Name movies that were hyped and praised, then disappeared from consciousness

Name movies that were hyped and praised, then disappeared from consciousness

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      This was the last movie my grandfather ever saw, and he walked out of it with his wife. He was born in 1913.

      • 11 months ago

        What’s he doing these days

    • 11 months ago

      It is like a cult movie now?!?

      • 11 months ago

        It is?

  2. 11 months ago

    Slampoo Millionaire.
    actually every oscar "winner" of the past 20 years. shows you how worthless it has become.

    • 11 months ago

      >every oscar "winner" of the past 20 years
      People still talk about LOTR, The Departed, NCFOM, Birdman and Parasite

      • 11 months ago

        >People still talk about LOTR, The Departed, NCFOM, Birdman and Parasite
        lol, ok buddy. by "people" you mean Reddit.

        • 11 months ago

          There was Birdman thread few days ago

        • 11 months ago

          Reddit hasn't been relevant for half a decade and the only people who bring it up are election tourists trying to fit in

      • 11 months ago

        >Birdman and Parasite
        tried to sneak those in did you?

      • 11 months ago

        LOTR and NCFOM ok
        Birdman is completely forgotten and thank God because the "long take" thing is a huge meme
        Parasite was the first non English spoken one to ever win so it will always be remembered for that i think

        • 11 months ago

          If you cut all the pretentious arthouse guff out of birdman you'd have a really solid slightly weird backstage farce

        • 11 months ago

          >Parasite was the first non English spoken one to ever win
          wat, plenty of non English movies won oscars before that

          • 11 months ago

            It was the first purely non-English language film to win Best Picture.

  3. 11 months ago

    Every Oscar winner ever

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Imagine knowing nothing about this film except this poster and then watching it. Based.

      • 11 months ago

        >William Wylerberg
        >lose your hands for Israel, goy

  4. 11 months ago


  5. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      This was one of the few cases where I think a movie was in fact shilled here. It was probably not the studio but people who worked in it, there were gushing threads and very defensive replies whenever its flaws were brought up

      • 11 months ago

        Sounds like Barbie.

        • 11 months ago

          Barbie seems to be obviously shit but Prey was hyped here in a sense that went geyond the studio's attempts

  6. 11 months ago
  7. 11 months ago

    This piece of shit got nominated for an Oscar kek

    • 11 months ago

      Great & based movie. Movies about white people acting like homies are the best. Gangs of New York. Great.

      • 11 months ago

        You must be trolling

    • 11 months ago

      It's fine but one of Scorsese's weakest

    • 11 months ago

      >working class rebellion against the civil war draft is portrayed as heroic and defiant
      >lynches a few Black folk along the way
      dangerously based

  8. 11 months ago

    >eight-minute standing ovation and won the Palme d'Or.

    • 11 months ago

      Palme d'Or movies are rarely super famous, it's a European arthouse festival.
      Saying that, this was the best movie out of the three satire films that came out last year.
      Triangle > Glass Onion > The Menu
      but Ostlund has became way too safe, he'll never make something like Play again most likely, his early work is in general better than Force Majeure onwards

      • 11 months ago

        Glass Onion was pure shit and Menu mogs it in every way imaginable (which is not saying much)

        • 11 months ago

          I hated The Menu. Glass Onion at least had some sort of a visual style and the pacing was actually good. I thought the way the flashback looped onto itself was neat.
          The Menu had nothing of interest to me. Glass Onion characters were cardboard cutouts, but almost every character in The Menu wasn't even a character. Like they were even more uninteresting and underdeveloped than anyone in Glass Onion.
          The ending of The Menu is also utterly embarrassing, imagine ripping off Ari Aster of all things and so shamelessly.

    • 11 months ago

      Its success was restricted and deserved, it's still talked about because many people mistake it for a "le rich bad" movie and it's much more nuanced than that

      • 11 months ago

        It's the most on the nose "rich people bad" you can get. It could be something else in addition but it's definitely that.

