grating, nauseatingly cheesy pop song.

    "Worry about us, not him!" Another skull helmeted mercenary barked, not turning to look away from his position.

    The squad's sergeant raised his service pistol, gripping it in both hands. "They're not responding! Take up positions! No matter what, it doesn't get through here!"

    A gunshot tore through the ambience, the accompanying bullet striking one of the mortal Men in the neck. He fell limp like a ragdoll made of pork, blood pouring from the tear in his neck like the gutted belly of a caught fish, ragged breathing mixed with wet choking whimpering that accompanied a darker red shade bubbling outward from the center of the wound. The other Men dove for cover, shooting at the spot within the darkness the light of the muzzle flash had flared.

    "IT'S HERE!" One screamed above the gunfire before a bullet pierced his heart and his suddenly lifeless corpse unceremoniously flopped to the ground, dead. The Men which still stood fired wildly into the darkness, seeking to pepper the whole abyss with bullets instead of futilely attempting to track the Disassembly Drone's tactical repositioning. A rocket fired from a nearby ventilation shaft into the side of one of the sandbag walls guarding the ship's Disassembly Bay threw those that did not die immediately into complete disarray, flesh scorched ash black like cooked meat, ears ringing, three of the Men rolling around and screaming incomprehensibly in pain on the hull deck after having been unfortunate enough to have received the full brunt of the rocket's shrapnel. Serial Designation N lunged forward, rapidly running across the ceiling and down onto the wall on all fours, pouncing past two of the Men who still stood with his claws outstretched, slitting their throats.

  75. 8 months ago
  76. 8 months ago

    I heard some music or ambient music that inspired me:

    Take this "one-shot" (I wrote more than I was able to control myself)

    >It's raining and you are under the rain in front of the house
    >You are lucky enough that you left your raincoat in the backseat of your car
    >The rain is light, light enough to smoke a cigarette
    >You are in luck, because a few hours ago was heavy and with thunder
    >You take a cigarette out, light it up, and smoke a bit while you wait
    >She hasn't arrived yet
    >For someone who is made for this job she takes her time

    >It takes some minutes but she arrives at the scene
    >She gets out of a car with some co-workers
    >She is wearing a raincoat too, even if she doesn't need it
    >She can't feel her, thin at the hips, carmine red long coat, to the calves, wet
    >She can't feel her authorized carmine red bun hairstyle wet
    >The civilian cheap copy of those Destruction Drones or whatever they call them walks to you
    >You hate working with Drones, a machine 'can't replace a person'
    >A machine 'can't feel emotions that help forget the traumas'
    >And you 'don't need the help of a machine'

    >"Hello Roulette, it looks like you are finding other ways" She said looking at your cigarette
    >"Hello Trigger, obnoxious as always" You reply back
    >"Wow, I always call you by how lucky you are, how is it for a change of pace and you don't call me by my only blunder" She didn't sound angry, she said it as a snarky remark
    >"Okay, I will call you scrap then" You said with a little smirk looking at her
    >She sighed "Trigger sounds better, let's go in" She said walking to the place
    >You put out your cigarette with the sole of your boot, it was almost over anyway


    • 8 months ago

      >Once you are inside you leave your raincoat near the entrance, she did the same, and when you look is the scene that they described
      >A man named 'Rodrigo Reyes', worked as a janitor at JCJ, age 37, slim figure, around 1'80 on the couch of his living room
      >No family alive, no friends
      >It was reported that a neighbor heard a gunshot; the man 'Rodrigo' had as bullet wound on the side of his head
      >Entry wound is on his left temple, a revolver on his left hand
      >The place is surprisingly clean, except for the empty bottles of hard liquor on the floor
      >Your co-workers think it has an easy explanation, suicide
      >The gun only has his fingerprints and there are no forced entries
      >But something doesn't look quite correct, maybe you just wanted to know why


      • 8 months ago

        >"Why are you looking at him so much? envying his success?" Trigger said, hitting you with her elbow in a playful manner
        >You were gonna say that you are just doing your work; but... "Kinda, you will feel *lucky* if I was there?"
        >She looks like she's about to say something, but at the last second she decides to say something else "Yeah right, I *need you* so I can work"
        >She really needs you, by how the law works they can't be unsupervised
        >And you are her supervisor, but if you die someone else takes your place
        >She always wants to work on the field and you... respected her for that, even if she was only a machine
        >"Look at that" She said pointing at the wall, you saw nothing special, maybe it's because it's dark inside and the lights don't work even tho there is electricity
        >"What am I suposse to see?" You asked her, and she answered "Look closer, let me shine some light"
        >She said taking out a flashlight and pointing it at the wall, it was hard to see but you could see some dust
        >"I see what you mean..." Thanks to the dust it looked like something was there, and was recently removed
        >Probably a picture, there were some hung on the walls, the man with people, family maybe, always everyone posing
        >"Nice work Trigger" You said petting her hair, even if you hated it, positive reinforcement it's always good
        >She hits your hand away, not even looking at you, you just chuckle at this


