New Inhumans were never mutants or made as a replacements.

I would argue the new Inhumans would never a attempt make the Inhumans into turn them into the X-Men any more than any other you are in this fictional group who you can be a member without even know it yourself for years metaphor group .The problems really happened where the people who wanted to Really Turn Down The mutants in 616 decide to use the Inhumans mist..

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  1. 8 months ago

    I'm not remotely a inhumans fan but I honestly could never get into the characters, they come off as a over complicated X-men with little impact or sense of place in marvel. Shame to because some got neet powers.

    • 8 months ago

      The 3 things you probably should know are they have a Monarchy with step down near the end of the human push but my have come back in Dead of the Inhumans and some comic books out the afterwards. they had a slave race which was intelligent wise somewhere between chimpanzees and I'm going to say early bad who constantly gets smarter intelligent upgrades and that downgrades as I hear it. They weren't around at al in the entire Inhuman push beside of flashback comic and they had a genetic Council which was already out of power before the best got out the new Inhumans probably don't even know it's even was a thing.

    • 8 months ago

      >they come off as a over complicated X-men with little impact or sense of place in marvel
      Nothing complicated, really. They're freaks like mutants but with an extra step for them to actually turn into freaks. Their place is basically outsiders that exist on the periphery of humanity, mostly isolated with their own distinct culture and aims, and only really come out of the woodwork to deal with humanity when a need must be met or shit really hits the fan, before going back to shutter themselves and leaving humanity alone. Ike trying to push them to the forefront did them no favors, considering it mostly went against what they were known for, which were semi-isolationist weirdoes that only turned up once in a blue moon to lend aid or make whatever demands that could potentially put them in conflict with other heroes.

      • 8 months ago

        Hm. Thank you, but they honestly sound like less interesting Eternals

    • 8 months ago

      >they come off as a over complicated X-men
      After all the shit that has been jammed into the x-men through the decades, you’re telling me that a race of people who get powers from huffing gas is too complicated?

  2. 8 months ago

    I would argue this post was written by a very simple bot.

  3. 8 months ago

    I hate ESLs.

    • 8 months ago

      Do you just have a hate Boulder for me?

  4. 8 months ago

    I would argue that you are an imbecile. Owait can't argue proven, self evident facts.

    • 8 months ago

      Avengers versus X-Men happy years before the Inhuman push.The would never actually responsible for the bad things happen in the X-Men franchise or there publishing/.

  5. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    nah, dissney shat on marvel, with inhumans comicbooks push

    • 8 months ago

      What makes you think Disney made it happen?

      • 8 months ago

        it is really obvios after they bought marvel in 2009, they had a hateboner for x-men being so succesful in 80s 90s and 2000s

        • 8 months ago

          Why would they have a hate boner for it previously being successful?

          • 8 months ago

            they could use x-men for their MJCU

            So they take a fantastic four supporting characters and try to make their own "x-men"

            • 8 months ago

              Inhumans get their own book and did things outside the Fantastic Four way before Disney ever own Marvel.

              • 8 months ago

                Paul jenkis book and silent war were just two miniseries. in the 2000-2011

              • 8 months ago

                And Crystal on the Avengers and married to Quicksilver for a Time? How is that supporting supported characters just for the Fantastic Four ?

              • 8 months ago

                look at what they did, they really dropped inhumans and pushed eternals in the last 2 years, it is the same move, they don't care about comicbooks or characteres, they used comicbook as a four rate item, and that didn't happened before 2010-2011

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