  9. 11 months ago

    this won three oscars (including best picture) and a bunch of other awards
    90+% on rt critic and audience score
    8.0 150k votes on imdb,


    • 11 months ago

      this was such a generic melodrama
      it's a remake too lol
      Licorice Pizza should've won or at least Drive My Car (tho if it won it would've been viewed as an attempt to replicate Parasite success even if the movies are not similar in any way aside from both being asian).

    • 11 months ago

      I think a big reason why it won was it was a feel-good film and got hot at the right moment when the frontrunner before it ("The Power of the Dog") was always shaky as a frontrunner given it was clearly a film for critics to jerk off to while casual movie goers weren't fans of it (I think it had a 6.9 on imdb when it was still an Oscar front-runner - that is awful). If a better film was the frontrunner at the time chances are CODA may have only won Best Supporting Actor and/or Best Screenplay.

    • 11 months ago

      never heard of it.

    • 11 months ago

      No one ever even heard of this and the usual pitiful momentum oscar winners normally get was completely stolen by Will Slap.

      • 11 months ago

        It probably felt very awkward being some small time movie makers winning best picture when the focus of the night turned into rich millionaire drama.

    • 11 months ago

      Emilia Jones was one of the main characters in ‘Locke & Key’, so I remember her for that, and this in association.

    • 11 months ago

      >this won over Licorice Pizza
      I genuinely hope the Oscars die. I hope it's never aired again. It's worthless. God, what a gay fake meaningless nothing.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Only know of it because of Ludovico Peluche being in it.

  10. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Why do I feel like this only won Best pic and director because it was directed by a woman? Same reason Power of the Dog still managed to win Best Director while losing everything else.

      • 11 months ago

        It wasn't the only movie directed by a woman in nominations, there was also Promising Young Woman. And that had a feminist theme plus a troony on secondary roles.
        Also most other nominations were terrible. The only other two I liked were Minari and The Father. I think The Father should've won, but Nomadland is probably second best from all nominated so I wasn't pissed. Minari is also good but the more grounded approach of Nomadland was more interesting than a relatively standard melodrama of Minari.

      • 11 months ago

        It was a chinese woman, specifically, who later went on to the direct the blunder The Eternals. A better theory has it that Disney bought her the awards so they could say "hey look the MCU has a critically acclaimed director".

        • 11 months ago

          The issue with Eternals is not the directing, it's actually one of the better Marvel films in terms of visuals.
          The issue is the writing and Marvel has it's own writing team. I don't think the directors are even allowed to make up action scenes, everything is made by a committee.

    • 11 months ago

      >the father
      >judas and the black messiah
      >promising young woman
      >sound of metal
      >the trial of the chicago 7
      hollywood went full moron that year, holy shit

      • 11 months ago

        In their defense it was Covid year, though I imagine most of these movies were done filming when Covid started to hit. Even so - yeah its BAD.

      • 11 months ago

        Mank and Sound of Metal weren't terrible but if they came out almost any other year they would not be nominated. God that year sucked.

    • 11 months ago

      what a shitty movie only fitting only to promote cheap labour to Amazon, her previous movie about rodeo riders was better

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >emaciated dyke eats dog food out of can in bullet trailer
      >"I made this mystical dildo out of clay. It really connects me to mother Earth."
      >"Wake Up" by Arcade Fire plays
      >Dude we are just like a speck of dust in the cosmos woah...
      >No yeah I really enjoy my life being a butch lesbian diving into Miss Buzzcut's rotpocket
      >"Wake Up" by Arcade Fire plays again
      >Dude, like... love is the most powerful force on Earth...
      >80 IQ desert rats rambling on about fricking nothing
      >Navajo alcoholic morons so fat they look Chinese
      >"This tattoo I got of Mickey Mouse is very important to me. The ears represent the two sides of the moon, both dark in this case..."
      >Being homeless is like a fun adventure you guys!
      >record scratch
      >Did someone say "adventure?"
      >"Wake Up" plays again
      >credits roll


      • 11 months ago

        not really accurate, maybe one third of it is, or even less

      • 11 months ago

        just say "i didnt watch the movie and am a brainlet" next time.