        • 8 months ago

          >Now you could say something weird is happening, you put on your black nitrile gloves and start to look around
          >You tell Trigger to follow you around the place
          >You open stuff around the living room, the same with the bathroom, the same with the kitchen—
          >One of the kitchen cupboards was stuck, you tried your best to open it by sheer force, but you can't, even giving it your all
          >You think of bringing a crowbar to open this, but why when you got a Drone behind you
          >"Hey Trigger, be useful and open this" You asked with a smug smile "You... Just move out of the way" She knew it was better to ignore your teasing
          >She opens it in one go "There you go strongman" The smug in your smile disappears, you thought that at least it was gonna take her 3 tries
          >Inside of the cupboard was some random junk, except for a picture
          >The man, in a shooting range with his family, looked like he was teaching a woman how to shoot by shooting first
          >You looked at the picture for some seconds, then you focus on his hands, he was aiming with his right hand while gesticulating with the other
          >You couldn't assume anything, but this could mean that he was right-handed, not left-handed


          • 8 months ago

            >"You know what I think Trigger?" You asked, to answer yourself "He was killed using the thunders from before, the killer missed the timing and in a panic, the killer staged it to look like a suicide"
            >She knows how you think, you can't do that anymore and you know it, but forget at the moment
            >"Yeah... That, exactly..." You said in a defeated tone "Now we need to know how there was no forced entry" Trigger takes a picture with her internal camera before you bag the picture as evidence
            >When your co-workers got here every way to get in was locked, doors and windows
            >"Maybe the murderer was someone he knew" Trigger said, you believed that too
            >"But I think he had a key, he got in when he was blackout drunk" Maybe he had a key to the place somehow, planned to kill him with the thunder, but why?
            >"He had no family, no friends, nobody hated him and his co-workers said that he never talked to anyone" She said trying to think of who could be
            >"We need to search more..." You started to walk to the bedroom and guest bedroom, the only rooms you haven't seen
            >The bedroom had nothing interesting, even looking under the bed there was nothing, clean
            >The guest bedroom, nothing at first glance but when you look under the bed from the side you can see something, not under the bed but under the nightstand
            >It was small and you almost missed it but there was something there
            >You moved the nightstand with the help of Trigger to move it slowly
            >You look at the floor and what you saw, and it was a button for a shirt
            >It was not all bad, because when you looked at the wall you saw a stain on the wall
            >It looked dry, it was black, a black stain, maybe it was old blood? No, it was *too* black and it didn't look like a regular blood stain
            >"It's oil" Trigger sounded sure of it "I know how old dry oil looks"


            • 8 months ago

              >You looked at it for a moment and tried to visualize a scene
              >A drunk man hitting a Drone
              >You move trying to recreate the scene in your mind, maybe with something heavy he hit a Drone damaging it and spiling oil
              >You look at Trigger, you know what she was doing, she was trying to recreate the scene too
              >"I got it, the drunk man hit the Drone with the revolver, maybe not today, I know a way and the strength required to spill oil like that, I can create a simulation later" She was good at this, you could have done it, but she could do more details
              >"One problem, the report didn't say a thing about a Drone" That was true, but you had an idea "What if he stole it, he worked as a janitor at JCJ"
              >Maybe he knows when he could just take one when the security is not gonna see him
              >"I will request information from JCJ later, ask about stolen property if not security video and number of Drones that were manufactured and sold" She is useful, a useful *machine* and you need to keep reminding yourself of that
              >You hoped that JCJ would cooperate in this investigation
              >Let's create a theory now
              >Man steals Drone who knows how long ago, he treats the drone badly, the drone takes revenge by killing him, murder goes wrong and he stages it to mke it look a suicide, runs away
              >There is one problem


              • 8 months ago

                >"If the Drone killed him he broke the hard-coded laws" Trigger said and you know it, but this was not impossible
                >"It has happened 2 times in the last decade, it can happen" You reply, maybe this is going to be the third case of the decade
                >"It makes sense, but it's more possible that maybe someone who knew the victim closely entered with a key and killed him and kidnapped the Drone" That was a possibility too, but he didn't have family or friends, and nobody hated him
                >Nobody except the Drone probably, this was going to get complicated, you believe it had to be a Drone, but there are still some other possibilities
                >This was going to be a long case, but it was better to report what you knew now, take a break
                >You pet Trigger's hair, you can see her blush a little and hit your hand again
                >"You did good today" You said laughing a little "I always do good, *Roulette*" she looked upset, but not seriously
                >"Let's do a report, take a break" You started to leave the house "You are a lazy person" You knew that
                >"I'm going to write on the report that I basically did everything" Wait a moment, that is not true, not much, and that can affect your pay
                >"Wait a second, I will write the report" You don't like it when someone affects your pay in a bad way
                >"I can write faster than you, and deliver my report faster than you! Ha-ha!" She laughed, she was teasing you
                >She will not do that... No, she definitely will, and it will affect your pay. God, you hate Drone


              • 8 months ago

                I hope it's fun to read.

