Netflix's Marvel abandoned plans

>Season 4 of DAREDEVIL would feature Lee Owsley adopting the identity of The Owl to assume control of the criminal underworld of New York City following the Kingpin's downfall and recruiting Bullseye to kill Daredevil. Also, Melvin Potter would become Gladiator and Typhoid Mary would come to Hell’s Kitchen.

>Season 3 of THE PUNISHER would feature the Punisher returning to New York City and fighting the Gnucci crime family and their enforcers. Frank Castle would also reunite with Karen Page and cross paths with the Kingpin once again.

>Season 3 of LUKE CAGE would feature Luke Cage growing corrupt as he attempts to control the criminal underworld in Harlem and fights a new enemy attempting to usurp him, while Misty Knight and Colleen Wing join forces to bring Cage down.

>Season 3 of IRON FIST would feature Danny Rand and Ward Meachum searching for Rand's predecessor Orson Randall in Asia while Colleen Wing protects New York City as Iron Fist. Danny would learn about the Immortal Weapons from Randall and regain his powers, while Wing would learn more about her ancestor who was the first female Iron Fist and grapple with her own addiction to the power as she fights a new enemy.

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  1. 8 months ago

    these bullseye and typhoid mary were fun characters, would've have minded seeing another season with either of them

    • 8 months ago

      Never watched Iron Fist. Did they really do Mary justice?

      • 8 months ago

        NTA, but it's a mixed bag. The actress they got was great. But because at that time they couldn't even use M word and because show isn't well written, they alluded to some sort of military background with her, which isn't very clear, elaborated on or explained. Just some bizzare flashbacks I don't even recall what were even on about.

  2. 8 months ago

    >More Bullseye fights would've been great but this sounds mostly boring. Season 3 only worked because of his clashing with Kingpin, same reason the second half of Season 2 blew chunks. I do not give a single frick about other people becoming heroes.

    >This sounds pretty uninteresting.

    >THIS sounds pretty interesting, actually. Would've been down with this.

    >This would've shit itself just like the first two seasons did, the writers are criminally unable to write characters or storylines that aren't as dumb as a could be because of their attempts to "Fix" the white savior narrative.

    All in all we probably dodged a bullet, Luke Cage is the only one who sounds remotely fun.

  3. 8 months ago

    I don't remember if I watched Luke Cage season 2, but I liked season 1 more than most people did and that season 3 sounds really good.

    • 8 months ago

      Season one just had a crappy back half like season 2 of Daredevil. Diamondback just sucked compared to Copperhead.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I can agree that the back half wasn't as good.

      • 8 months ago

        >Season one just had a crappy back half like season 2 of Daredevil. Diamondback just sucked compared to Copperhead.

        the first half sucked too, and Luke Cage's origin story in the comics is better

        Netflix Cage has no character arc or flaws or development

    • 8 months ago

      Season 2 was good

    • 8 months ago

      Season one just had a crappy back half like season 2 of Daredevil. Diamondback just sucked compared to Copperhead.

      Netflix's version of Luke Cage sucked. He wasn't from Harlem and was some corny preachy black Superman type.

      Same thing with Iron Fist.

      You legitimately couldn't have gotten more opposite of the source material than both of their shows.

    • 8 months ago

      Season 1 was great up until they killed Cottonmouth cause he was carrying the show hard and Diamondback was fricking trash.

      Season 2 was actually pretty good throughout, mostly because Bushmaster was great. Any time they were focusing on Black Mariah and Shades it sucked though. The ending actually did feel like an interesting jumping off point for the next season, but I don't know how well it would've worked because the quality of that show was so dependent on how good the villain was since Luke himself might as well have been a cardboard standee. I don't know if he could've carried the season since they were obviously going to lean into him starting to act more like a villain.

  4. 8 months ago

    For a split second I thought that was House in the bottom right and got real confused about what Marvel was up to.

  5. 8 months ago

    Would have been kino

  6. 8 months ago

    >Season 3 of THE PUNISHER would feature the Punisher returning to New York City and fighting the Gnucci crime family and their enforcers. Frank Castle would also reunite with Karen Page and cross paths with the Kingpin once again.
    >It took three fricking seasons for the Punisher to actually focus on organized crime
    I kinda miss Daredevil but jesus fricking christ was Marvel Netflix frustrating.

    • 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    The Netflix Marvel shows have the opposite problem to the Disney+ Marvel shows where the problem is that their episode counts are too long and drag the story out.

    Luke Cage season two would have been great if it had just been 6 episodes but stretching the plot out to 13 eps ruined it despite some good stuff in there like Bushmaster and Iron Fist actually acting like Iron Fist.

    • 8 months ago

      the team-up episode was okay but it really wasn't the classic Power Man and Iron Fist dynamic that people like.

      Luke is supposed to be a brash, world weary street dude with swagger.

      Danny is supposed to be a fish-out-of-water, chill, laidback zen dude who's also incredibly competent

      They couldn't have gotten it more wrong. And both actors were like watching paint dry.

    • 8 months ago

      "muh episode counts" is a cope.
      The problem is shitty writers who would make shit television no matter the episode count.
      Both Netflix and Disney+ shows are rubbish.

      • 8 months ago

        You can have great writers who'll still end up producing shit if you restrain or sometimes even if you don't restrain them in certain ways.

        • 8 months ago

          Netflix shows were full of Dexter alumni.
          I'd say "great writers" is not really an option here for anything except Daredevil which at least had DeKnight.

  8. 8 months ago

    I assume Jessica Jones got the fridge. Which is fine in my book, Bendis' shit should never be adapted

    • 8 months ago

      It got three seasons which was three seasons too many.

  9. 8 months ago

    I wanted to like iron fist because I find the girl to be hawt af bro

    • 8 months ago

      They cast a giant booba milf as Misty, let Luke Cage rail her, and made it very clear there was never any intention of having her and Danny become more than incidental acquaintances. Iron Fist literally got cucked out of the chance of a good show. Ward was the only good thing to come of it.

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