    • 11 months ago

      they got the woman that made this fricking muted color, down beat, quite movie about being alone to make a fricking marvel movie. what the frick were they fricking thinking. Duuuude, wut if we got Sofia Coppala to make a horror movie! Duuude, lets get Sam Rami to make a romcom!

  11. 11 months ago

    Most Oscar baits basically.

    • 11 months ago

      >spending 20 years to bait for an Oscar
      Doubt it. I think this movie is genuine, it's just that Linklater couldn't really find enough ideas to make the film interesting artistically, the gimmick is purely technical.

  12. 11 months ago

    Oscar and critic favorites always seem to live in some other stream of film. The stuff that really resonates with people and stands the test of time is almost always written off as lowbrow, at least at first. Sometimes the Oscar tier stuff is great, but it's like the difference between Rocky and Raging Bull.

    • 11 months ago

      >it's like the difference between Rocky and Raging Bull
      Both of those are considered classics though

    • 11 months ago

      This is nonsense because Oscar has historically been either poptimist or simply extremely safe. Only fairly recently it tried to diverge but failed at that too. That's why CODA won won in 2021 and EEAAO last year. Because they're going back to extremely safe choices. They need that because Oscars is a show first and celebration of cinema as an artform....well not even second at this point. They barely care.
      And the stuff you're describing only matters if you really interested in cinema as art on a surface level.

      • 11 months ago

        >They need that because Oscars is a show first and celebration of cinema as an artform....well not even second at this point.

        Yeah I'd say they care more about "representation" and "politics" of a film now before its quality as legitimate art as well.

        I do wonder what the final straw to break the camel's back will be - if there is even one. I felt like the diversity requirements got more blowback from actors than I expected, but even that doesn't seem like enough.

        I feel like the Oscars need to do something insanely blatant to finally cause the dam to break, but I'm not sure what that is going to be.

      • 11 months ago

        It hasn't been that in line with the populace since at least the early 70s.
        Take the 80s.
        >Terms of Endearment
        >Last Emperor
        >Ordinary People
        >Chariots of Fire
        >Out of Africa
        Nobody gives a shit about any of this now.

        • 11 months ago

          Terms of Endearment I feel still has a bit of a legacy. Not much but something... though Brooks winning Best Director over Bergman is a crime.

          Last Emperor - visually beautiful film with an absolutely bland as hell storyline. Its such a shame since Bertolini directs it splendidly but... frick the story is boring.

          Gandhi - At least its still shown in high school history classes and Kingsley's performance is iconic.

          Ordinary People - Fantastic film even if it shouldn't have won over Raging Bull. But yeah, no one really remembers it.

          Chariots of Fire - Shit film. Terrible winner. I can't believe people actually love this movie

          Out of Africa - Kind of like Last Emperor in that its visually beautiful, but story-wise boring and forgettable as hell. Pollack winning Best Director over Kurosawa is nauseating.

        • 11 months ago

          Also I feel the Academy was a BIT better in the 90s in picking films that, even if they were't the "right" choice historically - are still really well liked and remembered films. Stuff like Forrest Gump, Braveheart, and Titanic may not be seen as the "nuanced" or "correct" winners historically but they are still well remembered and popular with general audiences.

          What best picture winner from the last 15 years is well-remembered by general audiences? That's the problem. They pick winners that only critics rave over and even then those same critics generally only rave over films based on the politics of it instead of the actual film/story/directing quality.

          • 11 months ago

            >in the last 15 years
            I thought that was earlier, but that would be since 2008. Yeah not much. Basically The Hurt Locker is somewhat remembered and Parasite too (no matter how much Cinemaphile pretends as if it's somehow forgotten).