              • 8 months ago

                It really like it, good work anon. Couldn't help but picture the drone like Mmi sentry drone from last thread because of the red hair tho

  77. 8 months ago

    >Harper when asked about Henry:


  78. 8 months ago

    I want to dip my fingers in oil and have N lick it off. Not even in a sexual way, I just want to feel his tongue tickle my fingers while I give him headpats with my other hand.

  79. 8 months ago




    It really like it, good work anon. Couldn't help but picture the drone like Mmi sentry drone from last thread because of the red hair tho

    Not gonna lie, for a second I did the same, but I was able to snap out of that thought.
    And thanks!

  80. 8 months ago

    N x Cyn art fricking disgusts me, please stop andy-and-leyley-ing N and Cyn

    • 8 months ago

      they're drones they don't have genes or stuff so who cares, plus cyn was adopted so rip puritan bozo

    • 8 months ago

      You can’t stop me homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      I'd rather see Cyn x V, Cyn x J or even Cyn x Louisa.

  81. 8 months ago

    I was bored and checking the search recommendations for Murder Drones, as it turns has breached the thread.

    • 8 months ago

      The autism knows no bounds

  82. 8 months ago

    No more time to get anything done tonight, but hopefully CynthiAnon sees this.
    Update to the Cynthia WIP, second pass sketch and I lengthened her hair a little bit. For now I chose a veeery pale blue for her display color, just so I could see the detail of her eyes a little better, I can change it easily to the default pure white in post in about ten seconds.
    Anyways have a good night, and don't forget, I am always watching!

    • 8 months ago

      Built for snuggling

  83. 8 months ago

    hair on the head, weird but okay
    hair in the crotch, no thanks

    • 8 months ago

      would having naniyes in their hair be the equivalent to having lice? or crabs?

  84. 8 months ago

    to the artgays here, can any of you draw nori as oppenheimer

    • 8 months ago

      >Nori as Oppenheimer
      That would be the bomb, honestly

      • 8 months ago

        while most see her as generic le evil, I kinda see her as someone who tried to unlock the solver's secrets for good only to end up possessed and dooming the world, plagued by visions of the future destruction she allowed to happen

        Captcha: 2VXJ T

    • 8 months ago

      I am become Solver. Destroyer of worlds.

      • 8 months ago

        she CAN perform this miracle

        • 8 months ago

          you are the drone who gave them the power to destroy themselves, and the world is not prepared

  85. 8 months ago

    Not every day you wake up a demon

    • 8 months ago

      >drone booba

    • 8 months ago

      Oh my god

    • 8 months ago

      Can't wait for DD!Emily to sexually assault Anon. I don't care if the green doesn't have Anon, I WANT FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!

    • 8 months ago

      I should point out this is the older model, when I use her again it will be with the newer version.

    • 8 months ago

      Damn, Emily sure got a glowup!
      I like this new trend of lewds ending out the threads

  86. 8 months ago

    Friends are kinda quiet now.
    I hope you all are sleep well.
    If you are going to sleep I mean.

  87. 8 months ago

    I wonder... If they were able to drink, what would they drink?

  88. 8 months ago

    >DD!V convinces WD!V to make her move on WD!N
    >She even trains her past self how to be more confident & bold (among a few other things)
    >WD!V takes action as soon as she gets back to her timeline

    >WD!V mutates into a fleshy Solver Drone just to ravage N in the kinkiest ways imaginable

  89. 8 months ago

    Last for J getting corrected

  90. 8 months ago

    Last for chill V.

  91. 8 months ago

    Total Cyn defeat

    • 8 months ago

      Total Cyn marriage

  92. 8 months ago

    Last for Henry getting fricking annihilated

    • 8 months ago

      Last for Henry getting tortured

    • 8 months ago

      last for henry getting recruited

  93. 8 months ago

    Last for kissing the Solver of the Absolute fabric

  94. 8 months ago

    Last for marrying V!

  95. 8 months ago

    Last for Alice

    • 8 months ago


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