Never watched the later seasons of FoP, who is this? Does the show get bad when she arrives?

Never watched the later seasons of FoP, who is this? Does the show get bad when she arrives? I thought Sparky was bad, but I have no idea who this is.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Chloe was frankly the only good idea they had to add life to the show. She was executed poorly but the idea of Timmy having to share his fairies is infinitely more interesting than “what if Cosmo and Wanda had a baby?” or “what of a dog was a fairy?”

    • 2 weeks ago

      I grew up with early seasons of this show, but I never liked it. But goddamn, this girl is cute. Totally mogs the classic FOP girls. I have a problem.

      It's worse, as of May 20th this is what it is now

      • 2 weeks ago

        FOP was never good, so all I can feel when I see that they're making it worse is schadenfreude. It's like when they do something to make Big Bang Theory worse. The show deserves it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Chloe is based. See:
      Her premise is moronic though. Her life does not suck at all. Like you can say Timmy's suffering is as bad as some child soldier in Africa or whatever but her "suffering" is basically just being alienated because she's too good. She's a literal sue, at least in terms of the premise. She gets foibles and shit later, naturally.
      The perfect answer to "How can we keep making conflicts if the fairies solve everything". A kid who has as much right to the fairies as Timmy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's a good concept but she didn't need to be a character, it should've been with Tootie or even Chester. I could forgive it if they made Chloe an actually good character, but they didn't. Also he design doesn't fit FOP's artstyle at all.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think the show just needed all-around new writers by the time season 10 rolled around. S10 and Odder mostly retained the same writing staff and were trash, while ANW hired a whole new one who is able to capture the style of the og show's humor AND add a little bit of serialization which the old show lacked. The only problem with ANW is.... most of the characters are kind of dull.

        >it should've been with Tootie or even Chester
        They are no dimes morons who would get old immediately. Not only do they have baggage already but their characters aren't suited to light-hearted conflict.
        I don't understand how Tootiegays exist.

        Tootie was actually sympathetic, a trait that Chloe completely lacked. Nobody gives a shit that Chloe "can't make friends"... which is never indicated or brought up again besides the end of her first episode.... while they see Tootie undergo some pretty fricking brutal (by Nicktoon standards) sibling bullying. That's why people keep saying she needed a fairy. Really, they just needed to resolve the Vicky vs Tootie plotline definitively, instead of chickening out like they did in Channel Chasers.

        Don't be stupid. Chloe has desires that are independent from and contrary to Timmy's that's the conflict. Tootie would just freak out that she knew his greatest secret and enjoy the ride and, supposing you wanted ANYTHING unique from Chester it'd be conflict over the fact he's eaten shit this whole time without fairies but more than that, Timmy has not ever done anything for him when it would have taken no effort whatsoever on his part. Neither of those things shakes up the formula or makes for light-hearted fun and comedy.
        Adding Tootie is no different than a baby or a dog. She's just a plus one.

        I think neither adding new characters nor giving character's direct access to Timmy's fairies would've been a good solution. However, having some characters "in the now" and able to join in his adventures might've shaken things up a bit. It's really what the last few seasons became anyway (except Timmy teaming up with Crocker and other forgettable characters instead of Chester, Aj, Tootie, Trixie, Veronica etc), except they never really did away with the autistic secrecy stuff. They add a golden opportunity to do this after Wishology too, and IIRC people even wanted it that way, but resorted to the status quo and that was really where this show lost what good will it had left.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I thought it was pretty funny how A New Wish takes extreme care to mention Chloe never existed.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I grew up with early seasons of this show, but I never liked it. But goddamn, this girl is cute. Totally mogs the classic FOP girls. I have a problem.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    FOP was never that good

    • 2 weeks ago

      FOP was never good, so all I can feel when I see that they're making it worse is schadenfreude. It's like when they do something to make Big Bang Theory worse. The show deserves it.

      Whenever I see these posts (and believe me, this same exact one springs up in FOP threads all the time) I just picture Jhonen Vasquez in a strait jacket smearing shit on the walls of his padded cell screaming "FOP WAS NEVER GOOD! NEVER GOOD!"

  4. 2 weeks ago


    >it should've been with Tootie or even Chester
    They are no dimes morons who would get old immediately. Not only do they have baggage already but their characters aren't suited to light-hearted conflict.
    I don't understand how Tootiegays exist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      As if Chloe was ever gonna be the better option in any universe.
      I didn't even say it only had to be Tootie and your anti-Tootie tourettes still triggered.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Don't be stupid. Chloe has desires that are independent from and contrary to Timmy's that's the conflict. Tootie would just freak out that she knew his greatest secret and enjoy the ride and, supposing you wanted ANYTHING unique from Chester it'd be conflict over the fact he's eaten shit this whole time without fairies but more than that, Timmy has not ever done anything for him when it would have taken no effort whatsoever on his part. Neither of those things shakes up the formula or makes for light-hearted fun and comedy.
        Adding Tootie is no different than a baby or a dog. She's just a plus one.

        • 2 weeks ago


  5. 2 weeks ago

    >who is this?

    The best thing to happen to the show.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    She's Timmy's new cum receptacle.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    The show went to shit long before Chloe was introduced.

    Fairy Idol was the turning point. Everything after that special was when you should’ve stopped watching

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Chloe's dead and buried, kid.

    We got a new FOP queen now

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