            >the father
            >judas and the black messiah
            >promising young woman
            >sound of metal
            >the trial of the chicago 7
            hollywood went full moron that year, holy shit

            Judas and The Black Messiah was really bad. Just such a flat movie. Spike Lee gets shit nowadays, but even modern Spike Lee could've done the material at least some justice. Early Spike Lee on the other hand could've made it into a major kino.
            Mank was atrocious. I was baffled, it was basically incompetent. Hopefully Fincher hasn't lost it and that it was just a series of unfortunate events that caused it to be so bad. Covid plus Netflix maybe giving him shit and making production difficult. The Killer is also Netflix tho, so I am wary.
            The Father was very good actually. Minari was an okay melodrama. Nomadland gets shit but it is also a decent film. Sound of Metal I think is okay but it feels like they could've done more with the material.

            I feel Moonlight is better visually and directed (even if a lot of the look of the film is inspired/ripped off from Wong Kar-Wai if I recall) but story-wise I liked Boyhood more. Maybe because I could relate to it more? I also did like some of the dialogue, though yeah - I still think another movie should've won BP in 2014 too (though I prefer Whiplash or Grand budapest Hotel)

            Manchester By The Sea is a weird thing for me because I did not like it when I first watched it, but on a repeat viewing, I found myself to respect it a lot more and see its worth. I don't know if I love it like a lot of other people do, but its at least a solid film. Honestly if I had a choice of any film from 2016 I think Silence, Your Name (yeah I know, I'm a weeb), or The Handmaiden would've been the best winners.

            The Handmaiden was very good.
            I don't get what people see in Shinkai. His style is extremely unappealing. It's overdetailed, the lighting is overblown. He is just a graphomaniac. Myazaki is overblown but tastefully so. He knows his drawings. Shinkai is like front page deviantart anime art that's like super flashy and in the end tasteless.

            • 11 months ago

              Re:Shinkai - I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. Call me a weeb or a pleb but I find the little work I've seen from him beautiful. Then again I generally like Japanese animation over American these days. Just different tastes I reckon.
              As I said earlier I still think there's a slim chance Miyazaki beats Spiderverse this year, and an even slimmer chance he lands noms for Best Pic and Director.

        • 11 months ago

          Only in the sense that it's the kind of picture that isn't made anymore. These big historical epics shot on location with hundreds of extras.
          These kids basically only exist now as faded memories in the minds of movie goes by this point, a muscle that has all but atrophied.

    • 11 months ago

      Depends on the era. Gone With The Wind was always considered a classic by everyone until millennials decided to cancel it for having a black actress playing a maid.

      • 11 months ago

        Which is ironic since it helped said black actress become the first black actor/actress to win an Academy Award.

      • 11 months ago

        Which is ironic since it helped said black actress become the first black actor/actress to win an Academy Award.

        Funniest shit is that they behave just like the Yankees in the book
        >glorious liberators, high on the smell of their own farts
        >“oh no I don’t want one of them, I want a good Irish girl”

  13. 11 months ago

    Best picture winners are always political and it's annoying

    • 11 months ago

      That movie is such shit.

    • 11 months ago

      i remember Avatar had no chance to win in that year but they are both good movies and made by two people who had sex at some point

    • 11 months ago

      Hurt Locker is decent and it beat Avatar, which thank frick for that

    • 11 months ago

      That was a decent movie.

    • 11 months ago

      This won and not Inception
      i will always be mad

      • 11 months ago


  14. 11 months ago

    Everything Everywhere became an embarrassment the academy will never recover from

    • 11 months ago

      Idk i feel they keep digging deeper and deeper
      In 2018 they gave Best Pic to a movie where a woman fricks a fish-man.
      Last year an ADHD TikTok Rick and Morty episode won.

      I bet Barbie wins this year - as disgusted as I am saying it. And that'll be a new low. But they'll top it somehow.
      Probably a movie with a pedophile protagonist will win in the next few years.

      • 11 months ago

        Is there a chance Oppenheimer wins?

        • 11 months ago

          I hope so, or at least Best Director.

          But it's chances are hurt b/c it isn't having forced diversity for the sake of pandering to award voters.

          That said, if it does well in China and keeps having legs and somehow, miraculously, crosses $1 billion, that might help jettison it.

        • 11 months ago

          It's gonna get the nomination at least.
          I think Barbie has a huge chance of winning tho because it was both a massive hit in the box office and generally with audiences AND it has political stuff in it.

          • 11 months ago

            >I think Barbie has a huge chance of winning tho because it was both a massive hit in the box office and generally with audiences AND it has political stuff in it.

            I can see this happening, and if it does it might be the most short-sighted, laughable, but predictable decision for the Academy.

            Jesus Christ that this is even a possibility...

            • 11 months ago

              It will be predictable. But also when they try to diverge from predictable choices instead of usual poptimism or a compromise it harms the movie.
              Moonlight was very much not a mainstream oriented drama, especially with it's themes. It only did the movie more harm that it got so much attention. At least with Nomadland it's themes were somewhat universal. Poor people and stuff.

              It hasn't been that in line with the populace since at least the early 70s.
              Take the 80s.
              >Terms of Endearment
              >Last Emperor
              >Ordinary People
              >Chariots of Fire
              >Out of Africa
              Nobody gives a shit about any of this now.

              It's either in line or at least a choice that isn't provocative. Normies won't seethe because a regular Hollywood drama like Ghandi won an Oscar. Moonlight or Nomadland on the other hand are formally relatively unusual for Hollywood standards, and Moonlight had a theme that's technically politically in line, but also controversial because black themselves are quite homophobic.

              • 11 months ago

                Moonlight was okay, but I still feel it was a very weak winner that only won b/c the Academy wanted to shed its "Oscar so white" stigma - and what kind of movie is better for that than a movie that is essentially "Boyhood" except about a poor, gay black kid.

                I also wouldn't put it past the Academy to rig the voting results to get it to beat La La Land + have the "mix up" as a symbolic move to show how the Academy was shifting "with the times" to embrace more SJW-tier films (LLL won the BAFTA, Globes, Critics Choice, PGA, and DGA if I recall - astounding for it to win all that than lost Best Pic). After all - I feel the Academy's obsession with race got REALLY bad after the 2016-17 Oscars. As if they wanted to make a statement.

              • 11 months ago

                Moonlight is honestly better than Boyhood.
                It's more visually interesting, and even if yeah, gay Black person lol funny, but that's more interesting than the most generic coming of age story that Boyhood had.
                I don't think it was actually a rig with La La Land. That would be giving them too much credit. Oscar has been extremely sloppy even as a show lately. I think it was a genuine frick up which makes it much more embarrassing.
                Now what should have won that year is Manchester by the Sea. But Moonlight isn't that terrible of a choice, just the way it was done is cringe and it's not good optics in general.

              • 11 months ago

                I feel Moonlight is better visually and directed (even if a lot of the look of the film is inspired/ripped off from Wong Kar-Wai if I recall) but story-wise I liked Boyhood more. Maybe because I could relate to it more? I also did like some of the dialogue, though yeah - I still think another movie should've won BP in 2014 too (though I prefer Whiplash or Grand budapest Hotel)

                Manchester By The Sea is a weird thing for me because I did not like it when I first watched it, but on a repeat viewing, I found myself to respect it a lot more and see its worth. I don't know if I love it like a lot of other people do, but its at least a solid film. Honestly if I had a choice of any film from 2016 I think Silence, Your Name (yeah I know, I'm a weeb), or The Handmaiden would've been the best winners.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's either in line or at least a choice that isn't provocative.
                Fair enough. They're safe, I guess. But when you talk to the average film fanatic anon about great kino in the 80s, it's a whole different story. It's Robocop and Princess Bride and Heathers and Return of the Living Dead.
                I don't know what's current that will be remembered 30 years from now, but it won't be any of the Oscar winners, for sure.

        • 11 months ago

          Depends if the Academy is only biased towards Koreans right now or if they would snub if to make nips happy. They also keep snubbing anime movies in the best picture category over actual garbage.

          • 11 months ago

            Shinkai sucks so I am glad he never got anything.
            This year it's most likely Spider Man 2. Elemental has mixed reviews, and Disney's Wish looks like shit even in terms of animation quality,

            • 11 months ago

              I think there's an outside chance Miyazaki's film takes it. I also think there's an outside chance, if it gets good reviews, it gets nominated for Best Picture and Director if for no other reason than to honor the guy - especially since this actually may be his last film.

      • 11 months ago

        >In 2018 they gave Best Pic to a movie where a woman fricks a fish-man.
        In 1970 they gave it to a movie where a homeless man fricks a homeless man, in 2017 they gave it to a movie where a black Black personman fricks a black Black personman.
        Far more egregious to my eye.

    • 11 months ago

      It's just a sign that the academy now caters to the Marvelized zeitgeist

      Everything must be flashy, with the illusion of depth -- unfunny jokes, physical comedy done better in other movies, and puddle deep musings about the nature of the universe and nihilism (muh everything bagel)


  15. 11 months ago

    R R R

  16. 11 months ago

    In retrospect did Annie Hall deserve to win over Star Wars?

  17. 11 months ago

    I asked this before, but I often consider doing threads where its like "ITT: We pretend its Oscar night, the year XXXX" and we banter about the nominees.

    Could be fun to shitpost like that but also get insight on what films people view as legitimate winners/nominees vs. snubs, etc.

    • 11 months ago

      I remember being completely captivated for every second of this movie and then having zero desire to rewatch it once it was over.

      that could be fun

      • 11 months ago

        The Artist is definitely a very well-made film. I remember really liking it.
        It just makes for a forgettable BP winner. Not sure why. It just doesn't have that staying power. It also doesn't help that so many movies about Hollywood (especially the intro of talkies/"golden age") dilute the waters and make it feel less significant.

        • 11 months ago

          is it possible it was just too emotionally heavy for the average viewer to want to watch it again? i think that's why i never rewatched it. or knowing the ending makes it impossible to feel anything while watching? maybe it's a once a decade or less watch.

          • 11 months ago

            Maybe? I felt it was just, story wise, kind of generic. Not bad at all and still a damn good film but not one I feel the need to watch a lot.

            That said it is definitely on my "to rewatch" list.

            • 11 months ago

              I was trying to get into acting, had recently been dumped, and was having suicidal urges when I watched it, so maybe was the target audience lol

  18. 11 months ago

    >most heavily awarded film of all time
    I haven't heard or seen a single person mention this more than a month or two after its oscars

    • 11 months ago

      >be ADHD Rick and Morty episode
      >main conflict is lesbian daughter having a hissy fit
      >hot dog fingers lmao so quirky
      >jumping on a butt-plug-shaped trophy to access another universe

      I enjoyed the movie alright. It has its moments (though i feel it lost the plot in the last half - it feels like such a mess) but still... how the frick does this kind of thing win 7 Oscars?

    • 11 months ago

      it's not even that bad, but they hype was way overblown
      their best movie is actually The Death of Dick Long (i think only one of the pair made it tho)

      • 11 months ago

        What is it with these directors and their fetish for gross/weird shit?

        >movie about farting corpse
        >movie about man dying from getting fricked by horse
        >movie with fights involving dildos and jumping on butt-plugs to engage in inter-dimensional travel

        • 11 months ago

          Extremely perverted people don't even know themselves why they're that way. They blocked that part of their memory and just live out a broken psyche thinking it was all of their own will.

        • 11 months ago

          the Death of Dick Long is inspired by Mr. Hands I guess
          it's a funny movie

  19. 11 months ago

    Where did Roger Dupré (?) go after he won the oscar?

  20. 11 months ago

    This guy won multiple Grammys and was considered as the most important celeb for years and years.
    Then for some reason, he disappeared and was memory-holed.

    • 11 months ago

      Because he went full /misc/ schizo and named the israelites

      • 11 months ago

        >he went full /misc/ schizo
        typical pilpol reverse blame tactic

    • 11 months ago

      His last album was literally unfinished and only came out on some gimmicky music player

  21. 11 months ago

    Has anyone said Shakespeare in Love? Frick that movie.

    • 11 months ago

      There are films that are considered bad BP choices given the competition they faced - but would have been okay/decent winners in another year.
      Movies like Ordinary People and Dances With Wolves fit that bill. Good to very good films that just get unfairly maligned due to beating better movies.

      Shakespeare in Love is not that. It's a light, fluffy, forgettable romantic comedy that is one of the most blandly shot best picture winners of all time. If it wasn't about Shakespeare and didn't have Weinstein pushing it - it would have at best landed Best Costume Design and Best Art Direction nominations. The film winning any year would be a joke. It's just even worse because it best out legitimately great movies (Saving Private Ryan, Thin Red Line).
      Hell - there was even a better costume Elizabethan period film in the same category in "Elizabeth".

      • 11 months ago

        Black person that's not how you use hyphens

  22. 11 months ago

    Most Best Picture winners are forgotten the night after they win their award.

  23. 11 months ago

    its typical hollywood mastrubation material. like La La Land. Movies depicting the underbelly of hollywood usually dont do well for the same reason

  24. 11 months ago

    Pic not related because it is universally considered the worst best picture winner of all time

    • 11 months ago

      I personally need to rewatch Brokeback Mountain but when I saw it years ago, I thought it was well made but overrated due to the gay romance angle.

      Despite this - I still would pick it to beat Crash every day and twice on Sunday. Crash winning is arguably the worst decision the Oscars have ever made. Even the bad BP winners of the late 20's/early 1930's can be excused as Hollywood adjusting to a new medium (sound). There was NO excuse to pick Crash.
      Hell, if they wanted a non-gay movie to win they could've voted for one of the other nominees and I'm sure there wouldn't have been AS much vitriol.

    • 11 months ago

      it's an okay movie. not great, not terrible
      I never think it was universally hate before it became a meme basically

  25. 11 months ago

    I'm not even convinced this movie wasn't just a daydream I had because for about one month it seemed to be advertised for a billion Oscar considerations and then it vanished from public thought

    • 11 months ago

      I was convinced before it came out that it would win Best Pic b/c O'Russell was on a roll and had just released Silver Linings Playbook the year before.

      Despite good reviews it was overall a fairly underwhelming film. It also didn't help that O'Russell was clearly ripping off/paying homage to Scorsese (and Scorsese himself had a movie nominated that year that was much better than American Hustle was).

      The result - it got 10 nominations and zero wins. Then promptly vanished into thin air to the point where literally nobody seems to remember it.

      Also O'Russell's career has been tanking since this movie came out.

      • 11 months ago

        Whatever the frick happened?
        after American Hustle he got attached to some atrocious comedy project
        then tried to return with Amsterdam which is absolute shit
        he suddenly became incompetent
        not to mention him being fricked in the head pervert who grouped his troony nephew

    • 11 months ago

      American Hustle wasn’t very good.
      Some of the acting was, but the movie was boring shit, with bad writing and bad directing.

  26. 11 months ago

    The 10 Most Acclaimed Films of the 21st Century
    1. IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE Wong Kar-wai
    2. MULHOLLAND DR. David Lynch
    3. YI YI Edward Yang
    4. SPIRITED AWAY Hayao Miyazaki
    5. THERE WILL BE BLOOD Paul Thomas Anderson
    6. TROPICAL MALADY Apichatpong Weerasethakul
    7. PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE Céline Sciamma
    8. THE TREE OF LIFE Terrence Malick
    9. MOONLIGHT Barry Jenkins
    10. THE GLEANERS & I Agnès Varda

    Eh, feminists and non-whites ruined the list.

    • 11 months ago

      Is this just your list?

      • 11 months ago

        Haven't seen Portrait of a Lady on Fire yet.

        Moonlight though.... no way I'd put it top 10.

        Tropical Malady is a strange case... Weerasethukul's films are relaxing as hell but they are also really hard to get into. I do kind of like his work though and this one is a solid film. Weird but solid.

        Critics are idiots

        It's based on critics' lists. It's from TSPDT 21st century.

    • 11 months ago

      Haven't seen Portrait of a Lady on Fire yet.

      Moonlight though.... no way I'd put it top 10.

      Tropical Malady is a strange case... Weerasethukul's films are relaxing as hell but they are also really hard to get into. I do kind of like his work though and this one is a solid film. Weird but solid.

    • 11 months ago

      Critics are idiots

    • 11 months ago

      Is that the movie Lost in Translation ripped off?

    • 11 months ago

      >In The Mood For Love
      >Mulholland Drive
      >Yi Yi
      >Tropical Malady
      >There Will Be Blood
      >Spirited Away
      >The Tree Of Life
      >Portrait of a Lady On Fire
      Mediocre, but I really loved Petit Maman from Sciamma.
      >The Gleaners & I
      Haven't seen. I liked Varda's FNW movies.

  27. 11 months ago

    I know "awards are always political" and all that, but it seems in the last decade and a half the main motivating factor behind the Academy's decisions has been insecurely course correcting the meta narrative surrounding the institution itself. Most of the time it's usually as a reaction to just the last year's show alone, which leads to all their final decisions usually feeling very dated very quickly.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh absolutely. Hollywood was always leftist but I think what differentiates a few decades ago compared to now re:the Oscars is at least back then they still generally rewarded good movies and/or prioritized the art of filmmaking. Cinema as an art came before politics.

      Now it's clear politics comes before cinema in the eyes of Oscar voters and film critics. It's why you can have a lightweight B-horror/comedy (Get Out) be proclaimed as the greatest thing since sliced bread just because it had a black lead, a black director, and was about "le racism." I guarantee you 20-30 years ago, "Get Out" would have had a 70-80% on Rotten Tomatoes and zero Oscar nominations.

      In today's world it gets a critic score comparable to The Godfather and is a Best Picture nominee.

      I could also use Black Panther as an example. Besides the Black Panther films, zero Marvel films have gotten significant Oscar nominations, not even the big "event" film Endgame. Now, I personally believe no Marvel films deserve significant Oscar attention because they're all at best mindless escapist popcorn flicks. But it's amazing how the one Marvel film to have the focus be on a black superhero and a black fantasy society is the one that got endless critical praise and 7 Oscar nominations, while its sequel also got a ton more Oscar nominations than any other Marvel movie.

      tl:dr - Hollywood suffers now because they think "inclusivity" is all that's needed to determine whether a film is good or not. The art of cinema (story, directing, cinematography, score, etc) all come second to celebrating diverse.

  28. 11 months ago

    A decade ago this won Cannes and Sundance, and it was nominated Best Picture and some other Oscars, and now it might very well be the most forgotten movie of all time.

    • 11 months ago

      >female niglet as the main character
      that explains that one.

    • 11 months ago

      This was basically an exploitation movie about black Southerners.

  29. 11 months ago

    I liked it

  30. 11 months ago

    Literally every best picture oscar winner from the past 20 years

    • 11 months ago

      Return of the King and No Country For Old Men still get talked about. Everything else is forgotten. And they really need to go back to only 5 movies being nominated. Some of the shit that makes it with 10 nominees is straight up garbage.

      • 11 months ago

        The oscarbait industry is tiring but it only exists because you can't nominate the actual highest-grossing movies anymore because for the past 10 years they've all been embarrassing infantile capeshit. And now the infantile capeshit doesn't even make that much money anymore and there's nothing left.

  31. 11 months ago

    Every Oscar winner since Return of the King

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